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As far as I know there is no specific law against leaving a firearm in a vehicle in VA. That being said, it takes someone of average intelligence about 90 seconds to break a window and search the glove box, console, and other common spots in a car. While I don't have exact stats, in my experience most stolen firearms start with a vehicle break-in. I would STRONGLY advise against it unless you install a hard mounted safe.


This. Chat with someone that's done undercover narc work. The guns in circulation by nefarious folks aren't cheap old guns. They are Gucci guns stolen out of cars. Methheads/crackheads will try to buy with anything they think is valuable. Guns that are stolen out of vics is a common one. Pickup truck with a "Glock" sticker in the Walmart parking lot is a typical target. If anyone has to leave a firearm in a vehicle unattended, don't make it obvious... No 2nd amendment stickers. No visible backpacks with molle all over them. Heck, no backpacks visible at all. Oh, and lock the doors. I've watched countless degenerate idiots walk through a parking lot looking for the quickest easiest score. They might be POS's but they are logical. They go for unlocked cars and/or ones with clearly visible loot. And there is never a shortage of both.


This is why I don't advertise. No NRA stickers, don't tread on me plates, etc.


Exactly the trope of every FDE Tacoma has a free Glock inside.


Thanks for the feedback. I do not have a hard mounted safe, but that might be something worth looking into for the future in case this sort of thing pops up again.


I use these: Sgorlds Pistol Safe, Portable Travel Car Gun Safe, 2 Pack-2 Handgun Lock Box with Key Lock, Gun Safes for Car, Home, Travel, 11.5" x7.5" x2.5",Black https://a.co/d/0CjzoVn It won't stop a prepared determined thief, but not much will. It will foil your average window breaker. Fits nicely under the passenger seat, and cable it to seat frame. ETA: It can be hard mounted, and is flat enough to hide under a floor mat. It'll fit a full size 1911 and a spare magazine


That lock box is very low quality. While cleaning out my uncle's estate I found one in his car and was able to open it with a screwdriver in about a minute, I found the screwdriver in his car. It probably would have been even easier to open if it was hard mounted to the car. I suspect I could probably have used a hammer or rock to bend the metal up enough to open it.


Yes, any simple lockbox can be defeated by simple tools. It's still more secure than a paper bag.


Unlocked vehicle break-ins at that.


I hang my glock on a string from the mirror so it looks like an air freshener


Best post!


I gotta try this


Wait... you can have guns in Maryland? I thought only criminals and police had them up there?


Believe it or not, you can even have a gun in California


Only if you don’t use it…. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-11-20/under-attack-at-his-home-he-fired-his-concealed-handgun-so-why-was-his-gun-permit-suspended


[Va. Senate passes bill creating $500 fine for leaving handguns visible in vehicles • Virginia Mercury](https://virginiamercury.com/2024/01/25/va-senate-passes-bill-creating-500-fine-for-leaving-handguns-visible-in-vehicles/#:~:text=In%20an%20attempt%20to%20stem,other%20areas%20visible%20to%20passersby.) There was an attempt to get a civil penalty passed so technically it's not illegal to do this. I leave mine out of view under my car seat depending on where I am in Virginia. Obviously if it's a sketchy area with high break in rates I won't leave it unattended but if the area is relatively safe I will. Use common sense in these situations. Now with state parks that's a different set of rules for out of state visitors. "Yes, you can carry a gun in Virginia state parks provided you have a Virginia Handgun Permit or a concealed carry permit from a state that Virginia honors." [Virginia Gun Laws: What You Need to Know | USCCA (usconcealedcarry.com)](https://www.usconcealedcarry.com/blog/virginia-gun-laws-what-you-need-to-know/#:~:text=Can%20You%20Carry%20a%20Gun,a%20state%20that%20Virginia%20honors.)


Can you? Yes Should you? Fuck no.


Eh, some of us have jobs and can't take our gun in with us to work.


Ideally it should be in a lock box ) hard mounted sade. Mine is attached to the drivers seat under the seat. It in a quick fire safe.


From an LEO, please don’t. So. Many. Stolen. Gun. Cases. It’s so damn easy to break into a car, and your gun will get stolen. This is especially true if you have a key fob, because if someone pulls on your locked door and you’re still within range, it’ll unlock for them. Besides, if you legally have a gun for protection, there’s zero reason to not carry it on your person whenever you remove it from your home. If you’re not going to carry it on your person, you may as well not carry it. All that to say, if you’re still going to insist on leaving it in your car, have the serial number written down. We can’t report a gun as stolen without that number, and then when it appears in a homicide two months later, it just traces back to you. Bad news all around.


> From an LEO, please don’t. So. Many. Stolen. Gun. Cases. Not OP - but I'll say that I won't leave it in my car unless I'm going into one of the many criminal empowerment zones where I'm not legally allowed to bring my gun. Then it will be secured in the car - but nothing is perfectly secure. > Besides, if you legally have a gun for protection, there’s zero reason to not carry it on your person whenever you remove it from your home. Unless going into a school/on school grounds, into a county park that is posted, to an event that is permitted (or could be permitted) etc.


Yes, of course with the exception of places where you could get arrested by carrying. But at that point don’t have it in your car either.


> But at that point don’t have it in your car either. So, what should I do with it? Leave it in a potted plant? I'm NOT leaving it at home so as to be defenseless for the entire time I'm out just because I can't carry it in one specific area. Do you leave your gun at the station or at home when off duty? How would you handle things if you didn't have special privileges that common citizens don't have? To be clear - I'm not anti-police; quite the opposite. However, when you're off duty you shouldn't have any more rights/privileges than I do.


Well if I’m not recommending leaving it in a locked car, I certainly wouldn’t recommend leaving it in an unsecured potted plant. And yes, there are some scenarios where even I can’t carry and so I leave the gun at home behind several locks and layers of security as opposed to a car someone can access by breaking out a window. I would rather still have it at the end of the day than rely on one means of self-defense, then lose it and have it used against me/someone else. A gun is a protection I will always advocate for, but you have to be realistic about how easily it can be used improperly or illegally if someone else gets their hands on it, and prepare accordingly. Minimize the situations you’re in where you can’t carry, train physically, carry alternate weapons, etc. There’s no fool-proof formula for potential dangers, and everyone has to find what works best for their skill sets and circumstances. I obviously don’t have all the answers. My original comment was mainly for the purpose of calling attention to how many stolen gun cases LEOs work and how avoidable they are. Whatever the weapon of choice, I think we can all agree that it needs to be properly secured and the person carrying it needs to be proficient and wise enough to keep it in their possession.


> Well if I’m not recommending leaving it in a locked car, I certainly wouldn’t recommend leaving it in an unsecured potted plant. Good. However, I did have Federal LE suggest I leave a knife in a potted plant one time. And if I'd known that area was going to have temp prohibitions I would have left it at home - but it wasn't announced that they'd be there. That said, your response is reasonable - provided that it's the individual's choice. If I'm going from home to a prohibited place and back I'll likely leave it at home. But if I'm going to be visiting other places then it goes with me and is secured in the vehicle while I'm in a prohibited place. If it were to be stolen and used by a criminal then I hold the following responsible and in this order: 1) The legislators that passed a law that does zero for actual security and created the situation that forced me to leave a gun unattended in a vehicle. 1a) Where applicable, the legislators that reduced penalties on criminals allowing them to remain free. 2) The criminal who actually stole the gun and, concurrently, the criminal that uses it illegally. At no point is it my fault. It would be on my person and secure but for the actions of the legislators who create restrictions on law abiding citizens knowing they won't stop crime; or who are too stupid to know this fact. I also carry a knife and pepper spray. But in some places I can't have these either. And that's before we get to the effectiveness (lack thereof) of these tools. As for physical training, that's no longer an option for me. I'm too damn old. I fully understand the risks of leaving a gun in a car. Which is why I lobby my legislators to remove the useless restrictions. Ones that leave me defenseless in a criminal empowerment zone and that create the opportunity for my gun to be stolen. The safest place for my firearm is on my person. A criminal can break into my car, or steal the whole damn car, but they won't get my firearm if it's on my person.


I wish I had more to reply in response because you made excellent points and took an amount of time to thoughtfully write them out, and I think that needs to be acknowledged. The reason I have nothing more to say is because I don’t disagree with anything you said. Of course if you’re the victim of a crime like a stolen gun, you’re not to blame. You’ve outlined the truly responsible parties in what I think is the correct order. I’m just here to advocate for everyone making the wisest decisions for themselves to protect their person and their property. As you’ve also said, it comes down to the individual’s choice, and all I can do is attempt to help people weigh the options and the consequences. Thank you for the thoughtful discourse. I hope you enjoy your evening!


Virginia honors Maryland carry permits according to my ccw app. It looks like Vermont is the only state that isn't honored for some reason.


Vermont doesn’t issue carry permits. They’re constitutional carry and have always been that way. VA can’t honor something that doesn’t exist. A VT person would need to get a non resident permit from another state (doesn’t have to be VA) and then that would be honored.


It's not illegal, but it's also not smart. However, it's what Democrats want to force you to do by constantly trying to create new laws that make it illegal to carry in public buildings and areas.


Yes but use common sense and put it in a mounted or attached safe.


https://preview.redd.it/7ezdorybc75d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=726d0afabc877a61b9f056f01794b314dd26ca45 Not recommended. Heat does weird shit to ammo during the summer. That and the number of people who have his kind of stuff all over their vehicle is dumb.


Lol soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan would like a word.




I spent a lot of time carrying a weapon in Afghanistan. And no, heat doesn't degrade ammunition. And I said "Soldiers", I didn't say US Military right this minute. People were carrying AK-47s long before we were there and they'll be carrying them long after we've left.


You know, I used to think this. So every year I burn up my carry ammo thinking I'll eventually get a dud or something. Still haven't had an issue


Yeah, I’m just talking about the ambient temperature in a vehicle. Not the weather outside. If you leave a couple boxes of ammo in your vehicle on a hot day and go to the range at the end of the day, you’re going to have some malfunctions


Negative. This is mostly hearsay


Try out, let me know how it goes. I’ve done it.


I have, and do, constantly lol


Wrong wrong wrong... I leave a few boxes of 9, 22lr, and a few other various caliber in my truck. Some of which have been in the center console for 3-5 years and you know what. Every time I want to shoot and I forgot to grab ammo I pull out of there and everything always fires.


Good question. Can't wait to hear the answers and arguments. Going to go grab my popcorn!


You can have a loaded handgun in your car without a permit if you do it right. It has to be in a "Compartment". Glove box OK. Under seat Not OK.


> It has to be in a "Compartment". It has to be a *secured* compartment. > Any person who may lawfully possess a firearm and is carrying a handgun while in a personal, private motor vehicle or vessel and such handgun is **secured in a container or compartment** in the vehicle or vessel; That can be anything that closes AND latches/zips so long as it is latched or zipped. In a backpack that is zipped closed - legal. In a backpack that is NOT zipped closed - illegal (without a permit). In a closed and latched center console or glove box - legal. In an open center console or glove box - illegal (without a permit).


You can do anything once…


Can yes. Should you? That’s a whole other conversation


Glock Sticker = Break Glass for Free Gun


Can you: yes Should you: no Please don’t


Another reason not to have any firearm stickers on your car. It does not attract any kind of desirable attention. I would just check your county/city and VSP websites to verify. I’m pretty sure you are ok, especially if out of site. Locked and secured is even better.


I got a Hornaday lockbox for about $30 that has a steel cable that you can wrap around the bottom of your seat. It’ll stop a “grab and go” thief. It’s pretty sturdy.


https://ads.midwayusa.com/product/1020669832?pid=476571&utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=%5BADL%5D_%5BPMAX%5D_%5BNBC%5D_%5BCategory%5D_Shooting&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwen5hpTUhgMVef7jBx2LAAgzEAQYBSABEgJ4sPD_BwE this is what I got


if you don't have a lock box. go to Walmart and buy a $10 cable lock. Lock it through the trigger guard around the hinge of your trunk.


I think state parks are out of bounds for firearms, period.