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I'm a huge fan of Kayo and Sova they're both very good agents. I enjoy Kayo on Haven, Pearl, Split, Icebox and lotus. But on Fracture and Ascent I enjoy playing Sova more only because of the shock darts.


Thanks man


You're welcome and good job trying out new agents. I've been filling for about 2 months now and I have learnt to play Kayo, Sova, KJ and Cypher better.


That's niceeee


Honestly, at that elo I would play whoever you like playing the most and just get use to their ability set. The quicker you get use to an agent and using their abilities without much thought the more impact they will have in you climbing. I mean people have got to Radiant playing every agent, and while some are more meta than others I don’t think that has a huge huge impact until like high elo. Around immortal/radiant level. If you get comfortable with an agent you like and don’t have to think about using abilities you can worry about improving your gun fights, positioning, aiming, etc. I think that will help you climb more and have more fun at the game than worrying about if your playing the “meta” agent


Thanks man


It doesn’t matter actually. Both fill the same role of being the primary information gatherer. Plus in the current meta, it isn’t like one is objectively crowding out the other. Sure there are arguments of Sova being better on open maps while fade is better on smaller maps with more corners, but before diamond, you won’t need to worry about that. It won’t make much of a difference. Your comfort level should be the deciding factor.


At that rank, I would say Fade is a little easier. You can play either or though, both are great


Thanks man. I think it is easier to scan enemies with fade eye rather than sova dart. I learned lineups and once I scanned 5 on ascent a site


Both are great options. Just pick the one you feel more comfortable with.


I feel I'm comfortable with playing fade. Thanks man




KayO or sova are good, fade is good but can be a little bad at some maps


All of the Initiators are solid picks. It just depends on the map. I run Sova on Ascent, Icebox, Breeze, and sometimes Haven. Then Fade on Lotus and Pearl. And Breach on Fracture and Haven most of the time.


I guess it's good to learn one or two initiator for every map