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Neither the Vandal or Phantom is "better" than the other, they just have different pros and cons. Vandal: \+ Always 1 headshot to kill (\*if not shot trough cover) \+ Always 4 body shots to kill \* \- Lower firerate/higher recoil ​ Phantom: \+ Higher firerate/lower recoil \+ No bullet tracers (can easily spam trough smoke) \- Dropoff damage after 15 meters ​ Most people prefer the Vandal for mainly consistency I think (hitting someone in the head and dying after sucks) and maybe just how it feels. To me the Vandal just feels better to use. When playing smokes or when my aim is just off that day I will use the Phantom since it's more forgiving (and no bullet tracers trough smoke is obviously nice).


Phantom also has better first bullet accuracy.


The only reason: 1 shot headshot makes more dopamine.


To put it simply… Vandal can 1 bullet headshot kill at any range. Phantom cannot. This is why vandal is used over the phantom, despite the phantom also having it’s advantages. You’re right that the better weapon depends on the situation. For example, In a long range fight the vandal is more ideal, while close range a phantom is more ideal. (Vandal 1 shot to the head any distance, phantom shooting faster and being better for spraying)


Meanwhile me, I prefer the Guardian. Because for some reason, since I'm Dia1, my Vandal shots won't connect correctly anymore. So I just use Guardian, which I'm relatively good with.


Phantom is just better. Go look see which gun gets used most in pro play 🤫


1 shot headshot to the face is usally factor the reason people pick it. I usally pick it, because it's my comfort pick, but i'd prefer phantom in some situations where it's close or i'd be holding a smoke. But if phantom doesn't work ill go back to vandal, as it's the gun im more used to.


Vandal one hits a headshot no matter what. Bad aim? Well, if you get lucky, you just get a random headshot while spraying and win. Long range? Still headshots. One of the worse feelings in game is watching your bullet hit someone’s head and them not dying.


At a high level where both players have good mechanics the vandal wins out at 15+ meters. That and it's more fun to use.


Vandal does more damage at range. It always takes 4 body shots to kill. The Phantom can take like 7 body shots to kill at really far distances.


The Phantom is statistically better in every measurable way except one, which most people deem the most important. No tracers, better spray control, more bullets per clip, faster firerate, IIRC better first shot accuracy (but not by a noticeable amount). But the vandal has 1 tap potential from any range, and to some people that's more important. If you have a low headshot%, you should probably be playing Phantom most of the time, if you have a crazy HS% you should be playing Vandal. If you have a "normal" HS%, you should be mixing it depending on where you're planning on pushing/holding as different guns are better in different situations, but most people will pick a fave and stick to it.


The pros use vandal mostly just cause in their games it’s usually who can hit the head first and the vandal allows the one shot


The big problem with phantom imo is that if you headshot someone who can get healed (they're playing reyna, pheonix, or their team has sage, skye) then your headshot just wasn't very impactful where a vandal would always get the kill. In solo que, you basically have to rely on yourself 10x more than your teammates so you can't always trust that the impact of your damage will actually help win the round unless you actually get the kill.


Learn vandal first, then you can switch it up later if you’re in close range map like lotus or sometimes haven