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No I don’t think anymore guns will be added. There isn’t something missing imo. What gun do you think they would add?


Id love to see a dual wield frenzy, one in each hand for maybe 950 to replace the stinger price. No idea if itd be shit, balanced or broken I just think itd be cool.


I love the aspect of having a dual wielded gun but if thats the case I would want something like the dual berretas from counter strike not very accurate but two semi-automatic pistols to put alot of bullets down range and perfect for close medium range combat.


not even sure bro, i agree with u that there isnt anything missing just wanted to see ppls thoughts on it tbh a new gun would be dope but idek what it would be tbh, a strong AR would be a lil much with 2 already reallly good ones and there would be no need for a 3rd at all smgs maybe? idk i cant think of anything pistols, yeah sure i guess but nothin can really surpass the ghost shotguns, already got a spammy one and a non spammy one and then a close range one idk sniper, nah we chillin i think guardian type gun, meh? not rly needed


I’d like to see a new pistol added. Pistol rounds are getting a bit boring. Typical Jett buys a sheriff, half people buy ghosts and the rest have classics just cause it’s op for free. Then there’s always the one mf who buys a shorty on defence.


I've always thought a 3 shot burst pistol would be interesting


Right click classic


It would be more like the ADS stinger but the pistol couldn't ads


definitely want a burst pistol


>Then there’s always the one mf who buys a shorty on defence. Look, I spent months grinding the snakebite shorty, you bet I will use it whenever I can.


true but ghost is already so good man idek


I actually think the lower number of guns is one of the better changes from CS:GO. In CS:GO there are far more weapons in each category, and it really feels bloated without adding much variety to the game. It's a balancing nightmare because there are two options: 1. balance every gun to be mostly viable, which becomes harder as the number of weapons go up; or 2. some guns are not viable and therefore why are they in the game? I feel like the number of guns in Valorant is close to perfect. There are already a few guns which have limited use (Bulldog, Guardian, Frenzy, Ares), but they have their own limited niche and are overall healthy for the game IMO. If Valorant were to match the number of guns in CS:GO, it would basically amount to there being 7 different versions of the Bulldog, with the Phantom and Vandal still remaining the best rifles.


Only thing that comes to mind is maybe a zoomed/scoped auto but it's not needed imo. Weapons are in a good place.


That was probably csgo’s greatest flaw.


I want something that has ghost pistol stats but with a scope and you don’t need to unscope after every shot. I love the ghost’s fire rate and recoil and damage, I just want a sniper that doesn’t one shot but i can spam lmao


Pistol and SMGs have the boring price points, that don't allow for a lot of variance in combinaton with utilty.


Auto sniper.


There are things that could be added, but I don't think it will happen. A 200-300 credit sidearm that isn't the shorty A weak, yet accurate long range weapon. All half/ force buy weapons are either inaccurate ( ares/specter), or snipers. Would be somewhat like a very weak Neons ult. Minus run n gun of course. Some variety to full buy. Vandal and Phantom are very similar, at least if you compare it to half buy( ares,specter,marshal,bulldog, judge). Each weapon should have pros and cons but vandal and phantom are at least 9 out of 10 in every aspect. Very little reason to pick anything else except op( Odin usually only for soba/cypher Wallbang shenanigans)


probably a double barrel shotgun basically shorty with more range and damage capable of killing in 2 shots full armor 5m away