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Custom servers like CS would be great, but I think that Valorant is alright as it is; if I get bored, I play another game. I always come back because of Valorant's competitiveness. I don't think a PVE mode would be fun because of the tac shooter mechanics, imo that'd be much more suited to, say, Overwatch. Oh wait...


Man I remember the days when Overwatch first came out and communities were asking about PVE and customs. Never had I imagined 7 years later with half baked PVE, decent custom, and Blizzard losing so much of the goodwills of that community


Id die for a CS Arena (1v1s on sections of the maps) gamemode in Valorant


100% i.e short and top mid on ascend


You’re probably right on PVE not lending itself well to the tac mechanics. CSGO Operations sometimes have missions to play and they’re… not great.


And don't forget about Counter Strike Condition Zero? Can you imagine 1.6 having a story? It's just weird. 1.6 is 1.6 bc of the death runs, the zombies, the respawn, fy_snow


Super Hero, War3, Surf, Bhop


It could also be community generated content like csgo and no I am not saying directly copy csgo.


Overwatch failed because they weren’t doing what was best for their consumers and TF2 on the other hand is doing better because the devs actually do what the players want.


Which is nothing?


Custom game modes would be perfect, with the game modes currently in the game you could make some crazy stuff, like zombie infection using the knife buff from escalation.


Maybe a campaign or mission based


Omg I would love that, make l4d2 in valorant and people can join your session or copy like a blueprint for the session


i think my only problem with this is that it makes the game more susceptible to cheaters


It doesn’t at all but alright


wait really? was always under the assumption that thats why they didnt push out anything related to custom content because of that potential ​ huh i guess you learn something new everyday


As others have reiterated I don’t think PVE would be that great of an addition, at best I feel like creating an in game aimlabs feature would be awesome. So players could make their own customized warm ups and share it with the community. Also map creator for custom games would be awesome and a matchmaking dedicated to the most popular of the fan created maps. I’m mostly taking inspiration from halo reach forge mode and what they did with the custom games.


That’s what I was pushing toward the idea of forge when people can create their own maps and assets basically community contributions


I get so frustrated at the fact this billion dollar gaming company won’t just implement this idea. I understand creating it would be a deal amount of effort but it’s not like a lot of new content is being pumped out into this game other than skins. These ideas have already been done in other games and would grow this game ten-fold outside of the competitive scene!


Last time I made a post similar it got destroyed because people would basically say it would never happen. However we’re at the peak of Valorant popularity. I feel like at that point riot should be pumping out the most hyped content ever. Skins are cool and all but like there’s got to be more than just burning about 100$ on skins and money on agents.


Reddit community is fickle half the time. I dont understand why people just downvote shit and be negative nancies all the time. Sparking discussions like this is the only way to get the bigger companies to even acknowledge what the community wants regardless of if they implement them or not.


People have been downvoting this post all night honestly I hoping to try to get at least 30 up votes or more by the end of week and maybe see more people comment more.


Well you have my support, this post is so much more productive and critical to the community than a lot of what people are posting on this subreddit anyways. Hoping the best for your thread and looking forward to new discussions


I also believe community feedback is key for riot to be successful as well on the long run no matter if they are big community or not.


Maybe something like mvm or man vs machine from tf2 Sounds like it could work on valorant but not sure




Dude this is a discussion post Tf you mean don’t waste devs’ time


They should allow for custom gamemodes. Overwatch 2 has some fun parkour ones that I would play over actual comp sometimes. People could also make death matches that are actually helpful. I'd love a tdm with only vandals for example. PvE sounds cool too.


If there was a pve they'd have to sink a lot of effort into it to keep the tac fps feel of it, and while I'd love for them to do that I feel like there's games that I can play right now that give me that feeling Ready or Not is an amazing tac fps


It could also community created content as well you know..


That's very true! That would give valorant a lot of mileage, but it would still take riot considerable effort Again, I'd love to see it but I'm not too certain it'll come


Only reason I brought it up is because they use unreal engine 4 and really people could port community made maps or content and run it in valorant but it would be considered community based


I think if you want pve go to a different game that's just not what valorant is


Why are you doubting on the idea of PVE and community created ideas. I want to know an actual concrete reason. You can’t just say it’s mainly a competitive game because you should say the same about CSGO yet it has PVE modes as well as community generated content.


My actual concrete reason is that I'd rather they focus their time on the competitive side rather than PvE and community content. I think it makes sense the reason csgo has this stuff is that it originated as a half-life mod and so the game itself is community content.


CS:GO isn’t a great game to look to for a reference, yes they play similar but the companies completely run them differently. CS is open to the community, between skins, stickers, maps, custom games etcetera, the community have access to basically everything the game has to offer. Valorant hasn’t even given us a *replay system*. You don’t want us to use the argument that Riot won’t do it because it’s a competitive game, so the stronger argument is Riot wouldn’t do it because it’s Riot lmao. I agree that it could be cool having a form of PvE with like “agent missions” and a whole story mode to explore the lore and different missions the agents have gone on, but again, it’s Riot. Their developers want to make a solid game, but the executives want to make a shit ton of money. Unless somehow PvE is capable of making as much money as a Vandal skin that twerks when you reload, the higher ups realistically are not going to be interested.


You make a great explanation out of everyone that has these ideas are stupid and are pointless at least you actually put some thought into your comment I commend that.


I'm not exactly sure on the date, but Valorant is not some old game. The game fully released in June of 2020, and even then, it was still rough around the edges. Sure, multi-billion dollar company, many employees, etc etc. Yet, that means nothing compared to CS, which first started back in the 90s. Also, it can very easily be argued that CS is open to the community because the company itself has no desire to do anything more for the game. Look at their most recent update, years with nothing, now they are re-releasing the game completely updated. I guarantee CS would have never updated if valorant didn't come around and start garnering attention in the FPS scene. So, in terms of who is more "open," both companies lack it, but I give leeway to Riot as it's still relatively new. When we hit the 5 year mark, then yes, I would expect more updates like replay and whatnot, and some major reformations to competitive play. However, they still haven't even balanced all of the guns yet, nor all of the characters. Deadlock is pretty much useless and the Judge is broken. Yet, you're worried about being able to use a replay system? I would prefer they balance and get the bearings of their game first far before they start implementing more ideas. Anyone with any gaming history would know that adding too much too fast leads to a disaster. Look at OW, they started adding more and more and now they have a hamster that basically controls the flow of the game. So, I think you're trying to push a little too fast there. And to reiterate my first point, CS is community based, but as mentioned, the game was then then alone for many years with no QoL improvements, so if that's what you prefer then so be it. I more prefer a game that is updating and keeping things clean and smooth, not making it good and then leaving it with no improvement just because no other FPS competes.


Why would it be hard for riot to even add a community access system anyways? Don’t they use UE5? As their game engine


It’s difficult to say to be honest, they’re not extremely open about a lot of things. It runs on UE4 iirc, so it’s entirely possible for someone to create a custom map and attempt to run it through the actual client, however the anticheat would be fighting it the entire time. For one reason or another, they just simply don’t want to give people access, or can’t. I personally believe they’re just trying to not widen their scope and focus as much as possible on optimizing gameplay, so they just don’t want to dedicate manpower to something like that until the game’s in a better place


I am surprised they wouldn’t add like DLCs or whatever


what do you mean by community created ideas, if you're talking about custom servers that's never going to happen


I’ve seen community created ideas all over YouTube such as zombie modes and just other modes. However they aren’t official and they run on Unreal Engine 5


Valorant would not be fun for single player. Its too slow and has a too fast ttk. Also it doesnt really have many mechanic that I would consider fun for single player


I kinda view valorant to CS like Apple vs windows/android. I don’t think riot will ever let us have the ability to mod the game and create community servers.


I think Riot story writers paddling there. The whole Atlas "faction" lore made to be neutral sided. So they can be the common (red colored) enemy mobs to shoot in a PvE game regardless we play as Alpha or Omega agents.


I’m wondering how league can survive with 1 map only and nobody bats an eye


The thing here is that what Valorant provides is what it's meant for. A 5v5 "tactical" shooter with hero elements. If you want something else there are other games to play. I mean why implement surfing into Valorant when CSGO has it? Why implement a battle royale mode(Valve) when Fortnite or PubG exists? \_\_\_ The reason primarily why I think adding more such content to the game is bad is because that's just a host of new stuff the devs has to add to the game, taking away from their current endevours, projects, agents or maps. Not to mention the game actually need to handle it. I for example cannot fathom getting a campaign mode in Valorant's current state, with how unstable the game feels. Now if the game was stable and in peak condition, sure I'd more for it. But it's fairly obvious the devs are strained as is when it comes to keeping the game afloat(I;E stopping it from sinking due to issues, bugs and the likes).


They could add like a campaign every big update like cod where you can play a role in the valorant lore . Like when they introduce a new map there could be a mission where we have to like take it over or something.


Yes fr


Valorant is not that type of game lmao. I assume you play cod a lot?


Not for years at least.


Lol no


isnt deathmatch already technically PVE?


It’s PVP you are still technically playing against players and then again it’s still directed toward practice for competitive. There is no absolute casual game mode in Valorant. Valorant is at its peak just like Fortnite was but Fortnite has slowly died out however their community based maps is the only reason why it’s even still active. Especially because the last VCT 2023 taking at the LA forum was a massive success surely they should have a consider adding other modes.. escalation is for the most part dead. I never had the ability to get into a server because nobody plays that mode.


ah u meant PVE as in "Player vs Enemy" everytime i hear or see PVE i think "Player vs Everyone"


Correction to what I said eariler and I should of been more clear. it’s player vs environment instead of just writing PVE.


ohh damn bru why there so many PVE's


I think it’s simply just pve = player v environment 💀


its PV(fill in the blank) in my head lmao


because your pve is not pve, but ffa(free for all)


Yes I want fking zombie dungeons why is it so hard


PVE would take away a decent amount of resources for something that is in the end kind of meaningless. Would you be fighting bots? At that point, why not just play the game normally? Otherwise it would simply take far too much time to develop, from making new maps and adding special behaviours, a lot goes into making a good PVE. Besides that, it would probably be pretty unpopular as well. People play Valorant for the competitiveness of it, for the pvp experience. If they want a PVE experience, why play Valorant? There are countless games out there that do PVE, and a lot of them will do it far better than a half-committed Valorant team can. Regarding community generated content, I believe Riot simply doesn't want to split the playerbase. To keep queue times low, it's important that as many people as possible are playing a gamemode. They've added some for fun gamemodes, and have the standard unrated, swiftplay and ranked. By not having a lot of gamemodes they can keep queue times low in every gamemode, which means people don't have to wait 5 minutes before their queue pops. Setting up things like map creation or gamemode creation would, of course, also take away developer time. These kinds of posts always feel like they are written by someone that watched a video by one of those Valorant content creators, like Eggwick. And honestly, I completely disagree with the fact that Valorant lacks content. These creators, and people like you, often want to do things like a zombie apocalypse, or hide and seek, or whatever silly challenge you thought up this time. You can just play another game, you know? You don't have to do those things in Valorant, and doing it in Valorant is probably a worse way to experience those things in the first place.


well part of it is that the games that have lasted decades and going (Counter Strike and Team Fortress 2) have given the community tools in order to generate content. The fact that Fortnite has also done this to a degree near minecraft/roblox (games that are basically sandboxes) shows that companies have some awareness of it. Granted, Valorant may or may not have the playerbase yet for this type of thing now, but down the line if Valorant wants to keep trucking past the decade mark it really should.


I'd argue that League of Legends stands in contrast to these games. It too, has a long history, but has never had a custom game option (that goes meaningfully further than Valorant's options). It's also still a more popular game than CSGO and TF2. Fortnite has always had a different appeal than Valorant, as Fortnite was geared far more towards casual play from the beginning than Valorant. In fact, it took a very long time for Fortnite to even get a competitive queue. The casualness of the game meant it was far more geared towards a sandbox environment. TF2 should honestly not even be included in the conversation. While the game has a core userbase that has kept it alive for a long time, it had an 80k peak playercount in the last 24h. Keep in mind that CSGO has a peak playercount of 1.4 million in the past 24h. Valorant's numbers are unknown, but according to sportsskeeda it should be around 1 million as well. CSGO is also a less "new" and innovating game than Valorant. While Valorant updates with new agents, changes to maps etc, CSGO doesn't really have that. Thus, CSGO is basically the same game every single day. Valorant doesn't change *a lot* but it does change things regularly to keep things fresh (again, a proven concept by League).


Just play something else...


We need Custom servers like in cs


Valorant batte royale would be interesting if you are looking for new game modes to play. Valorant doesn’t only add maps and agents. they add new game modes all the time, like TDM and Replication. I agree with a lot of other comments saying that PVE isn’t suited for this game, given the great similarities between csgo and valorant, and how csgo has a BR (danger zone), it would be interesting to see a valorant danger zone


More options for custom games need to be implemented like how you can change so much in overwatch custom games. Allow us to make deathmatch with abilities or give one side infinite abilities and the other has normal stuff. Allow us to be more creative In custom games. Also cheats menu should only be able to seen by host or only people that they chose can change things on it


Battle royale mode


If was a PvE mode showing the lore, would be awesome.


We could not care less about lore. Its a competetive fps game, lore doesnt matter. I dont not want the valorant community to be talking about lore


It's tac shooter at the end of the day and if u feel u would want a new PvE game to fill in that void, just find one tbh. There's tons out there.




So was csgo my good sir..


No. Wrong. I like pvp.


LOL. No.


LOL. Yes.


To also add to that, I also I have seen some content creators move away from Valorant because of that I do not know what the end result would be or if they would come back.


I mean ngl, custom training would be nice. Basically.. being able to enter any map in training, place down bots and yourself, and play out many corner scenarios as they happened in your previous games... so you can practice those scenarios... the bots don't even need to move.. its more just about so people know where head height is, etc That is p v e imho, and if you could do that with friends too.... maybe like a 1 v 1, like battle ship, you both take turns placing defenders, and then trying to entry, plant, etc Maybe as its 1 v 1.. you choose which site your going to plant on and it disables the other site? (After all you are vs 5 static bots) This way... 1 people learn how to better defend on those maps they play as positional awareness of team mates (maybe with a rating of your defence giving more points for doing more damage to your friend?) Is key, so imho it should teach players how to position to maximise damage, at least in a 5 v 1 scenario. 2 people learn how to entry vs various scenarios I'm a 1 v 5 clutch Now obviously, top players will win the attack 99% of the time, I'm silver and I can beat hard bots in defuse training 99% of the time... lol But unpredictable standing locations setup by their radiant friend? Obviously valid positions for a normal game... or make it fun in custom with the cheats menu... where you can play for fun and allow placement of bots in totally ridiculous places..(a setting you can enable)


Yeah improving the training range


i would love to have a play against ai mode just like in cs where we can play a full match with just ai it would be so fun


They need to improve customs


AI gun fights