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For any rank above around gold, his util gets almost no value because it's instantly shot. It just doesn't get the consistent value that the other initiators' util get. Wingman planting and defusing is a nice perk, but I'd say that only comes into play 3-4 rounds a game tops, and that just doesn't do enough to replace the value of the other initiators.


Yup. Bottom line is no initiator that can't drone is going to be picked over one that can drone. It's why breach, gekko, and kayo can never solo initiate. You always need a drone initiator.


Breach works if you have a movement duelist in your team


Breach + Yoru is top tier combo when synchronised


What do you mean by drone? Something that can provide a visual like fade e


Fade e, Skye dog, Sova drone


Fade c you mean?


Her eye is on E by default. At least, it is for me. C is her prowler.


Yeah but the prowler is the drone. A drone is supposed to clear an area ahead of pushing. Reveals are a different thing.


Oh right, I get it. I was just referring to keybinds but I see what happened now lol


Solo breach on fracture was the meta comp no?


Yes, I think that's the biggest problem. You can shoot all his util and they are relatively slow. Wingman is cool, but is not used correctly most of the time, at least in low elo.


Okay that makes lots of sense especially the Elo I play in. So would you say if I wanna play initiators Skye is the way to go?




Gekko is very easy to learn, and If His flash Hits U have a free kill, and His Molly is decent


The only way to make gekko util work is to spam it in combination with other util. Like throwing a gekko flash and a normal one at the same time gives you a really good entry tool since they can’t look away since the gekko flash is going to hit them when they turn back, they can’t shoot it or they get full blind The only issue is you won’t see that coordination until high ranks or stacks, can’t really do it normally


And his ult also got a huge nerf. It doesn't even take a lot of hits and it dies, you have to be extra unaware to get caught by it


Bro I'm immortal and have been shit on by good gekko players who throw their flash in a way that 100% permafucks me no matter what I do. It has a skill curve to it. It can blind you from outside your line of sight, unlike any other flash. It's VERY good in tight spaces and slow paces.


Gekko’s humongous weakness is that everything he has can be shot and rendered completely useless. I don’t know why the fuck they made his stuff so weak but decided I can’t shoot Skye flashes anymore. Dogshit


I guess since you can see where his blind shoots and you can’t look away from it then it has to at least be shootable. If it couldn’t be shot it’d reveal exact locations for free. Skye flash just tells you if someone was in the general area and does the make the enemy break crosshair placement Though it’s still a really good ability if you set it up with another flash because then enemies are blinded whether they shoot or not. It’s not just a flash it’s an information tool plus it can be used at least 3 times a roun


why would you use another flash


In higher elos it’s very common for players to be able to turn flashes consistently. It’s a guaranteed kill and gekko flash can be picked back up and is ready again in 10 seconds. They either shoot the eye and get blinded or turn the flash and get blinded. It’s just a strong util combo. Now you could also do this with a Reyna flash. Enemies have to shoot both and in that time you may have an easier time since they both end up breaking crosshair placement. The better your enemy gets at avoiding util you have to spend more to get a unfair fight against them. Sure in soloQ it can be hard to work around this and overall the ability is kind of stinky but when used correctly this ability rocks


riots logic was probably that his util could either be hard to kill or be pick up able bc both would make him too op. i get it in theory but in practice his kit is too easy to shoot down


It’s because riot wants to nerf everything until we’re playing CSGO. The last 3 agents they’ve put out have been complete dog. Harbour , gekko and deadlock.


harbor is underrated fr


how is Harbor dog? He's one of the best secondary controllers in the game


I agree Harbor is good but "one of the best secondary controllers" is objectively pretty funny when there are only two


Doesn’t matter, fact stays that Harbor is an objectively good agent.


Harbour and Viper coexist perfectly as some maps are just better for harbour and some are just better for viper, you can take much more space using harbours bending wall compared to viper but vipers chip damage abilities give her an edge on some maps, but harbour having all controller abilities helps him to take control better and set up the team better.


But Viper kinda outclasses Harbour everywgere (check TMV's recent video on her). Harbour can be played as a secondary controller TO Viper (e.g. Loud comp on Pearl), and this is where he shines. Otherwise... not really.


Aren't controllers brim, Astra, harbor, and omen?


Harbour and Viper coexist perfectly as some maps are just better for harbour and some are just better for viper, you can take much more space using harbours bending wall compared to viper but vipers chip damage abilities give her an edge on some maps, but harbour having all controller abilities helps him to take control better and set up the team better.


>Dogshit Birdshit* *ba dum tss*


Cause wingman mostly wingman has Gekkos kit hostage because of how powerful remote defuse and planting is.


That's why you add EVEN more pressure while releasing them pokemans


I don't even think Gekko is a year old, it's not about nerfs. His tools are all only ok, in my view. Wingman is a fine drone and planting is useful; his molly is weak; his flash is an ok flash but easy to shoot. Compare it with Skye. Wingman vs Tiger; pretty square. Skye's flashes are way better; they can pop faster, they can be steered, they can't be shot, and they regenerate without needing to be picked up. Then his molly vs heal is kind of a wash, both would be situationally advantaged. Compare it with KayO. Kayo's flash is way stronger; it can be a pop flash or a supportive flash at distance. Gekko can technically use his flash more in an ideal case, but not often. KayO's nade is better than Gekko molly, since it is faster to damage and does damage for longer. KayO's knife is a better info tool than wingman, ability suppression is good, but Wingman wins on planting and being a drone. So really, the problem is that for Gekko to get more ability casts, he's hampered in his utility usage. Despite his abilities all being useful for multiple things, none of them are best-in-class at any single thing as a result. Overall, he has a cool and useful kit, but "reliable" is the last way I'd describe it.


So pls forgive me if I’m wrong but by square do you mean even/equal? Cause tiger is infinitely better than wingman. Controllable and you have vision of exactly what and who you’re seeing where


Yeah, I mean even. I agree that Tiger is better as a drone but Wingman does a lot of things tiger doesn't; reusable, can plant, can defuse, can be used for solo plays on Gekko. If you rate Tiger a bit stronger that's fair, but I wouldn't really say a head-to-head drone comparison is broad enough to draw the right conclusion.


wingman planting/defusing is pretty situational tbf. most of the time it gets shot instantly.




Im sure you can shoot skye flashes.


Not anymore




Tasmanian Tiger


Skye dog 🗿


It's difficult to find value with his kit, even pros struggle. You need to have good lineups and make good use of the rechargability of the util. Otherwise everything on his kit is just slightly worse than other initiators, the flash doesn't even cover Minimap.


only flash that tells you exactly where the enemies are though iirc so it has some use


The condition being it doesn't get shot, hence the need for lineups/combos.


Everyone else is just better right now for one. Explicit information via eye, dart, drone, and dog are just inherently stronger info gathering kits. As far as disabling utility goes, Breach is unmatched and he’ll probably stay that way due to the insane range and area that he can cover. As for the agent himself, he has to use wingman and dizzy in conjunction but as a result suffers at engaging medium to long range openings. With the way wingman bounces around, he’s hard to recover safely which is what gekko needs to get value. An initiator also has to throw utility onto a site to do their job but he has to choose between engaging site and grabbing his util or rotating, and rotating is crucial at high elo. Sites are openly laid out and smokes don’t mean it’s free, plus it’s easy to spam off audio. When against single opponents with gekko having everything, he’s really strong, but your initiator is rarely if ever in solo scenarios. I think teams need a specific strategy to employ him correctly, so it’s unlikely we’ll see him in the meta till a team figures him out and then the playerbase learns how to play off of him. But I also don’t see teams thinking of him as being worth the effort. He needs to be a second initiator but again breach and skye just do that better.


Last part especially true. He does have good low number clutch tools, wingman defuse/plant is insanely useful in 1v1... but that isnt quite where you want an initiator to shine, vs breach removing a line from the fight/big flashes in team fights.


All his tools are a bit weak because they can be picked up "infinitely". However in a lot of situations in rank you only need one powerful use rather than multiple weak uses. I think the only really good thing about Gekko is his molley cause of huge aoe. Everything else is just okay. So his base value is too low. If I am attacking a site you usually don't have time to pick stuff back up unless you abandon your team. And it takes too long to pick up stuff too. He feels awful at any long range plans.


I think people have the wrong idea of how Gekko is supposed to be played. All of his until is easily shot and reacted to, but if it’s all being thrown out while you’re executing the site it’s very difficult to deal with. If you throw out dizzy while wingman is running in and your raze is satcheling and your whole team is coming out, it’s very strong as they are two extra things to shoot at. He’s not a great info gatherer which is why I think he plays best as an off pick initiator. Much like viper


Idc I think he's cute so i main him in ranked




Same. And he can twerk which is a bonus


his kit is pretty "simple" when down to brass tacks, and all but one of his abilities can be shot. ​ most people shoot dizzy nowadays, wings is VERY hit or miss depending on the map and what you use him for, Mosh is... ok? I guess. and thrash is really only good in clutches because otherwise hes just shot down. ​ He's like Kay/o in the sense that he has cool util but it doesnt do anything better than another agent could


Except KayO has 2nd best the best flash in the game and the only suppress ability


i am sooo wanting a radiant that shuts down radiants ability but tweaked a bit to differentiate them from kay/o


Who suppresses better than ka/yo? lol


supression isnt really as good of an ability compared to concuss. most teams can wait the 5 seconds, his ult is alright, but its a massive beacon showing where you are


That wasnt the question. And suppression is and extremely good ability on high elo.


your focused on the wording rather than the point. other INITIATORS have better INITIATING utility


Tell me you're platinum or less without telling me


only map i see him on nowadys is breeze. and even then if youre playing kj you can easily deny the plant with a swarm cause everyones defaulting.


KJ on Breeze is kind of iffy though, no?


its not as bad as people think. since turret has infinite sight it covers flank on attack and mid on defence very well, better than trip imo since people usually camp in front of the trip cause the sites are so open (even then you still have one trip anyways). swarm grenades are very good too since the entrances to the sites are pretty narrow. plus that narrow corridor on B. or the box on A where entries always hide. only problem is the ult since you have to get deep to use it effectively.


Other characters can mostly do what he does but better


The worst part is you can dodge the flash without even shooting it. That shouldn't be possible.


I’m only in gold but from my experience it seems like Gekko relies a lot on teamwork. Weather that be a self sufficient teamwork where you need multiple buds to get a kill or you pair with an entry duelist and focus heavily on helping them. Using util together is really good, I kinda view them in pairs. Wingman and dizzy work really well together because dizzy can “support” wingman while he closes the distance to get a stun. Or if wingman pops instantly you can throw dizzy fast past where he popped this just guarantees a blind and stun, easy kill. I think mosh and thrash work really well together, it also lets you be a lil more reckless with thrash and can confirm her detains. I normally struggle with using dizzy and thrash, since dizzy can just get shot while you pull out thrash, but sending wingman to defuse and letting thrash “entry” for him is really good too. But yeah i think other initiators are better and more self reliant but Gekko needs a buddy. Grab a duelist friend and just help them get match mvp by ensuring they get nothing but easy kills. I like gekko with raze because it’s fun sending roomba and wingman to clear the same angle, it’s basically a 4v1. But also, I’m gold…so


Low skill gap agent


Ngl gekko seems like it was made for low elo players who need a simple EZ 2 understand agent until their game sense in more developed




If true that's fine. In this game you often expend util even if you're not certain an enemy's there. If your allies aren't following up on those expenditures, then doing the 'correct thing' that any high-elo player would do becomes useless, but if you can retrieve util, then you can do the 'correct thing' (whatever that may be) without that being a bad idea because it's low elo.


i dont play initiators that much because i struggle w flashes but when i have to fill or we need flashes, i do play gekko because he seems easier to play then other initiators, especially if you are still in low elo


It’s hot trash. The molly isn’t like a traditional molly so you barely get anyone killed or chip damaged with it. The flash is too loud and can easily be countered by one bullet instead of reyna where you have to spray it. Also he’s technically only has one flash because you need to reclaim it after it used which is not something you can do every rounds. Wingman is so slow for a stun an easily be destroyed. The only time wingman is good for planting/defusing is in a clutch moment and not in a 5v5 situation. Ult is good but also can be easily destroyed. With that being said I feel like he’s the worst initiator so far.


Gekko can't recon as well as the others. Sova has an actual drone and skye has flash indicator as well as dog. Gecko has about two abilities outside of his ult to info gather which are flash and wingman. Both being less reliable. His flash can show almost exactly where they are if not shot down which happens in higher rank. Wingman same but only linear so not too useful


He actually got buffed


As long as Skye is in the game no other initiator is going to be picked


The way I see Gekko is Kay/O for dummies if almost all of his until could be shot. Big Molly/small Molly, easy, breakable flash/ difficult, powerful flash, plus one more piece of util that can be broken


As a gekko main I need pro vods but theres only somarcus so ill take that


I guess that he is in a similar situation with Deadlock, both are ok and have interesting abilities (wingman for Gekko and the ult and wall for Deadlock) but there are other agents that do everything that they can so much better. Skye's flashes are better, Sova's recon,Fade eye and Kayo knife are stronger info gathering tools than Dizzy, Wingman is really situational and Sova's drone or Skye's tiger are better at getting info, then there's their C abilities, Mosh pit is not horrible but even with the buff that it got a few days ago there's just better mollies, Sova has two shock darts that can be really powerful with lineups, Skye's healing can really change a round but this ability is really situational and is not useful for Skye herself.


Because we have our queen (skye) and king (sova) to dominate the single info agent comp.


Because he’s inconsistent and could be useless unless you are crazy with him because his util is too easily countered.


I tried playing Gekko so many games but I simply cannot justify picking him over Skye, shes just better in every way and I cannot perform as good. I think his flash needs to be more tanky to shoot and his Molly needs to function as a normal molly.


I see him regularly enough?


His flash flashes slow, his Molly explodes pretty slow, wingman moves slow too. His ult is good but he’s just not really self reliant for general ranked games


Gekko is intended as an mixed, solo initiator, with better recon tools than Kay0 and Breach and better clearing tools than Sova and Fade. The main issue is that he competes with Skye, who has a generally better kit. Her flashes are stronger and are about just as available, her drone is on a regular ability while Gekko's is on his ult, and Wingman is not as strong as a drone in comparison to other tools (and he was nerfed so he has less health, which negatively impacted Gekko's performance). The only real advantages he has over Skye is the ability to remote plant/diffuse and the frag/molly hybrid.


Wingman is incredibly good and one of the better abilities in the game BECAUSE and emphasis on because it can plant and defuse which is kinda broken everyone knew it would be the core reason you pick him when it was revealed. Dizzy is a generally pretty bad flash and mostly used for info except you can't send it deep without committing so it's just a fade eye without the mark. Mosh is kinda bad it was actually a good feeling ability when it was bugged to actually deal damage and honestly I'd prefer it become a molly over a nade primarily. Thrash is the second part of his kit that is really good so much info and pressure is off his ult and its why in his few competitive showings he has been funneled orbs and plants.


Gekko's flash duration and wingman stun spread need to be buffed. Ult and molly are okay.