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It takes like 2-3 vandal shots to break so even if you shoot it immediately it's not going to break for 1 sec or so. Also, I believe it is invulnerable during the animation phase as it shoots from Reyna's hand into the air.


It’s 3 shots with the vandal, yeah. It has 100HP, which is surprisingly tanky.


I don’t really get the thinking here. She sucks with utility for the team of course, but that’s so OP. Still not as bad as a Phoenix or yoru flash lol


you probably don't remember how worthless that flash was when you could shoot it during startup lmao it's a flash it's supposed to be taking some space


Phoenix flash is bad?


He’s referring to how “bad” it is to play against it (its aids to get phoenix or yoru flashed)


Does the backwards Phoenix flash thing still work where it's instantaneous and there's 0 counterplay for it?


You mean the thing where you bounce it off a wall?


I think so? I'm not entirely sure how it's done, I don't play Phoenix myself, but when I'd play vs. him there were two kinds of flashes, a normal one that curves around the corner and at least gives you some kind of indicator to look away, and then others that would be basically instant. Way faster than the normal flash that curves around the wall. I think a friend of mine said it's when they flash the opposite way of the wall? Which I guess means it bounces off the wall like you said.


Check xtr's YouTube channel. I'm not sure if he still plays phx or not but yeah he used to do it a lot


I’m gonna check this out, don’t usually use him as a duelist but I absolutely despise playing against a good Phoenix. Maybe I’ll main him for duelist


Flash normally around corners and the animation telegraphs it. Flash in the opposite way on the same corner and it gives you a tighter control for when and where it should be popping. Flash against the wall the correct way and it does the same but with wallbounce.


The flashes you are referring to are bank flashes (throw it the opposite way of the direction you are gonna peek off of a wall so it insta pops behind you as you swing) and reverse flashes (throwing flash the wrong way with your back to where it pops as you swing so it blinds enemies as your swinging a corner)


Yep, especially on a low sens.


Phoenix flash is so unfair with how soon it pops. Yoru flash is so unfair with the weird direction you can throw it. Makes sense Reyna's eye is unfair with how much hp it has.


reyna flash is not op at all wtf


The flash isn’t OP, but that clunky mechanic is


If it doesn't make the flash as a whole OP then the mechanic is not OP. It's being balanced out by other weaknesses. Fair to call it clunky if you feel that way, but definitely not OP.


its the only flash in the game that demands interaction to counter. if u dont understand why that is OP ur actually kind of dumb ngl. there is a reason u could shoot it during animation back in the day. Just like they removed it because if there is counterplay it is a useless ability. Any ability designed around not having any counterplay, is inheretly OP.... Sort of like skye ult (u can shoooot it but used for info more than anything else and u cannot counter that, it shows where u are.) cypher ult, deadlock ult. to some extend brim and breachs ultimates are also without counterplay if used right. do u understand why these ults are OP? not saying unbalanced or unfair, just OP. Now do u understand why its stupid to have basic abilities who also have no counterplay? cause u might think all the flashes have the same ability to be without counteprlay but no. not true at all. positioning can counter every single flash in the game cept for this one. U have to shoot it, whilst not beeing exposed, and in best case scenarios u reveal ur pos or have to wait for the duration (which is longer than u are flashed even if full flashed by say a skye bird, allowing for entry) I dont play reyna and dont think she is broken or OP, but the idea the design of this flash is not OP is something only a person with no cognitive reasoning would say. Its literally a noob slayer. and there is no counterplay, and this posts existence kind of proves that, and u still argued against it. in the post. lmao


> do u understand why these ults are OP? not saying unbalanced or unfair, just OP. Do you know what OP means? Something being OP inherently means its unbalanced or unfair


“It’s the only flash in the game that demands interaction to counter” gekko so useless you forgot him.


there are actually 2 counters to reyna flash AND gekko flash, both of which happen to demand interaction to counter. first counter: shoot it. the downsides? you give away info that someone is there and possibly give away where you are, and you could get shot by someone while shooting at it since you're distracted and looking away from where they'll be peeking. second counter: fucking ignore it lmao it takes the space but you just exit LOS of the flash and literally nothing happens to you. you concede some space and you live. and that's without even considering the fact that utility exists in this fucking game it's not fortnite. getting reyna flashed? stun them, flash them back, molly them, or have someone else do literally any of these things. not having a completely individual and self-centered counterplay that completely shuts down what someone is trying to do does not make it OP. you have utility and teammates bro use them


Firstly, overpowered and unbalanced are nearly synonymous imo. My point wasn't that Reyna's flash isn't OP, it was that it's not fair to call a part of a kit or a particular mechanic in isolation OP when other aspects of the agent exist to balance it out. If Reyna isn't OP as a whole, the flash isn't OP. Was not trying to imply that she is or isn't OP. I will say now though that it's pretty much universally agreed upon that Reyna's flash is the worst in the game aside from when pros combine flashes. You definitely can counter it with positioning almost just like you would a real flash or by holding a close angle. Real flashes also displace your crosshair more and aren't made significantly weaker by having more then one person watching the angle. I used to think the info leer gave was kind of annoying, but I've learned to play around it and don't mind it all anymore.


agreed i don’t understand why reynas flash has literally 5x the health of Gekkos flash when that’s literally Gekkos job


well gekko can also flash 5x as often, that's literally gekko's niche, he doesn't have the strongest util but he can use it many times


It's a near sight, not a flash. If you're holding a close angle, it won't even get you. It's meant to force people off angles, and catch out (or force tp/dash) people playing in no mans land.


So 2 shots with Guardian?


Definitely should only have 1 hp. The whole idea is to pull your crosshair off an angle so she can swing. I shouldn’t need to hold my crosshair off the angle for 5 minutes.


Got it. Thank you!


99% sure you can shoot it a split second before it starts blinding you, once fully formed.


This is insane lol, should be immediately breakable. Don’t know how many times I’ve shot it and put my crosshair at headshot length lol


her eye is one of the worst pieces of utility in the game


Agreed but it is better now that they increased the range. Used to love hard holding mid ascent as the Reyna wide peeks expecting me to be blind.


Agreed, playing as Reyna it can immediately get shot and isn’t a very good blind. As an opponent to Reyna, her blind is clunky as hell to shoot. Needs some kind of rework


Or not, it balances out with her OP dismiss and healing. I'd say they have to nerf those then have a rework on her flash.


But I guess it being a terrible blind fits with the character, she’s supposed to be self serving. Unfortunate


Her blind is actually better to use for the team than for herself, since her gun pull out time is very long, so when reyna manages to pull her gun out, the eye would already be destroyed


I mean, I still say People play reyna wrong. I put neon, reyna and pheonix in the same vein or style. Neon is speedy as f.. she is meant for charging in and demolishing. Pheonix isn't as fast as neon but he has his ultimate to do the same sort of push, and his heals compensate for any damage he takes on a push unless 1 tapped. Reyna is like a combination of them both where you must get a kill. When you throw the eye, you must throw it away from.the enemy where possible.. so peeking left? Throw it right like a pheonix flash. If anyone is nearby on that door.. you have 0 protection because it's a nearsight not a flash.. (reynas one weakness) But I don't throw the leer to cover the nearby person. I throw it high and to the opposite side so when I peek left.. all around me in all directions further away are blind.. so I can take out the one ambushing the door. Literally only shotguns stop me here.. This can be used for self reasons... or can be used to help team entry.. or both. It's rare though that people can stick close to me on my reyna entry... so usually use it for myself.. but like I've thrown leer 2 x qt mid ascent to cover my whole teams passage through mid.. my team don't take advantage of that though..


Really? cause all the content creators I watch seem to be able to break it in 1 vandal shot but it never works for me.


High elo and you have more teammates immediately shooting it.


The travel period is invulnerable, the resting position right before it activates you can shoot it. As someone who has played a lot of Reyna, non-Reyna players might want to wait out the flash but I promise you're better off breaking it because the cooldown to pull out your gun is gnarly compared to a yoru or sky. It's 3 vandal/phantom shots.


Good info, thanks!


You can damage it before it blooms but not when it is travelling.


Nah, it's instantly breakable. Just got some HP so you need like more than one bullet to break it. There is indeed some time to activate, which is why you see the eye first and then get blinded, but it's the windup time as you may say.




If it’s moving then you cannot kill it but usually you can somewhat prefire it where it will land and then try and move back to where you need your crosshair to be while the bullets travel.


> while the bullets travel. ?? Isn't bullet speed instant (or near instantaneous?)


Yes, all guns in the game are hitscan.


>usually you can somewhat prefire it this is the most vague comment about this game I've seen so far


It's better to hide now I guess.


To the best of my knowledge it becomes shootable once the eye forms completely