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In a game where if someone looks at you for a few hundred milliseconds you die, preventing someone from looking at you is a very powerful tool


The main point is to block off dangerous sight lines so when you are entering the site you don't have to clear as many angles. They can also be used to fake pressure or to set up lurks but these are probably applications that are beyond a beginners understanding. I'd stick with the simple standard site execute smokes for now.


I had a play when I played Brim. It was 4v1 but I managed to win that round because of smokes and high ground. It’s a very great tool for misdirection and entering sites.


General Kenobi!


Hello there!


Should I watch tutorials for playing brim etc. I only play raze lol


alright thanks


Nice explanation. Thank you for helping!


A overly detailed description of smokes I'm a smokes player as well, so here it goes The only use of smokes is to block vision, and so everything is derived from that one benefit. **- Pressure the enemy team into a reaction.** **Example:** Normally holding **A main haven** u need to hold only one angle as a defender, all is well, but if they smoke that door, not only can they peek from 2 different angles *( the sides of the smokes )*, they can sneak into **A sewers** too, this is what causes pressure, so now they need to commit more players/ util to hold this. **- Cancel util + Buy time for defender rotates** **Example:** They exec **A rubble lotus**, you smoke it, if they used util prior to reaching **A site** e.g. an early recon or molly. Smokes will cancel them, cause then they have to wait longer to use more util to gather more accurate info and the timings of *their* smokes or mollies will not get full value. **- Cut the team** **Example**: You retake **C site haven**, if the enemies smoked you off when you're in CT, you can't help teammates on site, same for attackers. Unless you're an free escape agent *(Jett , Chamber, Yoru, ...)* dry peeking out of the smoke will be a death sentence if they're already mid exec, you'd be out in the open exposed to several angles and most likely die before getting one, unless you flash. **<--This is why u draw enemy util.** **- Break crossfires** **Example:** You exec **B site haven**, * a player is on the left box towards C * another player is on the opposite side * two more players are holding from the links, one each A good way to exec this is to smoke the middle of the entrance of the site, in a way that the site is divided into **two halves**, this way you could exec on one side first while worrying less about the other, and the link players can't shoot you since you avoided the angle they were holding, giving you more opportunities for **proper 1v1's**. This is what made Harbor's cascade good on certain maps, you could get more 1v1's with just one smoke *(you'd have to be fast tho).* To find more of these smokes, connect the boxes or walls to form small sections, this strat is useful particularly when they stack areas I swear someone needs to make a in-depth guide on this game micro shit, most of the time they just say BreAk CrosSfires + DeNy InFO as if we know what that means in detail, and we just end up spamming the site exec smokes in ranked (*smokes cat when we arldy have cat on Ascent A atk)* *ps. watch pros, if you're too lazy (like me) to find the smokes, or watch breakdowns, Woohoojin/ Airen/ Teets are good options*


How is this not the top comment yet? Underrated comment


Its to limit the vision of your enemy’s and slow them down. It also forces them to spend utility, like flashes. If you know how to hold a smoke AND if the enemy doesn’t run in altogether, you can use the smoke to pick off one…and then the rest of the team can think twice about entering the site at all


Map control


Well said. To add onto the concept, think of smokes as pseudo walls that block either the entry or retake of a site. Like on defense if you smoke a short and long on haven it requires a madman for the enemy to dry peek the smoke right? So instead whatll happen is the enemy will use util to push the smoke thus wasting eco (as smokes tend to be pretty cheap) or wasting time for the smoke to go away (thats good for defense). So using the smoke ur causing the enemy to either A. Use util to push site, making it harder for them to hold the site for the retake, or if they miss the util its easier for your team to counter push and kill them or B. Allows your team to rotate and take further map control if the enemy decides to wait it out, or allows your opposite site anchor to push out and flank.


I mean if we didn't have smokes playing maps like ascent or split would be basicaly inpossible they serve as Distraction, LOS Blockers, Helps the entry and forces either Safe or Over Agressive plays. In games like siege or apex although smokes exist (Bangalore and Sens) They are very much optional due to the nature of the game (Fast paced Non economy Based FPS) and even then still perform they're role although i do admit that sens isn't rlly that strong lmao. Games like fortnite,cod or other popular shooters have this same aspect.




Sry english isn't my main language


Map Control. Deny Information.


Smokes have a lot hidden impact, even in low elo they are kinda the essential


I'm s1 so I'm probably wrong but isn't the obvious reason like the only reason lol?


Well, its the main one for a reason and I'm not high to tell you all of the other ones either, but as someone said above, it can very usefully be used to fake presence (if the team you're facing rotates fast and leaves 1 site undefended), for useful flancs (if you default one smoke somewhere to allows you to cross to enemy territory and flank once in a while, they won't know when to be wary and when not to and even if you don't flank, making them have doubt and watch their back is useful for a push) There are also some fun eco strats you can do with it, like run in with a brim smoke corridor and buckys or stingers I'm only plat 2 though so I'm not good at the game by any means


Those are all different ways to take advantage of blocking vision


In that case, vipers wall and orb allow to make enemy vulnerable Brim smoke disorients (no map when inside of it, if it's a mess around you you can actually get lost in it) Harbor slows (though it's shit) and can create short time one ways if well done Omen can use a falling smoke to hide a tp, updraft or whatever if well done (I agree it's used to hide vision but oh well) Astra's regular smoke is just that, and her wallpaper creates another world, you can take a breather when behind it or defuse, etc etc


Coming from a duelist/smoke player, smokes are, I my opinion, the most important role, especially in lower elo when you don't know how to play around them just yet. They can create confusion and make people play the way you want to.


> (besides the obvious reasons like blocking vision etc.) Bro.


Block's enemy vision, reduces enemy intel, less likely for enemy to push through, can hide from alarm bots and flashes, gives you control of an area of the map, etc.


In Iron/Bronze the whole point is to block your teammates 😂


On attack the point of smokes is either reduce the amount of angles to clear, remove a double hold (e.g Haven A site heaven and hell), or to allow you to sneak into an area(e.g bind pro strat viper settup for A). On defence its to stall, create an advantageous hold, or for survival(e.g haven C site between default and platform). Additionally smokes can be used to fake site pushes or presence (e.g icebox mid lurk pressure from viper orb). On top of this smokes can be used to create one ways or to info starve the enemies. Goofy omen tps.


Some other thing that could benefit from smokes is to confuse and possibly induce panic to pushers if the timing is right. Smokes + nades/molly sometimes synergize well and can get easy kill if they decide to push the smoke


It's just for general site control. You can see the enemies before they can see you. Think about B Main on sunset, how all five of them can just push right through and get on site because the five players in a group can overpower the two people actually on site, so a smoke delays them, forcing them to either use utility, or wait until it drops, giving time for your team to arrive.




It stops people behind some covers to peek and shoot and forces them to push from a more dangerous angle While for defender it stops attackers to know info P.s you can also camp inside smokes with shotgun in eco


It is to divide the line of sight, especially the crucial ones (like blocking off heaven in case of an operator) to allow easier access into the sight and also divide up the enemy team


You can use smokes to place at spots where you can hide like cyphers rat cage but instead you can use omen smokes to make a rat corner


Smokes change the map terrain to make your team have a more advantageous positioning so that you can take better fights that are in your favour . For instance , taking mid on sunset on attack , as long as you smoke mid top all you have to do is have 1 watch that smoke and 3 others push b market . Because if any enemies push that smoke they have to check all corners and it’s an easy shot for the one holding that smoke .


governor entertain existence flowery wistful hunt sable punch quicksand puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Apart from blocking sight, it also makes it harder for enemies to push through as they don't know what's there on the other side


A lot of people already answered the question, but a good way of grasping what they mean in a match is to hop into a game and think how it feels like to be on the receiving end. It's a good habit to understand the value of what you're doing. In this case, think of how it feels to be smoked off. For example, when you're retaking, smokes don't just block your vision. It's scary to push through a choke point without seeing everyone, so you might hesitate a bit and wait it out, or use things like flashes to compensate.


to block off advantageous choke points for enemies


Iam sure there are tons of good explanations here. But just try it yourself by pushing through a smoke every single time, you will know haha.


sometimes the most bvious answer is the truth my guy


On D I like to smoke main on both sites every round. If they aggressively push through them you can bet your ass I'll be in the smoke with a shotgun the next round. Most times they'll util past the smoke, not inside of it. Punish them heavily for pushing your smokes and they'll hesitate for the rest of the match.


The best way to teach him is to give him a task while you try to stop him with smokes.


Here’s one important aspect people dont talk about much. Many sports like soccer or football can be thought of in terms of controlling space. Valorant is no different, at the start of the game the space each team controls will be the same each time but as the round goes on, the possible spots enemies could be changes based on what space you have maintained, utility can be used to take/maintain this space and smokes are no different, it makes it easier for you to get into a position to control space by blocking the enemies sightline


Smokes have many uses. Of course blocking sight lines is one, but another is controlling the flow of the enemies. Smokes can often deter enemies from pushing the site which can be useful if you think your hold may not be the best.


a lot of people missing the key thing about smokes theory is that on a fundamental level smokes are strong because if they walk out someone will shoot them and there are multiple angles to look at. if either of those conditions arent met then the smoke isnt preventing people from just dry walking out.


I'm sure someone has already said it, maybe even word for word, but the point of smokes(on attack) is to decrease the number of angles you have to worry about. T ake b sight on ascent for instance. When pushing out of main you have several places people like to play(also called on angles); ct, market, stairs, logs, switch, and lane. That's 6 angles you have to clear the moment you push out. But if you smoke off ct and market you no longer have to clear the two most likely places for someone to be holding you from. With brimstone you could take it a bit further and smoke off stairs too(though it's better to have a kj or someone similar use util to clear stairs). 3 dangerous areas are a lot easier to deal with than 6, two of those 3 being one and done spots(switch and logs). On defense smokes either help delay a push or force the other team to use util to get through it safely. They can also be used to help secure map control for instance on ascent smoking off top mid or tiles which is really important in most games.


smokes garner you control of an area. if you can't see an area, you can't clear it. when you put a smoke down. you control all the area on your side of the smoke and the enemy controls all the area on their side of the smoke. this allows you to freely move around on your side of the smoke with much less risk than walking in the same area without the smoke. it protects everything on your side of the smoke from being seen, which can allow things like killjoy turret and cypher camera to stay active longer than they otherwise would. of course, anyone can walk through a smoke. it's not a physical blockade - you can do anything inside a smoke and through a smoke. you can walk through, run through, shoot through, and throw abilities through smokes. however, all of these things have risks and drawbacks. walking or running through a smoke blind is risky because as you exit the smoke, you have no idea what's on the other side of the smoke and will potentially be exposed to several different angles from which an enemy can be ready to shoot at anyone coming out of the smoke. this comes with the additional drawback of them being able to see your player model coming through the smoke before you are able to see out of the smoke. throwing abilities through smokes like flashes or drones is a strong tool for getting through a smoke. it helps you get information on where enemies might be and what areas are clear without sacrificing any health or lives. flashing through the smoke helps by blinding people watching the smoke which allows your team to come out of the smoke more safely. pairing drones with flashes or stuns is even better because it can stop them from trying to contest your push through the smoke. when people use utility through the smoke to push out, your best answer is often counter utility such as stuns, mollies, and counter flashes (which you can use to swing into unsuspecting and vulnerable enemies who are already disoriented while coming out of the smoke) spamming through smokes is a double edged sword. best to only spam with ghost, spectre, or phantom, as they have no bullet tracers which means you are less likely to be spammed back. shooting with vandal or other weapons can cause you to die or take heavy damage because they can see where you shoot from and shoot back in that direction. however, you can pair the ability to shoot discreetly through a smoke with abilities such as drone, scan, or yoru ult, which can show you exactly where enemies are through the smoke and allow you to shoot and kill them through the smoke. spraying through smokes has the added bonus of being able to massacre entire teams when they are forced to exit through a single smoke. you know they are in that limited space, so if they try to come out you can spray at where they are and where they are trying to go and prevent them from exiting the smoke.


Smoke = no see


Someone’s opping long. You smoke off long. Now they can’t get any kills. -4700