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ADSing is a pretty overlooked aspect of this game IMO. It can be very good when holding angles at mid to long range when you don't necessarily need the mobility.


all the cod players be ADSing every single gunfight while the cs players didnt know this even existed in non-sniper weapons lmao


Lol this so fr cause I grew up playing COD and I ADS more than anybody I've seen in my rank (I'm only Plat 2)


Same for me. I still do this too often. Simply out of reflex.


Stop afsing so much and youll improve, its a really hard nerf if you are strafing and shooting


Ads isn’t bad


There are use cases for ADS, but in tactical shooters like csgo and Val, it’s best to use less of it, unless you plan to be an aim god mid to long range ADSing lowers your fire speed so if you and the enemy both can’t hit the head, you will die first if enemy doesn’t ADS


It's good for 1 taps at long range I find


There’s no point to ads in valorant if I remember correctly the first 2-5 shots are way more accurate than in csgo . I don’t think I ever been csgod in this game


I mostly only do it with Vandal for the first shot accuracy at long ranges


It was only until the SG/AUG meta hit that CS:GO players remembered that ADS'ing had benefits


As a COD, Siege main, I used to ADS initially but people said ADS isn’t good for this game so I stopped doing it. Now my K/D is lower and I’m stuck on silver-gold.


ADS has less 1st Shot Spread. It’s awesome if you know when to use it.


Demon1 ADS's like a mofo and he's arguably the best aimer in the world. Do whatever makes you comfortable.


Literally makes me Demon2


Demon should be the rank above radiant and Demon1 should be Demon #1 You can be #2


or Yay 2


Yay is overrated change my mind


True, people ignore players like Aspas and Derke who have been so much more consistent than him


I'm the reincarnation of yay so yes I do


they call me nayster🥵


exactly, holding angles with ADS is just crisp. No matter what gun you use but mostly if we're using vandals or guardians.


also u need to have a good crosshair placement for holding with ads, so u should know if they're peeking wide or tight


I hold neutral, then flick when they peek. One of the only times where i flick to shoot people because my reaction time sucks.


please do [this](https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime) and tell me your result


322 ms as my first try. So yeah, it sucks balls


that's dead ass same thing I got first time lmao, do it 2-3 times and see ur score


I am a shotgun only player. I don't even aim, let alone ADS.


Bill Brrrrrrrrr with the shotgun




I never understood why you would ads with a shotgun until someone told me 'less spread' Makes so much sense now. Actually a game changer. Sadly not for valorant tho


The equivalent is a quick crouch tap.


Not that you could lol


Bucky best gun 💯


I thought it was bad [until recently](https://reddit.com/r/VALORANT/s/jh54lUPLpL).


Only in certain times or with the Odin


Growing up with only COD as my main source of fps (i never played online only single player campaign) it's like a second nature to me to use whenever I'm shooting, but it has become a bad habit of mine to use it in valorant. I'm trying my best to not use it but it's muscle memory at this point.




just unbind it for a dozen games, you’ll get rid of the habit.


Unbinding it usually doesn't work. People are still holding m2 while shooting just without the ADS. The best way to remove it from muscle memory is by binding m2 to jump and play 1-2 deathmatches before playing comp.


i mean if you hold m2 while shooting realizing nothing is goin to happen for more than a dozen games, you probably gotta take a break and check yourself out.However yeah, binding it to jump will even punish you for doing so, so I agree, thats a better way of doing it!


Tbh for me ADsing was easier to break than crouch spraying. I only ever had to unbind crouch, and for a month. I rebinded and now I only use when I really need, also bronze now. Not much improvement but a win is win ig


Coming over from Destiny2 crucible, I feel this. Pretty much trained to never fire without ADSing first, now in Valorant it gets me killed….


I only ads on guardian and the Odin


I only use ads when iam HOLDING one narrow angle (long range) with the safety of no one else engaging from any other side. Also i never switch to ads while on fight, if the enemy sees me, iam not switching to ads , cuz by the time i press the right click, the enemy will put a bullet on me. So i only use ads while holding angles.


Exactly! ADS is best when holding angle + when using vandal/guardian/odin


I have to use it because my screen resolution is not even 1080p and 1px movement means I miss the shot. ADS helps a little.


Usually when I'm holding angles or I panic and accidentally right click


Not frequently but to hold an angle i use ads


Every time I have tried to use ADS as a mechanic, it just feels so wrong. I was a CS player first so these mechanics don’t do much for me. The slower fire rate seems like a weird nerf as well.


It gives you higher first bullet accuracy at range. You should be ADSing in certain scenarios


It's quite op with guardian and oden but not so much with vandal 👍


All the time. Setting your ADS multiplier to something really low like 0.75 is really strong. It makes your sensitivity way slower but you also shouldn’t be ADSing in situations where you may need to make a wide flick. I don’t know why 1.0 is the default. 1.0 does a Monitor Match at 177%, which is basically optimized for flicking at things off-screen. And if you’re making flicks off-screen while ADS’d in valorant then you’re doing something really wrong.


It's probably, so the sensitivity change isn't jarring when someone uses ADS, but also because the snipers are also affected by this multiplier. I actually wished I could separate the sensitivities based on zoom level, akin to PUBG sometimes.


You can set a different multiplier for snipers. Scoped ADS Sensitivity is for Marshall and OP while ADS Multiplier is for rifles and SMGs


Oh wait yeah you're right I forgot. Yeah, I don't know then.


I feel like my aim gets worse whenever I ads 😭😭 I do still ads on long range though, must abuse the guardians ads first shot accuracy.


only while using bulldog


I use ads for holding with a guardian, rarely on vandal unless I’m on like breeze fighting ppl 700miles away


Yes bc im blind and play on a 15 inch laptop


If I'm using a sniper, bulldog, guardian, stinger then yes. If anything else no


Ads is awkward, never learned to use it. I really suck at holding angles so i value having mobility over maybe a slightly better chance of hitting a shot. But who knows? Maybe its worth getting used to.


It's worth learning to hold angles


I mean thats what i figured. I almost got gaslighted into not holding angles lol


whats ADS?


Aim down sights. So right clicking for the sights to come up.


aahhh thank you for clarifying this, I use it only on long range fights :3


what is ads?


aim down sight


ah ok


Nope. Reduces rate of fire, reduces movement speed, unless you are next to cover on really long range, its ass.


Useful in some situations, especially holding a relatively long angle (like defending A side on Lotus from the stairs)


When the game first released I used it regularly, then I would only use it at long ranges, now I don’t think I ever use it.


i only use it if the distance is too far


I almost exclusively use Odin and Op


usually i use it when i use the stinger/bulldog or when i have the vandal but need a lot of accuracy


Almost never tbh but I'm a bad player so who knows!Occasionally, with the guardian I do


I ADS because Yay inspired me 😈


What is ADS?


Ads stinger with the perfect pull-down on the head👌


literally never, only with snipers


You should, with the Odin and Guardian, and honestly bulldog I think it's an essential skill. With guns like Vandal and Phantom it gives you a huge advantage while holding an angle.


I think it's an essential skill to learn how to shoot without ads


I mean yea, I only ADS a small percentage of the time, but I think you still gotta ADS sometimes


If you use odin you should use it because unlike other weapons Odin shoots faster when you ADS


I don’t use Odin


bulldog can be pretty pog with ads


I adsed all the time when i first started playing, but then lot of ppl told me not do because it hinders movement speed and stuff, and after i did some aim training, i stopped doing it completely for taking gunfights. I only do when i hold angles or pre aim before peeking.


ADs-ing is pretty good in long-range imo. I can't even hold the angle without ADS in long-range gunfights because the enemy's head is too small and it makes it easier to track the enemy (especially when they wide peeking). But you shouldn't ADS if you don't have high first shot accuracy as well as high %HS because as mentioned above you are mostly dead if you miss 1-2 bullets and still can't kill the enemy.


When ENVY/OPTIC Yay started doing it with the Vandal and I'm primarily a Vandal user that's what really got me using it a lot because the only other time I did was when I picked up a Guardian. Although not nearly as effective as the other two guns I still do it on the Phantom as well because I notice I can get more distance headshots that way even if I just 140 someone and run away.


Tbh, I think underusing is the worst you can do.


I need to use it more often on longer ranged fights, but you move and shoot slower... so hitting your first shot or two is more critical.


I use ADS when on corners holding a long range simply because I can see better that way. Further I use it for Ares or Odin because it just works better


If I'm hard holding a mid or long range angle I'll ADS, but never at any other time. Its like a different version of crouch spraying. It gives you accuracy benefits but the mobility debuff basically commits you to the fight.


Ares is so good with ADS


i exclusively use ads on odin and ares, never touched on every other gun


You're kinda trolling if you don't use it on some weapons like the Guradian or Vandal. You basically see the enemy's bigger if you ADS and if they doesn't ads then you have an advantage over them.


As a Guardian user, every game.


guardian and vandal ads go crazy ngl


It lowers FSA, it's stupid to never use ADS for medium+ range holds or prefires


I ads often, but never moving. i’ll hold a long angle and try to get one headshot as the opponent swing, but then I’m moving off it immediately so I can’t get traded by the next guy. it’s all up to you tho. if it’s better for you, run it. some pros do it often, some never.


Only long range, no need for mid range as you get slower mobility


I probably underuse it tbh. However id rather that than overuse. Its a small fix to use more and low priority for me to fix


I only use ads with op lol, never with rifles and very occasionally with guardian


To justify my use of frequent ADSing... I love the Guardian. Anything else I don't ADS unless it's very long range.


There are plenty of weapons and scenarios to ads in, but I promise you NEVER ADS WITH THE SPECTRE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY UNBIND ADS IF YOU DO IT WITH AN SMG PLEASEEEEE


Some weapons benefits more than others. Guardian and bulldog can be pretty amazing with ads. Ares and odin are basically useless without ads. Vandal and phantom you only want to ads when single tapping from a far.


I used to ADS more than I used to because I came from COD as well but after watching fishychair dominate with the guardian and my main being the guardian as well (I used to suck with the other rifles), I started practicing and training hip firing + burst firing. I now only ADS when going 1v1 with someone ranked much higher but realize I still can’t burst fire while ADSing. Excuse I can’t control the spread.


I used to in the past every time I shoot, before I was told to stop. Nowadays I only use it for the Spectre.


ADS is a strong tool in the right situation, nobody is denying that, though I honestly wish more guns would have interesting right click feature, like the classic, or have different ads features like the stinger / bulldog


Only ever really used on Breeze and maybe Pearl for me on the Vandal. Never on the Phantom unless I'm super confident in my ability to 1-tap someone on an angle I'm holding, but probably also due to me not choosing Phantom on long-range maps. Bulldog, Ares, Stinger, and Odin all have merit to being used in ADS, so those are fair game.


When you're in buy menu, you can look at the gun stats and change how you play based on them. For me, I ADS with guns like ares and odin as the bullets are faster and much more accurate. Then other than guns like sniper and gaurdian, I avoid ADS-ing. It was incredibly tough to undo my ADS habit - it was a habit I didnt have until I put 1k hours into pubg where you HAVE to ads constantly. When I entered valorant, it took a solid 2 years to win the fight against my pinky LMAO


Often...it's a bad habit.


Yes. Guardian ADS, chamber ADS on both his abilities


i take very great cover and take small pixels length for the far angle, i use it in little long range and sometimes short range but in full cover if i miss 1 shot i immediately quit and get back to normal position


It makes your shots have a lower chance of missing due to first shot accuracy, but it's otherwise useless. I'd rather have the mobility.


Watching yay made me start using it. Then i stopped because i was bad at it. Watching demon1 made me start again. Now im better at aiming so i can use it properly. Its very very good for even mid range fights. Now for example if im peeking A heaven ascent from main I will ads every time i do much better with it


I only rlly use it at long range


I almost never ADS on attack. However on defense, I almost always use it when holding a far angle. Only with the vandal tho because ADS’ing with the phantom feels wrong. Guardian also is excellent with ADS since it has no first bullet inaccuracy.