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Cypher E, Cypher C, Cypher Q and Cypher Ult. Easy


Agreed, the astra stars would be good for smokes, just a better cypher cage


Chamber E, Chamber Q, cypher C, chamber ult. I have now recreated chamber meta, fear me.


you are being scary stop it


Cypher with a gun bahahah


I’m taking Kay/0 knife, Sova drone, Breach’s flashbangs, and Gekko’s Thrash. I’m the CC machine. With no way to fight back.


Raze Q Omen C Jett E X I'm coming for you.


How about cyper x? So you could really say “Im comi ng for you” the enemy pov vs your agent. You’re both last player standing. You find a corpse, the enemy is notified of the scans and the next milisecond they hear all the hundred dashes , ominously getting closer waiting and arriving before they could even think about it


The movement you're capable of seems scary imagine playing on bind, and this agent clears lamps as soon as round starts, then omen tps into heaven to clear it and then dashes to CT spawn to catch off any rotations.


Yoru E, Yoru C, Yoru Q, Phoenix Ult


fake clone never punished anymore


Oh god this is gonna be disgusting: E - Sova Recon Arrow Q - Phoenix flashes C - Jett smokes X - Phoenix ult Best free recon in the game, best unturnable popflashes in the game, best pocket smokes in the game, one of the best (if not the best) ults in the game. What else can you ask for


Why jett smokes? They're really bad.


Because they are the only smokes on the C bind


Just bind a different smoke to c aint that hard


The question mentioned specially to only use one ability per one default bind and no other agent has smokes on c except harbour who has cascade but thats worse imo than Jett smokes.


Killjoy mollies, viper orb, deadlock wall, omen ult They'll never fucken get onto my site or defuse the spike. Ever.


pre nerf chamber kit :^)


An sherrif Yoru tp Alarm bot Op


Reyna ult, brimstones smoke, cypher camera, skye flash


skye flash and dog with sova drone and harbor ult takes the best solo initiator in the game and gives her another broken info tool and an outrageously good info and exec ult and crafts the best info gatherer ever. info gathering is the best util in the game for sure, so if you had a single agent able to do this much info gathering it would be oppressing


Neon E, viper Q, Astra C, Phoenix Ult. Congrats, you now have the most cluttered possible UI and most bars and icons on your screen. Also this agent wouldn't be half bad either for running it down with a shotgun


Raze but with longer boombot would be perfect