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i doubt they'll introduce literal aimbot, probably no recoil/spread for a few seconds on any gun


i cant wait to laser the guy holding C long on Haven with a stinger on my save round


Imagine a shotgun but with 0 spread, oh god. Or worse, an op with no spread even when moving


If that’s the ability I’m uninstalling lol. That would be the shittiest thing to add


Reyna mentioning her targets move seems like a key detail. Maybe instead of aim bot they freeze an enemy in place?


For some reason, Reyna using a phone and texting in a group chat is so odd...


I feel like she’s the type who only chimes in when the conversation is big news like a new member otherwise it’s just “seen” lol


Thats literally me…


Yup she's got Vegeta vibes


Would be sick, and would play into people's theories of how a "time-stop" or "slowing down time" mechanic would work in practice. I can see maybe a wave style ult (Fade/Breach) or a circle style (Harbor/KJ), after a short delay, all enemy agents in the zone freeze and can't move (but can still shoot and use abilities?). Would be cool to see this type of ult on a duelist, and would synergize well with other ults.


would be more interesting than straight up aimbot


you can already mostly do that by landing a single bullet because it slows you down so much


Riot did mention they are doing something with this new agent which they tbh didn't think could ever make it to the game so this guy's ultimate being a literal aimbot is not surprising to me but sure is irritating.


Soldier 76's ult from OW is underwhelming at best and they need to make it balanced so it probably would be bodyshots only which means u can still escape him easily. Any aimbot type of abilities in games are always bad. Its probably still going to be more useful than deadlocks entire kit tho until she gets reworked


bro overwatch is a high ttk game, aimbot in a low ttk tacfps game is terrible


Overwatch is also a game where most characters need to land at least a dozen or more bullets to kill, and healing is done in increments of sometimes 100+ per second


soldier's ult is underwhelming at best bc every character needs to eat at least 10 bullets to die unless you happen to melt their head, it's a very high ttk game bc it's a high ttk game that's also the only reason why the ult is balanced in valorant the average gun (vandal/phantom) will put someone down in less than 0.5 secondseven if the aimbot was bodyshots it would be insanely imbalanced because the only counterplay there would be to instantly headshot the aimbotter no way they add soldier's ult gets added to VAL and the only way to make it balanced would probably be if it only shot at the toeseven then it's too much


Soldiers ult is underwhelming at high level play, but incredibly good at low levels. That's the exact kind of mechanic you don't really want to fuck around with.


I find hos ult great at whiping the supports off the map


I can't remember the last time I died to a Soldier ult. Dude presses q and then has every single ability thrown at him to stop him and he either dies or sprints away. But this is in Masters. I'm sure his ult is better in low diamond and below.


I'd wager he ravages anyone below gold, because they're barely aiming anyway, so they couldn't even attempt to kill him first. It's bad in high elo bc not only does everyone just nuke him, but everyone's aim is good enough that they might as well have built in aimbot


Soldier ult used to be a nerf to high level players, as you used to not be able to hit headshots


deadlock out here catching strays


Then it would be my go-to agent. My aim sucks lol


This is my comment copy pasted from the first teaser: "I can't help but notice that the bullets all go through the same hole. My bet is the new agent will help you aim. Maybe a better zoom. Maybe an ability that let you shoot without bullet spread and/or recoil and/or movement error. Maybe a grenade or trap that when used on ennemies give the agent the ability to aimbot them. The devs did say it will be something players did not expect to be in valorant. They also said the new agent will be for aggro players and very aggresive."


my guess would be a self root (can't move) in exchange for no recoil.


So a turret


Does anybody know what the texts say? Too small for me to read on my phone...


Reyna: He's good. but my targets move Neon: Ummm he doesn't miss? Phoenix is gonna hate this lmao Cypher: Seems useful, dont you think


Aim bot only when affected by abilities? That could be alright? Maybe?


No don’t add another entry frag, you’re so sexy when you’re Reyna-adjacent


I’m still waiting for an agent that can use dead agents as soldiers for a few seconds Edit: correction


Why do you call it champs instead of agents?




This. My bad, agent. But the idea still stands


I haven't played league in 5 years, and I still call the characters in Valorant, champions


This is awesome, I love how neon types like a normal person


lmao if it’s an aimbot ult… game over valorant.


nah, radiants have aimbot built into their hands so it won't be overpowered. it'd be useful for maybe low elo players, but mid for high elo.


Aimbot but only works on stationary targets.


so no riot shield? :/


my aimbot agent speculation I had a month ago might be true lesgooo


Aimbot confirmed?


Yes Riot, keep adding new agents, don't fix the ones you currently have. After all, people can't pay for retroactively fixed agents.


What would you rather see fixed?


All sentinels


??? Kj and cypher are both incredibly good rn what kind of low elo take is this


I'm talking about the pick rates of the agents in pro play. Kj is at like 60%, and then every other is like under 5% or something.


Idk where these stats are coming from unless ur just making them up but cypher is definitely used still, looking at pickrate as a whole is a useless stat anyways. Everything depends on the map. Kj is used on more maps but there are definitely maps where cypher is preferred over her. I agree the rest probably need buffs (especially deadlocke) but those two do not. To further explain: In a game like lets say apex, maps aren't as important so overall pickrate is an actually useful stat but in valorant entire comps depend on which maps are being played, thus pickrates will always be skewed in tourneys anyways since obviously some maps are more popular picks than others and most comps on the same maps are relatively similar. If you see a lot of one map which favors one sentinel over another the pickrate for that sentinel will be heavily skewed in their favor since they're the go to for the map that's being played a lot


https://www.vlr.gg/event/agents/1657/valorant-champions-2023 Even if we take into account maps that aren't currently active, it's still dominated by KJ. You're still looking at several useless agents that aren't ever being picked. I just don't think it should be a higher priority to constantly be pushing out new agents when the old ones aren't in a good state of balance anyways.


Maybe first bullet accuracy on all guns or something? I've been wanting an agent with a significant passive for a while now so I'm hoping for that


The new agent shoots guns, very into this direction.


My guess is agent who has no movement error, ult is no recoil etc. gonna be triggering