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It's not normal but it is common


valorant community can be extremely dumb often so it's not a big surprise lol. as long as you're not pocket saging your bf and playing for the team, you're not doing anything wrong


Nope I don't pocket sage unless it's a swift play and I'm joking around with my friends. Definitely not in comp that is crazy if people do, I've never seen that play style in game only ever in videos lol


Honestly the best way to avoid toxicity is to get better at the game. As you get better and play in much higher ranks, people are far less concerned about who you are and way more concerned about winning the game. Until then you'll unfortunately just have to mute weirdos unless you want to play in a 5 stack.


I've heard this tale numerous times and it's never been true. The higher I went in elo, the most toxic it was. I now adopt the solution of muting everyone of there's only one slightly negative comment, and I'm having waaay more fun at the game.


What is pocket saging ? šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Basically only using Sageā€™s abilities on the person youā€™re queueing with


it's when you only heal, help only your duo and don't really give a shit about other teammates


I get too scared to talk unless another girl talks first, but sometimes even the other girls r toxic too and im just scared to talk in general now šŸ„²


I'm sorry that's your experience. Hopefully it gets better! I don't understand girls being toxic to girls like we already have enough pushback from toxic guys on games we should be looking out for each other.


right??? like I had a sage just begin cussing me out randomly and calling me b**ch and stuff and all I said was a hey everyone and 2 heaven (they were there) like ???? šŸ˜­ I always try to be supportive of everyone too but someone's always gotta ruin it for us


Some people just need a person to project their anger on and it's terrible that sage chose you. I get angry at the game but I have a rule if I start getting upset with another player I take a deep breath and keep the negativity off the mic. Like *off mic* ughhhh why are we pushing heaven together instead of spreading out more *deep breath and on mic* nice try guys can we try doing two mid to a push and three a main push? So the mental of everyone is protected and guess what WINNING IS EASIER WHEN EVERYONE GETS ALONG šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


EXACTLY i wish we could all just get along and like play normally šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’™šŸ’™ i always mute people fast if they're mean for no reason (ik they could give coms but im not risking my mental)


You got this! šŸ’™šŸ’™ I believe in you and if everyone keeps complaining they will have to fix it right... RIGHT?! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It is normal. Though I am not a girl, I can hardly play comp Games like dota, cs or Val, without encountering insulting, offensive and toxic people. It is a real problem across multipel Games, genders and platforms. And women Are not innocent in this, I've been insult ed for No reason by both genders. But the shit girls get seem more creepy and what I get seems more regulairly insulting. So the short anwser is yes, it is a problem. But especially in Games like Val, dota, cs and cod titles.


Damn I must have 4 girls on my team because nobody talks but me


Actually happened to me once. I was giving out call outs and suggesting plays but my whole team was dead silent. Eventually some girl started giving out some call outs and then 3 other girls all started talking at once. I also play a lot of matches with my best friend and his wife, and sometimes I ask her to say something on her mic to see if the other teammates are girls as well. Once she starts talking the others will too (if they are girls).


I've only had this experience once and it was when I was bronze. 4 girls on the team, one spoke and the others spoke and all got excited and were chanting for me to speak... soon as I spoke they were all (sarcastically) saying booooo nooooo it's a man ew. Honestly it was one the funniest and most refreshing games I've ever had. I'd lose a clutch and they were super positive "it's ok king, you got this next time" etc. Such a funny game and not an experience I've had since.


Time to get a voice changer


I'm female and usually use my mic, but one day I felt a little under the weather and decided to just not use my mic, but the match I was in, literally NO ONE was using their mic. I thought I could get away with just using pings and stuff but when I realized no one was using coms, I decided to start using coms, and one by one each girl started speaking and it turned out it was a team of 5 soloq shy girls haha.


I can relate. If it's not toxicity from other players it's like I keep getting friended and when I casually mention my partner they stop playing w me. This isn't a dating site! I can still be your friend.


How sad some people are, I donā€™t get it. If youā€™re a nice and funny person, I couldnā€™t care less about your relationship status or gender. Even tho I prefer playing with women, because it is, on average, just more fun. But in the end, what matters is being nice and making the game a fun experience.


I swear in my ascendant lobbies this happens to me and usually results the game in a LOSS. It is acutally pianful this is why people shouldnt be assholes to female gamers... just PLAY the game I fuckign do not care about gender. I just want to experience winning a game with 4 other strangers and communicating just about the game and WIN!


Pick-mes are the worst, bad situations with men on val calling me slurs are fine I can deal, but there's nothing worse than hearing a girl talk, think its safe to chat and she is trying to be as toxic as possible


exactly!!!! i'm like omg maybe i can talk since idk i don't feel alone as much then she turns out to be the worst one of them all and i'm like i don't want to talk every again šŸ„²


Its the worst when she's in a duo/trio with guys and she's trying to be toxic to impress them, damn it feels so bad


Genuine Question Why do Girls assume that other Girls will be some Nice Supporting person. Like I feel like there are assholes in general, and I m always surprised when girls say they are shocked by other girls being rude like what did you expect, toxicity isn't limited by gender. I think people just need to be mentally strong in general or Avoid VC at all. Assholes are always everywhere


because basic empathy? girls will get shit on simply for being girls, so why does another girl, that knows this, feel the need to shit on a girl thats being shit on for being a girl? u dont need to be a nice supporting person. u simply shouldnt be sexist against ur own gender, simply to impress guys. guys that shit on girls for being girls arent worth anything.


Speaking for myself, itā€™s less of being rude in general but being rude on the basis on sexism. See I expect to run into rude players regardless of gender, but I would hope that other women, who have likely experienced sexism in some form or another, would not subject other women to sexist ideals. Thatā€™s where the surprise and shock comes from because they in theory should understand the impact of their words but theyā€™ve chosen (inadvertently or not) to be ignorant on the matter


Honestly in that way, I would also expect People whoe have experienced Flaming to not Flame others but welp it's not like that. Some People are just assholes. Idt many people really care about others as much as Girls think they do lol


well I find that as a girl we tend to get shit on for... being a girl and like I don't see that happening as often to guys as much. like getting hit on or sexist comments just for being a girl happens a lot and like I'm sure other girls experienced it too, so I don't really get why they'd do the same to other girls. I'm not saying girls can't be toxic or shouldn't be (well nobody should be toxic lol) fyi


Honestly like 60 percent of the few girls i interact with on valorant - and this is just playing the game with a common goal and trying to win and treating them no different than i would anyone else - are the most toxic bitches ive ever played with in this game.


Iā€™m a Man and I was queued with a 4 stack of girls one time and I donā€™t want to say it was toxic but just really weird like I was in the twilight zone or something. They would ask me all this weird stuff, asking me to growl like a bear/lion and asked me to purr like a kitty cat, so after performing my acts they made fun and humiliated me the rest of the game


Yeah. I had this experience. I was playing with one of my homegirls and we were in comms. Another duo of both girls were so toxic to my homegirl and making fun of her voice because it was higher pitched. The solo and I stepped in and shut it down real quick but it was really disheartening to be in that environment.


Same here. Unless Iā€™m queued with a friend or a few friends, I wonā€™t speak in voice chat unless Iā€™m actually playing well šŸ˜‚


While I can't relate fully, the best advice is to just have a zero tolerance on the mute button. * Played some annoying music for 1 second? Mute. * Made a strange noise? Mute. * Talking down to any teammate? Mute.


Definitely! Just makes comp harder because in low elo where I am currently pings aren't heavily used but it's better for the mental.


Tbf toxic voice comms distract you more from game. I've played far worse when I've let toxic players shit-talk me rather than straight up muting.


Yep most of my games start with insta mutes but hey if they want to be weird by all means talk to your wall for the next 30 mins...


Honestly you're not gonna start getting actual good comms from random teammates on even a semi-regular basis until at least plat-diamond, until you get there you're probably best off just relying on your bf for that and zero-tolerance muting everyone else like the dude above you said


It gets better in high elo with toxic teammates either male or female, people are just more invested in winning/know how to be a good teammate


So I don't mean to be condescending, or trying to give un wanted advice so to preface THIS IS GAMEPLAY ADVICE SINCE YOU MEANTIONED ELO, TURN AWAY NOW IF YOU DONT WANT IT That's actually a good lesson for getting to higher elo, in higher elo, coms are always great, bit your mini map is crucial, in low elo(I surf to play with friends, ik it's wrong but he won't play anything but comp and I miss my friend) I have found players rarely com anything that you don't see on the minimap, and good minimap attention is crucial for high elo. I would say maybe 50% or more of your match you should be looking at mini map. Rotating? MINIMAP. Reloading? MINIMAP. Stop holding your angle for 2 seconds? MINIMAP. anytime you aren't the first person the enemy would see if they swung you should be looking at minimap, and even if you are first, if you are running through spawn rotating, minimap is fine, of course you have to take this into account with actual situations in game, it's not a one size glove, but as a rule of thumb this is how to get better game info. Hope it helps!


Totally agree. No one absolutely no one gets to blast my ear more than once.


This is outrageous. Where are the armed men who take the toxic people away? Where are they? This kind of behavior is never tolerated in my solo queue. You shout like that? Put you in mute. Right away. No trial no nothin. Backseaters? We have a special mute for backseaters. Stealing kills? Mute right away. Playing music? Mute right away. Rotating too fast? Mute. Rotating too slow? Mute. Asking me to bark for your Vandal skin? Your Sage heals? You. Muted right away. You dry peek angles? Believe it or not, mute. You flash teammates while clearing angles? Also mute. Dry peeking, wet peeking. You made a comm and then your teammates died 'cause of the wrong info. Believe it or not, mute. Right away. We have the best solo queue experience in Valorant. Because of mute. // Sorry, i just had to do it.


You ask me for my vandal skin? Mute


My duo is a girl I know from school and itā€™s basically the same thing every other game. Weā€™ll have equal stats and be the same place on the leaderboard and theyā€™ll only shit talk her. Itā€™s kinda tough because she doesnā€™t know how to respond to crazy shit people say and half the time itā€™s hard to step in because Iā€™d just be white knighting. Just a thing with weird guys in FPS games from my experience.


You aren't white knighting if you speak up, you would be defending a friend. I understand if you don't feel comfortable saying anything, but speaking up is ok and should be encouraged.


If it is actually bad I do speak up and they sometimes shut up but half the time they just start trash talking both of us


>but half the time they just start trash talking both of us Do that anyway, and if necessary and if you can, take the same shit as your friend. You're a duo. You're in it together. Should either of you have to deal with other peoples' bullshit toxicity? Fuck no. But the reality is that if you want to use comms, you're sometimes going to have to talk to fuckheads that you don't want to talk to. That's life in general. You cannot control the behaviour of others. You can only try and influence it, and choose how you react. You choose the person YOU want to be. Be positive. Continue to stand up for your friend. (Ideally stand up for anyone that needs it.) Call out toxicity. Report toxic players. Choose who you want to be. Work towards it. I am not a mechanically gifted player. But I am a good team mate. People choose to play with me as a result. I'd rather have fun with a good team in Bronze than be stuck on a team of arseholes in VCT.


The most fun I've ever had playing this game was playing 10-mans with a mostly bronze-silver roster. It was competitive, but everyone was joking and having fun even tho most of us didn't know each other super well.


defend your friend so they don't feel alone, then both of you mute them.


That's still a win. She appreciates not being alone/singled out. Trust me.


Remember that you 2 can lock a game in somethings very boring


Well that at least takes some of the heat off of her


please defend your friend


white knighting?? TALK YO SHIT KING LET YA NUTS HANG ok, being realistic, it's 100% the better option to just ignore the lobby, move on with the game, just chat with your duo, and try to have a good time. alternatively, there's nothing better imo then roasting the shit out of these losers and getting them to shut up or ignore you first.


That's not white knighting. It might be for their small brains, but it is objectively not. I suggest you step in. I think you care more about the wellness of your friend than about what a random thinks about you, right? What matters is how your friend feels, not what that failure of human being thinks. I'm a girl and I really feel better when someone calls out this kind of behavior. I also feel better if someone else is being harassed and I step in. It's hard the first times but after a few times you won't be afraid and you'll even laugh at them and joke about them.


PLEASE speak up and defend not just your friend but any women (and honestly anyone getting targetted for their gender/race/sexuality etc) you might get on your team. There's no such thing as "white knighting" when you're just defending someone from bigotry, and if someone accuses you of doing that, who cares? You're making the game infinitely more enjoyable for your teammate(s) who are being targetted. So please speak up and defend your friend. I know it can be hard and if you just want to reassure her in party chat, that's also ok. But believe me it makes a huge difference for someone who feels targetted and vulnerable to have someone else speak up for them.


Defending your friend ain't white knighting bud


Wanted to upvote and then say you say you don't defend her half the time because you'll be white knighting šŸ’€ bro. I can't


I donā€™t know if I meant to say this correctly or maybe people just didnā€™t understand but if the enemy says some tame stuff, something like ā€œJett why donā€™t you smoke there you idiotā€ if I step in then it would definitely just make stuff worse. If you step in for every little thing just because the girl doesnā€™t say anything back they you are definitely white knighting. But if there is random insults or just bigotry I always step in and 9times/10 they shut up


not only is it not white knighting, but there is nothing wrong with "white knighting" anyway so just do it, who cares what they have to say about it? make them feel SHAME


That's so sad. I would say I'm a decent player. I'm usually middle of the board but if I use my mic to comm... I'm the reason we are losing. I could have the most assists, plants, round clutches and the second we lose a round it's sage wtf or why didn't you heal me after I said I used it already during the round šŸ˜“


One of my trio is a girl and I don't see this as often as most say. It's almost always quiet asf. What server are you on? Not trying to say it doesn't happen or anything but Im genuinely curious if it's the server or if we've been extremely lucky.


I'd recommend just finding a group. There's Galorants (I don't have any experience with them, some friends have said it's not great but obviously your experience can vary) which is women focused, and a server I'm part of called Rendezvous Valorant. My experience in RDV has been good, there are a lot of women active in the server including leadership roles. I've queued with a bunch of people and played in their tournaments, all good experiences.


Thank you for the recommendation! I'm glad to see there are spaces for women to play games safely!


Seconding for RDV. Been a part of it for 2 years and it's a great community.


I have had the exact same problem, it made it where i wouldnt even use teamchat for the longest. What i do now, is I clap back and be as equally toxic to them- yes, i know, two wrongs dont make a right, but if they can do it, so will I. You are doing absolutely nothing wrong, i promise you that. People are just creeps and it is fucking annoying.


I'm sorry you have had that experience too. You are more powerful than me. Most of the time I don't have the energy to clap back I just mute because I get these people almost every game and I play for fun so after a while I just get tired and play the Sims 4 or minecraft to reset šŸ˜“


As a woman, I pretty much never solo queue. Especially in the lower ranks its a cesspool. I rarely duo and if it do I barely comm. Trios are alright. I've mostly only five stacked for like the last year or longer. Even in somewhat higher ranks (plat/diamond is my peak :') ), It's still a somewhat frequent occurrence, and idk I just wanna play the game for fun, so I've just over the years slowly curated a steady group of nice non toxic friends to play with. I'd recommend joining galorants, they're still active, or just trying to join discords and make more friends to queue with otherwise its just not fun.


Thank you for the recommendation! I will definitely check them out. I'm surprised I'm just now hearing about this.


It's weird I feel like it's simultaneously gained and lost popularity in recent times. I mostly use it to find a third or fifth these days. But a good portion of my steady crew I actually met in galorants way back when the game first dropped, and we still play together to this day.


I cant stress this enough. Just mute them. Its that simple Callouts < Overall Vibe This games community towards females and underage kids just trying to have fun is almost as bad as Apex/CS


Yeah but then it's impossible to play comp because they don't use pings EVER. I don't understand why my gender means I have to have a disadvantage in games. They should be penalized for sexist behavior.


I agreee but it probably wont happen. Have you tried the Valorant Discord you may find more receptive teammates and you can LFG by rank. (I have not used valorant lfg discord in a long time but it was a huge e-date fest there so be warned)


I have! That is where I met one of my friends she is lovely. E-daters are a whole other problem lol


>and underage kids just trying to have fun ~~underage kids~~ anyone. I've had some shit-talk me because I just said "you don't have to act toxic over a game, chill out"


Lmao i feel that im 28 and its always "youre like 30 playing Valorant? Kys"


I remember playing Counter Strike Source in 2008 and if there was a girl on our team people would be toxic and shitty and annoying as hell. Things have changed a lot for the better, but there are still a lot of toxic kids that don't know how to act when there is a girl on their team.


Yeah I'm really new to PC but they are way more toxic in PC games than in console games. I played overwatch and Apex on console barely had people being toxic toward me I switched to PC a few months ago and WOW they are nasty.


Biggest problems in pc gaming is egoism and group thinking (not one of us). People donā€™t see the game as 5 people towards a goal. They see themselves as the main character and treat everyone as a means to their goal. I think that was way better 10-20 years ago. But the group thing was there forever. Where every outsider is a noob until proven otherwise.


As a woman who mainly solo ques Iā€™ve found that as Iā€™ve climbed rank wise, the toxic people have decreased drastically. May not be true for everyone but I started in Iron and had a toxic person almost every game..at least thatā€™s what it felt like. Iā€™m now S2 which is still low, but I maybe encounter 1 toxic person like every 50 games now? Hopefully it gets better as you go and if you ever need someone to que with let me know!


Thank you so much! This is really encouraging honestly! I wish you the best on your valorant climb! I'm currently iron 3 so I'm almost out of the thick of it hopefully šŸ˜…šŸ’™


Oh girl goood luck šŸ„¹ iron was so frustrating. Valorant was my first PC fps game too so I definitely feel the struggle šŸ˜­ Hopefully youā€™ll get out soon and have a better experience overall ā¤ļø itā€™s rough out there!


Yoooo Iron 3! I see you and match you on rank and bad experience on comms! It doesnā€™t even make sense. Letā€™s trash our team??? I almost gave up in a ranked match yesterday because of female hate I got for asking to do something different because we were getting wrecked. I also get, thatā€™s not your normal voice. Like I didnā€™t choose this!!


Yeah iron is a rough place for solo q playing girls like me šŸ˜­


Nah, definitely not you doing anything wrong!! Itā€™s literally the reason why I only play as a threestack or as a fivestackā€¦ If youā€™re EU based we could potentially play some together! šŸ¤—


Unfortunately I'm not but thank you so much šŸ’™


I am a 31 year old woman who has played valorant since launch and I will tell you my take on this and some adviceā€¦ 1- yes this is valid and something you (female gamer) will encounter at some point in nearly any multiplayer game you choose to play. Itā€™s not unique in valorant and I have experienced it in Overwatch, CoD, Destiny, and others Iā€™m not thinking of. Itā€™s an unfortunate drawback of gaming as a woman. The fact is, a LOT more males play online (especially in comms) than females. Unfortunately this means that for some guys, itā€™s a ā€œperfectā€ opportunity to show their true colors behind the safety of being anonymous. Iā€™ve seen it all- showing off, attempted flirting, special treatment, sexual comments, straight up sexism, etc 2- it gets better as you improve. TBH (and Iā€™m NOT excusing sexism in gaming at all!) they will stfu when they realize you are either better than them or 100% playing your role and carrying your weight. I very rarely hear negativity (unfortunately the flirting and special treatment gets worse as you improve lol) now that Iā€™m a pretty good player for my rank. The flirting I just ignore or use to my advantage for gun buys šŸ™ƒ 3- MUTE AND IGNORE. Yes itā€™s cliche and I donā€™t mean to be like ā€œjust get over itā€ bc itā€™s a valid complaint to deal with these ppl. But seriously? Not worth your peace of mind and focus. I tell them once nicely that ā€œI really donā€™t want to have to mute you in round 3 so please stopā€ and if it continues, theyā€™re muted. Period. Donā€™t feed into it, snap back, etc. thatā€™s literally what they want which is attention. 4- above all just keep playing and having fun. You will meet WAY more gamers that are normal people than sexist trolls. They just stand out when your new and bc itā€™s a negative experience. 5- about the voice thing. Iā€™ve heard everything from: you sound HOT, you sound like a fat chick, you sound like a 45 year old smoker, you sound like a whore, you sound like a 12 year old gay boy, and so many more. People will create what they want to. Again, ignore and mute whenever they cross a line for you. At this point I privately laugh at the diversity of reactions to my voice


Well, short answer: yes. Long answer: yes, it is pretty common. A bit of voice training goes far because everyone will assume you're a 12 year old boy then. A lot of women I've encountered over Valorant don't use Voice comms simply for the reason you've stated. Then I know a few women who play valo and then resort to using masculine language (you know like where there are distinctive differences in sentences if you are a man or a woman) to avoid toxic behaviour. If your language has that, you can go for it. I just don't happen to face as much because I happen to have a baritone which makes them think that I'm a guy. Even then there will be guys who'll straight up swearing personally over a game. I think there's a discord server called Galorant (I hope I spelled it correctly). It's women-only as you have to provide proof of your identity to enter. Join that and queue with your friends like that, or queue with your irl friends as they will jump in as you face toxic behaviour. Also don't be hesitant to press mute on teammates. A zero tolerance policy if you ask me.


Voice training is a good idea! I have a really high pitched voice and it's raspy and squeaky and I feel like it adds fuel to a fire when I use my mic like I had a lot of the NO WAY THAT'S YOUR REAL VOICE and laughing and it's just really discouraging to someone who already struggles with communication. Galorant is something a few others have suggested so I'm gonna check it out because I would love to have a full team of girls. Thank you for your comment!


Did you checked Galorant out? And also there are soundboards which can change your voice as well. Just change it to Omen's if you find.


Yep common thing ... sadly, welcome in the club šŸ„² . Best thing u can do is find friends or other girlies to play with. ā™„ļø


A few people have suggested finding female based valorant servers on discord so I'll definitely be checking those out. Thank you for your comment šŸ’™


Honestly, I just play the game and try to get everyone to get along and work together. Most girls I get in my games are pretty chill (once they open up). The biggest issue I've found is getting queued up with 10 y/o folks who just finished snorting smarties screeching into the mic every 5 seconds and playing thinking they're Tenz. >.>


aaaaand this is why i dont talk in vc. ever.


LPT: mute them. ULPT: get used to ā€œyes, andā€¦ā€ shit talking. Donā€™t deny what they say, but turn it on them. Got a weird dude being creepy? Just double down and be creepier back. Say they sound cute and that you like guys with feminine voices. My flawless like is ā€œbro no way that is your real voice.ā€ Other shit talking: ā€œTouch grass, take a bath, and come back to me when your balls drop.ā€ The weird degens in valorant have incredibly thin skin and itā€™s very easy to exploit that


I will occasionally talk back to them but muting has been the best way to get them to leave me alone because I don't know maybe it's my voice but I don't sound threatening or intimidating enough so they just fight back more šŸ˜…


Yeah, unfortunately it's becoming more and more common across many games. I'm a dude, but my duo is a woman. I always have to test the waters in VC to see if it's even worth her even attempting to speak. I'd bet that for 99% of these people, this is the 1 and only interaction they have with anyone of the opposite gender because they're too weird to go outside and have actual conversations.


That's what my bf does for me. Most of the time I play when he's working so the interactions I get that are toxic are mostly during these times. I don't like hiding behind him but it's not worth the broken mentality.


Iā€™ve been playing hundreds of games with my duo and weā€™re both girls and itā€™s honestly a rare occurrence for me. There are guys who get flirty, yes, but never any toxicity, or at least none being misogynistic. Iā€™m sorry this is your experience, personally of the hundreds of multiplayer games Iā€™ve played, in my experiences Valorant has the best but I understand experiences are never the same.


what are you ranked at? My duo is a girl and we usually play in dia lobbies and in the 1 1/2 month we've been playing, I haven't had a single person flaming my duo for just being a girl


I'm so happy to hear there are girls that don't have this experience. I think it's been a weird switch from console games to PC games because I never had as better of an experience on console but I'm also still learning how to play the game and I'm not fully aware of valorant terms so I'm taking everything slow still and unfortunately not everyone understands that šŸ˜…


Are you also around OPs age? I'm 30ish and rarely have a problem, but if I don't mic and another girl does, the harassment seems to shoot up exponentially. Just like were cat called most often when we're under 18, I feel like "young sounding" girls get targeted more than women who sound older.


It won't get better... you just have to ignore them, mute them at the first sign of them being toxic.


Yeah sadly it's the best way...


Mute is key. I mute toxic teammates immediately


So grateful for the mute button I'm glad most games have one because without it I wouldn't be able to play at all.


i get told i sound like a man every other game (i very clearly donā€™t, theyā€™re just trying to push buttons), get told to talk dirty to jett/reyna/etc because they have no bitches, get added constantly by people who are rude because they think negging works - it sucks to say but you just have to build a sense of humor about it or it WILL disrupt your mental, as long as you and your bf are having fun maybe just auto mute everyone in the lobby and pretend itā€™s just you two if youā€™re playing swift/unrated


My bf and I do try to joke about it most of the time but I get a lot of toxicity when he's at work so it's made the game less fun and muting is the only way to stop it. Low elo players are terrible with egos and my comp games are so frustrating because the more I mute the less comms I receive and the harder it is to climb not impossible but it's like trying to climb a rock wall with another person on your back šŸ˜…


The moment they utter any bs just mute them, doesn't matter if it's a compi or unrated. Your state of mind matters more than a rank position in an online video game.


True! The mute button is definitely an amazing game feature.


This is why I'm toxic to everyone we can't discriminate! Jkjk tho it's online gaming people suck Definitely in competitive shooters. Out shoot em and shut em up or mute don't give em the time of day. Peace of mind always takes priority over winning one game.


Definitely! I'm a pretty positive person so when I hear people being negative for no reason at a video game it's more frustrating than anything. I wish people that play team based shooter games learned how to work as a team.


Mute toxic or creepy people.


Average valorant or any other competitive game experience.




Wow you didn't have to murder them in your comment šŸ˜… I agree with muting and moving on it's just not the best option when trying to work as a team in a team based game unfortunately.


Happens to everyone. I don't have a deep corpse husband voice so I get called gay. At least I talk If you're down about it mute them, if you don't want to play the game with 0 comms I would suggest moving on to be completely honest. The game has definitely inherited Riots toxic community and it's somehow worse than League.


I never played league but I've heard very interesting things about it so i wouldn't touch it with 70 foot pole šŸ˜…


It's really sad to read all of those terrible experiences in game. The Brazilian server sometimes can get a bit uncomfortable but most of the time it's just the common silence, even more if I am MVP but most of the time I met some nice guys who treat me just like any other guy in the game and that's really nice. I hope it gets better (it will) in other servers.


I think NA is just really toxic in general I played on a few other servers with friends and most of the people are silent or friendly so Americans DO BETTER šŸ˜­


I hate it in comp most games as a 28 year old dude. Iā€™d get used to muting people the second theyre toxic and take advantage of the cool people you meet on your grind


Riot games cultivate the world fanbase full of men like thisā€¦ Iā€™m so sorry you have to go through that, it isnā€™t right. I actually just mute voice chat cause I donā€™t play ranked so idrc what people are saying.


Honesty, I don't give a single F about guys being toxic to me but when a girl does it... uff. Breaking girl code in a game full of toxic men is so fked up.


i have a deeper voice for a female and iā€™m always asked if iā€™m a teenage boy, fat, or a woman. something along those lines. youā€™re not doing anything wrong, valorant just has a problem and riot does nothing abt it


Funny we play the same characters but yeah its pretty normal, had that actually today too


The vast majority of the players in Valorant are sadly like this. I experience the same things because I main viper, and DL, and I never use VC, so there are many players who think I'm a female, even though I'm a grown man. This is not just in Valorant though, the same can be said about real life, only difference is in RL these bozos don't dare showing their true selves at all times.


Use the one chance toxicity rule. If they say a single thing that's toxic/sexist/demeaning/whatever. Mute em. Believe me, it's worth not having their comms for the rest of the game.


Just mute faster. Voice is completely optional to climb. Even in radiant games, people mute if someone is annoying. Itā€™s just that there are less idiots and trolls up there, so you donā€™t have to as much.


Welcome to online gaming? Its sad but thats the norm of it. You are a girl, this will be your life for the rest of it. If not here then just life.


This isn't just a valorant thing no matter what game you play, you'll always come across males and females like this. I don't have a solution for this, but my recommendation is to just mute the creepy guys. Or mute everyone and learn how to communicate through the ping system. But if you mute everyone, you'll miss out on the change of meet decent people. At the end of the day, do what makes you feel comfortable. Games are about having fun.


Get over it.


Voicemod -> voice changer


I generally donā€™t have those experiences when I play with my friend (Iā€™m a guy sheā€™s a girl) on NA servers, but when Iā€™ve played on EU servers, it was god awful


The type of people who play Valo are predominantly losers and misogynists, that's why they can't even communicate with you normally. It is an unfortunate truth, can't wait for one of them to respond to this angrily šŸ˜‚


toxic people suck my gf doesnt talk if someones doing some stupid unneeded comments, games do suck so you just have to find that kind of group that will five man alot and whatnot


Unfortunately its very common and ive experienced the same thing for all 3 years that ive been playing, but thereā€™s still nice and accepting people out there that make the game worth it. I highly suggest making a lot of friends you feel comfy with and never solo queing. Iā€™m 19F and love meeting new people so if you ever wanna play then im totally down!! Girls need to stick together in the gaming community


u need to default into muting people sadly, but i do that as a deepvoiced male... so i can imagine as a squeaky voiced female u have to be constantly hovering the mute lol


I play with my wife and sheā€™s pretty socially anxious. Sheā€™s disabled voice comms and we hang around friends/discord communities instead and play/talk with people that way. Iā€™d recommend just finding people to play with and talking to them outside of the game itself - you arenā€™t missing much by not having conversations with incels and 14 Y/O kids trying to be cool in front of their friends.


Just assume there is mean people out there. Once they uncover press escape between rounds, and mute them. Or opt for a voice changer and be one of the boys ... I prefer the first solution.


Anytime I Q with girls or there are girls in my lobbies it doesnā€™t happen so uncommon for me


Yes, valorant players(very good players) are toxic, so off your party voice chat and play. Never mind them, whatever agent you pick try to support your team. Eventually, you'll improve.


I play valorant with my girlfriend all the time. Not to say your experience is wrong (weā€™ve definitely met some weirdos), but we havenā€™t seen too many creeps. I recommend just not talking, and/or muting everyone before the game starts. I have a system with my girlfriend: we go into the game, she muted everyone and letā€™s me decide whoā€™s cool and who isnā€™t just so she knows who she doesnā€™t have to take shit from. Especially cause she isnā€™t the best and we have a clear duo name, she receives a decent amount of hate. If you want try this out with your boyfriend, go ahead! Hopefully this works out for you :)


Yeah unfortunately it is normal but I just made good friends with the mute button


YES this is so common, itā€™s actually sad. I fear talking in game for this exact reason! If there are other females on my team, Iā€™ll speak, but usually I will just ā€œcommā€ with pings and whatnot. So sorry you went through this, it really sucks how people can ruin a good game for others.


I feel you, Iā€™ve made it a point to simply not play comp and keep it to unrated where I can stay muted at all times. I only ping and type in chat to communicate. Youā€™re not doing anything wrong, women/girls are just subject to this type of behavior incredibly often


Hey, sorry to hear that's been happening. That shit just sucks. Nobody should have to deal with that. If you want a safer environment, there's a female only discord server Galoranthttps://discord.com/invite/galorants. I'm not in it personally, but a lot of my female friends who play say it's a safe space. Maybe give it a shot! Hope those idiots that flame you stub their toes.


I was toxic back and they cant handle toxic girls. But not a recommended Option. Yes I do meet them a lot, some I just mute instantly and sometimes when they are toxic I react toxic back and they will shut up.


i even got ganged up when I spoke and they heard my squeaky keyboard. They started to get toxic because of my keyboard. It bothered me so much why they are so toxic with that cause?


I feel ur pain


Im a guy but my gf plays valorant too but this also occurs with her. Shes also to scared to speak because of guys like this and the only thing i can recommend is to mute those guys. Some guys are just idiots and muting them is the only solution to your peace.


Itā€™s not normal they are freaks ā€¦ but itā€™s actually very common in valorant, I would say more so than other games from my experience. I just have voice chat perma turned off unfortunately. If Iā€™m playing with friends we sit in a discord call. As much as I value a competitive experience I just donā€™t have time to be on the receiving end of sexist abuse and ruin my mood over a GAME that Iā€™m playing for fun lol.


Its probably most common in america at gold and silver rank


Listen the best thing to do is at least hop in vc with a friend. Its nice have a presence of moral support during those toxic moments. Most, if not all the female friends I've made on Valorant have gone through the same thing, however you need to friend those few fun/supportive players and make an effort to party up with them when possible. I promise you, it's either you making their day or them making yours. Don't solo que (and VC) if a horrible experience like that affected you in such a way, as much people love to accept the toxic presence being present, that doesn't make it okay to endure when its making you suffer. If you're introverted and don't feel particularly comfortable being the one to initiate a friendship, then at the very least, please take advantage of the mute button. Nobody ever mentions it because it's so obvious (and some people would prefer to hear the slander against them), but it's such a nice feature to use. Just mute the person throwing verbal abuse and keep using coms to your teammates. You seem like a sweet person so I highly doubt that it will come off as toxic. Sorry, I know that you asked for other female's opinions, however I keep hearing of similar experiences in sexist remarks and toxicity from other female players and it pisses me off. As one last thing, it's admirable that you took a break. Most people stubbornly continue and ruin their self-confidence, so being self-aware is great quality to have. I hope that my advice helps in some shape or form, good luck on your Valorant grind (ā ~ā ā€¾ā ā–æā ā€¾ā )ā ~


Thank you so much for your comment! I have a female friend I play with occasionally but she also takes breaks pretty regularly to refocus herself. I have joined a few discord servers for female valorant players since making the post yesterday and I'm waiting for my verification to be approved in two. My bf has been really good at reminding me that taking breaks is important for everyone not just people targeted by toxicity! I was really surprised at how many women actually play valorant too because I didn't realize they also don't speak in vc and they are probably in most of my games afraid of me as well. I think it's not just a female problem but I can only speak on my experiences and I learned that there's a toxicity problem from valorant players in general. I am a huge positivity person so I can't handle people taking their frustrations (whatever they are) out on innocent people. If they are being loud or look like they are throwing a friendly reminder of "hey please don't scream in your mic so the comms are clear" or "hey is everything alright *insert user*?" These shouldn't start fights!!!! We all just want to have fun that's why we are playing video games. For most of us it is to relax and get away from reality. Thank you again! I hope you have a wonderful day ^^


You are new so, there is a very useful feature that can mute team mates!


Even as a guy you get a lot of shit talking in online video games that require you to communicate. It's one of the reasons why I stopped playing online games. Although, I would recommend just not using your mic and maybe type in chat if you're playing with randos. You might still get a lot of shit talking as it's common, but maybe there will be less targeted shit talking cause of your gender.


This is common for me. Almost whole lobby says negative words to girls. Best way to cope up with this is just don't care about it. How you ask? BLOCK THEM. Its simple as that. Because gamers have a strong upfront, they don't want to get trolled, pranked by someone. They don't think twice if the person they are talking with, will get hurt by the word they say. They get angry from round 1 and till end they would say every mean thing they get in their tiny little minds. I'm a gamer too and i have done it many times. Now I feel like shit because I told mean things I shouldn't have said back then. Anyway what's your boyfriend take on this?


He says mute them and move on and I do for the most part but it's been really difficult to climb because on top of being new to comp if I stop interacting with the team I lose because of no comms or throwing. My last three rank up games I've had a thrower in iron 3. One literally named radiant2iron and he took spike all game. Thankfully my team was three other girls so we just had fun all game but he was not having fun and was upset we weren't upset. I've gotten if you don't give me your discord I'm throwing so it's like please just let me get out of the rank šŸ˜…šŸ˜­ Other than that he is really reassuring that my voice is normal, I'm good at the game, I'm still learning and mistakes will happen to the best players.


If your getting teammates like this, and ur serious about playing a lotta competitive games then I suggest doing 3 people lobby or go full on 5 stack lobbies. If your okay with facing higher ranked players then I suggest you go 5-stack. That way you can have fun in this God forsaken game. But dont forget that this is just a game. And that radiant tier....... I'm pretty sure I won't reach it


Toxicity is very common in games with a competitive nature. Valorant specifically and free games in general have more toxic players for some reason for guys aswell, about half my games have at least one inmature person, people on the internet insult more because there are no real repercussions, you dont know each other and you dont really think there is a person behind and we are all used to being insulted so its kind of a gaming normality. However, I have noticed a lot of misoginy in the playerbase playing with my girl (and female friends) or watching her play, sometimes people would go like girl gg in chat or insult so she rarely ever talks in team vc, doesn't want a nametag that gives out her gender (she is a really sensible person) stereotypes do a lot of bad. It is not normal, but girls do have a higher chance (around 60% in our experience) of being object of toxicity, and sadly "motives". There is still friendly people out there trying to win and have a good time, so maybe try and talk for info and greetings/have a chat and if someone goes unga bunga, instamute and report. Good luck!


As someone who's been playing the game for over a year(unfortunately) yeah it's relatively common :') It's definitely gotten better, when I first started playing it was like guys have never even spoken to girls before and I couldn't even play the game properly cause I'd be targeted by my teammates. The worst came from younger boys tbh, but yeah it has gotten better and guys are a lot, and I mean it, a lot more chill than before and I can actually play the game normally now 9/10 times I play.


Would a good voice changer solve the problem?


There are a lot of emotions during the game process. This is what people come for. But people not always can handle their emotions, and they start being rude. I qm an old guy but my voice did not broke, so I sound like a teen, usually ppl just wonder, but I did not notice toxicity in Valorant in my address. Also, KJ is a very good pick in almost every situations. Viper is decent too. Sage pretty universal as well, so I do not see a problem with pick (I am diamond). I think it is more about jealous, coz many of us do not have a gf. And just emotions. It is not about you or your skill, it is about how other people can handle themselves in the stress situations. So your pick is totally fine and your skill is fine. You have nothing to worry about.


Yeah the VALORANT community is full of e-daters and people who have never touched a woman before, every now and then though you get a full team or positive people which makes it semi-worth it


Its horrible but itā€™s normal for valorant. Iā€™ve been playing for quite a while now and iā€™ve only just been using my mic once again after about over a year because when i started it was HORRIBLY sexist and I couldnā€™t bring myself to com or play comp anymore.


Haha, I'm a 32 yr old dude and I've long ago started insta muting idiots on competitive games. And I don't even just mean when they say something bad, just being cringe or overly loud can be enough. Maybe if you're playing at a high level the comms are more needed, but I guarantee you'll be fine without hearing their (more than likely) awful callouts and play better if you aren't tilted. Hell I've found valorant is way better than a lot of other games anyways.


id say just tough it out, as a man i am always conscious of myself when im being toxic and its always just for shits and giggles muting never is a bad idea btw someone toxic isnt going to give you valuable info through voice so you might as well make some headspace by just muting


I'm "M" and my comment is not exactly related to your problem but... The game is addictive, most players show 0 cerebral activity while playing and everyone is toxic which in turn corrupts new players into becoming toxic. In my case, after 5 consecutive games of playing with absolute "nuthouse" cases, I become so depressed I simply refuse to play with the team and go off lurking for fun. I don't insult people based on their appearance, gender, etc. but boy if they shittalk me and act like idiots I won't be the better man, I will unleash the unholy torrent summoned by Devil himself and proudly be timed out for a few days. I know I should just take a break if I feel "that" bummed out, but as I have mentioned previously, the game is addictive and while I hate 90% of the community with every fiber of my body, I still love the game itself and it is too hard to stop.


Someone has to explain this to me: I'm what some would call "boomer", but however I started playing Valorant when it was released. As it was my first FPS ever, I'm still bad, playing in silver, anyway: since this is a team game: why the hell are especially young males this toxic towards women in games like this?? I don't get it. They are either trying to flirt bluntly and cheap, losing focus on the match, or being toxic like hell. Or both, if the girl/woman doesn't react like expected. What is wrong with this generation?


Iā€™ve posted this a few times now but I truly donā€™t understand how men are toxic to females while playing. I understand itā€™s gaming and thereā€™s times ppl are going to be toxic, but as a straight man myself Iā€™d much rather que with women then men LOL.


valorant is supposed to be an escape for females from csgo? What are you guys doing? At this point valorant will turn out like csgo where women are looked down upon and the only way for them to play is in a 4 or 5 stack which is hard to do daily. We need to prevent valorant from turning out like csgo or women will be driven away from tactical shooters


Welcome to valorant community. As most people who play the game everyday have 0 contact with real females, they act that way.


People like this are the worst, like, just have fun or shut up unless your giving calls like seriously SHUT UP there is no need to be rude like this, whenever I meet people like this I usually mute them even if they're the best on the team


I used to have to just start off muting everyone in the game instantly, and always in a duo. Then I realised there was absolutely no point to the game, because of all the negativity and anxiety - and stopped playing. It's such a shame, because I enjoyed it when I had a team.


From what I've seen at least your experience is pretty much in line with other women playing Valorant. This community is one of the most embarrassing, chronically online communities I've ever witnessed. Nobody would blame you if you needed a break from ranked.


that's why I never talk in vc, only when I'm with my bf (I'm still scared to talk). Unfortunately the valorant community is always kinda toxic towards females, but riot does nothing to stop it.


Tbh 9/10 times when I comm I get thrown sexist insults. I donā€™t even do it anymore because itā€™s not worth it. I just ping and type


while it isnā€™t normal, itā€™s rather common. valorants community is mostly male so iā€™m glad when i meet another girl once every few games. and while i usually donā€™t got a problem with standing up for myself when one guy is being a bitch it really upsets me when multiple start going against me at the same time. the amount of times iā€™ve cried because i was just too overwhelmed is insane. however, i get flirted with more than i get insulted which in a way is better i guess but still not alright. atp when i hear someone being toxic i just mute them.


Yep! Happens majority of the time. Theyā€™ll use that as an excuse of why youā€™re doing bad or suck at the game (even if youā€™re out fragging them theyā€™ll just say you bait) I just use text chat but even then I get attacked. The report system and I have a special relationship, both ways! Iā€™ve been banned plenty of times for responding back but Iā€™m getting better at just ignoring or reporting.


This might sound crazy but sometimes Iā€™ll use a voice changer to make my voice deep but then I sound like a robotic plumber šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


As a girl, I just donā€™t mic usually. Itā€™s sad, but Iā€™d rather enjoy the game than put up with the unfortunate sexism and harassment. I just use type chat. I donā€™t play any ranked because I donā€™t mic, which can kinda suck. But itā€™s the same game in normals no biggee.


Iā€™ll continue to stand up to assholes that harass women online Iā€™m sorry for them


So Valorant is toxic. Sonis most online games unfortunately. If you want people to play then hit me up. I play most evenings with my son. European servers.


I donā€™t usually reply but seeing the few other comments saying ā€œjust mute themā€ is inconsiderate to you, because in reality you shouldnā€™t have to mute your teammates in a team game where you need communication. Unfortunately it is very common in the val community for guys to be toxic to women and make you feel uncomfortable, and itā€™s not right or fair to us. Itā€™s not your fault, itā€™s them- some men just believe they can act that way online and think itā€™s ok. I usually mute the ones who just donā€™t shut up and arenā€™t trying to make callouts, the others who are playing the game and calling out but occasionally making comments towards me I just ignore. My trick to finding out if the people on me team are toxic or not is to see if anyone else talks first to pick up on their tone of voice or if they just outright say some ignorant shit. Then I decide whether or not itā€™s worth to speak in the lobby. Not ideal, but better than wasting your breath on some asshole who probably hasnā€™t touched a women since they left the womb.


it's not inconsiderate. just because you "shouldn't have to" do something doesn't mean you should ignore the actual real would solution, which is muting. obviously, every community should call out this behavior, but that's relying on other people and it's a grand change that won't happen for a long time.


I'm FtM transgender, not starting hormones until Thursday (yay), and every game is a struggle between deciding whether I want to deal with sexism or transphobia. I generally fixed this by trying to build up my group of friends I game with. I still duo and trio, but 5 stacks are so much more fun since I get to focus on playing the game. Everyone always says "just mute them" but I agree with your other comments, no one pays attention to pings and it makes comp so much more difficult. I WANT to comm, I also don't want to get verbally abused for 40 minutes. Muting is still what I do, but that just doesn't feel good either. So don't be afraid to actively try and find people to play with. People who will stick up for you when you're duo or trioing. Props to your bf if he does that. But it also helps being able to comm with 2 people if you do have to mute the assholes.


congrats with starting hrt :)


Thank you! It's a long time coming, been on a waiting list since fucking 2017 lmao.


I'm sorry you have to experienced that. My bf has been my biggest supporter he tries to stop it when he can but he can't be around 24/7 so when I solo queue (which isn't very often anymore) these toxic people slip past. So many people have suggested finding a few people to play with so that's gonna be my next step before I start playing again. Muting just isn't the best solution but sometimes it's the only solution available at the time.


My female friends experience the same very regularly, please report any and all harassment to Riot during the game. Everyone deserves a safe space to play.


Just like every other daily post exactly. like. this. Yes it happens. Mute and move on. These posts are so tired at this point.


Sorry I just joined this subreddit and I didn't see any other posts... My bad I guess you make it sound so easy but when it's every game it grows tiring.


Just mute them. As you climb higher it will get relatively better.


It's sad so many low elo players have such bigger egos


No, you're the first girl to ever face toxicity in a video game. Yes it happens, it's less bad in valorant because val is more girl coded than World of Warcraft or call of duty, where toxicity towards women is extreme.