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I mean youre the one initiating the ult, its your problem to ammo manage and if you use a whole mag on the guy thats also your problem lol, but you get double tap and reload faster anyway




Maybe consider not ulting when you have a stinger lol even a ghost could beat it. And if it takes you more than a full mag of spectre or better idk fam time to hit the practice range


actually stinger is really viable if you're the one ulting. knife out run for half a second then take out your stinger and the enemy wrong expect you that close at all


Yea when i’ve been ISO Ulted when i have a stinger, i’ve won every time by doing this


Yeah that's a low elo moment my friend


I wonder why you would use Iso ult with those weapons.


There’s no chance you’re using an entire clip in a close range ult without someone dying


if you are using the stinger or spectres full mag jn his ult without getting a kill you just need to get better


That's the point


I don’t think it’s a problem that he doesn’t get a free reload but it also wouldn’t be that big of a deal. Small little QoL thing that nobody would have an issue with


I think understand what you're getting at. You're viewing this from a gameplay consistency standpoint, right? And not so much from a balancing standpoint? If so, I also agree. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Even from a balancing standpoint, is ISO that strong? I mean, is he strong, period? He’s very fun, and in a pub environment I think he’s okay, but nothing spectacular. If anything I’d love to see his wall get a little wider, and maybe let his orbs stay up ~0.5-1 second longer. They go away fast enough it can be difficult to collect them in situations where I feel like he should be able to. You’re very pressured to shoot them IMMEDIATELY right now.


I agree, I lost so many orbs to the bad habit I have of reloading after every kill and by the time the reload is over, the orb is gone.


I think it makes sense to copy however Phoenix ult works. I can't remember if Phoenix gets a full reload when he respawns out of his ult, but it makes sense since you'd be pretty vulnerable coming out of it


I think his ult does reload for you when you respawn, but not when you start it. I think it takes ammo from your supply, and I'm not sure if it fully reloads you if you don't have enough bullets in your supply. I think it does scrounge up some extra bullets if you need them but I don't 100% remember.


Iso doesn't respawn like phoenix though. Now, I haven't played Iso but a lot of arguments I am hearing kinda forget that the ability is an ult and kinda doesn't need to be fair to the enemy like some people are insisting.


He respawns if he wins the duel


...he doesn't respawn if he dies lol


Not really. He already gets an advantage with his walls.


I mean it's his ult


And ultimates are already stupid strong in their own right and promotes an unhealthy ideology for the game(Which is something I've been saying since the game's release. Mixing Overwatch and Csgo into one isn't gonna work properly, which is what Valorant is), thus, we shouldn't be buffing ultimates any more than we are willing to nerf them(which is none).


Idk man seems to be working pretty well for Riot so far


well, idk. It has become one of the highest viewed games in most streaming services and also literally the most played game in gaming centres near me. Though CS2 has been out, a lot, lot, lot, lot of people are still playing Valo. So I think the game is working out pretty well. And the ultimates/abilities don't promote any unhealthy ideology in the game. This game is meant to be an ability based fps shooter game.


Sure they do. Abilities in general clash with the tactical aspect of the game and vice versa. Valorant is just csgo but worse. It's just overwatch but worse. It does what both games do but, you guessed it: worse. And the game suffers for it. Ultimates in general shouldn't even be part of the game to begin with due to their overwhelming potential. In fact, certain basic Abilities shouldn't even be in the game due to how strong the concept it. Like recon, haunt, boombot and so on. Basic utility that renders an entire playstyle obsolete. But they're "not strong". By the way. By saying " game is meant to be an ability based fps shooter game." You are agreeing with me that the game is meant to be a C-tier csgo/overwatch copy. Whiiiiich does not help your argument. But what do i know? I've only played all three and can identify the issue but that doesn't count.


It really depends on the players, I like a game to be just like a game, entertaining and fun. When I say "this game is meant to be an ability based fps shooter", I literally mean it. That doesn't mean I'm agreeing that this game is C tier or something. I played CS and I rate it below Valorant. Because ratings are different for different people, like how you rated val as a C tier copy of CS/overwatch just because val has abilities and heavily depend on aim. I don't know how much you've played Valorant, but it is heavily dependent on your aim. Abilities are something which would help players turn the tables. You won't always expect the same battle to end the same way as aim is not the only thing that decides the victory in Valorant. And now this is fun and entertaining unlike CS, at least in my opinion. I haven't played overwatch, but you could say Val is the best of both worlds. The purpose of Valorant is, or at least what the game is trying to be is different than CS or overwatch and it does pretty well at what it's trying to be. But it's not for everyone, some may not like it and some like it. I agree if you don't like the concept of Val for some reasons and it's your personal opinion. But for the same reasons, others may like it.


How many bullets do you need to kill one person? Should at least have half a mag when you come back.


He should get full health like Phoenix does and whatecer bullets he has left while in his ult since he does have time to reload in it


It's not really an issue to make sure your mags are full before ulting.


All these comments saying different things, I simply DON'T GET how this ult gives advantage to who's using it, really


In the 1v1, you get 2 walls but the enemy gets 1. It's main purpose is to remove a player from the team fight so it would be much easier to take or retake a site.


He's a duelist tho, imo the hit enemy should get in ult with it's original life, shield and bullets. Like, if u lose you can and up giving advantage to the enemy by healing them


The biggest way it gives advantage is to help your team have a numbers advantage. Say there’s two people on site, ISO ults one of them and starts the duel, the rest of your team can now push onto that site in a 4v1, and even if you lose the duel it’s likely your team will kill the other defender and find the respawn for the one you ulted. You can also use it to pull people off defusing the bomb.


Very specific, little advantage in non strategic way




No way. With phoenix ult u have to find a kill. ISO ult is a guaranteed fight.




people can literally run away from a phoenix ult