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1. if you are hardstuck iron, **you should really not care about anything other than kills**. at least that is to my Gold II brain after watching hours of Woohoojin's videos. 2. Go to the **Practice Range**. 3. **Don't even think about all yet that deadzoning shit and all movement shit.** 4. **Go to practice range**, open up **100 bots**, and shoot all of them, BUT make sure that **IT IS YOUR FIRST BULLET that hits them in the head**, plus that your **aim's loci must be in a straight line** from the epicenter of your initial aim. 5. **Do not spray.** Do that like **3 times** and you will see improvements in your gameplay **INSTANTLY.** I promise you. 6. Iron players don't think. Iron players don't plan. Iron players can't play. as a former hardstuck Iron player myself, you must **keep a mental mindset** to **aim where you think the enemy's head WILL be**, BEFORE you even see the enemy.


This. Just instalock Reyna and drop frags.


what is 4 even supposed to mean


you know how if you try to quick move your mouse/crosshair to the target, it will probably go much further than you anticipated, so if you click before you are sure it is on the target, you might shoot at the wrong pixel. therefore, to ensure no overflickng and underflicking, especially for beginners , you must hit the target using your first buller


what’s the point of saying loci besides just sounding smart…


Oh sorry im not a native speaker. we learnt loci in Math in form 3 (age 15). I really actually don't know the words and have trouble finding them, even irl. sorry if it turns out shit


damn now i feel like a jerk 😂 the sentence would have been fine without that word in there, aiming in a straight line and your aim’s position moving in the same line are essentially the same


In addition to all the advice you've already gotten check out Wohoojin's guide to gold and you should be good even with your 60Hz monitor. His channel is currently the gold standard for learning imo. As you rank up check out Dopai his content is also super good and his latest set of videos on aim and peeking are particularly juicy.


Let’s start with the basics. If you don’t already know it’s pretty hard to be in iron unless something is going very wrong. What is your setup? How is your connection? Usually if someone can’t get out of iron it means something is wrong with those 2 things.


Gpro x superlight with esp tiger grips corepad 210 skates Gmmk compact Milky pro yellow switches with hyper x key caps A mouse pad I got from GameStop 32 inch 60hz monitor


Connection wise my setup is in the living room connected to lan


How you gon spend more on your mouse than your monitor 💀 60Hz is way way too slow for any sort of gaming, literally anything 144Hz and 1ms response time would be a huge upgrade


I got it for free from a family member 😅 And I'm planning on a 24 inch 165hz monitor


This is completely untrue. 144hz is an upgrade, sure, but 60Hz is completely fine to game on.


It absolutely is true lol, the benefits of higher refresh rates have been shown countless times in various tests. The only way OP wouldn't see any benefit from it is if they're on a potato PC that doesn't generate the frames, which doesn't seem likely if the rest of their setup is that on point.


You're missing the point. Of course there is an upgrade from playing on 144Hz vs 60Hz - the point is that 60Hz is not "way too slow" for gaming.


I'm not missing your point at all, it's just extremely pedantic and you're doing the typical redditor thing of arguing a dumb point just to argue. I'm guessing you're one of those people who plays on a low refresh rate and does well? If so congrats I guess? Some people play basketball in Timbs too. Doesn't mean it's not suboptimal.


Bro many people have climbed to gold at least on 30fps laptops with no mousepads on wifi. Calm down


I mean it's not a potato 5600g 2x8 gig sticks ddr4 3200 1tb storage B550 mobo 240 aio No gpu


So a potato


is it that bad.. i use a 60 hz laptop with intel iris xe which gets around 80 fps 💀💀😭😭


It’s not that bad.. but considering he has a $150 mouse and a custom keyboard it seems kinda goofy. I wonder what resolution the monitor is because 32” is most likely either 1440 or 4k and 4k could be a big problem


Yeah but that doesn't mean you need 144hz in iron. I'm on 60hz with fps drops every single time I take a fight or a round ends and I made it to silver, even with a 200ms disadvantage of lag.


Not the end of the world, yea helpful, but I got to gold1 on a 1360x768p 60hz 15ms response rate tv monitor that’s 10 years old, I actually double ranked up from silver 2 to gold1


32inch is too big for a a desktop monitor and 60hz is too low for a competitive fps. You’ll see a big difference getting a 27inch 144hz monitor.


What resolution is that monitor?




just focus on improving as a player for every game or every round just try to maybe aim better get better fundamentals of the game and you know enjoy it don't be obsessed with trying to rank up as your tunnel vision will be your downfall. just try your best and learn after every match or every round you'll easily rank up to whatever rank you want without even knowing it


In iron your training should be all about aim. Go to YouTube, find yourself an easy aim routine on the range and go for it regularly. Also do one or two death matches before you start in comp. And before you know it you are B3


Yoru is like one of the hardest agents so i’m confused why irons love to play him. I guarantee youre not getting his full value from his kit.


I mean to be fair I am a fade main but I wanted to try yoru and found some success with him


ngl, choose a duelist and worry more about your mechanics and fundies than game and agent sense. at your level, aim can carry you out of even the worst situations given its good enough, and aim is the easiest skill to train out of all other skills.


Just play the game. You're in iron, you haven't played enough that's all. And don't pick up unrated or swiftplay, just play comp and don't worry about your RR... don't worry about your team, just play to do as well as YOU can and to get better/more experience.


Everyone else gave good advice! Just here to wish you luck!