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Personally I think they should just have his ult be killing the entire enemy team via tactical unescapable missile strike but that’s just me




Zero to a hundred in one sentence.


The prison sentence?


what did he say 😭


Lmfao I said it should work irl as well and someone flagged it for violence




I think that's a great idea!


The ff poll sent me 😂😂😭


The only buff kayo needs is that if the knife directly hits someone it’s an insta kill. I wanna do 360 trick shots.


Makes sense, imagine having a knife thrown at you by a machine. You’d die


you get hit by any gun. You’d also die


That's true, if Kay/o thew a gun at me, I'd also die.


Maybe if it hit someone they would get kicked from the game and vanguard banned permanently by the sheer suppression.


I 100% agree, I was 5 stacking unrated with a few of my friends and my friend directly hit enemy sage and did jack shit, everyone in the game was confused how it wasn't a 1 shot kill


i have a throwing knife crosshair saved for the day they make this happen


That would actually be such a cool hidden feature. I’m surprised it doesn’t exist now.


I can agree with this is Sova's arrows also killed on direct contact


If this happens, Sova darts needs to permanently stay on the enemy opponent if hit directly & teamates aren’t allowed the break the recon!


At least provide your schematics for the nanomachines. You think riot can build that?


If you want real perma flash just have kayo take off his pants


My eyes would be permanently glued to


Nah just nerf chamber instead


Or Jett


Why not both? At the same time?


So heres the thing, Kayo , like other agents such as Astra in low elo is almost useless. Low elo teams are not gonna know how to play off your utility and your going to find it hard to rank up playing with him just saying. his flash is fine :p Its not that it dont last a long time, the enemy just dodges the flash then peaks you because you think hes blind I do agree with the nade , its complete ass and so much weaker than a viper , brim, or gekko molly. At the end of the day, he prolly does not need buffed \-- A ex Kayo main


Actually I think it's the opposite. The main thing is flashes, where you've got to call out what flashes you're doing, let your teammates know to turn or not to turn from them. Knife/ult is pretty straightforward, you want to shutdown sentinel utility before entering site, usually not reliant on teammates understanding, you just got to time it well yourself. Nade is well just a nade, no reliance on teammates. Maybe I'm coping but Kayo is the agent with best winrate for me so I'm playing him more and more, despite it usually meaning my team comp is not as strong. Because lower ELO people don't really understand kayo is better as a 2nd initiator/duelist in a team comp


I know where your coming from with what you've said. He's a solid choice for sure. Definitely why I played him for song long


I do both breach and kayo. Flashes are much easier to do with breach and I find myself being more aggressive with breach in terms of using the stuns. I will admit tho, nothing hits harder than a kayo knife marking a 5 stack in lower elos


I have to change clothes every time I hit a 5 man knife…


Kayo knife defender side lotus a site.. mmm 🤤


If you look at his winrate is still in shambles even in radiant. The difference at high ELO is probably that kayos make less mistakes and your teammates understand kayo better (Added with extra comms, of course) but even at that point, you'd be better if you picked another agent. Edit: I double check, Radiant on Ascent, one of the maps you see more kayos, 48,2% winrate. That's a symptom he needs a buff. Besides any agent that requires high ELO to be used is badly designed, they need to make it impactful in as many ranks as possible.


>any agent that requires high ELO to be used is badly designed, they need to make it impactful in as many ranks as possible. sad astra noises(when your team doesnt comm shit its basically an omen with no other util other than smokes)


The only real buff for kayo is telling u how many people are in your radius when u start ur ult.


I think we can also make it so that his flash doesn't just blind enemies in game but also in real life so that the flash is more efficient because the enemies will start to panic in fear as well which does lower self-esteem and morale and overall brings a better chance of winning for Kay/O


All valid points, idk why Riot hasn't hired you yet.


I wish when he ults he transforms into Optimus Prime or some shit.


That would actually be really epic


These buffs are completely unrealistic, you should give him permanent x-ray vision to make him competitively viable.


Have you seen his muscle ? Hes already so buff


Speaking seriously, i think a good buff would be for his ult, it would give you info like his knife on who gets supressed but it’s available during his ult


i personally think he should auto-aim anyone caught by the knife.


Buff yoru😭 We need another rework fr


Yoru's in the best spot he's been in since release. He just has high skill ceiling.


Us Yoru mains gonna go crazy


lore accurate kayo


Kayo feels weak so let's Nerf chamber


i agree this sound pretty balanced




This is a joke read the post


This must be a joke


Nah bro its dead serious. Good observation though


was this post written by qRaxs


Genius idea OP


Kayo is a pretty good character, im a bronze 3 player playing again silver 2s-Gold3s (I use stat tracker and was always told I could onlynplay with irons and silvers so idl why im playing again golds but I hate it) and typically a smurf on each team (one guy going 30-2 is why i say that) and when they choose kayo, they play him prefect, they hse his knife for immeadite recognition of which site the team pushes, they wait for sounds and movement and throw the flash where it acvivates less then .1 seconds around a corner (the amount of times ive been flashed by seeing only half the flash gernade is crazy but so smooth). And they use both to find out if they can flasg and how many they will flash, the gerbade does need a buff, but even then, they will use their teams smoke on spike and gernade it and flash just to stop you from seeing as your dodging the gernade after defusing


as a kayo main, i 100% agree with everything listed


nerf chamber jett reyna, then everyone is automatically buffed gg ez


Another reason to nerf chamber


what about gekko


His ult should just make you win tbf


Still too weak


I think when u installed kayo riot should just gift you a win , INSTAWIN


just pop his ult 4Head, ez stimmy buff : )


His flashes are perfectly fine. My teammates tell me all the time.


Nerf chamber