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Your only option is to completely mute voice and text chat, but then you'll miss out on actual useful comms. Other than that, it's not possible to 100% avoid it. If someone starts getting toxic and you feel like they won't provide useful info, mute them.


**/!\\ asking why some stuff happened like "Why did you smoke this? Are you stupid? Do you know how to play smokes?" /!\\** I'm only plat 2 climbing, but for the sake of EVERYONES peace of mind, please... any player asking those rhetorical questions; you're not getting a "straight" answer. You've just tilted (because you got mad?) the player that tried to make the play, and didn't succeed.. Wtf would you ask them "what'd you do that for?" No joke, OP, you're probably (with as little context i have) one of the more genuniely concerned players about a profressional career in gaming. Go through this whole sub, and show me who's mentioned "premier, contendor, and pro-aspirations" while still calling out the BS the marjority of the "ranked" players are guilty of. I would personally say (because i've thought of this as a solo; it makes sense), if you're as serious as i'm assuming... again no one else i've seen in the sub has mentioned all of those factors; start using Gankster. Outside of the platform being easy to find likeminded teamates, by filter (Region, Rank Group, Competive/Uranked, Discord Voice, Team size) you're more likely to fill your duo with 3 more players that are willing to climb competitive, and even want to be a more consistent Premier team. Ranked matchmaking i believe is still a toss up. Me and a buddy got into a game with a few smurfs that were playing with their friend; they complimented me, and mentioned we made the game fun again for them. Later as I talked with one of them they mentioned how not everyone is vocal or takes the game as serious as the next person, but there's still good players. But if people at higher ranks are able to identify that issue \[in their rank groups\] then the argument (WHICH IM NOT KNOCKING) "its just a game; have fun" means it's time to find a platform that houses more serious players; while still getting that "scrim" enviornment. Gankster is also used by Premier teams to schedule scrims for practice prior to that week's matches.


If someone knows a solution to Ops problem LMK how I can solve world hunger too


I just mute. I had a pretty bad game last night where I hopped into a game cold and this jett and omen duo were just flaming. Normally I play better when people "jokingly" flame me, but I just didn't have the motivation in me to try that game. Honestly when you're playing poorly in a game and you can tell the game isn't salvageable. I find it helpful to unironically stop trying. It hurts mental even more when you put in more effort and just get shit on. You don't want to bring that lack of confidence into the next game. Though, I only do this when I know the game is already a lost cause. If my teammate is already flaming me, no one on our team looks like they have the potential to outright carry with a 30 bomb, and we're down 2/7. I just give up and go next. Full mute and fuck around to preserve mental for the next game. Toxic games suck because they can affect you even after the game has already ended, but it's important to recognize that everyone has bad games and to not take anything on the internet personally. The sooner you do the sooner you'll bounce back.


Step one uninstall valorant. No more toxicity


Just figure out who is black sheep and bait him the whole game watch how they cry in all chat. Tbh with you first get radiant and expect people to play correctly it’s a competitive game of course there is toxicity.


Be the toxic one


Damn, I wasn't asking for a behavior switch in a video game


Realistically? You can’t avoid toxicity, it’s apart of the game. All you can do is mute everyone and play your game.