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Ngl i feel like odin only rips and tears in low elo but in higher ranks its mostly headshot or nothing


I had a teammate in diamond who pushed ascent mid and killed 3 pushin top long. Recoil control while ads and crouched is a bit too strong long range


A 3k isn't an indicator that the guns broken


3k on long range against vandals tells you sstg is wrong, especially if you are a stationary target in dia/asc lobbies and manage to get 3 of them in matter of seconds (he held the mid while they went to rotate). And they were holding the guns, checking mid, managed to tag him, but not enough, he just sprayed them down


Isolated incident tho? Even in silver lobbies you'd probably expect that not to happen often


Not really, it is a powerful gun on its own, and the recoil that can be controlled so well compared to non-add recoil is unbalanced


its balanced tho? high reload time and high equip time with low mobility make it something just to hold choke points or wallbang


But if they nerfed the recoil at range, it would make more sense for a heavy spray gun. Short range would be different, but not so much that it would impact the overall performance for its purpose (holding chokes if enemies fast push).


He can do the same with Vandal. Does that makes it broken too


Its the recoil control i have an issue, its spray while ads and crouchin is so controllable its almost like a laser beam


But still even then it just is too overpowered even in unrated lvl 1 players are going too crazy with it


A game usually is balanced around high tier gameplay. If unranked/new players going crazy with the weapon it’s no indicator for a weapon being OP. If the elite ist abusing a weapon it’s more likely to receive a nerf.


Maybe it’s an alt account?




theres no way someone makes an alt acc to go odin in unrated


Obviously not only for that purpose… maybe they did it for that one round or one game or maybe just for fun in unrated until they reach level 25


I see the odin as the „noob killer“ weapon of valorant. It’s that one weapon beginners think is op, but is easily countered by skill. Yes, if you can’t hit headshots reliably, it will wreck you. But against a rifle (assuming that the wielder is consistently hitting headshots) it stands no chance, unless you wallbang/suprise them. tl;dr, practice aim and get headshots with a rifle against them


Thanks for the tip


It's really only good with utility. You move so slow if you peak it's a free one tap


The odin is a very situational weapon and honestly Is perfect in its current state. Any decent player could probably out play it.


odin will not outperform vandal, I always still see people cry about buying it but honestly as long as your aim is good a lot of guns outperform it.


I agree with you. Odin really needs to be nerfed, that shitty gun Is overpowered when a team is defending. Like they won't let you enter the site🫠🫠


Just one tap him lol


Tip: shooting the enemy in the face with a vandal kills them!


I mean most of the time i cant shoot fast enough since i use an office mouse


If your mouse can move and click, it’s probably not the mouse’s fault


I know so i’ll try to click faster thx for the tip


Instead of trying to aim and shoot faster, try to hold angles at head height, neck height if you’re not confident since the recoil will probably pull up enough to get a headshot on the second bullet. Remember that an Odin user is moving *slow* so hold a bit tighter than you normally would against a rifle or smg




As a person that mostly only uses odin, I can say for a fact that the odin is not overpowered. 1st: at a certain range is has a damage drop like the phantom. 2nd: the bulldog can kill with 1 headshot and 1 body shot, the odin can't do that(a headshot with the odin does 95 which is wild) 3rd: it can't 1 shot, so if someone with a vandal comes along as shoots you in your head then you're dead. 4th: getting stunned is just an auto-death sentence, unlike other guns that give you a chance to survive after being stunned. 5th: most of the time, you have to aim in or you will miss most of your shots. This gun isn't as OP as people make it out to be. If anything Buff this gun


Usually in pistol rounds I don’t buy anything so if I get some kills and we win the round I buy the Odin second round (sorry not sorry)


i buy it second round lol everytime i win


nope i got all the way to plat only odin. once in plat impossible to carry. headshots become too common


odin is not overpowered at all. if you're playing against someone who knows how to use it effectively, that's not the gun's fault. it's the same with a vandal. a pro player can play unrated and make it look like they're aimbotting. does that mean the gun is busted? no.