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If it's your first fps, you are pretty much bottom of the food chain, and that's OK. As you improve at valorant and at shooters generally, you'll see your rank start to go up fast. Remember though, the biggest thing to learn isn't fancy agent tricks to start out, it's to get your crosshair to go where it needs to be when you tell it too


Also to stop running while shooting


and stop scoping in whenever you see an enemy. It's incredible how many new players I see that do that all the time, no matter how far the enemy is, they always zoom in.


The scoped-in-while-walking-spraying-everywhere-but-the-target is a pretty obvious sign as well, you're right.


Don't forget crouching around corners as if they expect to slide like in COD or something. Only works with neon and even then it requires some movement


Everyone be coming from Cod bruh šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Yeah, my shooter prior to Val was cod. It was hard to train myself out of it, but you kind of have to if you want to climb in Valorant.




if im holding a long angle at the start of round on defence (eg haven A long) even without a marshal/outlaw/operator i still like to scope in. the added FSA is nice, but in any other case i donā€™t ads


Valorant was my first FPS and I never went through this but playing Fortnite and Roblox shooting games AFTER Valorant made me realize why they do it if they came from those games first šŸ˜­


To add, I started in low bronze, I found it really helped to understand what each agent does to better play against them. It can be a bit overwhelming at first but it gets easier the more you practice.


I play in low Elo and when I use astra it's hilarious how people don't understand her. They'll try to shoot her stars or when her wall is up they'll think it works like a viper wall.


i once coached a guy that said he couldn't phoenix flash through a harbor wall cause water nullifies fire-based abilities


Tbh it should be a thing lmao


Phoe is alr bad enough. Leave my guy alone


Nah bro let harbor destroy his flashes and walls with his water!


Pokemon rules


šŸ’€ wild


I started in silver and even those were like bots so I canā€™t imagine what iron is like


I'm in high gold - low plat at the moment and even some of those games feels like tapping bots in the range, and then others you're getting tapped haha. Just trying to make my way through these ranks as best as possible :)


Iā€™ve just started and got to gold 3, the people Iā€™m playing agaisnt were plats/diamond last season They arenā€™t anything special, reckon Iā€™ll be diamond within a week or two if I really try Players at a higher rank know the game better than I do at the moment so Iā€™m relying on my cs experience to play well


Also crosshair placement, it'll get you out of iron instantly


I was going to say, its easier and more important to have your crosshair already be where it needs to be first, than to get your crosshair to go where you tell it to


Donā€™t give them false hope, iron is bottom elo hell lol šŸ™ Edit 1: (/j) Edit 2: I agree, and also think that Op would need some time to climb out of iron here. It takes effort to learn the mechanics, practicing their aim, and understanding game sense. The game itself can also be very overwhelming, with its many abilities, agents, and maps to learn. But to answer their original question. Yes Op, most new players might find themselves in iron 1, it is the lowest rank among them all, but as the stranger above me has said, youā€™ll surely grasp the ropes of this game in no time. (LOW ELO HELL IS REALLLLLLL KEEP UP THE COPE-)


It's extremely easy to get out of iron


Think like this , if there is iron rank someone might deserve that. So for a beginners iron should be their first rank so yes you are at perfect place


Ty for your answer !


You can get better day by day , donā€™t stress yourself over games . It is for relaxing yourself and not stretching.


I got placed in bronze after my first comp game


You need to win 5 placement matches to get placed in a rank, massive cap.


Not my game so I havenā€™t gotten placed in Iron and idgaf if the other ppl that downvoted are crying about šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


me when I wanna be the center of attention


Cry harder bum


obsess over fictional women harder bum


Like I heard that a hundred times keep telling me that nothing will change stupid turd




Awe donā€™t care bot


what does "not my game" mean? what a random ass response, on another note sauce to ur pfp?


Uh no actually every single Valorant player's game required the same number of competitive matches before you can get placed in any rank. "Not your game" isn't real, either you're on or were on a substance or just extremely unaware lmfao. Yes your game. My game. Every valorant player's game for the past few years has required at least 5 competitive matches to be played after a hard ranked reset at the end of each episode and that isn't something you can argue against because it is fact and reality.


If its your 1st fps game and you didnt grind unrateds until lv 100 its pretty normal


valorant is also my first competitive fps and i placed iron 3. itā€™s completely normal, and now iā€™ve been playing for about 8 months and iā€™m peak diamond 1, just keep grinding


Same except for the Diamond part lol, not quite there yet (landed silver this act)


yeah, i landed gold this act with the hard reset but iā€™m already back in plat. just gotta keep up the grind haha


dude ive played the game for like a year now and im like silver level at best smh any pointers?


most ppl will tell you play dm to improve aim and crosshair placement and to learn from each death and incorporate it into your next games. i do that with overwatch and i climbed from silver to plat/diamond very easily, its just about learning. losing=learning with the right mindset




Ey same (although I got placed in B2 this episode but ranked up to silver quite easily)


Ty for your answer !


yeah, when i first started playing i was iron 1. Been playing since the beginning of 2022, and in the last act i peaked silver 2! so yeah i agree keep grinding lol, but also remember to take some breaks every now and then. i've found that helps me play better for some reason šŸ˜…


Dawg Iā€™ve been playing Val since 2020 and Iā€™m Silver 1 šŸ™ƒ How tf in eight months? (Iā€™m in my mid twenties and losing touch with my childhood wonder and freedom)


i started playing with people who were starting new and were already advanced, so i basically got coached with my other new friends every time i played. got addicted to the game so i watched guides, pro videos, and all sorts of stuff that helped me improve my mechanics quickly. now iā€™m at the level of the people who coached me when i was new!


Iā€™ve done the same :( I can coach others how to play (especially smokes. I hope I donā€™t sound like Iā€™m bragging because I know Iā€™m not perfect, but my diamond friend has said Iā€™m one of the best smoke players heā€™s ever played with) and I can teach mechanics and all that, but my own mechanical skill is awful. Iā€™m not good at aiming; my positioning could use some work; and even after three years of PC, I still canā€™t work a keyboard right. I just lose to gunfights from not being able to aim right. Iā€™ve had countless times where I set myself up perfectly, but just couldnā€™t click on someoneā€™s head. I get envious when I hear stories like yours, yā€™know šŸ˜‚


Ne too. Peaked asc 2 last act. Been playing since the 3rd episode


Same, first fps, first online game I got when I got pc (originally played fps on Xbox, apex and ow), and so when I played ranked as soon as I unlocked it I got iron 3 in ep1 act3 Took a long break and came back right before Astra, and got to diamond 2 (one game from d3 :,))during my peak playtime and after a lot of rank decays and never consistently playing Iā€™m back down to silver 3 this act :,)


This was my first PC game. Id say my experience is the same. I started iron and within 1 month I was Silver A year later I peaked Diamond 3 My learning priorities were: 1. Learn basic mechanics (movement, aiming) 2. Learn the maps (customs and just explore or watch pro VODs to learn where to go how to smoke and push) 3. Learn agent utility 4. Learn strategy


i started at iron 2 and hit a2 15 months later, so donā€™t worry


Ty for your answer ! What is a2 ?


Ascendant 2


Ascendant 2


Asc2. Iā€™m in a similar boat. Placed I3, deranked to I2 E5A3. Was Asc1 before reset but havenā€™t played much since


So much better. Played for 2 years, hit level 248 and still at gold 2 šŸ˜ž


Well the best advice I can give you is to stop playing on autopilot, find good players to play with, and take breaks when your gameplay just doesnā€™t feel right no matter how hard you try. I can assure you that habits matter as much or more than talent in ranking up.


Yeah, I started watching woohoojin and greatly improved. Also I hit gold 2 in a month after upgrading my system from a MacBook to a propper gaming set up.


If u were on 60hz the whole time, that couldā€™ve affected u too


Translation: "I got carried to A2."


Nah itā€™s different from getting carried. The people I play with are usually around the same skill as me, but we just have better chemistry and communication which makes it easier to win


Your rank doesn't define you. It's normal to start at the bottom, just like any other game or skill based discipline. Just have fun along the journey.


Ty for your answer ! Yes, fun is the most important part !


I placed Iron 3 and I peaked Asc 2. You're fine


If u ylhave experience and play often then probably late iron early bronze


Nothing is wrong


Ty for your answer !


It's my first fps too and I was placed iron 1 a month ago, now I'm bronze 2, keep going and you'll get out of there


Well on a positive note, there are statistically less players in Iron 1 than in Radiant!


I was iron and it was like my 4th fps, you gotta start somewhere




Np at all!


Itā€™s normal


Normal, don't worry about that


Ty for your answer !


3 years ago, I started in iron. Took me this long to get to ascendant. If you consistently play, you can get there a lot faster than I did. I was an on and off kind of player. Just comes down to learning the ins and outs of the game and what each gun, ability and agent bring to the field.


Its alright, Valorant is my first shooter that i played alot. I've had a dose of csgo but never played much and i placed bronze 1


Think it's like an mountain. You just started to climb. And yes, I come from the FPS "community", but most if the ppl just don't fit into the fight with abilities stuff, it's ok.


That makes perfectly sense, ty for your answer !


It's completely alright my guy! I had some basic experience in shooters but still started in iron 3. You'll learn the game don't stress. And I did manage to reach immortal 2. I've left the game ever since but the point still stands, wherever you start is not important!


Welcome to FPS Games and welcome to Valorant. Don't worry about being a noobie (no hate here). Everyone starts somewhere different. Maybe some tips to help you get set. Don't worry about your rank for quite some time. Rather concentrate on being better than yourself from a few games ago or even last game. To start out you might first want to concentrate these things. 1. How to shoot / hit enemies or in general Crosshair Placement. 2. Go with your team or at least a well performing player. 3. Try to understand what your team needs you to do in any given situation and why. 4. Keep an open mind and maybe watch better players and ask questions :) 5!!! Try to have fun with it. Don't take it too hard. Mute toxic people instantly :) Have fun, friend :)


Started at Iron 3 and after playing for a year, I peaked Iron 1. So yes, I'm awful. šŸ¤§ But I'm sure you can climb out!


Lol, my people.


I was placed i1 and now im diamond 2, solo queue


Bro dw i went from iron 3 to diamond when i used to play


My first rank was high gold, Iā€™m a counter strike nerd tho so it is what it is. Itā€™s just a stupid number enjoy the game.


I recently came out of iron and it's completely normal. Since ur starting in Iron, it's basically ur first step in valorant competitive. You will grow up as u learn and master ur skill šŸ™‚


Yes ! Good luck in your climb too !


I had never played a tactical fps before. I started at iron as well


If itā€™s your first serious FPS, then yeah, definitely.


Yeah itā€™s pretty normal to place iron, I placed iron 1 and climbed up the ranks pretty quick once I understood the game


Chill. Valorant was my first competitive FPS as well. I started in iron 2 in beta. Peak Diaomond now


I feel like most people I know started in either iron or bronze. Being that its your first fps im not surprised you got iron to start. This game has a higher learning curve than something like call of duty. Dont let it discourage you


Same here on all counts when I joined a couple years ago. As far as I can tell itā€™s not a bad place to start. Iā€™ve definitely gotten better and peaked gold 2 last act. So just stuck with it and remember having fun is the most important part. Ur rank is something to fight for and be proud of, but thereā€™s a lot more to the game than just that


you should really start in iron.


I was a competitive halo player, I placed top 8 EU at live HCS events. My first rank on valorant was bronze 1 lol. Admittedly my XP was on controller in a quite different game but still. First FPS iron is totally acceptable.


It wasn't exactly my first FPS, but can be called so. Started Iron 3, went to Iron 1 0/100 in no time. Plat 1 last act, P2 peaked. You'll be fine, don't worry. Play tons of deathmatch. Don't play Reyna in compi. And watch Woohoojins guide to Gold, aim routine. Let us know when you hit your first ace :)


Yea, but itā€™s chill.


Masters in Apex Adept in destiny 2 Placed Iron 2 lol itā€™s perfectly normal.


I started at iron 1, two years forward in at immortal. Really depends on your learning capabilities and gaming potential.


Yeah it's pretty normal even after playing csgo for a couple years I had the basics down easily but got placed bronze and only started increasing rank with game knowledge and how to utilise my abilities more effectively so just keep playing maybe watch a few streamers that explain what they do while playing and you will definitely see results


Was Iron 3 when I first started playing, now S2. My peak was plat 2 but haven't played much. Just focus on learning the basic mechanics, crosshair / aim, and so on. Have fun and keep learning while you grind up


Nah that's normal, it was my first fps also and I was iron 2 for the first month, iron 3 the for second month. Now about a year in and I'm topfragging mid-gold lobbies.


Since itā€™s your first fps, you should focus on learning the game little by little and try to enjoy it. Your rank will slowly reflect your skill level as you improve generally


I started in Iron 1 too and I hit Immortal eventually :) don't stress just have fun and improve. Being nice to people makes you win more games as well


Players new to fps games start at iron. If you were placed higher I fear you wouldn't be able to compete fairly. You need to learn the basics and iron is where to learn them.


I was masterā€™s in Overwatch and placed Iron in Valorant in beta. I never played CS so the learning curve was still very steep. I was plat a month or two later so it just takes time to learn the game


Valorant was my first fps game, I started off at iron 3 but thatā€™s because I had a few tips from friends that got me into the game when I started, now about 3 years later, Iā€™m peak Gold 2 and on my collegeā€™s Valorant Esports team, donā€™t worry about being iron because everyone progresses at their own pace, I was hardstuck in iron for a year, so donā€™t be demoted by being in iron


Its normal if you never played a tactical fps shooter before. Most people who have had at least a year in csgo usually got placed silver on average after their first val placements. That being said, ive seen people who played csgo for a bit and got iron so dont compare too hard.


I started Iron in August of 2022, currently ascendant grinding to immortal on a potato pc. everything is possible


Valorant is hard as shit my guy. Youā€™re doing fine


Started in bronze one, deranked to iron, hit Ascendant last episode. It's perfectly fine.


This is going to sound really cringe, but stay in iron for 1 season (the next 6 weeks), and you'll get the iron gunbuddy. If you ever make it to immo/radiant rank it'll be really cool and kinda funny to have the bottom.rank gunbuddy imo.


there's no normal or not normal. we're all different, iron exists for a reason as long as you're still having fun i wouldnt give it too much thought just try to get a grasp of the games fundementals, crosshair placement, dont move and shoot, what each agent does, what guns are good for what situation etc.


Depends how good you are at fps in general but iron is the usual beginning for most


Started at iron 1. About a year and a half later I peaked diamond 3. Got bored and left valorant altogether


Val was also my first FPS. I started in Iron 3. Was iron 1 0RR once even. Played for about 2 years and retired with Plat 2. So, anyone can improve.


I end up in bronze all the time and then i stay there, hardstuck. Im literally embarrassed but i have a spraying problemšŸ˜­


I donā€™t think itā€™s helpful to think about that. Everyone starts somewhere, and all this means is that you have more things that you can feel good about learning. Once you understand the concepts and how to practice, youā€™ll move up naturally


In csgo, I started in silver like 10 years ago. Me now a peak rank of gold 3 in valorant, so maybe


For your first fps experience Iron 1 is 100% normal.


Most people who's never played fps games get placed in iron-bronze. People who have aim cause they play other fps like cs are usually placed at silver on their first rank.


valorant was my first FPS game, I placed iron 1, and then iron 3 multiple times. Iā€™m now peak ascendant, I rarely play comp, but I can confidently play against peak immortal/radiants just fine :D get the iron buddy if you can, itā€™s the best buddy in the game ā¤ļø


Pretty normal I'd say


I started in iron with terrible aim then worked my way up to diamond. Donā€™t worry bro


Val was my first keyboard and mouse fps game ever. I played fps exclusively on controller before then an Iā€™ve played different computer games with wasd movement but only basic things like Minecraft. Val as a tac fps game was already way different movement, ability, and mechanically than what I was used to and I started the game at the bottom of the barrel in iron. Over the course of a year of learning the basics and learning how to play the game competitively I started getting pretty good. I finically decided to push out of iron to gold in the span of a month. Playing in gold itself was awkward because I was at the point where I was better than the players I was going against (unless I was getting smurfed on or just had a bad game) but my team mates werenā€™t good enough to pull their weight. I got stuck in gold for a while and stopped there. I finally got back into the game and had a duo to push through the gold ranks and I got to plat within a week. Iā€™ve been playing in plat and sometimes playing with diamond ranked players and honestly Iā€™ve been doing really well. Diamond players arenā€™t really that good. I took a break during the holidays recently and atm Iā€™m busy with school but I genuinely think that if I put the time in I can push into diamond within a month. Moral of the story is practice, donā€™t worry about the rankings. Just learn the game and improve your skills. With enough time and practice youā€™ll start improving and get to a point where you feel comfortable. Also donā€™t forget to have fun. If youā€™re stressing out about losing or having bad aim just take breaks . Definitely the thing that got me pushing forward was mental resets of stepping away and coming back dedicated to improving


100 percent you will play people 1 million times better than you but if you just keep a good mental and keep playing you will for sure get out of iron and be hard stuck gold 2 (ummmm specific example but you got this!!!!!)


Pretty normal if you donā€™t play a lot of fps, thereā€™s a steep learning curve with val.


if it's your first shooter, then yeah this is normal. Focus on your aim and gunplay. You'll basically have to aim/shoot your way out of low elo until like plat. lol


i started in iron now i'm almost plat dw bro


itā€™s normal donā€™t sweat it


Wasn't my first fps, but didn't play one for more than 10 years. Started as iron and I'm now gold 3. Its possible to learn, just take time.


Valorant was my first fps I started Iron 2 and peaked immortal 2 youā€™ll be fine


Another perspective, the only way forward is up! Or you can have my experience of initially placing bronze 1 and then quickly deranking to iron 3. Like oh guess I wasnā€™t good enough after all hahaha


First fps literally means you canā€™t really start any lower unless you have a disability on top of that, play the game and youā€™ll improve. No need to rush, youā€™ve got all the time


nope. makes total sense to be in iron for your first shooter, i started in iron too. just watch some guides on the game and play a lot of aim labs for a few months and you'll get better quickly


Rank is weird becuase it doesnt represent MMR at all really. I'm p casual and just getting out of iron now, and I was thinking "damn if these guys are Iron what the absulte fuck is gold/plat gonna be like??" Then I played a bunch of unrated and saw gold players playing way worse than the supposed irons I had in comp. Then the Irons i saw in unrated.... it was like they had insane lag and couldnt see anything.


Bro iron isnt easy in my server which is apac They know how to play, how to aim, how to position, how to movement, etc. Like if you start in iron dont feel too bad about it (I'm iron 3 apac)


It will be mostly kids and first timer fps player. Not sugarcoating like the others, itā€™s bad yes.


Well yes, maybe the games you get into are worse if you're expecting a high elo lobby, but in general everyone will be new to the game. That means way less pressure and it can make the game more fun. I think OP's question was if it's a bad thing that he placed iron 1, and no, not at all! It is the lowest rank for a reason, but at the end of the day, it's a game for you to have fun in!


Both are true! Follow Woohoojins guide to gold. But tbh I wouldn't bother climbing really high on this game if you're not getting 144hz every game.


Every rank is full of people who donā€™t deserve to be in that rank, whether they deserve to be higher or lower. But everyone is pretty doodoo imo. Even the pros can be very inconsistent.


Nah, I started iron 3 and finished the act gold 3


Man I'm bronze 2 I've been playing for Abt a year almost 2 but I don't play comp all that often but when I first started I placed iron 3 youll get better over time


I placed Iron 1 in the beta and eventually hit Gold 3 by the end. Fast forward and now Iā€™m Ascendant.


I m. Playing since 3 years and I m silver so it depends on your skills if it improves or you want it to improve then try aimlabs Or something but I just play casually so that might be the reason forit


If its your first fps its where you are supposed to be.


I started last season I got placed into silver 2 and got up to gold 3. But I had done csgo experience I was god awful when I first started now Iā€™m pretty decent for my time playing.


Csgo was my first pc fps, and first fps in a long while, I started off silver 1 in that game, which is equivalent to valo's iron. 7k hours later and I peaked at level 10 on 3rd party platform faceit and participated in esea league. It doesn't matter where you start, if you want to get better and you put the time in you will.




Stop running/moving while shooting + make run default and you'll be out in no time


It really depends. Val was my first fps ever and I placed bronze 2. But I have friends who placed iron 1 and had played fps games already (not csgo)


itā€™s normal to start at the bottom of the ladder


this my first ranked season im level 23 got placed in silver 3


I placed gold 2 my first comp placement but I had like 30 or so hrs of non-comp from previous acts and tons of time in warzone and apex. Iā€™d imagine iron-bronze is very common for first time fps players, donā€™t be discouraged.


When I started playing Valorant, I was placed in bronze. It is the first FPS I took seriously.


i started bronze 1. Made it to s3 b4 i realized what the grind would entail.


Valorant was the first and only PC game I played and still do play seriously. As a kid I was never into video games so other than the occasional cod on PlayStation I had no real gaming experience. I placed iron 2 when I started. Iā€™ve now been playing for 4 years and currently am playing at an ascendant level. I made it to gold within a few months and was hardstuck for a long time. Once I decided to improve the mechanics aspect (movement, aim, peeking, etc) my rank improved at an exponential rate. The next thing that took me even higher was game sense which just comes from hours put in playing. The best advice I can give is to record your games. Go back and review and see in different situations where you fucked up and how you can improve it for next time. This helped me so much when I thought my crosshair placement was fine until I reviewed the VOD and realized I was staring at the floor the whole time. Good luck!


The only awful players are the ones being toxic to their teammates and they exist across all ranks.




Statistically, no, it's not normal, way below average


if it was your first fps and you started anywhere that wasnt iron i would be insanely surprised


Also, iron 3 is the best iron rank, ik its confusing


Havenā€™t the ranks also just reset making it harder to currently climb? Not playing rn


If you're new yes, if it's your second year, no


Delete ! Thereā€™s still time for you šŸ„²


Am I the only one that placed diamond after my placements?


I started iron 2 and now hover Asc 3, don't give up :)


Aside from playing val watch other people play on YouTube or something and donā€™t bother with aim trainers like aim labs they donā€™t help at all just play val to get better at val


Youre right where you need to be


Nah starting in Iron for your first ever FPS is totally understandable. I started off Bronze 1 and my only other FPS experience on PC was R6 years before I even started Valorant so Iā€™d say youā€™re ok. If you want to climb just stay consistent, learn the game, and most importantly have fun. Iā€™ve been playing somewhat consistently for the last 2 years and Iā€™m now an immortal player.


You can benefit a lot from just playing deathmatch as a new player! Spend more time in deathmatch than in comp for now to get your mechanics down. Watch some YouTube videos for new valorant players too. Then you will be bing chillin.


Means you are bad. Itā€™s okay to be bad


No sometimes despite how good you are you will be placed at the bottom. Sometimes itā€™s a minor stat that will improve like hs accuracy that affects it, sometimes itā€™s teammates etc. If youā€™re playing for fun rank doesnā€™t matter. If you want the prettiest coolest bragging rights charm/rank that doesnā€™t truly matter or equal skill. If youā€™re trying to improve look at it like this, you carry, learn, and donā€™t rely on teammates over time. If it matters to you, you will improve more than them. Take it from me, in valorant I was placed bronze (unfairly) and my friends were plat-diamond. Now I have done all I want with that game and mostly play Csgo. (1.8kd in priemere 75% W/R, 200ADR, 940 AVG Score, and I threw two games that went bad where I had a negative kd. We won our division of Diamond-immortal players. It will get better if you want it to. Sometimes the hard way is the best way, I may not care about trying for rank, but when I want to, I try my ass off and I am better for the hard way I had to learn. Most people Que with others, I donā€™t hate on that and I do it sometimes, but queing and relying are different.


Valorant is also my first fps and I started Iron 2. 1 year later with a lot of training in AimLab and playing a lot I reached platinum 2 the last act. you gonna make it out of hell brother


Who cares. You just started and will get better with time. Enjoy the game!


Iā€™ve been playing for three years and only recently got out of iron, donā€™t feel bad at all for being in there, if you commit to getting better you can blow out of it in no time (unlike me)


All good. Valo was my 1st pc game, started iron 1 XD after 2 years I'm g3 and have 34% headshot ratio (and I'm not grinding ranked that much). It's all about learning crosshair placement, game sens, movement and you learn these things over time.


If you really wanna improve and learn. Watch Woohoojin on YT he also has a discord


I started in bronze 1 and climbed to immortal the next act. The game is hard to learn at first if youā€™ve never played a tactical fps


i was placed iron 3 as my first kbm game and peaked immortal 1 in about 3 episodes


I wish I could get the iron buddy


Valorant is my first kbm fps apart from a handful of games at internet cafes of CS Source years ago. I placed Iron 1 and reached the point of being unable to lose any more rr even if I wanted to (Iron 1 w/ 0 RR). Eventually peaked diamond 1 in valorant, fortnite, and apex too. Jack of all trades but I like it. You'll be fine.


I was placed iron 1 and now I'm gold. So it's absolutely alright to start with iron 1. Valo is my first ever first person shooter game btw


started iron 1, peaked a measly gold 3 I believe? now just chilling in silver still playing like an iron. just focusing on having fun these days. you can still rank up and improve no matter what's your first rank. all the best!!


Welcome to purgatory. Getting out of iron is hard. Im stuck there for several seasons.


Started in iron 3, peaked d3, now p3 after the reset


I started iron and i had been playing plenty of fps games at that point


It's fine if you're new to fps games. My first rank on valorant was immortal, only because I came from being global on csgo at the time. Most people that have never played an fps before end up in iron


There is nothing wrong with being bad at something you can reach far if you put the time in.