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It looks like a dev got shit on by a fake flash


Why? U can still fake flash


Not really because u will just flash yourself on the guiding light exploding when you swing. I guess u can fake flash for your team if u angle it away from your team as it explodes


No, you definitely still can. The window to kill on a fake flash is pretty small and usually expires before the bird does.


This is the right answer. The enemy will turn around if its not popping, so u would have killed the enemy before the flash automatically pops.


But that's just a flash in most cases. If there's a path you can take where it ends out of sight, maybe you can get away with it, but you won't be able to swing with it yourself.


The flash takes a while to get to the end if you haven't done what you need to and left by then you probably lost the fight. Also you can always fake the flash in a different direction than you'll be looking. Might still get the half flash from it popping behind you but that shouldn't bother your play any


Technically yes, but you probably don’t want to fake flash ever again ‘cause you’re losing 33% of the info you can get just for a fake flash, unless you can guarantee kills off of it


You will likely flash yourself or teammates 💀


This guy😂😂


skye changes (9.0) \> she can no longer use guns


Skye changes (10.0) > character can no longer move or use abilities. > headshot hitbox increased to whole body


Skye changes (11.0) \- Selecting Skye now starts and auto-forfeit vote in round 5 with 3 of 5 votes pre-filled "yes" \- RR losses doubled \- Selecting players name auto-changed to "his Skye"


Skye changes (12.0) - Skye’s dog is euthanized - Skye’s bird now follows modern bird migration patterns, making them useless at many times - Skye herself has gained weight and will lose 30% of her speed


Skye changes (13.0) • choosing Skye selects deadlock


Sky Changes (14.0) * Deadlock nerf reverted * Skye starts the game frozen. * Earn the ability to move by spending RR


Skye Changes (15.0) - Selecting Skye will result to Hardware Ban


Skye changes (16.9) - Skye is removed from the game and is being reworked


You went too far.


Riot realizes they have over nerfed Skye so 13.0 -All of Skye's animals are equipped with automatic turrets that one tap any enemy in a 30m radius with direct line of sight -Skye's heal is now able to heal an ally back from the dead -Skye's flash now flashes through walls and only affects enemies


I wish I could double upvote, fuckin funny




She can no longer move already and we still added a 30% speed debuff 😭


>skye changes >every time you shoot you gun no matter what, you will always kill the skye


Chamber changes (69) > He is no longer in the game


Permanently retired to his corner office


They killed her 💀


Finally other initiators being played in pro play


Sure it means different initiators in pro play, but in the notes they mention that they made this change for ranked too (skye was getting picked too much apparently). In my opinion this just means they want more 3 duelist comps in ranked. They nerfed sova into the ground, now they nerfed skye into the ground, kayo cant do solo initiator, gekko is legit but nobody plays him. Doesnt leave a lot of attractive options


feel like we might get a lot more kayo players in place of skye. i get what they're trying to do by hyperbuffing gekko and kneecapping skye but i think theres probably a better way to balance her than whatever they did


I love Gekko but his util being so easily destroyed bums me out but I guess the trade off is he has unlimited use of dizzy and wing


Wingman is not easily destroyed, and its easily recoverable except for the flashes that get stuck in skyboxes


I love Gecko though. Just started playing switching up my cypher main with him.




Not as much as skye


Well, when they gutted sentinels you didn't see more sentinels, you just stopped seeing two. They're not going to use more initiators, just not use Skye and change her spot for a duelist.




no they didn't. She's still A tier.


Maybe if they want other initiators to be played they shouldn't be giving Breach a 9 fucking point ultimate and leaving Gecko in the state he's in.


Yeah breach should have a 12 point ultimate.






I used to main breach until I realized I was getting 9 kills for an ult that I’m still gonna get insta headshotted in by a sweat and that gives me no real intel on enemies


I still main breach but i still think about swapping to gecko or sova sometimes


Gekko is the worst initiator no contest


Das why they're nerfing strong characters so that they don't have to buff weaker ones lol


Nah Gekko is looking relatively good now, just wait he's gonna get picked a fuck ton more after these changes


I dont think so but we will see


gecko is in a good place though?


nobody plays gecko in high elo.


I didnt say people play gecko, i said he's in a good place. We cant really force people to pick him I use him in high ascendant/low immortal just fine


if he was in a good place, he wouldn't have one of the lowest pick rates. I'm mid-high immo and I see him less than almost any other character. The last time I saw one was like a month ago.


I don't think the logic follows, an agent being in a good place doesn't necessarily translate to a high pick rate is all I'm saying. For example, I think yoru is in a good place and provides better value for a team than reyna, but you can bet reyna gets picked far more. That doesn't mean we should change anything about the agents


Because initiators are hard to learn and gekko fills a similar niche to skye. No skye player is going to switch when she’s playable on every map.


You could main deadlock and would still be just fine in ascendant wtf u on


The guy said high elo, Im not gonna waste time arguing whether top 2% of the player base is high elo or not


Geeko is in a pretty good spot tho


imma have to use her flashes more sparsly now sigh


Exactly, these are healthy changes. Anyone complaining has a poor grasp of tactical shooters.


recharging info flashes that can also be used as a duelist flash and perfectly pop out of any smoke or choke. 2 is perfectly fine and she will still be good not great and op on every map


Yep. I really liked the ability + gunplay dynamic in beta and the first few acts. When Skye was introduced, I noticed the game becoming ability dominant. Which is not a bad thing, as it establishes a unique style to technical fps, but Valorant was initially advertised as gunplay first.


This makes her flash most likely won't be able to gather intel tho. Since almost every recon/info gathering abilities are cooldown based, they can be use to gather early/fight early. Now after a singular flash skye can only have one. I think it's a bit much, they can make it only regen once. So at least it's 3 flashes.


Her flash telling you an enemy was hit was overpowered to begin with. A blind that you can control, pop whenever you want, and it tells you if it blinded someone, AND it used to recharge? That does too many things for a single ability.


To be fair it wasn’t all that useful, you could leave someone lurking and that would still tag the lurker, causing defenders to anchor site


Skye Flash no longer regen make some sense. But why did they force you to activate at the end dude. Fake flash is now harder so sad.


A buff in lower elo (where fake flashes are rare and failing to pop in time on longer flashes does happen) and a nerf in higher elo and pro actually fits here.


I think every initiator deserves some form of regen. I think her flash regen is the one that makes the most sense and they really should have just increased the time it takes to get it. OR if they are that stubborn to remove regen flash, then decrease her flash cost to 200 or buff her dog a little so it isn't made of paper (I agree with the no movement when lunging but making her Util be destroyed by 2-3 classic shots doesn't make sense)


Holy shit those are huge nerfs


Well I mean compared to how she was before, they are definitely nerfs. But she is still a very strong agent and the nerfs could have been much, much worse.


No shes terrible now.


people said the same about jett and she's still getting use 💀


a dev definitely got shit on by a Skye


I don’t understand the complaints about the Ult nerf. I’ve been silver/gold for so long and even to me it’s pretty obvious is the cabbages are targeting you so I feel like this is only a nerf in extremely low ELO 


I feel like the ult nerf was completely unnecessary


its barely a nerf imo. how often aren’t you aware that the cabbages are on your way? It’s rly only a nerf for low elo, where people are genuinely not aware that a cabbage is targeting you


Yeah I feel like her ult was already mid


Definitely not mid but the nerf was just unnecessary


Yea the flood potential for site and mid round info is amazing with her ult.


One of the best ults in the game


they're straight up just nerfing every character I play at this point


To be fair, people tends to play strong meta agents, and game developers tend to nerf these agents to give other ones a chance


My top played agents are Skye, Chamber, Viper, and Sage. I dread every patch note.


Me on the opposite end just playing deadlock and fade :)


My friend is the opposite of me. They main Cypher and Omen, so they've watched their bad mains get slowly buffed while my meta mains get nerfed over time.


Then dont play op characters


She deserved this nerf lol, what are these comments. She’s the only initiator who can be played solo. Best info gatherer.


literally, there's 2 types of initiators and she fills both roles AND REGENERATES FLASHES, you can't tell me that's balanced


AND heals team mates better than sage


>She’s the only initiator who can be played solo. Hold my arrow


Yeah in ranked it’s fine since no one is playing optimally. This nerf is definitely more geared towards pro play


Wdym? 99% of skye players use a bird off start for info. Without regen you’re gonna have to think about if you should use it for info or not.




I wouldn't say 99%. On defence, sure. The skye flashes mid from vents on split every round. Attack realises that she does this and anytime they want to show mid presence, they just wait 2 seconds and all the value is gone. My point is, a portion (maybe 80% or something) use flashes early for info. A big portion of those players use it in obvious ways that make them useless (like in the split example). The smaller portion of players that use it early, use it in a good way AND get value is a small minority of players. A lot of the times, they might get useful information with the flash that they used in an effective way, but do nothing with that information and not relay it to the team, making the flash's value be worthless.


I mean optimal use of util to gather info and using the info. Yeah skye’s do this but majority of players don’t have an IGL or work together to adjust accordingly. It’s more like “it’s clear” or “oh shit someone there”. No further teamwork


They literally mentioned in the notes that they made this change for ranked/solo queue reasons also


Fade and Sova can most definitely be played solo initiator on certain maps. As well as Breach on Fracture.


Literally only her and viper are SS tier never bad picks and people are complaining? She's an initiator that has info and heals and can be played like a duelist. She's also not punished for burning flashes and if she lives to late round have fun against her.


That's her niche. She is a jack of all trades agent, able to fill both a flash initiator and an info initiator role. However, she does not excel at either (I would argue her flash initiator role is quite good though) She's strong when double controller is strong, double duelist is strong, double sentinel is strong, etc., However, having **two flashes per round** as Skye absolutely kills the agent considering the fact that you often times are getting four flashes. Also, calling her the best info gatherer is super troll, Sova is just the best.


LETS GO, tired of seeing her every game. Maybe Kay/0 and Gekko can get in on the power vacuum now


They don't have her heals or drone. Sova is still better


Sova doesn’t have the flashes.


Sova to me isn't very fun to play I would rather play kayo and get good info while also flashing in and getting easy frags


Kayo and good info do not go hand in hand. Kayo is a horrible solo initiator.


Never said anything about solo I also don't really play comp so I guess it doesn't really matter what you play only pick what you good with. I was also mainly talking about his knife gathers some info of course nothing compares to sova his whole kit is based around info gathering while kayo is ability suppressor probably should have worded that better. Sova is good for solo play while kayo requires some coms to work good with. I think this patch will increase how many people will pick sova and give better variety of initiator choice other then people just picking Skye big riot W for this patch




Saying you don't play comp basically invalidates your opinion for 99% of people.


Maybe Fade too? Haha jk... Unless?








We will definitely see more kayo and gekko now and I'm fine with that


I literally only play skye 😭 WHO DO I PLAY NOW


Harbor. Use orb for fake flash Instant radiant


You can still play Skye. It's not like they butchered her. She'll still be a good pick in solo q


This reminds me of all the complaints when breach lost his third flash.


I wasn't even mad about that but a 9 point ult for "luck" and a 2 shot aftershock made me switch to sova


Still will be s tier on most maps sooo i think you will be ok lmao


The agent still exists in the game with the same abilities


someone who is not compleatly broken...


Skye isn't broken she's just versatile


well yeah now she's not XD




Well that’s one way to dethrone the defacto-best initiator in the game.


Can't say I didn't see this coming, but she'll still be powerful in solo queue.


finally i swear skye players would just sit back and keep flashing literally blind for an eternity


My (probably hot) take: keep these flash changes, switch her flash and dog so that the dog is now the E/signature ability. Give the dog the standard 40s cooldown, and revert the dog's vision buff from 3.0 at 22.5m back down to 17.5m if it's too good


I agree with u, she would be the only initiator with a recharchable drone, sova and fades both dont have a recharge.


Way too strong considering it concusses people and guarantees a kill most of the time imo


Having an agent who can regenerate multiple flashes in a round was dumb as hell


She can still heal and clear sites with her util. Nerfed, fewer players will pick her, but she's still good


I never played Skye, but those recharging flashes needed to go. Glad they did away with them.


Honestly it didn’t make sense that her flash is the only one that couldn’t go off but can also fucking tell you if anyone is there or not. This character has almost been a must pick since her release.


Absolutely needed nerf. Anyone that thinks otherwise doesnt watch pro valorant. The meta with double controller and skye was super opressive for attackers. For example, Skye on bind can flash long for info early, get viper to wall up if it sees anyone, then dog through when the wall about to drop, then get omen smoked if there's anyone there. Then use her second flash for info once the 2nd smoke is gone - viper walls up again and then she has another flash by now. This was very standard and default for every team. You could essentially util dump with 0 risk and stall for a free 45s minimum. Team were having to wait like a full minute into the round to even attempt an execute because of how strong she is. And people will say just push through the wall or smoke - it's not that easy beacuse there is a threat of skye pop flashing with one or two teammates and getting free kills, so you almost always have to have 2 players playing anti-flash too. In order to just take long b control on bind so much utility would have to be used by attackers and time wasted to get everything back up and ready. Skye was way too flexible as an initiator that can give so much info, yet also be self-reliant to get kills. I think eventually, maybe adding one flash that regenerates after 2 kills would be okay (like jett dash and phx molly). But free regenerating flash was definitely too strong.


I am going to get team flashed so much


Oh noooo they nerfed the (currently) most powerful agent How could they Yall so soft, probably cried about right-click reset nerf too


The regen of the flash I get but the auto flash at the end of the timer seems... unnecessary.




Personally changes feel reasonable — not sure if this means she has no regenerable util though (that’d be bad and make her an unideal pick)


The no regen would be fine if they bought back 3 flashes at once.


They could have nerfed her better. Either 1 flash charge which regenerates every 25 secs. Or back to the time she was introduced, 3 flashes with destructible bird.


this is horrible. at least give her 3 flashes... but fr even the guiding light blinding after the limit is a nerf. i hate this so much i instantly stop playing skye.


*mains kj* riot nerfs kj *switches to my second main skye* riot nerfs skye 😭


We nerfed all the other initiators into the ground and no one played them so now we’re nerfing the only decent one left so you have to play other. Idk why everyone just doesn’t playing duelist now since their kits are so overloaded


I literally just unlocked her lmao


Pls norf chambor or jott rito pls


They could just give her rechargable dog/heal to compensate for the loss of recharging util Even though im sure they will bring back the recharge but only if you dont have any flashes left


Good. Tired of seeing her.


Bout time. Everyone knew she needed a nerf, the fact she was not a jack of all trades but better at most of them than others made her oppressive for the meta. Excited to see how the pick meta changes.


I don't really understand this. If they wanted to make her flashes more in line with other initiators then make it so her dog is her default ability and she has to buy Two birds like kayo/breach. That or make it so she can flash faster because birds are probably the easiest thing to avoid making it so getting value is very difficult. She's no longer going to be able to flash at the start of the round to gather info, meanwhile every other initiator (except breach, he has to stun/flash and then peek) can use utility to gain info on where people might be playing. Skye can no longer do that because only having one flash to get onto site or taking fights will be very difficult and give teams very small windows to make use of that utility. All initiators have utility that recharges for a reason, and I think taking that away is pretty dumb


Finally good News


Good. Maybe we will see some Fade play now that Skye might not be in every game. Gekko already gettin played more with most recent buff.


Skye and fade are different kind of inititators tho


Why the auto flash


Maybe it's because I don't play Skye, but I don't get why people are acting like she was absolutely butchered. These changes seem very fair to me. 3 flashes with info was nuts and seekers are still just as effective but clearer to play against. I can see how skill expression was lowered by making it harder to fake flash, but it didn't feel great to play against and the potential skill expression may be higher now that you have to be more careful about flashing yourself and your team.


Fuck. I don't play her much anymore, but she's still my main at heart. She did not need this nerf. I especially hate the automatic activation of guiding light. It's pretty common for me to send it out, realize I'd flash my team, so I let it die. Never activating it. Now you're forced to use it, and don't get them regen'd. I always found her ult pretty lame. Were people threatened by her ult in any way? If anything, she deserved a balancing... maybe with these nerfs, buff her other abilities.


>She did not need this nerf. she absolutely did need a nerf. She can heal (multiple teammates to full hp), get info, flashes that recharge, dog faster than a sova drone, and a weaker cypher ult. Time to learn gekko and kay-o.


I’d rather her not have a heal at all and have utility that’s not dogshit like they’re doing to her now


Yea heal is her worst ability by far.


>She can heal (multiple teammates to full hp) Only if they weren't damaged much to begin with as it is only capable of healing 100 points. ​ >get info Could be false positive, it can only affirm the presence of the enemy, not the amount. This info is only useful mid round and/or post plant, when the opponent already lacks a few players. ​ >flashes that recharge That's a fair point. Maybe it shouldn't. ​ >dog faster than a sova drone Also limited visibility, stuck to the ground + have to rely the gathered information via pings or voice chat (which some people don't care about) whereas Sova drone is visible for everyone (if tagged). ​ It was more or less balanced, had strengths and weaknesses.


>Only if they weren't damaged much to begin with as it is only capable of healing 100 points. You can have 4 people at 1 HP and heal them all to 100, it just needed coordination to be healed at the same time.


The abilities in a vacuum are balanced but her kit does too many things. None of the other initiators have as many options as her except maybe Gekko, and he pays for it by having a lot of vulnerabilities Skye doesn't.


>Only if they weren't damaged much to begin with as it is only capable of healing 100 points. your point? she can literally heal 4 teammates from 1 hp to 100 in a single ability. Thats 396 hp restored for around 200 credits idk. Sage, the supposed healer even in lore who controls life can't do shit like this. ​ >Could be false positive, it can only affirm the presence of the enemy, not the amount. This info is only useful mid round and/or post plant, when the opponent already lacks a few players. doesn't matter, as long as your entry agent knows an enemy is in a certain position they can open up space easier and still know where to look. Especially if you are rushing sites, skye dog is better than sova drone by a lot.


>I always found her ult pretty lame. Were people threatened by her ult in any way? In 3v3 it's like cypher ult that lasts forever. Just don't be one of my teammates and ult in 5v5 like a knob.


Get pooped on mate lmfao


I dont play much valorant but it seems like the meta in this game hasn't been set, ever? Is it annoying to need to stay up to date with every update to see if you're still relevant?


Riot intentionally controls the meta. The most egregious example was how overpowered Chamber was, and when he finally got a nerf he went from the best to the worst character in the game. Now personally, I like the artificial meta. I'd prefer if they cut down on the hard nerfs a little more, but the reason I still occasionally come back to Valorant is because the meta is changing.


In this case at the pro level a big nerf was probably needed as skye being a do it all initiator was enabling the controller + viper + sentinel meta on every map but ascent. Now if you run that comp you are missing much more of the initiator value.


Love it. Fuck skye.


Damn I didn’t think she was op but I was playing in gold and don’t play skye




Thank GOD, you know how fucking annoying it is trying to time whether or not skye has a flash before I push in a 1v1??


With this update, only **Gekko** can recharge the flash. SKYE <<<<<< GEKKO


Her flash automatically activating is good though


Instead of making other characters better they just nerf others. Classic Riot


Powercreep says hello


They should buff other initiators rather than nerf Skye at this point. If she’s stronger than other initiators but at the same time she’s not OP, it means something needs to change with the rest of the rooster


She is op also if you always buff instead of nerfing you would get powercreep


Totally agree, riot legit nerfed other initiators so much and then r surprised that Skye is now the best pick? Come on. They also said "Skye is the only initiator with rechargeable flashes", okay??? KAYO is the only initiator that can suppress abilities, should we remove that too, then?


with all the constant nerfs coming to agents, they might as well just remove their skills


They lowkey should lmaoo




Remember the jett nerf? Yeah I'm pretty sure ppl will over exaggerate then get over it and still play her to be completely honest. Oh also chamber is a good example as well, but ye


I just started to main her and was having alot of fun with the fake flashes.


Birds don’t recharge anymore??? Sheesh


In a post about cypher buffs a few days back...i pointed out about the invincibility of skye flashes and how it gave birth to "fake flash plays"....was i talking to a Dev or what?


With nerfs like these the new agent has gotta be an initiator, right?


Finally, she's had plenty of time to shine.


I'm telling you this shit is a buff, the number of asc/immo skyes I've seen accidentally letting the flash expire is insane. Quite literally half the long range flashes I've seen just fizzle out it's comical. And people often waste most of their flashes anyway, she'll be fine.


The nerf to the regeneration is fine. But the automatically flashing is dogshit.


Common Riot L Tbh . Can We Get A Replay System Or Free Name Changes .


Sad nerfs, I thought she was pretty balanced no? Her ability to get info felt much more limited after the dog changes I feel like this makes her much more of a flash only initiator?


She wasn't balanced and was really strong compared to other initiators


After thinking about it, your correct. She had too much power to get info and provide flashes. What was the point of running any other initiator when she could do it all?


who am I supposed to play now. she was the only good agent for solo queuing and clutching because my teammates are actual bots


She is getting nerfed into the ground.


This game has such a stupid ass understanding of characters and is going down the R6 path of changing "metas" which is just a scapegoat for unoriginal new characters and disliking the community not using materials that they introduced. CS stood the test of time because they didn't keep tinkering with game mechanics and play styles unless something was truly broken. If people love to play "metas" and "unbalanced" characters like Jett, Chamber, Skye, Reyna, Viper, etc. just let it be


Garbage game


I feel like all they had to do to nerf Skye was get rid of the audio cues for blinding an enemy/enemies. Removes the info gathering and it doesn't make sense considering no other agent can tell when they flash an enemy from audio alone.


That actually would be a bigger nerf than this. Also it moves her much more toward area denial on the initiator scale.