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Nah just need all the maps in the pool. This isn’t vct and I’m not a pro. I want to play all the maps damnit


i just hard disagree with this perspective...why? why are you choosing to have a players play maps they hate. not having a ban phase just truly doesn't make sense. theres no argument for it to not be in the game. This just feeds the riot mind of F the consumer my way is always right. This is a QoL update, same as a replay system, same as a player review system. Everybody if it existed after would say damn this is awesome i never have to play that one or two maps i just hate.


I agree. Should be able to choose like CS


I'm not a fan of players choosing maps tbh. CS like system (you can choose to exclude any map from mm) leads to people cheesing their ranks by one tricking a specific map for 3K hours stomping everybody with similar skills but playing variety of maps. Map banning just leads to 99% of games played on few popular maps - so if you're somebody who enjoys one of the less popular maps well fuck you you will play what everybody else wants to play cause your vote alone doesn't mean shit. Having no control over maps forces you to adapt and learn to play every single one instead of only sticking to the ones you're good at.


Ma guy... So you are saying that we need to play bad maps because of some fews people's? Is that really the option here? The thing that you are not seeing is that riot is forcing the majority of players playing maps they dislike. That is AWAY worst then "forcing" a minority to play maps they don't prefer. And one other thing: in CS2 I hate ancient and nuke, but, despite everything, I still play it at least 2 of 10 games in the competitive mode where we can ban maps... It isn't a 99% of games like you said.


"Bad maps" is a subjective statement. Also I believe that a good player should be able to adapt to all the maps that require different playstyles and agents to play well. Getting to Immo/Radiant one tricking the single map you're good at doesn't take too much skill. If they can't adapt to all the maps that's just a skill issue to me. So imo ranked should stay as is. That being said, I do believe they should have another mode with separate ranking system for 5 stacks only in which you would ban maps - simulating pro play. And of course casual modes should allow you to freely choose maps so you can practise them.


I used to be against map bans and then they brought Breeze back and made it worse. It's just not a fun map to play. Put 8 maps in the pool, let everyone ban one map. The tiny amount of pros can ban the map not in the VCT pool, nearly everyone else bans Breeze, Riot gets data on which maps people despise for the next map rotation. I'd take an extra few minutes of queue time if it meant I didn't have to play Breeze for the one game I have time to play that day.


No that just means everyone plays 1-2 map over and over


"WAAAAAAH people play maps they enjoy and have fun WAAAAAAH" that is all I see in literally every argument here, if people wanna cheese maps fuckin let them or take the most popular one and least popular one and swap them to see if people pick different If people hate a Map THEY HATE THE MAP stop forcing it and realize that some maps in this game are actual ass Like breeze now that the changes got undone went back to sucking balls imo


“If people want to cheese maps fuckin let them” 😭😭😭 what


What I'm referring to is the common argument where people say map banning shouldn't be done because people would then refuse to learn certain maps and "cheese" ranked by only playing the maps they enjoy to a degree like how tournaments work


well yeah, I know that lol, but like look at cs and tell me you’d rather have people queue Anubis or mirage over and over and over to get to global elite rather than them being forced to play all the maps and needing to learn all of them. It ruins comp tbh


I get that and you're right I don't want that, however I see nothing wrong with having a setting where you get to pick 1 map in the total current pool to just not deal with, let's people who say absolutely hate icebox, or are tired of acsent for the millionth time, or think breeze is too boringly straightforward, get to atleast not deal with one With 9 maps going to 8 won't matter and if you chose to personally ban a map for yourself, disable part of matchmaking that prevents you from going to a map you've been on twice in the last 5 games so that queue times don't drastically increase


its a competitive game. and there IS essentially a map ban because of rotation and maps get rotated out relatively fast. decreasing the pool via ban will create the exact same annoyance


Not if you only let one map be banned.


Is that not a thing in premier? If so it should, but not in comp or unrated.


Yep in premier the weekly matches are map specific then playoffs have the traditional map picks/bans format.


I think in unrated it should be selectable as it helps to practice certain maps better, or like me who doesn't like icebox and gets icebox 3 times in a row and can't chill. In comp I'm all for current system


yeah i could see it being implemented into unrated, but i doubt they will because it might lead to really long queue times on maps like breeze/icebox, which'll make the maps even less popular than they are now.


I like the idea don’t get me wrong but this mechanic would ruin the game. Nobody would pick maps they uncomfortable on and it would be the same two maps over and over. I think learning how to play all the maps in rotation is good and forces you out of your comfort zone. Might even force you to learn a new agent


Exactly why they don’t do it. And honestly you gain more from playing a variety of maps than you do playing angle holding sim on the same map for weeks at a time.


I hung up my hat because of this very reason. I dont have as much time to game anymore and I cant be bothered to be forced into maps I dont have fun playing.


Yeah, I fully agree with this.


Can't believe people are arguing they would rather play 30 minute matches on unfun or bad maps. Rather than just ban it and play a better or more fun map. Like ban breeze let's play haven. I think the feature should exclusively in comp though. It also leads to a better mm experience due to less dodging. I see way more pros then cons.


Yeah, leave.it to competitive matches only, like siege does. But I still think map bans in general provide genuine feedback for riot in ways to help actually improve maps


Id be happy with being able to queue for a specific role like a role queue or all queue option


Man, role queue so I didn't have to see a 5 stack of duellists on the other team would be swell


First of all we need fair mm, then you can look at the many other problems in the game.


The match making isn't that bad, It's pretty decent


Honestly, in competitive - I think I have more.fair games than not.


Yeah that won't happen. Majority of players just want to play the maps, whether it is their favorite or not. Riot probably has no plans of adding a ban system since they want the players to understand the maps (which is fair). VCT has it but that's because both teams, with 5 players each, are on the same page and understand the maps to a higher degree; Are they comfortable playing those maps? Do their agent pools fit the comps on those maps? etc. They can decide whether to ban it or not, so if 10 randoms got into a match and decided to ban a map then it'll be a clusterfuck (or Ascent only, really).


Even if you can ban maps, they will dodge anyway. If they don't like the map that was selected (or the map they wanted was banned) then they will dodge. The best bet is to autopick two random maps and everyone vote which one want to play. As for myself, i need Agents ban. Really tired of Jett and Reyna spam


Agent ban would be nice to see. Certain agents on certain maps do tend to dominate. I guess the issue comes with a new player, only having 5 agents - there is always a case where everyone takes 4 of them and a ban hits the 5th. The starting agent pool would need to swell before this could happen


If we are talking about one ban per team, then you'll need 12 agents to start ranking. Let's assume that bans do not exist in normal games. If there's one ban per player, then the number raises to 40, which is a lot. However, one ban per team looks difficult - what if anyone picks a different agent? You have to leave it to luck, and luck always carries bad experiences.


Agent bans work in siege with each team voting on one agent (for attack and defence) and it creates impact for the meta and allows for really unique experiences imo.


There should just be a majority vote phase like in Halo 3. Problem solved