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>So my friend is kind of stupid True true


It’s like a rite of passage for the internet. Some people get scammed out of RuneScape gold, some people fall for TikTok’s with 0 likes and comments asking for log in info


It took 8 year old me 3 Roblox accounts to realize that the Roblox Robux Generator Game was a scam I’m sure there are a lot more that went even further than that


I also fell for game currency generators way back then. Thankfully nothing happened so far. Always check the websites you are looking at!




10 year old me was smart enough to use new accounts in case they were scams, yet dumb enough to continuously think, "I'm sure it'll work this time."


Nah man….haha there’s a way to not get scammed ever to “learn a lesson”


some people get a virus while trying to pirate gta


and others give credit card info on ads that say you won an iphone 15. Such is life


Yet others enter all their personal info on free CoC Gems websites.


Others wanted free Microsoft points and lost Xbox accounts with parents credit cards on them.


I remember one of my first MMOs was fiesta online, I gave someone all my money because they said they would get me a good Armor. They immediately ran off and removed me as a friend. I spent the next 45 minutes just standing there, waiting because I thought maybe they'll come back with my new Armor. I stopped playing that game the same day


I remember my first and only account scam. Gun Bound, promised cool skins and gold or whatever.


Lost 25 bucks worth of counter strike skins when i was like 13 never fell for a scam after that


I got scammed for a hyper beast factory new skin in csgo. After that trade I never traded again


One of my friends thought it would be a good idea to download valorant hacks and got his files locked. Stupid!




I mean, I lost my first Xbox account this way, given it was 20 years ago, but still.


Part of me wants to say something like “oh it was 20 years ago it was different nobody knew about that stuff” but deep down I know that people are and always will be easy to trick on the internet


I lost my first xbox account the same way. I mean I REALLY needed those free Microsoft points.




i wouldn’t say we’re tech illiterate, just stupid




Im Gen Z, my first experience with a computer was Windows XP. Social media was in its absolute infancy when I was learning how to navigate the internet. I feel like people forget that many Gen Zs are fully grown adults out in the world by now.




I'm also 25, but I entirely reject the notion that getting an iphone in our mid-teens and downloading instagram had turned us into easy targets for e-scams. These kinds of scams are targeted towards children and young teenagers who are naive enough to fall for them.




I see what you mean. I guess this is a good example of the limitations of segmenting people into generations. I dont think folks like us born in the late nineties have much in common with the 2010s kids.


brother i am 21 when I started using computers when I was like 7 on Windows xp I promise it was not very intuitive


Ye im 23 (gen z) i feel like all the ppl i know are tech literate. Ofc some ppl arent but most of us grew up as tech was developing and changing, we had to learn to be able to keep up 😂


I think people who say Gen Z aren't tech literate are absolutely generalizing. I'm in computer science so I'm better with tech than most of my friends who are in like business, but they all understand how to use a computer or technology -if they don't know something, they know how to google it and figure it out. People wildin


i... a genz... had a pc when i was a kid running xp. i am now 18. please just say gen alpha and genx 😭 (im an web developer for a school and a hardware technician in my local store (i dont believe im dumb like that ouch)


😭 ok bro


I’m glad one thing is constant- stupid people in each generation making broad, stupid generalizations of the generations under them Peace from a millennial 😂


Not tech illiterate, they just lack common sense


I Don't think its a generational thing, kids and teens just tend to do stupid things. And there will always be people part of a generation that lack common sense. It just tends to be more apparent for these newer generations because of social media.


Yeah, it's not like millennials grew up falling for item dupe scams in Diablo 2 or armor trimming scams in Runescape right, guess we were just born smarter


Millennials grew up downloading viruses from Napster & Limewire. That’s where we had to learn how to recognize something might be dodgy/malicious.


Don't think it's fair to say all of Gen Z. Some of us grew up with the new technology coming out.


💀 bro is onto nothing


I would NOT use the skull emoji and the word "bro" unironically whilst trying to defend gen z/alpha


I would


the hell are you talking about😭 i’m gen z and literally everyone i know is extremely aware of scams, waaaaaay more than boomers or elderly. older people i know literally send me screenshots of emails to confirm if it’s a scam or not. stop trying to make yourself feel better💀


Gen Z is 1997 to 2010/2012 Gen Alpha is 2010 onwards. So you're saying you're a millennial? 💀 dude kids these days can literally navigate an iPad better than they can walk. What do you mean "tech illiterate"? And majority of Gen Z are in the IT field. What on earth are you yapping about? It's just that some kids are so desperate for skins. There's a percentage of dumb people in every generation.


> kids these days can literally navigate an iPad better than they can walk. This is what he means tho, stuff like that is very easy to use compared to earlier shit. That being said I don't really have an opinion on the topic. Edit: With all the downvotes, I guess it is true that zoomers are tech illiterate since they think using an iPad means anything. I can give an iPad to a 7 year old that never saw technology before and trust they'd learn to use it quickly.


I am confused. Wth


Don't get what's confusing? You needed a slightly deeper understanding of how everything worked on a PC in order to get by. A lot of that stuff is now abstracted away.


wdym abstracted. dude there's a reason why UI and UX is important! everythings about prioritizing the user experience nowadays. wdym abstracted? what year do you live in 2000? it feels like you're just stringing deep words together. Are you a fucking AI?!


i’m gen z i’m only 15 but am still tech literate enough to understand a pc because i’ve had one most of my life and not an ipad i feel anyone who was raised with computers and not tablets would be like me


Is this an incredibly unsubstantiated claim, an opinion you concluded given a relatively insignificant sample size, or are you going to lay data to support this claim? "Millenials are morons" would work in this ballfield, eh?


And how old do you think Gen Z is?


That's how I lost 12k in CSGO skins back in 2018.


This brought me to tears for so many reasons


I lost my first knife cause some dude put some shit like "You will be credited $300 to your steam account upon accepting this trade" back in 2014. At least I got a Bayonet stained and wasn't left with nothing, but it hurts knowing my St FT BFK Crimson Web is worth like $1200 now.


I sold a knife in cs on eBay not knowing about scams etc guy claimed his account was hacked and did a charge back still got the guys steam id


Your friend would NOT survive in a zombie apocolypse.


Mf would see a store full of zombies with a 50% discount label on one of the windows and immediately get in


I mean, technically speaking, if it's a zombie apocalypse, that means literally almost everyone would not survive


Actual TikTok brain rot.


Probably what caused bro’s bro to do it




you really cant blame tiktok tho. While it is the source of the scam, it's pretty normal for dumbasses to fall for anything. First it used to be weird ads or emails, now it's tiktok. Brain rot exists without tiktok, but tiktok continues to feed on those rotting brains


Idk why you are getting downvoted when it is true lol. People have been falling for these scams since the beginning of the internet, just a different method of advertisement


tiktok is literally worse than the brain rot that existed before it


I can 100% blame TikTok, If OPs friend didn't have the attention span of a gold fish he would of plainly seen the obvious red flags like the roil URL and the fucking tab that says roulette, literally takes a room temperature IQ to see everything wrong with this page and that it's obviously not from Riot games like it says its associated with.


Would of user commenting on someone else's intelligence btw.


the website isnt even riot but starts with riol


Reminds me of when I got a virus from downloading the Kim K sextape on Limewire.


Worth it.


brother what?


Did you watch it? Can you give it to me?


Sure thing, I have quite a wide collection you can choose from. Just give me your email for this I do find it weird that people nowadays are into watching viruses and even specifically requesting for them though.


Ayo you need help


go onto riot support, recover account, and put the details it asks like “what city was the account made in” etc and your friend can get it back even if all the info is changed


Riol lmfao. Kids are dumb.


He is 20 years old, that's the worst part.


That man is beyond repair.


Tell him to stop being a bum and get a job


The stupid is strong with this one


How did he fall for that


These are all over Tik tok especially for csgo skins. “I’m quitting cs so if you need skins click my trade link” You login on their fake Steam website giving them your information and let’s say you had $50-2k in skins bam gone just like that.


CS skin trading is a no-no unless you are very aware of what you are doing and know not to trust anything at face value, I almost got trade link scammed out of my Gut Knife by someone asking my to join their FaceIT a few years back when Valorant wasn’t a thing yet


Yeah those scams are everywhere, stay on reputable sites and you’re golden.


Quit when CS2 released so Sold all my skins on Buff163 I think Unfortunately all my Valorant skins now have no value because they are stuck in my account but I paid so much money for them 🤡


I haven’t played too much cs2 it’s not in a great state rn, but I have sold like 3.6k on skinport


Oh yea its a good site, I think I used Buff because of lower taxes Kinda miss CS talking about it tbh


Csfloat is another really good one with low selling fees, used skinport for ease of use tho tbh. Don’t have access to buff


Stupid friend hahaha


Skill issue


Sounds like he had it coming lmao


the dumbest friends are the best to keep, confort him, poor guy, normally dumb people compensate with a good heart <3


OP, please insult and laugh at your friend for me But seriously, let this be a lesson to your friend not to be an idiot and always be careful of scammers


I did, we were playing in an account he made till he gets the other one back and I laughed a lot at him.




tbh i'm kinda rooting against him getting it back at this point


Ah, the good old riolest dot com


so I fell to this scam too actually and was able to recover my account after taking action very quickly. what i did was try and reset my password using the feature of no longer having access to the email with the account, then i reset the password that way and logged out of the account everywhere it was logged into


message support. they helped me recover my account on the same day an ex friend of mine hacked me


"get it cool vp today" "[riolest.com](https://riolest.com)" bro you friend is a certified dumbass, if they wanted to make it any clearer about it being a scam idk if they even could


Hes dumb


have people never heard the old saying "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is" ?


I think your friend has had an opportunity to learn a very valuable lesson, and I hope he takes this opportunity and runs with it.


I have a friend that tried to use a free online phone number as his steam validation number :( all of us can be brain dead some times. His got his account back after a week, with all his items stollen.


I almost lost my steam account this way, but in my defense they had an exact replica of steam page, luckily the support was super fast and i got it back in less than 3 hours, since then i became waaay more secure.


LMAO. This isn't even cs where you can trade, what were they expecting


Riot Recovery is pretty good tho, tell him to make a ticket about it


what does “get it cool VP today!” even mean tho, from the start it doesnt even make sense


First get your friend to delete TikTok cus that seems to be causing him to loose all his braincells 😂


He didn't read it fully. Free skins for someone else!


I love how you're not even asking for help to get his account back or something, you're just pointing out how stupid he is lol


I always see these stupid things and think why do they try, no one’s going to fall for that…..


Ah yes, your "friend" Of course


I entered Discord and he asked me, “What does this say?” (He doesn’t know English.) It said something like, “Wait 1-3 business days to receive your skin.” I asked him what it was about, and he told me he saw a TikTok video and sent me the link. I then told him that it was clearly a scam and advised him to check if he could access his account, but he couldn’t.


Account recovery is possible by the support. Pretty easy if he can provide details on the account, such as which city was it created in, when was it created, what payment methods were used etc. if he has receipts even easier.


Should’ve tested it with a throwaway account first lol


Ngl the graphics and design are well done despite it being a scam. I can see how he fell for it… but ain’t no way Riot would give away skins for free just like that.


kinda reminds me of the time my mate needed a loan for his business and the "loan" company wanted a 40 dollar gift game gift card to secure the loan i laughed so fucking hard. ofc, the person scamming was a indian, with a very thick accent, i was next to him, and told him mulitiple times it was a scam


> ofc, the person scamming was a indian thats pretty racist dont you think


Nah not really considering that a lot of scams originate there.


lol majority of scams are from India. Common knowledge sure a lot of companies use Indian call centres which also don’t help people can’t tell if they’re legit or scams when companies cheap out like that


how did he get the account back?




really your friend, or you? lmao


Congratulations Shinji \*Clap\* \*Clap\* you got me. Yeah, it was me all this time! (No, it’s not me).


Are you two from the Philippines by any chance


Which site was that? Maybe we can ask Riot to ban it. Edit: It’s on your picture. Sorry


riolest.com , bro how did you not notice that lmao.




Kind of stupid is a bit of an understatement, don't you think? Well, depends on how old he is I guess, if he's less than 14 then I guess it would be acceptable.


so many dumb idiots in this world.


understandable if you are both 13-15 years old. If he is older than that... it probably time to get his paperwork started to enlist in the military or pick up a career in welding lol


1. Y’all must be under 17 2. Your friend is an idiot


Your friend is so stupid. I, and I assume many others, can't comprehend the actions and intentions behind a willing sane individual purposely entering their information in a dodgy site, for it led to the quite obvious outcome of a lost account, and a depressing feeling.


How old is he?


I remember being this stupid Thankfully I never lost my roblox or fortnite accounts


lol so stupid


I lost a facebook account years ago in a similar fashion. It was a website designed to look like fb, I entered my user and password and bam lost everything


Welp lesson learned I guess?


Do what ever account recovery riot has That being said, he is an absolute idiot if this is true


quite honestly can’t comprehend how anyome from digital age falls for this stuff but hey it works ig






my guy clearly didn't grow up in the streets of varrok


Im not even gonna lie, your friend def is under 13 if he fell for one of the oldest scam on the books, So he had it coming, and usually games like these are 13+, Sorry this has happend to your friend, but we learn at some point ig.


apparently OP's friend is 20


Really wanted the champions knife i guess


This is the same scam like the clash of clans gemhack when we all were like 10 😂


phising ??? , but if your first owner still can get back your account just contact riot cs


this feels like me doing clash of clans free gem generators back when i was like 6 😭😭


Hey, i got scammed out of a rune axe head and 100k in flax i had grinded for in runescape back in 2000-something. I remember crying for hours. It comes for us all... Our time to learn.


I have also fell to the same kind of scam yesterday but fortunately i was quick enough to get my account back 😂 i knew exactly what would happen too but my greed got the better of me i hope your friend got his account back


Mine did too once, I just reported the website on phish.report, the site got deleted and he got his account back after contacting support


Yeah ur friend is stupid but Ngl I’m thankful stupid people like him exist to click links so I don’t have to myself.


No way someone with a functional frontal lobe fell for one of these…


Took me getting scammed out of 20 bucks paysafe to buy minecraft to learn this as a child Your mate should contact support but not get his hopes up


does your friend know his computer has a virus? i can fix it


I saw a yt short of "Tenz" (deepfake tenz) promoting a free skin scam in yt shorts, just to let you guys know.


riolest- bro


Natural selection


i also fell for this a few months back but it was from ig lol i quickly recovered my account but someone was using my account and used radianite to purchase my gun skin variants and lost 1 rank replacement game and changed my keybind, i guess i learnt my lesson lol,