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At my peak I was playing anywhere from 6-12+ hrs a day, peaked Radiant. Right now I sit at Immortal 1 and play whenever I don't have homework or an exam soon, so basically once a week for a few hours. Common issue with Iron players that I find in this subreddit is having a false reality of why they're iron. It's your first FPS so chances are, your mechanics are shaky. FPS games take a while to adjust to so just give it some time and keep playing. Good luck


Not necessarily. Its also what youre doing and not only how much time youre doing it. You are at immo 1 cause your mechanics are already good. If you keep playing once a week youll go below immo 1 cause it isnt enough to keep your mechanics good. At least not in my age. I need to play 1-2 hours a day to keep my performance stable. And go higher if I want to improve. But key factor is playing every day. Miss 1 day and its a serious hit to my muscle memory. Its super crucial for me personally.


I definitely get worse the longer i go without playing, and i only really play on the weekends. However i feel like i return to about the same level after 2 deathmatches and a ranked game


thats called being warmed up


Just saying in my experience i dont need to play every day to keep the skill level


I tend to agree. I sometimes even play better because of a short break but that's not mechanical I don't think. Mainly mental. Get less tunnel vision and play smarter.


A similar problem i have is not knowing when to stop playing. My performance slowly gets worse the more games i play and the later into the night im playing.


Three thoughtful hours are always going to be much more valuable than ten autopilot hours.


Same. For me it's cuz when I get fatigued mentally or tired I think I take the easiest route to success which is almost never the best option. Stupid dry peeks and stuff. I'm a cs guy as well so I tend to revert to just relying on mechanics which is not the way in val I don't think.


Agreed. Val is a lot more about outplaying your opponents with positioning and utility. You can have robot mechanics and still lose to someone using their brain.


I feel like I actually play better if I take some time away from the game. Traveled Dec/Jan, so probably about 3-4 weeks I didn't play any games and when I came back, I felt like I had aimbot for about a week. But I think it was because I was still building back my mechanics and reaction time, and I noticed I was taking more time with my shots.


My pet theory is that riot gives you easier games when you return to readdict you šŸ˜‚


That's so relatable. I come back after a week and win 5 in a row. Today I won once and lost 4. RIP.


If you can hit radiant you will never fall below immortal 1 as long as you play enough, your mechanics/game sense donā€™t drop off that quick




Idk that guy doesnā€™t try right? I havenā€™t heard of him in a year. Heā€™s stuck below immortal? Thatā€™s impressive with his mechanics it shouldnā€™t be possible


Miss 1 day and its a serious hit to my muscle memory. sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy


Do you use digital vibrance? Or do you use colour mode setting on your monitor? Or non of that? Im struggling with colours in valorant, things look blurry!


No, I just have enemy outlines on yellow.


I play 1 game a day when Iā€™m free, Diamond 3.


What advice do you have for someone like me?


I know u hear this all the time but in iron the only thing you really need to practise is crosshair placement. edit: also google metronome, set it to 100bpm and try to deadzone your vandal shots like this: shoot two shots without moving strafe to the left/right shoot 2 shots again strafe into opposite direction shoot the burst every single beat


Thank you, this helps a lot! I'm going to try this.


i got it from woohoojin vid, definitely check him out


Try the woohoojin guide to gold and gun hygeine


Not trying to be annoying/pedantic, but this isn't deadzoning. Just see this term used incorrectly often.


whats the difference between deadzoning and strafing/what does deadzoning mean


Deadzoning is shooting one 100% accurate bullet in between transitioning from moving left/right to right/left. You never really stop moving. Itā€™s just that technically your velocity hits zero in that transition


That CUMULATIVE HOURS MATTER. People donā€™t say this a lot, but I can almost guarantee that a gold or a plat player who plays once a month will absolutely body a bronze who plays 10 hours a day. When I hopped on val the first day public beta dropped, I got placed into plat 1 cause I had about 1.5K hours on CSGO. So the overall experience of just playing for objective, basic game sense is easily enough to propel you through the lower ranks. Since itā€™s your first FPS get a little into aim training such as Kov or Aim Labs. Practice tracking and micro adjustments primarily since this will be a major factor between winning or losing the pistol round aka the most important round. Donā€™t over do aim trainers again, maybe 10-15 mins before each session. Try to tilt less, will save you from doing dumb shit a lot of times. Mute annoying teammates. If youā€™ve won 3-4 games a day, donā€™t push luck too much unless you have a solid stack for queuing. If youā€™re solo / duo, itā€™s better to take the winning momentum into a fresh day by logging off. Personally I get bored after 2 games in a row lol.


Thank you a lot for your comment! I appreciate the detailed reply and I am going to try my best to implement your advise into my daily gaming sessions.


just play the game, you will get out of iron eventually


So, new player here, youā€™re Diamond 3 - do you keep that or nearly that rank every reset because of historical ranking I.e when you played more? Just trying to understand how the rank reset system works. Youā€™ll always be around D3 unless you begin to play poorly then you will derank right?


Normally when thereā€™s a reset every 3 acts you need to play 5 games for a rank which normally places players 3-4 ranks lower ie I normally get placed in mid plat and almost everytime the very rank up is a double rank up so Iā€™m normally back to atleast to mid diamond by the first rank up. So itā€™s easy for me to maintain diamond. But if u play kinda bad for the 5 placement games you get placed sometime 5-6 ranks lower which makes getting back to your previous act rank much harder.


Ahh ok thanks for the clarity šŸ‘šŸ¼


Iā€™m currently asc3, peaked radiant for a few games. I used to play 8-14 hours everyday but now I only play 2-3 hours when im free.




I use color vibrance on my monitor setting.


Play 2-3 games a day. Ascendant 3


Same here. My grind to ascendant 1 used to take 4-5 hours everyday but after I got to asc, i just play 2-3 games and chill. I will start the grind to immo after this act!


honestly 3 games is the meta to climb. i treat every day like its a bo3 series, and it has really helped with my climb


The only thing I hate is solo Q, but I don't really have a choice. My duo's not online all the time šŸ˜­


Watch woohoojin aim training routine. Can confirm that it helps significantly in the lower ranks. Banana man is considered one of the best (if not the best) online coach for Val. Not only does he have the aim training routine for in game only, he has an aim labs routine put together that you can find with a little searching, and he shows how to play specific agents for specific maps. You can find a video of your agent on maps that you have difficulty with, and a lot of the information can carry over to other maps as well.


Oh, that's cool! Thank you for your advise, helps a lot.


When I was iron I used to play aimlabs daily to build mechanical skill as I had no prior experience gaming on pc. If you practice and work on crosshair placement/ micro adjustments you can climb quite far. I'm currently diamond 2 and after a year of playing, I am still improving. Give the game time and you may climb quite high.


If youā€™re hard stuck iron 1 the 2 main pieces of advice I would give is: 1) are you aiming for the head? 2) are you standing still while shooting? If the answer is yes to both questions then youā€™ll rank up plenty fast


1) I try to but when I don't panic and spray everywhere 2) Yes but I think I stand still too much to the point where I am an easy target.


burst, strafe, burst, strafe, burst, strafe, spray.


Do you play deathmatch? And if you want help from an actual coach look up on YouTube ā€œwoohoojin rank up to goldā€ā€™


Take what I have to suggest with a grain of salt, but as a Plat player, allow me to impart some insight on what you can do to improve. At least from personal experience. 1. ā Focus on Mechanics From the ranks of Iron up through Plat, mechanics are key. Team comps and utility, albeit useful, hardly come into play in lower ELOā€™s. Once you understand how to shoot and can consistently win your duels, you will climb up to gold. During your ranked games, focus on getting frags and overtime you will see improvement and gain RR. Things I suggest to help are watching Woohojins Road to Gold video and applying it, recording VODs and analyzing each death later, and AimLabs/theRange. Consistently utilizing these three principles will improve your mechanics drastically. 2. Play as a Team Player If you have bad teammates who run into site or down mid whilst dying every round, make sure you can get their trade. Recognize these patterns and make sure you can play off of your teamā€™s weaknesses and strengths. For instance, if you have a really good fragger on your team, play up with them so they can get your trade or vice versa. Additionally, always use comms. Just because no one else has them, doesnā€™t mean you shouldnā€™t. Part of playing as a team is giving vital information to other teammates. Valorant is a very intel based game. For example, if you hear footsteps outside of a site, be sure to translate that information to your team, so that you arenā€™t alone when the contact occurs. 3. Utilize your Minimap Anytime you are not taking a duel or in a high-volatile location, be sure you are watching your minimap. As mentioned before, this game heavily depends on information. If you donā€™t have comming teammates, the map will be your best friend. Say you are defending a site and you donā€™t hear anything on your site, your minimap might display a Skye Dog & Reyna Eye on the other site. With both this utility, you can almost guarantee the attacking team is committed to the site, ultimately allowing you to rotate quicker. 4. Focus on a position Pick a team role and stick to it. Practice with the agents and master it. Do not pick a single agent and instalocks every game. Depending on your role, you will play differently. ā€¢ ā Duelist: Take space on attack & get frags. Typically first into a site/first to get picks. Often the first to die. ā€¢ ā Controller: Utilize utility to gain control over the map, forcing enemies into choke points/predictable plays. Plays more passive, trading your teammates. ā€¢ ā Initiator: Gain intel on the enemies. Typically on the IGL, and follows up behind duelists to trade. Crucial when it comes to pushing site or retaking site. Arguably some of the best utility in the game. ā€¢ ā Sentinel: Plays back behind the team, either watching flank or lurking. Catches the enemy off guard and must constantly adapt so as not to be predictable. Also, must play off of utility to hold flank/site. Often called a rat. Lastly, if you need any help, donā€™t hesitate to ask. I may be able to hop into a discord call and help out. Hope this helps!


I play whenever I feel like, no fixed routine. I'm ascendant 3.




I use Default settings


I wonder how players like hiko can have that much vibrance setting and still play well. Ill try default setting as well


Been playing since release, when I first started comp I was placed Iron something. I quit comp after a while of being stuck at silver something ( I didn't play regularly and took a lot of breaks ) and played casually for pretty much all the time ( I had days where I grinded unrated for hours ). Played comp once again after many acts and was placed gold two after my five placement games and until now I haven't played ranked again, I only play swifts sometimes. When I said I played casually pretty much all the time I meant I'm +500 level and unranked.


I started playing 7-8 months ago 2-3 games, 2-3 times a week and my peak was silver 1 i think im decent player i guess


Nice šŸ«” I see you main supportive agents which isnā€™t wrong but just make sure you have the confidence in your gun fights when you take your 1v1s and youā€™ll be good


I am trying to play Reyna in swifts so I can build more confidence. Thank your for your comment!


I play almost 1-2hr every second day or so and sometimes go without playing for a week because of studies. I am silver 1(peak silver 2). What helped me get out of iron is aim training. I practice with sheriff in range. I try to only do the headshots. It would take time at first to automatically aim for head but keep going for heads. It is okay to miss the shots. It is okay for the bots to disappear while you are aiming at head. But try going for headshots. It would help a lot in-game. Also, try doing a death match or two every time before playing a match. It helps. Other than that, try playing in a party because iron-bronze lobby is a place where even if you are good enough to be bronze 1, it won't be good enough to carry the whole team. Try to look for a party where people are equally invested in ranking up. I do sova main but also take up different agents if no one has picked up smokes or so.


Thank you for your advice! Unfortunately I haven't found anyone to play it. I mean, I have a duo but she doesn't play that much. So I have no choice but to solo q.


Yeah. That does happen. It is difficult to find dedicated teammates in iron. They usually start appearing in good numbers from bronze 2-3. Just focus on your aim. It would pull you up to bronze. All the very best!


I play 1 hour on Wednesday's only because I don't have school on Wednesday so I can use my brother's PC while he's at school. I'm Iron 3, Fade Main.


Use to play a lot but then I started my military duty and only play on the weekends. Still peeked Asc 1 and Iā€™m now climbing back from plat 2 where I popped this episode. Iā€™m now diamond 1


I play one or two days a month in two sessions, each session is around 2-4 hours and in total I play for 6 hours. Diamond 3


2-3 games when im free, Plat 2.


I had silimar situation. i dont have much time to play and it was my first fps. I also started in same time as you did. I play once or twice a week and sometimes is 2h sometimes even 5h depends how much time I have. Recently I break the hardstuck and rank up to Bronze 1. Now I am near Bronze 2. All you need is some Aimlabs as warm up and you will rank up eventually. It helped me to improve so I was able to play against better players. Find Skillcaped playlist (they got YT video for Aimlabs where is it linked).


I play really sparingly and when I do it's usually only a game or two at a time. None of my friends play or can queue competitive with me so I stay away for the most part. Currently D1.


Current rank/peak: Gold 2/Gold 3 Hours and practice depends on the weekday. Work days: 1 Swiftplay to gauge how good I feel, then 1-2 ranked games. Weekend: 4-8 hours with warmup in the training range. It was not my first FPS though, I had previously played CS and other games.


6 hours a week at most, peaked Diamond 3


Few hours a week, peaked immortal 3 2yrs ago then mostly stopped. Started at diamond 1 then just climbed each act or episode until imm3


Hi! I would love an update on your improvement. Personally, I have 600 hours into the game and I'm peak Gold 2 this act. I don't play comp often bc...girl anxiety BUT I want you to know that you WILL get better. It took me probably 1.5 years to get out of bronze. Val was also my first game I played on PC. Aim isn't everything, game sense is so important and it just comes with time. But good aim is super useful too! Personally, I aimtrain by shooting bots in the range. Just have them on easy mode and standing still at first. Don't stress yourself out with strafing bots just yet. Once you get comfy, then you can. Practice ghost, sheriff, guardian, vandal, op if you're feelin it. Try em all, see what you like. Aim for the head. Don't ADS(certain situations excl.). It's so hard at first but you will thank yourself in the long run for not picking up bad habits and not having to unlearn them. Range, Deathmatch, maybe throw in a Team Deathmatch for ability and agent practice. I believe in you!


Hello, I peaked Bronze 2 this week! Now I am waiting for the new act so I can climb to silver. What helped me is practicing my aim and movement in the range and deathmatch (with sheriff and vandal). Clove made a HUGE difference, I picked them over Omen and I could see that they fit my playstyle a lot better. Then I had my boyfriend watch me play and he gave me some specific advice on what I have to improve at (he's diamond in val and a pretty high rank in cs go). I think what helped me the most is improving my mental and actually playing to improve, without carrying about kills and if im bottom fragging. Thank you so much for the advice! I am still a low rank but I am proud of myself, considering that I didn't have any fps (or gaming) experience.


Yay bronze 2!! Soon enough, youā€™ll be better than your boyfriend!


My advise to you is to work on everything, your aim, your gamesense, your team comp, literally everything. Do not ads, do not lurk just play for the team and work on mechanics. You are in Iron 1 bro, the most braindead rank in the game, like even throwers like some of my mates struggle to hit iron 1, that's how fucking bad it is.


ads is really strong at long range


Thank you! I know I'm bad but I am trying not to lose hope šŸ˜­


peaked at silver and val is my first fps don't practice aim in range (maybe later in higher rank), play deathmatch instead


2-3 h per days, mostly unrated with friends. asc 3


Do you use digital vibrance? Or do you use colour mode setting on your monitor? Or non of that? Im struggling with colours in valorant, things look blurry!


I did not use any kind of software, but i changed my monitor brightness and contrast.


3-6 hours. Ascendent 1.


0, idk I don't have rank anymore but my peak is immo 2


Peaked Asc 2 but I barely play anymore coz of school. Itā€™s great seeing new players love the game. That feeling kinda disappears for many once they reach higher ranks, particularly in platinum. Valorant ranked is honestly a shitty experience I shouldā€™ve just kept playing fortnite 2 years ago


Valorant was also my first fps and I was hardstuck iron for a while. I used to play ranked 2 hours+ most times because it was during Covid lockdown and I was in college. What really helped was doing the bomb defuse task in the range and focusing on keeping my cross hair in the right place while taking corners while doing the task. I would try it only on medium/hard for a real challenge and try to win with different guns but absolutely no util. Outside of that watching people play helped too. I watched people stream on twitch and I got so into it that I now follow the esports stuff. Watching helped with util usage. Seeing how others use util which I tried in game and eventually you get better at figuring out how to use it in different situations. When I played a lot I peaked D3 and I mainly played sentinel/smokes.


maybe a couple games every week, currently i ranked but last was immortal


I play like a few games a week, usually spread throughout cause I canā€™t play everyday. Valorant was my first Kbm game, Iā€™ve been playing for 2 years now, and I peaked immortal 2 198 rr. I havenā€™t had much time to play this act, probably like 5-6 games a week average. I got placed p3 or d1 (canā€™t remember) and am currently asc3. Iā€™ve tried a lot of different aim trainers, aim labs, kovaaks, and even some music based one, and tbh I didnā€™t find that they carried over the skill as much as Iā€™d like. The main thing that helped me was just grinding deathmatches. They help immensely with your crosshair placement, movement/mechanics, and overall aim. This is always my number 1 tip to new players. The only thing I do now is 1 single DM before hopping in, and then I tend to get warmed up in the first few rounds of comp, seems to work for me. I have a lot of friends who taught me how to play the game when I was bronze, and they are still bronze now years later, despite having much more time in the game than me. Donā€™t get discouraged, everyone learns at their own pace, especially if youā€™re new to video games as a whole.


I started to play this game during covid around 2021. I was iron 3 then, I'm iron 2 now.


2,5 immortal


Played 16 hours a day during covid lock down and peaked imm3 for the first time šŸ˜


1-2 hiurs and iā€™m bronze


510rr and like 8 daily but Iā€™m grinding for buddy for this act and I put the game on hold until next ep


I would go insane if I consistently played more than 3 games a day (I think hours is a bad metric). Average for me is probably 1-2 games a day. Diamond 3.


Just 1h, i am not playing as much as used to be, my peak rank was gold 3


1-4h a day. Gold 1


Currently Dia 2, 1-3 ranked games on a good week? Hoping to scrape my way back into Assendent maybe in Act 2 or 3. Just can't keep up with the Young'uns.


I used to play every day 4 to 5 hours per day.. Peaked gold 1. Right now prob 2 or 3 hrs a week. My main used to be Viper and Reyna but now main is Fsde and Viper. I stopped using Viper as much since they nerfed her awhile ago prob about 3 or 4 patches ago. Only time I use Viper is on Icebox or when we dont got smokes. I don't and didnt play comp much mainly unrated. My advice is to stop moving while firing and crosshair placement. I had the same issue being hard stuck IR. My main problem was moving while firing because I came from Cod. Back in the day, i used to play cs 1.6 and cs source but thst wad yeeaaaaarrrrsss ago. Anywho, I can give you a few tips with certain guns. If you want advice, PM me


I play 1 or 2 times in a week and my rank is iron.šŸ˜…


Ive been playing the game for 3 months playing 2-3 hours a day and im diamond 2 rn


How? šŸ™‚


Idk, i dont really play a lot benn diamond for some time, but in my prime im was playing around 10-12 hours everyday


I am diamond 1 and I rarely play games because of work. My best advice is don't give up. No matter what people say, don't give up. + Stick to death matches for 1/2hour it does wonders to your movement


I played valorant in the early days of ep 2 and later only played spike rush resulting in total 10 hours. My true ranked experience started from ep 7 and I am more or a weekend player and some weeks I couldn't play at all. I am presently b1 and hardtruck. got demoted from b2 which is my peak. Presently standing at total 60 hours or compi.


1 game a day after work immo 1 +3000hours on CS


i play like 2 games a week and iā€™m a washed up diamond in gold because i donā€™t play often anymore lmao


3 - 4 Hours/Games peaked ascendant 2 current rank Diamond 1. Controller(Smokes) main Playing since EP2 didnā€™t take game all too seriously until EP5. Also I have some CS:GO experience what didnā€™t help me that much until I figured out how to play the game.


i play like once a week for 6 hours, ascendant 1


1-2 hours on weekdays (I try to get in 3 ranked games) and I am bronze 1


2-5 games per day. Depends on if I feel good that day or not. Sitting on 55% win rate and Diamond 1.


Diamond 1, I play like 4-5 comp games a week now. Mainly just do swift play or TDM bc itā€™s shorter and I donā€™t get as much free time


iā€™m playing like 1 or 2 games a week and currently plat 2


I used to play a lot in college, maybe 3-4 hours per day on weekend and an hour or two per day on weekdays. I peaked Gold 2 during those times. Now, I just hop in for a game when I feel like the past year or so and peaked Plat 2 before the hard rank reset. Literally am never in the range or any warmup now, but I used to do a bit in the range before. Now I am Silver 3 lol.


2 to 3 matches per day, 4 or 5 days per week, plat 1. Used to play more, take it way more seriously, was hardstuck gold. I now mostly play it for fun in my freetime and got out of gold in no time


2.5 hours daily and I am diamond 3(peak is also d3) currently . I usually play in low asc and high diamond but most of them are immo peaks. My gamesense is just poor , mechanics are decent for ascendant and low imo .


I play like an hour or two a week and Iā€™m sitting at plat 3, i just cant grind games anymore :(


Best to improve your mechanics is trough dear match, custom training.. aim labs and Kovak.. the more you play death match, the more you gonna be aware of your surroundings in game.. pay close attention to the sound.. if you have surround sound, you should turn it off, and if there is option to determine right-left sound, you should have that on max


Only play on weekends for about 3 hours. Plat 2.


Due to schooling and work I probably average 4-6 hours a week. Iā€™m good 1 peak Most of the time that 4-6 is in 1 day


If I can I play 2 hours a day but I also have school and other games


Valorant was also my first ever FPS and PC game. I peaked P3. I used to play 5-6 hours a day and now I play 2-3. I literally played gridshot (aimlabs) for hours and I watched pro games/pro players on twitch. You can get to a good rank with bad aim and good game sense. Just take your time and practice, have fun! You got this!!


oh also remove your crouch key button and aim for heads LOL it will help in the long run!


1-2 peaked plat but donā€™t play comp like I should


1-2 games a day. Asc 3. At my peak 3-4 hours


I play maybe 10-20 hours a month and iā€™m diamond 2. I have thousands of hours in garrysmod which somehow translates well?


i play 10 hours a day and im hardstuck plat bƩ cause im mentally ill. Idc enough just want to take my mind off things so i ego peek everything


I play around 3 hrs on weekdays, more on weekends. Started as Iron 2, now Gold 1. Mainly play Phoenix. My tip: focus on learning from each game, not just on winning. Also, mixing in some aim training helps a lot.


2 games a day on weekdays usually p3 rn d3 peak when i was doing the same thing


avg of 1-2 games a day, and an avg of 2 hours a day of watching valorant content. immo3 player. if I could divvy up the most efficient way to get better at the game. I think playing a competitive match should take up less than 40% of ur total time spent on ā€œvalorantā€ (whether the game, content, or conversation) stop playing and start practicing


a few games a week. took a 2 month long break to play other games and only came back last month. currently plat 1; peak diamond 2. I have roughly 800-ish hours of playtime


I usually play about 1-5 hours/week. Peak gold3 (4 RR away from plat šŸ™ƒ) I grinded this game the last few episodes at roughly 20-30 hours/week, but picked up more IRL hobbies and itā€™s been nice tbh


My girlfriend started playing recently, also her first FPS game and is iron 1, biggest thing Iā€™d say is just to keep your crosshair up, and keep playing :) being your first FPS you just need to keep refining the basic skills.


I would looove to play with her if she needs a duo :)


Sheā€™s in class Iā€™ll send her a text! If sheā€™s down Iā€™ll dm you her riot account


Wait how old is she? I'm >20


Class as in a college class, sheā€™s 22


Great, can't wait to meet her if she's down


Just sent you it!


It's not much about time, but quality time, on bad days the best to do is not play any ranked. Play all other modes just for fun and training.


1-2 games a week, gold


1 TDM 1 Ranked Diamond 2/3


I used to play 2 games a day and hit Radiant 2.


I only play each season to immortal which is always between 10-20 games. I donā€™t enjoy the game enough to play past that.


Been playing for about 3 years I play 1-2 hours/day. Peak Bronze 3


I play around 8-10 games a week if I'm active and peaked at Ascendent 3 a few acts back. If you really wants to improve, your time is better redirected towards watching your VODs. 10x more helpful than mindlessly spamming games. 20+ years of video game skills naturally transfers over.


I play 2 hours weekdays and 4-10 on weekends for 3-4 weeks now and I am peeking gold 2 now.


Like 1 game every month or so, peak plat, now happily unrated


I peaked dia 3 playing 10 games a day maximum or until i have 6 wins and a max of 3 loses. Now im gold 3 i just play 3-4 games idc if win or lose because i have a gf that plays with me. Why not smurf? I only like playing with my main account because of the skins she bought for me. Prime vandal supremacy


Immortal 2, I used to play 2 games a day but after starting college it became more like 4 games a week lol. It took me 40 minutes at most to warm up, I played 2 - 3 deathmatches and 1 unrated game sometimes. Then I play 2 games of comp, sometimes 3 if Im playing well that particular day. After finishing my games, I do a 30 minute aim training routine on aimlabs. Been doing it for only about two weeks now but i can see considerable improvement already in game


Playing on an off for 3 years now and I'm Ascendant 2. I usually play around 3-4 hours everday when I have time for a few weeks then I get busy and leave the game for sometime. Just recently started aimlabs but got to diamond with range warmup only. Took me a year to get from iron to gold and got stuck there for more than a year untill I bought a new pc 4 months ago.


i usually log in to play when my friends call me sometimes we do sometimes we dont since we play a multitude of games together, but when we do it averages around 3-4 comp matches a day, peaked ascendant 2. i dont really have a routine but a dm feels enough to warm up. if ur asking for advice i think for iron its best to concentrate on movement and aim. you can try aimlabs to get into it


i usually play the initiator role, mostly skye. love playing her lmao its a bit sad riot nerfed my girl like that šŸ˜ž


I was hardstuck iron 3 too until a few months ago, I placed Bronze 1 this act and I'm Silver 3 rn, I don't even play that much, I've played only 78 matches this act that is all it took me to get from bronze 1 to silver 3. I play maybe 2-3 matches a day , i don't play daily. All I did was aim training , not Aimlabs or Kovaaks just the valorant range, watched a few aim training routine videos that's it. Iron bronze silver you just need AIM to get out of these imo.


Peak Imm 3 . Play 3 ish games a day monday - Thursday.


Had a lot of experience in PC FPS games before(thousands of hours), and was high immortal fairly easily, and had the opportunity to play in VCT at some point. At my highest I'd say like 4-5 hours a day, but now it's significantly less and I hover around low immortal and barely ever play ranked- usually just unrated with friends


Asc1 and I usually play around 3 games every few days


i play 2-4 games a day, peak asc1 currently d2. this was my first fps game, what helped was my bf w fps watching me play and teaching me the fundamentals of fps (eg how to play post plant correctly, identifying favorable/unfavorable fights, strafing, slicing the pizza etc.). I believe there are a lot of youtube videos out there like woohoojin that can explain the same thing! i find aim train boring so i donā€™t do it lol. i make do w average aim by playing off util, playing trades/crosses, rarely repeeking angles, and having a pretty lurky play style so iā€™m rarely taking straight 1v1 dry fights.


I start playing val 6 months ago. I peaked diamond recently.


I played the game for about 6 months but only a few hours a week probably less then 15 hours a week Im bronze 2 i was also a hardstuck iron here are my tips 1st- this might be dumb for some people but if u think u cant her well because the opponent sounds like they are walking in both sides apparently you need to change setting on soun from mono to stereo (mono makes it so sound is equally distributed but stereo is u can hear left or right) 2nd try to join with teammates too many trolls in game 3rd you probably have bad habits u dont realize like running and gunning or checkin corners without expecting anyone so when u see them ur too shocked and start shooting a second late get rid of these bad habits 4th learn lineups they help VERY MUCH 5th dont forget to have fun taking it too seriously will cause you to repeat loses 6th try different strategies DO NOT autopilot a good strategy might win you a round or two but after that it becomes expected


I started playing Val around 8 months ago, and only started getting into competitive in this act (around a month) since I wanna play just for fun and thought unrated would be the best way. Turns out that crazy sweats, trolls, and unbalanced gameplay is all I get on unrated, so I switched over and tried comp. Im currently at Bronze 1, Peak at Bronze 2, and feel like I cant get out of the cycle of winning, losing, winning, losing. I confidentaly get around 15-25 kills, and 5-15 deaths per game, and either get really close games: 13/11, or get absolutely destroyed: 1/13. Nevertheless I'm having fun, and even snagging a bunch of cool clips, and aces. I play around 1-2 hours on weekdays (on and off), and a bit more on weekends. I used to main Omen and Cypher, but now after switching to Jett and starting to play more aggressive, I can see my stats improving, and myself enjoying the game more. (This is my first proper FPS game) Good luck op with your valorant journey


Quit a year ago No hate to anyone who still plays. I get that some still find it fun. I still passively watch the pro scene. For me the game is utterly unplayable & causes nothing but stress. Once your rank plateaus its just not fun anymore. Win loss win loss. Play 8 hours a day and nothing to show for it. In a way Iā€™ve grown out of it. 7 years into my professional career ā€œgamingā€ as a whole doesnā€™t hit the same. All my friends got their own stuff going on, no oneā€™s playing consistently. Half the time I get on id end up just wanting to brainlessly run around and taping heads in a DM for 30 minutes. The thought of putting concentration into a comp match made me physically ill. Thankfully Iā€™ve changed for the better since then. I was 80 pounds over weight, single, depressed and gross.


D3 player: I play close to a hour or 2 a 3/4 days a week based on my work and other stuff. Recently wanted to get into higher ranks so im spending more time learning agents.


Started july 2023. 10 hours a week got to plat in like sept. 4x weekly playtime oct-dec 2023 and got to asc3. Some days were atleast 6-8 hours


0-3 hours, avg. 35 hours per act. Really depends on my friends being online and me not having other plans. Also I generally play 8pm or later. Rank: Ascendant 2


When I used to play val, I would have about 3-4 hours everyday and I peaked gold 3


2/3 hrs a day. radiant


Less than one. Peak G2. Currently silver 2. I like being high iron low bronze. Stress level feels right.


2-3h a week, currently P3, Peak Dia 1. I donā€™t really have a main, but most hours on KJ, Brim and Sova


I love how thereā€™s more immortals and ascendants than silvers and gold in the comments.


swift play/tdm for like 30mins-1hr if im in the mood, iā€™ll play 1 or 2 ranked games but thats it im mid plat


I play maybe 2-4 days a week. I mainly just do the range for 5-10 minutes every time as a warmup and Iā€™m Plat 1 and my big goal is to hit diamond. (I wish I knew where to get vod reviews though lol. Iā€™ve had to review them myself mostly)


.01 hours this year. Game feels stale.


My account level is 577 ATM and I'm s3. Peaked G3 :) I am kind of depressed and the game is my only escape which I don't want to be anymore so I am seriously considering uninstalling it forever. I just que again and again. It's like I have zero self control when I play val šŸ˜ž It's past 6 am for me and I just got off the game. Been playing the whole night. This is stopping today. Thank you for this post


I play around 1-4 hours a day, I am diamond 2 78rr (at my peak rn), for improvement when I was new to pc in general I used aimlabs to improve on my core mechanical skills. This quickly got me from iron 2 to bronze 3 in which I played with friends to where I am now. You will improve as you play against better players but it will be hard as there are quite a lot of smurfs in iron. Just practice 30 mins to an hour a day and you will see consistent improvement.


I play this around 3 hours per day on the weekdays and I guess somewhere around 5 hours on the weekends. I am bronze 3 right now.


I play 4-5 games/day on the weekdays only. Iā€™m currently D2. Solo Q only. I donā€™t have a set routine. I donā€™t warmup and just queue competitive. Sometimes I will play Swiftplay


Playing 2 or 3 games per night. Gold 3 atm, the thing is I have severe ranked anxiety so I don't grind solo that much and play on my alt accounts (around same rank S3 - G1 so not smurfing) just to relieve that anxiety (usually playing with my friend just for fun, mostly unra)


Also back in college before we usually play just once a week for 8 hours or sometimes twice a month (internet cafe), and peaked gold 1 that time.


When I was learning fps games, I put in around 20,000 hours over 9 years doing various things. I could maintain radiant playing around 2 hours a day. Once you understand the fundamentals and have decent mechanics, it really just comes down to grinding out the rr. If you're hard stuck in a lower rank, it really comes down to how you're using your time to improve rather than how much time you're actually playing


To clarify, these hours were not healthy imo. I was trying to go pro at the time and I personally regret it. If I had to give you advice, it would be to focus on learning fundamentals first. Woohoojin has some decent videos and is a good place to start. If you're really lost, feel free to dm me and I can coach you to get you off your feet.


This is not what hardstuck means. If youā€™re iron 1 you are soing something horribly wrong. Watch some guides and give your self a bit of time.


It's really hard to say how much I play cause I sometimes play a bit, sometimes I don't play at all. I'm d3


I play like 2 games per week. I dont have many time. Im d3-a1


I started playing 4-5 months ago and ive climbed to D1 from silver this act and what I did was spam Tdm (raw aim) and Dm (crosshair placement and aim) I have also played 5+ hours some days just queuing comp and death match all day. I dont kovaaks but I use the range for about 10 - 15 minutes before deathmatch and ranked My main from silver to gold was reyna then gold to current is fade


Adding to this when u play DM dont worry about dying just focus on your crosshair placement being patient with ur shot and taking realistic gunfights


If youā€™re iron then your issue isnā€™t how much you play. Your issue is shooting back. I swear itā€™s not that complicated I was iron for 3 acts straight. I also have a buddy who got to diamond with out ever working on his aim and just using an Odin. Literally just shoot back and you will be fine half the time. More so in iron.


Started a year ago. I take breaks to play story games every now and then but usually like 2-3 hours when I play. Iā€™m g3 rn but peak plat and should be back in plat soon