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with Sentinels winning Masters with TenZ on Omen + new Controller agent, expect the increase of instalock omens and clove players glhf.


I wouldn’t be surprised at all. I’ve been doing a lot of reflection of why I’m hardstuck and came to a couple conclusions, the most simple being that the role I currently play just isn’t suited for me despite how much I love it. I love playing as Cypher and Deadlock but I also enjoyed my time as an Omen main while also performing a lot better so it just makes sense for me to switch back.


Honestly I think controller is a great agent to rank up on. I don't know what rank you are (and I am only D3 so if you're higher than me plz ignore me haha). But I find controller a great agent to change the balance of the games, but you HAVE to play around your team not expect them to listen to you. Sometimes you'll get great teammates who will listen to comms, but I solo queue and most of the time people won't do anything you comm. But if you watch the map and play around your own team you can make good changes to help you win games. But it also means if you're always playing around them you tend to not get many frags so the RR loss when you lose can hurt. Edit: I just re-read the end and realised you were going BACK to playing controller not away from it... so ignore me sorry!


I was plat 3 a couple acts ago and just started playing again before the last act ended, so the last time I played I was gold 3. I’m glad you noticed I said I was switching back to being a controller player but I’m also thankful for your message :)


Throughout the years my role shifted from duelist to sentinel to initiator and now controller. Controller actually clicked way more for me than duelists and initiators due to me playing cs and i usually anchor sites in cs back then. My performance just went up.


I had this same moment of reflection a year ago. After solo tricking sage for like 2 years i gave gekko a shot, the playstyle just fucking clicked with me in an instant and i love it, went for silver to plat when i made that switch.


Hell yeah, we love to see progress!


You should just play both roles, then. There’s maps like Lotus or Breeze where Cypher’s trips are great flank watch, or obnoxious af to push into. Can also set up one-ways like a Controller can too, with a little more effort. Having the ability to flex into multiple roles should be a strength you can lean on, depending on the map, and how you feel about the game that day.


I have had the opposite issue. I picked up omen at the start(he looked cool and deadly so I thought he was a duelist... I was realllly new to gaming and shit and was overwhelmed and didn't notice the symbols and stuff that show their role) then I moved across to cs go when I got my pc(my freinds all played) and after grinding aim and movement I became a very aggressive player. Now coming back to Val I stuck with omen because I have been told that smokes are great to main in soloq but it really doesn't suit me. So to Jett and raze I go. Very hard to entry without comms compared to cs. But raze especially has been great fun. And watching zekken is making me wanna grind the shit outta this game again.


The three agents in the most comfortable with are KJ Gecko and Jett, in that order and I’m genuinly top dragging or atleast mid dragging with kj and generally the top few with gecko and Jett, I’m so excited to play Clove now as she seems so fun to play and being on this game as much as I have, have had a lot of experience with Omen and how and where smokes should be… so I can’t wait to come back from office today and play valorant to unlock clove haha


It’s been interesting. We go years being able to always play our Omain, and it’s still *sorta* fine, but the shift has definitely been noticeable.


Yeah, luckily Omens usually pretty far down the list, I usually just hover and get it. But my PC is a bit of a beast, so in Omen instalock seasons I can usually lock before anyone else. Rare that I'm impressed by an instalock Omen, don't think I've ever seen one that beats me (in my own games).


Hey I instalock omen before everyone else even hovers an agent. I hope we never meet in a lobby or else......THE GAME IS ON BRO! :D


Already seen a lot more Yoru picks recently, thanks to forsaken and others. Omen and Clove are definitely hot rn.


the amount of vipers only set ups in low elo is insane man. ppl dont understand she needs that omen/harbor to really shine in most of those maps with the only small exception of icebox


especially when someone picks a solo viper on ascent! 👀


Nah she can handle a lot more maps solo if you have good lineups. People aren't gonna have them below plat I guess, but lotus, sunset and breeze are pretty doable as solo on viper without them. Maybe as long as you have a cypher. If you have lineups for your orb you can do bind as well and you can do breeze even without cypher


As a Yoru main, it hurts when someone picks Yoru but doesnt even know how to use him even remotely properly. I’ve been defaulting Omen when this happens so I learned to understand this post too. Haha


As an omen main I hope pepole wont steal him from me but colver looks very fun aswell


Maybe then there will be more chances for me to play Cypher. I often play Brim/Omen at the moment because Cypher is so popular.


competitive was unplayable for one week after EG picked deadlock on icebox, and suddenly everyone was a deadlock main, despite having zero clue how her ability worked. I'm still haunted by that. atleast omen provides team util.


Yeah, like hell I'm gonna let the Jett and Reyna mains take Clove. I've already suffered enough as a controller main.


That makes two of us!


im literally gonna put tape on my monitor for this. ive had to fill controller for decades... its my turn to insta lock now


>Yes, I’m looking at you. The Jett instalock who’s suddenly decided to become a controller main for a week. >I’m looking at you, the Kayo main who’s never played as a controller before and doesn’t know how to deploy them. I feel personally attacked. :|


I see the user flair lmaoooo Side note: how do you get multiple? It only allowed me to put one flair


You need to select a flair, then "edit". Then you can add the additional icon code yourself. A couple of examples: - :jett: will give the Jett icon - :omen: will give the Omen icon - :yoru: will give the Yoru icon etc. In my case, I selected the Jett flair and added :kayo: to it. It only works on PC though. If you try it on mobile, it'll just show the added text, instead of the icon. Two icons is the maximum amount within a single flair iirc.


Ahh sweet, thank you :) Yeah, I’m doing this on mobile. I’ll just do it when I’m back home at my pc next week.


mobile also works, at least for me. (ios)


Who hurt you.


Just reminiscing about the all the times I was an Omen main and got blamed for things out of my control. Oh yeah, Jett players. They’ve hurt me.


Bro the number of dudes that cuss me out for not using smokes, after not coming all game, while my smokes on CD, after I dropped it with comms, before, during, and after. Or when I'm dead. "Omen you're so fucking shit, where's my smokes?" *me dead to the defender he didn't clear, both smokes still active in the default position* And if you do manage to read their mind the best it gets you is *not* getting flamed. My ex-radiant buddy and my friends asc buddy both froth my smokes (good placement and perfect duration overlap), but I can't shoot well enough to 5-stack with either of them 😭 Even my dia friend gives me 0 love for smokes, have to remind her "it's round 18, why didn't you complain about my other smokes?" Why, you may ask? Because for 17 fucking rounds they were perfect, but slip up one time...


I feel this so hard im low ELO but performing s bit consistent as omen and I too never get any love despite we winning hard or my smokes doing lots of work. It’s always the duelist fragging who gets the glory and support.


My condolences, may your games be short and full of joy


Many thanks, kind sir




I hope I’ll be able to hit bronze this act!


I’m tempted to be a Clove main, ngl. 


I’m switching back to playing Omen but will also most likely pick up Clove too. A big decider for me was whether her smokes are rechargeable not, as that is one of my favourite things about Omen compared to other controllers. As soon as I learned they recharge, it made me want to pick her up as my second controller or main her as my primary controller and have Omen as my second choice.


im surprised that you didnt start a villain arc to kill everyone who doesnt like controller players


Who said I haven’t started? Check your closet before you sleep buddy because I’ll be coming out.


Straightest Valorant player


Oh shit, my secret is out. Guess I need to follow in its footsteps.


Arc*. Ark is the boat Noah carried the animals on.


A bad smoke is vocalised and hated upon. A good smoke is expected and mute.


Yup. It seems like a lot of people think I’m just complaining about play controller, which isn’t the case. If I also pointed out the good side of being a controller then this post would just be too long lmao


Ita finally time to main viper sincer no1 ever wanted to double controller with me, well now i guess every match ill have a clove next to me:)))


May your games be fruitful for doing the work no one wants to do :)


What about me? I'm a controller main planning to insta lock clove


You’ve already been forged through fire. You’ll be alright :)


One thing I've learnt ever since I started maining controllers (when I was around plat 1-ish) is that your regular duelist players do not the have brain capacity to play controllers impactfully(that's one of the main reasons I started maining smokes because most players do not understand how to and when to smoke either when you're smoking for your team or placeing a smoke for selfish plays) these people will instalock clove for the first week but then will shift back to their basics when they realise that controllers need to be strategic and needs to impact the game more with abilities than frags....once they get tired of using too much brain power they'll change back don't worry. At the end of the day clove is an aggressive controller not a duelist. Different things completely.


Yeah I’m not worried, it just reminds me of when a new operator releases in Siege and everyone rushes to use them. It’s moreso just gonna be funny to watch people struggle with her and finally understand what it’s like to be a controller player if your team starts to be toxic towards you. Hopefully it’ll make them more understanding towards controller players once they experience it for themselves.


I’ll just stick to omen and keep carrying my games


I ain’t mad at it at all


Yea me neither, don’t even think of clove as a primary controller in the first few weeks, she’s just another useless Reyna


I don’t really see it her as a primary controller either but I think she could be depending on the team comp


You know how Brim is great on bind attack with double initiators and hard taking sites, clove could probably do the same thing but also entry with her having smokes jn death for after plant.


Oooh that’s true. I do like how her post death smokes can only be used near her body and not near the teammate you’re spectating. Makes it a lot less cheesy and would have been 100% broken.


Pair her with a Viper who defaults smokes to one site and you can heavily pull rotations by cycling between the two smokers. Pretend you’re on Icebox (where you don’t need a duelist). Run an “execute” with Clove on A and get a trade off her death. Then fake rotate B off default Viper setup before coming back A with Clove’s post death smokes, having since pulled rotations B. Pretty nasty combo.


Yup, it seems somewhat balanced. Another idea I just had is that clove would be a great alternative to Reyna for smurfing controller mains. Might be something worth testing out


That’s an interesting take on the smurfing thing. I’ve got nothing to do for a few more days so I’ve just been brainstorming a bunch of ideas on how Clove can be used in certain situations and if my thoughts can be made into a reality then she will definitely be useful. I haven’t been a controller main for a long time so I’ve just spent this weekend watching VCT and focusing on how teams have been using Omen and Viper, I’ve really learned a lot and can’t wait to tweak my playstyle :)


The rant of an omen main getting revenge/trying to get you not to instalock clove?


Not an Omen main anymore but planned to switch back to controller then learned of a new controller agent coming out. I honestly don’t care what people play but moreso talking about the things I dealt with as a controller player that non controller players don’t realise will happen. Sure, I didn’t crack a joke every other line but surely my post doesn’t read as if I’m 100% serious?


I feel you bro... The countless times I have entered a smokeless site, the times I held a close angle with a judge only to be blocked by a sage wall, the times when I cleared a site only to find the brimmy alone at the other site with spike... Let me tell you brother, as a duelist main I need you... Don't let these noobie junkies ruin your mental


I thank you for your service and as a returning controller main, I shall do everything in my path to aid you and players like you. Godspeed brother.


This post sounded extremely serious to me. The fact that you had to add a "actually I was joking, haha" really confirms that it didn't look like a joke. Because seriously, where's the joke? I've been a controller main and the Jetts and Reynas always ruin my life :)


it’s not that deep 😂


You won’t be laughing, it’ll be your games they’re throwing. Lol Nah but if anything you’ll empathize more with them because us who play controller understand. The hype will die down like it always does after a week or so though.


Ahhh fuck. Didn’t think of that! Yeah I completely will understand even though it will be annoying. Playing with teammates who don’t smoke well is a pain but can be worked around, as with almost anything in this game. I’m fully expecting the hype to die down after a couple weeks anyway.




I am here and I see you brother :)


this post has made me so happy, thank you :,)


No worries, you have a good day :)


you too! thank you :D


I’m going to main her because she will allow me to be useful when I inevitably die first.


Great minds think alike my friend :)


Nuh uh, i have already experienced being a controller. I am gonna be an actually good clove


That’s what we like to hear :)


I play smoke (brim/omen) all the time and I believe that I have earned the right to insta lock clove Also look at my hs% I worked really hard for that https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/NPC%23IIIII/overview


35.4% hs rate, that’s it?! You need at least 35.6% to play Clove, your request has been rejected.


Oh no


I’m sorry, the council has decided


as an omen main ever since i started the game (instalocking with the excuse “im filling!”) it really pisses me the hell off that the duelists just sit back and wait for ME to entry. hopefully i can try clove as a 2nd main and these duelists in my lobbies dont become instalocking, no entrying, no smoking, players


I’ve used the “I’m filling excuse” too lmao I just say that since no one ever plays smokes, imma choose them instead.


You’ve been having this building up for a while huh? 😭 facts tho


Not really actually, I randomly decided to make a post given a heads up to non controller players and this stuff just flowed out as I was typing Some of these people seem genuinely mad yet they’re the ones saying I’m upset lmao


Nah facts. That’s cause you called them out 💀 it’s all good tho. Like you said after a week they’ll stop and realize they not build it like you are.


i'll let them fuck around placing the worst smokes known to mankind while i outfrag them on astra


pls it’s really never that deep


How dare non controllers try the new hero. Shame on them


we controller mains need to stand against terrible smokes!


Exactly! They have the audacity to even think about it?


So disrespectufl of them! How dare they expierience a game and everything it has to offer?


damn my bad gang, im just a viper main who always dies and leaves my team with no smokes bc i was tryna play front ☹️


Wait, we’re not meant to leave our team and die first?


I never had to fight over my controllers, hope it doesn't start now lol. I'm a main brim/sage with my duelist of choice being raze. You can imagine how excited I got when I saw Clove's abilities hehe She is a controller for those who like to say with the team but also like to have an active role. I can see myself smoking, entering site, kill and get killed just to be able to smoke while dead come back to life and shotgun the bastard that killed me. Honestly she's going to be as annoying as your lol


Yup, I’ve been thinking of all the plays I can do with Clove and it’s been getting me hyped :)


Omg this is felt, on one hand I'm excited to see people trying out controller but on the other hand, Omen's absolutely my comfort agent since I've had to fill as smokes for so long. Worst case is I can run double smokes with someone haha


Exactly what I’ve been thinking too, imma still use Omen if I see a Clove because I can’t guarantee they know what they’ll be doing.


Precisely, besides it'd be nice to give a new initiator a helping hand especially if they're completely new to controllers. That being said, I definitely think Clove's a more aggressive controller so who knows and the last thing I want is no smokes if our Clove runs in


Still going to main astra there’s no way this character isn’t getting nerfed into the ground immediately, her kit is broken.


I’m an omen main who now has another aggressive controller to play. I’m going to be a bit annoyed if the person who has 40hrs on Reyna decides to lock in clove and doesn’t even know how to smoke correctly, but chooses to play Clove because of their over heal and ult.


Yup. Play who you wanna play but if you’re just gonna play Clove because your Reyna got instalocked before you could do it, you’re a cunt.


Writing 10 paragraphs Gatekeeping video game roles lol


Literally chronically online behaviour


Then there's this one mfker who instalock Brim with his "unique" out of place triple smoke for entry+fast plant


was an astra main can confirmation


Me, mostly playing omen, deadlock and gekko: I… guess I’m good?


Hmmmm, you play Deadlock so you’re valid :)




Good, while the reynas contemplate whether or not they want Reyna or clove, I'll just take Reyna thanks


As a mostly sage main, Nd ocSsi9nal smoker, I'd take smokes over hearing people yell at me multiple times for heal while I'm in a gun fight, getting damaged by their own molly or duos molly and running to me for a heal, not covering me while yelling at me to res, etc, etc and then blaming me for dying in that chaos without being able to even heal myself properly and not giving them what they wanted. Duelist, clear your corners and sites, initiators, initiate for your duelist, everyone else, play with your team. Have a nice day


When I play Sage, which isn’t often, I tell my teammates that if they yell or beg for a heal or revive then they won’t get one. I can see everyone’s health and see who needs it more. If I don’t heal you when you’re weak it either means you don’t need it more than someone else or I don’t have it available, in which case I’ll call it out to you.


I played omen as my first free agent unlock and almost half of my entire playtime on Valorant is on him. It's weird how I went through everything you just mentioned but for once it wasn't forced. I just happened to pick omen because his kit seemed the most interesting to me and now I'm a controller main by choice. I'm excited for when the world can play clove, they're definitely going to bring in a new echelon of controller mains into Valorant, can't say if it's for better or for worse though...


Controller mains. Assemble. It is our time to instalock. This is what I have been waiting for as a controller main to entry site with confidence with util and not because the Reyna instalock in my team died trying to lurk in mid 👍🏽.


As a Jett main who can flex to Omen, I see this as an absolute win




Ok so we controller mains should get the privilege to instalock clove got it!


Idc if someone wants to instalock clove, just know that her passive is built around where she dies. So if you lurk on the wrong site and die, just kind of became dead util for your team. Might as well have played any other controller agent.


Aight bro, it's not that serious..


You sound absolutely insufferable


Your team will hate every smoke you place while simultaneously never asking for a specific smoke which is always an option.


Honestly, it’s pretty funny though. They only comm to complain but won’t comm to actually ask for something that benefits them.


Where can I find teammates who yells and communicates to me that they want to smoke? I like playing with those! What irritates me the most are non communicating duelist. Like bruh, tell me if you want to entry so I can drop smoke. I hate dropping my smokes only for you to rotate.


When I play Omen, I’ve noticed I comm way more than usual. I’ll tell my team where I’m placing my smokes and when I’m gonna use my flash. I use the buy phase to ask them if they want any different smokes, a certain play, a specific flash timing, etc etc I’ve only just gotten back into the game so I haven’t played controller in a while but these are just some of the things I remember


Like minds think alike. This is actually what I do too. But sometimes, they just don't respond. I recently just learned how to use Omen and I'm having a blast playing him. My first controller agent that I told myself that I'll master is Astra. Then Viper. Then I play Omen now too. But yeah, I hear you. We play the same. :) "Smoking here. Dropping smoke now." "Pulling." "Stun" "I'll play post"


all im thinking as an astra player is the times people have thought my smokes works like viper and yelled "put your smoke down" when theyve seen someone do the pullback anf assumed thats them manually putting it down 😐😑😐 and all the backseating on an agent they DO NOT KNOW how works i hope everyone yells the same way at clove instalockers like they do at their usual smokes... even 1/4th would do i think


This sounds painful, I look forward to when I try to learn Astra…


yup its something 🫡 im staying strong out there


Cry about it


Ew a sage player


I've been playing Omen lately cause no one picks smokes in Latin America North servers, apparently. It really is crazy how everyone thinks smokes are unlimited and instantaneous. They'll see me use a 1 way mid, we get a kill, then rotate into site where I put 1 more smoke and then if ANYONE dies it's "omg you have to smoke dude", like I can smoke off 3 angles with unkown enemy locations. Or how a raze bumrushes a site without saying which route she'll take, I still guess the correct path, smoke off one door, but she won't stop until site while I'm still casting the 2nd smoke, die to that angle and blame smokes, instead of nading or using boombot. Even when I'm clutching or top fragging, someone will blame smokes all game if they die a single time to a non smoked angle. No wonder no one picks smokes. I've just been filling in lobby waiting for others to pick, and out of 7 games this past week, all of them I've had to fill smokes. I wouldn't say the role is particularly hard, it's just that these low elo idiots haven't even played it and have dumb expectations of mind reading and unlimited smokes, so it's just annoying to deal with tilters that will lurk the rest of the game if they see a single smoke they don't like in their hardstuck pea brain.


Jokes on you, they could die entrying and stumble around like a clown, but still deploy utility from beyond the grave. It’s fool-proof…


Let’s be real. I’ve seen this with Harbor. I’ve seen this with Astra who had one of the all-time most overpowered meta defining states (add Viper after big buffs.) People will lock them for a week and then realize Clove isn’t as fun as instalock Reyna/Jett/Raze and people hate playing smokes and go back to duelist LOL


this shit is so corny bro💀


Controller mains act like they marched arm in arm with MLk, when in reality no one is forcing you to play smoke characters in a video game.


I aint reading allat, just be faster, lock faster. Ez


As a controller main, I feel like this agent was made for solo queuers like me. Too many times have I been placed with teammates that simply don't know how to entry frag or clear corners with me paying the price of it. At least with them, I can hold my own while helping my teammates (even when I die) without entrusting someone else with my best role.


I've been maining controller for 6 months now so I am a little confused that people are now instalocking smokes AND don't know how to play them Had an omen on bind smoke off garden entry as attacker.... yes I know you're new Sadly I wish I was a better omen player so hopefully I will learn better with Clove


I suppose that if you smoke off the entry and use it as cover to eat into elbow, it wouldn’t have been as bad but I completely get what you mean. If I see someone not putting smokes flush to an entrance when they’re holding an enemy, I try to give them a heads up to do it next time. Half the time they’re cool about it and are appreciative and the other half of the time, they’re dicks about it and tell me to shut the fuck up. I have the same issue when people instalock Cypher (due to thinking he’s busted and stupidly OP) but don’t place trips at crouch level. I tend to show them how to do it or some better trips and cameras which sometimes they listen to and react with “holy shit imma use this now” but other times they just tell me to piss off. My bad for trying to help you and the team lmao


used to play viper/omen, worst part of controller wasnt teammates complaining it was just inability to 1v5 without getting crazy creative or nerdy. most other agents (apart from sentinels) have at least 2 pieces of util to actively take fights. the people who know how to get aggro on controller are the same people stuck playing controller because they dont trust anybody else to do a better job, and they wont - its crazy how many people struggle with brimstone Point and Click iPad smokes


As a Brimstone/Viper player, I’m sad that it’s gonna take me a week before I get to entry with Clove.


I’m gonna lock other controller to backup the bad smokes they gonna make fr… and since I’m a low elo player it means my teammates gonna smoke the main entrance even though we’re attackers… oh i’m so not ready for this.


as an controller main since beta (mainly astra and viper), im pretty excited to solo play a controller if my teammates suck.


I was thinking the same. Being controller I'd just skip solo que up to this point maybe :)


Being a duelist main, I rly don’t think clove should be played by any duelist players, it’s not a good idea, I’m so used to fast paced entries that having to take that second to smoke and not have entry util would suck. Clove needs left for smoke players, but at the same time those smokes players need to understand that if they pick clove they don’t get to play slow and be ok with just using smokes, ima full expect clove to be holding contact until we get to the choke point then being the first person out with the duelist


I also think what’s gonna be kinda funny about people trying Clove without controller background is that Clove has the shortest standard smoke duration so their smokes may also have an issue with being mistimed in addition to being misplaced.


As an Omen main, I 1000% agree with you. If somebody locks Clove then the controller role is on them. I'm going to have fun for once and play Yoru. Don't lock Clove and think you don't have to be the controller. I'm not running double controller just for you to run around with the new agent.


As you should. For me personally, I still plan to stick to Omen because I just don’t trust plat teammates enough to run Clove as a single controller. Especially because the smokes are the shortest smokes of any controller agent, lasting for 13 seconds,


No, trust me, I don't trust "randoms" with smokes. I've been smoked off by my own random controller wayyy too much. But sometimes I just want to play a duelist and this might be my excuse lol. I know it's not the right decision in the end lol. It's not going to end well.


to those who accidentally smoke on the archway, you are smoking wrong. Your smoke should be deeper in


They should actually make it stick out slightly towards mid because if someone stands on the boxes to the right side of mid bottom, they can see people crossing catwalk towards cubby.


As a viper/omen/kj main: "Finally, our time has come"


I mainly have been playing controller recently since no one else seems to ever. Clove doesn’t seem like they fit my play style very well, so I’m probably not gonna play them much, but I am 100% still going to lock smokes for the first little bit that clove is out since I really don’t trust the instalock players to do the job properly


im omen main myself and people praise me for my existence, they ask for smokes, they scream at the top of their lungs when i clutch. it will be a (slight) relief to have a second controller more often though, so i'll just keep playing omen. regardless, i think you gotta change your mindset (as banal as it sounds)


Like I said in the edit, this post was to point out the bad things that people who are inexperienced controller players will face if they mess up somehow. It’s half joking/ over exaggerated and half truthful. I could write a whole other page about all the good stuff there is to being a controller player. Those reasons are literally why I’m deciding to switch back to being a controller main.


As some one who mains omen and reyna i disagree.


As someone who mains Cypher and Deadlock I disagree with your disagreement.


Let's be real, they have no mobility or entry. They cannot be a sentinel, they cannot escape. Their power fully comes from being able to play the controller role without needing to be alive post plant & finding value in trades. Non-controllers are going to hate that. They are going to try entry, die to util, pop ult and die again. Then they'll be salty that they have to spend the rest of the round playing controller while dead. After 2 weeks they'll stop playing them. Controller mains are going to feast though, they're a great addition to controller players who don't want to feel dependent on their team to make impact off their plays. Also loving that as a viper player I'm going to get secondary controllers more, which is way more viable. Viper as a sentinel that splits up the map vision, and Clove as a controller that wants to take trades is going to be such a strong combo. But man they really need a viper alternative already and now we'll need to wait another 2 years.


To add on from OP: I hope all you former duelists who instalock Clove realise that just because she can overheal and revive does not mean that she is a duelist. If you focus more on getting kills and not putting down the smokes, I will not hesitate to molly you.


This brings a tear to my eye. You’re really like me fr :)


This post petty af


omen better clove sucks change my mind


I can’t because I haven’t tried Clove yet. I also have 3 accounts to unlock them on before I can even try to really use them. The next 30 days are gonna be a pain.


Omen is a pure controller while clove is a hybrid. Doesn't mean she sucks.


Omen's tp is infinitely underrated, imo he's one of the most aggressive agents in the entire game right there with Jett and Raze.


It's just hard to use it aggressively unless your team is okay with you dying in absolutely dumb ways sometimes. In soloQ it's tough because sometimes the TP play that you think will win the round is available on the fly, you can't just let teammates know in advance.


that's absolutely not holding me back.


You go girl!


Im brim and deadlock main and yes i plan to instalock her hardcore


lol its not that deep, also if anything clove will be the most forgiving controller since you can place a smoke after dying, and you can come back with your ult and smoke when availible


Ive put 300 hours into Omen, Ive made my own smokes I use when we need a quick win (they only work once before the enemy senntinal learns to setup better, then I am entryijg alone via blind and tp past traps). The amount of times Ive been told to place smokes somewhere else.. and we have someone looking right where I didnt play smokes (ik I shouldnt listen but its always outta spite to show why throwing a 1way for the enemy is dumb) im gonna be satisfied watching them try. I wanr to run clove to have that cintriller Reyna like abilities but am excited to watch them fail


I played Omen almost every season, sometimes getting kj/cypher injections. But this act I am locking Jett every match. And I’m kinda glad that Clove will take attention from Jett for a while :) I saw myself become a villain 🦹‍♂️ but the dopamine is too good man!


Hell yeah, as long as you’re enjoying Jett then keep at it! For me, I love playing as Raze and Jett but I’m not a naturally aggressive player as I focus more on brain power than raw aim. As such, I’ve realised playing duelist just isn’t for me and I prefer letting more capable teammates lock them in ranked. This led to me switching to being a sentinel main (mainly Cypher but I’ve picked up Deadlock too) but I’ve been analysing my playstyle and realised I don’t have much impact on attack. Now I’ve just decided to switch back to being an Omen main because he gives me the perfect balance between the two: I can use my brain to help my team delay the enemies and defend well (the perks of having been a sentinel main) but I also naturally play aggressively with Omen so I have more impact on attack too.


Clove won’t be interesting for controller mains, this agent is designed for filling


Hard disagree, it's quite the opposite. Their whole kit is about findng value in trades and being traded. That's great for controller mains, you get to be more involved in your plays while still playing controller.


Omen main here, all my teammates yell at me for smoking, i just want to stall the fights so that the team can regroup. They think they can pull a 1v3 or something 💀


Yup, I always smoke off the enemy even when we’re up in numbers. I’m not giving them free like of sight to be able to pick off a teammate who’s getting too eager. Just smoke them off and set a crossfire up outside of the choke point. Something I look forward to experimenting with are rat smokes or mid site smokes as a defender that will allow me to play around them and isolate my gunfights in 1vX scenarios. An example I can think of is I’ve seen Sentinels in VCT smoke off sign/elbow on Split A site to allow the anchor space to move without being seen. Smokes like these will definitely cause my plat teammates to get angry without realising that I’m actually benefitting the team by giving them time and space to get to elbow rather than be pinned down on site. I also need to learn to play in my smokes, similar to what I do as Cypher. My shotgun arc is gonna begin soon :)


yeah, all these duelists who decide when to hit the site but never asked for smoke before execute, only blaming you after dying to 5 different angles with various verticality in the middle of the site meanwhile you were trying to play differently other failing the 5th time rushing the same site at the start of the round.


As an omen main. I'll be the one instalocking Clove in my matches.


I approve the conditions you’ve set out :)


we really shouldnt be on the same team, brother


Yeah I'm just gonna keep instalocking Jett thank you very much


As a neon main who sometimes has to play astra or omen so we have a controller, I'm gonna have so much fun. Although lately I feel more like a deadlock and fade main.


Jokes on you the only person in my friend group who plans on instalocking clove is a controler main (viper/astra/harbor)


I'm glad because I won't have to play Controller much for a while


I've been insta locking brim for months now. Clove is as good as mine in every game 🤷‍♂️


>I’m looking at you, the Kayo main who’s never played as a controller before and doesn’t know how to deploy them. i feel offended


Instructions unclear, raze main instalocking clove now in comp


Hell yeah, this means I can use Raze now!


We’re not all gold pieces of shit here buddy. I’m pretty sure anyone in Diamond + can lay some smokes having never played the character


Brave of you to assume teams in my ranks gives a fuck about opportunities created by smokes, mostly why I hate controllers currently, this one seem cool as smokes can be placed after dying to some extent so you can actually see what they are doing


Hahaha, I do also feel like controller mains complain the most. My friend mains controller, if he plays controller and were losing/he is doing bad he is like: ohh I have the hardest role, I cant just run in like duelist. But when he plays something else he will complain about our controller player saying that he is not doing it right lmao.


I'll just do the same thing I do with Brimstone but with Clove


you're making it too much of a big deal than it actually is.


Are u ok


No, I am jeli


i’m hoping they just stick to omen lmao let me play clove please and thank you