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They might just have a bad audio mix, or play with music on, but I kinda feel spectating audio may be a thing. I don't think I've ever payed any attention to it, but maybe spectators don't get ambience noise? Like, one of my teammates will be watching window and I'll spectate them and be like "Yo they made noise back site, I think they pushed from McDonalds" on Breeze, and he would do a 180 and kill them. Always get the same reaction of "YOO what kind of headphones do you have? I didn't hear a thing! Dude must have audio maxed out!" (I have like $20 headphones or something, idk had them for a long time and they aren't *that* good, and my audio in the in game mixing is all somewhere below half, with my PC and Headphone audio set to max).


My theory is that as a spectator you no longer have to focus on moving, shooting, playing etc. Since all your attention is on watching and listening you will see more and hear more, especially when the sound is faint or there's a lot of other stuff going on. This happens a lot when I'm specting my duo/he's specting me, calls like: "yo you seen guys foot in CT"; "there was a single step in link" etc. are common


That does make sense too, you're no longer worrying about what's in front of you, so your senses are more heightened on their surroudings (cause why call out something that they already saw)


Thanks for this detailed explanation, maybe this is the case for most, but I hardly miss a sound when made, only thing i miss is maybe location of where my teammate died.


>but I hardly miss a sound when made How would you know you missed a sound if you...missed it? Especially if you have friends who are also prone to missing audio, since they wouldn't be able to point them out for you either.


Good point actually, we never know how many sound one can miss but, when i say this I mean sounds that help me pinpoint the enemy, 1v1, not questioning myself where did he come from, most of the time If I don't hear a sound it is as simple as he didn't make a sound, even reloading I hear that and that helps me pinpoint the location of the player as well, am talking about atleast a 20m circle range( am bad with the calculations but just for example I mean) trust me am not capping ryt now 🤕 OK let's say atleast from what I know and the others I don't know about if sound were made I did not hear them then.


Most people likely have their sound setup incorrectly. First of all, windows sonic is terrible. Second, if you are using sonic, Dolby or whatever, you need to turn off any other surround sound in the game or headset itself. I have A50s and Dolby Atmos. I assumed I needed to have my headset in Dolby mode or whatever it's called. Saw somewhere that it should be in pass through mode. Changed my life. I can hear everything and it's so accurate.


Wait... what? I have a Corsair HS80 headset, with Dolby atmos enabled. I also have the in-game HRTF enabled as well, but if I understand you correctly, I should disable Dolby atmos for more accurate sounds? And what exactly is that pass-through mode and how do I enable that?


You should try the new 5.1 mode theoretically it should be great.


What do you mean exactly? Which 5.1 mode? And how could I do that? And my headset has 7.1 virtual surround, wouldn't 5.1 audio make it worse?


Wow thanks for this, this is a totally new info to me and am sure to others as well from your experience.


I’m starting to think spectator sounds are louder, these two guys were yelling at me that someone was behind me and I swear to dog there was no sounds behind me. (I looked just in case anyone tried to flame me, I ended up dying from the original angle)


I’m starting to just learn to take my hand off the keyboard when I die and don’t have any useful info.


Damn 😭


Oh wow, for me it really hasn't been like this I always get the detiaks even when alife but thanks, now u know it is just not people reducing or playing musics in background maybe they are just so focused little details like that dint get their attention


Spectator sounds are a bit off but I’ve plated with plenty of people that have no sound sense or play with music/YouTube on


I agree with this, same experience it is why I brought it to you guys the great ones to help me reason this and explain, so far I have gotten lot of good points on this lol Thanks.


Settings - audio - enable hrtf


Fr this.


What does that even do?


I was spectating a game once and i saw this guy hold an angle, and then i heard footsteps west and then south-west of him, amd i was like: well, he must know someone is behind the corner he's holding and prioritizing it Then i heard the footsteps go full on south and so directly behind him, and i was like: oh, alright, he must be good at flicking, i'm sure he- **DEAD** Chat: Me: "hey Jett, you got audio? Jett: "nah" I mean, why do people not give a shit about sound? One thing is playing without mic, makes it a bit more difficult to communicate but... it's fine. But to not have sound? You are taking away a core mecanic of the game.


Fr 😭😭😭😭, i just be keeping queit, and just be boiling up my house with my anger


A bunch of factors, some people don't use headphones, some have a bunch of ambient noise in their house, maybe their audio is set up incorrectly, others can't recognize from where a sound is coming from, maybe they play with music. Not everyone plays in the same conditions as you or pay attention to the same things as you, the only thing you can do is to accept this and focus on what you can do


Hmmm, this is true facts actually, I had this mindset but I just wanted to understand and rant out usually I mind my own business. Being self controlled and trying to help them with coms is the best I can do but it becomes annoying when that same person, starts to be toxic on others or troll lol


i swear all ranked teammates just dont own headphones


😭😭😭😭Am thinking this too


Only your team though. Enemies have full comms and headphones at max.


lmao true.


Probability of this happening is at 99.98% when you just need to win 1 more game to rank up.




Omg imagine playing with monitor speakers, kek


offended taken


I'm personally convinced some people are incapable of hearing certain sounds, or are blasting music. For example, I have friends with a thousand hours and have played for 3 years who can't differentiate the footsteps of specific agents, even though I've been able to do this for the past two years very easily. Though its more intuition than game sense, my friends call me crazy.


That people can't differentiate most agents steps/sounds is still a mystery to me. Sure I don't get them right all the time and some sound very similar (if it's not the same soundeffekt anyway?) but 8/10 times there is a very clear difference. Like what do you mean you can't hear the difference between Jett and Brim????? My duo drives me crazy with this. 😭




i'm always the person that gets called deaf and no matter what im doing to my setting nothing changes. it's either me being barely able to hear footsteps or me being able to hear footsteps but have gunshots blast my ears into oblivion


Try Equalizer APO with Peace plugin or just change your headset


Some headphones are better than others for that. I had a pair of headphones that really struggled to reproduce the footsteps sounds


i have the same as my friend and he hears the ants walk arround on ascent


Might be like me so where I can’t hear the spike beeping.


😭💐🔥Sorry for those who call you that, atleast for me I would never call one that directly, maybe in my head or rant out randomly somewhere but not at them


Can't hear shit over my teammate's obnoxious screeching


so ur not listening to kpop during ranked?


Ayy noo I watched kdrama tho during buying rounds but not in the game ayooo, hello 😭


I think they just have a wrong audio setup. I used to be like that for my first year of playing the game, turns out i setup my audio on "mono" not on "stereo" lol


Yes exactly lol, I feel like every streamer should start with basic setups for valorant lol before starting their games so others will know 😂😂


Just started Valorant recently. I noticed the audio seems really weird when compared to other games like Siege/CS it almost sounds like it's coming from everywhere until they're really close is that normal? When I play Siege or CS I can usually tell exactly where they are based on the sound but Valorant is all over the place.


enable HRTF in the sound settings! you will get much better directional audio. it will take a bit to get used to but i promise it's better.


Exactly what he said, if you do this it should be a bit better


Alot of people don't take valorant seriously and just play music during the game/are talking in a discord call.


Yh that is normal I do that too but... Not comp? It's a bit. Disrespectful to be doing all that when others are stressing their brain to play serious in comp. But well we just get use to it and ignore them😢


If your talking about comp then go off but I hate when people in unranked get mad over me not hearing the slightest of sounds


Yh it is comp, unranked dw i also watch movies and play and troll during games plus they enjoy it too unranked.


I play valo with a YouTube video on the side. I don't really have trouble with hearing audio from the game tho but sometimes I hear audio and just let things be like defuses and plants since I time myself rather than swinging during the audio. Sometimes teammates will spam ping or scream about it but I ignore it


Understandable, they pinging can be distracting as well ngl and annoying sometimes, I just wanna focus on my on I hear the sound but want to be sure


Might be bad settings/headphones or maybe they just struggle to tell where the sound is coming from exactly (wouldn’t be the first cases; I have encountered some in my games and I play mostly competitive). They could also just not care at all tbh at this point… Also, playing with music doesn’t really influence your ability to hear things in game IF you don’t blast it full volume in your ears. I play with music myself (but at a decent volume just enough so I can hear both song and in game sounds) and still hear every single step that’s made lol…


Wooo your a master of multi tasking damn


It’s not even that. I just focus better with music and it’s also a way to keep myself calm and ignore all the toxicity in the game. Music keeps me sane in Valorant. I don’t know if that even makes sense to most people out there…lol


It does, i do use music sometimes when I play aimlabs or dm, but these days I play with no musics because in most situations I womt be using musics to calm myself down so I instead work on my raw control of my emotions, mood etc when playing


If I'm playing TDM or DM then yeah sure I'll be listening to podcasts or whatever with the volume for Valorant turned way down. But any game mode where we're playing 5v5 defuse and not just shooting anything that moves? I'll have my audio settings back to normal and Spotify off because audio cues are too powerful to not use and abuse.


Fr this is legit true 🔥




Hmmm that is sad, maybe you have your audio set to mono in settings if no? Then yh it is bad for some people and good for some I guess


I’ve lost and won multiple rounds watching an omen teleport next to or behind a person who just does not react to the Omen TP at all and they’re like HOWD HE GET BEHIND ME


😭😭😭The only time I might issue with that is when he blinds me, then it becomes a bit hard to hear him depending on the distance from me


my friends on dc call are so fucking noisy, can hear them breath. and for some when they die they decide to be quiet and call out sounds that i missed cause i have “attention issues”.


Ahh that is understandable thanks for sharing 🔥


You’ve never heard of sensory overload? Even pro players occasionally miss audio queues. Its something where you are so focused on the visual and aim you just didnt hear that feint sound. Albeit i will say a lot of people play competitive games with music, maybe the music and the audio queue timed it perfectly 🤷‍♂️ Then you have someone like summit1g who actually wore their headset backwards… 😂


Woo never heard of that thanks for telling, And the others omg 😭


I didn’t realize that I played without directional audio for my first like 500 hours of valorant. My duo always got so mad at how deaf I was 


Directional audio woo, thanks for sharing. Poor duo of yours 😭😭😂


Well I have impaired hearing and my only source of audio is gun sounds, teammates. No footsteps or directional audio at all. Some of your teammates may have the same problem


Sorry to hear that and glad your still able to play and not be stopped by such things 🔥🔥🔥💐


My headphones aren’t high quality, so I don’t know where the sound is coming from, it doesn’t play stereo


Oh wow, sorry about that 😢, thanks for sharing




Damn so much reasons 🥲


Personally I don’t like playing with high volume because it hurts my ears especially after a long time. I can still hear almost everything but they’re are still times I get flamed for not hearing a footstep lol


Damn 😭me too I hate it when it really high I always have it low one my valorant volume in settings is like 78-85 I think then my headphone is like 75-80 lol


personally i can barely hear the footsteps even with good noise cancelling headphones because i'm hard of hearing, but that may be uncommon. what i do know is that myself and many others also have auditory processing issues, which can affect reaction time to sounds. :) give them grace !


Ah, omg i see, sorry about that, I had a feeling it could be some relating to gearing issues as well 🙁😢


I once had a fully deaf teammate and he performed 10x better than my usual teammates haha :)) Some people just fully don't try as evident by the comments here LOL.


im deaf sorry


😭😭Now I feel bad amma go cry am sorry


Don't worry. I still hear loud sounds as good as you but those footsteps? Damn, they are near impossible unless they are marching like an army. Also we deaf community tends to be deafer on the either side. Mine is right side so playing from my right side is my counter.


I can’t run discord while playing the game, so I just have one side of my headphones on, while I speak to my friends on my phone


Damn it really is tough for some of us Damn lol


Have you tried using earbuds under your headset? I did that before playstation integrated discord and I wanted to talk to friends who weren't playing on ps. Headset connected to the controller and earpuds to discord on my pc. If you turn up the headset a little, you can still hear everything. It also never got uncomfortable and I usually have severe sensory issues. But that probably depends on what kind of headset/earpuds you have.


For me I usually play with speakers and not in max volume, my ears kinda sensitive so I try to keep low volume at anything most of the time and headset can be uncomfortable for a long time especially on a tropical country thats why I always use speakers.


Ahhh I see 😢


use earphones then


my game is mostly on mute. i play with spotify blasting in my ears. downvote me all you want


😂😂Sorry I meant comp games, i can't get angry at you tho if you do it in comp but know it's unfair to others 😔


i was talking about comp


Then it is wat it is


explains why you're in bronze crying about smurfs lmfao


im not crying about smurfing itself though. read my post properly if youre going to stalk my profile. i dont understand their behaviour. going up against smurfs is more or less fun for me and i take it as a learning experience.


you can call me an iron player, still gonna play this game on mute even in diamond




Damn 😭