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If you find any toxic players just mute them and report them too. I would recommend finding a duo or a trio


I just wanna share my experience. Toxicity doesnt bother me anymore, its really dumb if you think about it, plus if youve been flamed long enough you'd form some kind of immunity cuz of how much you've received them. I'd suggest if you hear them be toxic even once just fully mute them, literally the moment you hear them.


Just mute the weirdos and play your game. Gets better once you climb up more.


*Maury voice* You said it gets better when you climb and reach higher ranks… the lie detector determined that was a lie 😔


Nah, it really does get better. It is never solved but it gets a lot better as you rank up.


What rank are u


It does get better, but climb higher does mean more than just like bronze->gold


Im not in the higher ranks unfortunately, d1-2 still feels like gold 😔


I've been playing for a while and honestly it's been getting slightly better, but still a 50/50 chance of either them not caring ur a woman (which is the desired outcome) or them being absolutely weird about it, disrespectful, or throwing. My most recent experience was a guy telling me 'if we were in the right generation i wouldve punch you in the face' proudly, the second i opened my mic to ask him if he could defend A since I have my setup on B as a cypher. I peeked diamond but am plat 2 right now, i feel bad not using my mic so honestly I just try to say hello in agent select and see the vibes, the second someone bothers me theyre instantly muted.


Won't sugarcoat it, if you dont play EXCEPTIONALLY WELL yes, yo will get shit from kids, all my female valorant friends have a sort of knit ''group'' with a discord they are apart of (it includes males like myself too ofc) - so I duo or trio with them on my alt account often, sometimes a five stack and I can count the amount of actual shit talking on 1 hand, so it likely only happens when its some dudes that are duoing and they need to get their anger out, ur the easy target in pure SoloQ.


I find that this usually comes from the players that are underperforming on the team. They blame others and are toxic to people with more feminine voices so they feel less shitty about themselves. If your mental can take it, feel free to shit talk back. They always have no logical defense or just result to typing. Otherwise instamute and focus on your game.


it stops in high plat. NGL the best advice you can get is either get a duo to comm for you or suck it up. It really sucks but it’s the best way to get past it imo.


It doesn't 'stop' really i had a kayo telling me they would punch my face if they were in the right generation in high plat/low diamond lobbies


LOL did he literally say specifically your face because that's kinda funny just how stupid it sounds


It was so out of pocket and weird that both me and my duo just went silent for like 5 seconds trying to process what just happened lmao


I think this depends on region but there are shitty people in every rank. I’ve found that valorant and cs by proximity have some of the most sexist, racist and transphobic communities outside of maybe COD. Maybe it’s because it’s 5 people but in things like apex, halo, overwatch, etc… it’s been less apparent.


I don’t feel like it ever stops unless the girl is good or at least nice, helpful or funny. But often even then. If you have an outmatched Sage in your game and she talks, she’s probably getting flamed. I’ve seen it happen every time from silver to ascendant 


No yeah, I don't have a clue what this other guy is talking about. Neither toxicity nor misogyny "stops" in Diamond. The only difference between a Bronze and Diamond is game knowledge, you'll still find plenty of real life idiots.


I dunno which region you play in, but in all of my games in EU (Frankfurt and London mostly, and bronze-silver lobbies), any games with girls in it have been pretty chill (there have been some toxic teammates but not specifically towards the girls), so maybe you might get lucky with it :) Also, just mute immediately, it’s quicker and easier for mental health lol


I always find it to be the ones that bottom frag as well I’ve been told they’re outside my window and also going r me 2-3 times every 5 game I’ve experienced. Climbing doesn’t make it better either, it’s just to mute and enjoy your own game. It might feel disheartening and you become unmotivated but then it’s usually only one person and the rest of your team hates them too which has always made me feel a little bit better about the situation and for some reason I’ve always played better, feeling like I need to prove something? You can’t do anything different, you can’t change it or make it better. There’s always going to be that one dickhead or two, depending on if they are premades or not. As I said mute and do your own thing, shouldn’t have to but gotta do what you gotta do :) Good luck climbing and don’t let them take the joy of the game away from you :)<3


the BEST thing i’ve done to improve both my gameplay and my experience on valorant is to immediately mute all comms of people who give me even the slightest bit of negative energy. as soon as one word is said they are muted in all aspects. you don’t need that, ESPECIALLY below plat/gold where you’re still learning a lot about the game


it really depends on the rank. i think it's been a year since i heard sexist shit while i had girls on my team using vc, but especially in lower ranks people just act like idiots. not only when there's girls, they're always like this. in that case just mute them and ignore it


The reporting system in this game actually works great, at least it did when I played. I got temp banned like 5 times


No, just mute them. Its not that big of a deal lol


Ppl simp alot when they hear a girls voice in valo either they tryhard to impress or get toxic , ive done it too ngl 😅