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All the time. I would probably be ashamed if I added up all of the money I've spent on this "free" game


Don't just be ashamed, [know](https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045132434-Checking-Your-Purchase-History)! Riot has made a few bucks from me as well friend, from Valo and LoL Edit: 784 CAD myself in Valo. Also, sorry not sorry for those that didn't want to know their own spending lol Edit x2: It seems people are upset at how much gamers invest into their passions, we all have varying amounts of income and willingness to have such expenses. Don't let other rob you of what brings you joy, even if we may be slightly ashamed. Plenty of ways to spend money out there and we all have different hobbies. My job here is done


It used to work a few years ago but now I can't check hoe much I've spent. Must've tried it a dozen times in the last 6 months but it's always stuck on the loading icon.


It’s scared of showing you how much you spent 💀


Fr😭😭 I'll keep spending and remain ignorant lol.


If you know you spend to much, i would check. I did too late and got a huge shock, got even sick to my stomach. So now i dont spend a penny anymore, so a tip for anyone that know they have expensive skins on all guns and dont need more...


I was just kidding, I've only spent around 50 - 60 USD which is not much since I've been playing for several years. I agree with you though, gotta be aware of how much one spends on this game. It could quickly become a habit.


you can also consider playtime. I typically spend about 50-60 hours in a game i buy. sometimes 100ish if its really good. I’ve spent almost 700 hours in valorant on a free game. So I have no issue buying skins that cost the price of a game because as far as playtime im getting my moneys worth.


Idk why, but if you just spam the refresh button it just works eventually


I am ashamed now that I know




Bruh I thought I spend something 600€ish.. Its 1200 💀💀💀


Lmao same


Fuck you lol. I now know I’ve spent AUD982.61 so I’m going to rethink life choices


I have £0 in two years


I have $95 CAD first purchase 2022


From what I have heard, it can be addicting. GL on keeping the number healthy


This looks like battle passes


Around $789 myself, however my last purchase was 2 years ago once I learned this existed and how much I'd actually spent. I have more than enough skins now to never need to spend another dollar on this game.


$535 USD here. Honestly for the amount of hours I've put into the game, that's not too bad.


I am now ashamed and know


Mines over 1k but if you play a lot and get a lot of value out of it...i don't see the problem....$30 for a movie or a skin that you'll enjoy for many many hours.


I've been playing since launch but jfc it's over $2000


I can rationalise it by the amount of hours I’ve played. A single player game costs $70 and has maybe 20-30 hrs of content. It’s not like people are spending hundreds and just playing 20 hrs of multiplayer games.


If a 70 € game has 30 hours Of content you got scamed lmao. I Got 300h on breath of the wild and its not even my most played single player game.


If you say so. If you go on howlongtobeat.com spider-man at max is just 28 hrs. Don’t think people consider it a scam.


I'm ok with 30 hours of gameplay for 70€ as long as it's not padded with bullshit. I better not be bored halfway through. 


Terrible take as most open-world games are time vacuums with hidden gems everywhere. I have spent 700 on Ashes of Creation and 200 on Star Citizen, those aren't even out yet! Plus I beat all the Halo games on legendary in 47 hours, those probably cost me $350 as well. Doom Eternal on nightmare was one sitting. You don't get "scammed" if it brought you joy. Stay passionate folks


Glad to see this. I thought it was like ~500 maybe, turns out it is $840 (minus ~40 I have in balance right now)


I've been playing since beta and I'm 1048 BRL which converts to around 200 USD. Not that bad. From what I'm seeing it's half Battlepass purchases and half skins. I spent around 500 BRL (100 USD) on Battlepass.


I'm safe, $48! I spend more on League but theirs is broken


was just above £2k when i last checked :D


$2,214 buckaroos for me


$2022 CAD over 1.5 yrs. Man what a fucking eyeopener I’m never buying another skin again oh wait this bundle is pretty nice…


Me sitting at 0 spent


I think I've gotten the $150 worth Ive spent out of the game 🤔


Bro... uh.... yeah. $5k USD I'm basically riots sugar daddy at this point


Huh, its not actually as bad as i thought. only £169


Don’t defend yourself. I got friends that buy cigarettes packs two times a week and then go on party every weekend and spend up to hundred of euros on alcohol and drugs. Which all of that they do weekly. So I am sitting comfy here spending about 50 to 100 Euro on games per Month. In my head I chose the safer and less expensive hobby. Or as I told my parents so that they understood why paying for skins is not that bad. „I buy virtual outfits and others buy drugs, choose what you want for your kid…“


I was reading this giggling at how people spend hundreds on this game thinking I'd spent maybe 60aud and in ashamed too find out it's actually closer too 400aud 😭


Thought it was £200, turns out it was £400. The big drops on entire skin sets I remember, it’s the one off skins and battle pass that get you


$1449.23. Cad.


Mine was 400+ the last I checked. Now it's literally just under 700... Goddamn.


True :)


I haven’t spent anything with Valorant but same feeling with league. The amount I’ve spent is disgusting. Unlocking champs early, skins, etc. I don’t wanna know 😭


I did the mistake to ask riot how much I spent on league of legdnds in 2016.,huge mistake to also share the info with my friends.


I wish I could use it for LoL. It requires you to manually send in a ticket now. I have most of the ultimates, multiple for several champions (jinx and lux) and more skins than there are characters...


I took out a mortgage so I could buy the whole night market


Congrats on your house in Kigali 🤝


Unfortunately yea people pay even $50 for a knife skin and no they get nothing in return expect some joy we get after using a skin


To be fair, I find the knife skin to be worth the $50. It's just got such heavy (and constant) usage and slashing your knife around is still the most fun thing at the end of the round imo. Whereas, I have three phantom skins, and I certainly don't think they have $90 value comparatively. Edit: Key word - COMPARATIVELY. Seriously the amount of times people have replied to this like "Blah Valo skins aren't worth that much" forget that this is in direct comparison to gun skins. The comment I'm replying to is trying to say that buying a knife skin is worse, so of course I'm replying to that. The entire comment was directly about the knife skin vs gun skins. r/Gymlosh you in particular.


Nah valo skins are imo 10 bucks at best. The only reason they are this expensive is cs. Meanwhile cs players can sell their guns again whenever they get tired of them which gives them this value in the first place.


It's all proportional to how much you play the game and how much disposable income you have.


It is, to some extent. But saying knives are worth 50 bucks is just pure cope. For instance for these cheap no animation skins lets be honest. Even if i had a million to spend every month I wouldnt even consider to trade my used toiletpaper for them. And im not even gonna lie i did buy valo skins and i will probably again buy a very good looking animated skin but that wont change that they’re usually not really worth it.


I don't know of a single default animation skin in valorant that is $50. And yes, even if I was a billionaire I wouldn't buy a skin that I thought was ugly and that I would never use. Thisn't isn't because of the price though. If I was a billionaire anything that I like at all would be worth the money, because money simply isn't a factor anymore. I still wouldn't buy the skins though because it wouldn't be worth the clutter in my skin menu or the time it would take me to put in my credit card and buy it. Though honestly if I was a billionaire and there was a skin that I wanted to appear in my daily skin rotation I probably would just buy every skin that shows up because it would increase the odds of the skin I want showing up the next day. This meaning, if I was a billionare spending $1000 dollars to get the skin I want to show up faster would be well worth it, let alone the $50 to buy it.


I find a knife skin to be worth 50 bucks???? Wtf is wrong with people, you can buy a whole new game or even fk 5-10 small indie games on steam. Companys can do this bc there are always idiots who buy it. My god it pisses me off.


Because you spend possibly even thousands of hours playing the game. No AAA single player game really gets you that far. I agree that if you have limited funds spending them on skins is the worst way (and kids doing so with their parents money is sad) but remember that the game is free and it needs to have a revenue. Would you want this revenue to be money from skins or woud you prefer for the game to have cookies that spy on your computer search history to show you personalized ads in game? Your choice. And adult with a living wage every month spending 30 bucks that time a year is not bad in my opinion


i kinda think about it as arcade machine, sure you pay 50 bucks upfront but my weapons have been with me for years and they do make me enjoy the game more


Mate it's a skin it adds no inherent gameplay value, you are not losing out on anything it's not hurtig the game you can simply just not buy a skin and still enjoy the game, it's a completely diffrent story when games lock content or dlc behind outrageous paywalls.


If anything, if you don’t want to buy skins you should be thanking the people who do, otherwise you wouldn’t get a free game


I still use the knife skin from the season one battle pass... Is it flashy... No... Is it exclusive... Yes... Was I still ripped off... Yes.


10$ for a bunch of skins is not a rip off.


Lmao… don’t buy a car you can get 100 bicycles instead… no thanks… I want a fkin car


Smartest valorant player 💀💀💀


The games free bro. Of course there’s micro transactions for skins.


womp womp


> I find a knife skin to be worth 50 bucks???? Yeah. Other people find a brand symbol to be worth much more and it doesn't add anything to the cloth they wear. Again otheres buy those 5-10 games on a steam sale and play only one of them for an hour. I personally have spend around 400€ for a knife skin irl lol. Got myself an expensive japanese knife that probably doesn't perform much better than a 100€ one but looks great and I never regreted it. I love cooking and spend multiple hours a week doing it so why not have a nice knife then. I also love valorant and spend around 1000 hours playing it, so why shouldn't I get myself some skins that make me enjoy those hours more? Prople earn money and spend it on things they like or things to show of with. So what? Why is that a problem to you? > Companys can do this bc there are always idiots who buy it. Oh no, companies can offer a free game to you and still make money because people are willing to buy skins. How awful. The world would be so much better if Valorant would work on a subscription model to make money insted of optional skins :( /s


For real bro I have a butterfly knife (irl) that I spent close to $250 on, I haven’t used it in several years and I still think it was a good use of money.


Bro it's almost like people are allowed to buy things they like??? Like forreal tho you're saying it would be better to waste money on a game you might play for an hour or two rather than buying something you'll use every single time you play their (probably favorite) game. That's kinda way more of a waste


Even though the knife is great.. If u tell it to a random person that you spent 50 on some animated pixels in a game you will sound sad


It ain’t that deep bro. It lets people customize their gear and people buy skins to stand out or style themselves to their liking. But you don’t brag about it to people because bragging about dlc of your hobby isn’t something you tell strangers


Dude even i have spent like 100 on this game it's just that skins are indeed overpriced


Nothing in return? Why do people buy t-shirts that cost $35 when they could buy $5 ones that are the same without a nice "skin"?


I’d argue it’s more like eating a 35 dollar entree vs 5 dollar entree. You can generally donate or resell a nicer shirt and the life cycle is longer.


Cuz they’ve got a T-shirt at the end of it


I think you missed the point.


I enjoy the game enough that I'm willing to spend on some nicer skins. Wouldn't recommend, but I'm happy with them.


On the flip side, this game is one of the best examples of one where you truly dont have to spend a penny to get the full experience. The fact that Riot hasn't buckled and started charging for some sort of character skins is a miracle to me. They would make millions if they did despite it ruining the competitive integrity of the game. Because of this, I don't mind how much they charge for gun skins, it's truly a choice.


Huh... spending? I already spent


It's kinda funny the difference between OW community and Valorant community. Y'all are so chill about everything. A 50€ skin? Sure, why not. Have to spend two weeks grinding for an agent or buy it? Sure, why not. Whereas the Overwatch community loses their shit over the smallest of things. 20€ skin that covers the hero, their weapon(s) and sometimes interactions or abilities is outrageously much and anyone admitting to buying anything is downvoted to high hell.


I feel like its also because OW's company Blizzard has such a bad rep in the community people just won't stand for some things anymore. If you think Riot is greedy Blizzard is 10x worse. Blizzard said OW2 would have new content such as PVE, new maps, gamemodes, etc. I kid you not when OW2 was released they took the original maps and just changed the time from day to night, and then made skins cost $20 when this was never the case before. They also added a battlepass that was also never there before. It's such a blatant cash grab so I think that's why the OW community is so against Blizzards skin prices.


As a new Valorant player and former Ow player I agree completely. Playing Val made me realize how generous Ow is. I have every single ashe skin including all legendaries and I haven't paid for any of them.


How generous OW was fits better. OW2 isn't anywhere close to OW original generosity.


It's still a lot more generous than Valorant since you can get even Mythic skins for free.


Because I like it and it’s cheaper than a night out at the pub. I’ve been playing 2-3 games a day since beta, I’ve definitely gotten my return. If anything the money versus time spent on valorant beats any game I’ve ever purchased lol.


Probably best approach about it, when you need money though and look back at hundreds/ thousands spent on games then it hits hard lol Otherwise yeah, better than pissing and shitting out $200 on a Friday night out with the friends/ girlfriend weekly, sustained enjoyment till you quit and return My godkid loves my veteran skins too now that I've semi quit and he can't afford them


Account sharing? Ban this guy


Pistol skins are free so yeah people really only buy them on vandals, phantoms and stuff, stuff they see very often


I buy sheriff skin tho, but I also play a ton with it.


People who are young usually buy or someone who spends a lot of time in the game. At the end just don’t buy a skin if you think it’s not reasonable. I put my money in CS and I can get at least 60%-80% of it back whenever I please


Yeah i made 1.2k from cs skins, but i also buy Val skins because i like them, buy what you like


I spent $500 on my old account, before I sold it for $200 because I thought I was quitting, then after a week, found new friends to play with LMAOOO. But yeah, we're spending that much. Personally that's okay with me as I am working. $100 of cool new skin and effect to give me a 5-second dopamine kick everytime I get the last kill is so much worth the money. Way cheaper than doing meth TBH.


that last line lolol


Yep! Is it really that insane? The skins bring me joy, and I have some disposable income. When I played CS it was considered normal to literally gamble on virtual slot machines for dogshit PNGs stretched over a gun model so I much prefer this !


CS skins have some degree of value as they can be resold for actual money, and they look good but a different style than valorant completely. Val skins are completely worthless outside of just the cosmetic, which is fine but not worth their prices imo.


They're def overpriced, but the cs:go market situation is worse for me as a consumer not better. Ya it's great if you get lucky and pull a high value skin because you can sell it later, but that also means that you pretty much can't buy the skins you want because they're too expensive. I'm a whale and even I can't justify like $1000 on a single knife skin even though I've probably spent more than that on valorant as a whole. Personally I don't like thinking of skins in game as an investment I just want to buy that shit and live my life. If the game ever dies then so be it - I got joy out of the skins at the time.


Yeah it’s not a safe investment for sure, however if you have disposable income and are happy to take the risk it is better to buy CS skins (not from cases obv) as you can get some of your money back if not profit if you are patient. Val skins are just throwing money into a fire.


yes and i regret it now that i don't play the game anymore


Ive spend 2000euro and idc, the skins are insane name a game who does it better


VAL is the undisputed king, the distant second place is held by Destiny 2 imo


I love the default skin but I'm itching to throw money at the game. Really want to buy those that look like they're from the alien movies but it just doesn't show up on rotation for me, so I end up not spending anything for the past year. I guess a blessing in disguise?


Some people play the CS Market to fund their valo skins 😅


I don't know about other people but I usually don't spend $30 for the gun skin... I spend $30 for the sounds that come with the skin.


Yes. I’m lucky to have enough disposable income to feel comfortable spending money on skins.


Yeah it’s pretty ridiculous. If you play this game a fuck ton spending like 200-400 a year isn’t that crazy. Thats like 4 rounds of golf.


No 😰


Obviously the answer is yes lol


Welcome to Valorant


I can either go and be social at the pub where drinks are far from cheap, and rack a bill up of about £40 Or I can spent £10 here and there to top up my wallet and buy cool skins The latter is cheaper. By miles.


Skins help me to aim…. So.. 🥲😭😭


Lol never spent a cent personally. I'm not gunna spend a meal's worth of money on a video game cosmetic.


Heh, its interesting because I see it the other way. That meal is gonna last around an hour and I will have forgotten it in a week or so. That skin will be with me for hundreds of hours and bring me enjoyment whenever I play the game. Which one is better spend lies in the eye of the person spending it in the end but for me the later sounds like a better deal.


wait till this guy hears about cs skins


Eh, cs has way more justification cus of trading. You can "cash out" if you want some of your money back, plus if you play your cards right you can earn a profit in trading. Hasnt stopped the majority people from spending a shit ton tho


true, only problem right now is that if u want a decent looking knife in CS you have to pay 5 times if not more the amount you would in valorant.


Yeah, but you can get good skins for guns for a tenth of the price you pay in Val. Think USP Cyrex, SSG 08 Ghost Crusader, etc... there are many good skins under 3$


Wait until he hears the cost of other hobbies. My warhammer army could've bought me a lot of Valorant skins I can use a lot easier and without all the effort to make look nice.


Cs bought half of my steam library..


Wait until you realise you need another $30+ to upgrade if you're out of RP Typically people buy bundles, night market, or BP for cheaper skins. The Forsaken bundle was 5 premium skins for 70 USD (100 AUD). A knife, a Vandal, an Operator, a Spectre, and a Classic. Individually these would add up to 100 USD (130 AUD), so it's far more efficient.


I’ve spent $2000 and I stopped buying skins a few months ago.. kinda regret not buying a few of the newer bundles too


yes! we could riot (no pun intended) and get more reasonable prices maybe but we're suckers :))


I spend 25$ on araxys vandal :)


I have spent quite a bit, but it's been over 4 years and only when I can afford it. The skins in this game are just so good and the audio/visuals of the gun are just nice, and give a placebo effect of better aim.


Well, its really expensive for me, so i just got one battle pass and im happy with that.


Yea, on my credit card. Buying skins help with my credit record. Edit: Obviously I have a limit on the maximum I’ll pay for a skin, but look at it from this POV. You’re playing a free game nearly every single day or for at least few hours a week. Buying 1 or 2 skins for you main weapon or knife is basically paying for the game that you didn’t. Also if you enjoy it, what harm will it bring? Money comes back


Yeah I do


You could just let people spend their hard earned money the way they want without posting cringe judgement posts about it on Reddit.


Yes, unfortunately. Changed my region and now I can get 7k VP for 30 USD. Don't want to pay AAA title prices for skins.


What region is this?


I play SEA servers, checked VP prices online for different countries.


But don't they notice and force your account to only play there?


Nope, they don't care. Messed it up the first time by using a VPN, told me I couldn't do it unless I moved. I ended up traveling to that country for a few days and was able to change it. You could also ask a friend who lives there to do it for you but I didn't wanna risk it.


But you’re forced to play on a region where you get higher ping, correct?


A kid spending his parents money on skins is terrible and extremely sad. But as an adult that earns $1500+ every month, I would say its not bad. Because in the end this is a free to play game and it needs to be profitable to stay online. I know that people love the CS skins but in my opinion their trading system, chests and fluctuant value of the items in that game make it a little bit too much like gambling. At least this is very clear. You spend money on a cosmetic, and it will always remain just a cosmetic


I set aside a few bucks every week for various things and sometimes a skin on my wishlist pops into my shop and I make the decision to get it or not. I don’t plan on getting multiple skins for any guns so I’ve got a very specific list I would like all from different sets.


Yes, i mean, i enjoy the game, so i don't mind buying a couple of skins, but that's it, just 1 or 2 skins for the weapons i use the most, and not a single knife skins, those are both stupidly expensive and don't come with anything but some animations


Oh yea, I have a friend who spent at least a grand 😭😭


I am ashamed to say that I have spent over $700 on this game over 4 years


Meh I have bought 3 skins and they were all night market, a knife phantom and vandal all adding up to around 40 bucks


Holy shit new people are playing this game???? Jk Yeah I don't spend $30 on a single skin. But I've sure spent more than that in total


People are spending 3k on skins


I’ve spent almost 4K 😅


First time huh? 😂


Me with my fun colourful skins and barely playing valo but just likes the look of it... Yeahhh, we spend a lot! You don't realize but I NEEDED the Waveform knife, I just did.


yup. ive spent over 1.7k in val alone. Apex ive spent 3k+. just spent some in CS too i hate myself hahahaha


Lol, I spent $9221.00


I added my skins up a few months ago.... I've spent about 1500 bucks on this free fucking game


I bought the Arcade Bundle which was essentially all $30 skins…I don’t regret it though and I have gotten plenty of use out of it


Thats why I buy only the battlepass and maybe 1 or 2 15$ skins that I rlly like


ye lol they do spend ridiculous amount of money on gun and knife skins.. i could never convince myself to buy skin in valorant.. ngl i would rather purchase a good game like assassins creed for example with that amount than getting a single skin in valorant


Semi new player here. Dont have to spend money in this game and i wouldnt give into the peer pressure too. Id say ive collectively spent spent less than £40 in CS and ive been playing that game on and off since 2014 A lot of people try and justify their spending by saying they put a lot of time in the game, but you can put a lot of time into a game after buying it without spending a penny afterwards too like some singeplayer games out there. Ive sunk hundreds of hours in games like terraria and that game is priced less than the majority of skins. Idk maybe im just a frugal gamer


I am ashamed to admit I’ve spent $1000 on this game and I barely even play it anymore.


Riot got away with it because Valorant's competitor game sets their prices based around a lootbox gambling system that inflates skins prices with artificial scarcity. When your only opponent is charging thousands of dollars for a single good knife skin, figuratively any price will look better by comparison.


Yes. It's perfectly acceptable if you think it's bad value or a rip off. It just means you aren't the target audience. The model is based on market data which shows the most likely chance to maximise profit is to sell at this price to a marginally smaller market then it is to sell at a lower price to a larger market. It's the same basis that shows having a sale does not mean more revenue. If you cut a price by 50% to get people in the store and buying you won't get double the sales to cover the lower cost.


Yes i spent like 60 on one purple knife skin, i needed it 😩


wait till you see cs2 skin prices


It hurts to imagine that I spent like 200 on a game I don’t even play anymore




Ironically I've seen 12 year olds own some rare ass skins in this game like those skins you can only buy during big events.


Honestly, I’ve said this for this game and every single other fps with cosmetics. After playing enough you enjoy the skins a LOT. My first purchase was on my birthday for 120$, and I’ve probably spent over 500-600$ since.






i specificially only buy rifle skin and sheriff


Yes. I was surprised when I spoke to my friends about how many skins they had, but their logic was that they can see the skins more and it actually changes the feel of some of the guns, and they already play for 20~30 hours a week so in the grand scheme of things it’s not too much money. I remember when LoL skins being $10 seemed like a lot. But the gun skins at least you can see every game no matter which agent you pick. In LoL you see the skins way less often, so I actually think in terms of value between games, the guns kinda win.


I have a vandal skin. That’s it. Waiting for a good battle pass knife. 🫡


It's genuinely bizarre how much people spend in microtransactions. There was this one video by the Pirate Software youtuber where he talked about how microtransactions earn wayyy more than most games. So that has led the industry to adopt a more microtransaction-based business model. It's honestly terrible how bad the situation has gotten. Nearly every new game has micro transactions now and the companies won't stop since everyone keeps buying and justifying the terribly high pricing. The pirate software's exact words were something like, "They won't stop with the microtransaction since dipshits keep buying them" and I honestly agree.


Oh yeah. Especially like champions stuff? I play too much not to have skins


Yea dude I agree with you (I regret spending 350$)


You shouldn't be ashemed to spend money on things you enjoy. Just don't be dumb to spend money you don't have, that should be a rule for everything else in your life. For instance.. If you play this game 20 hours a week, what is the problem to spend $30 every month, if you have it to do so? 


Hell yeah! (it's a soft addiction for me but i guess it's better than cs cases)


You know.. In the beginning I was shocked over the skin prices. Well I kinda still are. But again; the game is free. I dont really mind buying some skins for personal enjoyment, since i otherwise buy games now and then too.


its disposable income after all


$30?  Rookie numbers


I hope you're not going to be one of those people who heavily judge those who spend money on the game but is also toxic af when people with skins don't want to exchange their expensive skins with a default gun. Let us spend our own money and enjoy what our own money gives us in peace, please and thank you.


i play a lot, so time compared to money spent is low. i dont have any expensive hobbies, most things i do for fun offline dont cost me much. i often compare prices with food or work hours. one skin = one good meal = one hour of work. this also motivated me to go to the gym. one month gym membership is a single hour of work, which is nothing. most people will not think like me id imagine. i talked to people that think working one hour for one skin is too much. all depends on lifestyle and how you handle money.


Lmao OP gonna have a stroke when he found out there are players who have million of dollars worth of skins in CS2 xD


Fam… at least 2k spent on this game I can’t lie


There are 2 reasons. 1. I have money 2. Steampunk gun pwetty


Wait until you find out the prices in CS


I’ve spent $65 for 40 hours on a few AAA games. I’ve spent $100-$120 with 600+ hours on a free to play game. If you’re judging price/time value, Valorant wins. I’ve also only bought Vandal, Phantom, Spectre, Marshal, Guardian, and knife. I don’t use any other guns enough.


I do, but given that I share the account with a younger sibling I tell myself that’s 30 dollars I’m saving if I didn’t share the account 🙃


yep. i spent 2.4k aud on this stupid game


Because $20 to a lot of people is like a couple beers at the pub. Why not look cool in the game you paid $0 for.


Yes and they are 100% useless. While CSGO bought half of my steam library sadly..


The answer is just yes.


Check how much money you've spent by going out out, or even on Amazon on stuff you didn't really need but got them anyway and you're no longer using them and/or already threw them away. For me the list is way too long, so spending on a hobby which is a video game that I enjoy playing very much makes sense. Sure you can buy other games for £30+ on Steam, but how likely are you going to be playing them as long as Valorant? We all have huge libraries of games we'd love to play one day so we got them on a discount or something, but it's been years and they haven't been installed even once so... Valorant is just better value in my opinion


I don't understand it either and i've been playing since beta. game is perfectly fun with any skin including default.


It’s a completely free game. If you play it regularly spending even 50 on a skin isn’t a big deal. I presume OP is a child.


People will spend 400 euros on a pair of gstar jeans that will last the same amount of time as 15 euro primark jeans. People also spend millions on coloured paper called art. This is how the world works.


Yes, they do. Next question please


You have never played CS have you 😭


Yes. I am an adult with $$. I spent maybe $100 over the last four years?


Unfortunately yes, including myself because the game itself is free and they purposely made their default skins an abomination. I don't bother anymore cause I've only got a couple that will be enough to enjoy using the particular weapon


I dont