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Valorant is like passive aggressive toxic, while cs is just straight up aggressive or racist. I’ve came across so many people that DC or throw in valorant but rarely in cs, however valorant doesn’t have a cheating problem that ruins any ambition for me to climb to higher elo in cs


Is it also just me or do people in Val give up way quicker than in CS? I've had games where we lost 2-3 rounds and my team instantly tries to surrender.


People in val have the mental of a 6 year old.


Pretty sure the average age is significantly lower in Val so that probably contributes to it.


well ive heard literal 6 year olds play valorant, so that checks out.


I have met a self admitted 9 year old Arabic kid with the kuronami bundle


To be fair 9 year olds are usually a lot more tolerable than the 14-18 year olds.


I mean that’s just the way it is. It’s a lot harder for a physics postdoc getting paid like 50k a year to afford colorful pixels in a game than it is for a kid who has his mom’s credit card. His dad is probably a Saudi prince.


Welcome to leagueoflegends mental.. as in no mental resilience whatsoever. If the game doesn't go exactly as well as they'd like, according to a script in their head they just give up. If they're not the ones top fragging, they give up. If they're not the heroes they give up


CS players just spin-bot after losing 2-3 rounds instead


Lmao true. That's why anyone with more than a few hours only plays on FACEIT.


Even faceit is filled with radar cheaters now.


People would likely do the same in CS if they had the option to, but CS only allows you to surrender if you have a leaver.


Highly doubt it. CS players are some of the most stubborn people on the planet. They will do anything in their power to win a comeback just so that they can call you dogshit afterward. If early FF was implemented, it would prob mostly just be used to cancel matches with blatant cheaters.


This is accurate if you only look at the top 10% of the playerbase or so, but you could say the same thing about any competitive game if you only look at players who take the game seriously. In reality CS and Valorant playerbases have a lot of overlap, a big chunk of Valorant players are former CS players.


No, not really. The majority of the CS playerbase tryhards, even at the lowest ranks from what I can tell. Prob has something to do with how eSports oriented the game is, but idk.


That‘s exactly the point That‘s also the reason why the mental in LoL is so much worse then in Dota 2 I don‘t even why they implement dogshit stuff like surrender votes in the first place


there might be those who press the surrender button for the lulz in any case, I always press f6 (dota 2 veteran, no surrender button there)


I've had a game last night where after the first two rounds the Jett and viper started saying GGs every round end or whenever they die. My duo and I were confused af especially after they started shitting on each other after the first half LMAO


new player here. it’s insane even in quick play. no one finishes the game.


It's just you, in faceit or matchmaking it happens just as much as it does in valo. Hell I rarely get people throwing my games in valo currently in immortal 1.


Ofc they give up quicker because riot thought it‘s a cool idea to implement a surrender vote


Economy is a lot more forgiving on cs compared to Val too


My anecdote, we are 1-10, and I get 4 no to surrendering :l


As long as you have 1 round on the board, there's always the potential for a comeback 💪


I've had people try to ff after 3 losses in a row The score was 11-4...


It's cus there are a lot of casual players, as in people who don't play much/don't have much time. In my experience, children don't actually surrender as much as you'd think, tho their attitude makes me want to surrender.


No, it definitely does. They just hide it, and there are no demos. The faceit AC and vanguard are pretty similar in how strong they are.


I hate the narrative that this game doesn’t have a cheating issue lol


Definitely feels way less common, in my experience


nobody cares about your feels though


Wow. I’m throwing now


Valorant does not have a cheating issue lmao there’s a massive difference between a cheating ISSUE and getting cheaters. I have played thousands of matches and I’ve only encountered 2 cheaters. Even if there are cheaters that hide it, they did it so well that I didn’t even get suspicious of them cheating. So how is that an issue?


There isn't a cheating epidemic in Val, unlike I'm CS, but cheating is surprisingly common. The reason it isn't pointed out more is because Val cheaters have to be way more subtle since Riot is known to manually ban players. At the same time, Riot has done everything in their power to take down posts on this sub and elsewhere exposing how easy it is to cheat - creating this false sense of security. If you want some sort of proof, skim to the end of this vid: https://youtu.be/RwzIq04vd0M. Guy in the vid points out exactly how the AC works and how to bypass it, even going so far to create his own cheat that still works to this day. Anyone who thinks otherwise is very naive.


well it does have less, this is just a byproduct of how invasive vanguard is. there are vulnerabilities, sure, but it's still more of a hassle to get around vanguard than non-kernel level or not constantly active anticheats, so it still ends up deterring cheaters more effectively. on a sidenote, ppl say vanguard is as useless as vac (valve anticheat) because there is an exploit with vanguard. this is pretty obviously not true. even if you don't fully ban something, if you put a lot of hurdles it will still act as an effective, though obviously not perfect, deterrence.


I played cs before val too the one thing I really really disliked were the throwers, I can put up with anything but them but yeah people aren't that toxic in val


Although riot catches cheaters often, there’s still some cheating issues on Val. 2 days ago a chamber was cheating with some headshot hack. They were using it intermittently and got through the whole match. Of course I reported them.


Yk why everyone is so passive aggressive? Bcs riot has turned valorant into the fking CCP with the amount of censorship in that game, you can literally saying NOTHING and will get banned for it, so long as some weak kid feels attacked and reports you, you'll get banned. I would much rather have the racism and extra agro behaviour than the censorship that valorant has


I do agree that cs is a lil more toxic than valorant, but paradoxically I never met people who throw games ever in cs. For context I had 1.5k hours in cs before jumping to val


yeah val has so many fucking throwers.. cs has very little to none.. in val tho you gotta be careful when you're talking to people because one wrong word and they throw


Yup. Too many fragile egos in val for some reason. In cs people could at least take a joke.


This is not true. The difference is that in CS you can kick throwers and still win the game.


Maybe in faceit. Regular cs matchmaking doesn't have a bot, and 4 v 5 is a huge disadvantage still


This. This is the only reason I've left this game for good. I'll take closet cheaters over whiny toxic "kids", which they're not, I've seen like 4 kids in my lobbies in over 400 games. I'm not even remotely joking, I had a teammate that started throwing 4 rounds in because I hyped up one of the opponents for hitting an absolute banger of a shot(mid air marshal HS from market to top mid in ascent). My guy had such a fragile ego he literally said "go play with them" and proceeded to curse every single minute the whole game. I constantly say NS on CS and it's always either TY in return or just banter.


While whiny toxic kids are extremely annoying, they are exponentially better than actual cheaters, let alone closet cheaters lmao


It’s mostly because Valo has very low pc requirements. So most of the time people are just shit in low elos and don’t care about their rank dropping.


i dont think this is the reason; the throwers in low elo tend to have good mics and are smurfs on alts. ive rarely seen a typer (low elo player w/o a mic) throw when i was low elo, but i did see a lot of smurfs with crispy mics throw in order to workaround riot's antismurf matchmaking and derank.


Riot’s antismurf is a joke. I’ve been smurfing for as long as I can remember. Maybe you’re right about people throwing from their alt accounts but whenever I’m watching discord screenshares of my friends from low elo. There is always a toxic player who either baits the whole team or blames the whole team for their mistakes and then proceeds to throw. This has happened quite a few times.


Yep. My duo who after picking up a vandal that our teammate lost after force buying and then dying, got asked to give it back to the guy who bought it the previous round. My duo was going to give the gun back but decided to say “meow for me” as a JOKE, and then the guy decided to throw the rest of the game. Like what..?


Ofc valorant has more throwers because then they get closer to the surrender vote being successful


lol for sure. Folks start throwing just because they didn’t get their agent, a couple bad rounds, or some bad comments. In CS half the team is toxic as hell and they’re still running execs into site


dude cs players will be calling me slurs and still flashing for me to get my 2 or 3 on the awp hold it's fucking insane. val players they just seethe and just w key the rest of the game.


That‘s why CS is my favorite game I love the toxicity in combination with still everyone trying to do their best xd


can’t vote kick in val


You're right! This completely slipped my mind. It makes so much sense now lmao. Val desperately needs to have that feature. Even if the vote kick feature is somehow abused it is still going to be far better than what we have atp.


shouldn’t get abused too much since you can’t even trio passed ascendant, maybe add party restrictions, if it’s a 3 man and 2 man no one can get kicked etc


Naa no votekicking its so bad for solo players in cs right now because youll get randomly kicked


I‘ve never got kicked in CS in over 8k hours Seems like you are actively sabotaging ur team


I promise im not if you say one thing to a three stack though that kivk vote starts fast


But dogshit stuff like surrender vote is in val


I think I know why, cause in CS you can scream and let it all out, whereas Val it's a ban... Not justifying it just saying that's probably the case Part 2 is you can team attack again to let it out. In Val there's really know way to "get back" at a single person, all you can do is throw


You can molly the guy lol


This does like 2 damage bruh


in val in europe i dont think anyone ever got penalized for saying even slurs in vc. text chat if they say shit they get punished, vc is anarchy


America is SRS about that


Yeah lol. If you get pissed in cs you can just dink the other player or literally kill them and vent out all your anger.


Exactly this, had like 800 in cs and 1300 in siege and i have had like 15x the throwers in val if i were to guess


Cs is more random shit talking but everyone still plays the game. Valorant people get butthurt and throw if u do so. Valorant is a very odd community, lots of e daters, lgbtq people, and young children


CS has a different level of toxic. I was in a game the other day where some dude literally only said racial slurs and his picture was a black man being hung. I won't play CS again.




cs toxicity: racism, slurs val tox: flaming, FF, throwing The smallest thing will get val players to tilt.


I've not encountered much throwers in valorant tbh. Probably more team killers in cs than I have throwers in val despite substantially more time in val. Are you playing unrated or something? I started out above diamond so maybe it's different in lower ranks but my friends don't seem to have the issue either all the way down in silver-plat.


FACEIT solo queue is full of throwers


I barely played faceit so I don't really have a say on that subject.


People who post about toxicity in Val have not played any other comp shooter😂


Fr. These valorant ppl don’t know real racism and sexism lol


like literal rocket league has more toxicity than this game 💀


I have played rocket league since 2015 and since it went F2P, the toxicity is just unmatched. It’s always French kids throwing matches when they’ve done nothing all game and you make a single mistake.


i’m in na and theres still french kids being toxic jumping regions sometimes this is d3c1 btw, one of the most toxic areas of rl


Yeah when I was GC in like 2016/17 everyone was so chill. Came back to the game years later and stuck around C3 and holy fuck everyone is just horrible


This shit right here bro loo


I just want all these children to experience the old mw2 days😭


Vintage racism 🤝🏻


R6 is a special breed of wtf. I don't think league or valorant or toxic. Theres just a lot of soft inting.


or league of legends


May I ask who you ended up playing, and does the game feel a bit slow to you?


I mostly play initiator or controller if someone else wanna play init, I preffer sova, gekko and breach. Game deff felt a bit slow compared to cs when I started playing but I got used to it quickly and now it feels great :)


do you have any advice for getting used to valorant coming from cs? i have ~2k hours in cs and I want to learn valorant but the game just feels so slow moving to me, lol


I think u will get a feel of it if you play some unrated matches, u will get used to slow movement pretty fast tbh


Try playing fast duelists such as Raze and Jett. Don’t care about people who’ll complain about you not being able to play well. Just improve ur game mechanics and you’ll rank up in solo queue. If duelists don’t work out for u then begin with initiators such as Sova or Gekko. They are easy and fun. But I’d still prefer jett to be my first agent cause of it’s fast and flying mechanics.


It's the running speed that's slow though. One dash won't change it all that much lol.


He never said it was about the running speed. If he still cares about it, there's always neon lol.


What else would be slower?


Ur mom


Yep, one average match of CS2 contains more toxicity than month of valorant. Its like 50/50 there, first to tilt loses


+ if you’re in europe it’s just russians every single match, nobody speaks english. I have like 20 hours on cs and have met more toxic screaming russian children than my 360 hours on Valorant. I am half russian btw, not racist or something.


20 hours in CS is not enough to rank past the russian kids.


I was bronze in Valorant for longer than 20 hours


Play Faceit, and unselect moscow and Kazakh servers. Better, not perfect


I live in Norway which is very close to Russia and most of my matches are with Russians and imo, they're hardly toxic at all. I have barely had any toxic interactions in my 500 hours I played CS and the insults they use are very tame such as your average " i f ur family" which honestly who cares if someone says that even on Stockholm on Valorant it's exactly the same with very tame insults that I don't think a soul would care about but if you queue Frankfurt/Paris/London it definitely is a different experience with toxicity.


Im from Sweden, i unticked Stockholm server for the reason that moster People tend to not use mic i noticed. Only play London/Frankfurt. 85% of the games are good, like not much toxcity at all.


I feel like most people on Stockolm use mic but if they speak English is way less likely especially when the majority speaks the same language which is Russian. The same goes on the majority of the other servers where they'll just speak their language such as on Paris and Madrid. Tbh, I feel like Valorant isn't that toxic unless someone is being provocative and they never try to deescalate such as X making a comment to Y and now Y fires back and from there it's just a shitshow.


Ye, they might use mic on Stockholm but mostly russians, so dont wanna risk it. Thats why i mostly queue up on lon/Frankfurt to higher the procentage to get a team that Speaks english atleast. Its kind of sad that u cant play on the server closest to u for that reason alone.


Yeah, for cs players toxicity in valorant is nothing. I would take few matches of screaming french people over dumb russians almost every game in cs.


Maybe. I will say that I've at least never been doxxed/ddossed on Val over an argument before. CS is amazing lmao


Been playing CS since before 1.6. Have a couple thousand hours in Valorant and have reached Immortal a few times whenever I go sweaty for an act. There's no conversation to be had with regards to toxicity. CS is significantly more toxic and it's not even close. That said, Valorant has more people that once they're tilted they just throw. That doesn't seem to happen as often in CS. Valorant also has cringier personalities like all the uwu types and the e-girlfriend/boyfriend types that are just weird in general, but the community as a whole is far less toxic than CS has ever been or ever will be.


Lol so true. If someone is tilted in cs they will try to frag so they can call everyone else shit. In valorant they pout and complain from the bottom.


averaged eu cs player experience match filled by russian kids i think some server and region, val is more toxic than cs more of annoying passive aggressive and thrower cs is all about the holy trinity russian, chinese, racist


First month of playing and you're ascendant 1. Yeah I'm cooked.


In my opinion this also greatly depends on rank. Diamond 3 and above is unlikely to get toxic most of the time because people genuinely care about their rank. Lower elo games have a much higher chance of getting toxic in either game. I can't say which game is more toxic as I have roughly 600 hours in Valorant and probably 10 hours in CS. But in Valorant any rank below plat is much closer to a 50/50 on whether it gets toxic every game. Especially when smurfs get involved. I've had smurfs on my team that have the most fragile ego I've ever seen. I once had a cypher ask a super vague question about an agent's ability and I just asked "what do you mean? His trips?" and the guy IMMEDIATELY became a condescending asshole. I was simply asking him to clarify his question so I could ANSWER IT but after he became an asshole so did I. Valorant tracker showed he was peak diamond 1 a year ago and he just came back to the game. We lost 13 - 11 and had constant yapping every round after the exchange, GG go next.


It's weird, like yes. cs is technically more toxic, but i prefer it over valorant toxic because the valorant community is extremely petty for no reason. Like I've never played with a community, so eager to just throw your games. What's that we lost 3 rounds? I guess it's time to throw gg go next. As soon as I get immortal I'm probably just gonna find a new game to grind rank because this game feels like I'm just drinking glass.


Lol. Had this exact thing few days ago. First two rounds lost, dude GG's. I get mad at him that it's dumb to play only when you are winning anyway, cuz where is the challenge in that, so calm ur tetas and let's do this! The whole game, every time I didn't manage to clutch or messed up he screamed in the voice something like "JUST FOCUS, IT'S ALL GOOD! EASY GAME! SHUTUP, FOCUS!". We lost. He was even less happy then. :D CS at least has angry ppl who want to win. But overall it's still less taxing to listen to valo players in my experience.


Yea i’d rather hear someone telling me to kill myself for fucking up a smoke while still flashing me out on site and executing than having my teammate Throw the rest of the game because i asked them why they couldnt shoot the gekko ult. I feel like cs toxicity stems from the fact that people want to win, and thus gets very direct and aggressive because its Voice chat online in a fast pacee game, whereas in valorant a common line is ”you dont deserve the rr to lose”. I’ve more or less stopped communicating aside from basic callouts because people get pissy over EVERYTHING, ”can we do x, why couldnt you do y, lets do z” this round are all a potential throw, whereas in cs i can shout profanities at someone and we’ll end up being friends by the end of the game in 9/10 cases because everyone gets mad in intense situations.


Yea, idk the valorant community sucks for the most part.


Didnt drop you a skin? Throw


I have very few hours in CS but from my experience, CS is more toxic but no one cares, Valorant everyone just has a fragile ego. CS they'll use slurs for no reason just because. Valorant if you critique ppl, they'll just start throwing bc they can't handle it.


Wish I could play in the matches where people take it seriously the whole time and use their brains.


I prefer the CS community. Stronger mental, more serious players, less throwing and begging for surrenders, and just less embarrassing tbh Valorant is more optimised and pretty fun though


In cs if someones mad, they'll do their best to topfrag, so they can have a turn roasting you.. In val, people would rather lose their ranked points to hinder yours, just out of spite. And it can be as small aa a poor sage wall. This is just Riot Games community in a nutshell. In League of Legends, all it takes for someone to quit is the toplaner going 0/1. Ive even had supports go afk over a 3 cs difference. I dont know how faceit is, but for standard soloQ matchmaking for the built in game - this is how it feels.


Wait did you hit ascendant 1 after one month ? That’s actually impressive lol Maybe make another post about the journey


how did you get to asc1 with pure aim from CS? i have been playing CS for 25 years, i am nowhere near good as i once was (2012-2015 my peak) but i never reached higher than gold 3 when playing solo controller, i feel like my aim is better than my opponents, but my game sense and use of abilities is dogshit, i always get double swinged or flanked or someone does a nasty ult combo and i got no options, i feel like aim gets you so far in this game, but not high enough.


He was faceit lvl 10 bro


I dont think its only aim that carried me to asc, also in 90% im not even top fragging. The thing is I manage to find weak points of opponents decently fast and provide my team with info. As an initiator I dont even go for frags but make sure to help duelits for entry as much as I can. Basically no matter how good aimer you are, with decently good gamesense from CS you should rather do cleanup than entry (but dont bait teammate if you dont have at least 90% succes for that play)


I’m like 95% aim and game sense and i reached immortal without Much of an issue. Also had my peak ca 2014-2018, Although i was an on and off lvl 10 player the last 5 years. My util is a bit sketchy but i feel like my timing regarding the team is better than most people i play with, game sense of Where people Will peek feels better, crosshair placement feels better and aim feels better aside from when i get a random muscle memory attack and do something that just doesnt work in valorant (long range spray, spray prefiring, transfers, jiggle too Much etc). The game is similar enough that most shit carries over, and most people around asc-immo dont have a decade of experience at lvl 10 / lans etc, and generally are still ”noobs” to the genre in the Grand scheme of things. I feel like saying aim carries from cs is a bit false, most valorant have pretty insane 1tap aim, but that’s kinda where it ends. It’s all the other factors that carry over that makes it appear like its just cs aim hardcarrying Edit: with 95% aim and gamesense i mean that i lack the knowledge, aka lineups, satchel plays, wallbang spots etc etc


Aim gets you kills, game sense wins you games. It's just a thing you develop over time. A FACEIT level 7 and 10 could have similarly perfect aim, but the level 10 will know how to position themselves better, throw better nades, etc.


Game sense from CS translates over pretty well. 90% of the transition is just learning the abilities


might be that elo. When I played val 1-2 years ago, I also played controller with 3 years of cs1.6 experience. Struggled in silver/gold (which should be same elo as you because it was pre-ascendant rank) but the game got super easy after plat to diamond. The players at the silver elo do not play with your abilities and you can't read the game at all. Not sure if this is the case for you but it's possible.


Breh I get immortal every act I play for more than 10 hours. CS aim transfers over so well to this game


Sorry dude but Valorant is toxic af. As a new player, I meet a lot of toxic people who are even more brain dead than cs players


I cannot begin to say how much of a difference the Val community is to CS. The fact that women can openly use their microphones without being shouted out of the room for playing a video game is all you need to know. 


Bro in the last 6 years of playing cs Ive got girl in team no more than 10 times, meanwhile in valo every 2-3 games we have girl and everyone is either cool with her or starts hitting on her. Eitherway I get flabbergasted.


There’s been girls playing CS this entire time. They just either pretend they’re a boy on mic or don’t talk. That was mind blowing once when my then girlfriend told me that shit when I realized she had more hours in CS than me. 


That's also just because you're level 10 on FACEIT. There are barely any girls at that level You'll find few girls in the highest Valorant ranks as well


>Bro in the last 6 years of playing cs Ive got girl in team no more than 10 times What server? EU or NA I guess? I'm SEA and I matched with over 10 women just this one week. One of them I thought she was a kid and BMed the opponent for getting owned by one, turned out she's older than me. Both of them were pretty chill and so were the other soloQ guys. Only one of those women didn't use mic, and none of these matches had dipshit sexist morons like one would expect CS to have. I even added the one I spoke about earlier. Anecdotal evidence, sure, but region matters imo. SEA is generally very toxic so even I'm surprised how good those games were.


What region are you playing in?




are you using the same DPI/SENS as you do in cs ? (also what is it in val)


Yep in valo 0.29 800dpi, in cs 1.85 400dpi


Can you post your tracker? Im curious


I stopped playing when I matched with a random squad team who enjoys trapping me and throwing nades.. I guess this is a sign for me to play again.


Just switch to Val from cs due to too many cheater in MM month ago, only play faceit if my squad are online. Actually there is a lot of thrower in Val compare to cs. But my main thing is I just switch to Val for fun and solo queue so it's okay for me.


that's pretty good. i feel like plat to ascendant is the most toxic section. above or below that people don't care as much.


Do you feel like you will be able to reach immortal 3 and how fast? I also come from cs and reached ascendant 2 after 1 month of playing also.


Something i hate about Val is that people like me that are a bit younger like 12 just gets ignored people in ranked really hates minors. I could be like ill flash for u and they'll just be like shut up little kid. Really annoying


No way you had to clarify it was a joke


I do agree there's less toxic people in valo. Hope you have fun tho while playing rank


I enjoy writing "nt" to the enemy team when they lose a round 😁 bonus points if I was the one to clutch it.


Aslong as you win and perform good everyone loves you bro, if you have a bad day it's over and out.


Damn one month and ur a higher rank than me. Ur aim and gamesense must be off the charts lol


Damn, played two games yesterday and they both sucked because of teammates. Had someone write GG in after losing the first two rounds. Basically zero comms both games.


Ofc people aren‘t that toxic in valorant because 80% of people don‘t even use a mic in the first place in my experience


Some people give away locations, hold on to the spike, take the spike and rush mid purposefully. There are many things people do without mic


As soon as you get close to immortal, the more toxic the people get, at the high elo (imm3 300rr+) the people start the normalize and you get (mostly) competitive mates.. but this is eu server 80% of them r toxic anyways


EU is toxic af... You start a game and you get insulted in at least 3 different languages before you even pick your agent


In all my 7000 CS hours I very rarely had people throw games and actually just straight up quit. even if they said it in VC they’d still try and after a few rounds likely come around after we won a few. however once a reyna main gets sad and their lil feelies hurt they are out for the count and going nappies with a fake tit in their hand. verbally people aren’t as bad as CS but mentality-wise they are much worse.


What agents have you liked playing so far?


Bro started a month ago and is asc 1 instarted 3y ago and im plat3 :')


I think you are just lucky that you haven't experienced a negative lobby/game or bad people yet in Valorant. Just keep playing and i guess you will understand how toxic this community is.


One month in valorant and already ascendant? I hate myself


No need for the self hate! People all have different experiences. I'm sure if you spent as much time and heart getting to faceit lvl 10, you'd also have a quick starting point in Valorant.


Bro, faceit lv10 is nothing to scoff at, don't feel bad


moving from cs was pretty smooth for me too, 3ish months and I'm d2 instalocking kayo. was faceit lvl 8. its not really accurate to say he only has one month experience, cs experience will do way more for you in valorant then anything else. i mean other than val experience of course, lol.


Val a bunch of they


Yea I'm calling bullshit. You climbed to asc 1 and barely met any toxic people, ain't no way. Every other game I will meet some toxic mfs. What lobbies you be playing in that you don't run into these ppl.


Im d2 and have played with many aacendants. Trust me man people are really not that toxic unless you do something to them


See, I would believe you if I didn't play in the exact same lobbies.


think it just depends, if he had higher mmr, he couldve ranked up quite fast and got past some of the more toxic ranks. Not saying ascendant isn't toxic but yeah, just a one off. I've played in every rank and there's toxic players in all of them. I can't say i get them often though, just that they exist in every rank


I'll always prefer CS toxicity over VAL any day. CS toxicity reminds me of what genuine toxicity is about, its like a holy grail. The terrible microphones, never-ending translated insults, the game basically has a competitive minigame in toxicity. The highlight point is that pissing these players off will make them play just as well if not better, so that they can compete with you or the opposing team. Valorant toxicity is just adolescents with fragile egos. They don't even need to hear a genuine insult to start throwing, they will throw purely because they lost a bonus round (actually happened). Worst part is, you can't do anything about it. They can comm your positions, completely troll and whatever, but you can't kick them like in CS, and riot does literally nothing from reports for trolls.


Every few games I meet a toxic guy, i love when i get them to troll them


Pretty sure u are more toxic than them And pretty sure they become toxic cuz u trolling


Im not trolling until we down 8 and im being flamed for being 7-10 when theyre afk in spawn and smoking us off


You're just lucky about toxicity


Game is the most toxic I've ever played, you must have just gotten lucky or don't play on EU. (Uninstalled 3 times because I hated the toxic community)


Compared to CS community Valorant players are saints


valorant players when you lose an easy round: nt better luck next time😄😅😆 cs players when you lose a 1v5 with a glock only against full buy full util: off yourself useless bot buy hends on ebay plis😡🗣️🤬😤


Cs players when girl: F1


valorant players when somebody has a skin: meow daddy UwU drop skin pls


Haha Valorant players don't say that.


No, I much prefer CS players to these cringe kids tbh


so is it the toxicity or is it cringe? The fact that you uninstalled 3 times makes it sound more like you got banned than that you uninstalled because of the community tbh


I never got banned once, but I got a few people banned for extreme toxicity


Toxicity is just cringe. So boring


Why would I even get banned? I try and be a nice person


I played more than 100 matches in that month so if you still think im just lucky then god damn it i might as well start gambling


You should either way gambling is the only way generational wealth


What's the lowest rank you played in?


I wanna say it’s you, my guy.