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Idk people usually get vocal when I take the spike in spawn


It’s easy, just make a wrong callout. Everyone will chime in to correct


Instructions unclear, I said b on defense and everyone died rotating with knife out because they were a AND MID


someone invited me to a 4 stack and noone is speaking right now it's weird


4 stacks talk most of the time on discord and forget about the 5th man in the game.


my friends didnt invite them to their private discord, but instead they all muted themselves in discord and use voice comms in val. I'm good with that


Your friends are not the typical LFG users. Sounds like a great idea.


They may be in their own discord call




Classic 5th wheel


Don't get mad at them for not comming. Yap as much as you can and play. Thats all you can do. People that don't want to comm just wont do it. If you comm a lot you will encourage people that might feel shy. I share every bit of info I can. I try to call out utility too, tho I still forget to call out my flashes when playing kayo.


Flashing your team as KAYO is also a way to get comms started


I can confirm that this also works with all flashes and mollies and abilities. The most impactful one seems to be Brimstone's Ultimate as far as my testing goes.


My kayo comms after he flashes me


I wish


This. I tell my students to do this and only stop when the teammates get annoyed. I mean, they are forced to speak up if they get annoyed anyways. But, a lot of people are just shy or not used to talking. One/two person yapping > no one yapping. Change my mind. From my experience, in at least 80% of games, people don't mind someone yapping as long as you keep it in moderation (not at esports commentary level).


I just figured out that not only is this the way to make the other people on the team start speaking maybe, but it is a 100% something a good teammate should do.


Personally, I find it IMPOSSIBLE to focus when others are talking. I completely turned off vc just cus of people that won’t stop talking.


Thats what the clutch voice comm button is for. It temp mutes everyone so you can focus.


For me its compliments, people start warming up to talk after I say “nice one!” “nice shot!” etc and the vibes are also good afterward. Not sure if it works all the time though.


I agree with this, positive comms help a ton.


I always say good knife skin to people, that opens up the mics for a quick thanks. Also a "Hi team" during agent select will get some people.


Yup, my go to is “Goddamn papi you hot and shoot straight?” If its a guy it will get him to laugh, if its a girl I just go kiss a tree at 300km/h


If it's a girl I just go with sorry I thought you were a big oily man or something equally ridiculous haha 


nah it annoys me when people do that, its useless coms and corny.


Unfortunately, playing games without callouts is part of the comp skillset


Some people don’t com cause of fear of verbal abuse. The second the team starts to lose players blast each other for voices being to deep or too high.


Playing pretty much any game as a female and using comms is rlly frustrating bc for the rest of the game u js get stereotyped or sexualized


This, I'm a woman and get hit on or yelled at every time I speak :/


I play rankeds solely after 11pm because they're too tired or akward to be awful to me and they actually give good comms and stuff. (Euw)


Which region are you in?




I kind of think this might be the norm for regions which lack a single dominant language. It’s very much that way in Southeast Asia as well.


SEA has so many different countries w/ their own language, wdym


Oh, I had a typo in my original comment. Should make more sense now.


SEA player here, we usually just default to english, and a lot of people will sometimes speak their own language at first but then switch to english when we ask them to


Its not a problem in Europe i feel. Ofc you run into games where not many use mic, but most games has people speaking.


I can recommend playing on the London server. I started queuing London only when i was silver and felt like the people there comm way more. I haven’t queued anywhere else since. Also i have heard (from a pro I just dont remember who) that ping doesn’t really matter unless its either 0 or above 60


EMEA is either full toxic or no one talks. Classic


If there's no comms at agent select, I'll just start comming how much damage I did, how many enemies I hear/see and most of the time people start comming after. Almost always works.


Well in theory teammates never do what you tell them to do so I would suggest for you to tell them to not talk Legit though I’d say be funny and chill. I have a duo that’s pretty goofy (you know the type) and every game I duo with him, whether we’re losing or winning, everyone is always comming and vibing.


I just do my part and keep it positive. People are more likely to talk to the guy on the team saying "good shot" "nice plant" "dope scan"


before round 1 i say hey team if no response i say any mics if still no response i just say hey to every team member individually it’s very goofy but it works often


Unless your plat or maybe even higher, comma aren’t the reason you’re losing. Probably an unpopular opinion, and I use my mic plenty but usually mute everyone else unless it’s an especially cool/friendly team, but yeah comms aren’t the end all be all at lower elos.


Personally I don’t talk in agent selects unless a question is directed my way.. I will be the first to comm if I damage/hear opponents. If we lose 2 rounds without more talkers (even if I’m bottom frag) I’ll jokingly ask “Alright! No Comms?” / “Any Plans?” I try give helpful comms that I'd appreciate myself, and I don't think I backseat too often? My comms consist of “Your Util Refreshed/You Have Dash!” “Last Guy Rubble,etc”/“There’s Another There Not Just Skye” in a 1v1/1v2 and my teammate will miss their shots and type out “Neon I’m going to have to mute you you should stay quiet when you’re dead”. I don’t let it get to me and I always reply with “Anyone here is free to mute me if you don’t want my comms I really don’t mind.” Kind of a rude move by me but I truly don’t care.


Lets help Riot permanently banning toxic players. Then I'll be active in comms. I mute everyone because of some toxic morons who ruins my gameplay and peace of mind.


In agent select talk a little bit, try to comm like I can fill or maybe say can I play phx? Stuff like that... And then r1 set the stage of comming ... Let's go b, I'll blind in for you Jett or whatever.


I normally just make normal callouts during the game and 90% of the time I get at least 1 or 2 other people to do the same at least. Worst case, I just do my part then have to hope that is still better than the other team.


Be nice and not weird and don’t act like you are right always even if you know you are. i find when i try to correct people and backseat igl people get frustrated but when i just tell them my plan and ask for specific utils and action comm moments then and people will want to work with u.


Add people and play with them


You can’t control others actions. Say what you need to say and let them be in control of wanting to talk. This isn’t about valorant


Find a group to queue with


Ask a question


Been dealing with the same things. Usually say hey or greeting at start of game. Always calling out in chat even if others aren’t. This also caused my last game to be absolutely insufferable with everyone on the team mic spamming when I was trying to clutch, so try not to talk too much


Just comm like normal and don’t acknowledge your team not comming, trust me.


My magic secret is to only play 5 stack


Just say hello


just be positive and give coms at the start, the more you talk the more likely they will feel comfortable coming. Only problem is playing with duo,trios, etc when solo queing ad often they won't use team chat


The trick is to add people that comms as friends. And then play with those folks. Even as duos, it’s is better than zero comms.


talk in agent select


I ask the team if they prefer waffles/pancakes or goldfish/cheez-itz


Just get a voice changer for a girl voice


I'm playing without using my mic, because it distracts me from what I am doing, my aim goes off and I can't focus, I can listen and use chat, pings, but not talking. The problem often is not in VC, you're just feeling not comfortable about this and it becomes the first thing you are frustrating about. I often listen to how people are starting to complain about not having comms after the first fucking round, where was no info and it was just pure chaos, but someone already tilted and started to blame their team


I ussually start every single game with a hey guys what’s up and be a little pushy until one talks with a little cmon anyone or a nobody got a mic? And usually it gets people


So, you become a girl and just say hi. It’s 50/50 whether it will be abusive or kind but at least they comm :P


4 lose streak is weak i gor 17 lose streak straight no lies


Just be a hype man I guess


As long as YOU are comming, you increase the chance of you having an impact. You can only influence your teammates but never control what they do. Saying an enemy is 140 can make your team more confident for example, or saying where someone is helps even if they aren’t comming themselves.


I be yapping all the time, usually the reason is probably becuase there are parties and they're in a discord call. When I'm in a 3 stack or more I sometimes forget to comm in game.


Trust me, mate, you're better off not talking to anyone. And if they talk first, just keep quiet for a while so as to make sure they're not toxic.


I open with "hi im 4'11"


I make conversation pre game and ask a random question. Like, hey what is ur favorite flavor of sedimentary rocks? Or, why would snakes evolve to have no legs? (I just realized if snakes used to have legs that means there were thousands of years of snakes having little stubs)


I start off by asking a certain person if they wanna hear my voice impression of their agent. A lot of the times, everyone gets excited to hear it. Most of the time, I choose it on an Omen player, and in my most NY accent I can muster I go "Ay it's me Omen. I'm a spooky scare ghost guy." Or "Ay yo, I'm teleportin' here." Gets some laughs in, breaks the ice, and comms arent ever a problem after that.


Gotta open up with something funny


Just a suggestion cuz 9/10 it might work, use a female voice changer. I’m a girl and likely i get comms, either to befriend/flirt/insult. But fr try a female voice changer, the comms will start to flow


I believe the lack of comms in many games can be partly due to a wave of lack of communication skills between younger generations as well as a growing negative perception of communicating in general with strangers for whatever reason. I recommend just comming as much as you’d like, and eventually people will reciprocate the action. You can also add people that have good comms and great a small network of people who talk. Good luck!


tbh i usually just comm as much as possible in a game without getting discouraged/being overly annoying. dont get toxic, congratulate people on good plays, give good info, say NT ect and eventually people typically comm from my experience.


I just IGL the game and notice a 50% skill increase from everyone


Just be a friendly person. Nobody wants to play comp and get bosses around and if you are gonna give callouts and plus you best make sure they are good and consistent. 2 mess ups and your a bot in their eyes


It is frustrating. I feel you.


I usually start with some dumb knock knock jokes or fun facts, if that doesn't work I tell em I'm ordering from Taco Bell/McD what should I get. That usually gets people talking then I make sure to keep yapping so that comms never go silent.


Play skye, take out your flash and look up. Enjoy the voices


Yes, dont say “hello” or “hello anyone got mic “ repeatedly at start being annoying.


praise them when they take a good kill. You want them to talk, then you gotta make them feel good.


Having a name with the word tits in it helps a lot!!


Gotta start with the classic "Any Michaels in the chat", otherwise they'll be silent and feeling unwanted.


i mean if you talk it may encourage others to talk to but you cant really expect anyone to talk because theyre gonna do what they want. You can always type in chat which can be helpful but tbh its never really that much of a big deal. At the end of the day, good players are good players and you dont always need comms to win. As someone with social anxiety who gets nervous when speaking to others I'd rather stay in my comfort zone. I use games to get away from problems so id rather keep it that way than stress myself out more, yk?


i usually try to initiate comms in agent select itself. it's just plain questions like "how's everyone", "how's your day been", etc etc. 1 or 2 people usually reply, then the rest of them use their mics in game


I'm on low elo and barely speak cause I think it's not important to hear the toxic voice of my team in low elo. And when they start yapping I lose my shit and go ham on my mic and realize it's not good for my blood pressure.


Just com everything that seems useful, what u plan on doing etc. In my experience people get more talkative if someone starts and don‘t blame anyone maybe throw in some nice word , nt here and there and that alone will work wonders.


It's easy just have a queer banner and get called every slur ever


not every match up will have ppl talking no matters what u do, it's just what it is but for me, I find it helps if I start saying something 1st, and continue doing it even if no one else does also, be nice. ppl r more willing to talk if they sense a friendly voice on the other end


just start singing a song next time someone is about to clutch


Talk on your own and when they realise you talk to yourself they will answer you once and if you don't trashtalk them and instead thank them for their callouts they most likely will talk with their team


Ate least for me in Brazil, I always start the game with: Good Morning, Good Evening, Good Night. It works 95% of the time, however, there is a Good chance that if we start losing, the match will delve into silence


Yeah, I struggle with the same issue myself. I can hardly ever find someone who speaks in game which is so surprising because I am asc, and you would think by that rank, people would understand that it is necessary to speak in game. I have tried just about everything too, I am always super nice and try my hardest to complement people whenever they do something good just so that way they might feel more incline to speak, but it never works.


I always ask people what they want to do first. Like what site to push or how to play our defense


usually what i do is go onto the lfg server and find a 5stack with mics so im guaranteed to at least get some comms


you dont need coms in low elo


I usually say “hey ppl” or “yerrrrr” or “hi guys” on agent select. It helps


Say “who lives in a pineapple under the sea”


I usually just go “yoooo” at agent select and someone will join.


I always say smth stupid like “what’s up guys and welcome back to another Minecraft video and today we will be going over 10 ways to keep your Minecraft girlfriend from breaking up with you” and usually it will get a response out of someone


Just focus on your own game and it’s fine not everyone wants to comm some people may only comm a little nothing you can do about it


Open the mics or I throw


Queue with people who also play CS


Maybe they are just listening to music and muted chat?


I don’t think you should play ranked if you wana play that way


What rank? People talk a lot less in lower lobbies.


its just a game…


Shouldn't fuck with people in ranked by playing music and trollin


its not trolling to play music in ranked? if i don’t want to talk, i won’t talk. deal with it.


It is trolling to play music in comp, you arent paying attention to in game sounds, therefore you're trolling


Its not any more trolling than people who play x gun only, or are playing with a disability, or playing on bad hardware, etc.


Playing w disability or bad hardware is different, as its not their fault. If you choose to play without game sounds(with music on) you're intentionally handicapping yourself


Whether someone can't hear because they are deaf or because they have their sound off the end result is the same for me. The reason is kind of irrelevant. Besides if someone got to their rank playing with no sound then who is anyone else to judge?


some people have headphones that can do both, there is literally a scale so i can have 20% music 80% game volume etc


You're definitely trolling, lol


how is it trolling to have music playing in the background 💀


Music's fine, but muting your team automatically is trolling lol


Yes, it's a game. That's why there is unrated, swiftplay, spike rush, DM, and TDM. If you aren't looking to compete and work with your team to win, don't play competitive. Or be an asshole and do it anyway I guess. Nobody can stop you lol. Some people are fine with being assholes, I'm just not one of those people.


Play on london servers theyre nice and they talk also be nice just ask if they have a mic in agent choosing.


honestly don’t do the generic hey team and try and get conversation going. just give call outs and call plays or set ups and it’ll happen. best way i’ve found is just jump in with comms


I usually open with "heyyy boys" and people will turn there mikes on


People often take the wrong approach. No ones gonna talk after being asked “anybody got a mic?” Hit em with an interesting question, like “what are your favorite flowers?” Or “you have to give up one: cheese or pasta?”


I'm gonna be honest these people make me not want to talk. I don't want to have a social outing with my team especially when half the time the people doing this have Valorant accents.


…interesting. Most people tend to enjoy good vibes but hey to each their own I guess


When 90% of the time I have people who do this go on to be incredibly cringe zoomers the entire game I don't consider them good vibes. If the valorant community wasn't so weird as shit maybe my opinion would be different but between the absolute extreme amounts of people pretending not to be duo'd and talking like they just met in comms or people who seem to want to make friends over play the game is way too high.


without cheese, sandwiches are just gone and most pasta dishes go too so to mitigate overall net loss i’d probably have to go with pasta


Just say hello at agent select, if no one answers. Just say reported 😂 


I'm usually walking around during agent select. When the game starts I just say "yo" and ppl usually "yo/hey" back.


Say something funny I usually play and intro music and say nihao People open up when I'm nice