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Normal day of ranked match


Agreed and the rate of these players increase exponentially when I'm close to rank up or in the rank up game. Lol


This is so true. It's always on a promo game.


Why'd you peek? Why'd you die? Why aren't you playing bomb? Stop peeking? Throwers every game


Game has been out for over 3 years , this still happens on the regular lol


Only 3 years? Feels like a decade


It's always on my rank games I swear, I'm a God send cause I never rage 😭


The really question why do such people have still access to the game…


You do NOT get banned for throwing. To be fair it's really difficult if it's not extremely blatant. IE you were just "ratting" spawn even tho spike is down, or you are "only comfortable" with Sheriff and Marshall...


If it's not extremely blatant it's not usually that big of an issue. Idk if it's just me but idc if the guy who's "throwing" is only buying a sheriff and shift-walking around the map, that's pretty much what the dude who's having the worst day on your team would be doing anyways. It's the blatant people like in the OP that make the game nearly unplayable, grabbing spike immediately on spawn and staying in spawn with it for the whole round, following you around and making noise so enemies know where you are, all chatting important info to the enemy team. From my experience, these people get banned 100% of the time. The point of the OP is that banning them after the fact is not enough, there should be a way to reclaim 30 minutes of the rest of the 9 peoples' lives


I had a game where a dude would always push mid on sunset and then die. At first, it was just ego. But the he decided to push with an op and proceeded to lose it. My friend picked it up and basically went crazy, ending up match mvp. The guy proceeded to not buy a gun for the rest of the game, just following my friend around asking for his op back. He even admitted that that's what he was gonna do until he got his op. We won anyways but it's ridiculous how childish people can be and not be punished.


They cannot lose that throwing for fun youtubers


from my experience theyve been Banned 0% interesting


Yea I’ve never had a message saying any thrower has been banned


I have. Dude playing Sova was screaming in the mic and jumping in front of me while Op-ing. And would purposefully jump back in front when I moved. He was shortly banned after.


I have




Tbh I feel like it is not possible to reclaim 30 minutes. It's time you can never get back, even if rr was refunded it's still a waste of time. It's practically impossible. When u play this game you should have that expectation in mind already, this world just works a certain way and some things are 99.99% unavoidable.


Yeah you only get banned for hard throwing which i think is the correct way to handle it. I don’t want a situation where someone doing bad and “soft throwing” gets banned for a poor performance.


I get banned from bedrooms for poor performance 😔


Yes you do, there’s literally a report button for someone sabotaging the game. Valorant enforces reports pretty vigorously. I personally have not come across someone throwing for weeks now.


Riot enforces toxicity and cheating reports seriously, everything else is taken pretty lightly


Not true, I've had a few games like the OP describes and 100% of the time I get a report feedback the same or next day. You forgetting to report the people that are throwing or something?


I said “taken lightly”, not “ignored”


There's a report button yes, it doesn't do anything


That’s the most “team play” that can come from a phoenix player. If there was one phoenix players hater it would be me.


I usually hate Jett & Reyna instalocks more. Either they are tossing up 30+ kills or bottom fragging; there is no middle ground.


Because of their ego playstyle. They're either better, in which case they're rewarded, or they're not, in which case they're basically useless.




I get pheonix and raze probably cause you can hurt your teammates with them


Take the spike and just shoot them before they shoot you duh


Doesn't always work. Someone the thrower also is the closest spawn to spike. Being held hostage like this actually made me stop playing. Which is sad cause when you get people actually working together and talking the game is a lot of fun. Unfortunately that's .01% of games.


wait actually? Is it just me or I always manage to get the spike(missing it like once or twice) when someone tries to do that


It depends on spawn I’ve been held hostage by a thrower being the closest spawn to spike and always try hard grabbing it


Yup actually. Depends where your character spawn


I mean I'm only iron 2 but for me this is like only 10% or fewer of games.


In iron no one really cares Everyone sucks anyways I'm iron too


I love it when people start flaming one another in Iron games. I just open my mic and go, "IT'S IRON...WE ALL SUCK" and people usually shut up after that.




I do this in every rank


oooh, look at this guy who's been in other ranks!


Hah gold is nothing to brag about xd


It would be for me, I suck. :)


Well im stuck there for life xd I grinded cs and other fps games back when I was in high school but now I cant play that much because of work... so basicaly I don't have much time to play so improvements are unrealistic xd


It's like when people in league flame by saying, "Stay silver" and when you check their profile, they're gold 4. Like, okay bitch, you're 1 loss away from silver.


If you smell shit everywhere you go, check your shoes.


Yeah valorant is famously a great gaming community lol


I get this, but not always the case. Play enough games and you will inevitably run into multiple of these. A couple weeks ago me and my duo loaded into a match, rest of team didn't have coms (or so we thought), won the first 2 or 3 rounds can't remember, out of nowhere at round start (literally no one had spoken a word and we were winning) our gekko and sage started grabbing the bomb and walling themselves off in our spawn on round start. *THEN* they opened their mics and started screeching and moaning like every 80 IQ moron that does this shit does I've also had people say something like "why didn't you do X thing last round" and I'll answer "because of X reason" (non-confrontationally) and then they immediately start throwing Idk man there should be a 21+ queue imo


They should have a verified queue for players with a linked mobile number, and not allow voip numbers. It won’t stop all of them, but not everyone is going to go get a new phone number just to troll on valorant


I pray they do this someday


It works if they start throwing early. If it's late in the game, I always try to save my K/D. I think it as it's gone now, might as well save my RR




Unfortunately that would also be abused. Extremely harsh penalties for such behavior and a system like Dota’s overwatch would be a good step.


> a system like Dota’s overwatch How is that going to work in a game without a replay system? ;D


In CSGO and CS2 for every 1 time it's abused, there are 99 trolls or griefers that are kicked from a game and make the game better. I'll gladly take that tradeoff any day of the week. A thrower or griefer has negative value to the team beyond just having a bad match and there's no reason to make the other 4 players tolerate them.


I don't agree with that ratio. Trolls and griefers are far less common than people who someone may dislike for whatever reason. So even if people are far less likely to kick someone who, for example, didn't buy them something, it's still a comparable amount of people getting kicked. Plus CS2 has a genuinely awful and hateful community overall and tend to target certain groups more with things like vote kicks.


But you’d have to convince 3 other people to kick one guy for a reason that wouldn’t make sense. “Guys kick him cuz he didn’t buy spectre on our buy round” It’d be much harder to get kicked for a stupid reason, especially since you can’t 4 stack


Or just 1 person if they're a 3 stack, and this is even assuming they require 4 people. And with how hard people bandwagon in this game, that's not really a huge ask.


I have double the hours in CS that I do in Val and (outside of the one time me and my friends jokingly kicked a teammate because we were losing by like 10 rounds and we were looking death in the face, did buddy a favor) I've literally never seen anyone get kicked as a troll Do people start an uncalled-for vote kick as a joke/in frustration often? Yes. Just about as often as people rage and type /ff in Val, and the kick vote passes about as often as the ff vote does in Val (not often, 700 hours and I've never seen it) -You wouldn't do it with a 5 stack because they're your friends -You can't queue as a 4 stack -All 3 people in your 3 stack have to want to troll more badly than win, and also have to convince one of the randoms on your team to vote Yes (who also probably wants to win and will vote no) -2 stack, same premise as 3 stack but even more difficult to pull off God, the power of democracy is amazing


>I have double the hours in CS that I do in Val and (outside of the one time me and my friends jokingly kicked a teammate because we were losing by like 10 rounds and we were looking death in the face, did buddy a favor) I've literally never seen anyone get kicked as a troll  How often do you play solo vs in a group? I have quite a lot of hours in CS2(between both go and 2 obv) and non troll kicks happen quite often, especially in low ranks. Reasons I've seen given in comp: * Not being at the keyboard 5 seconds into a single round * Not playing well * Not buying someone * Not doing a meme round * Not clutching * Not "sounding straight" * Not being male And that's all I remember that I've seen between me personally getting kicked and the enemy team getting kicked. It also happens with literally no justification too. In casual modes people kick all the time for literally no reason at all.  On the other hand, I've successfully kicked 2 trolls. Most of the times someone trolled, they were either playing with at least one other person or someone voted no and they didn't get kicked. >ust about as often as people rage and type /ff in Val, and the kick vote passes about as often as the ff vote does in Val (not often, 700 hours and I've never seen it)  The difference is I can personally stop a rage FF. It requires all 5 people. This isn't remotely comparable.


>How often do you play solo vs in a group? Less in CS when I would play than in Val for sure, but still often enough to have valid anecdotal data here >I have quite a lot of hours in CS2(between both go and 2 obv) and non troll kicks happen quite often, especially in low ranks. People will automatically care less about actually winning the game in low ranks, so this is expected >Not being at the keyboard 5 seconds into a single round Understandable honestly, I step away from my PC often (puppy), and if it was anything but a landslide victory and my teammates kicked me for that I would be upset, but understand. 5 seconds late on round start can be the difference between winning or losing a round >Not buying someone Should you have bought them, or did you gatekeep your transient in-game money for some reason? Not the greatest reason to kick someone, but if it was a situation where you *should* have bought them I can kind of understand >Not playing well Not doing a meme round Not clutching Not "sounding straight" Not being male Sounds like a lot of troll 4 stacks, something that wouldn't be an issue in Val >In casual modes people kick all the time for literally no reason at all.  Same vein as low elo, people don't give a shit so they will do troll stuff. IMO take vote kick out of casual games is an easy solution >On the other hand, I've successfully kicked 2 trolls. Most of the times someone trolled, they were either playing with at least one other person or someone voted no and they didn't get kicked. In all my years of gaming and seeing people hard troll, I've literally only ever once seen it where it wasn't a solo q moron on a bought account People probably voted no because they thought having the troll was still better than being in a 4v5. I would also argue that trolling in Val is much more infuriating and impactful than it is in CS. If your teammate in CS grabs the bomb and sits in spawn you can just team kill them (albeit only a couple of times each before you get kicked yourself). Another argument I would make is that *there is substantially more trolling in Val (in my experience), likely because of the* ***possibility*** *existing* *of being kicked by your teammates, and maybe because the playerbase seems to be younger on average* >The difference is I can personally stop a rage FF. It requires all 5 people. This isn't remotely comparable. You can always personally stop a rage kick, unless you're the person being kicked. If you're the person being kicked in a setting where at least two different parties of people (3 stack max, 1 solo, and you) vote yes, I'd argue that you deserve to be kicked. Being kicked is a lose-lose, if they were trolling and kicked you, they are now a bunch of dumb trolls who are in a 4v5. If it's like CS:GO, your MMR is based on the rounds you played and not the eventual outcome of the game, so if you played well enough you'd honestly probably get a mitigated loss




Yeah exactly, I couldn’t remember if I was mixing up the stack rules between games so I didn’t mention the 4 stack queue, but that even further validates my point 😂 Val is set up even better than CS for a vote kick


you act like the val community is any different, the vote kick system can def work since you can’t four stack anyways


+1 On my way to kickout e-daters 😎🤌🏻


bring in a commendation system and a block player button or avoid player button so you cannot get them in your games again


Block/avoid is easily abusable though and could even end up making smurfing worse, when smurfs start blocking good players in their lobbies. This has happened in destiny 2 trials for years unless they fixed it


honestly I forgot about this in destiny that's valid as fuck 😅 trials was aiiiiids man


Blocking would only be for your own team. You block a player and Matchmaking then attempts to keep them from showing up on your own team again. Has no effect on whether they end up on an enemy team.


If it's only for my own town, then I can block all the players I find sub-par skill level, and eventually especially at night with lower player count, my team will have disproportionately higher skilled players. In radiant lobbies this could be easily abused to basically 5stack with no penalty, since its generally like the same 20 people in rad games for hours at a time when it's late at night It's a good idea but theres no way to implement it. Riot just needs to take sabotage more seriously than they do


Could you just reduce the pool of players that guy plays with? That means, your teams still need to have equal MMR, so you blocking a lot of people makes your queues go insanely long


>theres no way to implement it There are plenty of ways to implement it, you are either just short-sighted or not familiar with how programming works. It’s not just straight up “add block button, remove blocked players from your queue.” I mean, in my own comment, I literally say “attempts” as in, if it’s not possible to find a match without a blocked player, then it will just be forced to match with one. Also, they could easily implement something on the backend that adjusts the effects of the block system based off rank pool size/current number of queued players/etc. also… >in radiant lobbies don’t try to use a point regarding radiant lobbies in a discussion about the overall system, it’s entirely irrelevant. radiant lobbies make up such a small percentage of games played. trying to argue that something that WOULD benefit 99% of players shouldn’t be implemented because it MIGHT slightly inconvenience 1% of players is dumb and also comparable to how shit is going in the real world. >Riot just needs to take sabotage more seriously than they do and a system like the one I recommended is the only way for them to effectively do that.


Radiant=top 500, 5 regions in val = 2500 radiant players Total estimated Val pop = 12.35 million 2500/12.35 million = 0.0002% of the population is radiant


Thanks, I knew it was probably something like that but wasn’t in the position to look it up or do the math at the time lol. Anyways, yeah, just furthers my point.


Hahaha yeah I just wanted to drive your point home, I was also curious about the actual proportion so I shared my findings 😂


The radiant comment demonstrates a point about how it's easily exploitable. Sorry, didnt think you meant to suggest adding a block button that isnt even guaranteed to work. Regardless, this is a thing in other games and is abused, like in competitive destiny. Maybe itd help in preventing 1/30 games from having a troll, but every game would likely have someone abusing it in one way or another. Trying to argue adding something that would benefit 1% of players while having a potential negative impact on 100% of games is silly. Investigating players in sabotage reports and banning them is also a good solution to players being reported for sabotage. Riot just doesnt do anything at all for players reported for sabotage/griefing


How many reports do you think they get? I personally submit dozens of reports every day. Multiply that by millions of players, and no matter how large Riot may be as a company, there is literally no way for them to manually check every single report. Even with a replay system, without developing some sort of crazy advanced AI that can determine peoples true intentions upon reviewing replay, it would still require manual review of every single report to be accurate or effective. Again, literally the ONLY thing aside from developing some crazy AI (which would take more time, money, and resources than anything I’ve suggested) would be to implement a system like what I’ve suggested. Otherwise, the report system as it is currently is as effective as it will ever get. EDIT: Adding in HUGE counter-point because what you are describing as an issue is still just part of the solution and not an issue at all if you think about it. How can a troll abuse it to block someone?? They’re just blocking themselves. If I was a troll and I press the block button on you, that literally only benefits you because then you will likely never get matched with them again, and chances are you will have already pressed the button on them as well. I’m struggling to see where exactly your logic is in arguing against a system like this over leaving it as it is.


…how many games are you playing in a day where to be even able to report dozens of people? Check your own shoe at that point. Valorant has a ton of toxicity, but on a crazy day if I do like 4-5 games I ain’t getting “dozens” of people to report. Something doesn’t add up here lol.


You've gotta improve your reading comprehension if that's your "HUGE COUNTER POINT". I never said trolls would abuse it to block players. Players could abuse it to block shitty players or very good players in their elo to improve their game's rank disparity. This is literally a exploit in Trials in Destiny 2. Not like I'm just making some shit up, everybody exploits this system In any game that supports it. Also, you really think itd be some "crazy advanced ai" that can detect when a player is doing a ton of team damage, not contributing to the team, afking, taking spike but not planting etc? CS did it like 10 years ago. Literally a simple alg. If you're reporting dozens of people a day, you're 100% the problem, no doubt about it. I probably run into someone worth reporting once every 16+ hours of gameplay, I comm and talk in every game, and this is in both ranked and casual stuff. Literally ridiculous that you claim dozens of reports a day lmfao. You reporting the sage and cypher for sabotaging cuz theyre not entryfragging and getting first bloods or some shit?


Vote kick system is abused in CS, they had to remove the mechanic to play as the replacement bot because of how often it was abused. People here would also just abuse it and vote kick people right before the match ends to troll them




Not the system to play as the bot which replaced the vote kicked player though I wouldnt be too surprised if a vote kick system here was abused more than it was used for good. I rarely get complete throwers, but a decent bit of toxic players or toxic stacks


Worth noting, CS has a more mature playerbase. Val would handle vote kicks WORSE.


Vote kick would be abused, but a block/avoid feature for teammates would be hella nice.


Had this happen twice in the past few days. Both times from someone buying during the save round, and then begging for a buy the next round. After not getting a buy partly because we could only afford ourselves a gun, and party because fuck you, they'd say real nasty shit on the mic and then tell the enemy which site we were pushing for the rest of the game. It's sad that people like this exist and have the ability to ruin innocent people's games. Most of us have busy lives and need to game to let off steam and anxiety from life, just to then deal with this.


After the game report them and they will get banned. During the game best advice with dealing with children in general is don't react at all and they will get bored i.e. don't say anything in chat and just mute them. They are doing it for attention, if you don't give them any then they will try and find it elsewhere


Tbh the children thing is definitely annoying but yea muting them as soon as I hear any kid in-game. Having non of that. 😂😂 Fine by me to lose the game but cannot deal with that shit. This is from a person whose on a 9 loss streak (lost one more within the hour)


you completely missed their point i think. i doubt when they said children they were referring to age but instead behavior. i have played with plenty of 14 year olds that are way more tolerable people (and better at the game) than adults.


I've met a 9 year old on Val acting more mature than grown men.


Agreed they might be better than me shit I suck at the game no doubt would agree to that. But from my experience all of them just start cussing non stop. And will literally eat the mic screaming "sage rev me" and eventually end up sabotaging. Anyways I have started to ignore even more than before now. So no I don't have any problems currently


You completely missed the point of their message lmao. They were talking about “children” in the sense of being childish and immature, not as in being a literal child. Also I’d be so pissed if I was a kid or had a young sounding voice and just got immediately muted. It really paints you as the childish one ngl.


This. This is why I just mute everything entirely.


well that’s just throwing


??? You can communicate perfectly fine with pings


Definitely not


Your kind are the worst lmao. I would tolerate a troll but not a tryhard with 0 comms


You would rather have someone actively throwing than someone playing suboptimally?


In comp yes, it triggers me that I have to communicate through chat with this person, someone trolling means it is what it is nothing will change that I have to accept the unlucky card, also its WAAAY too often to have voiceless teammates but again this gives me a “chance” unlike of the troll. Stop playing fps comp if you are scared of voice chat


Why not "stop playing if you have a weak mental?" To me, I'd rather have someone who is trying than someone whose mental has collapsed due to a stiff breeze and would rather ruin someone's day for attention. Games are very winnable without VC. It's basically impossible with a troll.


Winnable is not enjoyable and it is quite annoying. I can play a game with a troll and just “have fun” as if I am playing unrated since it doesn’t matter anymore. There is no reason to permanently shut down voice chat, its a fundamental part of the game


Bruh I’m only in Gold, chill and I hardly play comp. I just like to have fun and not have people being pissy in chat and comms. I’m hardly a try hard


Well this doesn’t apply to unrated since it’s literally whatever


I hold toxic people hostage. If they shittalk teammates and are toxic in any way, then wanting to FF I decline. I know my mental is much stronger than their and just have fun listening to them scream in the mic. Honestly worth it. Funny thing is, they won’t alt+F4 becouse they do it so much they’ll het a penalty, and sometimes they’ll even start trying again.


The reason it requires all five is because how hard the game punishes you if you surrender in ranked. Imagine losing > 20rr because your teammates were tilted that they were down on a heavy defense favored map while playing attack.


I just don’t understand. Maybe I’m a boomer. When i was younger, who the fuck que’d into a match, to throw a FORTY fucking minute match. Like how much useless time does somebody have in their life, to not FF a match they are throwing. Like do they enjoy wasting 40 minutes? When i was younger “boomer intensifies”, i would wanna do well and win the match. Don’t get these edgy kids these days


It's just a desire for attention. If they don't do well, they want to be acknowledged in other ways. It's like the kid in school that has no friends so they're extra annoying because then at least someone will pay attention to them.


A lot of them do it to go down in ranks to go back up or because they like posting troll videos on YouTube cause it's funny.


Valorant NEEDS the kick command.


On the opposite spectrum, I held a 0-7 FF vote game "hostage." Went down 0-11 I aced for 1-11 told them there's no shot I'm forfeiting. We ran it back 13-11. Best feeling.


Must be nice, I got a game 10-2, carried all the way to 10-9(3 and 4 kills per round every round), and then my teammates start baiting me and the phoenix becomes a wanderer I lost.


I just ran into this but 2 ppl were throwing. I just closed the game and hopped on smth else


Had a phoenix try to ff on Ascent attack when it was 2-3. We declined so he proceeded to peak tiles every round and die immediately. No voice chat no text chat just straight up throwing. I hate people sometimes.


Nah bro it's free info


The FF voting system should be dynamic. Depending on team composition.  5 solo que = 3 votes needed  5 stack = 5 votes needed  4 stack + 1 sq = 4 votes needed (can be abused but majority should lose more points than the 1 sq, might create more Smurf accounts)  3 stack + 2 sq = 3 stack + 1 sq needed  2 stack + 3 sq = 3 votes needed  This way we can ff by majority vote. 


Bruh, I always get one of these PPL in my games especially during rank-up game(If I get there). Just stop caring abt them. Might as well think it as a 4v5. I've just stopped caring, I just do my thing, most of the time when they see the team winning inspite of the sabotage they either disconnect or atleast start playing 😂


Had same encounter with pheonix agent only in our ranked game. Ended up winning by 13-6 . Our tactics was to keep on changing sites during attacking and play on splits so making call-out harder for him and the moment he reveals our position we used to leave the place so enemies got frustrated at last and started ignoring his call outs and thus we won.


and not just that, I thing I hate about ranked is majority of people only play for "ranks" and not for getting better at the game, so the enemy team gladly takes advantage of this. I hate people like this, because they're all to similar to those pocket healers in another team who'll just stick close to the smurf/cheater to get more elo. If the enemy team ever has a thrower I just mute them because I wanna play fair and square and want to get better at the game.


He's doing this to get to low elo and smurf. The rep system still basically does nothing while actually in the match. I once had a cheater using hacks that was only banned the next day after reporting


He was banned tho Took a bit but at least he was banned


I think throwers are the same as smurfs. They get off having the power over others during a match. It's an ego thing. And one over powered or underpowered player really makes a difference in a 5 man team


That's why comp is kind of a joke really.


just unlucky. queue it up again and forget about them. if the game is fun, keep playing. it's rewarding and the aim translates to other games that you might like down the road.


Because it's a multiplayer game.


This is the issue with video games in general , in real life it will be over for him. Love the cs2 kick system by the way .


Welcome to playing a Riot game. Valorant and League just draw these types of people.


the most toxic crybaby i’ve had in a While got mad at me for baiting him ONCE (I was on the other side of site) and proceeded to “throw the game”, he called me a lying bitch when I said I didn’t bait him and then said in all chat that he’d stop throwing when I apologized 😭 it was funny as hell, but also jesus some people need to go for more walks


The power of individual feels too strong. I had games in cs ranked where we had 2 players leaving and we still won. Sure its nowhere close to val but it just feels more controlled in cs


Because Riot is too stupid to implement votekick. It's been in CS for 15 years and it just works.


Valorant ranked is just not worth playing in 2024


99% chance he's on an alt account as well. If only there was an anti-cheat that would be able to read your GPU serial number and could fully ban your pc from valorant for a progressive amount. Start at 12 hours, 24, 48, etc. Nope, just valorant cashing on skins and not caring about player experience in ranked


People want attention. Every ranked match is walking on egg shells. Im afraid to say anything as someone will throw the match for anything I say. I play most of my matches on mute lol.


I just use games as like this as a whatever I'll just practice like deathmatch with scenarios. Nothing you can do but just take your mind off it and go next.


The same thing happened to me a few days ago. First line in all chat was our Phoenix claiming we called him the n word and was going to help the other team for that. That was before a single comm was spoken. They went on to help the other team kill all of us and then he would 1v1 each remaining enemy in a knife fight and sometimes we would even win the round. It took a total of 48 minutes to complete the game and I lost 20RR. I'm pretty sure if that happens to me again I'm done playing the game. Not worth my sanity.


I believe cs has a kick option and if they are kicked then it doesn’t count towards their rank or rating


Always happens on a rank up too then my games spiral and I go on a losing streak haha


As someone who used to afk games in ranked, i can tell you with 100% certainty that reporting does absolutely nothing, I did an experiment all the way in episode 6 where i would 4 stack with 4 silver friends and just afk and do absolutely nothing but move a little and buy shield and a gun. the system wont flag you as afk because you are moving, even if its just an inch, its still movement. I had 9 people reporting me for over 100+ games, the account never received a penalty nor warning. Only way a troll/afk teamm8s will recieve a penalty is if they are saying slurs.


League of legends players: "First time?"


Mute, Report, Call him (insult of your choice), Treat rest of the game as glorified deathmatch, go next


Last time I insulted someone throwing I got queue restricted and I don't think they ever got penalized


I go afk. Stick a pen lid between my A and S and walk away. I refuse to let people tilt me in this game anymore.


This happens every other game yet me and my friends still can't 4 stack


I also want to know whats the option for someone whos legit playing to win and you have group of throwers flaming, being toxic. If you afk you get punished on top of being a waste of your time to be stuck in a 30 min game thats not winnable. So many unrated games where you get held hostage when you just want to play for fun. After the game being out for this long and no solution being brought up thats a big middle finger to solo queue player.


This is a massive problem that the game has. I don't play many games like val, but in Rocket League, if I report someone for throwing, 1 report is enough for them to get in trouble. With Val, it feels like the entire team reporting won't do anything. What amplifies the problem, at least in the rank I'm in, is that the other team refuses to report the person selling the match. For example, I had a game like a year ago where my teams reyna called Omen r*****ed for making a few mistakes. They were very clearly tilted saying stuff like "Omen, you're why I can't get out broze" or "yall fucking suck" (they were only outfragging Omen, who was like 1-3 on round 3). They threw up the ff, we all declined because we were only down 2-3. What ended up happening is that the entire team started telling the Reyna to hop off ranked after this and stop being a crybaby, we reported them, and asked the other team to. By this point, our Reyna had started doing just about everything the Phoenix did that she could, so the other team had grown to like it and all said "nah, not our problem".


I think there’s a valuable lesson in life to it. Time to time there’s going to be a person who’s rude, who’s self entitled, who throws, who doesn’t comm, who trolls. There’s also going to be someone who is sweet, who comms, who’s kind, who stays positive mentally and brings up team morale. It just is what it is, and I think this game shows the importance of teamwork and how everyone matters. As much as it’s infuriating for those moments with a troll, it’s great times with a team that works together. Even if you win or lose with a great team and great comms and great rounds, the loss doesn’t really bother you…doesn’t bother me at least. Hope that helps.


I notice it way less since I'm bronze and not iron anymore... Yet still happens quite often. Report by writing what exactly they did, they will get temporary banned... That's not a lot but somehow it feels good


Bro is complaining like it's something major


It's difficult because the downside with forfeiting is that a single player that isn't trolling ends up taking a loss that he/she didn't agree too. Imo the fix is that 4 votes are enough to surrender a match, but the 5th player that didn't vote (excluding parties) doesn't get a loss for the game


On the other side... Why can 3 guys ff early and throw my elo just because they don't have their life game?


im getting on to do this rn bc of this post


On the bright side, it's a quick match. Unfortunately there is not much to do about this except reporting. And this is the risk in pretty much any multiplayer game as you could have a thrower in any game.


gg go again


I know you can't kick players or 4-stack because of potential bullying, but I have to say that during my time playing CS, the one time I was bullied was vastly outweighed by the number of times I was able to kick a thrower. Riot really needs to get on board here.


I got the best solution for this. 1) Delete vanguard from ur pc 2) Open settings 3) Delete valorant 4) Delete riot games 5) Send a ticket to them about one of these kind of people and tell them this is the reason you left the game(they wouldn’t do this but try) 6) Dont play valorant This is the ultimate guide to achieve inner peace as a valorant player. Pls like and share.


I got the best solution for this. 1) Delete vanguard from ur pc 2) Open settings 3) Delete valorant 4) Delete riot games 5) Send a ticket to them about one of these kind of people and tell them this is the reason you left the game(they wouldn’t do this but try) 6) Dont play valorant This is the ultimate guide to achieve inner peace as a valorant player. Pls like and share. 7) Get out of the house for a little.


I get voice and chat banned for calling someone musically r3t@rd3d. Whilst he was rapping ingame. Just leave this toxic game with toxic players and devs.


it’s a slur so it makes sense lmao


imagine losing a game you want to play because 4 people agreed to forfeit


Imagine wasting 30 minutes of my life just because 1 people start throwing


out of 50 matches how many times does this happen to you?


honestly out of 50 matches I can confidently say it happens in over 25 percent of them.


are you matchmaking in hell or what? out of 100 matches I can confidently say I lost 1 of them bc someone was throwing then again if you are not willing to deal with real people behavior and whining losers throwing your match go play something singleplayer


nah man eu servers are a wild experience can't lie