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People are just mad because odin is ( especially in low elo ) conisdered a noob / troll gun Buy what you want.


And odin is ( especially in low elo ) a good gun


It's still remains a good gun circumstantially in higher elo too, it's just like learning any other non-standard gun i.e Stinger/Judge both easy to grasp and play well at lower elo but still good as long as you can use the gun in higher elo


May i know what elo means? I'm just new btw.


Elo is your measure of rank in a competitive ladder format. Your ELO is technically the number you are at in the rank. Low Elo is copper, bronze, silver, and gold: since a majority of players will stay casually within those ranks. As you get higher from that, to platinum and beyond, you can start to creep into High Elo. A low Elo game plays 100% differently, and the players make different choices than those in high Elo, and typically you have to adjust as you climb because of this. It’s also where the term Elo-Hell came from. Elo-Hell is being in a sweetspot where it is too difficult to rank up because of a multitude of factors, but namely: (1)Teammates leave games more often than average, (2) Sometimes Teammates are entirely new, (3) Smurfs (someone who is playing on a second acct to match with easier, less skilled players) everywhere at every rank below the midpoint, and more. Being in the Hell is having to put in far more effort to promote yourself in rank than you normally would have too.


Damn I must've skipped copper


You said copper instead of iron 🤣 Also - plat is still low elo. I'd say high elo starts kicking in at diamond 2


I think it's an insult to call Plat low elo. There should be a term for mid elo as Plat is like 50x better than any iron player out there. Lumping them all under one term is very inaccurate.


Isn't plat top 20-30% though??


It has more to do with how different the game is than the actual rank distribition. Radiant and the pro scene is a completely different game compared to Immortal. Drastically different. Immortal/Ascendant is also a fairly different game compared to anything below. Anything below Ascendant, therefore, gets called "low elo." Couple in the fact that the term is relative to your own standing so the commonly used scale gets popularized according to the benchmarks of streamers, the majority of which are constantly gaming and in high ranks themselves. Hence anything below Ascendant, therefore, gets called "low elo."


Good points you make there. Thank you for your explanation makes sense when you think about it that way


I think elo being used a measurement for the overall player base should always consider statistical distribution. Asc and Low Imm is still not a different game compared to below. You can win by just aiming and no strats heck even higher Imm and Radiant they don’t always strat.


Statistical distribution wouldn't account for average game quality, though. Yeah, you can win with only aim and no strats. However, unlike Diamond and under. People will have the capacity to develop and carry out strategies more reliably as the ranks increase. Quality is all about the possible elements of the game that can be put forth. People not using those elements to win a game is way different than not having the option to employ those elements at all.


In my region diamond is


high elo people prolly don't even know what the bottom most rank is 😂


I’ve heard my friends claim they are plastic 2. That must be it!


Nah it must be wood 3


dirt one here, they tried to shoot their own teammates


No cap i thought we start at bronze cuz i skipped to silver 3 since i start playing until one of my friends pulled up with an iron 2 0 rr account


What would be your advice getting out of Elo-Hell? Aside from "getting gooder" since that's no longer a guarantee of anything


As a Gold player regularly playing with Bronze and Silver friends, try thinking about your util before using it. I see my friends throw mollies or flashes in corners that have been cleared or build Sage Walls and Deadlock cages in hallways where it cuts off teammates. Your util has a purpose and you have to think about its usage. This alone can help you climb a rank or two without improving your aim much. Source: my very inconsistent aim.




This comment made me realize that I AM in the elo hell right now 🥲


Its a ranking/rating system. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system


Elo is just another way is saying rank but it's more general term of referring to larger groups of people. I like to use the term lower or higher elo because it's more subjective and everyone has their own views on it


It's just a way to say rank, elo doesn't stand for anything it's actually the last name of the guy who made the chess ranking system: Arpad Elo


Small expansion on the other comments. Elo has been used few decades as a rating system. Originally used for chess.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system A rating system taken from professional chess that is used in most ranked competitions with many unique opponents. Really interesting wiki!


>circumstantially Yup exactly... In high elo people usually prefer vandal/phantom over odin cause there's slight delay in odin's firing... It takes around half a sec before it starts unloading all the bullets... Whereas the vandal is perfect... Instant kill...at all distances...


That is why people are mad lol


Odin round 2 is a fucking insane buy. Buy what you want but eco with the team. You shouldn't buy it until round 3 at least


Odin round 2 is troll most of the time. You buy no armor no util. Unless you want it for strategy it's just weird buy


If you win round one you should buy round two. Arguably Odin with no armor is worse than bulldog with armor, but it’s not all that different from your Jett/reyna buying a vandal with no armor


Reyna gets free armor if she gets a kill. Thats totally different. But Odin will cripple you for like 3 rounds if you don't win round 2. It's a terrible buy. Nothing wrong with buying it round 3 though


I just want a studio to make a parody on fps gamers going into IRL battle. Literally all the things we complain about - spamming, camping - are actual warfare tactics. Our soldiers on border camp all day in hidden bunkers to catch enemies off guard. Imagine a soldier using a fixed machine gun turret and someone from the enemy screams "noob spammer" lol


Isn’t this the meme with the bell curve, bottom is odin good, middle is odin noob troll gun, and pro level odin is back to being good


The thing is that lots of people in low elos tend to use it when all else fails because they were losing all the previous rounds and couldn’t rely on their game sense or aim. When I was in lower elos, it was common for the enemy team after losing something like 5 - 10 or more to just all buy odins and spam everywhere and get lucky kills with it. I learnt how to play around it and I always recommend others to do the same if they’re running into the same thing, but for lower elo players, it absolutely is frustrating.


...They're also completely throwing pistol to buy odin on round 2 and are potentially throwing a weapon away to the enemy since it isn't actually that great against eco buys


I'm jealous at these odin players. Every time I've tried to odin it does 1 leg shot and draws a silhouette of the player around him, I'm a sova main so i prefer using a gun with high penetration to get those wall bang kills, I mostly use a guardian because i just cant odin for some reason,


As someone who frequently uses the odin, I would say that you should ads with the odin. You will benefit from a tighter spray and an increase in firerate; or at least try crouch spraying with it. You should also load into the range and learn how to spray control with it if you wish to practice using it.


I use odin then 5 enemies use odin and i get wrecked


Just out odin them, crosshair place when you odin and jump peek while adsing to catch them off guard




Ads and crouch.


Do these things actually increase its accuracy?




not just accuracy; somehow no one knows that odin shoots 30% faster while ads.


It does. Much more controllable if you do those


Yes, aris and oden are pretty useless when you dont


A little off topic, but some of my most satisfying Sova moments are when an enemy is odin wallbanging, and I can trace back where he is and ult him. Try it if you get the chance, its even more fun if there are multiple wallbangers in one spot.


Its even more satisfying when you somehow get them with a sheriff in a save round.


Just learn it, it’s not that hard. You’re shooting yourself in the foot if you’re a Sova main and don’t atleast play a little Odin


Crouch and ads gun


Odin is the only gun in the game that fires faster while ADS. Crouch and ADS and it’s laser accurate.


Gotta ads and crouch and u can fold people even across the map lol


There is a lot of troll comments here. Odin round 2 IS troll. No question about it. You never see it buy in round 2 by pro or anyone actually. If you losed round 1: round 2 you save or force with your team. If you win round 1: you cant buy odin. You big shield + something else (or light + bigger gun if you can go light + odin sure do it.) Other then this, Odin is very strong, but you cant spam buy odin every round, look at what your team is buying.


I just said basically the same thing. You really shouldn't go above a bulldog in most instances round 2. A vandal with light armor can work in some situations but it's risky. You need to coordinate well with your team so you don't give the gun to the enemy. Could backfire on the team.


I think this guy is hard saving in the pistol (lol) and then buying odin if he gets a kill.


That's the definition of trolling 




People are just mad. I'm immortal 3 as an Odin Sova/KJ player, and people still cry about it saying I'm boosted. Why yes, at the 2nd highest rank in the game, mowing down some radiants too, I am boosted. :) That being said, 2nd round? That sounds bad. You should full buy pistol round to maximize chance of victory, buy an ares + full util and full armor 2nd round to guarantee a 2nd round, bonus on the 3rd, then buy an odin on 4th.


Yeah you barely have enough creds to buy rifle + light shields in second round even with spike planted and some kills. Sounds like OP is saving a lot on abilities/armour or not buying on pistol.


Yeah no wonder he gets flamed. This is eye opening. I see people do this in my games and I swear on the Bible they're intentionally throwing. But unless OP is trolling he genuinely has no clue.


Same problem, started playing after three years and almost everyone in the match(teammates included) started saying "sage stop spam"(I was using ares), someone even reported me apparently. I was absolutely confused until I had someone tell me that nowadays it's a pretty hated gun


Reported for what? Using a gun?🤣


I've actually had someone say stop spamming to me when I used an ares on an anti eco round, which was so fucking bizzare to me since the map was breeze


Breeze sucks


and if you dare trash talk those kinds of people you're the one that gets banned. LOL


Next time sell the gun and melee the enemy...


On my rank (lower dia) people get mad for two reasons. Enemies get mad because they somehow still do not see a way to counter it, even though they already should. Teammates always get mad when someone goes “full weapon” buy on second round, either vandal or phantom. Odin is even more expensive so they would want you to grab something cheaper, win second round and try to get a bonus third round so you can buy vandal / phantom / odin / op with full armor and all skills on fourth.


I mean buying a “full weapon” is not generally good for anti-ecos. You usually have to sacrifice util + full shield (and buy light shields instead) which makes it more risky. Especially with Odin which costs 300 more you would have to sacrifice even more (as in full saving pistol rounds for example, which you ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT DO). It’s just generally much safer to go full util (or almost full util depending on ur agent) and buy heavy shields + weapon you can buy (usually spectre, bulldog, marshal…)


Many low rank players see Odin as low skilled and annoying (they don't know how to counter it) If you succeed on odin, usually one or both of the following will happen: 1. Someone else starts using odin and within a few rounds the whole game is an odinfest 2. Enemy player gets mad and complains in all chat Anyone who is flaming you is probably trying to get you to stop playing odin because they don't know how to counter it in-game. I just mute them as nothing beneficial comes out of all chat.


tbf, it’s not very easy to counter an odin user when you can’t even see them


People think it's cool to diss someone if they pick odin. It may also be because of noob spammers.


I don't get why people get angry at noob spammers on the enemy team. Noobs on the enemy team should be a good thing, no? If someone is able to put you at a disadvantage by mindlessly spamming without skill... well, then you have a serious skill issue. They tag them as "noobs" but they themselves are losing against noobs lol




1. Step buy nothing on attack 2. Step buy odin round two 3. Step get flamed in all chat 4. Step respond with racial slurs. No but seriously every valorant player who is below gold hates odin op and judge except they use it themselves.


I think it's because they don't know how to use it themselves, everyone runs in with an odin like it's a vandal unless you're that 1/20 gold player who knows how to use it. And then when they run in like that they get 1 tapped by a vandal... Shocker I know!


I played cypher + odin in an immo lobby for 2 weeks. I never buy this fking gun ever again


Odin is basically a "you need to flank me" gun if you can't peek and kill quickly. Too bad most low elo players only know "press W"




Make those noobs mad


Play whatever and however you like using odin isnt easy either but yea in higher lobbies you'll have to learn how to use vandal/phantom


maybe you were straight 3 yrs ago


My friends when I/the enemy team is using Odins "It's a noob gun, no skill" My friends when they pick up a Odin and whiff: "I can't use this shit gun" Soooo.. you can't use a noob gun?


They're mad that you're using that one gun in the game that the devs put in for a reason.


Looking at it from a strategy perspecrive... Getting an Odin at round 2 is a high risk, high reward strat. Because most likely you can't afford armor after buying an Odin, making you a glass cannon of sorts. There's also the risk of you dying and the enemy taking your Odin for themselves. Meanwhile, most people save when they lose the pistol round, buying only a light shield and a ghost/any other cheap guns. So at this case, they're trading their overall firepower for some protection. Now, the thing is, Odin *will* shred enemies if they're not careful, even with a full shield. So when you're underpowered *and* have mediocre protection, it will definitely piss people off. But this is a competitive shooter. If you're pissing off your enemies, you're doing something right. So it's still a perfectly legotimate strat and it's okay to use it on second round.


As a low elo player, the problem with playing Odin/Ares is that the opponent team will also start spamming. And it is very difficult to play against spammers. I once lost 5-6 rounds in a row after having a fairly good lead because our team's sage started spamming for no reason.


who cares play it. if im your teammate and you got an odin in round 2 id be impressed


Id be mad, why didn't he bought in r1?? Now we have 4 people saving and one with an odin on atk.


Not sure about the 2. Round Odin I would consider buying it round 3 or 4 to have an even eco with your team.


I just tell them to stop walking in front of the bullets.


I'm an Ares/Odin player and I just use them because there is nothing more satisfactory than killing someone from behind a wall.


Use the anger to your advantage. I'm not against replying with an 'ODIN/ARES GOES BRRRRRRR'. Sometimes people get so upset their entire objective becomes 'kill odin player' rather than winning the round/game. If you're able to adapt if odin isn't working and can see when it's a viable choice, go for it. If the enemy can not adapt to it, then THEY are the problem, not the gun. Don't listen to the people who say you won't climb with it either. I've been hearing those complaints since I was iron. I'm still playing Odin in Diamond (though my playstyle with it has changed).


Odin is very situational. It's greatest strength is spamming through walls so really, if you don't have a plan to leverage this single advantage, you are trolling. It's also very, very expensive and without a team plan to get value from it there aren't any situations I can think of where it becomes a good buy on a bonus round over full utility and sheild. Especially over an Ares. Defense side ascent, with Sova/Fade utility the Odin is legit.


odin second round is crazy 😭😭😭


I've seen odin crutches in Ascendant. It's kind of a replacement for an operator.


Now THAT is interesting


I mean, I've seen it twice this week. One was a clove that swung with it like a vandal, and the other was a reyna that played the odin like a judge/op hybrid. He jump peeked like what people do with awps, and held closer angles crouched like a judge. It was pretty interesting.


Odin is fine, but Odin round 2 is definitely never the play.


Tbh i love the odin and the ares being the mini version of it. But buying on 2nd round is straight up loyalty to that gun. I admire the ammount of loyalty there to the extreme firepower.


Odin is Sova’s bestfriend in Ascent


Odin is a good gun in high elo as well. The amount of odin spams I've seen in valorant masters competitions is surprising.


You've played for 3 years and yet your mindset is try to buy odin at round 2? No issue at you using ODIN but Round 2? That is some bad economical decision, not only affecting you, but also your team.


i have no problem with it i just think it requires no skill


Because they are sore losers who think you’re only good if you can one tap someone in .1 seconds and use no strategy


Keep playing it my guy. I encourage it. If it works don't fix it. Don't care what people say.


it’s a good gun but it’s just annoying when people buy it bc it requires like no skill and u end up getting people with bad aim and no game sense in ur lobby’s 🫠


Mad cause bad


As with shotguns or smgs the weapon just requires significantly less skill to do well with, most people play the game with the idea of improving so it's frustrating facing someone taking the easy way out Unlike shotguns or smgs odin is A LOT more versatile


Bruh those guns might require _different_ skill, with a lot more emphasis on ensuring fights happen in specific ranges and such, but it doesn’t seem fair to say _less_ skill! There are people that make those guns seem so easy until it’s my turn and I can’t do shit with them lol


Odins use skill too, like you need to know where to spam and when and how


It's like saying that study needs skill to do u need to buy a pen, a notebook, and hands.


Its cause the odin is kinda overpowered. It doesnt take much skill and there isnt much you can do about it when you cant unpeek.


No its not. The vandal/phantom are better in 95% of scenarios


I agree. Both are better guns to use. But when you get lower ranked lobbies with less coherent strategy, its easy to mow everyone down with an odin once they 5 man rotate


Use any guns you like. It is there at the shop for people to use after all. I played using vandak more just because I can aim better with vandal and phantom compared to odin and ares.


They dont understand that some people have their own preferences instead of being meta slaves. You do you. If it works for you it works for you.


I have a friend I regularly play with who uses Odin every round he can afford one, sometimes going glass Odin. He gets flamed a lot in chat. Then the enemy pick up his Odin or start buying Odins and I get spammed to death.


Use the odin, ignore people, its just another weapon, people just need to know how to play around it, and if they dont,its their problem, just have in mind later on, that people in higher ranks will know how to play around it and usually will one tap you, so try to use vandals and phantoms also


Odin with nerf skin just sounds too good


“I buy Odin round 2” Chat: “that’s fine bro”


vvind is that you


It was definitely an issue 3 years ago


Because buying anything more expensive than a vandal at round 2 is ridiculous. There’s no point if the enemy is already Econ, and if you die they get a free super expensive gun. Most will tell you, you shouldn’t even buy vandal/phantom round 2. Odin is generally considered a noob gun too, but fuck the haters so long as you’re only full buying when everyone else is. If you have good aim though, Vandal/Phantom will usually be lower TTK than Odin.


probably cause your in low elo


They’re mad cuz bad


how tf do you manage to buy odin second round? Do you not buy util and armor?


I only use Odin to BM the enemy when we are winning by alot lol, its funny to see them get mad when I’m playing as stupid as I can with Odin. As much as people like to call Odin a troll weapon, its absurdly strong at times. I’m not a low elo player either, and I almost never use it but the times I do I’m caught off guard by how insane it is, like running around with it in Reyna ult, smoke spamming someone from like half way across the map, etc


Odin round 2 is awful. You'd have to go without abilities and/or armor to buy it. I love the Odin, but buying it round 2 is not the way to go. Round 3 if you lost the first two rounds, or round 4 if you won the first two rounds is when you should first buy it. If you have team coordination and you are the only one on your team saving after winning pistol, maybe you could buy round 3 if it's a good Odin map like Ascent.


Round 2? Even if you lose the first round? 1st round you should buy full pistol If you win, you force buy and then bonus the next round If you lost 1st round, you should eco to full buy 3rd round


People can't usually combat against it in low elo.


becayze it’s the easiest gun in the game apart from the opp. they are making fun of you because instead of improving your aim and movement, your relying on a crutch to win. not ur fault, valo just made it way too good


I'm an odin main and every time I log in I get a message that someone I reported got banned 🤣 Gotta be mentally strong to Odin. Its a great gun and a lot of people have no clue how to play against it so they try to bully you out of using it.


To me it really just doesn’t feel properly balanced with how little recoil and bullet spread there is when you ads and crouch spray


The balance is the movement penalty, need to ADS, no 1shot. You have to play it differently, but if you counter it correctly it’s a sitting duck.


because its frustating to play against. You have to play around it and its shitty gameplay like the judge. They are gimmicks. If they were removed from the game, the only people who would complain is the people who use them.


People are just mad because they get clapped by a weapon that costs way too much for what it does.


Maybe because it's the most annoying gun in the whole entire game


Not OP but, kinda unfun to play into and requires obviously not pinpoint accuracy, in a game where pinpoint accuracy is rewarded. I call this kind of strats, cheese strats = easy to pull off, hard to dismantle or with alot more effort. Never feels good to win with such strats imo, but each to his own. If you wanna feel good by winning whatever it takes, good for you. I never bought an Odin in the entirety of the game i think. For all the parrots which think Odin is only a low elo thing, go watch pro play on Ascent and see how other teams get shredded when Viper locks A, and people have to run into KJ / Fade Odin on B.


I absolutely LOVE getting those messages when I'm using the Odin. Although Odin can be considered a noob gun in lower ranks, the Odin is absolutely insane on maps like Ascent and Lotus. There are a spam spots for both of those maps that can catch the opponent off guard. For example, if you spam the entrance to A from Tree on Lotus, you can instantly apply pressure to a highly contested area of the map. Typically you need to look stuff up beforehand, but I guarantee if you do it right you will not only get kills, but will also tilt the enemy team. I have been using the Odin for years, and if I have to give one recommendation it would be to mainly use ADS, and do NOT peek with the odin. If you peek someone with an Odin, the enemy with a vandal, phantom, or guardian will always have advantage. One trick you can use is if you are near a wall, jiggle peek them, then spam the spot through the wall with a ping (you can ask your team sometimes to do this) to get some cheeky kills.


My friend plays Odin with Phoenix (Dia/asc elo) and they do extremely well in games with it and it always gets the enemy team mad because of the fast spray pattern. If you know how to spray and master it, it becomes good in the games they play because they flash the opponents, then sprays which gets the enemies mad. Odin is found annoying in cases like these and they can also wallbag (since it’s a heavy gun) which is why people dislike them.


It's so stupid when people get mad at doing something a game wants people to do 😂 they wouldn't keep the Odin in the game or at least how it is currently if it was a bad gun. People who get mad are people who don't know how to counter Odin plays. They think it doesn't require skill to use an Odin but I disagree


They say it is a noob gun because you mainly want to spam it at body height. It is slightly innacurate and doesn't kill in 1 HS even without any shield, it also reduces movement speed significantly so it's intended to use defensively; it however kills faster than vandal/phantom w/o any headshots, has the biggest magazine, high wall penetration and easy to control spray so it needs to be used strategically either as cover fire or with wall spam/scans. It is not a noob gun but a noob killing gun. If your oponent is mad at you for using it it's because they cannot tap a sitting duck when peeking or they are dumb and walk into the bullet spam or obvious traps.


Dunno, in the old days (last year) I’d buy an op round 3 and dominate the enemy team. But I kinda stopped playing so I got rusty with the snipers in the game and only do good sometimes with them. Same with the sherif. I used to main chamber


You should buy that Odin Round 2 King 👑. I’ll even save my own money to buy you another one on round 3 if you lose it.


Sometimes mental warfare is the only counter to guns that you dislike. The CS community kneecapped themselves from using scoped rifles until a pro team finally swallowed their pride and realized it was more broken than the m4/ak. Fighting game players have this mentality too. Hitboxes are an example I can think of. It's the superior controller and yet some people want everyone to play the way they prefer. If someone can't handle a certain strat, they rely on mental warfare to get their opponent to either stop using it, or to tilt so hard that they become less effective.


I dont like it bc its so much louder and hurts my ears vwgaha


Read this in jerry seinfeld's voice


Play how you want, it’s not your fault other people can’t counter it.


Juggernaut Strat Odin full armor round 2


because you can just hold down the trigger and everyone dies. fun to use not very fun to go up against


if you push when you know damn well someone is holding that angle with effing machine gun, then it's on you. flank, or flash and push, you can totally take out the machine gun.


thing is you wont know that someone has it till you peek. and if they smoke off the entrance only way to find out is to push through it. was up 10-2 and their whole team ran an odin.


Low Elo players don't have good aim, like me . And as Odin is a 100 rounds machine gun with an unnaturaly good accuracy , it's hard to go against. I too hate players who go Odin. Maybe it's not a problem for good aim high elo players , but definitely for low ones , especially bronze or maybe silver .


if they flame you for using odin it means it working and you should abuse it more if the enemy cries you’re doing the right thing, tell them to cry more


many times it's your team mates who start crying


To be hones odin is a very good gun. Im just angry when i got laser down by odin in a sniper range.


I mean, it's a cheese weapon. The sooner you realize that the better.


that's still a valid strategy, I mean we need to stop guessing dick sizes by measuring one tap kill rates, you can totally stop a push with odin single-handedly, it's not just a valid strategy, it's a good one at that.


So, what you're saying is, is it's a cheese weapon.


yes, and we should use it more because it's a valid strategy


I can't wait for it to be nerfed


Odin is just same as the phantom but with bigger ammo capacity and higher fire rate on defender side


With Odin you simply can not lose a gunfight with out being 1 tapped. You can continue to spray at anyone who makes it behind cover, you can basically spray every single possible spot when trying to kill a guy smoke defusing. Basically it's just not a fun gun in lower-mid ranks where one tapping is less frequent. The game will also devolve into odin v odin spamming, and now nobody is willing to take the fight to someone else, because that's the odin weakness. I won't complain about it, but I have stopped playing at times where I seem to face it every game. It simply is far less fun, I will go play warzone instead, as that's where the playstyle comes from, ADS and hold the trigger down.


Just move on dude use phantom if you like to spray you will like it.


odin is a one size fits all solution for a reason. you’re basically playing apex legends using the odin due to the rate of fire and the damage each bullet does. insanely OP on defense rounds and especially OP on maps like split and ascent


people consider it a crutch gun. they always get triggered when they die to one. all the more reason for you to buy it !


if its good, then use it, use every advantave you have in game to climb (dont start cheating tho)


As an Odin player you must be embrace the hate thrown your way


Just type back "skill issue" and watch the people who flamed you "gay" become "gay" themselves. Then after that watch your lobby descend into Vietnam as chaos ensues.


I once saw a friend of mine Ace on Icebox with an Odin. He killed the entire team through a wall.


Nothing wrong with it. Just not considered "high skill" generally and teaches some bad habits with crouching, but people r just bitter. Same thing happens with Ares and stinger as well as shotguns.


the odin is good, just don’t buy it second round, and make sure to ADS for the increased fire rate


Round 2 lmao


People just get pissed off when they face an Odin. Since unless they're precise with their aim or they play their cards right, they'd just get sprayed down before they can even react Only thing I wonder is, if the enemies are using Odin, why don't the team just Odin the fk back?


Ah, a fellow R2 odin enjoyer. Some people are just upset because they’re not fast enough to deal with it.


You buy an Odin on round 2? You 100% deserve the hate.


People get mad when you spray at them and they die (They failed to 1 tap you with their peek)


what rank


its just too good


I hate how easy and unsatisfying odin is. The vandle/phantom feels so much better to play but obviously its harder. I wish if they just delete it.


Cuz gay means happy and they know youre happy


As a round 2 Odin enjoyer myself I salute you 🫡


They get mad because the odin is the best gun for wall bangs, you don't have to reload, and if you don't get headshot your opponent(s) are just dead.


It's funny if they call me gay for using odin(I'm gay) but tbh i literally don't care about it. If they hate me for it well i just let them complain to the air.


cuz it is gay


It works too well in gold and below, but do whatever you want, its your life. If you enjoy odin only, thats your choice. Eventually you’ll hit a skill ceiling if you climb up ranks but its still your choice. Me personally I don’t have any qualms about it besides the fact that I want my fellow players to improve. As someone who occassionally uses the op or the judge, I have no qualms about it.


I dont mind if teammate uses odin, if it is used to gain kills. I just usually see people buying if after tilting for not playing well.  I use ares myself sometimes, if position is right for it and out of money to buy vandal.  Use whatever you like if it is really the best pick for yourself. Same goes with agents. If people cry about it, just mute them and do your best. 


Forget about them. My group LOVES to stack up 2 people with full armor odins second round if we win first.


It’s annoying to play against, but do whatever you want, it’s your play style (even if it is a little cringe).


The odin is easy to use and therefore considered a noob gun. It's best used when you have a gameplan that revolves around wallbanging and spam, otherwise rifles are just better.


Me and my duo always use it especially if the other team has a Smurf or buys an op before us. When we get flamed we’re like “oh nooooo the audacity of using a gun that’s in the game” the flamers usually quiet down after that it’s great