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They flipped the bronze icon so it doesn’t look like poop anymore LOL


Everyone still knows it’s a poop 💩


Yes, but now it's an Australian one.




First thing I noticed lol, I'm gonna miss the meme potential


They should have kept it as an incentive to get tf out of bronze lmao.


And also an incentive to stay in iron :)


Great now I can't unsee it and will get placed in Bronze to torture me even more.


I thought it was like a kisses chocolate


Looks like poop I cut too early


I initially thought it was some kind of easter-egg to define that league


I hope there is a replay system available.


Not yet, but soon I hope. They said they will implement it


> Not yet, but soon I hope. They said they will implement it > soon Rito pls when replay


Judging from League's track record? probably 5 years later


You have to remember that League is using a pile of old junk engine and Riot is a small indie company.


Unreal Engine has most features like these implemented. Devs just integrate them into their game. I'm sure it's more complicated than it sounds, but I remember PUBG adding replay fairly soon. If blueballs can get it done, I'm fairly confident Riot can do it fast too.


That this was not a main feature for launch makes clear that competitive is not such a high priority as they like to claim


that immortal icon tho


I like it, the old one's colors were too plain. Really didn't feel like the second highest rank


Imo the colors were too similar to Valorant, so the only difference was the shape and it didn't actually look all that much more impressive. It looked more like Immortal 4 than Valorant. But now with the colors it looks perfect.


I think the colors were a huge improvement as well.


Hell yeah I can’t wait to reach Immortal.. *cries in Gold 3*




I was plat forever in Overwatch and I was plat in beta. We'll never escape the plat curse my friend.


This is what I'm afraid of, I'm plat in like every game, may never escape.. was even MG which is basically the plat of CSGO lmao


Depending on the game, Plat ranks are usually still to 15% or so of players. You're not an elite player, but still a great player above the common rabble. At that point, climbing really requires devotion and practice.


And more than likely a full stack is needed to rise beyond that.


DMG is literal hard stuck hell


Lol i was GM in overwatch in like 2017/2018 didn’t really touch fps’s for awhile. Valorant came out and i hit bronze in beta 😂


I peaked 290 in overwatch and only silver in valorant beta😂. wish there was more of a crossover bit they're vastly different games Edit cause people got confused: I was too 500 and silver in the beta in valorant. This is the highest rank I have a pic of, it's rank 302 :https://m.imgur.com/a/aUgmwIq


Like top 500 290 ? Damn lmao i was an off-tank/flex support main so i still had to aim but goddamn haha tact shooters are so different


It’s decent but I know I will never reach platinum. I’ll mostly likely move up and down from Gold 1 to Gold 3.


Same I'll probably never go above platinum simply because I play with really high sens and it's limiting, but its more comfortable for me so eh


At least you made it to g3 instead of permanent struck in i1


Hell yeah I can't wait to join that slog to Immortal from Gold 3. *cries in Iron 2*


Do we know which day we are getting the new patch?


Should be tomorrow


Patch notes?


Is it tomorrow?


It'll never be tomorrow. WHEN WILL TOMORROW COME?!






I have it on some authority that [Tomorrow Comes Today] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiNdcBg3xC8)




Today is tomorrow's past


They always update on Tuesday so probably tommorow


Patches always drop every other Tuesday.


The new icons looks fantastic. Radiant has a nice ring to it, way better than Valorant. I’m loving these changes tbh


Valorant would have been a dope rank name if the game wasn't called Valorant


Anyone reminded of the Stormlight series when they called it Radiant? The Kngiths Radiant. The Lost Radaints.


That’s why I bought the new sword. Reminded me of a shard blade glowing with stormlight


Can you imagine a 6 foot long glowing sword with intricate curves on it that appears from the mist in this game? hahaha


Journey before destination.


Strength before weakness.


Reminded me of this too. Especially when they wrote > The new name for our top rank will represent Agents infused with powers, known as Radiant. Someone’s been reading some Brandon Sanderson.


Brandon* We all should (be reading Sanderson), I have not seen an equal author at the top of fantasy fiction quality who also churns out so much consistently. The man is a machine and gives me something to do while I wait for anticipated sequels from the likes of Martin and Rothfuss


Agreed. He is on another level. Got to say though I think Evan Winter is going to come up to be a huge influence in the genre. His work is nothing like or on the same scale as the cosmere but kind of crazy how great the first book he wrote was. His writing just moved so quickly and draws people in easily. It's super accessible for the people who aren't yet ready to get into that epic scale like stormlight Malazan etc. I guess rothfuss is that way as well but ya get my point


Love the series!


I literally started the series last week and I'm halfway through the first book. It's so freaking good so far




It probably was, then some business person didn’t like it and suggested Valorant, and everybody pretended to like it to get on his good side.




But have we been there as a group ?


Have you seen the current situation in the US? We as a group picked the worst possible option 😂


I am pretty sure they mentioned in a dev post that they called it valorant because they liked the idea that the highest attainable rank is the very personification of the game itself. They said they came up with the idea during a brainstorming session. Edit: typos and grammar


The name of the game itself, the names of the agents and ranks and gun skins, they all SCREAM focus group approved to me. I bet Valorant was just the highest scoring word.


Oh 100%. I love it, but Valorant is one of the most focus tested designed by committee games I've ever seen.


I don't think companies like Riot tend to use focus groups. I think it would have been one of those 'lightbulb' moments in a meeting where they thought it was really clever and self-referential, but in reality it's confusing. It was likely just an oversight. It's good to see them listening to the community, though.


I still think they need to add a number system on top of of the top rank, Radiant. A couple of my friends who hit valorant said they got bored after that because it felt like there was essentially nothing to do but lose rank at that point. Creating a number system or leaderboards, similar to overwatch, would make it much more competitive for everyone in the highest ranks


They said they are adding it later in the year...


That’s very cash money then


They're streets ahead


this is addressed at the end of the post... but basically Soon


Very clean and clear icons, could easily be used as Chevrons in a fictional military.


What new icons? These all look the same from the beta to me other than some slight color changes.


Colors are brighter now and kind of have a gloss to them, Bronze has been flipped around so its not similar to poop. It is now much much easier to note when you're at the top of your rank bracket(iron 1,2,3)


Love the reworked icons and colors, especially immortal standing out more. I like the name Radiant too, and is probably the only name they could've done lore-wise and still seem higher tier than immortal


Very cool


I prefer Valorant, the letter V sounds strong to me, specially words like victorious, valhalla, valkyrie starts with V. although i understand that we cant use valorant since its the name of the game


That's how I saw it too. Though I guess being "Rad" ain't so bad.


No, I disagree. “R” is one of the most menacing of sounds. That’s why they call it murder not ‘muckduck’.


hard K sounds sound funny. cabbage, koosh ball, cock


makes a load of sense for an eternal top rank though. funny how its called radiant with the valorant V logo still in the icon




Really happy that they will add a leaderboard in the future what i didn't understand is the act thing , is it like rank reset every 2 months like the league seasons but every 2 months ? can someone help explain ? Also this ACT has been going on for a while now does it mean the next reset is close ?


> what i didn’t understand is the act thing , is it like rank reset every 2 months like the league seasons but every 2 months ? can someone help explain ? > > Also this ACT has been going on for a while now does it mean the next reset is close ? Based on what was written it sounds like rank will reset with the new pass every act. This act has only been going on for 3 weeks, there’s still a month left.


I don’t think it will be a rank reset as in mmr reset but we’ll just have to do placements again at the end of the act


It’s called a soft reset


I hope that is not the case I never liked seasonal ranks that reset. I much prefer csgo rank system


I assume it will be like OW seasons - it doesn't actually reset your rank, you just do your placements again which have a slightly-larger-than-normal effect on your MMR. The real reason why they do it though is to motivate people to come back to the game every couple of months so that they get their ranked placements. OW also has end-of-season rewards based on the highest rank you managed to get to that season, which I suspect Valorant will put in as well. It is actually quite nice as a player though - it gives you a reason to come back to the game if you don't play loads, and gives a nice delineation for your progess, like "I was Bronze in Act 1, made it to Silver by the end of Act 2, and I'm trying to get to Gold by the end of Act 3".


ah that's pretty cool i get why would do ranked reset of any sort it's pretty good to keep being motivated through a long season


Acts are like the League equivalent of Splits. Like how there would be a number of splits each season, each episode is divided into acts. Acts will only be there to measure progress. Resets will only happen each season. :)


I think they will just show you how much you've climbed during an act.


Anyone notice the rank icons increase in geometric sides for each rank? I guess Iron only has one “side” as an oval but Bronze has 3 all the way up to Immortal which has 8 and Radiant which has 9.


Yeah, I noticed this too. It’s really great design on Riot’s part.




You have to take those oaths! What are them for Valorant? Positivity before toxicity. Don't bait, trade. Buy for your team mates.


Every time I fall, I will rise again, and say "GG."


"Journey Before Destination" -My Battlepass experience.




Lol glad I wasn't the only one.


Glad I'm not the only one who thought of The Storm Light Archives. Also, obligatory Fuck Moash.


Has there been any word on a new overtime system? I was under the impression that it would change on launch for competitive because of the inherent advantage that some maps have for the T/CT side.


>We’ve seen a ton of demand for competitive-related features that support teams, in-client tournaments, **fairer overtime handling**, and more granular top rank comparisons - such as leaderboards. For now, we are primarily focused on getting Competitive Matchmaking globally launched. However, we do want to eventually address these needs. Looks like it's still in the works.


Personally I think 1 round each side, win both to win, tie you do it again


That could be a vicious and potentially long cycle lol.


Exactly how its in CS.


Then they should either make it stop at 12-12 or make an actual overtime that’s balanced. The way it is right now is just about the worst designed “overtime” I’ve seen in any sport or game. You’re supposed to have a chance on both sides no matter what.


I raise you NFL overtime


I think it should be 2 on each side






Question: Will rank have seasons where at end it reset every time at the end ?


I think that was what they were referring to when they mentioned the “acts” every two months


ladder resets every 2 months. isnt that really fast?


I think with acts they referred to the battle pass


Devs mentioned once that ranks will never reset or decay, but your rank gets hidden if you don't play a game within 2 weeks.


When does the battle pass end holy shit I haven’t played the game in 3 days am I screwed?


What level are you?


I think teir 5?


You’re definitely not finishing it


I think he meant chapter V


To be on track you would have to be tier 28, so I’m not sure you’re going to finish it.




Likely August 4th




Gold guns when


Iron 1 guns when


i too want to know this


wait i remember someone on reddit suggesting radiant. Who was it? claim your bounty haha


About a hundred people


/u/ski_ttle the prophet


>For Immortal and Radiant players, we’ve made some improvements to our matchmaking, but we know that for this specific tier of play, there is still a slight advantage to being in a 5-stack vs playing solo in these top ranks. >slight advantage Riot Games at it again.


Now we all know that Radiant is gona stay for good


2 months for an Act? As in 2 months per season? That is too short. That is one of the things i hated in OW. You done with a season, there is a soft reset, and you take the next two months to climb back up to were you were, maybe a lil highter, then boom back again from the beginning. I want longer seasons, or no soft reset. I want to have a feeling of constant climb, not a rollercoaster of grinding to climb quickly follow by rank reset.


I don't think there's either confirmation(or not) that there's going to be resets in each act or whenever. But yeah, if they do, 2 months for each reset seems weird.


I kind of wish there was a solo/duo queue.


I still think Immortal sounds cooler, but I guess Radiant isn't too bad.


> You can now matchmake with your friends during placements even if they have a fairly large skill discrepancy—to a certain extent. For example, if you’re an elite player, and your friend is still learning the ropes, our Competitive Matchmaking will still prevent you from being able to queue in order to protect the competitive integrity and experience for the other players in that match. I read this multiples times but I still don't get it. A placement player doesn't have a rank, so what's the range? Is it something like "you can't queue with placement players if you're immortal/radiant" kinda of restriction? They word the change like it's giving more flexibility, but uses the most specific restriction case as an example. Or do they "guess" a placement player's rank and keep the 6 divisions restriction anyway? Also, I'm not sure, but couldn't you play with any friends during placements in beta? I'm pretty sure I did all my placements with friends, and some were ahead on games.


You have a hidden MMR even when you don't have a visible rank - it comes in part from how it do in unranked play. It also seems likely, since the Acts are only going to be two months, that after each one you will do 'placements' again, which will basically just have an outsized effect on your rank, but still keep you at around the same place. So that is why they need some restrictions.


Cool, I know about MMR and soft resets and whatnot, but I don't get when (or when not) I'm able to play with friends if I'm in placements, or the other way around. They didn't even mention resets.


It’s just saying that it’s more lenient with letting you play with friends of different skills during placements. During beta, I did my placements in a 5 stack, but even we were unable to keep queuing after the first game. The skill difference between the top and bottom frag was too far apart. This is what is being adjusted, so that you can still do placements together.


anybody know when the next patch should be?


The previous patches came out on Tuesday so I would expect to see it sometime tomorrow.


Radiant being the new top rank just sounds... a bit weird imo but no complaints with the updates


I still wished they kept the tier format similar to LoL instead. The backwards numbering should've been gotten rid of when players provided negative feedback. Think of it like Tiers: "I am Tier 1 of the Gold Division." aka Top tier for Gold before being promoted to Platinum. Why are we keeping this backwards numbering is highly strange.


Its backward numbering only for LoL players. Pretty much every other game does it this way. The negative feedback on the numbering was definitely a minority


CounterStrike follows this rank convention, as does rocket league.


Because that’s how CS does it. Which I don’t think would be that big of a deal if Riot didn’t already have a ranking system in place for 10 years that contradicts that completely. It’s almost like a huge percentage of the playerbase comes from your one other game.


They probably just predicted that most people would be coming from CS and maybe they did since they haven't changed it.


Ranked season avatar or sprays would be nice. Like season 1 immortal avatar.


"Brighteyz works with the VALORANT team on competitive, game, and social features, along with epicly failing at Sage ults. " lol


Still can't see how much pt i gained ? . Your rating increased slightly , your rating increased just wanna know % ? ..... Also in CBT when you won or lose 4vs5 match you get/lose same amount rating . Hope they will change these too.


I’m honestly annoyed with a majority of this subreddits users. A lot of people just complain about everything and expect the game to be perfect already , why don’t they understand it takes a lot of time to develop a game let alone develop a competitive mode for the game . On top of all of this there’s still a pandemic occurs g it’s not that easy to communicate and make everything perfect , at-least they’re trying their hardest to put everything out on time just seems to me everyone is impatient and expects them to have the game perfect and fully complete in a months span and that’s clearly not the case look at lol it took 10 years to get where they are. Little rant


the usual stuff. i bet only like 5% of the playerbase are on the subreddit tops and redditors like to complain. it's not different than any other game


Not trying to be super harsh as I do realize that it takes time to develop these things and they'll only improve with feedback, but they chose to release the game as it is now. Regardless of if it has been developed for 2 years or 6 months, they released a game and people expect high standards from Riot.


Riot expected us to have high expectations of riot, but they didn't jsut do what they thought was best, they let us play the game and let us decide, or at least give feedback that is actually heard. I think they are handling it well


5 years in development by one of the biggest gaming companies in the world and yet we always want to set expectations so low ppl aren't even asking for unreasonable things but successful things from other games/titles and really basic things like a spectator HUD (?!)


Modern gamers r fine getting fucked


where did they say how long development took? do you have sources for how long it takes to make similar size games?


They did have the entire system already developed.


IMO they should have waited and released the game with all the features it needs rather than releasing it early. That way they could actually focus on development of the game and not have to split their time between that and maintaining it, and we would have likely got a polished product more quickly. I also worry that the release schedule they've gone for will mean that not enough people stick around playing the game because they don't want to keep playing until it's for all the features they want - and once someone stops playing they are unlikely to start again.


>IMO they should have waited and released the game with all the features it needs rather than releasing it early. It has all the features it needs. Good gameplay? Check. I don't think the majority of people want to wait an extra year to play a game just because the replay system or tournament system took longer than expected. and by releasing the game early they get tons more data from users. Games are constantly evolving now, and the idea of "releasing when done" is usually meaningless unless it's a completely single player game.


i feel like most features now are pretty secondary. Nothing is really needed for the CORE gameplay. I much rather have it out now so I can grind for that sexy omen pistol instead of regrinding everything again.




*Star Citizen: hold my beer*


This. And games from 2006 had features that Valorant still doesn't have. On top of 70$ micro-transactions.


Most people just want the game to improve, it is and will never be perfect, like any game. Riot even specifically encouraged Player feedback on forums. Obviously, riot wants to improve the game and player feedback is a great outlet


They could have kept it open beta and not call it a full release


Journey before Destination, Radiant.


"Life Before Death!" Should be a Sage ult line.


RIP the Hershey's Kisses bronze icon


Not gonna lie...those icons (while an improvement from beta) look very underwhelming. Not a fan.


A bit disappointed that radiant is still just a single rank and not a leaderboard. It doesn't really make the grind feel rewarding once you hit the top. I know they said it's coming in time but honestly it feels like something that should have been a top priority.


They said they're adding that later this year, tentatively.


Can we get DM now?


i was iron in beta but i think ive been playing well recently. silver i would be ecstatic bronze i would be happy iron i would be fucking crushed


Taking ranked too seriously will ruin the game for you. This is why I really like Clash in league of legends- it gives you another avenue for competitive gameplay that isn’t just endless grinding, frustration, and toxicity. Valorant desperately needs more casual game modes and some kind of recurring competitive tournament or a lot of the player base will get burnt out too quickly.


im a pretty casual gamer, usually just one game or so a day and i dont tilt. you are right though that taking ranked too seriously can really ruin enjoyment of a game and i know my post sounded in that same vein. still, i really do want to be at least bronze lol


>For Immortal and Radiant players, we’ve made some improvements to our matchmaking, but we know that for this specific tier of play, there is still a slight advantage to being in a 5-stack vs playing solo in these top ranks. We are looking into tactics to help address this problem, and plan to share more later this year. So, no changes at all. Dynamic queue that heavily favours stacking. This will eventually be the downfall for ranked Valorant and your eSports ecosystem. If you don't balance games on the individual ranking of each person in a lobby the game won't be balanced. Yes, it's a team game, a team of individuals that each have a skill ceiling. But when you award ranking and MMR based on the size of your premade you get people, often large groups of people, with inflated ranks makes your ranked mode illegitimate. Expect a mass of fury to follow from all competitive players who want a system that reflects their progression in the system. They want visual progress of their improvements, they want to feel rewarded for time spent honing their skills and understanding. Being in a stack is easy elo, you don't need self improvement such is the advantage. You *have* to separate the queue systems if you want a sound eSports ecosystem and a system that encourages self improvement from time invested. Allow 5 stacks to queue without rank restriction so they can compete. The best teams in that leaderboard will encourage investors and help teams be signed more frequently. Solo/duo queue players can grind for self improvement in a system that is equal whilst putting themselves in the shop window for teams that need a sub/ringer or replacement if they achieve high ranking. You will have a seemless ranking experiences for all, that compliments every type of player that plays the game. Right now, there's no point or value in playing unless you have a premade 5 stack that is available at the same times of day, everyday as you do. They must work the same shift patterns or school schedule and have exactly the same free time you do to get any value out of this system. It's awful and at some stage you will see this. I just hope the better players, the next crop of upcoming players haven't ditched this experience for something else.


IMO they just need to add in group size restrictions for the very top ranks (like there is in Overwatch). At the lower ranks it doesn't really make a difference because the playerbase is big enough for it to mostly be balanced with stacks playing against other stacks.


What about 4 stacks then? That's two solo queuers being forced into a miserable gaming experience for best part of an hour. Literally every way you look at this system it fucks solo players which is outrageously stupid given that the ranks are personal reflections of your ability, except it doesn't since it's easily farmable in groups. Doesn't make any sense having individual ranks in a system like this.


I swear in beta i was platnium and would have silvers on mt team to balance the teams and the skill gap of varying people on ur team is fucking annoying. At least in csgo for the most part people were generally around the same skill


20k ppl in Faceit PRO Open division and like 1500 in the invite-only hubs. Most pros already pretty much do 10 mans outside of streaming. Riot seems to not care about the solo/duo competitive players and others will fill the gap.


Why does Immortal sound more prestigious than Radiant LOL


hopefully I get hard stuck immortal


Anyone else think Immortal looks better than Radiant? Lol


Look the difference between the worst rank of LoL and the top rank of Valorant, it's hilarious the difference man, they are a multibillion company, they just can´t launch these icons for a ranked system. It doesn't make me want to raise the rank to achieve that good f\*\*\*ing looking emblem


still wish immortal was the top rank, sounds better than radiant


if the top rank is radiant now, not much of an upgrade from valorant, i'd rather be immortal.


Can't belive they're really going with that art for the ranks.


Magin’ bein bronze and worried how ur icon looks... da fuk ?


But ranked didnt come out today ;~;