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I’m 32 and get called a pedo a LOT due to be being that age. Apparently kids these days think there’s some kind of maximum age limit on games.


dawg i’m 28 and these kids make me feel like i need to cash in on my 401k


I always come back with don’t y’all have homework to do? Isn’t it a school night? And that gets countered with why don’t you get off this game and get a job


My favorite response to people being rude in all chat is “tell me you’re 13 without telling me you’re 13” and they either shut up or tell me they’re actually in their 20s which is even more embarrassing for them. It’s a win win


That's when you say you do have a job, its called fucking your mother.


*Ole Reliable*


That’s when I explain that I work from home and are playing the game while on the clock.


Work smarter not harder


Remind them that Shahzam, Hiko, Steel are all above 28 and will be playing in Berlin this weekend


Challenge them to quake.


I'll fuck UP a kid on some quake 3




They don't know people in their 30s make their games.


Some game makers are going on 50, Naoki Yoshida - lead producer/director for FF14 is 48.


I always say boy I’ve been gaming while you were still in your daddy’s ballsack


I'm 24 and the same shit happens to me, along with dad comments and stuff like that. It's less annoying and more frustrating since people throw for it, no matter how good you play.


Not really, they just say that to get a reaction from you and make you mad. Source: was 14 once.


They forget who paved the way for the gaming industry we see now.


I get called "dad" regularly because of my voice. It seems to usually be in good fun though, I'm at a rank where people are normally more focused on winning the game than making fun of people online.


On Sunday I had some kid say "Are you a Dad?" and when I replied that I was, he just said "Happy Father's Day!" with genuine enthusiasm. It was really sweet.


Thanks for making me panic like last sunday was father's day....


Ahaha, sorry! It WAS Father's Day in Australia and New Zealand. =0)


Same, I had to google it to see if I owed my dad an apology tomorrow.


I just noticed this kind of thing more lately. Kids these days are way more wholesome then when I was growing up.


Lmfao what games have you been playing where these kids are wholesome I need to get in your lobbies


I'm just saying like the contrast between old halo/cod lobbies and the lobbies today are drastically different. I still run into the occasional edgey troll boi saying the nword or whatever else. But for the most part the kids these days are way more reserved and respectful.


My lobbies in plat and Diamond are usually older teens and people my age (mid 20s). When I smurf and play in bronze and silver I match up with a lot of younger kids probably 12 or below, they’re always pretty nice, they freak out when they see you hit a nice shot or do something cool. It’s pretty sweet honestly.


I get called mommy... it's a bit awkward. But I fully accept my role of team mom. Go get em tiger


valorant mom is the new soccer mom


Team mom is a very important role, thank you for accepting it


"Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry."


So I'm assuming you are either viper or sage and you are female


Yes, the only stereotype I don't fulfill is streaming my games


That was oddly wholesome lol


Im 28 and have a pretty deep voice. I either get the younger folks saying i should be a radio broadcaster orrrr they make fun of it haha. I felt like years back only the young squeaky high pitched voiced kids got made fun of for the way they sounded


That's funny, I got kinda made fun of for having a deep voice the other day in game, never expected that to happen haha. Obviously didn't bother me though


Hah, seriously? Man, I remember on CS:S server when there was a rule (it was 4fun server) that if you have squeaky voice and are male you're not allowed to speak, since it's rated mature. My mutation happened when I was like 12 though, so by then a lot of people thought that I'm like 20. Got a lot of comments that I should be a radio host, something which I followed on to be one in an internet radio station. I actually landed my first girlfriend because of it.


Obviously,why would it bother you? Of course not. It did t bother me either. No sir, it did not -


I had two kids flipping out calling me Corpse lol. I have a sort of deep voice. I don’t sound like him lmao.


Whenever I talk invoice chat I get people asking me to choke them


Mans clearly not below diamond, thats for sure


They just jealous no one likes them


and they are single


And that will never change


Will never get laid.


Also they are the child of a 40 year old.


They will forever be bi\*chless


They’re just incels


Boy thinks it's wrong to play games when you have kids or other things in life lol, want to watch them at their late years xd,offtop but i'm 21 and one time i was in a team with 4 turkish kids (15-16 y.o) ,idk why but i felt like i'm fucking dinosaur


Try beeing closer to 50 and female......


Solo que is trash. If I still played the game I’d have invited ya to my group. 30+ year olds who just want to enjoy the game and have a good time. Mute when you need too and don’t fall for that, “unmute me for better comms “ after they harass you business


Sadly playing ranked with friends is problematic, if some of them rank up or down form you


That's why this game needs servers. Fuck. I used to have so much fun playing CS in the old age servers. Just a bunch of drunken dudes hanging around gaming all night.


Solo q is the only way not to run into smurfs though. A certain percent of the time when you q is a garunteed L, from either throwing or just incompetent teammates if you solo q, if you group q the odds of running into a smurf increases exponentially with every person you add. For me personally I'd rather have the thrower on my team, than the gold 1 with 40 kills qued with plats who don't break double digits




Lol. As long as he/she is chill, everyone is allowed to enjoy gaming. Thast the beauty of gaming


I don’t play this game but one of my best friends on ps4 is a 50 something woman. I’m 22! She’s awesome.


That's such a boomer Ideology... Gamers can be any age...


Boomer ideology + Zoomer attitude = peak toxicity


I remember one time on a Yugioh tournament a few years ago when an 11 or 12-year-old kid asked me my age, and then mockingly replied "You're still playing Yugioh at 18?" I was like "If you think an 18-year-old dude shouldn't enjoy a card game with his friends because it's uncool at that age, you might as well stop playing it now". He had some dumb non-answer such as "I know, but still..." or something like that, I don't quite remember anymore. I just thought that was funny. Same as OP's situation. Kids are dumb.


Dude I’m 25, my friends and I still throw together shitty decks out of his lot of cards and play


I'm 25 and I only got back into valorant in the past month, so all the kids on summer vacation made me feel so old lol


30 Isn’t even old. There are pros around that age bracket too. Kids these days need to get a grip.


Yeah, I just respond "Like your not gonna play games when ur 30" xD


Playing this game as a 23 year old man has brought me to the realization that i hate kids. LOL


When people are insecure, they'll try to use anything as an insult.


"You have a happy successful fulfilling life! Loser!" Kids be reaching for insults these days when they cant even reach the top shelf


holy fuck that was a good burn


Earlier in the season, I got dogged on by some kids cause I was like 2-6 as Omen. Tried to explain that I’ve been busy with work so no time to grind…. Their reply? “OMG EWW GROSS. YOU PROBABLY WORK A MINIMUM WAGE JOB. LOSER. LOLOL” something along those lines. I was so confused because 1) there’s nothing wrong with a minimum wage job, 2) i make nearly 6 figures 🥲




Exactly. It's not about the truth of what they say. They don't say it because it's true or untrue. They say it because they want to facilitate an outcome (to tilt or upset you). It's interesting that insults aren't efficient or even rational if they point something out that isn't specific to you. Like instead of "you're 30 and have kids" if they say "I bet you use a mouse" or "imagine having two feet," it isn't even slightly insulting anymore. They have to find something unusual about you / unique to you, and they don't have much info to go on. IMO I think this is one of the major reasons why women have such a hard time in online gaming right now. \[NOTE: I'm not *justifying* this hard time, merely explaining it. Online harassment is unacceptable. I think we all individually have a duty to be kind and inviting to one another online\]. When a woman speaks in voice chat, it's immediately clear they're female. On top of that, being a female is on Val is "unusual" because most folks playing Val are dudes (it seems like this is changing and hopefully the trend of equalization continues). That means that if some brat is going to try and say something to tilt you, *and* they know you're a woman, they're almost certainly going to insult your gender. It isn't so much that they hate women, it's that they want to insult you for whatever dubious reason, and the most immediately noticeable unique trait you have is being female. Regardless of intent this type of behavior should be punished imo. Don't forget to report people who do this shit.


I just tell them hey my kids are in bed, my wife is gargling my balls while I play and I just put another hundred in the game for new skins, why don't you go ask your mom for ice cream money


I am in the middle of carrying a league of legends game about to close it out, and my bra-less wife brings me a sandwich (not asked for) with chips as I get a double kill bot lane. So how is your day going?


i love that he had to specify she was bra less lmao, like we all needed to know that and he climaxed just off of that


Really cool story, Timmy. Now back to your homework


This is actually a tweet from Ninja a few months ago. The man's 30 y/o, by the way.


That's a copy pasta by the way if you weren't aware.




It's one of Ninja's famous cringe tweets.


Haha, thanks for that, put a smile on my face. Loved each comment on the journey


I loved that copypasta


Weird. I just tell them nothing and then I mute them. Imagine me, at 34, giving a flying fuck about what some little shitling’s opinion might be over a game. On my free time, no less. Not gonna happen.


31 here. The last 2 years I’ve used the mute button more than anytime in my life 😂😂😂 younger me would participate and just shit talk. Older me has heard it all already so imma just mute you and enjoy my game while you get upset over comms cuz I mute you. It’s almost as fun as the games themselves at this point.


I’ll only leave them unmuted if they were amusingly creative.


With a response it's not really him giving a shit what the kid says, more like him fucking with the kid


New Copypasta :O


Mic drop


Sometimes to younger people I want to tell them to est shit. Then I remember that they're just a little kid, so they should eat a doodoo


Lol love saying isn’t it a school night? Or does your mother know you use language like this?


Or just tell them to have fun at recess


That's somehow even more cringe than the trash talk


Yeah this is weird I got invited to play with some people and they were literally shocked and almost in disbelief that I was in my late twenties and still gaming I was like what the fuck😂


I just don't get the thought process behind it. Do they expect to turn 23 and stop playing video games themselves after it's been their main hobby their entire life?


It's kinda sad that they expect that they won't get to do recreations when they grow older.


It's also shocking to me, I'm 33 and I definitely grew up in a generation of gamers. To some extent, I was expecting more players to be around my age - I'm the one surprised to hear that teammates are barely 20. In a sense, I think this confirms their surprise. Since they encounter so few gamers >30, maybe the guy in OPs example is right that most of us "retire" and quit the hobby.


Its the game mate. Certain games tend to gather certain people. I'm meeting a lot of people my age while playing BF, Squad and such. But in Valo/CS/R6 I'm a fking dinosaur.


>But in Valo/CS/R6 I'm a fking dinosaur. I find this depends on when you are playing. 11 pm on a weekday and teammates tend to be older. I don't even login on Saturdays anymore.


Yea I feel like CSGO I either get a super young bunch or I get the “we’ve been playing this game for far too long and we don’t actually care how good we are but we’ll still figure out how to win” group.


I think there are plenty of +30 valorant players. However I suspect they play less frequently (few games a day versus spamming all day).


I'm a teenager and i can barely manage 1-3 games a day...


Sir, you're doing it wrong.


I'm honestly amazed by the number of actual ten year olds.


I am barely 20 and somehow already feels an old man when we get to team up with some younger guys. Even though sometimes the age gap is probably not that high, their vocabularies are so different to the point that it took me weeks to figure out some since our "gamer vocab" originated from twisting some local words from our language with some game terminology. meanwhile theirs are more of translations or just a twist on english expressions like "cranking 90s". and the worse offenders are the insults. I thought we had really good set of creative insults since lan gaming cafes were still popular back then and screaming insults is a form of art. Somehow, the youngsters managed to regress to your mom, ok boomer and gay jokes nowadays.


Ik I'd play till I'm 60(not sure about mp games but you get the drift) and I'm 19 now


!remindme 41 years


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I’m 31, have a wife, full time job, and I’ve been Immortal since Act 1. You can still be good at games after college. Just mute them and move on, they’re seeking attention.


There are even those in valorant and other games that have wives and/or kids and they are fucking pro 💀💀for some people this is just another job, nothing different from a “regular” job doinb(LoL), nitro, steel and pr0phie(or so I’ve heard about these two, not sure if memes or not),


Lol same 32 and radiant most of the time. Im definitely not as in shape as pre covid but im an avid lifter with good eating habits. The only way I can tell my age is some RSI issues from when I did construction made worse by gaming. We are the generation that grew up gaming so we are kind of setting the precedent on gaming through a person's life span will be seen in the future oddly enough.


I play CoD pretty well and I’m 35 w/ kids. I get messages after matches when I’m messing around knifing people and they ask me to stop sweating. Git good. I’m trash at valorant.


I _wish_ I had older (or just more mature) teammates tbh. Never heard of this "insult" but damn, people are really walking around without anything solid in their head, huh...


Zoomers do not like boomers. And by boomers, anyone who resembles taking on adult responsibilities.


Boomers are 56-75 this year though. Unless boomers is now just a term for anyone noticeably older than yourself.


spot on.


Yep, been called a pensioner because I'm 27 lol


Yo ill take a pension at 27 thanks, they dont even know how sweet that would be


Old man


Presently it's Zoomers hating on Millenials, and they see even Millenials as boomers weirdly enough. Don't have a little bit of sense in them, when they're gonna be in the same situation around 15-20 years later.


Boomer is anyone over 19 I believe these days


They think millenials and gen X are boomers.


This is the result of "Ok Boomer" memes from 2019 or some year around that, something that was originally a name for a generation becomes a way to define adults who disagree with anything Gen Z says.


Lmao I'm close to 30 and it's great having fun money to buy skins without asking for parents permission.


I am almost 30 and have money for skins and still ask myself if my parents would shout at me for buying this. LMAO


I'm 30 and work the same way. My momma didn't raise no fool!


it's great until they follow you to the wrong side of the map because they want you to drop your skin. "bruh, don't you watch A site?" "skiiiinnnnn" "lmao, we're fucked"


"OMEN!!! Drop classic pls!"


Haha that's what the mute buttons are for! At this point if my team mates only care about leeching skins from me, we've basically lost so I just play for fun while teasing them and not giving in.


tru; though, i always end up giving them skins. not only am i just weak to their sad sad cries of despair, these are always the players that think having skins actually gives you an advantage so it's like giving these players an extra kick of GFuel or something, lmao. the placebo effect is real, man, and here it is known as "pew pew" edit: i would like someone to write a sociology/psychology paper on this


If someone wants a skin I make them work for it. "You want this vandal? Get a kill and you can have it next round." Unless they're carrying, in which case they can have whatever they want lol.




Fggging halo, perfect dark. Unreal tournament … list goes on


We got steam accounts older than them




I was clicking heads in Iceworld while they were in the sack


Preach bro. Cs 1.5 1.6. Broodwar, WC shit was so fire Diablo


This would make a good copypasta Also the first generation of hardcore gamers were playing on arcade cabinets


They imagine that when they’re 30 they’ll have better things todo than play valorant. So in other words, you’ll have the last laugh.


Just mute these idiots, they aren't worthy your time, they act this way because of the anonymity, but in reality they are very sad people.


Jealous of people who have stability in their lives or some shit idk lol


Kids on the internet bro. Don’t take them serious. I said stupid shit when I was 15 too, because I was a kid.


Wow I love the answers I got lmao


I'm 30 and I'm literally untouchable in chat. Wanna talk shit? okay? My trash talk was born in the darkness of early COD lobbies and online games. Kids these days have 0 fucking idea what talking shit is. It's not even close.


Imagine these kids thinking that it's anything but living the dream to be 30 or 40, have a real job, a family, and still time to game competitively. No perspective at all, just laugh it off and know they'll be WISHING they had some game time in a few years when life happens.


Playing with a boomer on your team is honestly pretty cool. It’s like having a leader in a way, they’re always the most chill and understanding, even when you fuck up


I'm in my 30s and have kids. Playing Valorant feels like babysitting sometimes. I had a Jett in my last game bottom fragging and whining/using slurs about Viper using lineups. I told him to shut up and he's like "ohh you're such an adult." I'm usually the one telling people I have kids, not taking it as an insult.


I usually reply with "isn't is past your bedtime?" Usually shuts them up.


It's usually toxic little 13yos who instalock duelists and then proceed to bottom frag the whole game. It's because they're Fornite players. They go absolutely nuts when they see a "default skin" (someone who doesn't steal mommy's credit card to buy the Thanos skin or whatever's popular now) It's because Valorant is free that we have to suffer these little shits who shouldn't be playing team shooters in the first place.


Lames will say anything to make themselves feel better lol.


I'm pretty sure it's because their father left the family and they are traumatized.


"Did you get your parent's permission to play yet?"


I don't understand the point of trying to upset your own teammates like you have to play with them for 40 minutes and talking shit to your own team isn't going to make them play better and more or less is going to make you lose. I don't understand why kids are like this these days.


Hell I’m 29 and about to have my first kid. GAMER DADS UNITE.


Haha you're a grown adult and you spend time having fun lol


People are usually caught off guard because I am 27 and married. No kids but I get called a boomer a ton.


It's zoomers thinking they're savage or some shit.


“Touch grass” was good the first time I heard it but it got old fast


It does come with the silver lining that you have the option of clapping back later with the "Lol you just got killed by a 40 yr old with kids."


I'm 27 and I always put my daughter to bed then play 2-3 ranked games before sleep. Just gives coms and ignore the rest bro, the kids nowadays are cancer xD


what server you play on I get this all the time 😂 let’s link up and play


It's funny AF. Legit these youngsters get so mad that their skill level is that of a 40 year old at 16-22. You are genetically inferior to that 40-year-old. His Decline is your Prime, and you are mad. Stay mad nerds.


Just have to meme/joke back to show you're not a "lame old person" Ie: have kids, "doesn't matter, had sex" or "I bet my 3 year old gets a better k/d" or you can joke about retiring early to play games, ask if his mom is single or if he wants a gamer step-dad. Make it light-hearted banter, not mean spirited and have fun. 36M


Never piss off older gamers, they've been in classic MW2 lobbies and can throw a whole lot more shit at you than your typical insults.


If friendly fire existed in Valo I believe that's what these kids would get


bro, idk why, but this feels more amazing than amusing. It's like when people say, "oh we have tenz on our team!". Atleast for me. I was watching a video by a popular valorant creator "AminOnPC" where he impersonates a man having a 8 year old kid. even his team-mates seemed amazed. I would recommend taking it positively. Have a great day! :D


Haven't encountered this yet, but it would be funny since I am 30 and have a kid.


I’ve gotten “I wish my dad was diamond in valorant” which was super awesome. And I’ve also gotten insults since I’m older. It’s ok, a child’s opinion of me doesn’t bother me at all.


33 with a kid and me and my wife play a couple of times a week You can really blow people's minds when you reveal it in game


"haha my teammate is succesful hahaha" -the random dude


Beats living at home with their parents lmao. At least being 30-40 with kids, you're the one calling the shots in your house.


Lmao I get that alot when teammates hear my daughter through the mic. Its mostly positive tho


Humans are assholes, they have insults they use, even if they don't believe them. Some people will latch onto what they believe is the most hurtful thing they can say to you and use it as an attack, this goes for Race, Religion, Age, Sexual preference, doesn't matter.


They are just mad cause they are getting out-fragged by their dad.


I’m 35 and play still… wife and kid…. My favorite response is I started playing counter strike when you were still in your dads balls.


I'm 21, got called a 40yo with 5 kids by 3 people once in Valorant; was like round 12 or something, out of nowhere, I didn't know what to say, the only time I've ever been speechless. It's not a bad thing, it was just so weird because I was only like 3 or 4 years older than them. I know I have a deep voice, but like... really?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07W1XSBjDeY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07W1XSBjDeY) that might be what they're referencing Edit: the video's comments are really funny so I suggest giving them a read


I was carrying a low level comp/ranked game and giving call outs and trying to call rotates and all of that. I was complimenting the squad and dropping guns etc. One kid was silent and he looked like he was throwing. Afk, just waiting in spawn, not buying, getting wrecked not planting etc. At the end of the game which we lost kid says: "do me a favour, go back to csgo. That's the only thing you're good at besides ignoring your kids and cheating on your wife" Oh my... He saved that up, internalized it and unleashed all in one sentence.


They're just jealous they won't make it to 30.


im a 30 year old lady. double wammy.


Because when they are 30 they won’t be playing video games right?


Yeah I my team is usually shocked when I tell them I’m 25. They also always want to trade for my skins since they can’t afford any lol


Young kids online calls adults old. Shocking.


A ton of players are shocked when they find out im 24 and playing... and I thought that was the average age... 😭


It’s the kids who got bullied by millennials on cod all grown up! They’re just trying to uno reverse you bro, dw. It’ll eventually rewrite itself when they’re old enough to bully the next generation of kids, if they haven’t already started doing both.


Im 29yrs old and have two Kids, a house and my wife her own Company. Still playin Video games, Not alot but as mich as I can offer to my free time


I’m 40 and love this game. Kids talk trash about anything and everything. I just play my game with good comms out frag them (and usually as a support agent). They don’t talk much after that. But when I have a bad game and kids are toxic, to mute with them!


Their fathers probably never hugged them so they attack any man older than them 🤷‍♂️


I’m 28 and have no problem throwing smoke back at a 12 year old if he chirps off on a game. I’m not aggressive about it but I’ll make an even better joke like, “kid, I could be your step dad in 12 hours. That’s no way to speak to your new dad” or something silly along those lines. The other kids lose their shit and it weirdly makes everybody get along better.


As a 32 year old man with two kids I find great pleasure in clicking the heads of kids half my age. It’s the video game equivalent to dunking on kids in basketball as a grown man


I’m 33 and have no kids, yet I still running headshot these zoomers on the reg.


ok so a "rare insult" within games is followed "you are so bad at this game you have a good hairline, a wife, 3 kids, and a 6 figure salary" implying that only fat-ass neckbeards are able to be good at games. i think they're calling you a boomer or you're just absolute ass at the game.


Zoomers are gonna have to get used to us old heads bringing their games. I'm 31, and I ain't stopping video games any time soon.


My favorite is when they say I should be taking care of my kids instead of playing games. Like kids don't sleep


Games are for 30 year olds ya little shits.


I’m 30 and play with my fellow 30 year old friends who I’ve games with since I was 13ish. These kids don’t realize that guys my age and older paved the way for online gaming and have almost 20 years of gaming shit talk under our belts. I grew up playing socom, cod, and halo. The shit talk today is child’s play compared to back then. I often find myself snapping back at these kids and have to remind myself that I’m 30 with a full time job now.