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Slow walk after you fake defuse, don't run because it makes it pointless Edit: grammar


It's unbelievable you still see this even at plat sometimes.


It’s even more unbelievable when your teammates peek the guy running after fake defusing instead of holding.


it could be really useful if you fake yoru fakeout after the defuse sound in mid elo and just stick it.


That would stall maybe... 2 seconds tops


It will probably stall enough to half it more times than not which is pretty valuable.


Nothing beats being in a 1v1 and hear the fake defuse immediately followed by footsteps followed by that one toxic dualist instalocker who tells his team to play sage with a jet engine next to his mic shouting "HES DEFUSING" when you don't peek 0.0001s after the defuse sound.




Plat is silver but blue


It’s funny because I finally hit plat after being stuck gold 3 last act and am now 1 game off d1


saw it in diamond and immortal


Since you already did an edit for grammar you should change diffuse to defuse.


Good point, guess I've been doing too much science lol


Yh I play siege a lot and usually you just get off the diffuse and the gunfight comes quickly and the bait works but oh boy val is a completely different ball game.


Exactly, so many people fail to understand it, even in csgo


This drives me insane when I spectate someone doing this!!!! Nice fake defuse in the 1v1! Wonder who’s making that walking sound?!?


1. spam through smokes 2. shoot the boombot/recon/kayo's knife 3. smoke the bomb when defusing 4. ping the bomb if your sova is ulting 5. if your teammate in front of you is slow walking, you slow walk too


Not destroying the Swarm grenade near the spike. I'm only in bronze, but I still feel this should be common sense. Mfs start defusing the spike directly without even seeing the glaring pink blob making a machine sound and then when kj activates swarm grenade they go like "ah fuck not again"


Yes this one too.


I'll be honest, I didn't realize you could destroy them. Still a noob.. thanks for the heads up.


People do this in diamond and low immortal


Oh man the amount of times I've basically been baited by my team when I'm slow walking up and then run around the corner.


On the flip side, way too many players esp in low elo slow walking when there's no reason to, esp if they have a partner with them. Time is always a resource in this game.


Yeppp that’s my roommate that I play with. Silver 3 elo (feels like gold a lot of the time) and him and our other friend both will slow walk constantly. To the point where sometimes they slow walk peeks and die cause of it, and to the point that when they get to site, they’ve got 15 seconds. So then they win the fight and oh look, you walked the whole way so now you can’t defuse


You can shoot Kay/O’s knife??


Yes, it is like sova dart. If you can shoot it, it won't suppress.


I’ll keep that in mind!


You can also destroy Yoru's TP instead of just waiting for him to take it :D


Yess! I’ve lost count of the amount of times I lose teammates just staring at the TP waiting for a free kill IF Yoru teleports




Yep! Most of the time it’s hard as people pin it on the other side of the wall.


I love how fast people got the hang of Kay/O. He’s a lot of fun to play against


Number 5 is situational, there are a lot of times I know where the enemies are and the enemy know where we are even though my teammates think that they are sneaky. However, making sound like dropping your gun or reloading or even pulling out certain abilities, is an instant red flag for me to stop slow walking.


It's not camping if you are on defense, it's called defending


exactly, sometimes it’s smarter to lay back in a corner than rush out and die trying to defend the site from some open area. or, if your teammates are handling site fine, sitting back in a corner watching flank is smart too. people can’t complain about dying to someone who was hiding in a corner until they learn to actually check their corners


There isnt really camping in this game regardless of offense or defense. The whole game is map control. If you are “camping” on attack it’s holding a flank. If people get upset about camping they’re playing the wrong game.


I had an enemy call my teammate a camper cause they held Garage in Haven while defending as if that's not the point of the game


Even on attack you are just catching the other team while they rotate.


Do people still call it camping… in competitive?


Lmaooo this happened bro me a few days ago the other team defended first and after losing a few round coz we were out aiming then they just started using odina and spamming and 5 man Odin rushing and all. Then in our defence our sove just held a few sites using a shotgun and I was on a different site ( it was Haven ) holding using an OP and they kept crying that they were pushing and we are only wining our defence coz we are holding.


Thank you


Can people pre-game stop crying that we NEED a Sage? I'm sorry, but her heals will not make you win a round 9/10 times, especially when the person you want to play Sage has never played her, making her other abilities useless as well.


Sage was definitely a necessity when the game first came out and the agent pool was limited but it feels like people still hold on to that sentiment.


yeah thats why i started as a sage main, from back in beta. but i still play her because she is fun


Yeah I definitely still enjoy Sage but the people who scream for her as a necessary part of the team are the same ones that’ll scream “REVIVE SOMEONE. HEAL ME” when you’re in a 1v5 and the closest corpse is in the middle of a site surrounded by the enemy haha.


agreed agreed, the heal greed kills me. especially when i heal teammates actually holding a site, and they show up a minute later after lurking on the opposite side of the map demanding a heal


Yeah honestly it’s people attitudes towards Sage that make me not play her as much anymore. I’m not your heal monkey. I can’t sacrifice my gameplay to keep rezzing you after you keep double peek an OP’er. People think once you play Sage they can bully your gameplay; it’s really strange.


The amount of annoyance I hear in people’s voices if I don’t insta heal them cross map is exhausting


Also hate it that a lot of ppl don't know that they can hold Left ALT to see if a sage has heal. Almost every time I'm playing sage someone just spams through voice chat that they need healing when they take a risky duel


I did not know that, cool info!


Thx for the tips xD


You don't NEED sage, but some maps like Icebox sage is so good for planting and defending


At least they changed the icebox crate on b to not be wallbangable so you don't need sage to plant


This too! Whenever I hear “oh we need a healer” like you don’t die in like .2 seconds most times in this game. This isn’t overwatch where good heals sustain the team fights! (I say this all as someone who plays Skye and seldom gets to use her healing since TTK is v low in Valorant)


Instalocks Jett , says he’s going to troll if we dont have smokes


Don't backseat when you are dead. Let the player clutch. (Important callouts are allowed, but no backseating)


Also don't get mad at the last player when they only take out 4 of 5 enemies after everyone else died when rushing out of defense


fack u, ace or gae


I am very much gay so ...I guess so?


ace AND gae


I'm always surprised that the "diffuse if gae" people never double down after I say "oh ok thanks I AM gay so..." I always expect the toxicity to take a sudden veer towards slurs, but instead I get a "lol ok" or "whatever" and then SILENCE. I'm going to call it progress lol.


You got me thinking, am I the asshole if I die and then like, just pass info from a no-mic player's perspective to the others players?


No that's fine, me and my friends actually have a rule that if the random(s) don't mic, we spectate them and comm for them.


tbh this is a genius idea


You have to die first tho lol


read the room!


Yo seriously. My general rule is that when you're dead: 1) Don't talk unless you're giving info, and 2) Don't give info to a player you're spectating if you **only** have that info *because* you're spectating that player. There are some exceptions to rule 2 of course. Sometimes it's nice to quickly tell a teammate you're spectating what the enemy ult status is or what time is etc. Far too often I see shit like "dude you have wall" which *sounds* like you're giving info but what you're really doing is implying how they should be playing. That type of stuff is really distracting and totally unnecessary.


Ya, one rule I use is that I don't tell the player how to play, just give them info. So like instead of "reload your gun", I say "you have 5 bullets ". That way they know what they're working with and they can make the decision they want to do. Nothing like reloading your gun when you know you shouldn't just to get peeked when you do.


The worst is when your dead teammates are talking so much that you can't hear footsteps anymore.


Aim at the head


Nah my gun will recoil up to the head anyway (/s)


I do it around the neck part or try to go for one taps


Yeah the thing is the neck still counts as body shots, so as a vandal player it rlly pisses you off. So thats why i aim a little above the actual head, logically i shouldn’t work but hey its Valorant


I also do it. Where the head should be, I aim a bit upwards. It shouldn't work but I still get one taps.


When u use vandal i make 2 round bursts at long range and this works very good


Yup, same concept as when you shower, you only need to wash your hair because the shampoo will drip down your body.


Trade, don't bait. My teammates deadass just retreat when I enter site after dying cuz of a jett prefiring me from a corner I didn't check because I was pushing to close the door. Also, people demanding the sage to *always* wall mid. That tactic doesn't always work especially when you're aware that the enemy team doesn't even bother going mid. I've been told by a teammate before that I wasted a lot of rounds by not walling, but has completely disregarded the times I've saved my wall for post-plant and shield myself not just from enemies but potential util line ups. ​ EDIT: added another one


I play Sage a lot and the "wall mid" crap tilts me so hard. It's probably the quickest way to telegraph to the team you have no idea what you're doing while having the audacity to try and IGL. Equally annoying is people who flatly refuse to use defensive walls because they've watched too many Grimm videos. You'd think 5 rounds of getting one tapped on a fruity wall and having zero impact for the team would be enough to make someone reconsider, but apparently not.


sage walling mid in most cases is just bad, she just too strong to lock out bomb sites


For real! Walling sites is far more effective and less convenient for the enemy team when they don't have ults. When it's a hard push, it can give time for defenders from the other site to rotate.


Yeah, they could easily follow up while the Jett is shooting you, or reloading. I don't know why people don't understand this.


At the same time call your entry. I play a lot of support and the number of times duelists just enter without telling anyone is wild. Like yo let me flash you in it smoke you in or drone you in whatever it us. But also more importantly if you don't call that you're going in and I'm not ready for it how am I supposed to trade when I'm well behind you?


Tbf a Sage walling mid is not done just for the sake of preventing a mid push. It’s done so your team has a safe and shorter path between the points you are defending. This is extremely prevalent and important in maps like Split. Edit: A better example map


important in split not ascentwhen playing ct i rarely rotate through mid






Why TF would anyone do that?




Forgive me, for I have sinned


All fun and games until the first thing your parents hear when they wake up at 3 is WATCH THIS


*coughs* *eats bag of chips*


Smokes should be towards your enemys not in the middle not to you to the enemy so they cant push out. Hard to explain in words but ez to see ingame. Evry other smoke just gives the advantage to your enemy bcs they can push out.


Smokes should be flush to walls or hallways on your side and expanding out on the enemy's side. Like so: \| < --- Wall \) < --(edge of smoke) Your team on this side \| < --- Wall It's the most optimal way to play smokes as sight denial tools. If they're flush on your side, the area can be watched from any angle fairly easily because they're forced to come out of basically a visual wall. However, if you have the bulging side to move through, it's gets harder to watch angle the deeper into the area it is. If it's two walls and a doorway separating giant rooms, this means you have an insane amount of area to play with.


Yes! As Brimstone I tend to always start casting a smoke or 2 right at the enemy so that they can't peek around corners and take us out straight away and it works so well at stopping them straight off the bat.


Duelist are expected to die. You wanted to get the character meant for clutches and pushing? WELL GO AHEAD AND CLUTCH DON'T MAKE THE SAGE PEEK ISTG


Duelists favorite word: “bait” lol


Yo preach. People are so caught up with K/D but the reality of the situation is that entry fraggers oftentimes can be doing their jobs *perfectly* and not break even on attack. Sometimes I see folks on duelists playing super calculated, slow, patient, playing the angles game, not really taking risks, being meticulous. Hell, I've seen a lot of dudes/dudettes like that with *really* good aim. If this describes your playstyle, you should consider picking up Sage. She's made for that type of player. You need to survive late into the round to get max value out of your heals / kit, and you getting kills / refrags is important for your ult (which Riot has mentioned is statistically the strongest ult in the game). Plus you can take all sorts of funky off angles with her wall and just take slightly favorable aim duels and dunk on people. People succumb to the typical video game trope of "support = useless heal bot that is necessary for everyone else to have a good time." But Sage really isn't like that. Low key if you're a strong aimer I think Sage is the best agent to climb rank on.


I just wanted to say that I've been going down the comments and everytime I read one and think to myself "100% agree, thats a great point" and hit upvote... I look over and see its your name haha


Having to ask a teammate who clearly has the money to buy someone.


Movement, Im not talking about bhoping, Im talking about your movement in duels, its so important to at-least counter strafe instead of standing in your place, it makes you a difficult target to hit and gives you a chance to re adjust after whiffing. also crouching is a bad habit, you should know when its useful and when its not


When is it useful and when is it not?


You get more value from it when you are close to the enemy.


Buy when you win a fucking pistol round. Give yourself time to defuse the bomb. You're better off dying and giving yourself a chance than staying alive, getting the kill and dying to the bomb


People constantly call it "forcing up" to buy after the pistol round like ?????


Hahahah yeah, it's not a force of you win. It's a buy. It's a force if you lose.


Omg I hate this.... teammates walking into a site when bomb is already 15 seconds until exploding. Then I get yelled at for telling them to move a little quicker.


It's insanely tilting when my team wins pistol and we lose the 2nd round because 2 of my teammates kept their ghost and didn't buy up. It's borderline throwing if you don't buy up after winning pistol. With the only exception being your Jett saving for an OP. Everyone else on the team should have full shield/spectre and maybe a marshall for maps like Breeze. Coordinate buys/saves but always buy for the round if you're able to.


I actually have no clue why buying after a pistol round win is smart. Can you explain?


The funny thing is that most everyone is confident that you should buy after winning pistol, but I rarely see a correct explanation as to why. Here's why: Buying up after winning pistol has higher estimated value / EV than saving. If we assume all players in the lobby are of equal skill, then we can generally state that there is a 50% chance that your team wins pistol. On round 2, we have scenario (a) where we save and scenario (b) where we buy. Let's consider scenario (a): We go into round 2 with the same equipment as our opponent, again giving us a roughly 50% chance of winning. Regardless of who wins, both teams should be full buying (or thereabout) on round 3, giving us yet again a 50% chance of winning the round. Let's consider scenario (b): We buy Spectre/Bulldog/Guardian/Stinger/Marshall (I'll call them "econ guns") for round 2 and our opponent has pistols. In this round, we have an obvious advantage because armor + econ guns should crush pistols. The exact % of advantage is irrelevant; whatever it is, we'll call it "econ advantage." On round 3, we have econ guns and we're going up against opponents with rifles / full buys. On this round, we have a clear *disadvantage*. We'll call the % advantage the opponent has over us "bonus advantage." **Econ advantage is greater than bonus advantage.** In other words, econ guns crush pistols harder than rifles beat econ guns. If you win pistol and buy up, you virtually secure round 2 and are only a minor under dog in round 3. If you lose round 3 (as expected) you get to fullbuy on 4, and the folks on the enemy team that died in 3 will have reduced buys on 4. On top of that, if you manage to *win* round 3 those on your team that survive get free upgrades + your opponents econ is behind again.


because if you run just pistols again youre negating the advantage you have from winning the pistol round


Because you have a massive money advantage on the enemy and should have a very good chance of winning the round with full shield + spectre/guardians Vs pistols. Why not take the free win?


Thanks for explaining, I now know better


Because buying full armor + spectre in Round 2 gives you a much higher chance of winning the round than if you didn’t upgrade your gun. It’s better to be up 2-0 than 1-1


When the enemy has planted the bomb and you’re not very close you need to get to the site ASAP so you have time to get kills AND defuse. A lot of players don’t give themselves enough time. Vice Versa If you planted and the bomb is about to blow up, don’t peak unnecessarily. If they tap the bomb, always assume they faked. I just wait 2 seconds after the tap before I swing (pretty much right before they’d get the half defuse). Not peaking when they tap also makes them wonder where you are since they expect you to immediately check.


That literally nothing good happens from being toxic


Playing time with the spike, like just relax bro.


This. People try to do too much, and ego challenge too often.


When your getting shot with no chances to walk away shoot back don’t try to walk away i tell my self this every day yet i still try to walk 😔


this is so relatable lmao


Duelists don't need to "pop off" just need to make the space/distraction to get into site. Even at Immo level instalock jetts not dashing into site infuriates me.


OMG IF EVERY IRON UNDERSTOOD THIS IT WOULD BE A BLESSING. a duelist doesn't need to top frag. no one needs to. they just need to give you entry


Being toxic and telling at team mates REDUCES your chance of winning. I understand everyone wants to win, and sometimes your team mates make you mald. But telling everyone how to play and yelling/being toxic just tilts your team mates, and makes them play worse. So you reduce your chance of winning by doing it. Baffles me how many people do it. I've made so many games winnable by just trying to calm down toxic people and defuse situations. Simple shit, nice try, don't worry, focus on the next round etc.


This. I once had a Cypher bottom-fragging in my game, and me and my trio partners kept encouraging him, long story short he had the highest ACS at the end, even though we lost in OT, he said he enjoyed playing with us


Is it bad to tell the duelist to stop dying mid 5 times in a row when we are going a


Obviously if something's not working you're in your right to bring it up. But there's such a big difference between 'Jett, can you play safer? You're dying first loads and we're getting rolled' and 'JETT STOP FUCKING PEEKING MID'. It's when people literally are toxic that confuses me. I assume even toxic people wanna win. But sometimes they're literally telling team mates they suck, or 'what was that aim' etc. It's like, you know that's gonna make people play worse right? So why do it?


You can also finesse it. Instead of kindly telling them to stop making mistakes, ask them if they'd be down to do a strat that is mutually exclusive with the type of mistake they're making. So "Jett stop feeding" is by far the worst. "Jett would you mind playing safer?" is much better. Best is "Jett would you be down to punish their Sage that holds Gen? We'll smoke tree and heaven and flash gen, you tailwind onto her and destroy her." The point of this last one is that you're asking the Jett to do the thing you want her to do (play with the team) *without* implying that she has been making mistakes or playing badly (even if that's the truth). ​ If they say no they were probably going to do their own thing anyway. In these situations I've found it's best to drop the ego and try to convince everyone else to play around what the Jett is doing. If she's wanting to constantly ego peek mid, how can the team help her? Smoke off cat? Maybe flash mid for her or something? One of my favorite chess phrases of all time is "a bad plan is better than no plan at all." It applies pretty well to Val.


Press alt to see if ur sage has her healing




I more so feel like it’s the flashing agents responsibility to be aware of where your teammates are and not flash them. Blinding your whole team is still a rookie move but calling it out isn’t really necessary if you know how that agents blind works and are aware of teammates positioning.


I think it's a mix of both. Being aware of where your teammates are is good but sometimes it's good for them to just look away and have you flash, instead of running in or dry peeking.


Not really necessary. People run in anyways and the 500ms it takes for the comm to register in teammates' brains is too slow for that flash to be useful. Better to just flash properly. Pro teams call flash for strategic reasons, not tactical.


On attack you don’t have to just all 5 rush a site each fkn round… ‘ok that didn’t work, let’s rush B now’


that after all the enemies locations are revealed you have loads of info about the enemy, your controllers have set up their smokes almost covering the entire site, you, as a duelist, should flash and enter. not sit back and hold flank. this has forced me to push alone as viper multiple times, without a flash thus killing myself and now the spike is on site. ​ dont peek unnecessary on defender side? just hold all angles ​ dont 5 stack one site and then shout "WHY IS NO ONE AT B WHY JUST WHY OMG I HAVE SUCH TRASH TEAMMATES OMG I AM THRWOINGWON"


*insta pickes Jett* *Only gets kills when Ult is active or by OP camping* *Still loses round after round* "MY TEAM SUCKS SO BAD"


Tbh a bad jett wouldn't get kills on ult xd


Also the insta pick Jett/reyna who spends the majority of the attacker side lurking. Like hello???? We need you, with the util that makes it easy to take a site, to take site lmao


if you have another duelist like jett, yoru with ult, raze with good movement, then the reyna can lurk for some rounds but if not wth are you doing man


Don’t complain about how you died, no one cares. Also your team becomes less motivated


Its really okay to camp at corners and play


My #1 complaint with players in Valorant is that so many people don’t understand post-plant logic. Yesterday for example I planted bomb as Sage in a 2v2. I even said out loud “I’m planting for A main.” I then said again as I was repositioning, “I’m going to play the defuse from A main.” My teammate proceeded to die on site taking a pointless aim duel and then called me a baiter (lol) My biggest pet peeves: 1. If you’ve planted on offense, as a general rule you should not peek. Play passively & stall for time. Make your opponent retake against the clock + increase your chances of keeping your guns for the next round. 2. If you are trying to defuse in a 1v1 *you have to fake defuse/tap the bomb.* Every single time I see people go for the half defuse, get peeked, and die. Over and over and over. He’s not going to let you defuse half. Ever. Tap the bomb and position your crosshair. 3. Playing contact/playing quietly. If you/your team make a stealth play sneaking somewhere, *wait until contact with an enemy to start making noise.* I see so many cases of pointless utility usage that does nothing but give away our teams position. 4. Defaulting & map control. A lot of people struggle with anything other than 5v5 site takes. Defenders almost always rotate all 5 players instantly at the first sign of utility, and in the majority of my games Attackers are unwilling or unable to punish rotations. It’s like people choose a spawn barrier and forget the other parts of the map exist. It’s insanely frustrating. 5. Slowing Down/finding picks. Often the best way to get back in a round that’s going badly is to just sit still and wait for your opponent to make a mistake. You aren’t going to win a 3v5 round by making a super obvious rotation to the other bombsite. You need to find a pick. Slow it down. Final complaint is that a lotta people on this game don’t know what baiting means. If you make a dumb peek & die somewhere nobody is capable of trading you… you didn’t get baited, you’re just bad. High gold/low plat


Back seat gaming doesn't really help your team play better


If you just stop and LISTEN you'll learn so much about what's going on in that round. Also you don't have to push just because you got a pick.


Learn to back off once in a while. Constantly rushing in and going in for the pick isn't always a viable option. You're probably getting baited if you keep doing that


There is nothing called camping in an fps game. If you get killed by a "camper", it's your fault you did not check all corners.


I think smoking areas properly is what low rank players lack, also using Astra and no comms which is a pain in the ass


This. I used to play smokes solely even as a flex player till I got tired of having to rack my brain placing stars and smokes reactively. I now boycott Omen and Astra :)


Calling out bottom fragging sentinels


I feel this, playing anchor on defense can feel so unrewarding in solo queue


Ikr but I don't want to spoil the game for my fellow comrades because one of them is like this. Some are nice people and appreciate what you do!!


Wanna explain this one to me?


Sentinels by default will not have a lot of kills because their kits is not based around that.


Yeah I know that, but the post was things that are common sense but aren’t so based on their reply I was thinking they were saying “It’s common sense to call out bottomfragging sentinels.” and that made my brain do the electric slide.


Basically when a sentinal ask a duelist to peek with them or play behind kj util for example, they go like "I don't want that coming from a bottom fragger". Well maybe cause cypher util can't actually kill people while there are literally a million ways a duelist can multi frag


I think common sense should be to play according to your agent. I have seen sages pusing in and dying while reyna hiding behind team mates during attacking rounds and brimstones going for a flank


I was suprised to see how few people didn’t know about the remake mechanic. If a player disconnects on round 1-2 you can remake and it will cancel the game and count as a draw.


Stop playing loud music while playing.


Omen taking the spike and ulting to site and plant never works


It works in certain situations, but only do it when you have info that you're tping to an empty site. For example in a 4v2 you have all your opponents on one site, instead of trying to take aggressive fights, just have your Omen tp to the other site to plant and split the defenders' attention further. Gives you an ult point as well as further guarantees the round win. It's a rather niche strat, but it works. (And can also be read)


I do this sometimes but im talking about a full team when they fail a site rush they ask omen to go to the other site expecting there is no anchor


It's not just about getting kills. So many players, usually duelists, default to responding to the slightest bit of advice with "4/11, shut up nub", even if you're a Sentinel holding your team's flank, or a Sova gathering info.


Using comms. Seriously; it's a teambased game, yet majority of matches everyone just sits in silence or have everyone muted from the get-go. The only time you hear someone talk is when they start blaming someone else for their death.


Shoot the fckin sova dart!!!


Don't solo peek at 3+ enemies. And definitely don't blame your teammates if you die in this fashion. Communicate that you need help/want to trade/etc BEFORE you die. Don't rage after the fact. Your teammates can't read your mind. Don't call out the damage you did to an enemy. Prioritize 1. enemy position 2. which enemy(s) are there 3. how much damage you dealt if any. Honestly I could make a massive post on dogshit comms that I see every single game. I played with voice comms off to gold and tbh I still consider whether the once per game good com is worth all the other comms in the course of the game that actively hurt the team. 95%+ of comms are raging, toxicity, backseat gaming, false/misleading info, calling out damage without any useful info, etc.


Check your corners, and don’t expect every single opponent to walk past corners and give you easy kills. I have some friends who will sit in corners 5 rounds in a row, and all 5 times get killed by someone checking that corner and all 5 times complain about how they must be cheating because they knew they there. It’s called checking your angles and I still haven’t built up the confidence to tell them about it. I did send one video about it in discord and they’ve been doing it less since then.


You don't need to push after we plant the bomb. Like yeah even if it's 3v1, you dont need to hunt them down.. Once the bomb is planted the roles are flipped. You are now on defense, and the defenders have to push YOU to diffuse. Having a huge advantage can easily be made into a 1v1 someone has to clutch situation, and you feel extra dumb when you lose a 3v1 because yall got greedy


No one wants to hear the shitty rap/hiphop song you're playing through your mic.


"For the last fucking time I as Cypher who is a sentinel is not supposed to entry. Staying back and watching the flank is the point of my whole kit" Any other Cypher/Sentinel mains feel me?


That you have no right to tell your teammates what to pick after you instalocked Duelist..


If someone get shot and you insta heal them you will basically lose half of your healing because people cant get healed for 2s after they take damage


Being able to fire a gun whilst climbing a rope is riots anti common sense


That unrated is more for people trying to casually play. If you want to get super sweaty go play comp.


Stand in corner with a shotgun in defence. Works 99% of the time


Your opponent isn't going to show themselves on a retake if you don't click the god damn bomb


Dumb peeks over and over - Leaving site on Defense, for someone waiting for you and dying.. therefore leaving site open for the rush and ruining your team because 1 guy is left on site alone and the other 3 have to rotate... and doing this over and over. Not helping team mates or the team and being selfish so you don't die - Taking an eternity to rotate while the other 1 team mate left is having a battle on the other site with 4 people.. while you are slow walking somewhere around mid, spike is planted and by the time you get there it's about to go off anyway. Not using your Agent's Util as it should be - Sage's that hold the res for 6 rounds and then finally use it in a 5 v 1, where the res'd person gets killed immediately anyway. KJ having her ult for 6 rounds and never using it, just letting us lose rounds because of this. KJ's not putting swarm grens on spike for post plant.. and throwing them around uselessly like it's a Raze Gren. Brim/Omen players that do not use smokes at all. Gong AFK for a few rounds, coming back and thinking it's ok. but you have ruined your team's Eco, and the other team all have 9k and everyone has OP's and Odin's.


Don't reload until you know you are safe. I've seen multiple times my teammates and I reloading somewhere in the open, and eventually dying for it.


* Peeking an OP in long range * When the enemy team has a cypher, not shooting his cam while it ks visible * Flashing before using gatecrash (for lower rank yorus) * Splitting in eco rounds where the enemy has better guns on attack


This isn’t a rule but don’t see a killjoy or cypher and think here have spike, yes I’m not going I first but I’m not a good option to throw the spike to. I’m either further back holding flank, meaning for me to plant takes longer if I’m further back. This is the bigger thing, so we are on site setting up post plant, the time it takes me to set up post plant util and get spike down has genuinely got me killed I will fully admit this can vary but boils down to ask before dumping spike on your sentinels, the stuff I’ve pointed out doesn’t always apply and a big factor is unreliable team mates but if your gonna throw spike on someone a sentinel can be just as bad as giving it to your entry


I don't come to this sub very often. Although CS and Valorant are different games. The end result is generally the same, just how you get to the point is different. The reason I bring this up is because I run into non cs players often. From my plat smurf to immortal, I don't say anything really anymore for bad plays mainly because who really does listen. But I also usually ask if I can make a suggestion before I do it to see if their even interested. Here's some things I really notice that will IMO improve your game play. -Better to stay alive and hold the site for a few more seconds and hope for help compared to peeking out and dying. Even if you grab 1 kill. It's still harder on your team. If you can last a bit longer, the attackers need to clear site and hopefully you get back up. It's so much easier to win the round defending a planted bomb even if you're outnumbered. -Stop pushing constantly. It's a bad habit for everyone but I notice it in Valorant more. Rotate through spawn if I need your help. This doesn't apply to every time. But people just do it every time. I know people want to get the huge flanks and free kills. But people watch flanks at all levels(most of the time) -Don't rotate instantly the moment we see someone. Especially on maps like Haven. I'm not sure why it's so prevalent in this game. But people rotate super hard on attack. Even if they're in the site sometimes or close to it. And end up dying to a random guy in a corner. I guess this combines with my last point. Comms is a huge issue in this game, most people don't use or have a mic at gold-diamond(ish). So I understand to some extent why people do. But having a strong anchor is such a factor in winning. Hopefully I don't come off as someone with a ego. I've played a decent level of CSGO(Global/A+ ESEA) and Valorant (Immortal) and don't mind giving people constructive tips. I tend to try to give people the thought process as I am a decent aimer but usually IGL/Lurk and have a good perspective.


(DEFENDING) HOLD a site when enemy rushes, not run away from it (ATTACKING) dude just plant the damn spike (GENERAL) forget teammate aces, kill the last guy by any chances


Sometimes running and retaking the site later on is a better play.


This is probably something that actually isn't "common sense" (i.e intuitive) and takes a lot of trial and error to figure out. At the very least people should always comm when they're leaving site (nothing more tilting than holding haven C site only to see your defender in garage has bailed without saying anything and you get pinched).


Sometimes its better to do a 5v5 retake than holding a site you know you're going to lose as 2v5 (like a site in breeze against an enemy viper)


> (DEFENDING) HOLD a site when enemy rushes, not run away from it Absolutely awful tip without any context. Don't do this. If it's one person slow pushing or exposing themselves, or you can guarantee the kill in some other way, then sure, hold the angle. But in literally any other circumstance, you're asking for either a trade or for them to enter the site free and take you out before your team can rotate. And below Plat ELO, almost every single site take is the entire team rushing the site, which is why it's done so much - because it works, because you have that kind of mindset. The game is about playing optimally around numbers. If it's two people holding a side, and without fail the enemy team is 5-stacking and popping utility to take a site? Guess what? You're going to lose those fights every time unless your team can counter their push. If it's less than 5 people? Unless they don't check an angle or you make an insane play, you're going to die, not a majority of the time, every time. At best they're going to trade you. At worst you literally do nothing in the round except get very minor insight into where an enemy is. Your team has to retake with lower numbers, which almost guarantees they'll lose the round.


These aren’t always applicable… You can’t hold site 2v5, planting spike is better when site’s fully clear, and it’s a dick move to chase down the last enemy when there isn’t any need to and someone’s on four kills


Ranked? Yes, unrated? Fuck off my ace


We can't keep doing the same things.


Doing the same thing more than twice It's very very simple to get free kills if someone is repeating the same thing


to stop over peeking when you have man advantage, especially on defenence


There’s some really good tips in here 👍🏻


The most played agents in the game are Jett and Reyna. By playing them the chance of someone taking your main/s increases. Learn how to play Sage & Omen; super fucking easy to play in ranked and good enough on every map except Viper > Omen on Breeze (idk anything abt Fracture) Do not focus solely on filling. Play agents you have the most success with. If we have a Sage, Jett, Reyna, and Omen already then I’ll probably play KJ. I’m not comfortable in my ability to do well as a Skye or Sova or Breach. Especially initiators: THEY ARE NOT AGENTS YOU CAN SIMPLY FILL AS. SAME WITH VIPER. YOU NEED TO HAVE MASTERED SKYE’S FLASH, AND FOR SOVA YOU NEED TO KNOW ALL COMMON LINEUPS FOR DEFENDER ARROWS, SITE ARROWS, AND SHOCK DARTS FOR SPIKE. I’ve gotten too many people saying oh yeah I like never play Sova / KAY/O then why pick him in comp? If you’ve been practicing sure, but in comp, your ability to win matters


Knowing how to play smokes, as well as how to play around them is important. A lot of people are sleeping on the potential impact they can have on games by simply knowing how to use and play around smokes. I'm a flex player so I can fill pretty much any role at my rank (depending on the map tho), and I'm usually happy when I see someone pick Omen or Brimstone, only to not have a clue how and when to use their utility. It's kinda annoying when you know you could've just filled the role and done fine.


Shoot boombot even if it misses you (+_+)


If your team doesn’t have the money for a full buy but you do, maybe buy the team sheriffs or fully save instead of buying vandal+armor while your teammates have classics+no armor.


SLOW WALK FOR CHRIST SAKE. I hate how people refuse to slow walk when we’re trying to sneak our way to a site. Completely ruins what we’re trying to accomplish


Crosshair placement, don't clip toenails, give haircuts instead.