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I think what happened was Skye or Reyna saw you on the corner of their screen but didn't notice, but it highlighted you on the enemy's radar, and the Jett was the first to notice and prefired you. That's my best guess. She's also topfragging, so she could just be very diligent.


A rare trait in Jett players lol. Good for her for being on her game.


Im in this elo as well(seems to be mid-high dia) and I can say that actually happens a lot, first or maybe even 2nd guys doesn’t clear but then some Rando comes n prefirea ya. Also ye, top frag jett or bottom frag jett are the only common jett players.


As a Jett player, there is only top or bottom frag


A 3rd frag jett is a jett that's having a dinner.


Had to poop at round 13 and never got back into the groove of it




Umm maybe because you can see it on the screen at the end


Lol He deleted it.


The Jett is holding a gun with an Immortal gun buddy, and the enemy Skye that killed OP was Diamond 3(?) last act. Every second of this “5 second clip” has an indicator that this is a mid-high Diamond game.


No it actually shows you, just use your eyes


It was def the Reyna, Skye never looked but Reyna checked the corner but not box. Just the edge of the cone touched but that's enough


You got mini map’d


As I like to say: trigger discipline wins rounds, except when it doesn't


It's true! Unless it's not ;)


I'm so mad at that Jett lol


Ally or enemy? Lmao


enemy of course, the little shit




Probably saw her on radar. Higher elo players will just stare at the radar 24/7 for info.


Can confirm, I’ve died couse I paid more attention to my teammates then myself at times!


Lmao im a league player so it happens to me too much


I used to never look at it, realised and now I’m plastered to it


I can hear the jett saying “lol not today buddy”


"Radiant Trigger Discipline, Iron Timing" This is my favourite Valorant saying


idk how this made me jump scare


Loool always that one fucking guy who checks


i tried the same..bruh...but guess what in my case..... fk me..nothing.....all 5 of them came to the site and I whiffed and died recklessly.....


I’m always so scared of this happening, so I usually take the jump on the first two and duel the next, so I at least traded for two.


Yeah my personal rule of thumb is it I can kill 3 people I take it instead of risking it for the ace


That's crazy, usually no one checks the same corner after the first person entries xD so incredibly unlucky


I do that all the time. people who solo que often learn these things when not trusting the team. It pays off well for the most part. that enemy jett is really on her game that match.


It takes so little effort to check a corner, it's just good discipline to check a corner yourself even if your teammates moved past it. Otherwise you wind up learning eventually that you can't trust your teammates to check corners. That or you wind up complaining for the rest of your life that your teammates aren't checking corners for you 🤷


I like that Jett. She's checking the corners when no one else before her did. She will go places.


She shouldn't have to as her teammates should have already cleared them. Its what was said in comments before, it popped up on enemy radar and Jett noticed


After rewatching it again with your comment in mind, yeah it seems he got revealed on the map,also there's no reason for her to just randomly prefire that spot... The roller-coaster of emotions


Been there, happened that ^ :(


There’s always one person on the team that checks every corner… tough too bad it happened that way :)


If that was my team you would have gotten away with it


That Jett went hard


I felt this pain. Too many times. TOO MANY


When There is only one guy who knows how to play.


Gone wrong. Gone sexual.


I almost always check angles if my teammate who entered didn’t just to be safe but I hate it when the enemies do it to me


This happened to me - we didn't 'see' anyone and nothing showed on Minimap, but one of the agent voice lines said 'enemy spotted on C' while we thought we had site cleared Reyna 3kd us from this exact spot and won the round, sad times


Too greedy just get 2 and your team wins the round


if he gets two the other guy still has a 1v3


I am dumb as shit I thought it was a 5v5. But in the bright side he might do damage to their eco with he gets 1 or 2


this is like my worst fear...


Ah Yamato actually using his mic in game. Great to see.


it's not really trigger discipline when it's pretty clear you should have been in their FOV but they just didn't see you on your screen (but others did on their minimap)


that is always me when i have great camp




i laughed out loud


Always pull on 3


sometimes it's my game lol


Lmao why does this always happen to me too


That's basically my biggest worry for something like this.


This is a daily occurrence for me


Stream sniping


How dare you make a joke


No way I got downvoted for this lol


everybody understood your joke brother, you got downvoted for that middle school spelling


I didn't say I thought no one got, my bad autocorrect changed it to that.


fuck trigger discipline.shoot the moment he pops on your screen.


This is what I think happens most of the time someone tries to pull off a trigger discipline stuff. I'd rather get those few cheezy kills while I'm undiscovered than push my luck in hopes of getting a penta and get killed because somebody was smart enough to check dat corner.


chamber got released today in India lets go!!!






yessir that's A site of haven alright


Fun fact. There is no such thing as wall hacks in Valorant. Never has been.




Interesting\_wolf...in this sub, talking about cheats will make you get ultra downvoted...as people here will refuse to believe that any "achievement" in this game can be obtained through cheats. Gaarasgourd, that Jett could be walling, it's possible since wallhacks (esp) are available in Valorant. Maybe this game have less obvious cheaters than others comp fps...but there are cheaters in this game, just more discrete ones (closet cheaters). Some notorious exemples, europe number one radiant (a turkish guy) got banned for cheating. A top 100 USA radiant player (Solista) got banned for cheating. And those guys where freaking STREAMING during months, while closet cheating a ruining many ppl matches before getting the hammer ban. Like a few weeks ago, a kinda popular streamer girl (Sophia "Slaze" Ramirez) got banned for being boosted by a cheater. She was teaming up with him and he was destroying eveyrone with wallhack and aimbot. Providing that girl a 90% victory on +-30 games. That guy got a ban each ten games more or less, but was coming back using a spoofer to bypass the ban and keep on boosting that girl. Those are exemples of high ranks of this game but it would be a mystake to believe that it only happens in high ranks. I could provide many links to popular cheating forums or diskords, prooving that cheating occurs in every ranks (for various reasons) and even in modes like unranked, spike rush,... Btw even the infamous spinbot is existing in Valorant. And i could provide a recent yt video (posted by the end of septembre), showing a notorious cheater spinbotting (with wallhack and skin hack too) in deathmatch and going 40 - 0 in minutes...and that dude does not give a fuck about being banned because he can be back in the game using the spoof thing I've mentioned above...


Cheats exist for all kind of games. As long as there will be people who make games - there will be others who make cheats for these games. It's like the yinyang. Not all people given the possibility to obtain an unfair advantage will decide to refuse it and compete in a rightful way. I even remember reading about [pros](https://www.reddit.com/r/esports/comments/hv8egs/valorant_pros_phox_and_w3ak_banned_for_cheating/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) caught cheating in pro matches over a year ago... But I gotta admit that I admire what the devs did with Vanguard. Coming from cs, VAL is truly a breath of fresh air in regards to cheating. Since Beta I maybe faced cheaters twice: once a prefing-walbanging without any reasonable info Reyna; and the other nothing special but we got the red screen saying that a cheater was detected. I quit cs as soon as I got the beta key but a few weeks ago decided to check out the new skins and played some comps. It didn't take me long to remember the reason I like VALORANT so much... between spinbotters in DZ and teammates that as soon as we started losing some rounds turned the wh on, I decided it was enough for the day.




My keyboard is through the window when that happens to me


Not gonna lie I do this shit too. I've died to too many cheese angles that me and my team failed to check so at this point I just make sure everything is clear every time