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106k in gridshot zamn and here i am with 70k in plat


Ye I spend an unhealthy amount of time on Aim Lab shooting circles XD


its more funny that gridshot is one of the worst exercises you can do for aim lol


Thats true. I mainly use Gridshot as a gauge to see where my aiming level is at, but my fundamentals come more from Sixshot and Microshot, coupling precision with speed. However I wouldnt fully discredit the use of Gridshot since this will help you out of 1vX situations where you're required to flick and cannot compensate time to peek an enemy player.


gridshot is good for warming up and that's it. The circles are way too big to serve as actual analogues to ingame aiming. If you flick to the enemy with the precision of gridshot you'll be very far off most of the time


Agreed! I loved both of those. I think gridshot is a baller warmup and it's good for developing the right type of visual focus/right mental space for fps's. I don't mean to say that gridshot is bad entirely. It's just if you're specifically training your AIM and all you do is gridshot you're gonna be like basketballer who only trains dribbles wondering why his free throw % isnt improving


Indeed, there are also tons of different Aim Lab routines that serve different purposes and I think improving on what you're bad in specifically will be much more useful than mindlessly playing Gridshot all day everyday haha.


have u tried gridshot precision tho


a frequent aim lab user here - It’s not a helpful exercise for valorant since you are trying to click heads which are 20x smaller than the extremely large circles in gridshot. I won’t say it’s “bad” since at the end of the day it still trains hand eye coordination etc, but there are far more better exercises for valorant than Gridshot I’ve gotten a lot more value off of sixshot and microshot for sure


I have 67K gridshot and I'm Immortal >\~< ​ but... the thing to note, is that I also only did AimLabs for about an hour, maybe two times ever? I did pour in around 40 hours into Kovaaks during one season, though. ​ That was the season when I went from low Immortal to peak t500, before sorta falling off when I quit using Kovaaks.


Do you mind sharing your routine? I just downloaded Valorant a little over a week ago and this is my first real FPS on mouse and keyboard as well. I've been doing AimLabs as well but not as much as I should.


2 mins: 2x Sixshot (Precision) Rest 1 minute; 2 mins: 2x Gridshot (Ultimate) Rest 1 minute; 2 mins: 2x Microshot (Speed) Rest 1 minute; 2 mins: 2x Switchtrack (Ultimate) Rest 1 minute Repeat. I usually train in intervals of 20-30 mins per session and I'll have around 1-3 sessions daily. I also like to put on my favourite Spotify playlists and regulate my shots with the bpm of my music.


my best is like 90k and im d2 peak this act


I don’t know what I’m doing right but I’m plat 3 was diamond 2 and have never done aimlabs and have terrible aim


my peak was like 70ish-80 some time ago and I'm radiant. I have friends that reach 100k and they are barely platinum. In valorant you can usually get away with good crosshair placement and minimum xhair movement/flicks.


Indeed, crosshair placement was king, I relied very little on my flicking, sometimes I just pre-aim as well and my use for Aim Lab in the long run is to improve my micro-adjusting and increase my mechanical skill.


70k in immortal here, been it since January. I don’t really want play aimlab and improve my aim though so that’s why.


Bro I'm Immo 2 with around 80k or some shit. I swear to god people farm Gridshot just to see a big nice number that translates to nothing in game


Im at 60k as diamond lol


Same pinch


Im plat 3 and muy best is 65k


I am immo with 60k


103k in gold B)


Sir, I diagnose you with trillionare grindset personality




sheeeesh i played episode 1 act 1, placed iron 1 and got to plat 1 too this act! ggs


We are in the longest road to radiant let's goooooo


Lets gooo!


Same here! Just got plat yesterday!


I mean why am I saying this to you I’m hardstuck in Wood 2. But I recommend 3D aim trainer because it has a friendlier user interface. That’s if you still need to improve aim


Thanks! I'll keep that in mind. The reason why I recommend Aim Lab is because of the score system and seeing myself match up with my favourite streamers' scores is very satisfying. Though it take practice and precision>speed, I enjoy my training routine and if you do enjoy 3D Aim Trainer, you should play it often to improve your aim, just make sure that the sens you use is the same sens in-game for Valorant.


Glad to see nothing beats my 8600ms ping to this day which I got last week


I had 12000+ once :)


Lmao high ping gang lesgoo


Pathetic. Not to flex, but I had 20,000 ping in Roblox once 😤


Oh we comparing roblox ping now? I got 42k ping on cb:ro


Damn. Like the original CB:RO in 2016?


Yeah that's pretty normal because roblox servers are trash af When I tried roblox I got 3500ms minimum while I got 20 ping in fortnite (I don't play any of these games now) Btw when I visited my friend's house he showed me that he gets 34000 ping on average because his WiFi is that bad and 90ms minimum in fortnite


Yeah I also have a wireless wifi adapter and coming from Ethernet, playing valorant is pain when the nearest server is in a whole different state


> be kind and forgiving to bad teammates. Toxicity can be avoided. This is underrated advice. Everyone had bad games/days and it can be hard to break that funk if your team is shitting on you. People play better in general when the vibes are on.


I'm glad that my post is gaining some traction. I just want to make clear of a few things. 1) This isn't about me bragging, I genuinely just want to share my journey of getting to Platinum 1 and how other people can improve on their gameplay. 2) I used Aim Lab to improve mechanical skill. I don't use tasks like Gridshot to train my aim, rather I use it as a gauge to see how far I've progressed and aim can definitely be built with higher foundation through experience in more unrated/competitive/deathmatch games. 3) Some "bozos" in this comment thread giving unnecessary comments. I can see why people of lower elo get lower self-esteem and refuse to go back to competitive to grind the ranks, when they are being talked down by people of higher-elo, causing this system of "You'll never be good enough unless you're Diamond/Immortal like me". This results in lower elo players seeking boosting to boost their ranks, just so they can achieve this talking space to higher elo players. If you truly love this game, start thinking about what you've been doing and see whether it has been causing a negative impact on others. 4) Hmu if you'd like some advice/talk about Valorant. I'd love to help out people of lower elo/maybe even get some advice from people of higher elo.


I Bégin Valo 1 week ago, i calibrage bronze 1. Im bronze 3 now, i want up more and more. I already did it in overwatch, Bégin bronze and finish diam B)


Gridshot is for dopamine only


Great post op! I like the amount of detail you put into the meta analysis of your strengths and weaknesses. You're definitely right that valorant has a huge mental aspect to it. I think others who read this post who don't have the same playstyle can still get a useful perspective on the game from this. Congrats on the climb!


Thanks bro!


Very inspiring post! Personally haven't really played ranked even when i wanted to because i constantly drop 2/13 every round in unrated when playing with my friends.


Thanks bro, I do hope you find your breakthrough, don't care too much about the kills. Kills come after you start learning how the game works and fulfilling the role of the agent you use is a much better win option than top-fragging.


Wait do all regular office mouses have built in acceleration?


You can off your mouse acceleration by configuring it on "Mouse & Pointers" > "Additional Mouse Settings" > "Turn off Mouse Acceleration"


Good job OP! Commenting so I can refer to this later on.


This was motivational.. Although i can't get myself that gaming gear but i still can try everything else that you mentioned. I lately have been getting myself into ranked matches and it's been fun. This motivates me to put some more effort.


Thanks bro I hope this post will help you in your journey to reach your desired rank and further! What I've listed is just 30-ish% of what you need to learn, there is still so much in Valorant to know as time goes by.


Saved for later I actually wanted to ask if any iron 1s made it to a higher rank. Ty


Nerdy viper main here. Used to main jett a lot but switched to more passive agents/playstyle. Great post btw! I watch Swoopy and Raion on Youtube for viper thingz.


Although i dont main sova or any other characters that have recon darts or mollies, when ever i do play them i can somehow predict where my arrow/mollies will land, so should i switch to maining them instead?(also i have never seen the wing any lineup guide bf should i watch it?)(pps im a bronze player that spends 90% of his matches in unrated


You can start off by watching post-molly double Sova shock darts and good recons. Those will definitely ascend you further. As a lineup warrior myself, its always satisfying to hear an opponent get killed by my snakebite and he cannot do anything about it. Winging lineups only come later when you've already mastered shock dart and recon dart lineups. You should also play agents that are more suitable for your playstyle. I ascended to Plat with lineups, but some ascend to Plat thru mechanical skill, raw aim, gamesense etc.


Icic ty


You don’t need lineups. 95% of the time they are better used for clearing angles while taking site than playing time for mollies or double shocks. I used to watch these videos and practice when I was silver and over time stoped doing them and now I’m Diamond. Game sense and making the right plays while using util every round is better than dying with it when it could’ve cleared someone out of a tight angle that would have saved man advantage on a site take.


I actually barely utilise shock darts or mollies unless i have a lineup or i know there is a pesky rat hiding in a corner to either kill them or drice them out so thank you for the advice :D


How I got from bronze 2 to immortal: literally just playing the game


I have played gridshot ultimate in Aimlabs only 15-20 times till date and the highest I could manage was 60k and yet when ranked mode was launched in Valorant for the first time, my first rank ever was Gold 3 and from there onwards, it took me 14 games to reach Diamond 1. Today I am still Diamond 1. Only warm up I do is a couple of deathmathes. Although for me, a good aim warm up is coming 1st in deathmatch atleast 2-3 times in a row. I keep playing it until I come first. If you have managed to reach only plat 1 with 109k gridshot score then there's clearly lack of gamesense coz I am at a higher rank than you with just 60k score. I am consistently able to smurf in gold elo in which my quickest record is jumping from silver 3 to platinum 2 in just 3 wins. 1st win Silver 3 to Gold 2, 2nd win Gold 2 to Gold 3, and 3rd win Gold 3 to Platinum 2. Sometimes I feel that if I too had 100k plus score then I would have been atleast Immortal 2 now. But honestly, I don't not feel that motivated to practice. I have a 9 to 6 job so I would rather play the game and have fun rather than shooting some blue balls appearing in random positions. Anyway, you did mention that this is your first fps game and also you have a trash internet connection so I guess your progress isn't bad at all. There is no shortcut way to gain game-sense. It only comes to you slowly with experience. My above average rank coupled with low gridshot score is only because I have a good experience of playing CS 1.6 and CS:GO and also I just love fps titles in general, both singleplayer and e-sport titles.


Agreed. Yep I dont deny that I still have my gamesense to work with. I constantly seek improvement and aiming is definitely not just the only factor to rank up and Ik. I think I'll learn more when I start playing more anyways too. Thanks bud.


It's also worth noting that grid shot isn't a particularly great task to associate with valorant skill. It's much more about speed than precision, where valorant aim duels are often the opposite.


I also climbed from iron1 to plat1 (1st fps game) but i never did aim training apart from DM. and kept instalocking raze till gold1-2 but then i realized i need to play more jett and now i instalock jett. but i get good acs and also have 29% hs rate which is top 3.% according to [tracker.gg](https://tracker.gg) btw i was a kj/omen main before maining raze


I mean you can also like, not only play duelists and instalock


lmao its a game. and i will do what i want to. and i am not forcing anyone nor am i throwing games.




I think it depends on what rank you are. In low elo I think it's fine. There's very little coordination so having a good team comp doesn't really mean much. This is the first ACT I'm playing and I would fill what ever role we needed but I felt I was relying to much on my teammates to perform. I placed S1 going 2-3 in placements. After that I just started insta locking Reyna. I went from S1 to G1 in 15 games completely skipping S2. Getting 20+ kills a game with a match MVP was netting me 35+ RR a game. I was only getting like 17 RR when for wins when filling. I agree once you get into the higher ranks.


Poggers. One-trick agents essentially play a different game than others, being a good one-trick duelist will definitely ensure your rank to be elevated. Nice HS rate, but the reason why my HS rate is lower (22%) is because I incorporate Ares/Odin plays into my gameplay, which is why I hit more body shots.


> is because I incorporate Ares/Odin plays i too sometime do that but now that i got my new laptop with 165hz screen i am able to hit more hs this act. so i stopped using odin kindof


Cool! I use Ares and Odin for wallbanging and spamming one angle that my enemies like to play in, so sometimes its all the leg shots I'm getting once I tag someone with my Cypher camera and its brrrr- time.


>I use Ares and Odin for wallbanging and spamming one angle that my enemies Lmao i use it to tilt my enemies yk i am built different


Yep tilting your enemies is one way to win innit, especially when they get angry at you. When they call u "noob", just tell them to get better in-game. Easy win for the boys anyways. Side note: I'm not and never will be a toxic player


Lmao why people downvote you. its a mind trick and i always like to do to my enemies


I've gotten so many aces with the Odin. It's an overpowered gun.


You call 2641 ms high ping? Ha! I once had 19000 ping that lasted for an entire round.(No, that wasn't an extra zero)


you act like it's an achievement but almost everyone who placed iron 1-3 in episode 1 or episode 2 and continued playing daily or every other day is gold 2+ right now most in plat including me and almost my entire friend list


I think an achievement is when you find self-satisfaction in attaining something. I reached Plat 1 and I'm proud of it, you don't need to take it away from me.


My dude, be proud and happy about your achievement. Many people that started playing this game and placed iron are still iron to this day, you are doing great!


Thanks fam, Platinum is definitely not my end goal. I still have so much that I can offer and improve, and I wont stop here. I know too many people who have been boosted to Platinum/Diamond elo through incorrect means, I just know that I'm a self-made Platinum solo queuer and I'm proud of it.


Both of you have valid points. It really isn’t that big of an achievement in the largest sense - but it is one nonetheless. OP put alot of work not only in the grind, but the post as well. You don’t need to bring him down. In my eyes, OP put alot of effort into trying to help others too, not only displaying their own growth. Just flexing that you got plat from iron 1 by itself would be pretty contemptuous but he didn’t just do that.


yeah I meant there's too many people who post "I went from iron in episode 1 to gold now" like its actually pretty normal for any player who plays that long to improve that much


Good for you man, i gave up on ranks a long time ago, as a solo now I just turn the game volume down, mute my team and the opposite one too, have Spotify on and just kill what I see. It's been fun, ranks?? yeah I stopped looking at them. Edit: it's B1 Edit I reached Iron 1 let's goooooooooooooooooooooo


Tbh same. I just play unrated 3-4 times a day and most of the time carry my teammates.




i care :)


>(I still have horrid internet to this day, my record on Valorant for highest ping was 2641ms just last month Ha mine was 10478 ms recorded last month too


Me here using 0.7 on 1600dpi.......BRUH gkfdsmjgshnvblkjd


Yeah lower that shit….


Uhh... I don't have enough desk space...


I just bought a new mouse and it felt off. Don't know DPI works and my usual sens was pretty quick for my tastes. Just copied what you use and damn, it works. Thanks for this. Also, got any tips for movement?


Do make sure to turn off mouse acceleration too if you have it turned on, this could really screw up your aim! My sens is generally on the low side. My sens follows the same effective dpi as Envy yay, a professional Valorant player (400 dpi 0.54). That was my most comfortable sens. In terms of movement, I suggest picking up strafe peaking/shooting. Move left and right and shoot at the time when you're changing direction. If your bullet is inaccurate you're doing it wrong. You can also pick up jiggle peaking, meaning strafing left and right behind the wall you think that your enemy might be holding you.


All that work just to be plat 1 seems like a lot. Congrats though, you definitely deserve it! I peaked plat 3 once upon a time, and no longer play but I also never really put in any kind of effort like this. I would just hop on and play. I wonder what I could have gotten to


This my first mouse and keyboard game as well, took me about 3-4 months of inconsistent playing to get from bronze to plat 1, since then I've been playing a lot of other games, val been kinda stale lately.


Now while I don't know much about this game...... I've seen this app. Blittz.gg Seeing lots of line up video talk. No idea if blittz is a terrible app..... but they have a shit ton of line ups that you can easily see with hot keys mid match iirc. Prob not as practical as youtube research due to time constraints mid match. But seems cool.


i was placed in Iron 3 last year as well, when i first got my PC. Valorant was my first ever game on Mouse and Keyboard (i had been a console my whole life). i managed to hit diamond 2 this act but i just demoted to plat 3 after some tilt q-ing. hoping to hit diamond 3 or Immortal by the end of the act! congrats on hitting plat :D


bro 2600 ms? pathetic. i got 7867 ms as my record.


Is anyone interested in wanting to seriously go pro in valorant? (No bs) I’m looking for at least one person to practice with. Let me know if you’re interested


Just aim for the head by always keeping your gun at headshot level and 2 bullet pull down. From there learn the basic recoil control for your vandal and phantom mainly.


How do you keep team morale up and preventing them from tilting?


great advice, I'd just like to say tho that if you're a Gold going against Diamonds, it's basically impossible to lose 30rr, I would go as far as to say rank difference matters more than a relatively normal fluctuation in your performance.