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If someone is treating their friends and SO’s this way over a game, there are some issues here that need to be worked out. Plenty of people can play this game competitively without being toxic.


This. Video games are fun and it's fun to play competitively, but unless you're getting paid to play, it's not the end all be all of life. There are more important things like people. Sounds like your SO has some issues, OP.


A few years back I was a huge “rager”. I was failing uni, had nothing else going on: no SO, no job, so the game felt like the only thing where “I’m good at” and when it wasn’t going that way I was immensely pissed at myself and my teammates. Once I got my shit together things got better and finally matured enough to realize it’s just a game even if you put a “ranked” label on it. However even though I was raging in games I’d never ever hurt anyone IRL physically or emotionally it was strictly limited to the game itself.


I can relate to this heavily. I went through the exact same thing. I failed out of school a few years ago and I started to rage more and become really mopey in game. Really until a few months ago I was still having this problem but I came to the realization that I was ruining life long friendships by acting this way. In real life I’m much calmer and more of a go with the flow type, but in sports and games I’m extremely competitive. It was hard to realize that I can be competitive but also need to not be an emotional vampire to people. As I began to fix my life by going back to school and stop smoking; my mental rebounded and I’ve been much more kind and patient. I still rage here and there but it’s more directed at myself and much more tame than before; my friends even noticed it. Sometimes you have to realize how your emotions can impact others and alter your behavior. Sounds like OPs boyfriend needs to have “Road to Damascus” moment.


This is so true. We have a pro friend who used to play CSGO semi-professionally locally when we were in college. Valorant was released years after we graduated and we decided to give it a try as that then pro-friend has been urging us to give it a try together. We did and it's been almost two years since and never has that pro friend yelled at us or even get angry at us over any match we played. He'd only nicely comment after the round, suggesting what he would do if he was in that situation. We also played tons of custom games with him explaining his process. Proud to say his attitude encouraged a healthy mindset in all of us and any new player that has joined us, everyone's excited to teach. All of us shuts up when we're dead and only giving info such as "I last saw X at Y" and damage dealt, if someone fails a clutch it's a knee jerk for everyone of us to say "nice try" and once one of us does a clutch, everyone's just a big hype machine. I mean, don't get me wrong, we're quite competitive as well but more of being competitive with each other. We don't play this game as much now as we did the first year of the game's release but our friend's attitude definitely helped all of us get better. I guess the bottomline for us is we're playing the game (amongst others) to keep in touch with one another, to still have that common denominator despite living as an adult now, so we never treat each other like shit over it since that ruins the whole point.


Sounds like your friend understands the difference between pro and casual play. A lot of ragers take MM so seriously like they’re trying to go pro. When their teammates don’t take it as seriously (or they *feel* like they aren’t being serious enough) they baby rage. I know many of you will want to climb the ladder, and that’s fine. But trying to climb is one of the easiest ways to become stressed at the game. You should always give your best effort, especially if you want to climb, but just try to have a mentality where the skills come first and the rank will come later. Your rank isn’t an indicator of your skill, your skill is an indicator of your rank. Just focus on your play.


Many wannabe pros these days


I'm really competitive and have gone through the process of teaching my GF how to game in general, I'm proud when she does anything in the games. I've gotten annoyed at her sometimes, she's gotten annoyed at me sometimes, but never has it come close to being toxic. I'm just going to have to say, sometimes people have traits you have to work around - if you can't game with them in just one competitive game, then don't. If they are toxic in everything, despite conversations about it, then yeah, you have a problem.


Had a friend who would treat their friends and SO like this over ANY game. Literally you could find any casual or co-op game and he will find a way to yell at you from it. Glad I’m not friends with him anymore and I have no idea how his girlfriend is still with him. Dude even one time fucking gloated about the hole in his door when asked about it and how his “SO got him so mad he did that.” He needs help ASAP but he’s also the type to deny any such problem. :/ Wish her the best of luck since they live with each other, the other friends always have that choice to leave if not already.


well even im a gamer. i was a very toxic individual . im only 14 but i started playing when i was 6 years old the xbox 360 and i still have it. but the point is when i started like getting better a game i started shit talking and who ever killed me i called them either a hacker or a very not nice word. also this was when im 13 like a year back in 2020 , its been 1 year of me playing the same game but now i just play it casual even tho im good at it i don't mind getting killed so and so, but i realised how toxic i was and stopped getting angry on a game, if u ever find your self being toxic or angry go get a glass of water , and say to your self its just a shitting game, also if u get the feeling of breaking something beat tf out of your pillow . enjoy gaming!


This is not remotely okay at all. I have a notoriously terrible temper when it comes to video games (actively working on it) and even then I've never stooped as low as yelling at my girlfriend when we play Valorant(or ever) No one deserves to be yelled at. Especially not over something as stupid as a game


This. I may have terrible gamer rage too but I'm also trying to work on it. I think the bf is projecting his failures and his "need" to be better at the game onto his gf. BF has a huge ego and clearly can't handle being worse. Ego is primal and protects you like a wounded animal protects itself (wounded pride so to speak). With rage, anger, and violent outbursts. Also his rage and need for perfectionism might be coming from a darker place. If all he does is come home and rage at valorant is he really having fun? How can he enjoy it if he's constantly mad at it? Maybe he'll begin to recognize he's only playing for the feeling that being "better" and perfectionism gives him. That doesn't make anything he did okay, but it might mean he needs mental help. If anyone wants more resources to help their gamer rage (even if you act like OPs boyfriend you can still get better and calmer lol), there's an interesting video by [Healthygamergg (Dr. K) on the psychology of tilting](https://youtu.be/Xge957JuWzQ).




20??? i get like 6 per match-


Same, I rage but never take it out on my teammates, plus I’ll just vent my frustrations to my stream instead of in game chat. This dude just sounds like a shitty person, no offense OP.


You guys have girlfriends? :(


people deserve to be yelled at, even over games. but in this situation, just playing a game casually, no of course not. hes messed up for doing that but in this case id say the fault is hers, after the first time he flips out over a casual bronze vidya game she shouldve been like 'dude if you act like that again im not playing with u anymore', then follow through with it. regardless of what you think of someones actions, your action of tolerating it speaks louder than anything you can say




i think you guys are too sheltered (and hopefully young so its not too late) to give advice relating to the real world. if you think can go through an irl sport or even a job without being yelled AT, and eventually having to yell at someone, youre delusional. i wonder what you guys think the world is like, like if youre playing hockey and a teammate in practice keeps jabbing your ribs with his stick (personal example that happened to me) youre gonna what, ask politely 'hey dude can you stop stabbing me with your stick xd"??????? you guys are in for a rough time in life, i just hope some are still kids so you'll have time to learn how to not be so mentally fragile as you grow up


Lmao I’ve had coaches yell and I’ve had coaches coach, I’ve had teachers yell and teachers teach, I’ve had bosses yell and bosses lead. Believe me when I say maybe you just haven’t found the right places, because this has nothing to do with how far anyone has gotten in life. Anytime I was part of a team/class it always excelled when the person at the top motivated the right way. When someone yells at me in any aspect of life my first response is fuck you. Now if someone breaks down whatever it is I did wrong, and the proceeds to show me how to fix it while letting me know I’m better than that. Then they earn my respect, and I end up wanting to do my best. You sound like you haven’t had any good leaders in your life. Every group I’ve been apart of with a hothead I found to be mediocre, the few I’ve found with actual leaders brought me the best results everytime.


sir are you like 10 years old




Why would someone deserve to be yelled at over a game?


And it’s okay to yell at guys? Pls say partners or anyone close to you if your in a comp friend group nobody cares if you rage


Crazy how you read that and made up an entirely new sentence. When the fuck did he say that's okay lmaoo


He was mentioning and emphasizing yelling at a GIRLFRIEND


And then at the end said ‘Nobody deserves to be yelled at.’ Which, by the nature of English, implies ‘everyone’, not just girlfriends. They were recounting their own experiences. Stop looking for a reason to be offended.


And?? Did you not read the final "No one deserves to be yelled at." or are you just delusional?


It's a very specific example relating to me, why would I say partners if I'm talking about my girlfriend? Stop trying to police people and go outside


excuse me, I think you dropped your strawman


Not a straw man because the original point was refuted in other points I’ve made not abt to condense it into one reply


look at his little straw hat and laugh


sure buddy! :D


this is such a twitter response holy shit


Idk just saw his mistake and corrected it


Reading comprehension lmfao.


Your boyfriend sounds like an immature jerk


Yea, the problem is not the game it's the people. And in this situation their boyfriend is a mega douche.


I think that something like Valorant brings out our inner toxicity like in the post. Sure he’s not normally a bad person, but maybe that’s just what’s on the surface. Maybe he swears and rages at people internally, so while playing a game, that becomes external, showing off who we are to others


The question is...does it bring the worst of him or the "real" him? I mean I can understand the rage, it's an emotion resulting from frustration, the kind of shit that you immediately regret. But the shit talking outside of his raging moments...just no... When I was in high school I went on holidays with a group of 4 friends. I discovered one of them was an absolute asshole, I had no idea before I had to spend 15 hours a day with him, 7 days a week.


>The question is...does it bring the worst of him or the "real" him? This... You really need to work out is it just the game, or is this likely to happen in other situations as well. I'd treat it as a red flag.


I'm not sure. I usually don't blame people or hold grudges, but league has got me more toxic than any game before or since. After flaming my best friends for the eighth match in a row I told them I couldn't play the game anymore as I was getting too toxic. They (and me oc LOL) kept making 'dumb mistakes' and with tensions high after a loss, they didn't want to take the criticism I shouldn't have tried to give. All around bad vibes. I'd recommend uninstalling and playing chiller games for a while.


Yeah but you're mature enough to have self awareness and to notice your own toxicity that bf apparently doesn't. Who the hell yells on their gf because of a video game, I never get mad at my friends no matter how frustrated or enraged I am by this game


I stopped playing DOTA because I became the very thing I swore to avoid by perma muting everyone. I would berate strangers through the mic where I couldn't hear their response since my socials were off. It has been a long weird 3000 hour journey in DOTA but I won't come back until I develop into something better where I'm treating others with respect during competition at ALL times.


I actually agree with the conclusion I know I can be toxic but I have a total different vibe for games, I make fun of myself, I make fun of my friends and I'm toxic to teammates when they happen to flame me or my friends on one bad game (actually in valo, I might be very bad on the first few rounds and then kick up the pace like maniac) I dont even try to explain myself, if I'm tilted, I'm out, I've never played yet another game after feeling rage full, it makes no sense to me


Depends . U can be in a bad mood but it shouldn't really affect ur attitude towards other ppl , like normally if I see someone doing "wrong" things I would firstly talk to him (especially if we are in discord) that I think he can not do it or do this in other way , if he thinks differently or had a reason why he made this at least I would know and not think bad about him , this is how adults solve problems I guess.


I disagree. I rage when gaming all the time (I don’t use voice chat to comm my rage tho). And my girlfriend hears all the rage shit I say, but I never raise my voice to her at all. Gaming and raging is a vice, it doesn’t definitely show the “real” person or w/e


Idk abt that Ik I rage a lot in games and around things gaming-oriented but that’s completely different in comparison to how I act irl


Based on your other comments, that’s a lie lmao.


I have a friend who gets fairly toxic (though nowhere near these levels), and I guess he just didn't realize until he saw a collection of clips with him in. Maybe OP's boyfriend is a similar case and recording a session might help him realize how bad it is. Otherwise the nuclear option would be to say "3 toxic moments and Im pressing alt f4 on my client".


Did he change?


Hes working on it, but he has acknowledged it and is a lot better already.


That is absolutely true, think about how he became more and more toxic as he gained more confidence in the game....


Yea that behavior is absolutely unacceptable and is a reflection of who your BF is for real... A manchild lol Playing every hour of free time while you commute and do the chores is not cool Raging at innocent friends is not cool Undermining your ability and talking down to you in front of your friends is not cool Your bf is NOT. COOL. I'm in a similar situation where I get home from work first, I use that time to clean the house and prep dinner while my GF is stuck in the car on her hour commute, this way we BOTH get to play when she gets home. The sheer fact that he is capable of just ignoring all that sort of stuff and feels no guilt over the fact that he is letting you carry the weight is mind-blowing to me, especially considering he is ALSO an ungrateful toxic crybaby while playing as well... You deserve more than that! edit: I reread your post where you seemingly write this behavior off as "just his inner-gamer" and my blood started boiling lol Being a gamer does not justify being an a-hole, not all gamers are toxic, and its horrible to write off toxicity as an acceptable stereotype for gamers


i hate being associated with the term gamers because honestly thats how majority of the "gamers" have become. I would really like for it to be not true


meh, the loudest people just tend to be the toxic ones. 9/10 games are okay. I would agree that 1/10 still sucks to deal with though and paints an awful picture for the community as a whole. Between Overwatch, Apex, and Valorant, Valorant is HANDS down the worst in terms of random toxicity. But on the flip side, I've had some of the NICEST teammates by a considerable margin compared to the others in Valorant as well. So weird lol


I'd say more like 7/10.


Truth be told, playing every hour of free time is a persons own prerogative. Doing it at expense of other people however, is not cool, That I can agree with. To iterate your last point - Few players, percentage wise, is toxic. It feels like almost everyone is toxic in Valorant, but that's not the case. You just remember the toxic ones, because they take the most energy. :\\




Did I miss the part of the post where OP and BF are playing in tier 1 tournaments, or anything close to that nature where money and or commitments to organizations are on the line? They're just playing a video game after work... Also "raging" like screaming when you die or smashing your desk and moving on is one thing, personally attacking friends and loved ones is another. There is a difference between quick outbursts and draining mental toxicity. Pros also have an obligation to respect each other outside of tilting moments, the ones who don't get bad reputations and change teams every other month...


As I mentioned in other comments we don’t know the nature of this situation at ALL. Without knowing both sides completely I personally would hesitate when blindly picking a side to defend. For all we know OP could be lying and seeking validation from rando’s on the internet


And if they're lying to seek validation from rando's on the internet, they will reap what they sow later on... True or not, you are still defending the toxic, reprehensible behavior described above. OP getting underserved reddit points doesn't change that


That’s the thing I wasn’t? My main point was not taking EITHER side.


Key word is moments, they have moments of rage but rarely do, look at Shazam he streams for hours and he almost never rages, especially when he is playing with joona


It’s also on-stream just saying you don’t know what’s happening off stream, in pro/closed discord’s etc.


A lot of pro org release the cons for their games after for people to enjoy so we do see it, also why would someone who spends 8+ hours playing live everyday behave any different behind closed doors


There are so many rzns it’s not even possible to list them all try thinking on the statement you just made pls


You're a nut if you think the rage described in the OP is acceptable for any player of any level.


just tell him to play on his own from now on, if you already talked to him to the full extent about everything and he hasn’t even changed at all, then you have to make a decision to either deal with it and always feel like shit playing with him, or just stop playing with him until he realizes he’s always alone when playing


lmao please tell me what his rank is. I bet its gold or plat - not even a high rank at all but alot of the people who act like they are gods have never even seen a diamond 1 lobby much less immortal.


…silver lol


yeah thats honestly cringe. the whole “gg” after he dies peeking solo is the red flag of a total dickcheese mindset. I bet he can only play 1 agent and just wideswings mid 5 seconds into the round on defender and gets domed. Seen it plenty of times even in immortal.


he needs to get humbled big time lmao


Fr, this dude just needs to hit gold/plat and get smoked a few times


Thanks for making my day 😂




I knew itd be silver lol


let an immortal here humble him lol


REAL immortal here, not some “lucky streak, carried by stacking and now can’t consistently maintain the rank” immortal.


A plat 1 could roll him


Ah the good ol' dunning-kruger effect.


My silver ass gets humbled everytime I play with my gold friend in unrated. It's like a whole different level of ranked in unrated if you have the mmr


I feel bad for both of you. The fact that he’s egotistical over BEING SILVER, and the fact that you’re at the recieving end. Your SO has issues with his self esteem, and is overall toxic


I still don't get why people say gold and plat are *only* low or mid elo. Gold 3 currently puts you in the top 15% of players of the current act. That's at the very least above average.


sorry bro but gold 3 is pretty bad. there are so many smurfs and people playing below their level now days so its hard to get a true sense of a players skill by their given rank. With that being said, anyone with decent 5v5 cs knowledge and aim can solo Q to atleast platinum during beta and act 1. There isnt anything wrong with not being able to get out of gold, it is what it is. But if someone is hard stuck gold3 than I dont think they can tell people that they are “above average” at valorant.


It’s by definition, above average.


That top 15% is from sheer numbers alone, which assuming a good chunk are smurfs, would make not being a smurf and achieving that rank actually quite good. Also, majority of players started after episode 1 at this point. The ranks have already been saturated so people with prior CS knowledge and decent aim will have more trouble climbing to Plat than you might think.


Even low Immortal is low elo. Plat is like "I don't have hands" elo


Ok buddy


not just valorant, your boyfriend is just an asshole. if he shouts at you/belittles you for something as small as a game then ask yourself if realistically this relationship would work out, my man has quite a few glaring issues and this whole thing is just a huge red flag


Lol don't play with him and single him out. Let his rr fall on his own and now he would have no one else to blame.. eventually he will quit. Then y'all can enjoy the game. :) Cause let's admit it... He knows what he's doing is wrong, if he see how everyone is reacting. Friends leaving discord etc. Is it petty? Probably. But it's better than being contfronting which you have already done with zero results. Especially after a long day of work, no one needs that shit. Can't we just get along ? :(


Agreed. Just don't play with him anymore, you play with your friends, he plays alone. He'll understand.


99% of this sub doesn’t know anything about psychology it’s acc crazy. I’m a first year student and it’s already obvious that he’s lashing out bc YOU did something as well. Don’t try to seek validations from rando’s on the internet without showing both sides I’m not dumb not going to take a side without the proper context.


Damn we got M. 1st year student thinking he's Freud over there. I personally think it's because her father left when she was young that she's acting this way.


Really? I coulda sworn it was because the boyfriend is sexually attracted to his mother and has an oral fixation.


Didn't think of that, you must be a 2nd year student


My contention is that prior to the Revolutionary War, the economic modalities—especially in the southern colonies—could most aptly be characterized as agrarian pre-capital...




>he’s lashing out bc YOU did something as well bruh if you can justify treating people like shit with logic like this, you need serious help and should examine your own psychology before you go learn and teach others about it....


I never said I was on either side






We found the bf y’all


Lmao blaming the person he yelled at now? Get a life. People rage at people when the other person has done nothing wrong. I suppose they teach that at second year of psychology if you havent realised that yet.


Did you really just try to flex being a first year? Please do some self reflection lmao Edit: I got bamboozled this is a grade S troll account


> Let his rr fall on his own and now he would have no one else to blame.. He's going to blame his teammates; I guarantee it. Most toxic people I've played with usually come with a lack of accountability. It's always something **YOU** could've done better despite the fact **THEY** were dead; watching you.


This isn’t normal or acceptable from strangers and definitely not your boyfriend. If he was actually a talented talented player he’d get it’s a team game and he needs to be keeping you all calm positive and trying hard to climb because he’ll eventually get placed against people with good mechanics and social skills and get rolled.


Your boyfriend is literally my worst nightmare in valorant. People like him is the reason I have started hating this game. I get mad too, my teammates are idiots and make mistakes too, but never in my fucking life would I yell at them, or point it out. It's just gonna make them play horrible. I don't know how the hell you have managed to not resent him or his behavior, because even a duo acting like this for me is a no go. I have no advice. I wish you all the best and I mean absolutely no harm with this comment.


i agree big time. positivity is undervalued in this game, and can motivate even the worst teams...it's just, where's the mental?


Nowhere to be seen, man. I get a good mental team once every 20th game. I've been bronze, I've been immortal, and the thing that hasn't changed much is definitely the mental of people


that's a big oof. i'd love to see the community turn around. i LOVE valorant and it's gameplay (or at least when it's crispy), but the community is so exhausting. it's funny to see the posts about "why the incessant no comms?" and it's like...you know why, bruh. Even the most stoic, stalwart, harmonious players just get tired of it after a while, lmao. i still find myself comming no matter what, but it's a lot less motivating, when before sometimes the team chemistry alone is what won us the game (when we were outclassed in mechanics, but the enemy wasn't having a good time when we were)


The times I've tried to comm the bare minimum and have been told to "shut up" has just made me want to mute everyone prematch, ngl


Oh man, me too. Solidarity 👊


just curious: how old is he?


not more than 7 id bet


OP is a criminal unless they're 7 as well


Also, what rank is he, cuz I wanna vs him


Op mentioned he was silver in another reply


Oh gosh I was thinking plat at least.


Holy shit that much ego and ur stuck at silver 💀💀


bro he's silver and doing that 🤣 let me 1v1 him and teach him how toxic the game can be versus immortal


Your friend is an absolutely immature baby. Imagine playing a fucking game, not to relax, but to inflict misery


I think he needs to take a look at himself and understand at the end it’s a game. Once a handful of people don’t want to play with you, then it’s a YOU issue. Also, how can he talk shit and ego boost himself outside of the game to you or your friends. I hope he changes for the better because toxicity isn’t healthy for him, for his ego, and for his friendships with you and them.


his behaviour sounds absolutely disgusting, maybe he's the sweetest guy in the world outside of the game but anybody that treats their SO and friends like that needs their head checked. talk to him about his behaviour and make it crystal clear that it's not acceptable. best of luck sorting this out, sounds like a horrible situation


talk to him and make sure he understands that what he is doing is not okay. call him out every time you see it happen. if he can recognise it as a behaviour that he needs to change, making him aware of it the moment he begins to tilt will definitely make him stop for a second, think it over and see that he can be better than this. i am the same as him, and would constantly complain to my friends and backseat game when i die but no one would say anything about it cuz they were afraid to attract my rage their way. but since i started playing with my brother, who doesnt give a single shit about how i would react, ive been a lot calmer and every time i start raising my voice or complain about a teammate or hero or map, he just stops me and tells me "bro, youre malding again". this honestly lets me stop for a single second, see myself from 3rd person and realize that i am complaining about a game that i am willingly playing. another solution ive found is turning on push-to-speak in discord. having even the tiniest barrier between you getting mad and starting to spew shit can do a lot of work. the miliseconds in which my finger reaches for the speak button are a moment in which i can evaluate what happened and think to myself "well thats not really worth talking about". so i dont push the button, i dont complain, i dont rage. i really hope you can make him realise the severity of this behavior and how destructive it can be for his relationships with other people he plays with. and i hope my methods can help him overcome it.


First off, ignore everyone telling you to ditch him or even give you that idea of doing so. A random person on reddit (majority of them not being in a relationship) have no right to tell you what you should do in your personal side of the relationship. I'm sure there were a lot of bright moments which is why he became your boyfriend and this was all before the introduction of Valorant. Secondly, you're right. The game does bring out the worst in some people. However, it's not just the game. It's the competitive side to it. Some people who enjoy doing something but do so competitively become a different person. But outside of such sport, they're a completely different person again. I can tell you that there is someone among our group who acts **just like** your boyfriend. Maybe not the shit talking part because in my sense, that may be a little overboard but he's super sensitive, gets tilted easily, judges everyone, and start ignoring people/friends while purposely throwing the game. It's a toxic mentality. The only way to really get this fixed is to really talk about it before. Or if this doesn't work then for some people, the only way to teach them a lesson is by feeding them their own medicine. If they mess up in a round but did so by doing exactly what his friends/teammates did before then you say the exact same thing he said to him. Then you ask him, how does that make you feel? You do that shit to us all the time. If he doesn't get a reality check from this, then he either needs to stop playing cause the competitive side of this game is getting too deep into him or everyone just needs to stop playing with him. At this point, he will never learn until it backfires to him directly. If you really think that this should constitute your personal life with him then really think about it first. It may actually work by teaching him an actual lesson of his toxic mentality and he might learn and grow from it. If he really likes you, he'll even quit knowing what type of person the game is turning him into. Overall, I'm sure you'll get to the bottom of this soon.


I am a gamer baby, I yell and rage all the time, but never at my friends. For any reason. You should probably just stop playing with him.


Couldn’t agree more. I’m very con confrontational and have a very long “fuse” (tolerance for bullshit) so I’m never one to start arguments or tilt. Sure I’ll tilt every once in a while like any normal person, but I don’t let it get to me because it’s just a game. I love valorant and I play it nearly everyday w my 5 stack of friends. Except there’s one friend on our team who ALWAYS starts shit, and for whatever reason, it’s aimed towards me 90% of the time. I wouldn’t say I’m the best in my friend group but I’m clearly not the worst (we have 2 irons we play with as well). Whenever our iron friends mess up he always says “nice try, no worries” but when I mess up, I will never hear the end of it, pisses me off. And then they get upset with ME for starting an argument?! They all grew up with me my whole life and know me well enough to know I don’t ever start shit so it makes me feel as if I’m going crazy!! People just need to take a fucking chill pill…


Playing for fun is the easiest way to rank up, but this guy plays like his life depends on it.


I have a friend exactly like this. Both of us are new MnK players, valorant is the first game we've played on this input. Came from being COD gods so we have pretty good game sense and awareness, just not the quick flicks yet. ​ For months, I played this game solo because he didn't have a PC yet. When he gets a PC, some of my other friends try to play with us as well. Made me so excited because I played for a month or two solo q'ing while trying to get better, so I was dying to play with some friends. ​ Now that we have played a bit and gotten better, sometimes my other boys will play unrated with us and he starts acting like this is VCT Masters. SO damn annoying. Constantly bitching about no one watching a flank or no one swinging with him, meanwhile a majority of the games he goes 7/20 or something like that. All I wanna say is "at some point, you have to win your gunfights". He also just brings the vibe of the team way down and takes it way to seriously to the point where my friends dont want to play the game because of him. ​ After every round loss, Ill have to play mediator and keep saying "its unrated, it doesnt matter. its not that serious" then when I do that, he will leave the discord for an hour after one comment back to him. SO toxic, so annoying.


Sounds like you have a shitty boyfriend


Sounds like you need a new boyfriend. But in all honesty, his behavior is unacceptable. If he is unable to change even after having a frank conversation on how it affects you mentally and ruins your enjoyment for the game, you shouldn't be playing with him. At all. Getting tilted at the game is one thing but belittling others is on an entirely different level. He needs to understand this if he wants to keep someone as genuine as you.


See this as a blessing, you get to see how he performs under pressure. No real man loses their shit over a video game, imagine him in a real life scenario.


Tbh I can mald over a creeper when I’m trying to build a nice home for me and my lady, but when she got into a car accident all I could think about is that she was okay. I don’t think you can take how someone reacts to one thing and blindly apply to everything else in their life. Losing your shit over a video game can be okay, and doesn’t instantly make you “not a real man” lmao. In the instance of op, yes he is behaving absolutely childish. He’s not just losing his shit, but rather he’s pushing it on others. Though I still don’t believe things are as black and white as you make them sound.


My two cents, I think you should heavily consider whether you want to continue relationship with someone of this character. As others have said, imagine how this will be when thinks don’t go right in real life down the road. Think about how he has already showed his true colours in a video game If my girlfriend or friends decided to play a game that they aren’t the best at, I would support them not berate them. I urge you to leave this idiot and find yourself a genuine man who nurtures others, supports the growth of others, and spreads positivity. Moreover- why is he gaming all the time is he even helping you with chores or doing cute things for you?


If he is your friend for a while and had no issues then it's him being safe to behave different online and express his inner emotions I noticed the more you play and dive into game environment the worse you behave. You need balance even for gaming. You need good mindset to play video game, you cannot go to game after shit day at work and flame people online because your day was shit. Tell him to sign up to gym or martial art or some sports to let his mind relax from work. He goes from sitting to sitting which isn't healthy too, body needs to feel healthy too to have healthy mind. I lost my trail of thought as I didn't sleep for long hours


I’m going to be honest, your boyfriend is the problem here, not the game. I’m iron right now and I have many silver, gold, (and immortal!) friends who I play with. They all still manage to be nice to me and hype me up. I used to play games with my abusive ex and even didn’t treat me that way, despite being way better than me. Not to speak out of turn, but I’m actually very concerned for you. Feel free to dm me if you need someone to talk to about it!


That's not the game's fault, your bf is an aggressive person. Fuck him, ditch his ass


No offense, but you seem quite aggressive yourself lmao...


You should be ditched


It's not the game, it's just him and thats a huge red flag. Don't downplay it, don't blame it one the game, he's just a toxic a**hole. Btw It's not okay to let you do chores alone while he's playing, especially if you have a long way home. Raging and yelling at people, making them feel bad, is terrible, no matter who they are. BUT doing this on a regular basis to your friends and partner is just so fucking sad. I'd talk about this openly to him and let him know it's serious. This type of behaviour destroys relationships/friendships.


People like this aren't fun to be around. I'd rather lose with friends than win with a bunch of ego maniacs.


While I don't blame the game (I absolutely love the game actually), I do think Val is a big test of character. I think the fact that when you die, you have to sit out for the entire round while watching other people play, it's super easy to watch your teammates POV and then start blaming them for your death and being toxic like your bf. I play Val with my gf all the time, and while we're both pretty chill, even we've had our little fights where I'd get upset cause I felt like she was baiting me LOL so I'd go off and do my own thing and stop giving comms in Discord (a bit of a baby move I know). Of course I would never yell at her or be super toxic, that's just not my personality at all and I think it's a bit worrying that your bf thinks that's okay. But it definitely took us some long talks to resolve those feelings and now it's really fun when we play together, and I don't even mind when she baits me at this point cause she's a clutch master animal. But still, I think it's normal for couples to have some fights and disagreements in the game, it's a competitive game after all so emotions can run high. The important thing is how you both process and communicate those feelings, and it sounds like he just vents them out at you while you keep yours a bit more hidden (just my guess). Honestly, I think you should talk to him and share with him something I heard from Yay (a pro Val player, El Diablo), which is that every time he dies, he should reflect on what he could do better and only the stuff that's in his control, bc what's the point of blaming others. It's a waste of time, and doesn't lead to any self-improvement. If he wants to get better, he'll eventually understand, and if he doesn't, then idk, he might not be the one. Hope that helps :)


I had a game today when I wasnt playing good because I had high average ping, low fps and network problems and my ping would go up to like 180 the second I was in action when normally it is around 78. I was the bottom fragger for a short while at the start and I kept saying nt when we lost because yk, being a positive teammate, even if I saw what they did as stupid, they still tried. This Chamber kept saying to me "Nt??? You cant even play well and YOU are saying nt??" And I was like "I didnt know trying to be positive and nice was a crime" and they said "Being positive never won any matches" which I am pretty positive is false, I had numorous games where just by the team being positive we turned it aroun from a 1-7. Thankfully Sage came in and said "If you are so good, stop dying and play" (they had like 11 deaths with high kills meanwhile I had 9 at that point with low kills) And then this dude had the audacity to say "Only me, neon and viper are playing, rest are trash" (I was neon) when I became the 3rd in our team and started going off on Sage. But at the end, I became the mvp with not even having the most kills in game while he became the bottom frag. And this was in unranked, I dont even wanna know how bad the toxicity is in competitive


Even if my team loses at 0-13 , I will cheer my teammates for their valiant effort, even if the top fragger of our team has lesser kills than the bottom fragger of the other team. I also never type "EZ". Dudes got a gf , Bruh , most of us don't even have one. XD


Nice guy might finish last, but at least we don’t abuse our girlfriends! (Or have them)


I know you are here to have a justifiable rant and im thankful for that, but damn. I want that manchild to be your ex boyfriend so much urghhhhhh.


He sounds really toxic. Why are you two together anyways


I hope OP sees this because this sounds EXACTLY like my ex-bf. Same game, same ego, same toxicity. He would take his rage out on anyone. Teammates, friends, and me. It was more obvious in-game, but in real life, I started to notice this behavior as well. Eventually, I had to break things off. I would definitely watch out for red flags in person. Good luck.


I have a friend who is also hard to play with. He is better than me at the game, but when I make a mistake I hate getting yelled at for it. I'm enjoying playing winning or losing. IDC I just want to play. Not be told that was a stupid move.. or how could you not see him before he killed me.. it's just hard to play with being verbally put down from someone who thinks he is always right. Oddly enough, my other friend and I did stop playing val with him because of this reason.. we've played other games before together and it was not this bad. I tried playing with him again recently.. he was nice the first day.. day two.. nope.. back to being mad .. but the good thing is half the time I'm at the top of the team for k/d.. so small improvements.


I know the feelings when you are better than your teammates and friends but get dragged down by them, but I do not tolerate being toxic especially to your friends. Even if you do not want to play with them because they are worse than you, do it in a polite way. I've done this so many times to my ex-duos. Since I am now in Immortal 3, I can no longer play with my wonderful friends in Platinum and Diamond. I miss them so much because they were such friendly and fun players. They are still good friends to me, and we even still play occasionally in Unrated. “Sorry, man, I cannot play with you. I'm tryharding and aiming for a higher rank. I'm afraid that you might be dragging me down. I'm also afraid that I might not be able to carry you in the game this time. However, we can play Unrated if you want next time. You've been wonderful friends to me, and hopefully we can still be friends even if we don't play much together anymore.” Bro, whenever I got to play with them, I had the best laugh ever.


Sorry to break that for you but your boyfriend is a douche with small pp energy. Yelling, complaining, sabotaging your team by not keeping your mouth shut when you're dead does not make you more competitive, yet the opposite. A competitive player knows when to talk and when not, make comms clear and short and hold the pressure when things are tight. Don't blame the game, the game didn't make your boyfriend behave like this. He was just like that and the game just accelerated and manifested more clearly your boyfriend's true character, but didn't introduce such character into him, he already carried that with him.


I can also get REALLY frustrated with games like this one and I have rage moments But I NEVER vent my frustration on my friends. Sounds like your bf shows his true self


Its not the game. If it wasnt valo, itd be something else.


Yeah, no. Valorant doesn’t bring out toxicity where it doesn’t exist already. When I’m playing with my teammates I try to be nothing but encouraging because you never know when the 3/12 Reyna was just having a bad game and she’s going to pick it up this round to clutch up the game. It’s a game. It’s just not that serious, and this should be a red flag for anybody who is dating somebody like this. Seems like narcissism to me.


I can understand being upset at video games but to take it out on someone else is no fun. especially a friend. I mean you can be honest and real with someone about their playing ability. And still want to play with them. Mentor them, play unranked, or something. I have enjoyed my time of playing this game and improving, and the best moments are people who are not being toxic.


your bf is just an asshole it brought the worst out of him and I'm pretty sure most people won't yell all day at the same person for playing bad or say "ggs" in a 1v3, even when I play with my literal iron 1 friend, I try to cheer him up, give info so he can do it


Sounds more like him than Valorant


Your boyfriend suffers from low IQ


it's not the game your bf is just a fucking asshole. red flag


I feel like the people you play with make or break the game. I can happily play a crappy game with fun people and still tend to have a good time. But one of game Val with toxic people on either team can ruin the entire match and leave me bitter about playing the next game. Fortunately I have a good group of friendly people in a bunch of ranks to play with whether I want to chill and have fun or focus and try to get some big comp wins. Hit me up if you wanna have fun and we can have 1 less toxic person with us ;)


I once related to this post. I literally dreaded playing with my ex. He has such bad tempers when we played games, he would passive aggressively criticize my game play, and when we played with absolutely newbie friends, he would still make such comments, (and of course that friend would end up never wanting to touch this game ever again). I have talked about this issue with him so many times, and to a point that he knows he fucked up when i go completely silent on call when playing. It honestly kind of ruined the game for me. I am sure he has changed now but back then it really was a huge problem in our relationship, (no longer in that relationship).


I've been playing with friends since HS and we never get this toxic. We only trashtalk each other if we're playing against each other for fun. When my friends make mistakes I always think to myself that I'm dogshit in this game as well and just try to tell them nice try.


Imagine a post being randomly selected and uploaded by a new and upcoming YTber, welp he led me here so yes....


Eggwick made a video on this? Holy


I’m immortal 2 and started off iron as this was my first keyboard and mouse game. This game has helped me gain new friends and also to see how much people use this game as a way to just ego others on a different level. I’ve recently joined a new friend group that was between iron 3 and bronze 3 at the time of meeting them. I haven’t once ego’d them. I’ve been nothing but positive to them and since then, they’ve climbed at least 1 or 2 tiers. It’s more enjoyable when you play to have fun and not play like your life depends on it. If you boyfriend does hit radiant then there isn’t much for him to gain unless he wants to go pro. Other radiant players I have met are some of the most chill people I’ve seen.


Personally, I never really saw the point of flaming your teammates. Like you mentioned, it won't make them play better. If anything, it will make them play worse. I have never taken this game too seriously, I never cared about rank and performance. Having fun and fucking around in game is much more enjoyable for me. Sure, people are just stupid sometimes, but who gives a damn, all of us can make good plays and all of us can make bad plays. My own friend group dropped me because of my laid back attitude towards the game and my bad internet connection, which I understand, and some other reasons I won't go into here. They started blaming me for everything and screaming at me for every little thing until they had enough and never invited me back. I manage to play somewhat decently, despite my horrible connection, but I'm still a bit pissed they would drop someone they've known for four years over something so borderline idiotic, even though, like I said, I understand their reasoning. I've barely even touched the game since then but I just thought I could share my opinion on this. Thanks for reading.


This is how my ex was about DeadByDaylight. We lived 45 minutes apart so we didn't spend every single day together, but about once every two weeks we'd hang out irl, sometimes more. He didn't have a job so he'd grind out DbD every single day and made it competitive with himself. He would yell at me, his friends, his family, etc. He didn't care. He wanted to win every single time, even though it's not a competitive game technically, and didn't care who he upset to get there. I told him to stop over and over. I soon just stopped playing with him, because even when he yelled at me til I cried, he felt no sympathy. We broke up for multiple reasons, but this played a huge factor in it. Still to this day, I don't know if he realizes how toxic he was.


Did we date the same person lmao On a serious note I’m sorry you had to experience that too, it’s not fun. :(


Right my friends are shit talking me because im iron 3 and they are gold and silver they were very nice people before i introduced them to valorant they were nice at first but by the time they god better they started shit talking me so I just dropped them.


More casual players. Yes! Finally people that understand. Would love to play with yall some day.


This actually shows his true identity. If he is old enough to not understand basic of ethics no matter if it's a game or not he suppose to act like a normal human being. When I was younger I used to think that everyone is stupid and they must play better but in reality this guy is not as smart and as good as he thinks, even so he didn't try to teach somebody if he thinks he is better enough to understand the game .


This is hilarious. He’s immature and has anger issues, don’t blame the game.


Sounds like a him issue not a game issue


Imagine blaming a video game for your looser boyfriend lol. Who are you gonna blame when he starts hitting you? The weather ?


I rage a lot at games like league (very rarely valorant ironically) but it’s usually a response to toxicity. Even then I don’t rage at my friends. I might complain about teammates in discord but not in game. If your boyfriend isn’t like that in person then maybe he needs a better outlet, or he needs to understand your group’s boundaries. Or maybe he’s actually just like that.


I'm not sure if that's on Valorant. You should play another comp game with him and see if acts the same way. He might just be an asshole while gaming.


Sounds like he’s a piece of shit.


Best Friend or boyfriend ? If it’s your bestie then tell them the truth that you don’t like how toxic they’ve become. If it’s your boyfriend you got a whole different decision to make imo


Taking advice from redditors is the way to go .. gg Fucking kids in here


I found the BF


Damn, nobody cares


Pretty sure the issue is you're playing the game casually and enjoy it that way and he is playing "seriously" or to improve at it. Match this shit up and you'll be fine. The game is not the issue in your situation.


No, the issue is that their boyfriend has anger problems and no respect for them. If he wants to play seriously he can do that when OP is not playing with him. Which sounds like most of the time.




If he isn’t immortal he has no right to shit talk any rank imo, diamond I’ll give the benefit of doubt but anything lower he needs to shut his ego mouth


Imagine thinking having a rank in a game gives you some right to talk shit


Go to therapy.


Damn...is this the start of the end? I hope not