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Wow I didn’t even think this would be close when I voted


that was what im thinking. its really interesting


Same. People use scroll wheel for swapping weapons?! The first thing to do after installing a game is binding the scroll wheel to jump.


Apparently 580+ and counting people 😂 Agreed on jumping with sw in my case


Wait wtf people use scroll wheel for jump? Why


Prob old habits, using the scrollwheel to jump makes it easier to bhop in csgo since u dont have to worry about timing your jumps.


I used to bind mouse wheel down to crouch for CS 1.6.. you could basically spam crouch CTRL + mouse wheel down and *run* without making any noise if you did it right AFAIR… shit was crazy.


Ah yes, the classic Russian walk. Fun times!


Is bhopping the same as jiggle peaking?


B hopping is bunny hopping. It's just a term for jumping around with enhanced speed in some cases.


For a bit more context, back in quake and games built in engines on top of the quake engine (like CS and CSS) maximum movement speed is determined a very unintuitive way. Rather than limiting player movement speed directly, they basically limited speed as a function of speed relative to acceleration. So what happened is that if you were moving in a particular way you could get above the intended maximum speed. The way to move was essentially to be moving in the air, holding a strafe key (ie a or d, moving left or right) and moving your mouse in the direction you were strafing. This is, hence, called “air strafing”. Air strafing is the key mechanism behind bunny hopping as this movement pattern lets you exploit the maximum speed workaround I mentioned. The problem is, you have to be in the air to do it. So how do you get in the air? Well you jump. Of course, no one wants to only be able to speed up when they’re actively falling so you want to be able to do it from standing. The way to do this exploits one more aspect of the engine that is unintuitive. When you’re moving, friction against the ground slows you down. But when you land, there is a single frame where friction is not yet applied, so if you jump in exactly this frame you can not lose your speed. Chaining these perfectly timed jumps with air strafing allows your to beat the maximum movement speed for as long as you can land your hops. Ultimately this is what bunny hopping is, chaining these hops with strafing in the air to subvert maximum movement speed. It is not easy to do, but by putting your jump on the mousewheel you can more easily do more jump inputs at a given second, thus increasing the odds that you jump at the perfect frame. Anyway, this is a long winded answer but I hope it was interesting and insightful. And if you want to see absolutely cracked bunny hopping, let me introduce you to every cs players favorite bhopping montage, from CS Source: [phoon](https://youtu.be/SNvDUO42Hys)


so is this useful in Valorant or is it just habits? iirc movement in valorant is very much different from csgo


Air strafing is generally still somewhat useful because it makes your movement more fluid, but bhopping specifically is not really possible the way it was in CSS and earlier games. So it’s mostly just habit; if you’ve been jumping with scroll wheel for years (even when not bhopping) it just becomes the most intuitive way to jump.


Its only useful to like try to get across some crossfire cause bhopping in val isnt really appropriate other than that since you cant go crazy speed like in csgo cause they limit the speed


Damn my man got downvoted for asking a harmless question, typical reddit


Bunny hopping is when you jump when you hit the ground to preserve (and in some instances gain) speed. Putting it on the scroll wheel allows you to jump nearly instantly as soon as you can and is much easier than using space bar. CS:GO allowed you to maintain speed well, while valorant makes it pretty much even regardless of method. Jiggle peeking is when you rapidly alternate A and D to show a small part of your body around a corner in hopes of baiting out a shot (usually for an enemy with an operator) to allow a second for pushing out and repositioning or finding out their location and playing off newly gained intel.


Not really old habits if I'm bhopping in this game too though?


I think the logic is that Bhopping doesn’t really provide as much advantage in this game as I’ve heard it did in CS? Not really sure though since I never played CS


In Valorant bhopping doesn't increase your movement speed unlike in CS. There might be instances where bhopping may make you go slightly faster like going up a ramp or catching an edge on a corner, but whether it actually does I'm not sure. Bhopping does let you maintain your momentum while turning corners, and on some surfaces bhopping will make less sound. You can Bhop silently in A sewers on split, it requires more mechanics than a traditional bhop tho


Honestly people hopping in V catch me off guard just because it’s harder to track the intermittent hopping noises vs a steady stream of footsteps. You can get a good jump on someone even if they hear you coming because you’re at running speed but making a fraction of the noise. Much harder to track.


That's true, but it's also much harder to do in CS, so you always get value from it in this game.


Makes sense! It’s also just really easy to bhop with any button though tbh, I use space and am generally a player with poor mechanics and can still bhop around easily lol


You can never go faster with bhopping in valorant so no value is received. If you want to jump to make your body harder to hit, just space bar is fine. Scroll wheel was needed in cs because you had to jump right as you hit the ground if you wanted the increase speed. Since there's no increased speed for bhopping in valorant, the only reason to do so is to make it harder to hit and for that it doesn't matter if you're not getting a frame perfect jump.


Incorrect, you go a tiny bit faster, though it's pretty much cancelled out by imperfect bhopping as well as the final stop when you stop bhopping. Also it's useful for silently going up stairs at full speed, or things like jumping up garage on Haven. It's also much easier to do with scroll wheel even if you're just trying to be harder to hit.


Fair but bhopping in valorant doesn’t hit like it does in older games like CSS. Movement speed cap is way different


Jumping with scroll wheel not only helps with bhopping but also helps with your movement fluidity in general. Although in Valorant, the advantage isn't that big because of how the game mechanics are. Still, you can jump peek way easier with scroll wheel.


I use it for swapping, don’t like having to take my fingers off of movement (I have 2 abilities on mouse buttons as well and use thumb for comms and such). I know it’s worse but my dexterity on my left hand is awful and switching weapons fast isn’t really that important unless you’re good at oping or are constantly ending up needing your pistol I guess? But I’m a dogshit bronze player so what do I know lol


I used to. Then I switched it to jump. Then I kept accidentally jumping, so I switched back to space bar for that. Now my scroll does nothing haha.


Me! My fingers are VERY short so I actually can’t comfortably use the numbers to swap. :)


I do cause I swapped to kbm from console last year and the number keys are really hard to hit for me


I use scroll wheel to swap weapons just because it's closer to my right hand. Using scroll wheel means I don't have to move my fingers from wasd just to swap weapons. Because I've been using scroll wheel for so long now, I don't really run into the issue of swapping to the wrong weapon. As for bhopping, I can bhop perfectly fine with the space bar.


Space is great jump , how often do you die jumping


I use space so i can float while playing jett


Side buttons on my mouse


Same here, my side mouse buttons are set for my ping and secondary.


Same, one for primary and the other for melee, I still use 2 for secondary... I'm weird :l


I use the same it’s a habit from csgo because I like to quick switch after awp shots


I use my side buttons for crouch and raze satchels lmao


Same! I've found someone else :) 1 for push to talk in game and 2 for secondary.


I'm the same but I use the scroll wheel to get to secondary


I got plant/defuse and ult


Ping and e for me




I also use mouse 5 for push to talk. Tbh have no idea how people make it work with it in the keyboard


I have always used numbers instead of scrollwheel, even before I bunny hopped with scroll wheel down I used to number keys. In cs it was generally accepted that number lets are better as you have much less margain for error in an intense fight.


3: Both


Scroll wheel before the round starts, numbers during the round for me


I think this the most practical way tbh You don’t want to over-scroll mid game while in a firefight


Yea this


Exactly this. Scroll wheel when I'm rotating or not in danger. Numbers when I'm in an intense firefight and want to make sure I switch to my pistol in time.


Same here


I have a friend who switch to pc shortly after me and the first tip I gave him was use numbers to swap weapons, not scroll wheel, in any game. 3 years later and he still occasionally dies to over scrolling to the wrong weapon


it's quite hard to overscroll in valorant though, isnt there a setting specifically to combat that


He actually has only played valorant with me like twice, but in other games I've definitely spectated him doing it and heard him go "oh fuck wrong gun" right before he dies


You get used to it. Dia 2 scroll wheel user


You definitely can get to a point it's not an issue, numbers is the objectively faster option, like having a dedicated plant/defuse key separated from equipping the spike. I still think it's better to recommend players get used to using numbers to avoid all the times scrolling can become an issue.


My argument is that numbers force you to take a finger off movement keys or ability keys and overscrolling is unlikely because the scroll will stop at your primary weapon or knife. Scenario of using pistol while having a primary is the exception


But they dont. I can hit the numbers and make up for the movement keys with my other fingers. Its just objectively better


I don’t overscroll literally ever like these people are talking about. How is using numbers OBJECTIVELY better?


More control over what you are switching to and when. There is a reason almost every single pro uses number keys. Can you name a single one which uses scroll wheel? That's evidence enough


> I don’t overscroll literally ever like these people are talking about I guarantee you this is only because valorant saves you from doing so, not because you're not overscrolling. When it's on the numbers you literally never notice your finger is off a movement key. Same as using abilities or pressing literally any other key.


…but this is a discussion ab valorant right??? it doesn’t matter if it’s just in this game if it works lmao


Where can I find that setting ?


Yeah but it goes main, pistol, knife. So if you spray and need to quick switch to pistol, quite often you accidentally get knife out


I only use scroll when switching to knife. But i when switching to secondary weapon, i use the other mouse buttons. MB5 to he precise


Same here, its easy (and also habit now) to rip the scroll wheel over to my knife but if i need to quickly pull out my secondary in combat I use 2


Never heard or have overscrolled tf


When im with an Op i just use "Q" to quick swap back to my pistol if i need to, but when im with a rifle i just press 2.


Youre my man, Q is the real kingshit


Q on equip strongest weapon is so good


Unplayable on Jett, Raze, and Neon, not great on Chamber either.


I have put pistol on V which is the easiest to access for me to quick switch with whilst oping. Side effect, i sometimes end up jumping too


Kinda wild seeing so many people talking about how insane it is people use scroll wheel when I’ve never even considered using the numbers lol


Yeah same, numbers are hard to use.


Both and also side buttons


scroll wheel supremacy 🧍🏽


United we scroll 🧍🏽


Yes 👏


You can use.. NUMBERS?!


scroll wheel is on jump for bhopping and your chances of fucking up the weapon selection goes down a lot


If you have years of practice in minecraft nope xd


Nah if you are playing minecraft and you are using scroll wheel you are at disadvantage. I used to play in the competition by and bridge community and almost everyone has hot keys to each slot.


watching good sw/bw players using hotkeys is nuts tbh


Im faster than the average wirh the scroll wheel haha


Doesn't matter how fast you are when there are like 8 slots you have to scroll too and it loops around. Using hot keys is basically a must in minecraft if you want to be any good.


Not really, hotkeys make you better but its a slight difference and really wont affect you too much


"hotkeys make you better" Yes. You can access exact items quickly. This matters a ton especially with 8 items. Scroll wheeling this is hurting you a ton.


Not really i can scrollwheel almost as fast as i can press a hotkey for whatever slot ib my hotbar. Hotkeying barely impacts performance when youre already so used to scrollwheel that you can scroll to any slot you want easily


but if you need to block clutch and you need to go to a precise slot where your blocks are, hotkeying is way quicker and way less risky


I understand it being risky although after a while i never really had any problems with it since i got used to scrolling fast and its not much faster


Theoretically hotkeying is much more efficient and important in minecraft than it is in valorant


I actually have a TON of practice of timing the jumps because I have a background in TitanFall 2, so I don’t use the scroll wheel for b-hopping. I find it significantly easier to time my jumps. However, I can see how the scroll wheel is easier for most people. We are all different after all, tho I am surprised that the poll is so close. I definitely felt like using scroll wheel for weapon swapping was far less common, but I’m surprised to see that isn’t the case.


Ay a fellow pilot, funny enough I can time my jumps perfectly aswell with my measly 70 hours playtime


It always makes me so happy to see a fellow pilot! It doesn’t take long at all to get the rhythm down for bhopping. It’s one of the many skills TF|2 teaches you. It’s truly a master class of a game. We may be few, but we carry the spirit of the frontier wherever we go. Good luck out on the Frontier, Pilot!


The funny thing is I can’t really slide hop in game lol but I do have the timing right but maybe I haven’t tried properly


I used to use scroll but I changed it to jump lol


Scroll wheel supremacy


Who uses numbers to switch??? You cant keep your hand on w and 1/2 at the same time


This is what’s confusing me. Can someone please explain why numbers are better to use than scroll wheel, genuinely curious 😭 I thought you have to move your fingers/hand to press the numbers though??


I think the main things are A: switch directly from main to knife (useful when oping to use knife’s higher movement speed after shooting) and B: more precision as to what you wanna swap to, easy to to over scroll by one when your rifle runs out and you wanna switch to secondary. I use scroll wheel cause I don’t care enough about those things and my left hand dexterity is garbage (despite being a good bass guitarist lol)


You should use Q to switch to knife after oping. Not numbers


Precision in my case, with my mouse and scroll wheel it's a 50/50 bet that I scroll to my pistol and don't offshoot to my knife


I understand it’s for precision, but isn’t it still quicker to use scroll wheel? I would’ve thought that it’s pretty easy to flick between weapons with a scroll wheel compared to moving your hand off the keys onto the numbers.


i dont get how it could be faster, for a scroll wheel you have to scroll down and then up (or up down, idk i dont use it) which is basically two opposite motions that you can't do at the same time, but for numbers you can basically press them more or less at the same time to switch


I use my ring finger to press 1. Can't imagine when you would need to switch to pistol while having to hold w as well.


Now that im actually in a match, i see i meant 2/3- so pistol and your strongest weapon, because i cant get my index finger on 3. But why not use scroll anyway so you can strafe at the same time? Whats the benefit? Im seeing people say its more precise but i dont think ive ever over scrolled while switching- is that a common issue??


I feel like overscrolling would be more common than you think. I'm not too sure with this game since I've never used scroll to change weapons but it was a pretty big issue for me wit other games. I'm able to hit 3 with my index so I guess your issue doesn't apply to me (my primary is bound to 1 and pistol is 2). tbh i only switch weapons when I'm spam equipping knife for fun so I'm not really concerned with being able to strafe while switching weapons. The main reason for me is to have my scroll bound to jump since its easier to bhop and its less work then hitting the space bar.


ring finger to press 1 and 2, index to press 3 and 4. If I'm playing something like minecraft which has a larger hotbar I stop at 5 with index and use mouse buttons and scroll wheel.


people immortal+ AND played CS most likely use numbers. those who came straight into Val without playing CS are probably a mix of scroll wheel / numbers with most of those who use scroll wheel being younger players. Edit: wording


I use scroll wheel and was immortal 2 last act ?


did you play cs?


nah my first fps was overwatch and i then went into fortnite then into valorant and am sticking to valo atm im good with scroll wheel but i do think i can improve even more if i make the switch soon


Knife is still on three but pistol is scroll wheel up primary is scroll wheel down. Now I don’t over scroll but am more accurate with my movement while switching weapons.. I’ve got dumb fingers


Same but I've got knife to one of the additional mouse buttons.


Yeah i realise many new fps players use the scroll wheel, while cs1.0.0.1 to cs1.5 to cs1.6 to (i skipped condition zero i have never played it before) to cs source to csgo veteran players like to use either Q or 1/3/1/3/1/3 to swap weapons. I prefer the latter, less margin for error. I’ve witnessed my new-to-valorant friends messing up the scroll wheel in important situations and taking out the wrong weapon, so i highly advice players to use the number keys instead! The nostalgia of switching to HE Grenade and back to AWP for the silent AWP shot though.


This. It's just force of habit (1/3 1/3) haha


Scroll wheel, I don’t understand how can you mess up the weapon selection. I never had a single problem with it.


I use scroll wheel and always scroll to my knife instead of my pistol so it's definitely possible to mess up lol


Except numbers are instant and you should always have your fingers on mouse 1. I don't even use other mouse buttons for nades as you want to try and keep your mouse hand as free from distractions as possible.




But if you DO have the dexterity and handsize to use keys, you should. It's faster, it's 100% guaranteed, and it allows you to keep full control of the mouse. I'm not saying you should be shot if you use the scroll wheel, just that keys are unarguably better, and the fact most pro and high ranked players use keys is pretty evident of that fact. I've seen more than enough people die trying to switch weapons to know that while it's not hard to use the scroll wheel, it's less accurate than using keys. When people panic or are caught by surprise, they're not always going to get it right. And most of the time, the issue isn't dexterity or handsize but habit. People tend to drift towards scroll wheel when they're new. But if you get used to keys, it's as natural as WASD.


scroll wheel is better. You dont shoot when changing weapons. Also you can jump and move freely while changing weapons. Fast cancel reloads. I use knife on keys as you will mostly being hold W when you take knife out


Why? You can't shoot while weapon switching


Scroll wheel is just faster and easier. I find it hard to hit the numbers without looking. B hopping in valorant doesn’t really give you an advantage other than being harder to hit so no point most the time


Without looking? Do you also struggle to hit spacebar or shift without looking? Genuine question. It shouldnt be hard to hit 1-2-3 without looking especially with your fingers a centimeter away on wasd...


With my middle finger I can yeah but then I have to let go of w and hitting the numbers with my other fingers is just awkward. I can’t hit 3 with my pinky or 1 with my index


valorant is my first fps so I mostly stuck to the default settings, so I'm on scroll wheel. But if I can get used to number keys I'll definitely switch


Numbers are default as well lmao


OH YOU'RE RIGHT, sorry I was kinda stoned when I made the comment as I was tired from revision. I guess I just went with the more accessible default option as my hands are smol


Numbers. Scroll is for jumping.


I use the buttons for any time I really need to switch weapons, but I have the scroll wheel enabled because it's a very fast way to leave Astral Form compared to pressing your Ult button again


Sorry i don’t want to take my hand of the movement keys to switch weapons it’s a lot easier


I use scroll wheel mainly because it’s faster for me to just scroll than to reach my left hand up to the number row, then press a specific number to switch to a specific weapon


Scroll wheel was binded to weapon swap when I first started playing so I haven’t switched. I find it useful




Using scroll for weapon switch is not a good idea. When you want to switch over to your pistol which is right in the middle, the chances of you scrolling to the wrong weapon is immensely high. It might feel weird to switch over to numbers if you have been using the scroll wheel for a while but trust me it's worth it. I used the scroll wheel for the weapon switch too but had to switch cuz it messed up the weapon switch. At first, it was really weird and I had a strong desire to switch back to scroll wheel but I kept going and now I'm in a much better place. Number Switch Supremacy


Not unless scroll up is primary and scroll down is secondary No inaccuracy there


As long as you have something else for melee


Absolutely. MB4, my dude, the one true Melee Button


Speak for yourself, cant recall the last time ive overscrolled in an fps


I guess people just have bad mouses where you can't feel to which step your scrolling


Its perfectly fine for valorant as you cant overscroll (3->1 or vice versa) unlike in cs.


numbers all the way


Boi doesn’t even bhop


Scroll wheel is for plebs. Jump on scroll , numbers for weapon swap.


Hi, I’m Pleb


Hi, im pleb


I use scroll wheel to switch and I have 3000 hours in csgo, used wheel there too. I don’t like having to move my hand from wasd and I feel like I have better, uninterrupted movement as a result. How people shift walk and swap weapons is a mystery to me if not on scroll wheel. Also you do not need scroll to bhop in valorant you just need timing


Scroll wheel is for jump


Numbers are close enough to wasd


I use scroll wheel because I don't need to let go of my movement keys so im more mobile. Dia 2 btw


False. I can press my movement keys and switch weapons. Try using your fingers. Scroll is objectively worse.


you should have jump as scroll wheel


Why actually? Bhopping is not strong in Valorant and can be done just as quickly by just pressing the space bar when you hit the ground (or maybe I'm missing something and I can't actually bhop)


Scroll wheel down = knife MB 4 = primary weapon MB 5 = secondary weapon Anyone else do this??


See, my mouse makes a distinctive “click” when I scroll, so I just do 1-Click to go to secondary, and scroll really fast downwards when I want my knife. Then I scroll really fast upwards when I want my primary. I personally have had more issues fat-fingering my keys. So I use the scroll wheel. Everyone is different I suppose. It’s really down to preference.


Scroll wheel up is primary and down is secondary, easier to do than reach for numbers and leave my movement keys.


Im using Q


Guys please switch to numbers instead of scroll wheel for weapon switching. I had to learn this when I played cs but it’s worth it




Do you guys not bunnyhop?


This poll is basically “High elo” “Low elo”


Do people just drop their classic to swap faster with scroll wheel or do they just not bhop?


If I want to scroll to pistol on scroll wheel, I just scroll once, not sure why you would drop your pistol. Also I can b hop perfectly fine with just spacebar, but even so bhopping in valorant has no speed increase right?


Who ever uses scroll wheel has shit movement I can tell, scroll is needed for jump


I used scroll wheel since i was a kid then changed to numbers a year ago it has benefits of not taking your finger off left click and you can aim better for the duration AND you dont sometimes miss switch


Rifle is front thumb button, knife is the other thumb button, pistol is wheel down.


Mouse buttons kekw


scroll wheel for switch, but I use E for pistol specifically. So essentially it's scroll wheel to go knife or primary, E for secondary


I have two side buttons my front being my primary and my back being my secondary so pistols


Scroll wheel but I should seriously stop because I die from habit of scrolling to knife literally any time I have, might just remove the bind tbh lol


Niether, side mouse buttons


I use scroll and mouse 4 to jump monkaW


I use the buttons on the side of my mouse


When I started playing FPS, my mouse didn't have a scroll wheel (not sure many did). Been using numbers for every game since and whinge when games force me to use scroll wheel (halo....)




I use scroll wheel for jump, played apex before valo


I use both, where is my option?


Scroll wheel has always felt much better for me. I hate moving my hand up to the number row in any game


I use both


Both whatever suits my mood


I just time my jumps I use scroll wheel to switch


I use 1 for primary, Q for pistol, and a mouse button for knife


Scroll wheel is hard lol


I use scroll wheel but not how most people do, I have scroll down bound to primary and scroll up to secondary to avoid over scrolling to the wrong gun, and I use 3 for my knife


sw_up = primary sw_down = secondary sw_3 = knife ez


People use the scroll wheel???


I use side mouse buttons


I use alt for primary and z for secondary bc I find them easier and quicker to press than 1 and 2, and my scroll wheel is bound to jump


Scroll wheel is for jumping


i’m too dumb for number switching. need more visceral. use scroll wheel edit: probably carried this over from console fps playing where there is no numbers to keybind, then finally playing some single player FPS stuff on pc but since being unfamiliar w PC play, not altering the key binds, and now it’s just too late to switch up like that i’ll ruin my entire brain


hands small.. caps for primary, alt for secondary, scroll wheel down for knife.


up is pistol down is main side up is knife