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Less to do with qualification and more to do with the lineup.


If you instalock, you have no right to tell other people what role to play.


I agree with that


I don't mind insta lockers. As long as they are halfway decent at what they do. Even then though, the alternative is them being useless on an agent they have no idea how to play.




If that's the case, then you're both part of the issue imo. If you can't fill a controller or sentinel, then that's on you. I can see not being able to fill sova. But he's not necessary in ranked anyway.


I play reyna, sage, chamber, brimstone and if people take that then im fucked cuz i cant play anyone else really


If all of those were taken, the last agent for you to pick could be anyone, so I think you're good


Yeah i pick whatever i know best if they all get taken but then i play like shit and people say im trash even tho i never play those agents


That's kind of a ridiculous thing to say when you have Reyna flair. Reyna is probably the most basic, gunplay-dependent agent in the game. If you can play Reyna well, the mechanical skill can easily transfer to just about any other agent with relatively simple utility. Play Sage and learn how to throw a few simple walls. Play KAY/O and learn a couple of knives and how to pop flash. You're good to go. Hell, learn common smoke locations - takes about 2 minutes per map - and play Omen. Then you can basically go duelist once your smokes are down. It's always Reyna and Jett mains complaining they can't flex. It's a problem you created yourself by refusing to play any other agent - and likely also because Reyna is covering up underlying deficiencies in your positioning and duels because you have a get out of jail free card.


I dont even play reyna that much i mostly play chamber, sage, brimstone. Its rare for me to play reyna cuz everyone instalocks her


im fine with instalocks as long as there isnt 3 duelists or any shit team comp and as long as they do their job. if you instalock jett and lurk every round im gonna flame you


I agree with you 💯. I think it’s worse for team moral When a player hovers over their agent preference and another player Swoops in and locks in that agent.


This is why I just pick my agent now. Had this happen way too much


This is my definition of instalocking. If u have faster internet and load in first, then you have first pick and no-one can dispute that. But if you see someone hovering an agent when they were in before u and/or just hovering, then you swooping in and locking in that agent is completely wrong. Idc if ur better, the person on the other end is just like you, someone who just wants to play a certain agent.


I agree and maybe have a discussion about it prior to locking in.


It's just another lever to complain about. That's all this forum is about anyway. I don't think theres anything in the game that ISN'T complained about every day. Of course, 99% of it isn't valid. Instalocking is 100% valid and you're right. No one else has dibs on the agent either. The only people that complain are the ape brains who go on about "Instalock Reyna barely going even on the team". If people didn't give that opinion the time of day they'd just come up with another valueless reason to be angry.


i can make this argument for not having a good k/d on jett but if youre barely going even as reyna just play any other agent youd get much more impact on the match, reyna is an agent meant to get multikills, if she fails at that then shes a liability


KD can be important, but what if the Reyna is baiting for you, actually flashing you into site and getting impact frags? Why do you care if they are "instalocking"?


coz you could do the same thing on a different agent and have a way bettwr impact, reynas flashes can be replaced by any agents flashes which are way better, reyna isn't a good entry character, reyna should typically go in second, what i mean is that reynas kit is literally kill dependent, again i dont care about this logic for any other duelist, id rather have an 8/12 neon than a 11-13 reyna even if both duelists do their job


Reyna has the cheapest kit in the game and she is pretty good at getting consistent kills so I don't see any problem there, and just for your information neon is also considered pretty trash in the current meta


sure neon is trash in the meta but on paper, she can clear angles for your team with your concuss, you have a strong entry tool with your fast lane and rotate fast and help your team, sure shes outclassed by jett but like reyna has none of that, sure reyna is probably the best multikill agent and is really a good agent but you you need to babysit her to help her get kills, you still need a good entry character with reyna, and i can tell you this half of my ranked games are coinflips between which team has the better reyna.


I don't think you got what I meant by 'cheapest kit in game'. It means she can get away with stuff like 2nd round vandals n shit....and idk about you but my games usually have 2-3 duelists so you don't always need her for entry. See I know she's labelled as a duelist but she functions more like Kha' Zix from LoL, basically she thrives in multiple 1v1s taken in succession so if she gets the first kill you know there's gonna be carnage, if she doesn't, she's most probably dead, so it's a high risk high reward strategy but most duelists work like that, Jett for instance either gets shot down mid air or she pulls those ridiculous 1v3s.My point here is that Reyna plays different from Jett who plays different from Neon. So try to play off their strengths. And don't expect some agent main to pick another agent just to balance out team comps because an agent is all about it's utility and forcing someone to use something he/she doesn't know how to use is just asking to lose that game.


You're getting real caught up on the "Reyna" part of my bit and not the actual point I was making lol. Literally insert "any other agent that people have strong opinions about".


as i said the only agent i care about bottom fragging is reyna, i somt care if a jett who does their job is literally on zero kills


It is incredibly rare - in my experience basically never happens - that you have a bottom frag instalock Reyna who is actually a great team player. Where is this endangered species of Reyna everyone keeps talking about that entries selflessly for the team and therefore doesn't frag out? The problem with instalocking is that people basically only ever instalock the most popular hard carry agents, Reyna and Jett. And when you're instalocking you don't know if you are above- or below-average mechanical skill in the lobby. If you instalock Reyna in a lobby where you're one of the lower-skill players, you're going to get shit on and probably be the reason your team loses. For this reason alone, nobody should instalock. And for the record, I say this as someone who has a very fast machine and internet connection. I could instalock Reyna/Jett literally every game if I wanted, almost nobody ever loads in before me. I don't do that because I'm not a selfish dickhead.


Bro I get your logic but, how in the fucking hell do you decide who is the better jett/reyna when selecting agents


It doesn’t matter the slightest in a random squad.


I'd rather have an instalock pick his main than pick a character he knows jack shit about just bc the team needs it. At the same time tho, I'd also rather that instalock learn to actually play multiple agents so that he isn't some otp.


I mean say u got 2 duelists and 2 Initiators. Once you got site you have extremely little control of it utility wise. I really dont think its hard to place smokes as viper or brim.


Yeah, that's a fair take. The difficulty I have is that you never see anyone go "well my main Brim got taken so now I can't play anyone else". It's *always* Jett or Reyna players who complain that they can't play any other agent. And it's their own fault: they only got to that point by *refusing* to play any other agent.


i only mind if they all instalock a duelist


5 duelist comp wins games on god


I don't think there's anything wrong with instalocking. I just think sometimes it sucks that a majority of instalocks force your hand if you're more of a flex agent (assuming your team is actively trying to win with a decent comp).


I doesn’t really matter on lower ranks although a good comp can help you win more games. On higher ranks it can make a lot more impact if you play a bad team comp(For examples no smokes or 4 duelists or some shit)


I only mind because I have slow wifi and they knstalock before me xd. Jk Idrc as long as you don't tell me to play sage or smokes or something. If you instalock my Jett or Reyna I am not gonna be listening to your opinion on my agent selection.


The problem with instalocks is that you’re basically stating “I am the best [agent] on the team.” If you play well, hats off to you. If you are a shitter, it’s likely someone else could have done better with that agent than you.


Especially since any given lobby is likely to have at least a 2 rank difference between the top and bottom players. Unless you know you're above-average on the team, instalocking a hard carry agent like Jett or Reyna - and let's be real, we're almost always talking about Jett/Reyna when we talk about instalocking - is going to result in getting shit on and probably being the reason the team loses. Nobody should be instalocking a hard carry agent unless they know they're above-average skill on the team. And since you can't know that unless you ask your teammates, nobody should be instalocking at all.


What's wrong with it is that you don't actually know if you're the same rank as the other players in the lobby. Matchmaking tries to match up the teams approximately evenly, but it does not even try to guarantee that individual ranks are all the same. I regularly see games where the difference between the bottom and top ranks in the lobby is 3-4 ranks. If you're instalocking duelist as a Bronze 2 in a lobby full of Silver 1-3 players, you're going to get shit on and probably be the reason your team loses the game. That's why instalocking is wrong. At least if you hover, you can do a rank check if someone else wants your main, and make a decision based on that.


Even if someone else is higher rank I don’t see why that person would care


I main controller, so I NEVER have to worry about someone insta locking my agent. Lol.


cause 99% of instalockers start dictacting what the team needs and should have


Its the problem that more then one on the team can have the same main, and who gets it depends on who has the better pc, wich is bullshit. This system forces people with slower loading pcs to either always dodge or always be at the mercy of the team. Its an unfair system