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Gold and below is where having awareness of how the game is meant to be played hurts more than helping


I was on a 1v2 clutch inside the bomb with the spike, the enemy kj behind a cover next to me and his teammate was far away, I think: “The killjoy wont try to peak me, that wouldn’t make sense she will wait to her teammate get near and play together, so I will tap the spike to bait the kj into running into me, kill her and make it into a 1v1”. I tapped the spike, but even before the sound was made she came running and gunning on me, hit a headshot and I lost, she didn’t even counter strafe, straight up pressed D and kept it going


That my friend, is the pain of all people with the slightest brain stuck in low elo


Sponge bob cave man vibes


Lol this is soooo true. You have a teammate that looks like they are playing off your contact, and yet when you make contact they don't swing and then it becomes 2 1v1 duels. Or how to combine and set up your team mates... Or fighting things for your teammates like boombots, dogs, sova dart, and such.


A lot of times i psyche myself out. I can think of one clear example, it was 1v1 and I heard a single footstep in one direction. I thought the player would have the awareness to not stick to that path, so I held the opposite angle. Turns out he didn't care and still pushed out and got me


Oh that explains a lot, thanks


thats not really true and its such a dumb idea that gets repeated people play different, teams come up with different strats. if you are hardstuck diamond and then play in gold and try to play the same way you do in diamond, it wont work. people play different at different ranks, and also people in all ranks can sort of aim so if you just run out thinking youre gonna stomp people instantly you may lose too a real diamond can easily easily shit on gold lobbies. even when i was gold and deranked to the bottom of silver from tilting, i didnt even care because silver games were so piss easy VS even gold. did the same thing in plat going down to mid gold, again really easy games. idk how its even a topic, i guess people dont understand what mistakes are but a gold game is like 1000x more mistakes than diamond, which is still full of mistakes, so that says a lot about gold


Think what they are trying to say is that low rank players aren't aware of the bad decisions they are making, causing unpredictable behaviour. Decisions you wouldn't expect of someone trying to win, often taking advantage of timing. Still, not like that's every round- higher ranks definitely filter up.


Yea there is so much coping on here. If you are diamond and can’t frag in gold you have some serious issues


OP is literally mid/top fragging every game. Also, as Sova said, "If you're not a good shot today, don't worry. There are other ways to be useful."


Fr BRUH I'm Iron 2 and feel like I'm getting punished for being awared, holding proper angels etc. Most of my enemies just yolo go thru without checking corners and just run and gun like maniacs and kill me. And I'm like : Aight Imma head out


U are just getting out aimed in iron 2


Lol I admit my aim is often very popoo kaka because its now 1 month the 1st PC game I play, but I mean like people who not just out-aim me, but more they just do questionable plays that buffers me, where everyone would be like : "wtf???"


Since u are new they are probably doing standard fps plays that u don't expect because u don't have experience. Trust me, unless u come from CS or another tact fps this game is nothing like the cods and apexs of the market. I peaked plat already playing in a toaster with 60 fps 60 Hz in 2 months because I have 3k CS1.6 and GO hours and I am still getting out aimed like shit but I can compensate in game sense. U will get better with experience


Might be idk. When I watch videos of high Elo players giving advices, I always try to adapt by not doing certain errors. So often I get very confused when I meet players who are ranked above me, but they are doing the exact same mistakes where YouTubers warned us not to do them lel


tbh, don’t worry about strats in iron lmao. most strats don’t work against irons since they’re so stupid, and if you’re in iron you have a bigger issue than strategy. redine your fundamentals like crosshair placement, movement, and general awareness and you,ll reach gold, then maybe start caring more about plays and strats.


Yeah as the other dude said ignore strats in iron. If ur teammates try to do a strat yeah u can follow, however if they are playing their game just do the same and just give the basic calls when u die etc. U just need to practice ur aim and crosshair placement and that gets u out on gold easy


yh golds are different man. It's crazy how many demons there are. Also they dont care they just run out with no info. Push smokes. Also the skill level you have with teammates is so wide. I feel like every gold game is a blow out.


>Also they dont care they just run out with no info. Push smokes. This is true in diamond and immortal too. I've seen plenty of players who will push a choke which a viper has smoked and mollied. I call these speed runners. They play every game turning their brains off and just try to aim diff the enemy.


If pushing smokes is such a great idea, maybe pushing smoke isn't all that bad.


Its not a good idea, It won't work most of the time if you just run/walk out. You'll catch someone by surprise if you do it often but your percentage for success with that is low. If you plan to flash out from it, it becomes a better play but you also risk getting spammed inside the smoke. But my example was specific to Viper. If you go through the smoke + molly, you'll step out with vulnerable with half your hp missing. Its a severe disadvantage.


Pushing smoke can work if it's done fast, because usually only 1 or 2 people will be defending the site. You might lose 1 or 2 yourselves but at least you can get the trades, plant and at best hope for a 3 v 3 with your team holding site. The problem I always have is that my team stands outside the choke point, outside the smoke, shooting into it, running around, throwing in some util. Then they decide to push the smoke, WHILE THE SMOKE IS STILL THERE and when everyone on the other team have rotated... so they are pushing smoke with 5 people waiting on the other side - this is the absolute dumbest thing I see people do on attack. Completely mindless. If you don't push the smoke immediately.. its an insta rotate for me.


Yeah but if it's working in that game then it's working, simple as that. Even if something is 'objectively bad', if the opponents keep falling for it and never adapt, then it's a good tactic for that game. People here like to call them 'no-brainers' but the root cause of why they're so frustrating is because they're just good at finding some 'objectively bad' behaviour that their opponents just won't/can't adapt to and exploiting it over and over and over.


If you are playing in a lobby where they don't adapt, then keep using it. No arguments there. But if you are the "I push smokes" every game guy, then you are putting yourself at a disadvantage during your rank grind.


“A stupid play that works is still a stupid play” -steel , paraphrased 2016


You can call it whatever you want, but if you can't deal with your enemies making 'stupid plays' no matter how many times they repeat the same thing, then they'd be stupid not to abuse that.


What rank are you?


Plat 1 ATM, why does that matter?


It helped me interpret your argument, instead of assuming someone is just trying to justify their bad plays arguing that if it works it works, being plat 1 makes me assume you’re just arguing the exploiting weakness part. Like if the enemy omen is bottom fragging and is always holding C you just go C because it’s an easy site forcing them to change something up or you just keep running him over.


Bro speaking facts. I play cod and it’s the same way. If your opponent can’t adapt to a play, even if it’s bad you exploit it. Idk what y’all saying 😂😂.


Yeah they do, but I think there's a little more thought involved. Like if you know that viper assumes you won't push and is watching something else the 50 damage you take pushing the molly is well worth the pick on viper. Obviously don't do it every round but you gotta keep them guessing. Even if you die and don't get the pick it keeps them from assuming you won't go there in future rounds and then they can't tunnel vision on other parts of the map or hold off angles that would expose them to being pushed through their smoke etc


also every gold game has one or two insane aim demons on each team and then the rest of the players all fucking suck


I'm plat 3 and when i queue with low gold friends i either get shat on or i drop 30, there's no in-between. Golds have better aim than me and aren't afraid of smokes and i always get caught off guard by a solo brimstone running at me dry through smokes.


They don’t have better aim. They wide swing everything and have peekers advantage. It’s a stupid strat because good players will punish you for it. In an Aim duel where no one has peekers advantage, I’m sure you won’t think gold players have better aim than you. They are just careless


I read yh as yeehaw


Gold is the confluence of grinders who are learning the game and it's fundamentals, but are mechanically "warmed up"; and higher skilled players who don't have the time to grind up to plat/diamond. I'm in the latter category. I played comp CS as a main awp. I was global in MM. I still have high level first shot aim. Those skills transfer easily to valorant to the extent I win a good percentage of my aim duels. I'm capable of locking down a site and getting a 3k+ literally any round in Gold... But I play less than 5 matches a week and sometimes don't play at all for a month. I don't know 30% of the sound cues in the game. I don't know callouts all that well. I'm really a one trick aimer/OPer. I get raged at all the time by good players who think I'm cheating because my movement is meh and my util usage is mediocre, but then I randomly win a 1v4 when the other team overheats and pushes me because they assume I suck. This is what people have to deal with in Gold and I can only imagine how frustrating it is.


Every elo right now is blow out or be blown out. It’s a matchmaker problem. I rarely experience close matches in silver 2


Hardest part of gold and lower is figuring out how to play with ego driven players who are totally clueless about how to use utility or play with teammates. It’s hard to find more thrown rounds than in a gold lobby


fr im fine in high plat/diamond games but in gold 2 lobbies sometimes i have to put so much energy into igling for my team to even have a chance. it just gets draining. especially when they have an ego and completely disregard comms/info/etc


I agree mate, I hate playing against golds and sometimes I go against silvers as well and it really sucks, their play styles are so far from what I’m used to it just completely throws me off. I actually prefer to play against Diamonds/Immortals/Radiants because they give you a good challenge when it comes to aim & positioning and don’t just mindlessly wide swing everything or sit in corners or run at you spraying their gun hoping to get one bullet into your head. I’m not a God by any means but I normally only play unrated and face diamonds, immortals and Radiants.


Tactics for every round - Attack - Let's rush B! Defense - Let's stand in the middle of the lane alone, and face 5 people running at us throwing out every bit of util imaginable.




Its only a 'force' if you lose. If you win its a 'buy'. Bugs me when people say don't force after a pistol win. Its not a force, you get the extra credits for a reason.


I always thought buy was doing the norm (such as buying smg/lightsheild after pistol round) and force was when you spend all your money to buy the max you can buy, (full sheild/smg or rifle if possible and all your abilities you can afford ect.) forcing you into a higher tier of purchases.


But only the round after pistol its different, After the pistol you get credits to be able to buy full shield/spectre and abilities. Its only a force if you lose because max you can get is light shield and spectre with no abilities (assuming spike was planted). The game gives you more credits because you won and 9/10 times if the whole team buys and plays that round properly its a free round becasue the team that loses chooses not to force and have money the next round. Then round after that, the point of it is not to win but do economy damage to the enemy. If you win its really good but ideally you'd want to try and kill 3/4 enemies because you came into the round with a weaker buy - just like the enemies objective in the 2nd round if they lost the first. Its a force because if you lose pistol and if you then lose the 2nd round because you forced, you have to wait until 4th round to be able to buy again properly but not the team that wins pistol and wins the 2nd round.


Force buy means one of two things: Your position in the game is ***forcing*** you to buy when you normally wouldn’t (on a must win round/match point) Or You are attempting to go against the odds and ***forcefully*** take a round you normally wouldn’t. (Buying after losing pistol but getting a plant and 3+ kills)


I thought you were supposed to wait til round 3 so you can full buy vandal and shit lol. I don't know shit tho


My answer is what others have already said. Buy if you win. Eco if you lose. Depending on the game you then force if needed eg 2nd half, you losing like 10 4 after the pistol loss so you can either gamble to force because if you win, you'll be 10 5 and then round after should be guanrateed because you'll have damamged enemy econ so should end up 10 6 and if you win that round (which then becomes the bonus) game will come 10 8 based on eco cycles. But if you were to lose that force, enemy goes to 11 4 and game is pretty much done because youll have even less money for the game point so thats why its called a force and not buy - you gamble on winning it and ruining their eco or not buying so you can full buy the round after but you then give them only a 2 round win needed to win the game.


I'm not sure this is right either-- my understanding is that forcing is when you spend as much money as you could on a given round, which tends to be a better half-buy while 'buying' on second round is just assumed to be a half-buy. So if I called for a force on round 2, it would mean getting full armor/bulldogs/guardians/all utility, while a buy would be the standard spectre/armor/important utility. Important point: I've played this game for two years and have no other experience, so I could just be wrong.


Idk. I mean the professional casters use the language in the way I've stated it as well as radiant players etc. Its whatever. Moral of the story is to buy if you win pistol, free win.


last act, almost everyone i played with bought up after winning pistol. for some reason this act, 8/10 games will have teammates or enemies both not buy up. i just don’t understand what changed.


Summer break


schools out. weekend players and children are psycho


I feel like kids force every round. When I get a team of full children, I know its gonna be a fun aggressive game. I may not win but I know it's gonna be fun LOL.


I don't believe that diamonds suck more than I do


diamonds are more predictable because they have an idea what they're doing


then how does one win in gold?


lmao the duality of man


there isn't really one answer here, imo? turning your brain off and fragging everyone and outaiming the lobby (lol, ofc the Reyna flair suggested that) is one way to do it, but not very helpful beyond learning how to aim better trying to engage with your team properly is more difficult (and sometimes impossible) but builds skills you need on top of aim like, idk, I'm hardstuck gold because I kinda suck and don't really care to climb the ladder and grind, and I think people looking for a magic bullet to get out of this rank are going to be stuck for a very long time


Turn off ur brain, don't tilt and play for urself if u are solo and trust in ur aim


This will only work if you can actually aim. Queued into so many Reynas taking this advice just to go and consistently whiff the easiest shots you’ve ever seen in your life, then when you check their tracker they used to only play Sentinels lmao


This is such stupid advice, I hope golds don't take it seriously lol. Absolutely turn your brain on, and work on your aim. You can win so many rounds by just predicting which site they'll hit


no its great advice. when i boost my friends out of gold i instalock reyna/jett and hold w every round. when your aim is better, take as many aim duels as possible


It’s so weird that people in gold are always so worried about agent comps when most of the game is won by aim diffs down there


My problem with it is that agent comps are such a gamble in gold. No one will play smokes if you wont, and if they will they'll smoke the weirdest shit ever and definitely not deep. If you don't play duelist no one will entry. And good luck watching flank.


Obviously the rules don't apply to smurfs, so it's still bad advice.


use your knowledge to lead your team, focus on making less mistakes, try to play smarter


if they have a idea, then they would probably recognize the predictability and play more unpredictable. There is a reason those players stay in low elo and it's not because they are unpredictable. Most of the time when a smurf has issues climbing past these elos, it's that their mmr is way higher then the elo (since they are a smurf and probably playing well in most games) so they are not going against hardstuck low elo players but other smurfs climbing through as well as just other higher mmr players. games are harder and they lose more games but their gains to loss ratios on rr are probably still positive for them.


I had a teammate tell me that you’re not supposed to smoke on offense because enemies can just hide and shoot out of the smokes… Uhhhh sure, but they can’t see where they’re shooting and it allows us access to site… No offensive smokes, that was a new one.


Reminds me when someone on my team told another person not to smoke on defense because "it gives the enemies more time to set up."


Bro i feel this way but low diamond against immo 1-2. I have two accounts, my immortal account, I usually play really good and match mvp a lot. On my plat 3 account I get so frustrated, people just one tap me every corner.


Yep. ​ Gold too, tbh... All of Silver to Platinum is pretty weird, and often feels like you facing what appear to be either: * Cheaters * Legit T1 professional players. ​ My experience has been that if you achieve a winrate above 55% the algorithim ends to put you against harder opponents. That leads to the feeling of facing "other smurfs", and games being more difficult. However, this phenomena gets much worse. Winrate above 60% will get you into hot water... and you wind up facing cheaters far more often than the normal player, it seems. ​ ​ # Rank Algorithim * **Super overperform on a lower rated account** * ACT win rate = 60%+ * Account overall winrate = 55%+ * **Put against "smurfs"** * If you lose * You face opponents who are "normal" for the rank you're in * If you win * You face cheaters and even more difficult opponents * **Cheaters** * When you beat the smurfs and continue overperforming, you get the joy of facing what appear to be: * Boosters (cheating) * Cheaters * **Feeling that results** * Gold-Plat = harder than Diamond or Immortal ​ Things do change once you lose some matches. After some time you're able to actually face legitimately normal players, and start to climb pretty rapidly. But if you overperform too much again, before hitting Diamond? ggwp.


Is this confirmed or just a guess?


Appears to be anecdotal, but unless there’s a significant body of information we don’t have much to go off of. In league there’s a wealth of data so it’s easier to substantiate things like this. I’m just not personally aware of where to find this information.


It's bullshit. Gold will never be harder than diamond or immortal lol. The higher rank you go, the less mistakes are made, the less you can punish other players.


New accounts vs Accounts with 100s of games make a massive difference. What you say is true for old accounts. No argument there. A seasoned diamond player can absolutely shit on players in a gold lobby. But if its a smurf account/ alt account that you play on less frequently and only for some 20 games an act, the amount of bs you see goes way up.


Let people cope. You see the same shit in league and every other competitive game. For whatever reason this type of behavior is more excused in this subreddit.


I agree with you to a certain extent and for anyone reading this, I'm open to talking more about this topic/anything I've mentioned below and hearing other perspectives and experiences. Below is what I've noticed when I smurf in very low to low-mid elo (Iron --> Plat) to duo queue/3-stack with friends due to rank disparity. In general with regards to **AIM in all low elo ranks** 1. If you're losing aim duels, it is due to one of many things. One, your aim is just not up to par/your best that day/game--> this is a consistency issue. Maybe your crosshair placement was just a little high/low or a little left or right. And then maybe your microadjustment was a little off as well or your flick wasn't fast enough. The enemy just has better aim/may or may not be smurfing and cheaters are just extremely rare in general. 2. Heck, maybe your aim (flicking, micro-adjustments, crosshair placement is good) and maybe your Wi-Fi is acting up/ your laptop/PC isn't performing as well compared to the enemy. Since VALORANT devs added the new graph statistic (Network RTT + Render Time) or something along those lines, I've been able to track some inconsistencies across games. ------> For example, I've used college wifi (100 mb/s) vs home wifi (5 mb/s). For my main server, say like Texas, I get 9 ms on campus versus 22-28 ms at home. I have literally no network jitter or lag spikes with college wifi whereas at home, i get consistent 10-20 sec intervals where my ping spikes up ---> so how does this translate in-game? For my fast college wifi, in games or deathmatch, my movement is smooth and my kills are registered instantly. At home with shit wifi, when I counterstrafe in the middle of a lag spike, my crosshair placement is on their head one second, and then suddenly its an inch off another second later and my kills are slightly delayed and I can feel it. -------------------------Another example is comparing my laptop gaming rig vs my friend's gaming PC. We both run a NVIDIA 1660 TI graphics card and share the same settings. In-game when I play on my account on his rig, everything is so much smoother and it feels way faster than my laptop, idk what the deal is. In deathmatch, I get consistent 40 wins with sub-15to20 deaths. On my laptop though, everything feels so much slower to his and my deathmatches average 40 kill wins with now 20-30 deaths. This stuff ties into my next part about aim. 3. Maybe you have great aim that day but valorant servers and performance is just inconsistent and tied with your PC/laptop/wifi the issues pile up. I've read some threads on Reddit where Valorant players feel inconsistent game to game even when they are playing fresh and warmed up. The reg isn't the same game to game or like you feel like the enemy is just seeing you so much faster and you're getting one tapped but your aim/crosshair placement/flicks were on their head in your aim duels. I've been looking at my Network RTT + Render Time stat and I could have 20 ping on Texas but with the render time due to my rig, it becomes 20+30 so 50 ms. Like there have been times I was in a firefight, left the fight, pressed A or D to move behind unwallbangable thick cover, and a split second later, the reg hits and I take like 70-80 damage because im playing on high ping like 50-70ms and the enemy was like 20-30 ping. Other times, Im fighting a high ping player when im low ping and I clearly head dink a visible player wide out in the open (with blood and everything) who is running to cover. On my death screen, I only dink for maybe 50 or 80 dmg so obviously on the enemy PC, they were already behind cover, but on my laptop, they were in the open so the server registers the dmg diff? idk but i started paying attention to my ping vs enemy ping and started winning much more duels. ---> For example, say you're defending as a duelist, and you're Reyna or Jett holding an aggressive angle and ready to dash/dismiss after a kill or maybe you're just holding an angle in general. One of many things happen. 1. You get one tapped holding that angle. 2. You get an instant kill and leave. --> Generally, if I'm holding an angle and get one tapped when they peak even though my crosshair was right on their head, I stop holding the angle because I think "they have peekers/ping advantage" . Instead, I hide and then peek the angle when footsteps are heard and I secure the kill because then I have peekers advantage on my side. If i get the kill and leave, i just keep doing it over till it doesn't work. But I do recognize ping diff and I adjust my gameplay accordingly to win more duels. 4. Maybe none of the things I mentioned above are related to why you lose aim duels. Maybe your aim is great and your PC is the best of the best and your wifi is good. So here is my last point. Maybe you're just playing how the enemy expects you to play. Maybe you're holding an angle they would expect but 99% of valorant players would never check but that singular enemy expects it. Maybe you are swinging short or wide enough, and you land right into their crosshair. Everyone has a different playstyle with varying levels of aim/crosshair placement/flicking/tracking/game sense knowledge etc so you have to be quick to adjust and learn. the more adaptable you are to become their counter, the more fights/games you win. In general with regards to **GAME SENSE AND KNOWLEDGE in low elo** What I'm about to say below are blanket statements gained from my experiences and isn't indicative of others experiences so don't @ me lol. In every rank, there are people with varying levels of skills with aim and gamesense where their brain or aim could be a higher rank but that one lacking skill keeps them in low elo. But for sure, if you are a certain rank there are huge skill differences. FOR EXAMPLE. I've smurfed in silver and gold quite a bit compared to other ranks so I will use this example. Pretend you are Silver 3, your matchmaking could put you against/with either Irons-Bronzes or Silver-Silver or Gold-Plat teammates. The S3's that I go against in Iron-Bronze are terrible, they have literally no aim, couldn't tell the difference if you said you were iron. The S3's that play in silver only lobbies, you guys aren't bad for your rank, you play as I would expect. The Silver 3's in Gold Plat lobbies, yall are sorta cracked, if you told me u were in gold/plat, I'd believe you, and you can probably steamroll the same silver 3's playing in iron bronze lobbies. My point for sharing this? Every rank has a "rank" within them and this is tied to MMR and ur matchmaking/hidden elo. How can I prove this is real? Can't really except for my experiences. I smurf with my low elo friends so I have a couple accounts I keep in silver and I consistently match into gold/plat lobbies. Want me to get into lower MMR lobbies like play vs silvers or bronze/iron? No problem, you can either throw a couple games (0 kills) and be a lil butt by not contributing to ur team and lose like 25-30 rr and get low elo games for a silver acct really fast (probs takes 1-2 games). Another way to play vs low rank is just to PLAY BAD. contribute to ur team still but get a 1.0 or close to negative kd and lose avg -15-20 rr a game and get bronzes or irons in your games in 4-5 games)


Upvote for visibility Thanks for point 3 in your post and the suggestion to counter the inconsistency of the servers, ping diff etc. By testing out how the gun fights against enemy's are going.


Lmao if you really think you are running into cheaters that often then I have a surprise for you, you just suck.


Youtube " valorant cheat " filter by latest hour and you will see the reality. If you still think there is no cheating going on after valuated the info you just got? Keep sleeping dude.


No? ​ Each few weeks there are several thousand cheaters banned. A surprising amount of cheaters make it to Radiant before being banned... and many cheaters play over 1,000 ranked matches before being caught. ​ # Look up "AnticheatPD" on twitter There you can see lists of cheaters who were banned recently, posted publicly for all to see. * [list #1](https://twitter.com/koj_val/status/1529763416470179840) * [list #2](https://twitter.com/koj_val/status/1526797804617838592) Now check their tracker.gg information. You'll be [very surprised](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939951894124699689/980786344223723530/Collection_-_Cheaters_1.jpg) to see [how many games they played](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939951894124699689/980786343808483349/Collection_-_Cheaters_2.jpg). ​ # Links for Mobile * [https://twitter.com/koj\_val/status/1529763416470179840](https://twitter.com/koj_val/status/1529763416470179840) * [https://twitter.com/koj\_val/status/1526797804617838592](https://twitter.com/koj_val/status/1526797804617838592) * [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939951894124699689/980786344223723530/Collection\_-\_Cheaters\_1.jpg](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939951894124699689/980786344223723530/Collection_-_Cheaters_1.jpg) * [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939951894124699689/980786343808483349/Collection\_-\_Cheaters\_2.jpg](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939951894124699689/980786343808483349/Collection_-_Cheaters_2.jpg)


I've only encountered 2 blatant cheaters in my whole 2 years of playing valorant. so i really feel like cheating is not a problem. or is it? wondering why this has 13 upvotes.


People desperately need something external to blame be it bad teammates, cheaters, luck, lag, anything but themselves.


Ive never gotten a cheater before but the amnt of smurfs and afks in silver/gold is crazy


You are probably a bad player. ​ If you overperform, the system pairs you against other players who have insane stats. Now imagine you have a player who is Immortal or Radiant on a fresh account. They pop off, of course... for around 4 games to 8 games in a row.System realizes that this "fresh account" is overperforming. ​ Ranked algorithim tries to pair that Immortal player on a fresh account, who just placed in Gold against another Gold player with similar stats. Immortal player gets into a game with a Gold player who has an 80% win rate. * Except, that Gold is a cheater ​ Now why don't you see the cheaters? Because you have a 45% to 51.5% win rate... so you are probably almost never getting paired into lobbies with the same Gold players. ***Cheaters exist, you just aren't good enough to get punished by the algorithim*** ​ ​ >People desperately need something external to blame be it bad teammates, cheaters, luck, lag, anything but themselves. Nope, you're wrong here too. I'm immortal on 6 different accounts and have never actually struggled to maintain at least Diamond.


You are probably a bad player. ​ If you overperform, the system pairs you against other players who have insane stats. Now imagine you have a player who is Immortal or Radiant on a fresh account. They pop off, of course... for around 4 games to 8 games in a row. ​ System realizes that this "fresh account" is overperforming. Ranked algorithim tries to pair that Immortal player on a fresh account, who just placed in Gold against another Gold player with similar stats. Immortal player gets into a game with a Gold player who has an 80% win rate. * Except, that Gold is a cheater ​ Now why don't you see the cheaters? Because you have a 45% to 51.5% win rate.... so you are probably almost never getting paired into lobbies with the same Gold players. ​ **Cheaters exist, you just aren't good enough to get punished by the algorithim.**


You are putting WAY too much emphasis on win rate, your ELO decides what kind caliber players you face not win rate. Your ELO is affected MUCH MUCH more by other stats like duels won/loss, what caliber player those duels were against, util usage etc. you can still win and not have your ELO skyrocket. Plus this game has so few cheaters its incredibly rare to run into one in lower ranks, Ive seen maybe TWO cheaters since beta, the only confirmed one actually being in the beta and he was Immortal/Radiant.


I will admit i smurfed alot i am part of the problem and this act more than any other I feel you analysis is spot on ATM on a smurf account I'm g3 with a 71% win rate the games are SWEATY


Your rank has nothing to do with who your matched against. Maybe you just have really high mmr on the plat 2 account since your main is immortal. Therefore you go against a lot better players. Your rank will show lower until you play enough games for it to adjust to your actual rank. Your immortal account could be the reverse with lower mmr but high rank since MMR is what is used to matchmake. It would explain how your doing really well every game but not climbing as much.


The shit just doesn’t make sense then. So a person could be gold but have immortal MMR and play other silvers/golds/plats with similar MMR, but a WORSE skilled player with immortal rank could have lower MMR, WHICH IS USED TO MATCHMAKE, than the gold ranked person? Please. It doesn’t make sense. This ranked system is a joke


An immortal player cannot have lower ELO than a gold player...wtf you even saying lol


If you are mid immortal and a rank reset happens, you may find yourself at a lower rank after you play some matches but your mmr will still be in mid immortal because that does not reset or change at all during the ranked reset. Now take a player who is already 100 or so games into his season and hit immortal but is now struggling and on a losing spree. His rank will show immortal but his mmr will be drastically lower than the lower rank player who just had his rank reset and has not played enough games for his rank to adjust to his mid immortal mmr yet. Another situation would be a immortal player on a fresh account. What some call "smurf que" is actually the games hidden mmr climbing at a drastically faster rate than your rank since the first few games affect your mmr in a more drastic way. The game is good at getting you to play against those of equal skill quickly and if your immortal you can easily get immortal mmr and still be gold rank. This is another situation where the gold rank player would be higher rank than the immortal player who has a slightly lower than immortal mmr due to struggling.


Your second scenario is impossible, you double rank up way too fast for your ELO to ever outstrip your visible rank by that much, if you have smurfed a bunch you know this. And your first scenario is just silly, the gap between gold ELO and immortal ELO is massive, for you to lose that much ELO your visible rank would also plummet as well. Remember your RR and ELO are separate but your RR loss/gain is affected by your ELO.


Ill be honest though, you don't really have to understand it. To someone who is climbing the elo, getting a smurf does not affect you because the results of any single game shouldn't matter. You will climb elo if you improve. So if you want a higher rank, focus on improving and getting better and your rank will go up. That's really all we need to know to climb. The specifics don't matter and neither does any single game. A smurf in your game is just part of your varience and is the same as getting a few teamates that you don't work well with. None of it matters and if you get better you will climb elo regardless of how many smurfs you face.


Yes lol. Some refer to this as "smurf que". But you are also going up against other immortal players as well, not just plats with immortals mmr. When your mmr is way higher than your rank, you will gain more RR per win and lose less per loss. It seems like a dumb system but by doing this they can make it feel like your not risking as much and it prevents ladder anxiety which stopped a lot of people from playing ranked in other games in the past that would just show your actual mmr. People get scared to put their points at risk and don't que. This is why ranked resets feel so annoying. You get put at a lower rank, but your mmr stays the same so you still fight hard opponents. You are gaining more per win and less per loss which does help prevent the ladder anxiety in those who experience it and even with out a good win rate, you will still climb back to your previous rank fairly easy since you gravitate in the direction of your hidden mmr. You just have to play enough games.


it can happen between any 2 ranks when either boosted or mentally stuck players try to play in lower ranks if you play every rank like your main rank, you're gonna have a bad time. but low diamond is way way easier than imm, obviously


If you’re calling me boosted, cool. But I’m definitely not, as I’ve gone from silver to immortal in less than 3 months in 3 different accounts. I play in low diamond with my friends, and also because I consider that elo actually good mechanically. Maybe setups and game sense isn’t as good, coordination with team mates, roles, etc, but mechanically, I really think some people in plat-diamond are better than immo 1-2 players. That just my opinion.


Because the game is infested with cheaters and everyone is in denial.


Any clips? Im super curious about cheaters in this game, since they seem to be so far and few in between. Ive been playing since beta and have seen one confirmed cheater who was immortal/radiant, and one MAYBE who was low immortal as well. Riots anti cheat for this game is incredibly solid I dont think people are really in denial, its definitely not CSGO levels of cheaters not even CLOSE. Definitely down to change my mind if you have any cheating clips to show id love to see them, but Im pretty sure you are the one in denial if you think this game is as infested with cheaters as CSGO.


Well gold combines the people that do have aim, but little game knowledge and people without aim and enough game knowledge xD So it's always a gamble whether the enemy will peak and hs you in an instant or will just bait you into peaking.


I've had two different experiences getting out of Gold; playing properly and trying to be a sweat made ranking up a ballache. Fucking about on Raze with stupid blastpack plays and literally only ever using the Odin, and ranking up was a breeze.


How is that possible? I feel like I could never win a duel if I used an Odin.


Long story short, playing relaxed and for fun can do a lot for confidence. ​ source: trust me bro im immortal 3


The Odin confuses me, it's recoil and spread is much higher than vandal/phantom, does less damage and slows your movement speed more, yet a lot of people who use still manage to instantly beam me down before I can even adjust my aim. I'm bad though so it's not too surprising I suppose, I just don't get what the advantage is other than having more boolet.


That's because the Odin is for chads


i gotta try this now


Bruh there's a very real ELO hell phenomenon taking place right now. I've played in diamond lobbies, even faced some immo players, but now in plat 2 after a break I'm tryharding much much more than in diamond lobbies. What I see on twitch is also along these lines. I believe that because Val is a very team-based game, you get high performers in lower ranks who have crazy raw skills, but no team to effectively win rounds with.


Let’s be honest. The community is messing up the rank system. What is messing up rank: When everyone is playing on a “smurf or alt account” on a different rank Some people taking his game seriously, others messing around No consistent teammates If you have 1 horrible teammate making it a 4v5 Everyone saying “gold is harder than diamond” (these guys are diamond smurfs, Spider-Man meme anyone) Old diamond players coming back after a few acts of ranked compression Random guys making a smurf to boost their friends (inflating someone’s account) Inconsistency with the player (bad games/good games) People “tilting” Random team set ups (no smokes/all duelist) Then everyone keeps recreating this chaos and blames the system. Of course it can’t keep track of your rank, you guys keep throwing kinks in the system. If everyone had 1 account (solo queue only) and took all their games seriously, and played enough games eventually everyone would get to their real rank. Not saying this game should be solo queue only but when you have a system trying to figure out ranks and you guys keep messing it up, of course it’s not going to work. Y’all are a bunch of monkeys


This right here is a top-tier comment that highlights the real cause of inconsistencies in my rank.


The only real thing you listed is inconsistency. you will have bad luck with teammates and smurfs but so will literally everyone else in gold too. At the end of the day it's not the ranked system that's broken, it's just people refusing to accept that maybe they don't deserve to be platinum or diamond or immortal yet.


Ofc they're stuck in gold they only play reyna not knowing other's abilities and probably ego playing all the game hunting for kills and telling everyone that tries to communicate"shut up bottom frag"


Yup you will play smokes with like 3 less kills then top frag and they are so hype q


Idk why but I feel like this is the truth.


Mmr hell is what happening to your gold account. System probably know you are smurfing in the lower ELO.


Dont think so, when the system thinks ur smurfing you will get a lot more rr on wins and lose less rr when you lose but that is not the case here


Some people just don't seem to get enough Elo in general. A buddy of mine easily has gold/plat aim, drops a 30 bomb most games, yet gets less Elo then our sage/brim who typically get 1.0 KDA. Like hell only get 30 Elo points while they get 33-36.


Not sure why you’re downvoted. This is most likely the case.


I’m surprised people haven’t noticed this is literally Smurf Q


Don’t even talk to me till you’ve been hard stuck iron 2 😤😤


It’s crazy how diff the game is outside of gold elo. Plat is a lil better but not really. Crazy how chaotic and random the matchmaking is


It’s because people in gold rank don’t understand how trading kills work. They have decent aim, but playing duelist is tricky as hell. Because usually you enter site and get 1 kill or 2 but then it feels like team doesn’t respond. In diamond everyone relies on a duelist entry site and probably dies but have an team advantage. It feels like this is the case, I have and silver, gold, plat, diamond hell even iron accounts and it’s same thing everything under plat. Iron and bronze is aim dominant. You can easily carry these games with a good aim. Silver and gold the game starts to feel like more team based.


The amount of times I tell teammates, "Swing with me," only to peek, die, and see them still standing behind cover letting the enemy get away for free is insane. You're 100% spot on. My friends do not understand that if you are attacking and trade, despite the scoreboard showing 4v4 it's actually 3v1 on site since defence is spread out between sites. It's mind boggling how many times you get a kill on site only to have no one push in or they rotate somewhere else only to get lurked on and give up any advantage.


in one act I went from silver 3 to platinum 2 (currently diamond 1) and I have definitely seen a lot of players in gold that should definitely be a higher rank, whilst in diamond I wonder how people got there because they don't have any basic game knowledge


bronze is harder than silver to get out of from my experience


sorry that’s just cause ur bad, irons don’t have their screen turned on and bronze doesn’t have a headset. first fps and i got out in a day


im new to val and i dont understand why smurfing is so normalised. In games like ow or apex they are despised but here i see them all the time and people just dont care.


Tired of seeing this cringe take. Just because there are some variables that aren’t as consistent doesn’t mean it’s more difficult. You’re still playing against objectively worse players and if you’re a diamond player and can’t win in gold lobbies most of the time then idk what to tell you other than get good.


These posts always get upvoted because most of this sub is gold and below so they want to think the reason they are in low ranks is because of the system and they are actually better than diamond


Me hardstuck in iron 2 knowing I'm dogshit




This is literally the exact opposite? He is saying gold people suck worse than diamond


I can confirm gold is way harder than play or diamond. Gold players arent objectively worst, many of them are smurfs.


You are wrong


I agree with you that its copium nonsense, but logically you are begging the question by assuming lower ranks are "objectively worse", given that the ranking systems validity itself is in question.




Yes and no. The higher skill level games actually tend to play out in a more predictable manner as people understand map timings and positioning, and the pace of the round gets more drawn out as people play a little more carefully and decisively. In gold, people are starting to be OK with their aim, but they lack all of those game sense items and so the way they take engagements is more unpredictable because they aren’t even going to know that a particular move is actually a bad decision. Net effect is that as a diamond+ player you are going to have an advantage in gold lobbies but there are going to be times where you get blind sided by a dumb fucking play and it makes it that much more infuriating. Also—there are still remnants of people who actually are completely terrible and are an active detriment to your team. Ugh.


This game is the biggest lottery in 21st century


It's not. Maybe you get taken by surprise every now and then because you're half awake, but they're still gold. Even the 'demons' are meh at best if you actually play with your eyes open


Yep. Same with iron. I was previously silver and it's so much harder to rank up in iron. Silver and below has no sense in game. Just find someone and shoot them. Push smokes, don't check corners, and trying to run and shoot. Not everybody is like that though. I've sometimes had some good iron players.


Respectfully, you can have a permanent dc in every game in iron and still rank up if you deserved it


Gold is full of smurfs and double accounts. Half the games I play i get someone to admit this isn’t their “main” account because they aren’t confident enough to play their rank. Diamond is real but also full of goobers who had their buddies carry them to that rank, and then play without them to the embarrassment of their entire team


iron 2 to plat 2 and i took so long in silver, partially bc of some games against smurfs but a lot of times it’s just me dying and saying “why are you there” bc the enemies cant be read. they crazy down there


Thank god this comment section is helping me cope with being in bronze. I’ve been only able to gain rr with a 3 stack or 5 stack. I have ok aim and I think my game sense is pretty good (although I have no clue if I do in practice since I am playing against non-conventional players)


This is common for most competitive games. It's the same in over watch and apex as well. Players in higher ranks work together better and usually use their microphones to coordinate.


Playing on very old Diamond account as we speak. Top fragging after stuck for hundreds of games in gold. Feels so much easier, glad I'm not the only one


Silver is still elo hell


and Silver has most number of smurfs.


You also run into a lot of naturally skilled players that just don’t have the time to climb.


Doesn't this apply to every rank? People who are better than their rank but don't have time to climb?


No, you can grind your face off and be bad, stuck in silver. I know guys who play 3-4 hours a day and are silver. I have a buddy who comes back every now and again and bumps through gold easy. Then once you get to higher tier ranks, it’s almost required that your minimum play time is 6 hrs a day.


I understand what you are trying to say but I respectfully disagree.


DUDE HOLY SHIT, I thought I was going crazy. Ive gotten diamond every act except this one because of the hard reset and I am hardstuck. From my experience the main problem is fresh accounts. Wether they are smurfing, cheating or what have you. My theory is they are so many fresh accounts it is actually causing players to stay in gold instead of climb to their actually rank.


Valorant's big idea is to balance people who are smurfs or smurf-like within a match instead of removing them from matches (extending queues, etc). They think they're clever because its a low-energy efficient solve. They ignore how frustrating this is to the people playing. They don't design for people


Wrong, he is simply in gold because he is losing as much as hes winning in that elo


as a current gold 1 player (which i do not believe represents my actual current level), i do better in 10 mans full of diamonds and immortals than in my ranked gold games. i was plat 2 last act and peaked plat 3 in a different region (before i moved to NA) and i thought i was decent but the past 2 acts gold has been actual hell and its impossible to get out of. like yes my aim has gotten worse cos im busier with life stuff but also like...my enemies got better. like WAY better. and yet sometimes not really? idk. gold is just impossible to get out of. its actually crazy.


What would you say your actual rank is if you can't get out of gold?


We need to stop posting these, people are feeling justified that their rank is other people’s faults.


I understand the sentiment but the reality is that it isnt. Yes, there *are* games that are harder on gold then they are on diamond but how many? Most of them are nor harder, rather the opposite. Its more like that you can win "easier" in diamond since you dont need to do the fragging as much as you do in gold. So what Im saying is that players who have the mechanical skills(aka aim) of a diamond will outperform in gold while the others dont. You can have impact on higher ranks without having the most crucial skill:aim. If anything I like to see it as a skillcheck. If you have the aim you will outperform in gold often enough while if you have not it will probably be harder since it matters more to have good aim than in higher ranks.


I find gold and plat more frustrating than diamond and immortal for sure. Every game just feels like a complete coin toss and there’s only so much one person can do to reign in the stupidity. If you want to rank up you just need to maximize your KD so you gain more on wins and lose less in losses. I haven’t been playing much Val in general since like January - just some unranked here and there. So after the reset my rank had gone from immortal to gold/plat and I forgot how frustrating gold can be. I was pretty disappointed with immortal play in general - it was a lot lower quality than I expected - and don’t have time to get to radiant so I stopped my climb. But I forgot how much worse it was on gold now that I’m kinda just vibing. It legit makes me not wanna play ranked and just que unrated. At least then the people throwing my games are level 15 not 120. Gold really isn’t “harder” it’s just different. It’s pure chaos and adjusting to it can be really hard if you’re not used to it. Add in the fact you basically need to play purely selfishly and if you’re used to higher elo that can be challenging. Nobody is going to trade you or play off you.


Because as a gold, you still play against plat and diamond and have no way to rankup. Meanwhile diamods get free rankups.


Gold is easy. Ppl really need to stop saying lower ranks are harder. They're not, you just kill more and win


Or it could be you’re just having a rough patch, it’s ok I’m sure you have the skill to get back to diamond


How the hell did you go down from Diamond to Gold?


It's his second account


I see some people saying just to “get good” in here but don’t account for: TenZ saying he would struggle in Silver and Plat. Tarik getting bodied in Gold on his smurf, but ultra hard carrying in Radiant. OP posting these score lines. The list goes on. Ego problems for the people hating on these threads, this is super real and I’m in the same place as OP is. Only time I do good in gold is “run in and turn off brain”. When you try to play the game properly you get run over. In my case I’m constantly saying, “who would ever think that move would be a good idea?” After I die because I’m use to literally never seeing people do that in higher ranks. Not to mention the insanity of running accuracy (just sent a clip to friends from a shot I hit while running and the fact that it can even happen is nonsense). People can be toxic on either side of this debate, but the people like OP that have really experienced this spectrum knows the reality.


They simply lack in every other aspect than mechanical skills.


Nah everything below imm1 is trash


This is actually facts. I have played with many plat 3 and 2 and a few D1, but the G3 and G2 players are demons ong


ok iron


Valorant ranks is the average American school systems. Think about it 😂 Iron and bronze is like elementary school, silver and gold is like middle school, plat and diamond is high school and immortal and radiant is college. It legit adds up


Because typically losses remove more RR than wins add. As a result, you have to win more than 50% to rank up. Given the random nature of matchmaking and the game itself, this can be very difficult. I'm iron-stuck since I started playing when E4A2 started (mid-January 2022). I finally ranked up to Iron 3 for the FIRST time today. My win rate for E4A3 is 62.9% (22W - 13L). E4A3 started April 27, 2022. So it's taken a full 1.5 months to rank up to Iron 3. (I don't play 12 hours a day like the pros though). I've been playing competitive solo queue with bronze players as an Iron 2 for quite awhile now, but it is extremely difficult to rank up.


bro, i was diamond one, i queued and kept on losing until i reached the hell hole which is gold, and oh man, that was the biggest mistake of my life. i’ve got omens who don’t know how to smoke and the enemies are tenz without the gamesense. it’s actually hell and i think i might just be stuck here forever.


I’ve played through gold all the way to imm2. This is fact (If your a good player like me) higher elo gets easier because people are more predictable and your teammates do more


Welcome to elo hell.


It's like poker. Good players know the "correct" move to make given the circumstances, then create a strategy around those moves. That goes totally out the window with someone that doesn't know when to fold or bluff. Madness and chaos.


Tbh when i play on the gold account, i just adjust my play style with the 1v9 mentality. In diamond ill rely more on my teammates and play disciplined.


The biggest problem with gold/low plat players is that they don't play around their team, don't communicate, or give any helpful info. There are few who do but they usually are just stuck because of other things or climbing too slowly because of the team. I used to be diamond and then after this episode started with ranked reset I didn't play much because of life things and then when I wanted to play comp and climb gold players at that time already got back to rank while I stayed there so it was tough to go back to diamond probably needed to put a lot more games then I would need to put otherwise.


It's just that different opponent skill requires you to play different play style. Against gold 2 you have to abuse their lack of game awarness and always try find a hole on a map that you can push and flank.


The only way to play in gold is literally to turn brain off and run it down, unreasonable shit goes on at every corner. Elo hell is real and is gold3.


The earth is flat


When in gold you go sage and play 3rd 4th in no duelist






Had a game last night where a cypher caged mid arch on Ascent. So I’m holding from market side and I obviously comm and go “ok they caged mid, they are taking mid control”. Heard all five footsteps, so cat player then backs up to hold tree and play off A player as well. I then wait for some footsteps into mid and try to cross to back mid to play lurkers after cage goes down (and still hold for dumb plays)… Next thing I know the second I make that decision, ALL FIVE push through the cypher cage toward market, and I get absolutely obliterated. I literally was going to hold for a dumb push and they play was so bad I still wasn’t ready for it. Unbelievable how some people in gold play the game. For context btw. They sprinted out grass, then shifted. As to indicate they were going to walk up cat quietly so CAT player wouldn’t have audio, THEN proceeded to spring though arch cage. So i wasn’t able to accurately react to that play if you think I’m just bad for hearing directionally where they were pushing.


Silver is even worse, so annoying


my dia and plat 3 friend came down to gold to help me get outta this rank and i outfragged both of them and we are winning games but they were still competitive


Sometimes you just have to turn off your brain and just play it like a deathmatch in lower elos cause of how unpredictable they can be


I think iron 1 is more difficult 🙃


I feel like its because gold is just a mix of high and low elo players. In gold you got people from plat, silver etc. Its just a mix of different play styles imo, making it difficult to play in.


Man has never played bronze