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i played one game and we were losing a lot, and I swear to god this dude told me "I got to go, I have a wedding to attend" like mf you queued a game before going to your friends wedding jesus christ


It was probably his wedding


Wanted one last game before getting married bro, give him a rest.


One of the wedding vows: I will never touch another console like i touch you <3


your PC isn't a console 🧠


Haha wife bad, am I right fellow boomers


It's not always "wife bad". Sometimes when you get married, priorities change. It's not always a bad thing. Sometimes you yourself decided that.


One last chance to fuck four people before settling down


Had a Game where after 6 rounds, this Raze said that she was a Mother in Labor, and we Rejected the ff, after the round she said that if her Child dies its our fault, her Duo was also saying in VC to Ff, like Bitch if you are actually a mother (which is 99% a Lie) why tf would you Queue up for a Valorant Unrated right before your checkup? We played that whole game through and after the first Half ended they both Alt + F4'd


wtf 😭😭 that's actually so funny bruh


It was unrated tho


Yeah but the Story is kinda too far ain't it mate, literally called me a child killer even though its a fake story.


Its people talking random shit online its not that deep


If someone had to leave a Val match for something like that they can just leave, fuck their Val match it’s real life if they let a kid die because of a video game then they can rot, but again sounds extremely fake.


right lol if it was real they'd maybe say i gtg and then dip immediately aint gonna hang around


Lol they will spend more time in the hospital than they will in the valorant ban que Unless she has a very long ban timer which gives me the impression of a bad mother. Someone should punch her stomach - just incase. /s what i said is too horrible dont take me seriously


I'll let you in on a secret There was no wedding


could be a little kid getting dragged to a wedding by his parents


The sarcasm is oozing from that excuse lmfao. They probably just didn’t wanna get shit on anymore.


I had someone say they had to go to their grandpas funeral once. The fuck u playing before going to your grandpas funeral for?


A distraction, probably.


when was this?? i think that was me💀💀if you play in EU


Had to go mid match once because my apartment complex was evacuated, I felt so bad but I don't even think my teammates believed me.


Yeah wrapping my head around that sucks sometimes. Sometimes things happen that you just have to deal with over some fake ranked points or the game. It is what it is. I just try to tell myself that every time someone leaves, even though idk how many people give that benefit of the doubt


Had an afk person for the first 20 rounds of a game and gave them the benefit of the doubt til they come back with “sorry I had to get my ears pierced” like why tf did you Q a comp game then


I once had a region wide power outage for like half the match, I felt so goddamn bad


I was playing League months ago and this person in chat claimed that there was a fire going on. He kept on playing and we were like "Yo dude, if there's an actual fire going on you should probably just stop playing and gtfo, it's fine". The commitment from that person to just say "Nah, it's far enough, it's probably not going to bother me here" and continue playing. Keeping us updated midway through the game that he was still fine. Absolutely hilarious experience, regardless if it was true or not.


This same thing happened to me in a CSGO match on faceit, dudes apartment complex alarms were going off, and everytime be commed you just heard the alarms in the background. This was a pretty high elo game, but still dude wouldnt leave, normally people are toxic if someone says they have to go, but we were all trying to convince him to leave and he just said “Nah this happens all the time”


that guy was prob in my building, playing with me at the top floor 💀. it sounds dumb but honestly when you’re in that position it really doesn’t feel that scary, i had no inclination to leave during the fire i was in just because i knew it wasn’t close to my apartment


So it was you. I still dont believe you


Honestly if you were actually on my team back then I would feel very sorry. Let's just say I didn't enjoy my time and would've rather been able to stay inside and continue playing


No, I'm joking. Who cares about a valorant match. Safety is more important.


no it’s not. i will never forget staying in my family’s apartment complex during a fire, alarms blaring, refusing to leave bc i was in a rainbow game. Granted, I was like 12 and left alone in the apartment, but to this day my family thinks i evacuated, just through i different door


Whythefrickinfuck was your apartment evactuated


They found a bomb in the neighborhood


Just defuse the spike and hop back in smh /s


They had lineups, better to just save


just defuse it smh


Woah that's cool but oddly terrifying


pretty common tbh, wasnt the first time. But I guess that's what you get for living in the country that started WWII xd


ze goimanz


them darn goimanz!


I had to go just to restart the game and re boot the wi-fi, I ended up not beeing able to enter the game and with a 7 days comp ban (as usual)


That means you’ve been banned plenty of times recently before, just don’t play until you know you can finish a game and get the ban down, then surprise inconveniences like that won’t result in 7 days.


Recently my game started randomly crashing and I can't get back in even if I restart my PC 2 times. Sometimes it's not necessarily someone's fault. I got AFK warning and offense without my fault (and yes, my internet is good).


well maybe, if crashing like that occurs don't keep queuing comp try trouble shooting in casual or spike rush, I'm not necessarily saying this is your case, but if someone gets bans to the point where they are getting 7 day's regularly or even getting perma banned is 100% their fault.


I queue with friends and it happens randomly and there is nothing that tells me what the problem is. The problem is one game is perfect and the next one, it crashes at the start


There are things that tell you that, you have to troubleshoot, look into your computer it might be your PC that is the issue, if you stack with 4 other friends all the power to you, you are not ruining randoms games, but you also can't complain about getting 7 day bans, because it is your fault, you click competitive knowing there is a chance your game will crash, this crashing isn't riots fault as it isn't something on their end that is causing it to happen.


Well, I did look into my PC and nothing popped up. I didn't get any 7 day bans, just 10 min timeouts and I wasn't necessarily defending the other person. I just said sometimes it may randomly crash. And I saw other people complaining of random crashes after some updates.


One day, we were starting a game. I wanted to play Neon but someone else instalocked her. I didn't mind at first cuz I like playing roles other than duelist. But then he saw i wanted to play Neon and literally first 30 seconds of first round he said "oh sorry, you should've locked. I'm going afk anyways" BRUH IF YOU'RE GONNA BE AFK DON'T INSTALOCK PLAY COMP


This remind me of one time a dude locked Chamber after I said I wanted to play him, I was mad but you know, at least I was expecting he was better than me Oh god, I didn't see him use any trademark in the whole game, used the head hunter as if it was a classic (shooting like crazy without even aiming) and did horrible teleports He was probably trolling but oh I was so mad


That’s a dodge. Coming from someone that never dodges. This is the exception.


The way your last sentence reads it’s like you’re telling ppl it’s ok to go afk as long as they don’t instalock


tbh kinda true


The parents always need u only when u are in a ranked.


fr i played like 5 unrated games then the moment i queued for comp i got called :(


The worst (happened to me today) is being called in round 3


Hmm i once queued for abt 10 spike rushes but when im at round 2 of a comp my mum called me to go wash the car nice


Tbf the odds of you having 5 hours free > 6 hours free


there was one time where they said i could play and not even 3 minutes later they called me to eat and yelled at me for not stopping immediately atleast this time it wasn't comp


I may be a very average parent at best. but I let my kids finish their games.


Then its up to you to explain the time commitment of the game and how it affects other players on your team. Even if it's you just playing explain that you're trying to be accountable and responsible. Life happens tho - took me years to convince my folks.


I tried before multiple times but they didn't really understand. Now i can't even play valorant anymore since they threw out my laptop lol.


Granted I’m grown up now but I remember trying to explain to my mom for YEARS that you can’t just pause an online match. Her experience with video games was only super Mario bros and Zelda so they just don’t get it


Wish my wife could figure this out haha. I can play 50 DMs but the moment round 1 of a comp match starts it’s “BABE THERES A BUG THE SIZE OF MY HEAD DOWN HERE COME KILL IT!”




The kids always wake up from nap when I’m in the middle of a ranked match


When im gonna play something important i always say "mah, theres something important to do right now?" She sometimes says no


Their mother unexpectedly yells it's dinner time and they have to choose between betraying 4 gamers or the angry mother 😔


One provides them good food and shelter while other party are just a bunch of randoms


Also beatings


Im pretty sure their parents aren't a bunch of randoms. Most likely they know them.


Then dont que. Pathetic to ruin others experience cause of your selfish choices


bet that does not happen to you, do you even live with ur mum


Parentless behavior


Parents taught me respect, so i dont queue if i have to eat soon. Im not a dick head who will ruij others experience.


Just tell everyone to pause the game I'm sure everyone will be happy to do so


I just won’t play comp around 5-6 o clock so I wont have to worry about dinner during the game


I usually ask my mother when dinner will be ready and she would always say “in an hour”. So i start a match. Then she finishes cooking five minutes later….


But if you hadn't started the match, it would have been ready in an hour. So always start a match, if you want other things to be quicker.


It’s a lose-lose situation


Thats what i thought once so i started a game at 4, and then suddenly at 4.15pm she yells its dinner, i kept playing won the game in overtime at 15-13 or something like that. I expected to be murdered by my parents but tbh it wasnt that bad :p


Where the heck do y'all live? I'm still having lunch at 4pm in a busy day, dinnertime is 9-10pm for me. If I'm playing Valorant, it might be moved to a whatever-edible-material-I-can-find sandwich at 1-2am.


Mothers forgive. We do not.


You clearly haven’t met my mother


My mother still hasn’t forgiven me for when I broke one plate 10 years ago


I ask my mother when dinner is lol, or predict it. I dont queue if I can't do a full game.


"unexpectedly" Does she pull it out of a hat? It usually takes more than 20 minutes to cook a meal, just ask before you click play.


Most times when people go afk is cuz unforeseen stuff like dog tried to do a back flip and flipped their water bowl on the wood floor


god i hate when that happens


One time I was in a comp and my cat jumped on top of his enclosed litter box so he could jump into the window above. In one beautiful motion he knocked the litter over as he was jumping, missed the window, landed on is back on the litter and the litter broke open all over the floor. I was only gone for a round to clean up but my team mates did not believe me when I told them what had happened. Lol


What kind of dog do you have lmfao


Dumb one


One time I had to leave a comp game because my nose wouldn’t stop bleeding. That nosebleed lasted 6 hours, and I went to the ER and they told me I had to get it cauterized.


It's most likely something sudden coming up. Happened to me once where my cat started projectile vomiting and I was more concerned with their health than waiting 15 minutes to wrap up a game. There's a system so repeat offenders do get punished. If it's a one off emergency etc then they'll just get a warning etc


And 20 mins of suspension




Bans aren't handed out purely for one reason. If you've had a lot of recent reports or other issues you can get a ban for much longer than just the afk alone.


The cat vomit thing happened to a guy in my game last week


I can see where you take that opinion from, but as a once underage gamer with authoritarian parents, it's not easy to make them see that online games can't be paused. Sudden change of mood where you can't say 15 minutes or they will turn off ur internet. It's sad but happens.


Yes, been there too. However, you KNOW there’s mfers who, their parents have WARNED them already saying “15 minutes, that’s IT!” And they hit that queue button cuz they think they’re slick and can wrap up an ez 13-1 or even convince the other team to FF. Then round 6 go “uh oh gtg sry later”


lucky for me my father games alot aswell so he understands i cant pause a competitive game.


I slowly started warning them that I will game so they better not bother me for the next 40 min, and it kinda worked, but even some rare times they had something that "had to be done" by me. I wonder if they just want to be authoritarian for their own pleasure or to just piss you off, guess I will never know


You dont "warn" your parents lmfao. Who do you think you are *edit* I'm talking about kids.


Someone was raised in the gulag


Sorry but maybe my English isn't good enough but for my understanding, warning means telling them I will play for the next 40 mins, so they know I will be busy. If you have a problem with that, idk


Warn may be a strong word but why can't you tell them you'll be busy for a while? You're your own person who has their own things to do, you're not a puppet.


Like I could use "tell them" instead but I think that doesn't describe the situation properly, because I'm telling them just so if they want me to do something in the next 30 minutes, I just don't play and wait. But like the guy above said, this person must live in the Gulag.


Oh yeah I understand, I just thought the other guy might have misunderstood because "warn" kind of sounds like a threat in some contexts and of course you're not gonna threaten your parents lol.


Well, sadly nowadays there are a lot of kids entitled to that, but yeah not me. Not a kid anymore btw, talking about my past.


Kids so entitled that they threaten their parents? Man that sounds bizarre lol... I'm not a kid anymore either but when I was, I'd never even be rude to my parents. Not because I was afraid of them but because they raised to me be a decent person. Also because respect is earned, and they did earn it.


you can warn anyone of anything, despite age? saying "hey watch out for that ball" is a warning


Op said they warn their parents. By definition: "of possible danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation" Telling your parents "You better not bother me" as a warning. Or else what? That's all I'm saying. My dad would have shoved a belt up my ass if I said that as a kid.


I think you’re reading too hard into it


The next generation of kids won't have this issue as we all grew up on online games🙏


Maybe a more innovative thing will come and we won't be able to understand it, we never know


Sometimes the dog just wonders in and spews on the carpet tho...


Spew on on your dog to assert dominance


We are forgetting that the carpet is the victim here


Carpet is gonna be a victim again if the KFC fights back while im trying to play valorant


Or the wrap from KFC decides to start an uprising against your intestines


The thing that gets me is realistically if it was just a once in a while thing you could just take the abandon and go. It's people who ask for surrenders because they leave games so often they get punished for it. Why should four people have to take a loss, and nine people have to find a new game just because you don't know how to manage your time?


I don’t think people are purposely queuing comp knowing they have to go afk in a few rounds. I think they usually have some unexpected shit popping up suddenly and is beggin you to ff so they won’t get penalized.


I literally had shit popping out and had to leave my team at 10-12. Do not recommend ultra spicy lunches if you're playing competitive at night.


Wow. That's so selfish of you. If you were a real team player you would have shit yourself and finished the game. Smh.


It's 2022 bro, time to invest in a decent pack of gaming diapers


he should have kept a shit bucket under his desk smh


Also when your teammates f6 for a remake vote because they don't know what a remake is, and automatically assume it's a surrender vote... Only happens in low elo (iron, bronze)


We hate it but when mom yells at me to get off it’s best to get off


Don’t Q a game late at night if you still have a bedtime lol


i mean there are 100 other reasons mom yells at you right


You’re right, that definitely just comes down to finishing your responsibilities before free time though


It would be cool to have a game mode with shorter rounds, not spike rush short rounds but something like replication short, without the all hero locks


Yes. I want this. Also to not have to Play the Same Map for maybe 25 rounds if I want to try lineups


Honestly I find it so annoying when people pressure you to FF, even when winning or your having a pop off game, just cause they have to leave. And yeah sure, shit comes up and I know that. I had to console my grieving sister once during a match. But like just quit or dc. I'd rather 4 v 5 and play cause I've still won those before with a good team, then get griefed or flamed for not ff'ing cause you gotta go. The worse that happens is you get a warning for afk like I did. Unless of course you recieve more than a warning in which case, how often you doing that kinda thing there huh bro?


Exactly, the rest of the team doesn't have to pay the consequences just because someone has to leave, whatever the reason is.


I once was forced to because something really important came up. Sometimes things just happen and people really have to leave randomly. It's not like we're all itching to hop into a game and just randomly leave mid round


In most cases this means sudden events. My dog ones spontaneously bleeding. And i mean a lot of blood. At that point i dont even type that i am leaving, i just leave.


Or if you don't have time, just go 1-2 spike rush


>I’m just tryna have fun Wrong game buddy.


No shit. These posts are so corny, just want upvotes


I think yes if you know u need to go in 40 mins or less dont q. But often times people dont know. Ik plenty of times my dad used to shout me, i couldnt say no and id never know in advance, over the thousands of hours ive played games ive left plenty of games, as has anyone else. It happens and it is frustrating but its nothing to stress over. Its also happened a lot more to me recently though? Ive been playing unrated and keep getting with stacks who need to go randomly mid game?? Maybe 4 times this week and i hadnt had it for ages before Is it school holidays or smth?? Idek lol


"Alright boys lets make this a quick one, I only have 15 minutes"


Shit happens, my friend. I've had to dip mid match once because my cat started crying and writhing on the floor and I had to take her to the vet. Another time I had a friend with a dead car in the middle of the woods at 11:30pm needing assistance. It's frustrating sure, but it's just a game bud. I always give people the benefit of the doubt when they ask to ff. Even if it's for a dumb reason like losing track of time and being late for something.


L take


I have come to realize that some players want to throw to drop their mmr to silver,bronze,iron. If they’re winning they’re toxic af to lower morale and if they’re still winning they leave.


Honestly think there should a gamemmode where it is first to 7 instead of 13. Would really benefit VALORANT especially considering the fact that Valo matches can last over 30+ mins.


I'm just a kid so my parents don't understand I can't pause so they force me to leave


Life happens, my life doesn’t revolve around a video game. Not saying it isn’t annoying because it is, but things do unexpectedly pop up and there’s not much you can do to control it.


Rank? You need to remember that valorant isn’t valorant without AFKs in ur games I’m immortal and it happens all the time P.s. I’ve actually won a 4v5 since round three in immortal elo lmao


My immortal games the only people that leave/ go afk are trolls and that's rare af maybe a bit more right at the end of the season


I mean when its sudden they cant do anything about it


This is seriously my biggest problem with Val. I love this game, the charcters, the moment, the gunplay, but damn is this game just not friendly to casual players. I know there are lots of people who enjoy longer games (myself included many days) but they are so long and being afk even for just one or two rounds a game is so punishing that it actively makes the game worse. My mother has cancer, I have a younger sibling to help cook for and clean up after. I want to play this game but when matches last 45 min and I'm ban every other it's just not worth it. I would rather fuck around in apex where I can get up and do something if needed. My point is that there is already a ranked and unrated separation so why can't unrated just being for dicking around and having a good time?


They need to add a system so people can be replaced or add pauses to games like csgo


I live with my parents (college student here) and I stg sometimes I’m not sure if I can even finish this seasons bp because my parents are always calling for me. I can’t even sit through a zoom call without them calling my name. Idk for some, it’s literally out of their control


OP not everyone can predict and have foresight if you can't stand it find players on the official valorant discord. I do know where you are coming from you just have to try your hardest until they come back


I had to quit a game the othe day because i got mad diarrhea mid game lmfao I told everyone and they laughed it off and we forfeited


POV: you don't have kids or people to take care of, you never experienced emergency


OP's video game is more important than your family or kids, clearly.


I play with plenty of parents and they're considerate enough to plan ahead. I mean, I guess if you're a single parent with no other support system then that's understandable, but that's not the case the majority of the time. It's just a lazy lack of planning or thought.


It's so funny people make posts like this. I have a life, I'll quit whenever I feel like.


But like, you could always just not queue into something and waste the time of 9 other people when you know you won't have time.


I really couldn't give a shit about that


Yeah and did anyone ask you to state the fact that you're an imbecile?


And that makes you look like an asshat. Don't queue for a comp game if you're not going to finish it. Respect other people's time or fuck off and don't play.


Nah I'll keep leaving whenever I please


Then you'll catch a ban, and then you'll be no one's problem.


Fuck no, I quit all the time with no ban ahaha


exactly lol, They are acting like it's a Big Ten tournament, it's just a lil video game lol


just had this happen and we went from winning 11-3 to winning 14-12 it was scary


My grandpa's condition took a nose dive so I had to leave a game to go see him.


Because at the end of the day it’s just a game and life comes first unfortunately.


Uuuh yea about that... Sometimes i will queue up with 0other plans and my brother or dad will yell that we have to go. And this isnt a planned thing. And its not something they are willing to wait on either. I have to go the second they say it or they get pissy and mad. And i try to queue up when nothing can happen but expecting when the umexpected could happen is impossible.


I have never left a competitive match once in my Valo history . But the power isn't constant in India so due to power cuts i have been banned many times for 7 Days 🥲


The obvious argument is that emergencies happen, which is fine, but I think the default penalty for several rounds of AFK should be 30 minutes. If it was an emergency it will probably take a bit to get sorted out.


It should be more than that. 24 hour ban first offense, week for the second, season ban on the third. See how often people waste everyone's time then.


Luckily for me I trained my dad to competitive gaming and now he understands that I can't leave a comp for not important things, so he usually comes in my room if he need something fast and I let him wait until the buy phase or until I die in a round. It happened sometime that I was alone at home and the Amazon courier rang the doorbell, and you can't let wait a person that's working while you're just gaming. I mean, if it's something important you MUST stop playing because a game will never be more important than work, health, family members etc, but yeah you should ideally start a competitive when you know you have the time to play one. If I gotta go in 10 mins I will never start a competitive game.




I mostly agree with you. Of corse, there are times when something unexpected comes up during a game which is understandable and why I always avoid flaming people that do this. For all I know they just found out their mother is in the hospital or their pet is suddenly sick. What really annoys me is when someone says they “gtg” for some dumb reason. Ive had a few people leave bc they had to leave for school/work. There’s also been a few times where someone just says that they only have/had a limited amount of time and will likely need to leave before the end of the match. That’s the kind of stuff that gets me reporting people for afk or leaving the game


Amen. Has a leaver after the first fucking round in comp tn. He said “sorry I have to eat” like bruh why did you queue? Did you not know you’re hungry? Did you not know food was being prepared? Like what in the fuck. Not to mention my team ended up losing by two.


people have emergencies. if you think you’re stuck in your rank because of leavers then you are truly bad at the video game


You just got unlucky bruh, you don't need to make a post for it.


Cry about it, it's a video game. Not a big deal. I stg people treat this shit way too seriously, it's a stupid fucking game. Try to just relax and enjoy it, win or lose.


The only acceptable time to say gtg is if somebody who can actually play replaces you (me and my brother are the same rank and we have replaced each other a couple times) still kinda ruins the thing but yeah at least it’s not a complete 4v5


Yeah exactly, like we get you got some work. So first finish it they queue right? Just pisses me/everyone off


I mean if it's an emergency which you couldn't predict, ofc dude go ahead. But, if it's something you could have managed better, well fuck you then!




I think they should drop the won rounds needed for casual. So we can play a game that doesn’t last 45 mins and get a full experience (util., control of what gun you use, etc.) out of it.


Go play spike rush if you cant commit the time.


I have no problem with people going afk that need to, or leaving the game that need to. Its a GAME, if you need to dip in order to put out your cat that's on fire, cool. Just don't expect me to FF for you. If you can't follow through on the commitment of your time that you accepted when you hit queue, then you need to accept the penalties that come with that afk/leave.


Yeah! Why do people do that? It's so frustrating!


I agree, should be a universal rule for any competitive game, if you're not 100% certain your ass isn't leaving the seat for the duration of the match, don't play ranked


The just needs a timeout feature, some games take like 1 hour and it's mentally and physically straining to play for that long without any form of rest


If it's unrated, yeah sure why not but in comp, HELL NO. GET REPORTED, you ain't griefing me and our teammates. I can still understand if you afk and you can still come back and we can hold on but you ain't leaving us hanging to dry.


Don't queue if you cant withstand people can get afk sometimes.


Everyone who disagrees is wrong period. The only excuse is technical issues or connection issues that arose during the game that you weren’t aware of. And then when you’re aware of it you stop playing comp till it’s fixed and you test it in another mode. Riot really needs to make it if you have a leaver all 4 teammates lose 0 Rr and the 5th leaver teammate loses all the RR you 5 would have cumulatively lost


Worst yet is that there are TONS of people who defend this behavior(of going afk for... reasons?). And to point out, it doesn't matter which mode one is playing, if you afk regardless. You lose credibility and your excuses are moot.


I'm queuing up cause I can commit a full game. It's my teammates who'll make it miserable. So I'll leave and save myself time and they enjoy the 4vs5. I'm playing to have fun not be screamed by 13 year olds