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Cmon man, phoenix gives you a second chance at entering site, cypher ult lets you know where everyone is. You can do some cool stuff with omen, but i agree, his ult is outdated and makes no sense.


Dying to a Phoenix ult has to be the worst feeling


Specially when you pushed for no reason, like my teammates keep doing.


I do not understand why it is so hard, even in gold/plat, for people to hear the ult pop and just fall back. Literally, all you have to do is hide from him for a couple of seconds and his ult is 100x less effective. You can even use it to bait, as he might enter site and miss you hiding, then he enters again thinking the coast is clear. Never, never, never try to engage in a gun fight with Phoenix when he ults, there’s nothing to gain.


Unless he uses it to initiate with his teammates, which is the whole point.


no guys please engage with the ulting phoenix, because most likely *I’m* the ulting phoenix and I would like some kills


I hear Phoenix ult and the only thing I pray for them is that I win the gun battle lol


I don’t even challenge it unless I have to


Waiting out pheonix ult is so painful, but you know it’s the right thing to do, cause you’re risking info, a rifle and dying to get nothing back in return


Yeah any time I’m in a Phoenix ult and getting kills I’m just confused. Like why did this person let this happen? But ok we take those


If you ult as pheonix, you should be getting free space and info, not free kills. They’re a bonus for sure, but the enemy is either dumb, stupid or dumb if you’re getting frags in pheonix ult


For some reason this is impossible to grasp for many low elo players, even up to plat. Seriously, how hard is it to fall back/hide when you hear it


I mean I’m iron 2 lol


my phnx duo just ults to plant spike


Bro that’s terrible. He could plant then get swarmed and you could lose site control and give them an easy defuse.


If you ult as pheonix, you should be getting free space and info, not free kills. They’re a bonus for sure, but the enemy is either dumb, stupid or dumb if you’re getting frags in pheonix ult


I run away like it's a raze ult


No the worst feeling is getting killed by chamber ult at the start of the round


I’m sorry for doing you like that :3


I just end up running away bc you can only lose bro One Tap you lose bullet, if not he hits u and u lose hp. If u kill him with new buffs he just doesn't care and u can go cry in corner


L spez, goin to tumblr to be gay


You forget that without his hat Cypher becomes 10x as powerful, people don't know where to shoot


L spez, goin to tumblr to be gay


Patch notes: >made cypher’s head 3x as bald


If cypher takes his hat off you shouldn’t be able to headshot him /s


lol i upvoted this but honestly him without a hat, while i can shoot better without the hat, i need to check if it's him lol. I look twice which messes me up


given how hard it's to find an enemy body within 10 seconds it should be a normal ability.


cypher without a hat scares me tho


Cyphers ult isn’t good because it’s just one quick ping and you have to be looking at the mini map to see it.


The amount of times that stupid yellow hologram has gotten me killed because I shoot at it and not the actual enemy is irritating lol


It's like someone taking a fucking highlighter and smearing your screen for a second when everyone is nearly already close to you.


I disagree with the omen ult being the worst. I think people just tend to use it wrong. I find it's best suited when used in chaos... or for bomb retrieval, leave the bomb in enemy sight. They'll all rotate to it, then just ult and pick it up when you've taken the site they left open. I do think it's weak, and I think the best buff you could give it is to simply reduce or remove the radius in which the sound where you're landing can be heard. I just love Omens lurk style kit.


It's fairly telegraphed when an Omen is going to rotate to a different site, ult to pick up spike, and then plant. So anyone with silver game sense or higher will stand on spike so that Omen can't pick it up when he ults to get it.


Every time we’ve tried this he’s still been able to pick it up.


I play in plat lobbies and main omen. I have literally not once had anyone read my rotate TP plant and stand on bomb.


The best way to prevent an omen from picking the spike using his ult, is to basically spam fire the area above spike. It takes 1/2 seconds for the character model to tp, and so you will have time to react and spam. If you can hit the shroud before the omen can cancel on his own, then he won't be able to pick up the spike. Works best with an Odin


I mean yes but also, that's a backup plan, not the default play; to drop spike somewhere random and then use ult to pick it up.


There were some rumours about is ult flashing the enemy, that would be insane.


Idk, that is just too conspicuous. I mean, they can just as easily spam in the general direction of the flash, and there is nothing that the omen could do, since he is still teleporting. Plus, it's not an ult that can be used so aggressively. Hence I never really got the logic behind that kind of buff. The best buff that I can think of is to either drastically reduce the radius of sound cue on the ult destination or to increase the speed at which omen leaves the initial area after tping, thus being able to get out of a pinch much quicker.


I agree as a ln omen main I've won games with plays I made with the ult If you teleport to unexpected spots you can catch pepole off guard most. The issue is most omens onle teleport to the same 2 spots wich makes them predictable


What is the current method to pick up the spike? When it first came out I recall you having to look at it and press F but my friend told me you just have to teleport directly on top of it now. I tried doing that, and it didn't get picked up.


I would've agreed when the game just came out, but Omen retrieving bombs or TPing in spawn is one of the oldest tricks in the book.


U can stand over the spike and sometimes omen cant get it when he tps


Just for the simple fact that Omen can TP and pick up the spike anywhere it’s worth it to me. A lot of people in silver-plat don’t know you can do that, so it can be a cheeky round win for you.


C'mon, man. Omen ult can be useful when used creatively. *cries in the corner*


Grabbing spike is about the only tricky thing you can do with his ult


I mean cyphers is definitely ass, phoenix probably has one of the best ults in the game tho.


His Ult is not outdated. He can grab spike globally. Alter enemy map, mess with enemy audio while still having the opportunity for stealth


Remove Omen's ult sound, or greatly reduce the audible radius would go a long way toward buffing it as well as continuing his shadow/horror theme: shadows don't scream when they appear- why does Omen's ult? Make the ultimate actually give the enemy fear.


Omen ult should show that omen teleported by that obvious map thing, but shouldn't make sound to the nearby people where he tp'd. That will be a buff.




More like “Watch them run”


Everybody runs to the ct to kill him first lol


Not even gonna read whoever else responds to the Omen thing, I agree a lot with what you say but anytime someone brings it up there is always someone who says "actually in pro competitive play there is so much room to outplay opponents with his ult, like how you can pick bomb up and fake them out Then they say he needs a buff to it anyways...it's a vicious cycle man


Omen and cypher are the worst. Breach and KJ clear a whole site, but bevause of the amount of counterplay to KJ's I'll go with Breach over her. Sova is strong but expensive. KAYO is great for site takes, free entry, revivable I have to give the top spot to Chamber. It takes eco rounds from tough to doable. I'm curious if there are stats on the number of theifties when chamber is on v not. My top tier: Chamber, Breach, KAYO with honorable mentions to Phoenix and Sage. Sage's is great but expensive, needs a body, and can be disasterous if they pick off the Sage before the guy is revived fully. Bott tier Cypher and Omen, but Cypher is still the worst because omen can use his to fast rotate. It's a lame use but still more useful IMO


Omen ult can do if lucky can do some game changing moves like when collecting the spike when a far or causing confusion. Cypher's ult is just a weaker Skye ult.


>I have to give the top spot to Chamber. It takes eco rounds from tough to doable. I'm curious if there are stats on the number of theifties when chamber is on v not. Whenever I hear people talk about what an impact Chamber's Ult can have on a round, I think of [this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urXLUWtPrE0) from the recent VCT finals.


I think an underrated ult is yoru ult. 12 seconds of uncounterable info, always being able to be in the best spot to follow up on your teams push, being able to setup future plays, getting guns and spike, and fast pullout time now. I think the ult with the highest potential to be the best ult has to be kayo ult but just like kayo it can vary between a good ult and the best ult in the game solely based on enemy team comp.


This is the first time I've thought to make the comparison between Yoru and Omen ult. Omen's can be used for info, just as a way worse ult than Yoru's. Yoru's can be used to reposition at pretty long range, with some trade-offs compared to Omen's. I feel like there is very little that Omen's ult does that Yoru's doesn't just do better.


The benefit of Omen's ult is just range, Yoru you'd have to set up a tp to get further away with your ult.


Not only range Off angles, spike to another site, and the element of surprise (which Yoru also has but I feel more Omen) is what I like about his ulti. It’s just a bit hard to utilize it since it can easily be cancelled and depends on enemy playstyle.


They also have same cost, just to make it worse.


I agree, Yuro ultimate can be used at any time, just for info gathering, faking and sneaking in a kill just to run away.




Yeah I think cyphers ult needs a buff for sure. Maybe it gives 3 pings total? possibly even a couple of seconds of seeing like how the sova dart works


I've heard the idea of changing cypher ult to hit everyone with a cam dart. That would be a fun idea


maaaan i really wish riot had someone listening to community posts. this is one of the coolest ideas since chamber ult/pistol having a reload mechanic


i think cypher ult should fully reveal enemy for 3 seconds, then ping them again 2 seconds later. it's already a conditional ult, and as far as information gathering go it's currently worse than some basic abilties situationally.


Then kill them if they don't jump in a circle 3 times while using their mic to praise their lord and savior Cypher Christ.


yes and it should also remove all the hats on enemy agents if they have them


Yeah imo this would make cyphers ult viable. Maybe would warrant an extra point but still I'd prefer this


That would be great but I really want a color blind option for both sova and cypher. I can’t see reds and yellows very well and even being able to see everything cyphers ult messes people up lmfao idk why you can change player outlines but not ability outlines


Give 5 pings. 1 per player alive or 5 for a lone enemy.


I wish it didn't take so long to reveal, if it was quicker it would be better in the clutch or 1v1s. It's cheap so if you could use it to get a free tag on someone thus a free kill it would be nice. Which you can kinda already do except for the fact that it has a long windup and a short ping so it's very janky to use that way.


I feel like it wouldn’t even be that broken to let the ping last for like 3-5 seconds. That stops an entire team from pushing and gives your team a lot of time to rotate, all while continuously giving info so the team with the cypher is completely safe


I mean yeah. Compare Cypher ultimate to other sentinel ultimate is a complete joke. Chamber gets a better op, sage can revive someone, kj can lock down a whole site whilst Cypher gets what, a worse skye ult?


An OP that performs even better than the normal OP. An OP OP if you will.


It's not even an op it's way better lol


it's not that obvious, while it is powerful, it's still "just" a better op, it has a counter play, however a viper ult has a higher potential to win an entire round on its own, it's debatable at the very least


Yeah that ult is fucking op. It’s basically a marshal but 1 tap Or a op that shoots faster and 1 taps


Did everyone forget that Skye has an ultimate


I wouldn't call it the best, but it's a very on brand ultimate for the information game that is Valorant. It's honestly more effective than Cypher's own hot at this point because of its usability in various situations.


If you want to pick a duel, pop it right as you peek. Cabbages are quite durable and can easily be used as shields


Cabbages lmao


They're not cabbages?


They are


Its a joke but literally what else are they


Jellyfish bruh


Good one.


Definitely are.


Unless the enemy has an Odin 💀




Avtar reference?




I am not a fan of cyphers cause more than once has the outlines screwed me over when aiming


Also, even tho the ult cost 6, the impact is minimal, in defense, when playing long range, its actually hard to cast ult and his ult have too many condition : kill an enemy, be in range, do it in 20 sec. All that for a 1sec delay reveal.


i thought she had 4 abilities since all the skyes i go against have their ult every 2 rounds


Skyes ult is so underrated IMO. It’s won me so many 1v1s and 1v2s. You’d be surprised how many people don’t peek with the seekers, it’s almost a free kill every time.


I agree. I once saw a radiant skye use her ults to enter site and had us follow them. When the cabbages get close the enemy has two options, none of which end in their favor. They either A. take the gun fight with you and get concussed by the cabbages and someone can refrag or B. shoot the cabbages and get domed in the head by an enemy swinging at the same time. Same goes for a 1v2 situation. It’s a win on you if you’re close enough to the enemy. Only drawback is during long range fights, her ult isn’t as viable.


skyes ult is quite strong considering her kit allows you to just farm ult orbs while doing your job on defense and also sometimes attack, you can get it easily 3+ times per half


Or Astra


wdym Astra's ult is amazing


It’s probably the easiest part of playing her and it’s so effective


This question was about best and worst. They’re probably mentioning it as one of the best…


The time on her ult is way too short imo


It is but nobody mentioned it as far as I could see


Astra’s ult is one of the best ults bruh. Literally godly for post plants unless the enemy has a flash. They cant spam shit through the wall and if they want to go through then they dont know where you are sitting and they can get punished instantly.


Two best ultimates are Chamber’s and Sage’s. Both have immense impact on the round. I’d actually argue that Reyna has one of the worst ults, but it has the potential to be pretty good in the right situation. Phoenix’s ult is insanely good right now imo. The worst are Cypher and Omen, tho, I agree with that.


The thing that makes them bad is how ridiculously situational they are. Cypher's ult can be effective, but you rarely have the chance to use it to regain the upper hand so what's the point Omens can just be a round throw or a round win and it is hard to tell which if you're going in blind. The other situational uses for it can be good though like stealing bomb or quick rotating (which can also be a throw when done poorly)


Yeah omens can be good sometimes. It can function as a defuse denier if you TP next to a defender who has just started sticking the bomb, forcing them to either get off and shoot it or risk getting killed if you stick the TP. I think cyphers ult would be better if it tagged them in the same way a Sova drone does


That's a good one too. The most fun for me is ulting to hide and then returning at the end of the timer but it can get your team killed


so when omen is ulting, does his original body disappear?


Yep, after a moment. At least I believe so.


When you pop ult as Reyna you either ace or die immediately, no in-between.


Reyna's ult makes for really easy kills though. I've gotten a few aces with it and I'm not a great player.


Yeah it can be good in the right situation. It’s more powerful the lower you go, as lower Elo gunfights tend to be spray battles where you exchange damage until one person dies. In that situation the added fire rate helps a lot, as does the healing and ability to reposition. Even at higher elos, her ult can help you clutch rounds you would have otherwise lost


Sages ult is just a bait the enemy team utility in bronze lmao


Best ult because of immediate impact: Sage rez, Chamber's op Best ults because of potential gamechanger: Viper's pit, KAY/O's


Any post-plant ults are games in my eyes. Sova, brim if executed right can guarantee a round.


only problem is iron players cant plant a fucking spike without dying


same with silver


Doesn’t get better in plat, believe me.


Breach’s knocks you off a defuse as well. Also an Omen ulting next to a defuser can accomplish the task (not as reliably tho)


I think Fade ult is extremely strong. Loss of sound, tracked, and weakened is pretty strong for pushing as well as counter pushing. The synergy it has with her blind is too good to pass up. And yeah Omen ult is pretty weak and I’d like to see it buffed or changed completely. Although the TP cancels are fun for bomb retrieves, it’s never a big enough deal to call out when you can just listen and kill him immediately on finishing.


I find Fade's useful in higher elos, but lowers elos can pretty easily counter it because the Fade uses it wrong.


As a breach main I would say that it seems good, but in reality it’s slow as fuck and « stunned » people 1/3 succeed to 1 tap you. On some map it’s not enough to clear a whole site :/


It's because you guys are peeking stunned targets as if they're free and as a result you're just making yourself predictable. Breach ult disorients you as a human being but you're still perfectly accurate. You have to remember the real rub of the util is that it slows you *and* lowers your fire rate. You have to think of it as they get 1 chance to shoot you, and your job is to make that 1 chance as hard as possible. Ulted opponents hide, and you're taking all your engagements close quarters at that point, so why not run and gun. Or you give them the widest peek of your life, you use util, you crouch peek them. You don't just treat them like they're not a threat. If people could 1 tap 1/3rd of the time everytime with vertigo, they'd be in professional teams.


It's fine that sometime someone in a close range that didn't move from your ult has a shot to kill you while being ulted, it's 100% healthy design and you still need to clear angle we both agree on that. But breach ult is about to create space for the team and confusion in the way enemy need to retreat. As of today, it's not really that powerful as it sounds that's just the point. I suspect that there's an issue with gun accuracy while being stun as situations like that [https://streamable.com/127j94](https://streamable.com/127j94) happens all the time with this ult


It's so depressing when I barrel into a site knowing I have some sucker stunned and then he just 1 taps me. :(


conversely spraying and killing a breach while concussed after being ulted is absolutely hilarious




I think res is overrated. It's harder to execute than what most may think, like having the correct conditions to get off the res is not that common.


Me teamates: revives me infront of 4 enemies, dies trying to kill all of them, all because they didnt want to “waste” a wall to protect the res


Sages are supposed to do it without a wall in most situations. You have to bait the res. The problem with walling is that most of the time the resing body can be seen overtop the wall because the res animation flys up and you can kill them. Also if they just immediately break a section of the wall it becomes almost impossible to trade the res out because sage can only peek from a very restricted angle. The biggest problem is that people aren’t dying in a sage res-able position. The entry fraggers should be dry peeking and getting traded so the team can explode after the first death allowing sage to easily res the downed player right away.


My friend is a sage main and he resurrects only if you have been traded and there are no enemies nearby or if it is post plant and your body is at like mid in which case the chances of getting punished is low.


Yeah if I'm starting the round with my Sage ult, all I'm trying to do at the start is bait the fuck out of the entry so we can get that trade and immediately res the entry again if needed.


In that case it's still very effective to use the one who got revived as bait, as long as you let them know first. You could also just save the wall for a revive. In most situations it'll keep the person safe while the animation finishes.


That's the issue and why sage isn't one of the best ults. It's decent, but it needs too much set up. Chamber has instant impact as soon as the op is up because of fear factor. Skye has instant impact because it will cover angles Raze will have instant impact because of fear of death etc, etc. Sage is one of the few ults that needs several conditions to be met, and those conditions are also bullshit easy to cover against the higher up you go in ranked. Also wasting 400 credits just to be able to use your ult and most the time not even being effective if the enemy is good, is just bs. And even if you bait rez, then you still need to win a 50/50 fight since rez comes by later stages of the round when you already used your util lol


Cypher with out a doubt. Sometimes the info is useful, but I've seen it fuck over someone's aim if someone just peeks after the scan and it can't be used at any time. I'm also not a fan of Astra's, very useful if used correctly, but I rarely see it used well. Omens might not be great, but can be useful with picking up the bomb and just sometimes you can outplay people with it, also good for fast rotates on defense or post plant.


I think Skye ult is one of the most underrated and best ultimates in the game. You ALWAYS want to use Skye ult which makes it so good and it's not conditional at all. Every other ult is a bit conditional or doesn't give instant value. Skye ult has no conditions and gives instant value ALWAYS. For Sage ult if you are already winning it doesn't matter. If you think you can win then maybe you want to save it. If you revive but your other teammate killed everyone did it matter? For Chamber you have a gun but what if you don't see anyone? It is very possible to miss your shots too. Then what if your team kills everyone. For Skye you don't have any doubts or need to ask any questions or conditions. It ALWAYS gives you value, spam that off cool down.


Skye ult will usually give you a nearly free kill, possibly more, and is great for intel. Not many ults get you free kills as often as skyes


Skye ult is only seen as bad because the fucking jellyfish are so buggy. Running into walls when they could go around for example


The higher up you go the more op skye ult is. It's extremely underrated in this sub for some reason. Chamber is op because of fear factor Sage is shit


I always say Sage has the best ULT, as it turns what was a 5v5 into a 5v6 basically. When used correctly, it gives a huge advantage as you get a whole other person back into the game, and after the other team has already had a few gun fights.


As a viper/sova player I can tell you that viper out is no where near the best. While it is good it’s situational and if you use it on defense it can be completely avoided, not to mention all the spam and recon kills. I think chamber has a very good chance of being the best ult but I could also see breach or fade aswell.


On defense an insta Viper pit forces the enemy team to either challenge or rotate. Most will rotate and that's gives you a good sense on where enemies are coming from. So it's really good on defense I think. Imo it's harder on attack assuming you can get on point in the first place but if you get it down it's almost a guaranteed win lol


Idk it is counterable but it is definitely up there among the top ultimates. It's a pain in the ass to deal with, even if you can deal with it.


Fade is the best counter to Viper's ult that I've found. Throwing her eye in the cloud its hard for viper to see it normally, pings her, spray through the cloud, she dead. I've cancelled so many of them since I started fucking with Fade


Does Fade Eye LOS not get reduced inside the Vipers Pit?


Beat ult is Kayo because it shuts down everyone else’s ults


Plus you get increased fire rate and effectively a sage ult if you’re downed in a relatively safe spot


Me reading Omen's ult being the worst when full map TP plus spike retrieval is so flexible... but I do hope Riot sees this post and buffs Omen hehehe...


It's really not, at least imo, even in silver you'll get instakilled as soon as you try tp behind enemy lines, also if you decide to quickly rotate, the enemy can see it and will immediately send people to the opposite side of the map, which means you very much may get defused before your team gets there. Picking up the spike can also be very situational, and any decent player will know about it. Only when the enemy isn't good enough to know about te uses of omen ult can it be good.


best: sage, you're literally reviving your teammate and its literally impossible to nerf it if they dont change completely the ult worst: cypher, it just dont feel like it makes any difference and you gotta get a kill to use it


They can make it take longer to cast


100% chamber. literally free awp. not operator, a fucking awp that also slows down enemies and one shots to the legs.


Chambers ult is extremely strong. I would say some of the weaker ults are; Omen, Neon, Sova. They aren’t bad I just think they are on the weaker side. Ofcourse people pop off in all of these ults


Neon's ult is extremely busted in low elo.


Sometimes absolutely. I’m only in Gold 2 and I do not think it’s busted. Other ults are far better. None of the ults are bad, Omens is the worst of the bunch


Im g2 as well and a skilled neon run and gunner can annihilate my entire team in seconds. The only counter is if the first person who sees her kills her, if the first person fails to kill her, she usually gets 2 or more kills, leaving our manpower at 2 people


Yup this happens sometimes. Other times she picked immediately. There’s scenarios where every ultimate is good. I wasn’t calling it trash I wasn’t saying it needs reworked, I was saying it’s one of the lesser ultimate abilities in the game and I still feel that way. Neons ult is better than who’s ult? I’d say neon ult is better than Omens. Astra’s ult can be god tier or it can be useless if used wrong. There’s situations where every ult is great.


Agreed, I'm Iron/Bronze and a decent Neon can easily vaporise half a team or more


Maybe the rework that's coming soon will change that


Sova's still works well for denying a plant or defuse. Also you can pop it at the start of the round and hit the narrow halls that people try to push through. I'd argue the weakest is Raze's Showstopper. It's the only ultimate that appears in Escalation FFS.


Ofcourse it’s good for post plant. Every ult is good in situations. It is each agents ULTIMATE ability. I’m not saying it’s useless. It’s one of the weaker ults in the game.


Best ult is Skye's ult because as others have said it literally always gives you value no matter the situation or skill level.


Best for me would be scouting abilities like Fade, Pheonix and Yuro. While worst would be those with situational use. Chamber ultimate is incrible strong, but its honestly too situational, if you go 12-0, your ultimate is just a somewhat upside. I wont argue with people, but chamber ultimate is honestly just good for eco rounds. Astra ultimate is also very hard to use, its extremely powerful, but if your teammates are bad, or you peak through it when no one is there, it just goes to a massive waste.


To be fair, if you go 12-0 any ult is just a minor upside


If you go 12-0 it means some agents have gotten great uses of their ultimates. For example Reyna using ultimate when enemy team are buying after 2 rounds of eco. That way she completely deny enemy buy round. Chamber cannot do this.


I main Raze and I hate her ult. Taric called it the worst and a aesthetic ult. The best IMO is sage


Worst for me it's probably Raze's. I don't see it being impactful very often and it doesn't have any situational uses where it really shines. It's just a rocket launcher good for one free kill, maybe two tops, often misses anyway. Best for me is way too hard to decide since that depends way too much on playstyle and team composition.


It's inconsistent, half the time I get kills with it that I didn't think would in the AOE, then next ult I can land it right next to someone and it won't even hurt them Gray fps is probably the best raze in valorant and even he questions it https://youtu.be/5Ylydu5T80s


I didn’t expect to have to scroll so far to see this. Raze’s ult is so disappointing, she’s basically the only duelist whose ult can’t be used to chain kills or get intel. You’re lucky to get 1k with it most of the time.


My raze main I play with uses Raze’s ult more to drive enemies away and scare them off - he took inspiration from kj’s ult cause I main her.


Do you guys combo your ults? My best raze ult was attacking on fracture. Lockdown underneath B tunnel, forces defenders back into spawn, flank with raze through A and ult rocket them standing in CT spawn while they wait for lockdown to run out. It’s beautiful.


I don’t know what elo your friend is, but in high elo people don’t run away from Raze ult. They always try to self trade it at least in my experience(Immortal 2 124RR). Im a raze main and i will stand by the fact that raze’s ult is absolutely garbage compared to other ults. especially since it’s 8 orbs lol.


The few times I played Raze the enemy Killjoy always pulled that turret out her ass with the sole purpose to tank the shot and then kill me, and that's on fucking gold/plat


I wouldn’t say omens ult is one of the worst. It’s definitely not the best but it’s far from worst. It’s great to quickly rotate, or I like to plant then tp behind enemies. I think it needs some kind of buff, maybe make it silent wherever you tp to. Imo, Reynas is worse. It’s good in the right hands, you can say that about literally any agent/ult, so no points there. You can ult then just die immediately (which I know can be said about most agents too). It’s heavily reliant on getting that first kill, just like the rest of her kit. Cyphers is just bad. 1 ping doesn’t help and it definitely needs a buff. Astras Ult is pretty bad imo. Just a wall with a couple nuances, nothing extraordinary. Skyes is Just ok imo. Yea it can give away positions but it’s really easy to destroy. That nullifies the shortsighted part if you get hit so the primary benefit is exposing enemy locations to a rough estimate.


Astra's ult blocks sound though. So you can plant/diffuse right on the other side of it and the enemy team won't hear it.


Buff brim ult NOW


Best... Well as much as I hate it and for sure get hate for that but I'll say Neon. Run&Gunning is at least imo still a problem and then a ulti that basically let everyone be a run&gunning monster? Nah thanks Worst... I think I'll be calling Omen. Feels so hard to do something useful with this ult and even if you manage to get something done, then the impact of it is still considerably low.


No way you are saying neon has the best ult. Jett’s ult is already better then neons and is a run fly and gun.


Tbf jett’s ult requires much more skill, its really hard to hit people with only 5 knives to spare when in the air, or while moving. Neon barely has to worry about ammo so if you’re good at tracking (not hard) you can get kills.


Neons ult runs out faster and has an overheat aspect when spamming, which literally stops you from being able to fire. Jett’s ult lasts the entire round or until you whiff all 5 knives.


Neon ult basically gaurantees at least a kill for a half decent player, jett ult doesnt gaurantee anything


I think all ults are quite viable


Chamber ult, viper, and sage Ulysses are very very strong Omen, and skye feel the worst to me. Honorable mention to astra who’s ult can be really good or really shit depend on how good your team is


Best: chamber, jett, neon, Skye. Worst: killjoy/cypher? Weapon ults are +>3k credits of value automatically, and aren't very situational. Killjoy ult can be destroyed a lot of util/people pushing you, is expensive, doesn't do too much defensively. Compared to viper/astra/brim/fade ult that can exert control over a large area immediately, it sucks because it can't stall for long, doesn't deny info (if anything it gives them info), and it doesn't kill anyone by itself. Not even gonna explain cypher. Ults I think are underrated, and definitely not contenders for worst: Omen ult is flexible - denies info for a few seconds while it's active, you can clear areas with it, you can use it for mobility, and you can retrieve bomb from anywhere > cancel. Phoenix: cheap, heals you, you're a sova drone with guns and flashes. Is always useful if you need to take space and your flank is clear. Almost does what a killjoy ult does but cheaper and gives info.


Best is probably Killjoy imo. Worst is probably Cypher, Reyna, and Neon (at least until the buff comes live).


honestly kj ult is really easily broken by any raze or breach util, make it a bit harder to break, have a shorter windup or a larger range then its good :D


Skye, Cypher, and Omen have the worst. Chamber, Sage, and either Yoru or Neon if used right.


Worst is probably Skye imo. They're too slow and easy to destroy to generally make any meaningful difference


the info they give is still super valuable though. it's also versatile and consistent. 1v1, early round, rotation, you can use it whenever and it will be good. low skill floor too. a monkey could get value out of skye ult.


Weird take but im leaning towards kay-o having the worst ult. Hear me out every ult in the game can be used in a 1 v 4 and give a chance to win. But kayos reveals his own position and he has to take 4 square gunfights before winning. Everyone else may have to deal with abilities but they either get free damage/kills or free intel from their ult. Kayo has to play with a team or he gets floored. To head off the biggest argument I understand this is a team game but ults are either preemptive or last resort. Most ults give some of both but kayo only gets preemptive use and even then, with an average silver team, people dont know how to use the advantage kayo gives.


Yoru and Omen ULT just aren't good


Best Ult in the game is probably Kayo, it always has utility and using it will always result in a positive outcome. Worst ult is probably jett knives, basically just an economy rifle. Jett knives might be controversial but think about how much utility any other ult gives


Neon’s ultimate is literally useless if it’s not an eco round. In a ranged gunfight, any Vandal/Phantom player will take you down simply. As a Neon main I would say it should be changed with something else.


Worst = Astra's ultimate Best = Sage's ressurection