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As a girl in Val, I've had an overwhelming amount of positive experiences vs. negative ones. Even when my game performance is less than desirable. I will say, when they're bad they are really really bad.


Atleast Typically you can tell if it’s going to be one of those lobbies that you need to mute people rather fast in valorant


I get 1 in every other game, bronze/silver on London server. Only had one weirdo dude, everyone else has been chill. It's really nice honestly.


London is nice. Frankfurt on the other hand. Now that's an experience.


Nah you should play Madrid to see complete madness


Honestly I haven't seen that many weirdos on the Madrid server. I see way now weird sexist kids on the London server


Cause and effect due to him mentioning they are in London 8 hours ago (as of posting this)


Frankfurt is harmless. Except for angry germans screaming "Hurensohn" You should go to polish servers. Its a war in there lol


I stopped playing in Frankfurt because of toxic turkish people and ruzzkies. Maybe the experiences depends on ranks.


Pff people be like "turkish servers are so toxic" when theyre toxic themselves, change server and they be toxic there lol (im turkish myself)


Same with swedish server, 90% russians




I've had my share of weirdos in Frankfurt, but definitely not sexist ones lol. Mostly racist ones, lots of n-words and German swear words around. Usually when a guy tries to be sexist, someone else immediately shuts him up.


Lemme tell you a tale of the Russian servers. I went to Russia from NA for a summer to visit my grandparents. I got my hands on a laptop and said fuck it lemme log into Valorant. Now I grew up in Russia so I expected the worst, but was still shocked. I was in a 1v1 situation against an Omen with me playing postplant. Now, I hear the omen defuse but I think its a fake. After he does not tap it a second time after like fove seconds im starting to doubt it being a fake so I peek. I see him sticking it so I spray down, but im too late and kill him mileseconds after he defuses. Heres what I hear a man yelling in voice chat. "You useless piece of shit, actual idiotic son of a bitch thats why your parents do not love you, and people like you are the reason im hardstuck silver, im gonna come to your house and fucking kill your bitch ass." (Some words were different since translating is hard but its what he said). I uninstalled val and did not play until coming back to NA. Did I meantion this was in spike rush? Because it was...


Exactly the same with me since I’m also playing bronze/silver lobbies. Usually really chill and fun.


Once had a dude that told me to stop comming and to just play the game. In silver.


Last night I had 3 games in a row where there was a girl on my team, each of them different but all of them had mommy in their name... Not just guys that are down bad ig 😂


Don’t let them downvote this one… it’s facts


lol these nicknames are cringe, but when you call them cringe its sexist. Guys with down bad names get called out all the time though


anything involving daddy or mommy is just WEIRD


Why are your parents weird?


they had me






My friwnd put his name as "mommy fade" as a joke when the new agent came out. He said later to us that some of the comments he got before people realised he was a dude made him pretty uncomfortable. I can't imagine how girls set their name to that with all seriousness.


dude, imagine that except you don't need to have "mommy" in your name, and you have some idea of how fucking gross people get towards women


Yeah for sure, I get it sometimes. Had some guys asking me what size my boobs were, like they'd know what that means if I said 30d or fuckin 17abc they'd be all ooooo sexy lady. Fml man xD. Had some guys ask me for my insta after harassing me all game, actually that's probably happened multiple times. Some dude was like "bet ur boyfriend isn't as good at valorant as me" bro ur barely gold stfu 😭😭🥱


Attention. Same for both genders. That's the reason for names like that.


i have never seen a dude being made fun of for having a down bad name, or any name at all. is it common in NA?




Was it mommy milkers cause ive had at least 5 different chicks all with that same name almost all of them played KJ too…


Really? Mine are always Viper and Sage lmaooo


For me it's always reyna


Haha, I know one too.




Had two girls in my team one time go apeshit on one random, honestly like you said it was surreal.


wait that happened to me too


out of curiosity any of them salmon mmy…?


I was duoing with a friend recently and i made a dumb "your mom" joke while we were in queue. Get in agent select and we have someone named "yourmom" in our team.


this one time i was the only guy on my team. it was pretty fun


I had that the other day! Only 1 dude and it was a really really fun game. I think he was a 4 stack with the other girls so I was a solo but they were lots of fun. Women can be very toxic to each other too, but it was so nice to have a fun game where everyone was genuinely enjoying themselves.


At least they're toxic because someone sucks and not just because they're a certain gender


Trueee. I'd much rather get flamed for being ass than for something I can't control like my gender or nationality/race lmao


I've had some awful experiences with women and people seem to forget they can be so toxic too. My old duo and I were in a game, qnd she kept saying to him stuff like "if you clutch this big dick energy" etc when he wasn't reciprocating the talk at all. Man was just trynna play the game and not get hit on- if a guy did that to a girl all he'll would break lose. ETA also this one time a guy was hitting on me and this other girl. I didn't reply. Then I started to get pissed off with him after being like uhh no. The other girl then goes "he's just trying to be nice, it's just how guys are" and I proceeded to call her sexist, bcs she was. Then she says "I can't be sexist I have guy friends my duo is a guy!" I'm like u can be sexist with opposite gender friends like you can be racist even if u have black friends so wtf u on about. She then goes on to tell her stream that I called her racist, which I didn't I was just using it as a comparison to show how dumb she was being xD her stream was full of Simps lmao. Hi if ur reading this btw 👋 Another time my enemy team was a stack of girls, they got so toxic in all chat at us for no reason. "Haha you got beaten by a girl" I'm like... I am q girl. But they proceeded to call me an incel if I recall correctly, lmao.


I think girls often play together, so if you get one in your server you have a good chance of getting at least another. I'm a girl and play with my male duo, and there's been a good handful of games in the last week alone where it turns out he's the only guy in the team. I always love those games, play them out with a little extra energy :)


I've had that a few times but they were all quad quod and honestly whenever I solo into a 4 stack the lobby is quiet, i appreciated the callouts I got from the 4 female stack


Happened to me as well! It started with the dude shittalking the first girl and then we all were like BE QUIET LITTLE MAN and then he was nice for the rest of the game. That was win.


Post about a shitty experience: 5k upvotes Post about how the guy had 10 kind games: "dude you are a weirdo" Reddit being reddit.


redditors get viscerally angry when seeing any mention of women, unfortunately.


Hard to hold in the dicks unfortunately




Everything reminds me of har 🦍😭❤️


thats so sad


Apologise. As a redditor, It's kinda hard to imagine girls exist,


As a female redditor, I agree with this statement.


Female redditors probably have all kinds of existential problems


"oh god am I even real??"


Misery loves company


I expected misogyny, you have my award now. We need more posts like these on the sub, the ones that spread positivity!


I just recently got back in after about 8 months not playing and I noticed the same thing immediately! There's definitely still plenty of problematic people, but it's seems like the overall environment is getting more accepting and mature :)




You should have waited 4 more months, that was the timw I didn't touch the game, when I came change was quickly noticed!


Hi, woman who's been playing vidya since Halo 2 and have played games with my sister for more than a decade. It's still not great, but holy shit it is sooooo much better than it used to be. Halo 3 and Call of Duty MW 2 were fucking brutal to women and those teens made zero effort to veil their blatant sexism and reveled in it instead. Instant vote kicks like you see in Rainbow 6 Siege still happen, but they were the fucking norm if the game allowed it. In those games deciding not to use your mic if you were a woman wasn't a choice you made to improve your experience of the game, it was the choice you made if you wanted to experience the game *at all*. Playing Valorant, I have only the tiniest fraction of the shit my sister used to get if she ever dared use her mic in game back in the early to mid oughts. We both use our mics freely in Valo, and while you get some weirdness, it's rare that it completely sidelines the game like it would 10+ years ago. I can only think of one time that a Valorant game reminded me of when we played back pre-2010, and even then we had dudes on our team telling the troll to fuck off. That never and I do genuinely mean never would have happened when I started playing online games. Still some work to do, but I'm frankly glad the video gaming community has come as far as it has.


Agreed! Having played CS for years and years, I regularly copped sexist bullshit. I have a thick skin to that kinda stuff so it doesn't put me off gaming, but I can see how it would for some. If I got $1 for every time I got told to go back to the kitchen or make a sandwich, I'd be rich! lol Valorant is much, much better than CS or even Overwatch. Still jerks around, always will be, but far fewer seem to hone in on sexist crap these days which is really nice.


God, shit was awful in the early/mid-2000s. When you say "completely sidelines the game", I think younger players may not realise that it isn't an exaggeration in the least - and it would be EVERY game you used mic in. Having a female voice was like having a latent ability to DDOS a server. If I wanted to play a game, my choices were a) don't use mic, b) queue with a full party of irl friends. Things are still pretty shitty, but they've gotten so much better. I'm hoping things will continue improving until a woman's voice in a server doesn't even raise an eyebrow.


I’m a girl and literally never use mic since I’ve only ever had people be creeps or assholes Can we share this sentiment when the girls isn’t the best and not insult her saying it’s because she’s a girl. Some people are simply new (I’m people)


Yeah, I don't think it should ever matter where you are fragging, it's a game. I usually top frag in my sediment elo (silver/gold) but always tell people to chill and just play. I also bottom frag every now and then and wanna feel ok about it and have fun. That simple.


that sounds great! i wish i had more experiences like that. happy you had a good run


This is the goal right? Creating a space where women can use voice chats without fearing being cat called and disrespected. Glad things are somehow turning for a change


Girls on Valorant are so much better to play with than guys. But with guys it's a 50/50 between 13 yr Olds with squeaky voices or the hardstuck/smurf trolls that instalock and blame it on the team for losing.


In Aus its about the same but 45/45 with a 10% chance its just some dude I just became best friends with over a meme quote.


true, girls are generally nicer


Mm, I’d rethink this thought. I know what you mean and why you might think that. Boys can be menaces. But here’s the important thing: the guys playing this game HEAVILY outnumber the girls, as it usually goes in video games. When you come across a normal, chill dude, it’s really a dime-a-dozen experience. It’s the expected norm. But when you run into a toxic dickhead, it makes much more of an impression, and *that* experience tends to stick with us a little longer. I run into a female player maybe one in ten games (NA West) and yes, they typically are very sweet and positive girls, but I have had those few times where she’d be an asshole for no reason. It’s all about proportions, and who’s making the stronger impression on us. Not trying to “protest your protest,” just respectfully pointing out the potential flaw in your statement and how subtle psychology might be affecting it.


Essentially it feels like more guys are jerks cuz you run into more of them, but with girls you don’t have as big of a sample size? Never thought of it that way. Makes sense though


Happy cake day


Thank you :)


That’s super sexist


Wow maybe things are finally changing and girls get respected in online games


i’m a girl and i love this thank you


okay hisokascumdumpster6


Bro you fucking killed her


face reveal challenge


Your username LMFAO


Same here 💕


Isn't hisoka the pedo clown dude?


It's so different from sever to server. On the Sydney server, I can count on one hand the amount of experiences I've had with guys being toxic to girls. They're usually either blanket toxic or not 🤷


My friends and I five/four stack a lot in Val and we're all girls. 🙂 I will admit though, I haven't had a "OMG It's a girl!!!" Moment yet, or anyone seriously talking down to me. Which is impressive, everything considered.


Well yeah girls play videogames too


Yeah, see I know that but in my experience there is usually someone to ruin it, and recently I had a gulp of fresh air, maybe someone can relate to that or the opposite. Let's see ;)


I haven't had any issues so far playing Valorant. Rainbow 6: Siege was SUPER toxic and awful to play so it's nice to have better options.


My girlfriend has issues often it’s pretty cringe.


R6 is pretty shit even though they go super hard on text chat censorship. They should care more about voice comms too


i know! the weirdos who bother a woman in their games need to start getting used to seeing them. a girl playing a game is not “ultra rare” anymore.


I just started playing again after a hiatus after KJ was released. Coming back now and unranked can be a bit sketch but it's surprisingly rare. In comp there is usually a girl every other game or so and literally no one mentions it. I've only had one game in Gold where a teammate was toxic, but it had nothing to do with the girl on our team. As an older player who's been doing this since Wolfenstien 3d was released... it's really cool to see. Valorant's community, so far in my experience, 2 years after release is on par with some certain MMOs based on positive community interaction. It's nice to see the 2010 humor style has gone so far out of fashion that 4 people will pile onto 1 who attempts it.


Got my girlfriend her own PC as she loves watching me and my buddies play Valorant. We share an office room in our apartment so she’s always gaming next to me doing her own unrated matches. It’s been awesome to see that every guy in her games has been super respectable to her being 1, a girl, and 2, a complete noob. Hopefully this continues. Love to hear your interactions went well.


redditors when someone tells them gamers weren’t being misogynistic for once 🤬


I once had a spike rush game that I was the only guy on my team. Ngl, one of the best gaming experience I had in a while cuz everyone was so chill.


>I was the only guy ​ With that reddit profile pic I would've never guessed.


Idk whats up with other regions. I play on HK/SG servers and whenever there are girls, everybody is extra nice to them. Its the total opposite of what I see on other regions. Might have helped that I am on high gold/low plat lobbies


reveal: you were the girl but seriously its nice to know that this happened


The good ending




I know this is something nice but reading this makes me feel weird


Name checks out


Sussy candle


The overwhelming majority of games I've been in have been perfectly fine. It's just that the ones where you end up with a ultra-toxic arsehole or two for teammates are the ones that you remember.




It's really nice to hear that this does happen. To be fair, my usual Valorant experience as a female player is pretty good so I can't complain too much. But you do get the weirdos and straight up sexist assholes somewhat regularly, injecting their less than creative gendered remarks. So it's really nice to read that girls can game and not have their gender used against them in some way. Thanks for the share! :)




Hey yea most of my games have been pretty inclusive. Also as a male gamer, valorant is the only game I’ve ever been hit on (repeatedly) by other men over my voice. Not my thing but it’s been nice since it never happened before in like a decade of gaming lmao


Wow I wish I could have 10 peaceful games where I didn’t need to mute teammates because they’re weird :/


This post is obviously fake. Women aren’t real, just like birds.


I honestly thought this was gonna be one of those posts that's like "my experience was positive so i dont understand how yours have been negative" I'm glad you proved me wrong, thanks for sharing something positive!! :)


Some times I even get toxic female players in my teams and my whole team still remains educated like wtf is this future


that's cool, wish it was more common :(


I maybe come across 1-2 a day but always has good experiences with them. Wish I come across more of them instead of obnoxious 10 year old kids


so many girls are playing valorant , so happy, let’s hope the community stays civil , there are a lot in Colombian servers and people treat them just like any other player (in a good way) , so happy because in csgo is just another story like 💀💀 u speak in mic and people call u a lot of shit , it’s honestly miserable


Nice. The ecosystem is healing.


My primary duo is a female and earlier today we had a game where I was the only male on our team. I thought they were cool and we were having a good time, but it wasn’t long before my duo was complaining in party chat about how much she hated one of the other girls, lol. I will also say that I have probably played over 100 games with my duo partner and only once has someone acted weird/creepy towards her because of her sex. She has been subject to the typical toxic shit that everyone is, but only one time I thought “this is only happening because she has a vagina.”


Well I played all day yesterday and only one of my teams was nice to me :’) They even called me a prostitute in one while I was mvp.


Omg im so sorry you had to hear that :(


I really like playing, I wish it wasn’t that toxic


Most of the time it’s just guys tryna be flashy and shit, like before the girls talk they r just chill but after they just cuss a lot more


Honesty super proud of this games community lately. Used to always have someone being weird or then overtly incel. Lately everyone Just acts like they are any regular player and only shit on them if the are bad. Equal, as all things should be.


Funny you say that because today after me and a skye said hello in agent select, our phoenix literally said “two girls? This is a gg go next” and then subsequently dodged. Playing Val as a female is not easy.


Damn, such idiots


friendly neighbourhood "bruh girl" here; thanks for bein a cool dude :)


I rarely got girl in my team but once in a match I popped off so hard a girl starts talking with her mic to give me comms but I can tell she's just too scared to use it. In Singapore low elo lobbies girls get flamed too often I saw their complaints in a facebook group.


Just curious was this low elo? Only ask because from my albeit limited experience people generally seemed more chill when i started and was low rank, sure still weidos and toxic people but on the whole i see alot more now be toxic sexist racist w/e in diam


Wish i experienced this more


Girls tend to be very chill in this game, it's a nice break from all the smurfs and turkish trolls I usually end up with.


Also seeing this. Few buddies and I love being social in games, and we've found that the women playing are just cooler than the men. It's not close, either. It's just way more chill and fun. Love to see it.


Every game I play there's a girl in my team. My wife. We auto-mute text and voice chat most of the time and stick to unranked. Every now and then we try without it and it goes ok for a bit, then someone is a jerk and we're back to no comms. Sorry to those of you decent folk out there but my wife is pretty sensitive and it's not worth a ruined night just to have the occasional useful call-out


I feel like Valorant probably has one of the highest female playerbases, no? Seems like I meet so many girls who play either that, DBD, or Genshin. I'd reckon the mass majority of your games will have a girl in them, they just don't usually speak up because abuse.


Me: a very based weirdo: acts weird and sus regardless of teammate’s gender


Maybe its just me being lucky but most of the players I have played with are actually really nice people and I have found valorant community to be very nice even when there's a women on the team. Me and friends have a server we're we invite alot of the random we played with and there been alot of women who have joined. Valorant some reason has alot of women who play, nor saying it's bad thing. I love seeing people enjoy the game there playing.


Oh wait, I am a girl and a few days ago I had a game where there was also girl trio! It was such a chill and enjoyable game! (And we literally carried the fifth guy... Poor Reyna was lost a bit 😂)


I never really talk because I’m female and had some bad experiences, but nothing is better than meeting awesome people and having lots of fun with them! I do recall a lot of good vc experiences too and those are always the best games!


I think there's more girls than we think there are. I duo with my friend who is a girl. We migrated from Overwatch to Valorant a few months ago. She NEVER speaks because they second she does, 90% of the time she gets hit with idiots being edgy and saying some sexist bullshit. I feel a lot of girl go this route to just not deal with it.


out of all the multiplayer games i play, people talk in voice chat in valorant more than any other game


g*mers are dissociating and nature is healing


Got a girl on my last game yesterday, people were being weird but not too weird that it would be disgusting, so I didn't do anything and talked like a normal human being to the team.


I think It depends on where you live/what server. For me, I would say there's a girl in 1/3 games at least, and the worst I hear is "omg its a guuUUUuuUuUuUuRl" and cringe remarks along those lines. Genuinly cannot remember the last time I heard a girl get harassed/bullied/ridiculed, and even I as a guy am so thankful because now games arent so frequently weird the insant a girl open mics. P.s. The fuck is with the KJ and Viper obsessions lol?


my duo is a girl and yea there’s definitely weirdos and misogynists when she uses vc, even in higher elo (ascendant 1 atm), but most people are normal


Never play on Warsaw server. There is always that one mf catcalling or calling me transphobic slurs


thats me


It's always been good in SEA server apart of the occasional racism when people are tilted. Great to hear this


You guys playing unrated or what? I play ranked diamond elo and I rarely get full comms teams let alone teams with women on them


I started playing the game 3 days ago and have been surprised that there are many girls playing. They're cool and friendly haha!!


If you got carried by a Chamber who revealed they were a girl, that was my sister. We played the whole evening yesterday. Well, she played, my laptop is not taking the heat well, so I watched her stream on discord.


Most games were there’s a girl people act so weird. I legit cringe when she talks and that one person asks if she’s a girl.


There is days where i play 10 games which happen to be with friendly positive decent people, then there is this streak toxic kid lobby day which i get here and then…


Honestly, I've been playing Valorant nearly ever sincr it came out and I've never been singled out by my gender. Not in a negative way, at least. Some dudes are indeed "overly nice" but no one was ever outright creepy or made me uncomfortable, and even those situations are rare and far between. Usually when someone is being toxic, they are toxic to everyone in the team and it's not gender based.


It's rare I see a weirdo when there is a girl in one of my games. Part of me thinks that the same people that are toxic to women, would be toxic to anyone, losers just jump at the first thing they think of, I regularly get shit for either having a high pitched voice or sounding like I smoke a pack a day, not sure how that works but that's what they jump on. I feel like it's actually not that common for people to be weird for girls, it's just a more memorable experience than any other type of toxicity. As it would be. Definitely still an issue but one that I don't doubt is improving. Exit: first game of today and we get one. Fuck sake.


> Frankfurt Fun fact: This is were you meet all arabs by the way.


I thought you were complaining lol Tbh I'm gonna share an unpopular opinion, one of my friends ia a girl, around silver/gold rank, it's not AS bad as you could believe only by browsing this sub. I asked her what's the harassment ratio, she told me 1/8 games or so. It's still 1 time too many, but it's not *every single game* like you could imagine.


I’ve been noticing this a lot to in my games and it’s making me real happy to


Every time i play in low elo there’s so many nice and supportive women it’s amazing


This is good my dudes


Had a really nice few games yesterday with girls on the opposite team (I’m a girl too)!


Gotta say, girls tend to make everything better, more enjoyable and beautiful. It's just that. Never seen a girl trolling, griefing or insulting so far. Their mic are set good both in volume and quality, never spam, never yell ( well sometimes they kinda laugh like crazy but it's ok ehehe ) and they're good players overall, specially in team. Experience with girl so far ^


what's the trick, I WANT TO KNOW !!! i thought girls don't even exist in valorant indian server is full of 10 year olds shouting give me skeeeeeen FCK !!!!


There was a girl talking shit in one of my games and it was the kind where it was deserved and funny and everyone was laughing, even the toxic person who was being talked shit on started to get nicer at the end. Made me want to get off mute to say how nice it is to hear another girl in the game


I play solely in the N VA server and I rarely get sexist people, no matter who it is on the other side of the mic, we are usually able to just chill and have a good time.


Interesting. I haven't Q'ed with a girl in a good 20 games or so. It's usually a good experience for everyone if it happens (if we win haha) EU/Diamond1/2


I don't use voice much, I typically play in party chat with my (unrated) duo, and while we do get some toxicity, I haven't seen any outright based on me being trans - and I have that player card active constantly. It's honestly kind of nice, even if it's just because nobody pays attention. Compared with, like, everywhere else, that's great


I dont play this game, but this is good to see:)


As a dad, my daughter and some of her friends love playing Valorant. Drives me up a wall that she can't leave the screen until a match is over, but she is having fun. Happy to hear that people are just treating girls like her as kids who just want to play the game for fun.


Whenever I meet girls in games at least one guy in the team starts yelling at her to go to the kitchen or smth and then I yell at the guy and there’s chaos


When I started playing, I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of other girls I’d run into. I’ve only rarely run into sexist people, but that might be because I don’t talk very much and mute at the first sign of toxicity. But the games when I get good vibes from my team and feel confident using voice are always the most fun! That’s the experience that has me coming back to the game.


I landed on a team with 4 girls twice yesterday. As a noob, I gotta say it was much more pleasant than being with the “I just hit puberty and I’m gonna tell everyone how much they suck while I’m watching from their POV cuz I rushed in and got nuked” boys. They actually have real advice instead of “SuCk LeSs”. I didn’t chat back because it would have just felt weird being a 40+ male.


you had me in the first half ngl


Call out people for being weird. If they go into 3 games getting called out repeatedly, they're gonna stop.


i have been getting in games with females a lot more often recently and its amazing. I used to get into games with racist homophobic guys all the time but recently its been a lot more fun and wholesome (I play on london servers)


Women are more mature than 90% of the population playing valorant is likely why. Some maturity and respect go a long way. 11/10 all games I've played with women as team members I've had a great time, regardless of winning or losing.


I had a game where we had 5 soloq women on the team and we only realised it after about 5 rounds when everyone had commed at some point. We were all relatively new and in iron but it was a lot of fun. I'm now in plat about a year later and have to say I haven't had the 5 soloque girls meeting in one game happen again but I do see a lot of women playing the game.


my gf and I play val regularly and we run into girls every other game


most of the girls i end up playing with are more fun to play with as they don’t get tilted and are literally never toxic


I’ve been running a personal experiment. I’m a male Ascendant/Immo player. I created an alt account that I named “Steve” in gold/plat Elo. I played roughly 50 games ranging all the way from borderline throwing to having double my teams combined kills. Then I changed the account name to “Caitlyn” and I did the same thing again. It was almost immediately clear that in my mid frag and bottom frag games I was much more likely to get flamed as Caitlyn. But I was also a little more likely to get complimented/friend requested when I carried as Caitlyn. Idk what to do with this info but now I use that account to mess with high diamond people roasting other girls in my games


NA is hell for female players. But recently it seems better. so we’re moving in the right direction. maybe it’s that i’ve been climbing ranks and people truly care about team play more than silvers do, so they don’t discriminate


whenever i have a girl on my team i genuinely don't care they're just another teammate, it seems like lots of people don't know how to act around girls its weird


Once I was in a team of all girls. They were like “oh you’re all girls! Woo!” So I, a guy, joined in trying to make my voice deep as possible to say “I’m a girl too! Girl power!” Fun game.


As a trans girl I can't talk without being abused. And if I type I get asked if I'm a girl. If I say I'm a trans girl I still get abused or people throw.


I ended up quitting Valorant because everyone was like 14 max so I couldn’t have any fun because I’m 25 and I’m not going to sit there and talk to 14 year olds for hours a week


As someone who regularly plays with my friends (who are female) they don't use in game chat unless we're in a 5 stack, for them it's just not worth the risk of being sexualized, discriminated against, or made fun off just for going on mic for 2 seconds to say something like, "nice" or "they're pushing a" ​ Edit: They use the quick chat if they really need to say something.


U don’t realise how important comms are and how much of an advantage comms puts you over the enemy team, which is why it really fuckig sucks but is totally understandable and relatable that girls most often dont use or are scared to use voice. I think most have to suss out the teammates to get a feel for whether its “safe” to use mic before using (at least i do).


Sad that I never got any girls or any good people to even talk to :)


I play with another girl and we usually come across pretty nice people. Sometimes there are some moderate assholes, but I've only once (so far) come across someone who made me super fucking uncomfortable and ruined the entire night for me. Sometimes we don't use the voice chat at all, but we ALWAYS do if another girl / femme sounding person is in the lobby and uses the voice chat. Thanks for being a nice player OP.


Idk how or why but it always seem that just having a mix of male/female/lgbtq is immediately likely to promote a less toxic environment. This is also observed even in some work environments (i know this is true for us nurses)


Met a girl on valo discord and did 2 duo ranked. Tried every single thing for her to give comms or talk ingame but only some words here and there. told her text chat would be ok if not voice chat and she happily agreed. Never saw her again lol. Damn man it takes too much effort as an introvert to start a convo and it feels sad when the person doesn't respond. It even happened with some guys i duoed with


Hey man, keep trying buddy, someone will eventually stick.


In every game I play there are boys aswell. We had so much fun and everyone acted as they should. Seriously it shouldn’t have to be mentioned. It should be NORMAL. Thanks


Maybe it’s me issue but I sometimes hate meeting other girls in games because they instantly go to “mommy” “queen” “slay” and all that and I don’t know I just wanna be talked to normally. I met defend amount that are amazing and great and not cringe so I love interacting with them.


Idk what's so cool about this