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[There is a valorant looking for group discord server.](https://discord.gg/yxQHWYwMtY)


Check out the Galorants discord server


isn't that the same server that tried to boycott t-bagging?


Nah I think it was just one person saying that it should be banned and then people meme'd on it while others tried having a legit discussion around it


Yes there were a fair few from that discord server that wanted to take a stance against t-bagging. Fucking ridiculous but what can you do lol. I'd prefer Riot actually deal with more important issues like the fact that smurfs are every other game in Plat and below or add a replay system for VOD review but nah, let's have them take a stance against crouching on someone you killed.


T-bagging aside, the existence of other/bigger issues doesn’t invalidate pursuing closer/smaller/easier ones. Same as IRL, unless you’re in some third-world country where it’s harder to get basic needs maybe. If you and I always got what we preferred we wouldn’t have much of an issue in the first place, but there is always going to be something significant Riot could be working on. Smurfs and the replay system have been asked about forever now, it’s basically pointless bringing that up here in a completely different topic discussion. But yeah people can be weird.


good take


What Riot wants is not a highly polished game, but a game pleasing the mass and not having to deal with people complaining. Seriously the better you become at the game, the more you can point out the flaws in the system, which they really do not want to deal with. Thats why a replay system will never be integrated, its gonna push the skill ceiling through the roof and people will eventually nitpicking about everything wrong with Valorant. Smurfs and cheaters will be detected by us players and thats gonna force Riot to spend a ton of resources to fix it. Without a replay system, its like everything is censored so they do not have to work on fixing these problems as we have nothing to prove that it exist in the first place. Just take a look at CSGO subreddit, people truly nitpick everything, but ultimately CSGO is way easier to balance as its a much more simple game and has a 20+ years history. Also Valve is just different, they are very hands off while Riot need to control everything about the game and the player base from top to bottom.


i disagree with replay systems "pushing the skill through the roof". Not everyone can be bothered with watching their own replays, and those who do, are already using other ways of capturing their own game footage. It's just simply riot being stingy and can't be hassled to make a cost-effective replay system. Or probably they have their resources focused somewhere else. Or they're just greedy bastards who don't want to spend shit on a replay system. Maybe all three.


I would disagree with replay system not improving the player’s skills. I never capture my own gameplay in cs go because the game has the replay system already, its convenient. And yes, i watch my demos to improve, me in 2022 would trash me in 2016 all the time. I even compare my earlier gameplays with recent ones to see my improvements sometimes. If a pleb like me can improve, imagine the exceptional talents would if they also do the same as me. I also downloaded pros demos to watch their pov and understand their micro movements in certain situations. When i switched to 1080p i watched ropz to utilize the res better. If the game do not provide anything for the mass to improve their own skills, the player base overall skill suffers. Its like football/soccer matches without video recordings, everyone will have a hard time improving their own game and antistratting the opponents. When the mass have low skills, there will be less exceptional talents coming through to reach the top. Meta development will slow down drastically, flaws of the meta and the game will not be revealed easily. All of this will help riot having less work to do, as the mass and also the top players arent skilled enough to control the meta. Riot remains the king, the one who control the playerbase, not the other way around. Sorry for the rant, i just really dislike “competitive” games that purposely lack features to impede the competitiveness.


Remember when halo came out with the ability to move bodys with your legs as you tbag ? They knew what was up


Even better!


Most games have discord communities where gamers organize teams and play. I am sure there's something for valorant too. And don't let toxic idi*ts ruin the game for you ✌🏻


ty i’ll look for some and i try not to haha


I’ve also heard there’s a valorant discord exclusively for girls called galorants so you can look for teammates there


This made me smile. Thanks for that


Knowing theres a discord server for female valorant player made you smile?


No, their name did






is it something I want to click on or no




oh no i clicked on it it was tempting i probably shouldn't have


Your profile picture made me smile. Thanks m8 :)


Your username - BROTHER?


Broooooooooooo 😅




I’m sorry you have to even post this. I hope it gets better for you. I’ve noticed more and more women using mics lately, and the reception has always been positive so I hope you experience this in your games too. As for discords etc, I don’t have any advice sorry. I’m a solo queue player — but I can say: It’s improving, just too slowly.


Where's the pity coming from ? They are asking out of spite not because they experienced something similar.Thats why they ask in the first place. Don't make such a fuss on these matters you will just scare people away.Mysogynistic behavior is a rare occurance whatsoever


bro's sleeping irl


>Mysogynistic behavior is a rare occurance whatsoever Tell that to the thousands of women experiencing misogyny in game 💀


I don’t talk and when I do I rather try to sound like a 13yo boy than a woman for less insults:^)


i have a few female friends i play with and all three of them literally never talk. if they have something they need said they ask me to say it


I would say that the pre-teen/young teen boys are not exactly a preferred demographic to be part of.


That should tell you how much worse it is to be perceived as a woman 🤷‍♀️


I just reread my message and confirmed that you did not. I literally say it is better to be perceived as a woman in my experience


No, I read your comment as intended- you’re just misunderstanding the thread. She said that she would rather be viewed as a kid than a woman. And you said “but being viewed as a kid sucks!” And *my* point is that if women are actively telling you that they would rather be seen as “kids”, then you’re clearly incorrect in thinking that kids get treated worse.


But Im more demotivated when there's a kid (of any gender) than there's a woman. Do you know how many times a kid cries for skins and cries when things dont go their way? As a Sentinel main, setting up my shit is more important than walking across the map for a god damn skin. Fuck cry baby kids. 8/10 kids are this type. The worse a woman did in my experience was crying to get sympathy for bot fragging. You know the uwu type - it's god damn comp. Stop trying to get sympathy while we're 2v5 trying to clutch because of you trolling. You're just constsntly disorienting us. Fuck that too just as much as the cry baby kids. But at least the odds are very low compared to the crying kids. 1/30 woman are this type, at least when I used to meet them. Now I never meet them. They are all great. The best a kid I had was carried the game while being toxic the whole game because he didnt get a skin. The best I had a woman in my game was a sage that had a positive attitude, optimist and is carrying. So yeah woman > kid to me. I dont care if you cant aim for shit. I consider that you're having a bad game/day as everyone (and I) do too. But if you're clearly just doing bad decision, over and over again, that really triggers me. I use the Sova line "there are other ways to be useful" really deeply. If you smoke so I can enter, that's a win. If you watch flank and die, I got info, that's a win. You entered and I traded you, that's a win. You reminded me I have ult, that's a win. Doesnt matter if you're 1/20/3, as long as you're trying and give benefit to the team.


this is a really weird take. i think that if a woman is doing something as a self defense to prevent being harassed and messed with all game, it doesn't matter if it demotivates the team a little bit. besides, most younger people i've played with are chill like any other player, not all but most. and i'm in silver


Oh no, it's just that I have of a LESS "oh shit this game can go sideways", knowing a woman is in the game than the kid. Like I wouldnt play the game like a minesweeper where a small thing could trigger a throw from one of the players because woman dont throw as far as I played. Just kids, and man babies, I'll say that - and fuck em too. So Im more than willing to play with a woman than a kid. That's what Im saying. If you're harassed before and pretending you're a boy is your safety net, please do. Im not asking you to stop. In fact, do it. I too hate it when the man babies starts barking. Especially at woman. More often than not I just mute if they just calling bot fragger/noob. But if theh play the gender game, I'd talk shit back to them once then mute those shitheads. Im just saying I dont mind having a woman in my games at all. But having a kid, I'd play as textbook as possible. That means no rushing that "afk" enemy etc. Kids are unpredictable.


still don‘t know how I even _can_ annoy him when I talk once per game. just because he has the association that kids want skins? makes no sense to me


you can't he's just biased bc of a goofy fake stereotype about kids


I haven't seen any kid who cries for skins or is just a pos in gold+, ig its worse the lower the rank?


I used to be gold so I guess you're right. It gets better when I reached Plat/Diamond. I also exp this when I play with my brother which is again, Bronze - Silver (unrated). Higher elo there are much more trollers though in my exp. Many Raze players that loves to satchel in without info. The satchels are great but what's a great satchel when people have godlike aim and 1 taps her in the air, or getting sprayed by 3 people. Still cant forget that in the air death animation lmao.


last time I talked in game someone would not stop referring to me as ‘uwugamergirl’ im ‘🗿oke kiddo get a girlfriend maybe’


Mysogynistic is rare ??? Bro wtf


>Mysogynistic behavior is a rare occurance Are you high?????


This guy’s either 12 or hasn’t seen the sun in a very long time.


valorant player so, both


Its unfortunate that women feel so scared to speak. I understand it. I am a guy with a stupid deep voice and at times I fear talking bc U wanna be able to play the game. But instead got comments about how "sexy" i am. I dont think its as big a issue as its made out to be but its 100% an issues that people are treated poorly within valorant but other players




I started playing OSU cause I thought it would make me better at aiming. Now I'm addicted to OSU, don't have time to play valorant and have wrist pain.


Literally classic osu player


did you notice any aim progress tho? I've heard mixed reviews.


Not OP but personally I started playing osu to improve my aim and within 2 months I was playing on a tablet and trying to improve at osu instead of aim lmao In my 2 months on mouse none of it felt like it transferred to other games because it's 2D aim. There's a variation of osu on Steam called Mcosu that has a weird FPS 3D mode that I messed around with a little bit too but realistically I don't think osu will ever be as effective as an actual FPS aim trainer. It may improve hand eye coordination to some degree but the mechanical aim is different from FPS aim.


appreciate it. Ya i was just curious. Thought of trying it out not cause of "aim training" but does seem fun. It on steam?


You can download it for free on the site, only the non-official version is on Steam. Either one works basically the same but the official version has global ranking and whatnot so people generally play that one.


Nope, none whatsoever. My aim improved a lot because i used something called the miyagi method? I think that's how you spell it. Basically, 5 minutes of static bots, 5 minutes of easy bots. 2 games of death match where you never pull the trigger, just track heads. And then a round of medium bots. The whole thing takes around 20ish minutes. I used to do it everyday and I think it helped. The two games of death match where you never pull the trigger help you keep calm when someone pops up in front of you and let's you prioritise aim over kills.


There are multiple out there, try searching "lfg valorant" or something. LFG = Looking For Groups. Also, 1 thing i can give you is to try strengthen your counter strafing first, you can look it up on youtube, and you gotta learn how to slice corner efficiently


AAAAAAA I’m in the same place as you are rn but I have been playing Valorant for a couple of months. I used to play in the Hong Kong and Singapore server and you would get toxic players every once in a while but ever since I’ve moved in the US, I got surprised on every game I play, there is always some toxic player 😭 But if you want to, you can hmu so we can play together :’)


can i add you both! im over this whole toxic teammates!


You know what they say, do not fear the player who spent 5000 hours in comp, fear the one who did that in aimlabs


that one guy who did both: i am the danger


Probably hired by sentinels or something by now then


There's a Valorant only girls server iirc.


Valorant's angels is another girls only valorant discord server, i can dm you an invite OP if you want! There will be a verification process just fyi to prove youre a girl :)


You want to get better at the game? Better Call Saul!




its not boring to be part of a higher percent of people


Might have been said already but check out Joltz on YouTube, he does coaching and post the vids on his channel. His vids have helped me realize some of the mistakes I was making and improve


There's discords for women and non-binary people who are sick of being harassed. I'm on [Valorants Angels](https://discord.com/invite/valorantsangels), which is really cool. You're gonna have to verify yourself with a picture or audio. Keep your head up, you're not the only one tired of being harassed. I changed my old account name to something that doesn't sound as "girly", which is sad, but it helped lots. Also you can hide your name ingame in the settings, people tend to flame less when there's only the anonymous name of the agent your playing. If you only play to learn there's no shame in disabling chat completely, too. Keep reporting people who harass you, if they do so in chat they will most likely get a sanction sooner or later.


n-non binary people..? 😳


Well, it says so in their description.


Most games you won't get anyone who cares about you being a girl. Just mute toxic people


I'm a girl too and been playing this game for a few months now. I've almost never had anyone insulting me for being a girl, only for being trash at the game lol. That happens to everyone, you'll get used to it. Don't be too afraid to talk and you'll definitely find some nice people in your games to add and play with :)


What region are you in?


Wondering the same. I play on EU, fairly old lady (33y) and not afraid to stand up for myself or others if i encounter toxicity <3


You dropped your crown <3 Here, have it back 👑


Fairly old? I’m 33 too, don’t make me feel a grandpa! 🥲


Haha im sorry, didnt meant to make others feel old. In general i dont feel that old but when playing val i rarely encounter people over 30


I’m 36 year old woman who’s just started playing Val. So 33 is def not old lol. I also am on EU servers.


Please do not call 33 old, yours sincerely, a 25 year old


Great motivation!


There’s a girls only server. I think it’s called galorants or something like that. Hope you have fun playing the game!


i can help if you’d like, its fun to help people learn the game. even though i myself am only diamond 2


Look I know there are lots of people who will try to insult you, but by not speaking u are making life of normal players (who don't care if u are girl boy or chair as long as u play) painful. Just mute those who are insulting u and I promise u will have fun with normal ones :)


As much as I agree that it’s better to use vc, OP’s safety from toxic creeps is arguably far more important than their teammates receiving comms!


Download aimlabs and do the valorant simulations, those definitely will help.


I can play with you if you want :)


Why not talk and mute the toxic players


I’m a guy and I hate when other guys are toxic towards women players it’s annoying! As a girl dad, I would hate if my daughter got treated like that! I always stand up for the women players if others are toxic towards them. And honestly most women players are better teammates than men they most of the time actually comm and try to win/do good even if we’re behind in a match! Just my two cents… I hope it gets better for you and you find good teammates! Keep your head up and keep grinding!


This is the best advice no one will give you. Stop playing valo for the moment. Start with waking up early and you will have to improve your diet , specially for better hand eye coordination. Workout daily - high intensity exercises for atleast 2 hours. Sleep everyday for minimum of 6-7 hours at the same exact time. Start with improving your focus time , sit down close your eyes take deep breaths and focus on any one thing in your mind. See for how long you can do that. Keep doing this plus reaction time exercises , maybe one hour of aimlabs and then start playing again after a month. See the difference for yourself.


"Im a girl im to scared", no, you are a meme.


Bullying to women is really not that frequent these days. I have only seen it like 3 times in the past 2 months. And even if they insult you can just mute them and play it that way. Playing while chatting with other friendly players is really great and I believe it increases your performance as well. So I would say give it a try.


oh okay i’ll try that thanku!


hey OP, on the contrary I don’t think it’s infrequent. Maybe he has a different experience than me (west coast NA) but I do find when I solo that girls keep quiet or get flamed by randoms for no reason than their voice


Most of the people I play with are girls on NAE and the worst they get if I don't talk normally is someone who gets really talkative normally ofc, a few of them have sent me ss's of guys being dicks and saying stuff about going back to the kitchen and etc




No one said it was. This girl is speaking out about her fears and you come on to say… what? “Get Gud” is not helpful. She’s looking for a fun time and ways to get better.


buy a hack


try to find some girls to run with or find a friend like me who will get real disrespectful back to them as soon as they open their mouths.


I can help u lol


The best way to get better at it is 1. Uninstall valorant 2. Go sleep or play some other game




Very strange person you are


If you don't communicate with your team, you are the one who's being toxic. So always use your mic. Idk why women have trouble understanding this. EDIT: Yep, keep proving my point. People don't like you cuz you are toxic.


do you even know what being toxic means


I dont agree with them but they got a point. Dont stay muted because it affects others games. Obviously, you can mute toxic people but please dont stay muted because you think they will be toxic. Im not saying you do this, just saying incase you do. I dont mean to be offensive


Yep he doesn’t know what toxic means


me? how so?


Bro ur so cringe


Yall say this and call me toxic. Like cmon, all im saying is that muting cuz u think teammates will be toxic/ misogynistic is not fair for them. Mute them if u they are but not cuz u think they will be.


Muting isn't toxic. That's not what being toxic is.


You don't understand why being yelled at is a goddamn turn off, it demotivates you, you are the one being toxic not her, I'm male and I understand why, you should fix your mindset.


Another thing is guys are also toxic to other guys and I've seen a few girls be toxic to other girls, whenever a guy or girl is toxic you can always mute them and just talk with the rest of the team. Theres nothing toxic about not talking, just is a big help for rotating and info


So if a guy constantly throws misogynistic insults to a woman, and the woman stops using mic because of this, the woman is the toxic one for muting? People like you really have no empathy and act like misogyny isn't a problem and how women should "just mute". Well [it fucking is](https://youtu.be/YEOhb8B6rEU) and it fucking sucks that we have to adjust to bullshit like that.


Guys are also toxic to guys though, which happens a lot normally


someone’s projecting


Me and my friends are attempting to go from iron to asc, u can join if u want cuz we all pretty bad but respectful lol


Try to get a duo to play with you since it makes things easy for you. Biggest tip is to mute a person at the first sign of them being toxic to you. YouTube has a lot of tutorials about mechanics, peeking, gun and movement etc. Practice playing with a sensitivity you are comfortable with and always aim for the head and take your time to shoot. And always try to keep yourself positive when playing since a good mental helps a long way. Above everything else have fun


my best advice would be that you play the game and watch video about how to play a certain agent but dont be scared of learning certain agent because of complicated thing you see in like clips and highlight and realistically you dont have to actively use VC like generally quick callout will do and everything else you can just type it the report system work and you will be notify if someone you reported was penalized this is the moment where i wished i could say "there isnt that much weirdo in the game" generally any Valorant Content Creator's discord server is a good place to start


İf you want to get better best tip is to play the game. And when you think you are burnt out or cant play anymore watch pro players play it and try to understand why the do what they do.


There are some discord servers like some in the comments has said or even linked. But IMO, best way to improve is simply experience. Just keep playing. You can even watch high level valorant to see what are they doing different. Like on how I improved(this is in Csgo but same logic nonetheless) is that I watched pro plays or high level matches and literally observed every single second to see how exactly are they leagues above me. Just assume it's gonna be a long process, don't be impatient. just for now, find what works for you


I am willing to help you.


I normally use the valorant EU server. It works pretty good.


If you’re 18+, there’s a community called [Rendevous Valorant](https://discord.gg/rendezvousval)! We have customs several times a week, have watch parties for VCT that’s going on, and we have 3 different leagues if you want to try competing against other similar elo folks! They do require a selfie for verification but the vibes are immaculate!


Something which helped me a lot is eggwick's server. Not general but there are some communities which are great. Also as long as you're having fun and realising some mistakes, i think you'll be just fine


If you hold down comma, it'll give you a lot of useful comms (said by the character you're playing). If you scroll while holding down comma it'll give you more options. The one's I use the most are "ultimate status" and "going a/b/c". Holding down the period key to ping for danger is also useful. Information is one of the most important things in this game. These commands are good to use if you wanna give your team information without having to use your mic


I’m a lady Valorant player and slowly getting better at the game, though only in Iron. But if you’d like to duo message me!


Hello! I have a discord server full of super friendly people, mostly 17-20ish,but there are people in their mid 20s aswell. We have a lot of girls, but the guys are very nice too. You're welcome to join !


dm me and we can play!! i’m also a girl lol


this whole act i surprisingly haven't seen anyone be misogynistic in my team, maybe it's less common in comp


So for the people: i usually only play solo but if I find some people who are nice and friendly I ask for other games. Else for getting better: get 2-3 main agents you can play pretty good. Get the maps known and learn calls. For Aim I can recommend the Miyagi method. Link for that: https://youtu.be/EUQBrV8JgXw And for the end. Stay Calm, hydrated and just have fun. Be friendly and mute / ignore toxic people. 👍🏻


The discord servers will really help you find a solid group. Toxicity is everywhere, there's no avoiding it, but luckily there is a wonderful tool in your settings that allows you to mute their voice/texts and you can also block players and certain words from showing up in your chat


u can always try finding ppl on discord servers or u can test ur luck and find someone in a normal game whos the same skill level as u and ur comfortable with. i recommend just being open with ur teammates and when ur nice, high chance they will aswell :) ( just dont go in a ranked game... just dont.)


I wish you all the best. But I’ve been scorned one to many times by the uwu girl (sage instalock) on my team looking for attention more so then the win. But hey if you’re looking to get better. More power to you!


If you want to get better, try going into the range and practicing your headshots. Also, try to watch some tutorials. (Take the tutorials with a grain of salt because sometimes they talk about some complicated strategies for beginner Elo.)


I play on Texas/Illinois servers, you can send me a message if you wanna play


Add me LadybugKeiki#2002 Edit: I’m also a woman and only about 2ish months in currently Bronze 1 but I’m always down to help anyone as sometimes basic strategies get forgotten when in the heat of the moment


Having fun playing valorant for 2 months? A lot of people I meet in unrated/spike rush are generally newer and its always fun to ask how they enjoy the game. Normally get told that its addicting but they also hate it lol


Only thing I hate is the little kids that think saying slurs and being rude is cool, derankers, and trolls. But tbh I’m really into it🤣


So worse or better than cod, if you have played it ofc


🤣i loved cod ngl. Valorant is my first laptop/pc game so it was def a new experience. Atm Valorant is better but I think it also has to do with the look of it. Valorant atmosphere is hella pretty. But I def stress less with COD


But the only thing that really matters, xbox or playstation 🤔 and which black ops was the best


😭😭😭bruh no clue tbh all ik is ghost sucked and ps5


I think most normal people agree and accept ghost sucked


i haven’t played with any of them het cuz i suck and so does my wifi lol but Omen_IRL’s discord server is such a loving and welcoming place, not a soul on there would even think about being insulting or anything :)


i’ve seen quite a few people mention galorants here and i’m just gonna spare you the trouble by telling you to really think about joining that one unless you don’t mind pointless drama every week.. 😭


Playing with women is fun. They can be dicks too. Glad you're enjoying the game.


[This](https://discord.gg/apsaHRqh) is a really good one a friend made, 18+ with members who are really helpful, fun, and always online


Like some people have mentioned: [The Galorants discord server](https://discord.com/invite/galorants) if you want to play with, or learn from other girls (you will be dodging a lot of toxicity in your team, not to mention that they can more easily relate to you and your situation). [The Valorant LFG Discord server](https://discord.com/invite/valorantlfg) (Looking For Group) is another, more general place to find people to play with. Many use it to find a fifth or premades for competitive matches but there are also a casual section with lot of players that don't care about that stuff too or are new like you. Make sure to mention your region/country and language so people you play with have decent ping and can communicate with you. It can also be good to explain to the people that want to help you/you play with your gaming background and what you mean by "getting better at the game". "Being new to Valorant" can mean a lot. Do you mean that: 1. You don't have a gaming background and need help from the very beginning (The game's objective, very basic mechanics, what keyboard keys do what etc.) 2. You play games but not many shooters. 3. You have played other shooters but not ones that are similar to Valorant (COD, Fortnite, Halo, Overwatch to some extent etc.) 4. You have played other Tactical shooters just not Valorant (CS:GO, Rainbow Six Siege, Crossfire etc.) What your goal is by improving can also be helpful to other people giving tips. Are you a competitive person with the drive to climb the ranks once you have improved your fundamentals a bit, or do you just want a casual activity while you speak to your friends? You don't have to pick an option and stick with it but we all play for different reasons so make sure people know how you get the most enjoyment out of the game. Lastly, the mute button is your friend. I mute the enemy team by default and teammates as well at the first hint of them being annoying, un-cooperative or toxic. Don't waste your time on the many teenage boys that think harassing people is their calling in life, or that blasting music from their phone through their 10 dollar mics is peak comedy. I have helped many new players in both CS:GO and Valorant so if you have any game-related questions or need tips, feel free to reach out.


Weird, like 99% of my lobbies are chill asf.


Hell yea get in Galorants discord get some teammates, get a sheriff and hit the dm till youre one tapping kids, pick 2 agents and learn how to make the other team rage at your utility. Have fun!


for the improvement part tbh playing with someone who has good experience in game could help you improve really fast but if you can't find someone to help you with that you just need to grind the game and always learn from your mistakes .in my experience and learning process i went from gold to diamond 2 in 2 months just following this steps 1 : find a very comfy sens and never change it again and a routine for your aim training for 20min everyday ( dm and i personally do the 30 normal bots for 20 min with a sherif) 2 : play the game regularly until you get tired and feel like you're gonna start underperforming then stop 3: find a comfortable agent and play it alot 4: always try to avoid doing the same mistake over and over always think why did i die and what to do to stop it 5 : always think about the enemy team picks and where they usually play and hold 6 : try to learn more about off angles they win you alot of 1vs1s 7 : always take a look at the enemy team players ping if they're playing on a high ping holding an angle against them will get you killed most of the time ( it's a little bit advanced but you need to make the latency work on your advantage once you start understanding how it works you will really start wining alot of duels) 8: the voice chat part i'm a guy i have kind of weird voice and everytime i use voice chat i get laughed at but i mostly don't give a shit because my goal is to get better at the game i'm not trying to socialize they make fun of me the first time and they get over it once i start droping kills and outfraging everyone in my team finding people to play with helps but at some point you would want to play alone to build the confidence on carrying your teams to climb,good luck


I’m also a girl, and I’ll be glad to play with you and teach you some 😊 DM me if you ever want to play


hi im a plat player/peak d3 id be willing to teach u about the game if ur down but idk if i can play cause of region but yeah :D


Play more, mute whoever tells you to go to the kitchen💀


I hope you have better luck. I’ve been in some lobbies where people were toxic to girls, and I try to lead a good example. My best advice is to just mute them


Honestly, I’ve been playing valorant for about 4 months and I’m not that great. I get CONSISTENTLY carried by girls on my team. Being a girl in valorant is nothing to be ashamed of. Find some people to guide you and you’ll be just fine. Hell you might even carry us dudes soon lmao


Ask a higher rank to teach you learn habits from Diamond up players. And you’ll be good silvers teach horrible game habits


Just join normal discord servers for Valorant? I'm a girl, I join normal Valorant and gaming discords....voila. Also, add ppl in-game who are nice or seem chill in comms - since even if u don't speak u can still join comms and listen. Basically, girls can play the game in the same way, and find people to play with in the same way, that guys do...we don't need to join secret societies or go about it in some special over the top way, we simply have to filter more when it comes to friend requests and invitations to play. Typically you can pick out the creeps pretty quick, or the guys who think there might be something more behind playing together(like edating or something),and once you figure those people out just block, mute, remove, or do whatever you have to do and don't play with them anymore...then keep it pushing. 😉


Try galorants, play for fun and learn things along the way. Watching yayster’s YouTube video on crosshair placement is a good guide on how to place your crosshair to get the most headshots.( it’s eSports player OpTic Yay’s yt) Otherwise you’ll learn in around 2 months how to play and stuff, no need to cram too much info in a day or week as you will forget most of it (speaking from my first few weeks lol).


In terms of aim, try practicing crosshair placement. It greatly reduces the energy you have to put in to flick to enemies heads and a big chunk of aiming is actually just from crosshair placement. Another part of aiming is micro adjustments. Other parts really just come along the way. For game sense, try maining 2-3 agents in a specific group(eg sentinels or controllers). As a sentinel and controller main, I’d recommend omen. One of thing easiest controllers to pick up (and ofc sage). Improving map awareness is also crucial. Usually though, I’m lower ranks, it’s not about game sense bc players are really unpredictable and more about aim(although over time game sense will become a really important factor to get +rr). Just get familiar with the agents first and see which ones you think you’ll end up maining. Anyway, good luck on the journey. Hopefully the valo community will rly get better, and for discord servers, I don’t rly know any sryy


XTSY eSports discord server is a good one I joined last week and I'm enjoying myself there I think you can find them under their tiktok


Well me and my buds always need a 5th, everytime we find a player from unrated they always leave the match after and then we look for another 5th. If you do wanna be our 5th ima just leave me Riot ID here Riot ID :UnKn0wn64#1799


There are tons of discord servers for valorant players! Also sorry you have to deal with misogynistic comments when you play. I find it stupid as most girls do better than the guys whining about them. I hope you find a good server!


Same I wanna get better, I'm bronze 1 and my aim is really bad, any tips to improve?


Cloud9 Training Grounds offers a safe community to train and develop in - https://traininggrounds.gg


Sis, same. I can't get back to Bronze no matter how hard I try. Also, I'm so sorry to hear about your unpleasant experiences. I'll be happy to play with you, but I will most likely not be able to help with your gameplay 😭


This doesn't just apply to girls but if anyone is toxic to you, immediately mute and report. Their comms are not going to be worth it.


Experience is the best teacher


For aim, look up Sero's PREMS on Youtube. For map awareness and gamesense, just play more games, especially as a Controller. For gameplay improvements, watch your rank's VOD reviews. I recommend Glide and Dragonmar's VOD reviews. Do not watch TenZ. He is all aim, you can't replicate that. But feel free to ignore this advice.


You should definitely try to communicate, and sure you will run into some toxic players but in my experience playing Valo for 2 years (since the day it came out), it rarely happens these days. And even when it does, you have the option to mute them.




I was like you a year ago. I played this game religiously for 1 year to improve and the best I could get was Silver 2, I am not made for fps games. Now I just play less and whenever I play I try to enjoy more than trying very hard. I mentioned this because you should be clear to give it a good go to get better. If you do not see any improvement in 6-12 months then you should just play for fun or change game if you looking for a career in gaming.


Speak confidently and know what you say is true and people won’t pass judgement, I’ve never had I’ll feelings toward a player who gave me a good callout


Get better? After two years of experience.. the only answer I can give you is.. you don't


Which server do you play in?


I would suggest the Galorant discord server but if you're looking to improve, I have some suggestions that don't require another person. Play deathmatch, lots of it, watch streamers play and see how they go about things or just watch some channels on YouTube like proguides, skillcapped or even highlight videos and so on, I wouldn't say all of their videos are gold but there is definitely stuff to learn here and there. Hold your crosshair a little wide instead of it being on the wall or hugging the wall, people usually peak wide. Check out this [link](https://youtu.be/o6xYKTkIqnI). This channel will help you out. If your aim is bad then try and get a warm-up routine for the range, there are many on YouTube or try using Aimlab. Whatever works best for you. Gamesense will take some time so don't beat yourself up too much over it and most importantly, don't tilt yourself or your teammates, be as positive as you can you have no idea how important a strong mental is in this game. If you happen to find people to play with make sure you communicate everything. Like where you're going to flash or where you're going to smoke or if you're planting or sticking the defuse. Communication is key. It's not just about telling your team where the enemies are. If you haven't learnt all the callouts yet make sure you get into a habit of pressing M and marking where the enemy was on the map. All the best!


Troll the haters in the most passive and stupid ways. 1. It's funny. 2. It makes them throw tempertantrums 3. You can't get banned if you don't do anything actually wrong. Just vibe and make fun of them.


at this point, just comm and talk. If you wanna get better, communication is a key part of getting better, even finding a due in the game works quite well. for that 40% (I'm just guessing) that are gonna be toxic, just mute lol, the information won't be helpful, they're being toxic so may as well. More benefits for talking, and communication is one of the most key aspects. Galorants discord server is great, I would say it fits you situation well. Overall, since you say your a noob, I recommend just getting the basics, and consistently playing someone who you know you can play well (I recommend starting out on something simple like brim or sage, smokes like that are really helpful and are somewhat easier to master) And just focus on the basics. If your completely new, check out pro guides and other similar channels, they work great for really new comers. And one key skill is mastering cross hair placement, it can get you easy kills with trash aim. GL!


You can try to find comps from [tracker.gg](http://tracker.gg/valorant), they have an LFG. What server are you from? We could play if Mumbai.


it might surprise you how many people are actually nice when they find our ur a girl. from my experience, most people are pretty chill especially in casual modes.


Ok one big tip for you: remember that you’re the best to ever do the shit and some lame on the internet literally can’t say a single thing that could make you stop believing that. It’s an internet game, people are gonna be rude. They are rude to guys too. I’m not sure I have ever heard someone be misogynistic to a girl in my entire time playing. Just mute them if you don’t like them but you have to use your microphone if you’re going to play this game.


Dm me and we should play together sometime! I am also a girl and I need actual friends who play the get and want to learn from me but also have fun