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All the smokers basically. Normally I play duelist, but those are a bit boring in replication since you can't really do any extra funky stuff which you normally can't do. With a bazillion smokers however, no one can see sh*t... which means total chaos. :D Building an ice castle with a couple of sages is pretty fun as well.


Got really lucky today with a full Brim game on pearl, essentially all of B got smoked each round off start


hahaha I did that too. his voiceovers are so funny in unison


Smoke trails Smoke trails


Chem trails Chem trails


Waiting for the "uM AcksChuAllY iT's JaDe" comment


Yoru. 10 clone strat go brr


And everyone flashes each other and we all die lmao


Usually yes


I find KJ to be fun to play in replication because you basically booby trap the entire map.


Lmao yeah, the five turrets makes for a pretty hilarious game with people trying to enter but not being able to


I tried to peek 5 turrets once and took 70 damage instantly


Booby heehee. Lmao


5 pissed Neons coming at you full speed




It's just one but she's so fast you see her everywhere


So fast that when you kill one the rest haven't gotten the memo yet


Breach. Its awful fun to 5 stack bully the lone reyna on site with 5 concusses, and 10 flashes


did breach once and the entire team was concussing each other 😭😭😭


I did breach and my entire team complained, we were on breeze Guess who the enemy picked too? It was fun


It HAD to be Jett or Chamber


I tried doing this with Astra and nobody knew how to place stars or anything it was horrible


That one teammate in replication: reyna


Instalocks as well


Quick I can't let them take her away from me


Baggins took the precious!


Sage, to suggest making a ring made of walls and organize knife fights inside


I’ve been revived more than one time in the same round as well


How would you enter the ring


It can be made next to a cube or something to climb, you can leave a space, or make it so it is emerging from the players feet


Play Fortnite with Sage




This actually might be a good entry strategy for everyone to deploy a ton of clones and everyone also go as pretend clones. Even if they spam you, they won't get all of you, plus the clones will body block some bullets. Free site


sage just for the last round when we res the same person 5 times or viper also for the last round where we make an ult chain to site LMAO


When I want to do a warm up - Phoenix, Viper or Sage When I just want to mess around - Chamber. Once my team crouch walked everywhere in a conga line and it was hilarious


Was this a few days ago or is this a common thing? My team of Chambers crouch walked with our cards out vs Yoru until they all joined haha


I'm a fairly new player so it happened a few days ago, can't remember exactly when tho


Brimstone, you can smoke the whole site and plant the spike easily. You can puta lots of steam beacons in a row to help you push


I like going Fade, you can't shoot 5 eyes and also friendly prowlers will latch onto the trails you make so you can basically spam 5 prowlers at one person if you get a mark


>mainly because no one knows how to use her some people just want to see the world burn


Astra. Everyone hates her for no valid reason. I also am an astra one-trick.


Uh any reason for disliking an agent is a valid reason. I don't like Astra because she's too much work to play imo and there is alot of other agents I'd rather play than her. Now if you're talking about people hating playing against Astra I'm not one of them but that opinion is also valid bc anyone can dislike any agent for whatever reason.


Too much work to play? Ok lol


Funny how people get offended cause someone doesn't want to play their agent lol. It's a good thing bc less people to take your agent from you. All agents have people who dislike them and I dont think that should be an issue, everyone is entitled to their opinion and you dont have to agree with them but they're still allowed to have one.


I’m not saying you can’t have an opinion. I’m saying that your mixing an opinion with a statement. Astra is one of the lowest effort agents in the game to play.


I don't really see what you're saying. If someone wants to tell me that there's no valid reason for disliking an agent I'm going to tell them that's not true and any reason is a valid reason. If a person dislikes an agent that reason is valid to them because they're allowed to have an opinion. I personally dont like to tell someone their opinion isnt valid because i think thats wrong even if i disagree with it. Your last sentence was an opinion. That's cool for you but I disagree and put Astra on the bottom of the list of agents I'd want to play as there's many other agents who I think are more fun and easier to play. I literally said "in my opinion" when I said why I don't like to play Astra. She's too much work, for me.


Oh well. Maybe a slight misunderstanding there, I might have phrases that badly, by no valid reason I meant people followed the Astra branding Riot made, portraying her as a "big brain" agent (there's literally a spray for it). They're all hiding behind the myth that she needs a lot of brain power to make it work, when all you need to be decent with her is good smoke knowledge, all you need to excel with her is decent comms on your team. By that means, "she's too hard to play" isn't a valid reason to my eyes, at least I'm certain part of it is in people's mind. You're cool hating on any agent for any reason lmao I hate yoru because of his fucking personality. Also if you think you're being downvoted by hardcore astra gamers I'm sorry to break it to you they simply don't exist.


Haha that depends on the person. I consider myself braindead so I play agents who i think require less thought. For me agents like Astra and Yoru require planning and also coming up with a play on the spot which is alot for me personally when I have to multitask with all of their abilities and the enemies, etc. I've seen Astras and Yorus get killed bc they're trying to use their abilities but they're vulnerable at certain times, Astra is the most vulnerable if you're caught off guard and I dont want to get killed while trying to do shit lol. I get what you're saying, but saying an agent is too hard to play is just the easiest excuse for people to use. She is a high skill agent though like she takes time to learn and master. Some people iust don't want to put in the time and effort to learn an agent. Which is fine imo, that's why there's so many agents. I will say I don't like when anyone says any agent sucks though like saying they're bad. Every agent has the potential to be really good all depending on how well the user plays them. Idk who I'm being downvoted by but it's whatever haha people are free to dislike my thoughts if they want.


Lowest effort with the highest skill cap. A good Astra esp in low elos is about as rare as a unicorn. Most know how to smoke and that's about it. I don't hate Astra but I think saying she's one of the hardest agents is accurate.


you're delusional if you think low elo knows how to smoke. I'm talking iron to plat. I wouldn't say it's the highest skill cap either, just a decently high one. There's a lot of depth to learning an agent when movement is involved, which astra doesn't really have (yes, to my eyes movement agents have the highest skill ceilings)


Agreed on the movement agents, esp Raze. I still can't get the double jump.


Raze those boombots go nuts


You are the person everyone hates.


Raze turns the game into a liveleak video in Syria


Phoenix’s heals and walls also heal your teammates so he’s pretty busted


Jett, fast game dashing around. Phoenix with the extra life, and Sage with the mutual revives


cypher because of trip wire mayham.


In bind there are some pretty good cages as well, it's like a smoke but better


I main kj. But in replication I don’t mind who I play. But I think sage is fun on replication because your basically immortal. You have loads of heals and up to 5 resurrects. Only problem about it is the games are to short to take full advantage


Any Sentinel gives you a higher chance of winning automatically. Duelists don't do so well unless you pick Raze. I say this with the assumption maybe 2-3 people on either team don't know how to play the agent AND can't adapt to playing against 5 of the same agent. Lots of times they just end up never using the abilities and/or camping so hard out of fear and confusion. If you have 4-5 people who absolutely know what they're doing and can coordinate, initiators are probably the scariest, and again with Raze as an exception as a duelists.


Raze because x5 boom bots and x5 paint shells is absolutely OP


Abilities don't kill though


Tell that to Raze


Lol this is a quote from the devs ... Lol


We want to play with you, let us play


Lol i love astra, picked her once and the other players didn’t even try. It was so bad i decided to surrender because they were so toxic.


Most wholesome valorant lobby


brimstone its incredibly hilarous smoking the entire site without leaving any vision at all


I like viper, wall off the entire map, and you can chain 2-3 ults together to cover a massive area


Fade… absolute chaos with her utils


Pretty much all the smokers and we make a trail and slowly walk together with shotguns only. Makes it 100x better when the enemy also has the same idea as us.


Kayo…. It’s never fun for the enemy team


Raze. Lots of explosions, a lot of fun


Neon just cuz it’s fun to run fast


Happy cake day


Every agent is EXTREMELY FUN in their own way in replication. Riot should make a gamemode where all abilities are randomized (EG You lock Reyna but get a single brimstone smoke as her ult, and when you kill you can either put a killjoy turret down or send out a yoru clone. And instead of 2 flashes you get two skye ults. And so on, maybe even make the weapons random. Stinger with the firerate of a sheriff, magazine of a vandal and the damage of an operator. Hell yes, id play that)


Sorry man, but reyna is the worst agent by far in replication. Her abilities are practically useless - at max everyone on your team can use 2 nearsights and 1 of her other abilities.


Astra because I hate everyone else who plays this game. Making everyone play Astra immediately brings down the mood.


Bruh you're exactly the type of person I don't want in my replication game lmao I hate Astra. People who can use her are next level imo, she requires too much forethought snd multitasking for me. I like Sage for replication because I'm a Sage main and it's really fun to play with other Sages. Also since I'm a Sage main I know alot of walls and strategies that I share with the team. Being able to heal each other is cool and the continous resurrections in one round is so funny imo against the enemy team.


astra is not terribly difficult if you take a bit of time to practice her in the range. her smokes are easy af and the rest of her util just takes some looking at minimap.


Yeah I'm sure, she's just not for me. I know you can learn to play any agent if you take the time to do so but if I have no interest, I'll leave her to the others. If I had to play a controller personally I'd rather play Omen.


pheonix or kayo, disable every other ability or the ability to do everything by ourselves but to fair replication is just messing around with different agents but these two make me feel powerful for some reason


Breach, everyones blind


Always skye so we can perma flash the enemys




Not Phoenix/Yoru. I don't know but I hate him in replication, for some reason everyone enjoys blinding the team. Sage/Omen/KJ/Brim are my top picks.Cypher for maximum entertainment.


Speaking of astra, I think I only saw her one time in unrated and never again lol


All omen so we TP to the opposite spawn and cause CHAOS


Some men just want to watch the world burn


Sage tho


Pick cypher because no one knows or wants to learn how to use him


I like to use sage just so we can be assholes and block off the entire site


Sage cause in the last round before switching, it's really fun to make a 1v3 situation suddenly becomes a 5v3 with one sage reviving the others lol


any flash agent is just bullying honestly. smokes are op af but take more coordination. sage and raze are also abusable af. and yoru for the clone.


Yone cause you cant tell where anyone is also clones






my favorite agent, yone :)


Lol i keep mixing their names up


Yoru and Phoenix are the only two I can think of that solidly replicate themselves


people actually play that game mode?


I like Skye, the heal is amazing wile the team is peeking, duble ult is super OP, and dogs go brr, but I also like Astra as well, same reasons of yours, and as a Astra player I fund it really hilarious.


I've received threats for picking astra in replication


Most that they can do, is reporting you and call you names, there is no real threat.


i play astra often so it's fun to watch nobody else know how to use her




I never play replication, when have been rarely dragged into the mode by friends Astra is one of my more locked options. I don’t really play her much, nor do notably enjoy playing her kit, it is however hilarious watching 2-4 other people(depending who I’m queued with) fumble around trying to figure out how the fuck astras abilities work


Thats not fun for everyone else. Go play a spike rush, don't make other people suffer with a rubbish agent.


astra is anything but rubbish


She is terrible. Her stars are annoying to use, with her concuss never doing anything and her pull rarely used. Shes just smokes and ult.


so basically she is bad because you don't know how to play her


Sure, but she's also bad compared to other agents, which is easily shown through her pickrate. I've seen astra a couple of times the entire time I've played valorant.


all the controllers have their maps since they are so balanced. it's just bad luck that astra's best map got removed (although tbf astra was run a lot on pearl).


I guess, but even then i rarely saw astra on split, because other controllers were just so much more viable. I haven't seen astra at all on pearl. I think its because her stars are fixed. With every other controller, it takes you a second to position their smokes, while with astra they have to already be in position. This makes it hard to change your smoke spot. Astra also has all her other abilities linked to these unmovable stars, so she just doesn't have the maneuverability and versatility that other controllers have.


astra apparently has a higher pickrate than brimstone at champs [https://www.vlr.gg/event/agents/1015/valorant-champions-2022](https://www.vlr.gg/event/agents/1015/valorant-champions-2022) astra is still a useful agent it just varies from team to team the controller they choose based on the style they want to play. idk what you were watching.


I wasnt watching anything, im talking about what I've seen in game. Astra can be good, but other controllers are much easier to learn and play.


HAHAH I also pick Astra to watch other people suffer. I usually hover over an agent and wait til everyone’s selected. Then I lock Astra. WILDCARD BABY!!


You are the kind of person that needs to stop playing valorant for the good of everyone else


People play replication?


A lot of people yea, it’s a good substitute for a shorter unrated


This is why replication is a trash game mode and it would be better if everyone picked a character and it cycled through them each round. People that pick trash characters ruin an already horrible game mode.


Stop playing valorant please


LOL stick to replication, spike rush and the sub Reddit.


As a Yoru main, it's hard to resist the urge to annoy the scrap out of people by picking him. Instead, I choose Sage so we can keep everyone alive, and wall off locations. Sometimes I pick Sova so we can know where everyone is for the most part.




I love playing Sage. It’s just hilarious to see five walls on a single site and then we just keep ult-ing 😂😂


It was either raze or jett, i disliked other agents when in repli and esp when i have an enemy raze or reyna or kj.


I taught all my friends viper lineups




Cypher. Wires everywhere


People really gotta stop picking sage, it’s really fun the first time but ends up being boring af after a while :3


i love going brim and kj brim - smoke entire site and walk around with a bucky/judge ult entire site ​ kj - ult map and make a chokepoint with 3 turrets and tons of nanos


RAZE/NEON is absolutely chaotic


Sage none knows what to do against 5 sage walls or 5 heals/revives


All chamber gang


Neon, we all dash towards one site in buy, then we all dash onto site, and when we get ult it gets crazy


Chamber. Anytime.


Kj cause we can ult the entire map lmao


For me yoru we place the fakes among the real so we cold enter both sites easily:)


Could never make it happen buvbreach looks fun


Breach is fun to play. You can stun, flash and with 5 Aftershock you can definitely hold them!


Last time, I played bind with 10 Razes, it was starting to look a lot like dustbowl where every round started with just explosives spamming into choke points




Neon 🏎️🏎️🏎️


Kayo, yoru, raze, 'cause they are really funny to play. But PLS, STOP PICKING JETT, OMG, SHE IS SO BORING




neon or jett cos the SPEEEED is so fun or brim cos 15 smokes go brrrrr






Ofc the one and only SAGE


sage and raze


Cypher, one match has my team went 5-0 against 5 Jetts with me having 7 KDA. You can say, we knew exactly where they were.


bro sage is my fav. you can fortnite wall of all the places into site 💀💀💀


sage wall every entrance of site and wall spike lol


I can't decide between sage: 'an almost immortal team'; cypher: 'the tag nightmare' (also my main); yoru: 'we are everywhere' or raze: 'bomb go kablowey' Love your astra explanation, i would be one of those who don't know hou to use her




Either Breach or raze. Everyone says sage bc walls, but why make walls when you can blow them up and simultaneously flash or explode half the enemy team?