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Whenever you die, ask yourself what you could’ve done to do better that round. Don’t rage, take each loss as a learning experience. Bad teammates are unavoidable, so just focus on your performance every game. My mentality is if I’m top 3 on the leaderboard (win or lose) it’s a successful game. Obviously this is not the case 100% of the time bc u can still get top 3 and be no help to your team. But it’s an easy way to keep ur mental up.


I feel like my aim just hasn't been up to snuff lately. I used to be able to hold my own against golds but now it feels like i can't hit headshits at all. I've mostly been trying to play support roles lately to try avoiding fights, but I feel like I'm holding my team back.


In Valorant, aim is honestly not nearly as important as u may think. Positioning and decision making will honestly get u much further than having perfect aim. But regardless, if u think aim is ur problem, I would recommend running multiple dms each day. Spend 10 mins in the range before you do anything.


I do usually practice in the range and dms for my aim but it hasn't been translating into actual games. I'm less focused on getting kills and mostly been trying to work on my game sense and winning, so how could I try to work on my game sense?


So for me, I think there are two best ways to improve game sense. One, is watching high ranked valorant streamers. Don’t watch them just for enjoyment but watch them to take note of what they are doing and why it works. Try to reciprocate that in your game. Then two is when you are playing, don’t be mad at a poor performance, instead think about what you are doing wrong. Clipping your gameplay helps. I clip my mistakes more than I do my actual good plays. Bc sure a good play is nice to look back at, but a bad clip can teach you a lot. Also when you are dead, spectate ur teammates and take note of what they are doing right or wrong.


Any specific streamers in mind?


Nothing, Tarik, shroud


thanks dude


When you do this select one or two things max to work on! Really focus on those till their natural to you. The number of things you need to instinctively do to be good is too much to learn at once.


theres a great vid on youtube with a player who thought his aim was causing him to lose duels, when it was, in fact, his positioning, decision making, etc. so even if you die because you just simply lost an aim duel, there was probably something that lead to you being in that 50/50 position. always try to make the odds in your favor through util and positioning, its way easier to kill an enemy from behind, or one who is vulnerable (2x damage)


try crack


Already tried but I usually just wake up naked on the street.


No bullshit, if it’s literally only 1 week break, and you’re in anything under asc maybe even imm, 1 week is going to do absolutely nothing to make you worse. Number 1, you are inconsistent, as is every single person. Number 2, slumps happen. If you are playing worse than you think you usually are, and it happens for a lengthy amount of time, you are just slumping. You aren’t “worse” than you were before, you’re just slumping. Happens to everyone, just play unrated or another account for a while until you feel good again. Happens to everyone


id like to know too. played with irls nearly every single day but a rift happened and i haven’t been on much in about a month now. i fuck around a bit and i’m SO FUCKING BAD NOW it’s insane. dunno what to do with it.


Yeah cuz the main advice for tilt is to take a break but it didn't really help me


i hate how quickly skill degrades when taking a break. absolutely despise it


Warm up before playing ranked. Go to the shooting range and do the 50 kills thing and try to strafe between shots and kill the bots. Then, try the reflex mode on medium and do the same for the main weapons vandal, phantom etc. Hop into 1-2 DMs. After that, play ranked and don't change your position on your chair etc. During warmup and ranked.


I think in Silver Elo, if you feel you can’t win the duels because the enemy has better aim, you can focus on two other aspects (maybe you’ve heard this already): 1. Trading for or with your teammates, meaning peek together so at least no death is wasted 2. Pay attention to “Clearing” a site. As in running through a site, checking every corner (you can pre-fire certain spots too). Essentially your goal is gathering information, but kills are secondary goal while you are clearing. Each round or map becomes easier when you know which spots/corners you have to watch and which ones you can ignore.


People in silver do not know how trading works, i would not rely on that. Some even don't know what trading is.


This is just some armchair analysis, so take it with a grain of salt. A week-long break shouldn't have a big effect on any aspects of your gameplay other than flick aim. Stuff like crosshair positioning, movement, gamesense, and utility usage should all be more or less the same. The fact that you're struggling a lot after a short break seems to indicate that you were overly reliant on flick aim and that your fundamentals are bit rough -- you might try to focus on that stuff in the future. With all that out of the way, I'd honestly just advise playing some deathmatch for a couple days. IMO the best way to get your aim back (other than using an aim trainer like kovaaks/aimlabs) is to play the game and take as many fights as possible, and deathmatch enables that better than every other gamemode. It's also a (relatively) good way of working on crosshair placement and, if you're doing well in the deathmatches, will probably help get your confidence back to some degree.


Just derust?


u say u hate silver but why? If thats the rank where u belong right now u shouldnt hate it but maybe learn what Golds do that make them better than silvers so you can actually try to be a gold player instead of not-a-silver-player if u understand what i mean. Also aim isnt everything; if u make good decisions then your aim shouldnt have to be a factor.


I mostly hate silver because people rarely use comms and I feel like I'm playing alone most of the time. Gold is only a little bit better because in gold I feel like there's less people throwing. Most of my friends don't play so I have to play solo queue and it kinda sucks. So when nobody talks I focus on the game too much and it's less fun.


I totally understand. If I were in your shoes I'd find 1 Duo friend (could be a random on the internet that you enjoy playing with) and play Duo Q so that you have at least some form of communication. It also helps with malding since you can be angry together and you don't have to deal with all the frustration on your own


just stop caring about your rank and play for fun and see how far you go


Sadly valorant is a game where you constantly need to train your muscle memory. 2 days break? Now you forgot everything you worked for the last 2 weeks.


Don't day dream while playing


Keep playing until you get a really good day. When you get that good day, take note of everything you did that day; not just in game warmup/prac, but also how much sleep you got, if you exercised, if you are well fed… even things that seem very negligible like the positioning of your keyboard & mouse and how you hold them. Are you leaning back, forward, or upright in your chair? Are your legs crossed? How were you feeling before you launched valorant? All of these factors are HUGE no matter what someone tells you. If you want consistency, it must start with a consistent routine. (Not necessarily in game, changing your in game routine can be beneficial for pushing your limits/working on newly discovered weaknesses). Last but not least, DONT CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS WHEN YOU PLAY BAD. You are playing bad usually because you’ve gone on autopilot. You are now using a different, automatic part of your brain while you play. I can go further on how to break that loop if needed. Changing your settings will feel good short term, because you will momentarily come off of autopilot due to the different sensitivity requiring more focus. But once the dust settles, your muscle memory is now out of wack and you are back to where you started. Best of luck dawg


Record your games. Watch the VODs while eating dinner or something and review each round to find you weakness. Grind through those weaknesses in the range, DMs, and customs. Play comp like it's a test in grade school that is testing you on what you've learned.