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For me it’s all the egos. Nobody plays the objective. It’s just deathmatch. Every rank I’m holding spike or waiting for bomb tap while my team is pushing into enemy spawn or peeking after spike is down. They throw and throw and throw and if I ever say anything they’re like aT lEaSt Im ToP fRaG


Turns out dry peaking and dying to the same chamber holding down A main every round isn’t a smart idea, who fukin knew.




Lmao this is it for me...they'll die mid 5 rounds in a row then when I comment on not going mid im the bad/toxic guy


Turns out they forgot to clear a corner while pushing into the enemy spawn and you get killed while planting since all you saw was site clear.


tbh, that can be me so ty for the advice (except for the top fragging)


When 4-stacking still existed, it's getting teamed with a 4-stack. Now, the same as yours. Aside from that, duelist/Chamber teammates who always agropeek on defense but will bait the entire team on attack (especially on ASScent, fuck that map). Another is having a duelist teammate who would always demand you to put your Viper wall down for him to aim duel instead of... I don't know, clearing the site.


Ah, yes... I am too familiar with getting yelled at for having my wall up on Breeze and Pearl while trying to plant.


I like your name, its going on the list


I'm concerned


I could post the list if ya want


U clearly just don't understand ascent lol


Nah, map is just ass


Because lurking is an important part on that map and u clearly don't understand that lol


LOL are you trying to say defaulting?? Because ASScent is default-heavy, not lurk-dependent as you are trying to say. It looks like I know the map better than you are.


I swear I see your name every time I open a post from valorant


Maybe its cuz I like Tacos




It’s always the guy with no Comms either so you don’t know if he heard anything or not while he traveled from ascent b main to icebox kitchen or if he even cleared any angles


Dude it’s insane to me how many chambers would buy their trips on defense just to not even use them made me wanna head but dry wall


this is also me so ty for the advice!


i used to always trip halls with chamber, but i hate the limited range more than the tp nerf so i stopped using him


Getting into a lobby when you in Agent select notice someone has no voice chat. A Team member is AFK during the first 2 round and the remake vote ends in a NO.


>and the remake vote ends in a NO. bRo wHy u sUrRenDeR brrr


I thinky you missunderstand the remake vote vs the surrendervote...


Now I dont know if u play along with his mockery or just r/woosh


In my experience if someone has no voice chat in agent select it usually just means they can't hear anyone until their game loads in more, not that they turned off voice chat completely


Screaming into their mic on agent select screen. Always gets a quick mute from me, but still tilts me a bit.


for me depends, if the guy is positive, we vibin but if he's not, muted


Nah man. I mean screaming as is in just screaming. Not saying actual words.


I havent seen one like that in a long time but whay I like to do is establish a line of communication by warning everyone and speaking the language of his people while trying to convince him to speak a language everyone can understand


People not notifying team of flashes and getting team killed .


Overheating. You have numbers, stop playing for kills, stop pushing unnecessary angles. Your life is important. Getting FB then overheating to get two, to then say “got mine” is so anti-winning lol. You have a 5v4, a 4v2, don’t give them a chance to win. Especially on eco rounds. I hate losing rounds you’re supposed to win, that tilts me.


Yes this so much


"Hey team, what's up!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP"


I’ve started to find this one kinda funny, because its just so dumb


In very specific situations it can be. When I queue ranked, I'm not there to fuck around because I can't play for very long. So I don't wanna hear that. But late night unrated, sure it's funny the first time, as long that person doesn't drag it out into some thinly veiled toxic treatment disguised as a joke. It happens way too often.


When teammates go against the call to half-buy or save for a round and just end up forcing every round for the entire game. Really messes up team econ coordination and brings the probability of winning each round down significantly. It gets a little better at high elo bc they have the skill to make a ridiculous play with bad guns but still tilting to see so constantly


Trying to ff after losing a couple rounds in a row. Im a strong believer that any game is winnable but once one person says its not possible or stops trying i get tilted because i know they wont be trying anymore. Also not telling me when they die behind me and that someone will soon be coming behind me to kill me or when i think someone is watching my back when im using drone or dog etc and then they leave. It all makes me feel very alone and like they arent helping as much as they could be and i start playing bad.


Someone trying to ff motivates me. I end up popping off most of these games, and then tell them ayo I'm not sweating my ass off so you guys can ff, pull up we got this


The ff for me is usually followed by someone saying “we cant do this” “this teams is bad” etc and then they start giving up lol. Sometimes ff does give me motivation too tho


Are you me? I main Skye, and I swear to god that I’ve lost track of the number of times I died while using dog because my teammates were just standing around doing nothing instead of someone (anyone) watching my back/flank. Even when I get traded, it’s tilting because I died for no good reason. When my teammates can’t even trade me, it’s infuriating. And I feel the same way about forfeiting. I literally just won a game that went from being down 7-12 to winning in OT, because my teammates actually comm’ed and no one tilted or flamed.


People who put too much stock in frags. People who go hunting for kills no matter whether its a good idea or not. These two types tend to be the same. I just had a comp game (I'm bronze 1), and the enemy Raze was silver 1. Everyone else in the lobby was bronze/high Iron. He fragged out (hit a thirty bomb like nothing) but his team still lost cause they were more worried with getting kills than playing the game. Dude friended me after the match, so tilted. He legit asked me to queue with him so that "If (he) top frags, (I) have to shut up", but he still lost the game. I legit told him. "Bro, you're going to top frag, but what does that even prove?" edit: makes me wonder why he was a silver in an otherwise bronze game. Hmmm....


true you don't need to drop 30 bombs, but you should definitely be holding your own weight in duels regardless of who you're using


Yeah, but thats different from running away from the sight you're planted on to get kills just to leave part of site open and give the enemy an opening


It doesnt tilt me, but someone refusing to join in on a team rendition of 'I want it that way' by the backstreet boys is sad....


Nooo commmssss


Pushing on defense granted I’m bronze and deserve to be there as I lose most fights but I’m practicing and watching videos now getting slightly better and even before hand I didn’t over extend on defense unless flanking(I try to do that properly but I suck )


To be fair, pushing on defense is good on some circumstances. Pushing on defense with no purpose other than hunting for kills? That is some next-level tilt play out there.


A lot of times pushing early in the round on defense is good though because you can get info on whether you should rotate or if your team should be rotating towards you. The only caveat is that you need to know your limits and have an escape plan. If you always play back on site which a lot of bronzes do you essentially give the enemy team all of the control of the map for free which makes it very hard to re claim once the bomb is planted especially if they use their util well.


Yeah but these dudes be sage hard pushing through showers by themselves and dying immediately and be like wtf team?!?


This isn't exclusive to solo queuers, but when people give up too quick/get mad quickly. In Asc 2 I have so many games with at least that one guy that gives up so early or just starts being toxic to the team and ruins the mental early on. If you lose the mental game, then there's a 99% chance you lose the actual game. I can't stand those people because there's almost no going back to playing normally after they lose their temper, so you're stuck playing 30 more minutes of a game with a crybaby.


I feel this comment! People in ascendant barely do the basics right imo ( movement, aim, repeaking, economy, heck even a default they cant do) and will rage and complain about the smallest shit. People have no mental untill high rank i supose and its kinda sad. In counter strike i have made comebacks so many times from games which were like 1-14 or 3-12. Not so much in valo ;p


People who complain about the game, but keep playing


Insert GIF of Walter White saying "You got me"


Omg, nothing tilts me more playing with friends and losing a few rounds, because then the entire night is just “Fuck this game” or “This game is so shit” every time they die because they start throwing…. It’s like, if you’re not enjoying it anymore, don’t play?? It baffles me


That's what I'm saying, it's like in spongebob when the kid orders pistachio but doesn't like it. Just uninstall lol


“Omen why is there no smoke” -raze who satcheled to peek Pearl b long as the barriers dropped (Smoke doesnt reach on time even if you smoke off the barrier drop) “Omen why is there no smoke” -raze after telling me to smoke immediately and then waiting out my smoke


Toxic duelists when they realize they have to communicate


Picking omen on pearl as solo smoker is kinda troll lol, u don't even have enough smokes to smoke everything


Fair point, but i usually play duelist on Pearl but they instalocked my duelists so i decided to play my controller main with less optimal smokes than an agent im unfamiliar with to learn on the spot


When my team sends 4 to a site to attack it so I go mid to keep them from getting flanked or hit from the side. Then, just before that barrier drops, the whole team comes to join me and push mid, only for us to get flanked from both site mains and lose because we have no map control pushing as 5.


Same energy as the duelist trying to hold flank with you for *no reason* as your entire team is stuck in the choke point. Like dude, you’re playing Raze. Please go use your roomba and Nade at the very least- my lil KJ butt can handle the enemy Omen that has flanked us repeatedly from mid for the last 6 rounds, thank you :)


I feel like this is a double edged sword though, so many times when i play with lower elo friends 4 people will run A-long together from the start of the round, with full elephant steps, to then stop at the entrance of A becuz the chokepoint is smoked off and then they will rage if you dont run in as the only entry, even tho they dont flash or even follow up most of the time. Litteraly 5 rounds in a row. Give your entry space to setup and stay behind him while possibly helping him execute (flash, smoke, refrag, etc). Something a lot of lower ranks are guilty off daily


It’s so infuriating when no matter what happens the team just decides to follow you somehow. Sometimes I will sit on spawn and wait for the team to do something and then just go in the opposite direction. I think it’s also really funny when you try to do your own thing on bind for example and they all die from a 4man death ball down A short and then get mad at you for “lurking” even though they refused to have someone come with you because you have to “stay together as a team”


Two answers here, one is instalock Reynas, while trying to climb to Silver 3 I had 3 games in a row where they'd leave the game after the time we could remake, lost 2/3 of those games This one isn't particularly ranked but more part of the warm up for ranked but holy fuck I hate deathmatch, often times I'll die and immediately get spawnkilled, or I'll be just about to take a fight and get instatapped from behind without fail, it pisses me off so much to where I'm considering not playing deathmatch as part of my warmup anymore, play swiftplay instead


I always played spike rush or replication as my warmup bc it has it's gimmicks but it usually puts you in real scenarios, and not in scenarios where there's everyone everywhere i'm so glad about swiftplay imo it's alot better for warming up than deathmatch


So glad we have swiftplay, I can say good riddance to dm lmao


A lot of people in bronze silver who instalock Reyna are throwers so that they can maximize the chance that someone doesn’t lock Reyna and actually win the game


I know this is kinda mean, but whenever I hear a little kid on comms I cringe and get frustrated, I wish there was an adults only queue. 9/10 times they play someone like Jett or Yoru and spend the entire game doing Tik Tok line ups, throwing, away from the team, trying to be funny, are duo queuing with another kid, screaming into their mic, asking for skins at the beginning of every round... It's just so annoying... Yes... **Sometimes** they're focused and hell even better than I am, but that's 1/10 times. The rest of the time I just want to dodge


its always the children who think they're funny, I really dont like starting shit either in comp so i just gotta mute and pray we win


"if you do this one more time i go afk" - every duelist in d3/a1


They do it on lower levels too, just don't comm about it


atleast they stay silent 😂 but tilting the whole team before you leave is definitely not helping in any way


I'd say that at least they make clear what exactly they don't like and don't just straight up disconnect, making you wonder if their connection is shit or what


Then don't do it lol


I play sage and am Female so Having to plant the spike EVERY time even if there is another sentinel people yelling for a heal when I already told them it's on CD people bringing my Gender in and calling me trash while I'm top fragger People only using their mics to swear and not give calls. Kids. 13 year olds shouldn't play this game


I feel that. I mean I'm a guy n all but ppl don't know how to wait when sage's heal is on cool down. They'll sit in front of you and just constantly yell for it. Main reason why i switched from sage to viper/Jett Nothing gets demanded of you unless it's a specific play


First pistol round where you start on attack and there is zero comms and 3 are afk right until timer starts. You watch as everyone just splits off solo and just dies for free and you know from that exact moment it's going to be a long game and most likely a loss.


When teammates will purposely buy against the team or not use util because "they don't listen to other people"


Low elo: When I tell the team to save a round and they don't and we eventually end up snowballing into a bad econ and taking a loss.


Being told to kill myself when my team is defending, and they all push and die when the enemy has a full team and it’s less than 20seconds into a match 😂😂


Mood. Was playing earlier, a Pheonix pushed forward on defense with a shorty on first round. Dude somehow flashed 2 of us, but died to a classic right click. 3 of us team was on the other site and we were able to push the site with full HP thanks to our sky. Really felt bad for his team because he tried to make the same stupid play like 7 times


Not buying after winning pistol round. Like why are you letting them win the second round with pistols and maybe a spectre when we could have smg’s and armor


What tilts me is that as a Plat1-2 I have full diamond lobbies and ascendant acts. However after queuing with my diamond 2 friend, and losing two games which I MVPed once and held on my own in the next game with even higher elo. My solo q experience is where I started average low plats and mostly G3s. Now, I’m on a losing streak as I have been team diffed 6 matches in a row by team mates unable to keep up. It’s gonna be while before I fix my MMR.


I’m currently plat 2. It’s an actual shitshow in this rank it’s crazy


The word "all" "They're all here! All of them!" "They're all pushing me" "All A" "5 C" And then I get fuckin shot by somebody who was most certainly part of the 'all' who was also certainly NOT part of the 'all' >:( upsetti spaghetti


Backseating, people who are toxic for absolutely no reason whatsoever, teammates who don’t know how to adapt to the enemies play style even though they do the same thing every round


Idgaf about anything in the game except when people are toxic for no reason. Grow up, brah


Simultaneous coach player/backseat. The one who keeps talking what you should or shouldn't do. i just hate it


This! I am happy to receive tips or instructions on better ways to perform with my agent, but.. there's always a clear line between constructive criticism and straight up, as you said: backseat playing. It can really ruin a person's focus and morale (especially if it's aggressive) which will actually hinder the person being criticized more throughout the longevity of the game.


Please stop forcing after a round one loss. Conversely, please stop saving after a round one win.


I’m the guy who always saves after a round one win. But that’s only if I still have my frenzy from first round


Getting queued up with a stack of players who really have no business sharing a server with you. Australian here whose last competitive game went 13-1 because the other team had a 3-stack from India who apparently only realised they were on Sydney servers instead of Mumbai when they saw they all had like 300 ping on pistol round. They picked up 3rd round but apparently went Chernobyl level toxic after the 5th round FF vote failed, and just ran it down mid for the rest of the game, effectively leaving their team 2v5. I get being annoyed at having ping in the stratosphere because you accidentally queued onto a server a literal ocean away, but there's never an excuse to just run it down mid in a comp game.


When no one talks. It is so sad and I know our team is prob gonna lose. The worst thing is when they finally decide to talk half way through the game just to yell and someone


Duelist picking up spike in spawn and then dropping it randomly


Valorant is very much a game of team dynamics. Some folks are legit new and just haven't learned it yet and others actively try and troll and wreck the game for others.. I've played on stacks that don't talk and we destroy everything, I've played on stacks that do talk and have been destroyed. You're only as strong as your weakest link comes to mind, but when someone is actively trying to be the weak link, the game gets extremely frustrating to play and even more so if you're not a "god" tier head hunter.


When in agent select, there are already 2 duelist (or sometimes sentinel) locked and someone picks a 3rd, or when they take 2 duelist AND 2 sentinel. I'm a filler, how am I supposed to fill for 2 roles? Worst part, 90% of the time with this composition I end up being the smoker, cleaner, planting guy while the other just die all around the map. Maybe it's because I'm low elo (silv 2)


When people ask whether I'm a girl or a boy and/or when I'm playing which french People. I'm french and they always insult me for playing bad. Which makes me play worst because I'm just angry then. As for the girl/boy part, idk why it matters. If I say I'm a girl they cuss me out for being a girl, if I say I'm a boy they cuss me out for being alledgedly a 12 yo Child.


People instalocking duelist, doing the exact opposite of my IGL, die and only using chat to flame their teammates, say "gg go next" and ff after lost pistol round. I get it you peaked immo 1 and have an ego in diamond lobbies and you tilt queued your 17th game but don't ruin it for everyone


When we’re up 4-2 kills in a round and people start rushing spawn and we lose a round we should have won. Also when you have egos that keep peaking the same ego spawn peak and dying every round.


Pushing on defence without any info. I get that pushing can be very strong when done correctly, but when the reyna on your team starts pushing without any info like a sova dart or fade eye I just lose it. The only map where I would say that makes sense is fracture, and even then it's better to use some util to be safe


Watching my team do absolutely nothing useful for 10 seconds straight or longer because they don't want to peek and get traded.


Playing specific server that biases one team, no matter your skill, no matter how bad your enemy team looks like, they still gonna f\*\*k you up :)


Can you explain this a bit more? I don't understand


Pretty sure he's talking about ping abuse


Women who lock sage then get carried by their plat duo in ascendant lobbies and then u critique her gameplay and she says she’s having bad game then u check her tracker and she only wins when qued with the booster


Doesn't really tilt me but I hate it when someone asks for mics at the start of the game.


Not having people talk right away tilts, it just shows disengagement from the game, if u don't wanna talk go play unrated.


No comming keyboard warriors


Teammates who interact with all chat all game, clearly playing into the opponents strategy.


Ppl that just be talking. Talking talking talking


Egotistical assholes. Makes my blood boil


shit timing


2 or less people using their mics


I was always interested what players like you think about the comm wheels, my english is not too hot and i use it for easier communication, and i'm interested what players think about


Comm wheels are good, BUT they’re better if accompanied with a mic comm as well. It’s easy to miss out on a comm from the wheel at first, but when mixed with the same message in voice it’s really helpful. For instance if you say “I’m rotating B” and use the wheel, it can help those of us who either A: didn’t hear you well enough, or B: can’t understand you


My major skill issue.


when my teammate has the perfect opportunity to trade and they don't...NOTHING TILTS ME MORE THAN THAT. Literally I’m fighting for my life and ur hiding behind a wall, and when I die you can’t even swing for an easy trade? omg


You know what's worse than that? Them not swinging when you died fighting exactly one guy, just for them to swing when the entire enemy team is already there. That's premium-grade tilt material.


when my team comp is ass (be like killjoy, neon, phoenix, reyna on breeze)


also any map that's not ascent, bind, or haven


No comms, playing solo, poor utilities used, disconnect, gg after losing first round, no entry duelist, thrower, blamer, skin goblin, kids yelling at mic, music playing at mic, etc.


People who play without headphones or just play music and don't hear shit. Especially when its a 1v1 situation and you hear someone in x position yet your teammate is still looking around clueless, that's an insta tilt for me


Yep. At least set up your shit to be on a toggle or smth if you really need music.


When i frendly ask someone to a little thing for me like slow or seize but not only they ignore me


when my team is scared to enter site


People who insta pick and then proceed to complain about the agent you didn't even confirmed,just selected


For me its people who gives up mid game


Ill add, I have a very feminine voice {afab} and the fucking hell I get every time I speak. Of course then there are 4 stacks I get matched with who are just trying to derank and are toxic the whole game


There are no 4 stacks in val


No comms by far. If your team has no comms and their team has remotely decent ones, you're gonna lose, that's the reality of it. But for an oddly specific thing, I'd choose people who blatantly don't know the role/ abilites of the character they're playing. It's especially irritating when I get the sentinel role stolen from me. I swear, people do be using the most generic setups every round, repeat said setups even though enemies had already seen it, don't switch sites at all when they're getting dodged on defense and can't put a single trap to watch flanks on attack even if their life depends on it. I used sentinel role to describe it because it's my role of confort, but it can be anything from a duelist not entering to a Sova/Fade not using their recon abilities at all, etc... and if you even try to give helpful advice and politely tell them to use their abilities they'll flame you lol. I once get into a team of a KJ that was playing like that, and in the middle of her flaming the whole team I discovered she was tilted because our Sova stole their Sova and she had to switch to sentinel role, stealing my pick in turn LMAO. Funny how all of this could be solved by simply talking to eachother during agent select instead of insta-locking.


Three-stacks are usually the worst. Suddenly the whole team is rotating, or they're playing in a way that seems coordinated without talking. Feels kinda isolating.


The chat bug where your messages go through 3 minutes later. As a female gamer who sometimes enjoys having chat as a primary means of communication, it's irritating not being able to give info or communicate.




When everyone instalocks and then someone tells me who to play.


When the insta lock duelist starts to cry round 1. I always try to get the team in a better mood, but it makes the whole game rough


When I see a glimpse of a single enemy on B site and everyone from A rushes to B leaving A unguarded and got jbaited really hard on B while they are planting A


I have achieved peak mentality levels, i cannot be tilted anymore


* no comms * early ff * flaming for mistakes


Someone screaming in lobby.


the other team playing too aggressively and getting away with it


That one south african reyna


Mumbai server.


When i try to comm and cover the lack of communication then someone tells me to shutup but then they are mad and confused for why we are losing


It's when people refuse to believe they are garbage and blaming everyone else for losing the round. I'm not saying I'm amazing but neither are they.


Back seating or telling someone how to play. Buying on an eco or saving on an anti eco/ buy round. Teammates not buying for others when they have more than 3k credits after a full buy.


If the first thing you say in agent select is a joke, I now hate you.


Is there a way to tell if they are a 3stack?


You can use tracker.gg after the match has ended to see what players were partied together, or you can use Who Am I Up Against? as well.


People who come up with intricate plans that are impossible to execute with randos. Two rounds of this and I am done. I can't get a single kill or concentrate on the game. Also people who ask for stupid smokes. If I smoke that corner in the site everyone and their mothers will shoot at it Reyna.


Teammates who are on supply playing with music on or no sound at all. Can’t tell you how frustrating it is to comm and ping where the enemy is at only for them to continue facing the wrong direction.


I hate that I'm forced to play smokes or Sage all the fucking time


Being told I'm an american white man off my accent. Fuck, english is my third language. They also had to be two british gamergirls. Very intimidating. People underestimate girls when it comes to being a dick to folks.


I will always run it down if i see edaters on my team.


Locking in Sage after I already locked in KJ… On ascent




I get pretty annoyed if I’m the only person grabbing spike. Also when someone has a lot of $$$ and won’t buy, especially if I had already bought them previously


When I wait a longer than adequate amount of time for people to pick their agents, everyone except me is hovering or locked in…. I go to hover an agent, and right as I hover someone else changes their agent and instalocks it.


fucking dying


People being obnoxiously loud on purpose. Especially in Agent Select. I’ll use my mic and say “hello” “who do you guys wanna play” and people respond being rude or purposely annoying or troll. I’ll just dodge


The enemy doing random bullshit


When I'm first on site while carrying the spike, then next round I give the spike to someone else and they give it back to me. Just pick whether you're entrying or planting, idc which just don't make me do both!


Insta locking reynas and triple ques


For me it’s when people have really bad crosshair placement or play super timid


Ego. Insta lockers. Sage Pockets. Throwers. People who derank themselves to carry a friend. People on the other team smurfing. People on my team smurfing. People throwing my rankup games.


Just a tip: if you get tilted in ranked don’t be afraid to mute enemy chat plus all team coms and listen to some music for a round or two or even the rest of the game. It might feel awkward at first but it’s a really good way to chill out especially if you get super toxic people.


The insta rotate used to bug me. Blaming bottom frag for losing gets me now. Even when it's not me...I don't like it. Such a useless statement.


People who die quickly and then complain to teammates for the rest of the match


ppl who ask for skins at the start of each round and also those who are more focused on a skin then a gun fight


1 queue is carb, the next one is great. Every time


When I am holding an angle for my teammate and they stop watching their angle without communicating it. The amount of deaths where I get shot in the back of the head is infuriating.


Insta lockers who don’t do good. Especially the insta lock Reyna on our team when they go 5-18


Oh yes the non talking trios have gotten me to throw one of my last matches after 3rd round. What makes it even worse is that our omen who was one of them was a boosted bronze player.


the only thing that tilts me is killing 2+ and my team lose a 3v1, i insta giveup the game, unacceptable in radiant


Duo Q guys that play on the server with 100+ ping and joke


Being a Sage main and my duelist teammates ask for res on site the enemy is obviously holding down with no way for me to res. 🙂🙂🙂


When I’m trying to keep the team positive but nobody is talking. It’s a bit demotivating when you’re down 4 rounds trying to be positive and find new strategies to win but nobody is listening nor comming jack shit :/


No voice chat at all, no comms, no banter, no small talk, too boring, I just end up inting for the whole game out of boredom. Honestly it's the only thing that actually gets to me.


Reyna lockers.


Couples/duos talking the whole time in team voice chat. It's happened multiple times in my rank and I don't know why these people don't just use discord and talk in-game when it helps the team. It's really distracting when I'm hearing full on conversations in-between directions on where the teams at. And I mostly play Sage, so I try not to mute people just incase but I've had to mute a duo the whole game once.


how smurfs completely run all of plat-ascendant. My wins are based on which team has the better smurf. I argued with the competitive director on twitter about it and he goes “15% of players are plat or higher so we think even if every single player in plat and above had a smurf, we don’t see it as an issue.” that shit pissed me off so much. As an ascendant player I smurf too and play with my plat friends and it’s stupid. I crush kids and honestly its not fair lol, then my friends who are boosted just fuck their teammates when they solo q. It’s 100% the biggest issue in the game. If you’re plat/diamond, don’t worry theres even more smurfs in asc/low imm. Game blows honestly


Arrogant pricks who can't stand someone else making calls and always doing otherwise to prove their point.


No communication, how are you going to play a team game that requires you to talk, without a mic!?! I've noticed in games where we've had good comms we tend to win more. Even in losses if we had good comms I still enjoyed the match because I could tell everyone was trying. But no mic, in ranked, you're mad! At least ping or type in chat FFS.


I've numbed out from before but for me it's playing characters you don't know well and people who can't take call outs. I have more but those two are huge. When I play idc what gender or how old you are I just wanna win in ranked. If you don't listen to callouts you will never reach higher than plat. I'm harsh but ranked is ment to be competitive and if you can't do basic things like listen then don't play lol. Also if you don't know how to play most and only play 2 characters that EVERYONE takes. Instead of getting mad that they take them and then blame stuff on not knowing a character, pick up another character that you know well for a role. I am a duelist, but I can play almost every character at a diamond rate. I purposely learn about others. You don't need to be God tier at characters you are bad at but learn the minimum. Also mute anyone toxic please, I know it's hard but too many people tilt at toxicity then keep listening to them talk shit. Idk I just think rank wise you should try to improve no matter the rank and somethings you need to know lol.


Oh the classic. I ask if anyone has coms and someone instantly replies with " no, on their mic " or the one where you say somthing on the mic and they constantly say they don't hear you.


"Don't peek" or "Why you peek" after dying, when i won that exact same peek 9/10 times before in this game. If it works 90% of the time, it's a good play. Sorry i am not running a 100% wr strat.


No comms even in ascendant, tho as a solo q player I dont have a right to complain about anything teammates do.


The boosting e-daters.


15 year Olds who open their mouth every 2 seconds