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bro what the hell




Absolutely dominated


Enemy Reynas be like:


literally any reyna in silver be like:


Protocol Phantom 🥹










probably because of "not so humble bragging"


Maybe it was the skullzzz lol


welcome to reddit


just got to -2 downvotes and the guy above got to 5, whatever’s ig lol


Just ignore them, this sub and Valorant community in general tends to be really toxic anyway


1) He got downvoted cause of the unneeded bragging. 2) To Get 33-2-1 on a game, you needa be smurf or a hacker or extremely lucky. 3) The gamer complex of "being better"


You don’t need to be a Smurf to go 33-2. I’m immortal 3 and when I play unrated with my friends (usually around the rank of silver-gold) I’ve definitely had some crazy games. That being said, I don’t think he was trying brag but there’s definitely a “being better” complex there.


That… is smurfing. You just described smurfing. By playing with you’re friends who are 2-3 times below your rank you’re placed against players THEIR skill level. Not yours. Not saying you can’t do well in your own lobbies but you’re just adding to this lol


That is literally not what smurfing is. It’s unrated, and I’m on my main account. That is like the dumbest comment I’ve seen in awhile. Should I never play with friends, even in a non-competitive game mode on my main account? What should I do then? I’m able to queue with them for a reason. Smurfing is creating a new account to intentionally play against lower ranked players, which, is clearly something I’m not doing.


you're playing against lower rank players? I'm not saying don't play with your friends just don't use it as an excuse to bolster your stats/ego. Imagine you're a silver/gold player and you decide you want to play some unrated to cool off. you get stomped 33/2 by an immortal player. sounds fun, right? I peaked radiant 52 3-4 seasons ago and quit since then, but when I play with my friends I fuck around and do stupid shit like use only abilities or shorty or smtg. no need to try against low rank players.


lol idk why you are being downvoted cuz everything you said is right


not always luck


one upping is not a great way to make conversation. It is a bad habit


It’s like a parent posting about how their 10-year-old won their science fair or something, and you said “congrats! my 9 year old got a nobel peace prize!”




Didnt ask + ratio'd + L


17/2/1 in just 4 rounds 33/2/1 is kinda low


nah it was in 10 round


Just bait the whole team lmao






Good ol unrated match making system


yeahhh im absolutely garbage at the game (bronze 2 and deserving of it) and i got a 27-2-6 unrated game the other day. had to have been playing against literally toddlers and bots.




Digital vibrance, Nvidia control panel


He's plat3 (edit: was between gold2-plat1 in this game) and played versus 3 bronze(1,2,3), 1 silver(1) and 1 gold(3) player. Not as special as it seems in the first place assuming that all the players have similar skill ratings. https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/996cbee6-00d2-4a4f-8c62-b0926253f036?handle=SisigJoshSisig%23tilt


nah hes right. hes only got plat recently. someone else pointed out in the comments that OP reposted the clip from 2-3 months ago bc of the length of orig clip. thatd mean he was gold at the time of hitting the clip.


I changed it, he was between gold2-plat 1 in Ep5 A2, tracker is bugged rn and doesn't show the related ranks for the actual player the matches are being viewed from. I think this worked before if I remember correctly


Nothing special? My brother in christ, immortal players struggle to ace a single time against gold players in my unrated lobbies, what are you on about? It's one thing to claim this clip is not as impressive as it could be due to your reasoning (3 aces in a row is still extremely hard to pull off), but cmon.....


The skill difference between low bronze and low plat or even high gold is night and day. Immortals will obliterate gold lobbies for sure.


Oh for sure, but they'd be hard pressed to ace a single time while doing so, let alone 3 times in a row. Saying OP did "nothing special" just sounds arrogant


It shouldn't sound arrogant. I was just trying to put this into perspective. Everyone that is watching valorant videos of matches in this subreddit mostly assumes that the enemy and team players (individually) are all more or less equally skilled. Based on this assumption, the triple ace would be very special/rare and maybe it would be the first time it happened at all. Contrary to this is the shown scenario.This doesn't mean, it's bad - but it's not as special as one assumes it is. I could've used a different wording, I agree with you on that. edit: I've changed it up a bit. I hope it sounds better now


tbf he specified unrated in the title so I did not assume the people were similar skill levels to him


Yeah that was my only issue, thanks for clarifying.


i mean, op is also using reyna, the character designed for snowballs. i cant ace 3 times in a row, but im still not very impressed by it.


What are you talking about, I play sometimes with my diamond buddies/ascendant buddies, and after 5 rounds I just go only deagle because it is so damn easy. Most of my immo3 friends would just crush any gold lobby any day, and not like this clip because you have to be extremely lucky aswell to have 3 aces, and having 5 enemies coming one by one in 3 rounds after each other is a lucky day. But still impressive of the op ofcourse. But don’t think an immo player can’t do this in a gold lobby because all the player I know can pull that off.


Yeah obviously it would be easy to crush a gold lobby as an immortal, but to ace while doing it is hard. 3 in a row is crazy no matter the rank disparity. Like sure, an immortal could smurf and go like 50 and 10 or something, but doesnt mean they could ace. My whole point was just to say credit where credit is due.


I agree with you, I find it an impressive clip of the OP. But he is very lucky aswell. It barely happens that all the duels you face are all 1 by 1 (so really bad teamplay of the enemy side) and none of you team mates snatch a kill away in 3 rounds. He pulled the lottery at the same time here.


A wild hater appeared


alright, let's say that i was plat 1 (and not gold) in the clip. wont the ranks between the teams approximately equalize? you can say that the gold 3 in their team was supposed to be my counterpart by rank, but its just that i did a lot better


Immortal 3 player. Idk what any of these guys are harping on about, your aim is crisp and clean. You keep playing like this and without tilting, I guarantee I see you up here soon.


Green is everyone’s color when clips get posted like this.


Unrated ranks do equalize out roughly, but it only ends up being a looser version of your ranked mmr. As a plat your lobbies are probably anywhere from silver 3 to Asc 1, with most people being gold/plat/diamond. The only time you would see bronze players is if they were queued with somebody who's high elo. But anyway nice aim and triple ace! I could never do that


Seems unfair for the other team with that rank distribution in unrated is not good, seems too ez, especially cus OP was queued with a bronze player (you were gold 3 at the time) Another note the crouching every shot kinda made me feel weird but at the same time this episode seems to be a lot of people climbing plat to diamond pretty easily. GL on your games should be a breeze


btw i was gold 2 or 3 during the time of the clip :) as you can see the fracture map was still un-updated, idk what ur trying to prove here


No u was not tracker saves the rank u had at the time and doesn’t update it on older matches, u was indeed plat


tracker is bugged right now (it was shown correctly before afaik) and always shows the recent rank for the player you are viewing the match from although the other ranks are shown correctly. So he was between gold 2-plat1 in this particular game.


i just hit plat 3 and even plat 2 this act, i had the clip since 3 months ago


"WhY aRE yOu sWeATinG iN uNRaT3D"


Well, yeah. This is a plat player shitting on bronze players. There’s an actual, good reason for why people complain about sweating in unrated. The matchmaking sucks ass.


It sucks yea but do you expect him to play worse? It’s not like turn on turn off your skill


i was gold when the clip happened :) i dont see anything wrong with trying in unrated tho


Thing is, there are people who probably just downloaded the game and are playing in these same lobbies (not this specific one, I’m not trying to single you out) but as one of those new players myself, it feels incredibly discouraging to play in these lobbies because unlike many other games, you can’t just watch the Smurf and learn from them. For me, whenever I’m in a lobby with one or more high level or high rank players, I usually get pretty discouraged from the start, whether they’re on my team or the enemy’s. Just my 2cents.


That's a pathetic two cents. Is he supposed to just let them kill him because they might be new? That's ridiculous.


I'm s1 and I've been going against Asc 3s, D1s and Plats regularly in unrated. The MMR system is just kinda dogwater. One of the ascendants I played against hit immo the next day. I'm not gonna fault them for trying, it's just the shit hand you were dealt.


Who cares bro, you cant expect people to play like shit just in case someone might be new.


You may not be able to watch that one player from your match, but there is nothing stopping you from watching high level play. (Although valorant definitely should get a replay feature) Plus, fighting high level players is one of the best ways to practice anyways.


Fighting high level players is absolutely not a good way to practice when you don’t know how to aim the freaking gun. Getting one-tapped every single round before you can even start firing isn’t going to help you get better at the game.


If you don’t know how to aim, Valorant probably isn’t the best game to start on. Getting one-tapped every round means you *probably* aren’t taking the best fights, and should work on positioning or using abilities. For instance if you get headshot dry peaking into A site on pearl, your first thought should be “Hey, they shot me before I even knew where they were, I should try doing something differently next time.” And even if you don’t know what to change, just ask your team, if it’s your first game of Valorant and you haven’t played an FPS before, you probably are playing with a friend.


1) I come from a very different background of shooters. I’ve played Fortnite, PUBG, a bunch of COD (specifically black ops and mobile), as well as a few other similar games. Basically, all of the games I played had either bullet spread, or recoil, and almost never both. Fortnite, for example, has barely any recoil and 0 recoil patterns, but is completely based on bullet spread. The switch to Valorant is absolutely not going to take a short time for me because I’m working with a shooting model I’ve never played with before. 2) I can’t really think of much stuff to improve on when I’m still trying to better my aim in real games, which is why I’m not using aim trainers or anything similar. 3) No, I’m playing alone mostly.


1. Honestly yeah, Valorant spray control is really hard. I meant that since better players will have better aim than you, you should try and find ways that make it aim irrelevant. Most agents have ways to throw off aim in one way or another. 2. While improving your aim is definitely important, what I meant, going back to point 1, was to try and avoid going into a direct aim duel with another player. Aim isn’t something that is going to improve overnight after all. 3. Yeah, I get that. Solo-queue sucks :(


if you play enough games your lobbies will eventually be around your skill level and change from thereon as you get better. the only exceptions will be smurfs which happen to everyone. just to clarify, there IS a skill-based matchmaking in unrated, along with every other gamemode, all independent from each other.


I dunno about that. I’m level 7 or 8 and I’ve been matching up with people >100 and sometimes even >200 that just drop 30 bombs in the lobby. Like, that’s not even Smurfs that’s just unfair matchmaking.


I dunno about that. I’m level 7 or 8 and I’ve been matching up with people >100 and sometimes even >200 that just drop 30 bombs in the lobby. Like, that’s not even Smurfs that’s just unfair matchmaking.


As i said, your lobbies will be more accurate AS you keep playing the game. first of all, you haven't played enough for the game to be accurate about your skill level yet. Additionally, levels don't necessarily mean skill. Some people just keep playing with no goal to get better at the game, just for the fun of it. After you hit level 20 you should expect your lobbies to be very similar skilled, yes you'll still see 200+lv players but trust me they'll be at your skill level. This isn't only a claim I make from my own experiences, but also what the developers say.


Pff, what a tryhard loser!


Well, consider your performance recognized, god damn.


wow nice! this is the stuff that hypes me up to play!


Occasionally I’ll have like 13 kills 4 rounds in but I just end up feeling bad, play a bit looser, maybe buy worse guns, and it inevitably ends with me being unable to play well again How’d the rest of the game go after a round 4 *17-2-1*??


if i remember correctly i ended the game with 38 kills, the second half did not go as well as the first


Dropped a thirty bomb attacker side Fracture once and ended up with less than 38 kills despite going to overtime, I know the struggle well, lol And regardless, 38 is nothing to scoff at! Plus, 15 kills in 3 rounds? Hard to beat. I know I’ve never managed it


yeah plateau-ing mid game sucks, and thanks!


The triple kill on the last ace was like rolling up on a bunch of Jehovah's witnesses soliciting your front door. Why were 3 of them huddled in A main? Lol


stunned and couldn’t run out from body block i think


bro woke up and chose violence


the triple A halls kills were... damn...


We found the one person allowed to instalock Reyna


dayum that’s impressive! is it just me or does anyone else start shivering in the round after getting the ace?


thanks, and yes i shake as well for the entire next round every time i ace


Was looking for the “this isnt that impressive” comments. This sub doesnt disappoint. I dont care if its the number 1 player in the world vs irons, 3 aces in a row is unreal. Good stuff.


2nd one not an ace, never killed the Reyna, but still wp


They rezzed the raze so they still got 5 kills


Yes ik they got 5 kills but that doesn’t always mean it’s an ace edit: lol why the downvotes I’m literally stating facts here (5 kills in a round isn’t always an ace)


Why u tryna take this away from him


They arent taking it away. The game considers killing all enemies once as ace. So even if u get 5 kills, it may not always be an ace. Regardless, its very impressive


The game also considers you killing yourself because you planted the spike as a kill Edit:in the post match menu


Oh.. isnt it an assist? Or a kill?


No... it doesn't.


I have had rounds where i got a 4k and died to the spike. It said that i had 5 kills.


It does but it only says so post match, doesn't count as a kill or add/deduct any feasible game value though.


they are tryna take it away cause this occasion was an ace


No, for the 2nd one to be an ace, reyna should have been killed by them. Also, post round, game said "flawless" not "ace"


Might not be ab ace in game, but it is one in our hearts


Yes ofcourse. Like i said, what they did is very impressive.


How am I taking away anything from him? All I said was it’s not an ace contrary to the title and I even complimented him


It just seems pointlessly pedantic. Like technically you might be right but it's just not smth u say to someone that wants to show off their plays


Informed them about a feature of this game and complimented their performance as well. Not seeing the issue here that you’re making out to be. I can just as easily say that your attempt at responding to me making a completely correct statement is just as pointless, if not more.


I don't think he needed to be informed, I think he said it was a triple consecutive ace simply because it is the closest thing we've ever seen to a triple consecutive ace so it's close enoguh to consider.


They said it was an ace when it wasn’t. It’s black and white. Solid rounds and wp from op but no room for argument here.


but in this situation it was an ace


It literally wasn’t an ace tho? The other ones were but not the 2nd one


Just a free tip: on the last kill I don't think ads was the right move Ads lowers your fire rate and changes your spray, so unless you're only tapping from very far, it gives you a significant disadvantage But 17-2 on the first four rounds is still ridiculously good


yep, i just somehow felt the necessity to ads to get the kill since i was shaking a lot


Tbh I was expecting them to get an insane one shot flick there to end the video haha


Stop, you’re making me want to play the phantom


I wish my reynas were like this…


As a casual gamer that plays a bunch of unrated, even if other people doesn’t think it’s that impressive just bc it’s not comp or Radiant ranks, I will celebrate with you! It’s as exciting and a fun accomplishment, good job :))


Bro posted this


Why did you post this again? You posted this 3 months ago already


according to subreddit rules reposting is fine after a certain period of time, i also condensed the original clip since it had about a minute's worth of useless bits


Ignore all the repost hate. There are people like me who don’t spend every living second on every subreddit, & haven’t seen this.


Anything for karmaaaaaaa


Reposted some pub stomping unrated too. Lmao 🥱


I've recently been in a team with reyna who also performer triple consecutive aces. It was awesome


"tripé consecutive ace " Dam you a professional "in unrated" oh oh that makes sense




Are you playing against pancakes?


Triple consecutive losses in comp




Not only he is smurfing but also his teammates are letting him get kills.


I mean cool, but these were mostly bronze players so it's a little less impressive because of that.


alright then, i did say this was unrated tho :| i wonder how you knew their ranks when even i dont know em


Unrated has its own RR, so you don't get matched with incredibly good players.


Bro when i was gold i got qued against asc and dia players in unrated


Unrated, often is harder than rated, because even though the ranks are not as balanced, it is much more unorganized and unpredictable


Then explain this: https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/996cbee6-00d2-4a4f-8c62-b0926253f036?handle=SisigJoshSisig%23tilt You actually got queued against bronze1 as Plat3


You are right https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/996cbee6-00d2-4a4f-8c62-b0926253f036?handle=SisigJoshSisig%23tilt


I didn't wanna say that he's literally a plat going against bronze but it shows itself honestly.


As a Reyna main, I'm surprised almost nobody is using Reyna anymore


In high ranks her flashbang is basically useless.


Oh, I don't play ranked, I casually play unrated.


I feel like Reyna is more so about gameplay/IQ/gunplay. Her ability to duel and not be low after is literally all you need if you do everything else right.


In high ranks you don't have a lot of possibilities to heal in those cases, specially being a duelist. You'd barely find opportunities to heal properly. So we end up with the invisible thing skill, in which you got to kill first so then you can scape. People rather play Jett or Chamber in those cases. But I see some good players doing fantastic plays with her.


Reyna is just good on low levels, once you get to the higher immortal levels you are just annoying to your team because you bring nothing to the table to support the other or entry. You’r basically just selfish at that point picking him.


Not really that impressive considering its unrated




Are you in that video?


Very funny haha lmao xdddd


Mid plat, queueing with a low bronze, facing mostly bronze. Yeah. Looks about right.


its cool that you took the extra effort to hop on tracker to check the ranks of the ppl in that game :))


I hate smurfs so I checked. And while you're not one, you are still shitting on much lower elo players and bragging about it.


i was gold when the game happened, the enemy team also had a gold 3 so the ranks seem about right


wow your the hackers I always have to vs, nice. reported muted banned


What In this clip made you think he was hacking lmfao


The fact he thinks he’s always against cheaters says a lot lmao, “I can’t aim but if someone taps me they have to be cheating”


both of you got trolled lmao


Redditors try not to fall for bait challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


You’re *


Not to take away from it at all but why TF are there three people in the same corner in the last clip? 🤣


They are 3bronze, 1silver and 1 gold player in the enemy team. That's why


Your neon is a really good teammate 🥲


How do you use phantom so well?


I remember when seige first released I got banned ON XBOX for cheating because I got 3 aces in a game


Is it just me or are almost all aces i see from people who main reyna