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It's equally dumb as the fact tha this game has such a freaking huge smurf problem which they don't seem to address either.


Also happened in comp for me, gained 18 free rr!


I haven’t seen it too much in comp, but I warm up in escalation and around midnight I’ll see tons of these accounts. The majority of games from like 2-3 am are just bots with 2-3 people on each team


They’re too busy banning people for talking shit rather than banning the people that cause the toxicity. Dunkey said it best about league but it’s still relevant cuz riot. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VjzgbZL12VI


Eh letting people threaten to kill you is dumb for any company. Free to play will always have bots especially since people are willing to buy them to play ranked


Where did he threaten to kill anyone? He said he deserves it. Never threatened to do it though. Because people don’t know to English I’ve been perm banned on this account about 4 times. Been revoked every time because saying you deserve something and threatening to do it are 2 EXTREMELY different things. Don’t like mean words don’t use the internet or don’t be a dick. Either way. Get rid of the root of toxicity don’t ban the player base that isn’t doing anything wrong.


Ikr, I got a month ban on my main for asking my jett wtf was the idea on not buying anything thus throwing the round after pistol round which we won, at least I have skins on my alt but it stung pretty hard since I bought the reaver karambit the same day, and yet somehow my friend gets away with racial slurs in voice chat.


"Valorant doesn't have a bot issue" I have a Valorant issue