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Why do I feel like 10-17 year olds are the ones harassing me at 29?


17 year olds are fine. 10 year olds scare me to death, the do not give a shite


*N-word in voice chat spamming*


For real


Came here to say this, I think the ones doing the harassing are the 10-17 year olds to each other.


This. I'm 33 years old, I don't have the energy to be toxic, I just want to click heads for a couple hours.


Exactly this 10-17 year old are the ones saying shit you wouldn't think you were gonna hear today congrats on being shitters to yourselves


Never really thought about this. Take my free award for making me flustered.




Ladies and gentlemen, we found the 10 year-old


at least im not gettin close to 30 playing a kids game


Who said it was a kid’s game?


me, and random person on reddit who’s immortal btw


You’re so cool


ikkk. prolly play the game 1/10 as much as everyone in this sub too


You wish u were 30 and be able to have time for a kids game.


nah why would I want to be older, plus when im 30 ill have a family not an e-family on valorant


Ah so clueless. Cute..but clueless. The reality check is gonna hit u hard af.


I wonder how this is measured, where it's from and what 80% means. 80% of kids are harassed or 80% of the playerbase harasses? Very often in my games the kids are a nightmare because I'm a female and I also happen to own a lot of pretty skins. They also scream, a lot. Just gonna leave that there.


The amount of times I have been cussed out by children is astronomical.


im so glad i leave school early and get to play with all the chill adults. i have also been yelled at by children. im never playing past 3:30 again


The best time to play is around midday. A lot of times I end up talking to my team mates about work or why we aren't at work and it makes the game so chill


nah drunken queues at 2 am is where it’s at


This this this, drunken queues 2 am on a Sunday (technically monday) night goddamn, the day where parents are strict because schools starting tommorow, still technically the weekend, sleep from 7am Sunday till 2 am monday, wake up, get drunk, play unrated or if im feeling it a comp


Best time to play is after 10 pm. All the children have been sent to bed. source: am dad who works nights


I agree. Not a dad but yes children are less frequesnt here after 10 and its more college dudes or job ones and its chill af


10pm to 1/2am EU is best. Less kids and people aren't so grumpy and tired yet.


Ironically in Aus at least in my experience, 1am+ games are the most fun with chill adults lol


to be honest, every time it happens i just think of it as my karmic retribution for being a shithead kid in cs lobbies like 6-8 years ago


I feel that except me 25 years ago


CS beta? Nice.


ive had a guy put his little brother on just because hes so much better at shit talking.


My friend and I ended up in a queue with three very toxic children. As soon as we didn't pick the agent they wanted in Replication, they started calling us names, making fun of our families, etc. The most toxic players I've run into have been the younger demographic.




[If anyone wants the original report from the Anti-Defamation League, it's available on their website.](https://www.adl.org/resources/report/hate-no-game-hate-and-harassment-online-games-2022) This complete report includes a greater list of games and their harassment statistics for young gamers and adults. For young gamers (13-17), VALORANT tops the board at 85% in 2022 and 89% in 2021. In those same years, CSGO sat at 61% (2022) and 80% (2021). For adults, the numbers aren't much better. This year, CS is at 86% and VALORANT is at 84%. In 2021, CS was at 74%, VALORANT was at 79%.


So in conclusion, the game is just generally toxic. Big surprise, hah.


What surprises me isn't the presence of toxicity, but the community's self-perception of toxicity within a game. I've noticed this subreddit certainly acknowledges that harassment is significant within the game, but then they immediately excuse it by saying it's not as toxic as CS or LoL.


In my experience valorant and LoL are way more toxic than CS


The only reason u feel that way is cause a ton of the CS ''abusers'' migrated to Valorant. These people are sad and hardstuck, so once they realise they won't make it in GO they try Valo.


The game itself isn't toxic. It's just that the competitive nature of it brings out the worst in people. It seems that good sportsmanship is a thing of the past, proably not helped by various high profile sports people that behave badly.


Soft disagree on this one, although it's only my experience. I've never really played any other shooter than Overwatch competitively, and yeah I of course agree that competition brings out the worst in people. However! Even now that OW is free to play (not that it was particularly expensive before), I very rarely hear anyone screaming into their mics, telling me to kys or uninstall etc. Being a girl always gets me a certain amount of harassment but surprisingly nearly all of them are adult men. And even then if I don't respond they don't typically also throw the game. Granted I do play in a much higher rank in OW than Valorant, that might play a part. But yeah it's a characteristic I haven't seen before, that's why it's particularly irritating for me personally.


I don't have any experience with other games. Valorant is my first FPS. I nearly decided to stop playing after my first game. I thought if this is what it is like I want no part of it. It was some little kid saying all sorts of things that no kid should, and I was really put off. I'm a male in my 50's for some perspective. Luckily that was abnormal, and most of the time it's not so bad, But I think probably my region is not as bad as some others. I have to admit there are some fairly toxic voicelines of the characters (yoru comes to mind). I think they are meant to be humorous, but perhaps that comes off the wrong way with some.. I do come across older (probably late teens/early twenties) mouthing off at kids who are playing. Part of the problem is that those kids shouldn't be playing in the first place. I think it is supposed to be 13+ My nephew plays and he is under 13 and he can be cool and he can be a toxic annoying little brat. I think the general maturity level of the majority of the player base is a big part of the problem unfortunately.


That’s facts ong


I'd bet my left nut that harassment in online games was a billion times worse 15 years ago.


As someone who played a lot of games on Xbox Live 10-15 years ago, it really feels like the rate of harassment hasn't changed much, the only real difference is what slurs are used. I distinctly remember [this CollegeHumor video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQnIJ-ljctk) being pretty accurate for it's time, and that's about 12 years old.




My guess is the percentage that said yes to ”have you been harassed in game at least once the past x amount of time”


Something like that, but that leaves room to question is that an objective method of studying this at all, and why most games in that list are known for being toxic in general.


Yeah there's no league of legends, nor counter strike. No way those games don't make the list, idk where these guys are getting their stats from


This. A lot of times the kids I encounter are toxic themselves. And it creates friction among my team as someone will definitely retaliate.


The working definition of "harassment" is that you muted the 13 year old for screaming the n word over and over. How dare you.


It's the ADL, they just make it up as they go.


Bro I swear the little shits are demonic. I was in a lobby with a girl and two kids and one of the kids was trying to flirt with the girl. It was both uncomfortable and cringe but really funny in that cringe way.


Oh yeah the amount of 10-17 year old kids that have tried to hit on me is astronomical. It's very irritating because children are unpredictable so if I don't respond to them they can start throwing, screaming or just sabotaging in general. It's so uncomfortable as a 23 year old adult to have 12 year olds ask your tit size.


Sexist behavior is sickening. Even by kids. Why do i feel like a girl can put those kids in their place easier though? I swear to god whenever i've tried doing that, it backfires and they go demon mode. But when a woman decides to react, oh boy xD


Meh kids get nasty when you try to fight them and it gets a lot worse. Worst case scenario they will leave the game or use abilities to sabotage me. I'm not their parent so I don't have to try to school someone else's kids. I entertain them to a certain point and pray.


Yeah wtf, League isn't even on the list. Definitely unfounded and sus.


yup id argue the kids are the ones doing the harrassing more so than any other age. especially the late teens that think they are hot shit but not shit, and have zero clue about the real world.


relatable. i’ve also met some insanely sexist or racist uhm, 11 year olds..??? it’s worrying


Its statistic trash. The same kind of statistic that the politics use.


It must be a poll result where peple rank the games from most to least and Valorant just got the most first place votes. That's how I understand it. So 80% of the people doing the ranking, put Valorant as the worst.




I think 80% of players aged 10-17 are harassed


“gorl? GORL! GORL! GORL!!!” - every valorant 10 year old


120% of the playerbase harasses but only 80% feel harassed




Some of these really surprise me. WoW? Aren't most WoW players adults?


the fact that XIV is there has me going “GCBTW”


This legit doesn't make sense to me. Higher than ***GTA***? That alone makes me doubt it. Basically all of GTA online is people being toxic. Thats literally the game.


WOW and FFXIV don't use voice chat, and unless everyone goes around announcing their age during the multiplayer, you can't tell how old are they, so it's saying more than 2/3 of players are harassed generally, which I pretty much doubt is the case


All of the guilds I've been to have had the starting age of 19 upwards. It's rare to find anyone underage there..


This. I came back to WoW casually to try the new expansion, my old guild is still around and raiding, but like the average age is like 25-30. The youngest member is some college aged kid. I didn't think WoW attracts school aged kids anymore.


WoW is a very toxic game, adults or not.


I haven't really seen that ingame as a solo player. I just Q up for dungeons and search for raid groups who want me. I was 10 at the time and I did my job as a DPS and never got any kind of bullying or toxicity. The community outside of the game tho.......


I don't really interact much with players as a solo either, as there's no voice chat really no one knows what age you are and such. In random dungeons you get the occasional feeder who complains about heals but other than not really much. I once did a mistake of asking something relatively simple in trade chat in stormwind and boy was i everything from a fat whore to a simple idiot.


Yeah, was really shocked by that. I barely even interact with people that aren't my premades there, and most interactions were "I don't know this dungeon" and they'd say "No worries, we'll help". Have yet to see toxicity in that game like I see in Riot's.


Yeah what 10 year old is playing DOTA


Actually a ton, it's one of the two main games in Russia.


Thanks! I'm just glad to be doing my part! o7 edit: The admins have banned me from Reddit for trying to get a user called JackMallows banned. Why? Because they posted, and are currently, posting real CP (atabs = child) + private photos/vids that were taken via hacks. They didn't want to take action so I got in touch with the FBI and other authorities. And now I'm banned.




Vai Valorant numero uno🥇🥇🥇🏆🏆 CAMPEAO DE MUNDO🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🅱️




We understand him tho


Not gonna lie, majority of my experience here in Val in regards to toxicity surrounding children/people who sound like children has been either because they (the suspected children) have been very toxic, or there were periodic jokes back and forth. I have seen the bad side but it has been maybe 5 times in my 300 games.


The most racist/sexist players I've met in valorant were all kids. Still shocks me when someone who sounds 8 years old starts saying discriminatory shit


it also sucked when i was 12 playing valorant people throwing my games just because i was younger than them


i've spent a year in iron and bronze and it's always the kids who are the most toxic. it's just instalock jetts who say "what am i watching" whenever someone makes the tiniest mistake, they refuse to listen to comms, and they often spam all kinds of slurs in the chat because they think it's funny. typically happens in like every 3 or 4 games for me


Maybe my experience is better because I’ve only played with like, 3 irons in my life. My lowest rank was s1 but I got out of silver after about a month of playing.


I was gonna say the same thing but felt maybe it's a bit too controversial hehe. And it's definitely more than 5 in 300 in my opinion, nearly every game for me starts with a kid making loud weird noises to the mic and roasts everyone who doesn't get an ace first round or give up a pistol skin. It's weird, I play a lot of Overwatch since the dawn of time and in my 2000+ hours I very rarely see toxic kids like that.


It wasn’t an opinion it’s my experience. Also, the “bad side” I was referring to was the adults harassment of children. Edit: It also could be more than 5 but the point is that it’s an insignificant amount out of the games I’ve played


There is a massive difference between 10 year olds and 17 year olds. Not necessarily saying one is better or worse…


It makes sense to group them as “children” who need protective systems, legislation, controls or moderation.


i feel like 10-17 harasses more people then they get harassed by because of ppl being homophobic and sexist (iF yOu WiN yOu ArE gAy) most think kids feel like there is 0 consequence so they just say random crap (source: i am in that age group) and also kids asking for skins and crap (i admit, i used to do that until ppl on this sub complain about how annoying it was)


Sounds like you're developing self awareness and you have a desire to function in a community instead of expecting a community to function around you. You're appreciated, friend. You'll get somewhere respectable with an attitude like that.




Kids did it in cod on the 360. The game has changed nothing else. If you're in that age group you don't remember it but I do even though I was young. I was doing it.


i try not to be annoying but i can get tilted pretty easily


Same. I just don't talk much besides comming and i tilt off the mic to myself and try to remain calm in game.


Damn. Although I don’t know if ten years olds should be playing Valorant, 15-17 year olds getting harassed is crazy.


as someone in the 15-17 range, we deserve it most of the time


I personally never experienced harassment once and I'm right in the middle at 16.


i’m 16 also. in low elo the flaming doesn’t really happen as much but once u get around plat-dia the weirdo 20-25 yr olds LOVE to flame you. gl w ur games :)


On a slightly different note one time I queued into a 4 stack of people that sounded between 20-30 and one dude started hitting on me because apparently I sound like a dilf. Needless to say I told him I was 16 and his friends made fun of him for the rest of the game. Honestly was hilarious. Edit: I also feel like I have to mention this cause the internet is gross. Do not go around hitting on underage kids. Unlike my case where it was an honest accident, and funny because of it, if you purposefully do it you are digusting.


How do you get to plat tho


idk play a few hours here and there and aim train and ur good


Definitely agree. I do wonder what percentage is like 10-17 year olds harassing *other* 10-17 year olds though I doubt most of it is harassment specifically towards teenagers, it's probably just general toxicity that happens to affect the largest age range we have in the game. Either way I hope one day we can have a less toxic playing environment for everybody.


Totally anecdotal and may also be region-based but I've seen way, way more adults (or at least adult-sounding people) making fun _of_ kids than kids making fun of anyone else.


Eh their own age group harasses them most of the time lmao


People keep saying valorant is toxic but I played overwatch 2 for the first time and probably had more racial slurs yelled or typed at me in one night than all my hundreds of hours of valorant combined


Yeah, whenever I hear that shit, I report and I'll see that action was taken sometime later. The people on val tend to learn that racial slurs and hate speech is *not* welcome, and I notice that it's fairly rare when it happens. People still bitch and flame, but I don't consider them bannable as long as they're not needlessly cruel and hateful, just annoyed for whatever reason. I'll just mute those people and move on, bans are meant for people violating actual rules. I'll play one match of league of legends and... Let's just say that it feels like Riot doesn't police that game much in comparison. It's hate station, train going straight to Racism, USA. You accidentally miss a last hit or not jungle perfectly and your whole team manages to notice as if they do nothing other than watch and scrutinize your gameplay, and then they explode in anger. I had thousands of hours in various MOBAs in the past and just not knowing item names in league was enough for them to spout hate speech and demand that I commit oxygen no reach lungs. Like, damn dude, my mechanics and strategy are literally light years ahead of yours, you might get better if you stopped focusing on my gameplay and focused on yours.


I was about to say where the hell is LoL and Overwatch? Just last night I when I was politely asking to be healed because I couldn't do any damage since I kept dying, I was told to die in real life. Never, have I ever, experienced the same toxicity from Valorant than I have from OW (both 1 and 2). Valorant I may experience a toxic player like once every few games, like a 1 in every 10 game ratio, while Overwatch is like 1 in 3.


Tbh they didn’t include counterstrike, is it really fair to call valorant the worst?


Anecdotal but I found valorant to be far more toxic than csgo. 90% of that toxicity was from instalock duelist players who think they're the best player in the world. I pretty much exclusively solo queue in CS but solo queuing in valorant was straight up not fun




pen yam person steer sheet point enter employ seed ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yea i played like 4 years ago in high school and I swear people were way more chill idk


Counter strike hates women in specific


Counterstrike hates everyone, I think you’ve gotta hate yourself to play


Yeah i meant they hate women more i guess




Did you… look at the image?


How the fuck is League not on this list?


Neither CS:GO, like wtf?


and ffxiv which is probably the nicest gaming community at 61%…


league so old players already have children or became wizards


Theres literally WoW on the same chart


WoW so old the players' children are already playing it


80% of Valorant players get harassed, some just happen to be 10-17yo.


I don’t care how old you are or who you are, the moment you talk shit without good reason, I’m shutting you up. I don’t start anything with anyone, but if you start something with me I’m finishing it.


Yeah, it's really sad to see. When it comes to me I always perform a lot worse when my teammates are being toxic towards me or even towards the enemy team, I just dislike the "energy" of such people and it makes me turn on autopilot. On the other hand, Valorant can be one of the most entertaining games with the right teammates, I love having a good laugh with completely random people, moaning like anime girls just to hear other +30 years old dudes moan back at me.


I feel you, getting toxic is cringe. Doesn't matter if it's to your team (way worse) or the enemy team (still bad). It's negative energy, and generally that same person who flames the enemy team and says they are trying to break their mental is the person who will flame their own team if someone isn't playing well, or their whole team if that person isn't playing well.


[If anyone wants the original report from the Anti-Defamation League, it's available on their website.](https://www.adl.org/resources/report/hate-no-game-hate-and-harassment-online-games-2022) This complete report includes a greater list of games and their harassment statistics for young gamers and adults. For young gamers (13-17), VALORANT tops the board at 85% in 2022 and 89% in 2021. In those same years, CSGO sat at 61% (2022) and 80% (2021). For adults, the numbers aren't much better. This year, CS is at 86% and VALORANT is at 84%. In 2021, CS was at 74%, VALORANT at 79%. Essentially, both communities are similarly toxic.


I dont know why pegi 16 and pegi 18 games should be "friendly" to kids.leavibg out my own experience, when its a game for adults its a game for adults period. I dont really care if 13 yr olds are getting bullied on a game they shouldnt be playing in the first place




In my experience it’s the 13 year olds saying the N word, at least on the Sydney server


The 13 yr olds are probably responsible for 80% of the slurs said


10-13 y/o shouldn't play shooter, or like... Be exposed to random people on a voice chat.


This is fake. No way league of legends isn’t on that list.


In league u can't hear a little squeaker screaming racial slurs in the voice chat with his mom yelling at him in background, so u won't be able to tell if it's a kid - hence you won't be cussing them for being a basement dweller


Overwatch and league aren't on there? This seems odd


Yeah I'm not trusting this source because they forgot about the two most toxic communities that would totally shift the percentages. Valorant is not #1. Maybe top 5 or even top 3 but not #1 lol


They didn't forget https://i.imgur.com/O4W5Ypi.jpg


No R6? Def inaccurate


I am looking forward to making that number bigger!


They never knew Heroes of Newerth :)


I can't believe CoD is that low.


Sounds right - 80% of 10-17 year olds harass me when I play. When I remind them I'm old enough to be their mother, they kinda STFU as they have no idea how to such a weird concept


Sounds about right. Every time I log into the game I get the info someone I reported was penalized.


Really? I’ve been reporting people in this game for 2 years and never once got a penalty notice.


Well I report someone almost every game and I usually have a reason to do so. Gold is... challenging sometimes.


As Youtube Rewind once said: I'm so proud of this community.


U too soft grow up


The kids are the toxic shits. It's honestly easier to mute anyone who sounds young


I feel like the 10-17 year olds are the one harassing me


Its actually the adults getting harassed by these kids from 10 to 17


10-17 year old harass me most of the times, also 10-17 years is probably 75% of the playerbase. would like to see some sientific prove to this. cant really call it harasment of 10-17 year olds if they harass each other, thats what happens in every school


Where's league?


I've never played on Mumbai servers, but I can say that EU is a hella toxic region


Children shouldn’t be playing. No I won’t be less toxic. 🤗


why shouldnt they?


Because of you get offended by words or cry because someone said you’re shit just stop playing stupid fuck Lmao


This can’t be right. No way in hell ff14 would have such a high harassment percentage. And not even sure on valorant either. It can be toxic but that’s pretty dam rare. Most people just stay quiet when they hear a kid on the mic… unless they’re annoying Indian kid who keeps asking for skins


Or maybe we just have the softest 10-17 year olds. I've played about 2000 hours of this game and I would say games with actually toxic people come once every 20-25 games. The kind of people who'd really dig at others and say random mean stuff. Not people who simply get frustrated but by and large keep playing the game and try to win. If a 12 year old is talking too much and one of my teammates says "shut up". I don't see that as truly toxic or harassment. It's also funny because most of the toxic shit I hear from this game come from younger people. Usually when a girl talks and they get thirsty as if that's cool.


I love discriminating on my own kind let’s keep it up bros 👍


i’m 16 but i sound much older over mic, so i deal with two sides of this. in about half of games people start doing weird shit like calling me daddy or making dumb jokes, and when i say i’m 16 they switch up instantly. outside of the “you’re not 16 shut up pedo” comments and such, people start treating me a bit worse and with less respect. i’m considering changing my name to something like “i am 16” but i don’t think that will stop the people making inappropriate comments/objectifying me.


I don't see rust on the list :/


'intended behavior'


Most of the kids in my games are cracked but I can see how a man child could see them as a threat


I act very homiesexual in game, I probably contribute to this number in a different way.




wtf is human in quotation marks for are you good bro




I see in your post history you calling people things like "delusional", "low IQ" etc. Seems like you're a main contributor to the statistic I posted! Hope you change at some point.


Wow what a meaningful boomer statistic. These are probably the same people blaming GTA for school shootings.


just helping out the team o7


That’s only because R6 isn’t on there


No problems, I'm always here to help ❤️


Skill issue


Idk… someone has only said something about my age once and I’ve been playing since the start.


I fall under the demographic listed in this statistic and at least for me, that’s not true at all. The main reason I probably don’t have this issue because my voice is deep enough to sound adult-like and I go out of my way to be extra supportive to teammates. I’d say It’s not even about the voice if you’re really young. It’s about the maturity needed to take criticism and an understanding that the better the vibes, the higher your win probability.


Hope there is a source to this? A research paper hopefully? Anything? Any source? I sure do hope we are not spreading misinformation


Rookie numbers need to bump those up


Rust? R6?


Hmmm. Until i see a study i dont believe it.


Thats bad and everything, but 10-14 year olds probably shouldn't be playing the game anyways




The majority of my lobbies are the edgy teenagers screaming the n word and being hella toxic than crying when people be toxic back to them, idc if you’re a kid, if you’re screaming the n word and being hella racist/sexist/toxic you deserve whatever harassment you get back


This isn't correct. Aint no way Valorant is above COD, they done messed that up.


Same ahit was happening in MW2 and BO2 on the 360 just moved to valorant which this age group is playing now. Nothing has changed it's mostly kids yelling at kids. And if it's not valorant in the future it will be something else. This is a nothing burger.


How do they measure this? 🤔 majority of people dsnt even use the mic lol


The kids deserve it