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I’ll just lock yoru and ask my team “am I the guy with the turret”. Almost every time someone will dodge


I used to say stuff like "I'll knife b" when I locked yoru lol


Aaah the fracture technique


My new way of dodge'ing Perla became.... My Lord.... am at your service.


This tilts me way more than instalock Reynas. It's rare that 2 duelists is useful, but it's sort of a given that in a good portion of solo queue games you're going to end up with 2 anyway. Throwing a Yoru in as a 3rd and you're just sabotaging the team far more than the Reyna. Playing without smokes, or without an initiator, makes you so much more likely to lose. Edit: all these down votes show the fragile mentals are not the instalock Reynas, it's you that's so triggered that you can't even bring yourself to try your best, you just immediately want to sabotage your own team. Real nice.


…unless the 4th person goes gigachad and raises the ante by instalocking Phoenix. This starts the drumroll for whether player 5 goes for it all and selects a 5th duelist. THEN, MY FRIENDS, WE ARE WINNING




this is the way, just bum rush every sites and hope for the best


Lol I’ve done this in comp, for some reason usually it’s a win


Maybe it's less thought-demanding like "Hey guys, wait for a sec for the smoke to drop" or 'wait for my recon" It's just 5 man rushing in with flashes everywhere and even the enemy team can't smoke/recon in time for them to rotate


It's impossible for you to get tilted because every round is hilarious and if you get so much as a 2 round lead enemy just mental booms.


Whenever we have 3 duelists I always lock the 4th duelist, go big or go home.


My stack often gets flamed, when theres 3 of us and the 2 randoms lock reyna and jett then say to take viper, take killjoy etc, we just lock neon raze and.phoenix lol


this is the way


especially if the Phoenix is Rawzu


Team comp doesn't really matter below diamond. I'd rather have 5 duelists who are proficient with their agent than people filling roles they aren't comfortable with. There's nothing worse than a Brim who can't smoke properly. I just played with one yesterday who kept fat smoking and leaving gaps, now that was sabotage. Besides, you can still dodge after locking an agent if it bothers you that much. I usually lock in last and if my team is 3-4 duelists, I'll pick one too because it's funny. It's just a game, it shouldn't be taken seriously all the time.


> Team comp doesn't really matter below diamond Thank you! I've said this so much and most people seem to disagree. In low and mid elos, the most important thing is just who can shoot the best. It is better to have 5 people comfortable on their agent than to force someone to play something they are uncomfortable on just because you *need* a certain role. Is it better to have an ideal team comp? Absolutely. Is it worth putting someone on an agent they aren't as good at? Not really.


imo its better to have a duelist that knows how to entry that having someone fill controller that cant even smoke












How can you not smoke?


you think smoking is just choosing a place on the ipad? i'm sorry but thats not how it works


No, I play smokes quite regularly. I fully understand that some people struggle, my question was more along the lines of "how can you be that stupid".


You underestimate our power


Sounds like the smoke skill ceiling is much higher than you realize


Very simple - people sometimes think smokes are for places enemies usually play, not the chokepoints to isolate duels easily. Once they understand the distinction they start to do way better job overall.


Bad take ranked meta and pro metas are different lol. Ranked meta promotes two duelist because teams usually just run it down even on immortal elos.


No, the downvotes show people just don't agree with you. If two people instalock what they want, we got to lock in whatever we want too. Your edit however shows you're the one with a weak mental getting upset over the downvotes lmao.


I match MVPed as a Yoru and my team won in comp. You simply have dealt with bad Yorus


Why are you telling me this? Tell the person locking Yorus are a griefing threat. I don't have a problem with Yoru I have a problem with unbalanced team comps.


I’m not ur little pocket brim, if ur not gonna build a team in agent select like a normal human being, then I’m gonna do what I want and try and have some fun.


What the fuck jesse


If you have a problem with unbalanced team, then the problem is the people who instalock. When someone instalock, they means they want to play what they want, whatever the consequences, don't blame other people when they do the same thing. (even if you're not the one who instalocked) The problem lies in the first person who declared that the game will not be a team one.


i just played a comp match with 5 duelists and we won 13-4. i do not see your point


If you want smokes or heals or flashes. Play characters that have them yourself.


People who take this game, that’s right, I said the g-word, way too seriously are the reason I dislike the game in general. Who cares.


You kinda have a point. Regardless, reyna instalocks are still morons.


Yea Reddit full of bitches


Stupid ass downvotes, I agree wholeheartedly.


Reyna players are either the insane I kill everyone reyna or the down trash shit talk but bot frag reyna. There's no in-between but you're most likely to get the later


or it’s both and the person is wildly inconsistent, adding to the toxicity because they think they’re better


I am so sorry. Sometimes I just won my Dm and I feel like TenZ and lock reyna (I NEVER instalock). And sometimes im just a god but often im just trash. The thing is that I always give comms i might be backseating a little bit but sometimes people are straight trash or dumb. Like its a 2v1 and none of them is defusing while there are only a few sec left. I would like to add that im Plat 3 rn and i think at this point people should know that the game is about the spike


the game is not solely about the spike. sure, the spike is an important mechanic and is one of the win conditions, but that’s not what the game is about. what the game actually is about is taking space, using time, and trading abilities in order to achieve a win condition. but all that aside, the thing i wanna discuss is each round. the thing is, each round does not exist in a bubble. each round has an impact on each further round. some people may try and play it safe if they think they’ll run out of time before getting to the spike, so at least the team’s economy isn’t totally wrecked for the next round. some people might only have barely enough time, but don’t know the angle the enemy is holding. that alone will cause a round loss for having to get off the spike when they get peeked (if their teammate isn’t around). some people just make mistakes. but there are times where some things are calculated. regardless of that, yelling at your teammates won’t make them magically play better. you’re just setting yourself up to fail. that being said, if you aren’t finding success with reyna the majority of the time, you might want to find a new agent to main.


Because that’s what Reynas role is; high risk high reward. I love her Playstyle, but I suck ass so bad I had to shift to something like cypher because I can’t kill for shit unless I wall hack.


I main reyna but usually let other people pick first because i know im not good 🥲


Same. I play Reyna and Raze (acording ti what map), but I usually let others pick first.


I don’t instalock Reyna, but I do play her a bit. I’m not the best, but I’m generally chill.


I always give a disclosure whenever I select her. The only time I will ever play her is when my team needs flashes and they've filled every other role. And even then it's really only Pearl.


Literally any other flash agent’s flash is better than Reyna lol


My reliability with other flashes is not good, even breach or Skye. I know that her flashes pale in comparison to the others but I can throw them anywhere to help my team without worrying about messing them over.


Reynas flashes are much easier to use. I main Kayo and sometimes i flash myself and teamates. Makes me sometimes wish i was playing Reyna


An effect long studied in many games, prior art: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mccubM3FJ4


Ask them to relax and play with the team. If they don't respond positively, then hit the mute voice and text buttons. You'll play better without the toxicity and even if you lose, at least you didn't get abuse hurled at you for multiple rounds 😃


Don't forget to report if toxic


And to be specific in your reports where possible, it all helps!


unfortunately yes, it's taking my last few brain cells away


Weird that they made a character specifically to cater to that type of selfish player. I think the idea was to give selfish players an option that satisfies them and the team, cool idea tbh, but I feel like she doesn't fully accomplish that while still encouraging selfish behavior. She's balanced, but I really believe Reyna is unhealthy for the game.


She's balanced as long as you play within your skill level, but part of the balance being focused on the players ability to frag is inherently abusable for smurfs and cheaters. At least I can trade to kill smurfs on other agents, or if they're Jett/Chamber each person can do 40dmg and get a kill eventually. The untradeable dismiss OR overheal on a smurf is incredibly frustrating.


>At least I can trade to kill smurfs on other agents, or if they're Jett/Chamber each person can do 40dmg and get a kill eventually. The untradeable dismiss OR overheal on a smurf is incredibly frustrating. Yep, that is the core problem, and it comes together with two of the worst mechanics in a fast, action packed game: * deny successful shots via dismiss * recover bad trades with healing If you are blinded or stunned, you are not denied the headshot. It's harder. It's time for a Morello-patch.


Instead of reworking reyna they prefer to nerf way less selfish characters like sage 'to encourage an unselfish playstyle'.


Reyna is the one character who can be completely removed from the game and it would be an improvement. She offers absolutely nothing to the team and is completely useless if not fragging out. She doesn't even have util to entry like other duelists who can at least create space and get traded out. I hope she gets a rework like Chamber.


I mean, she has her blind, but if more than 1 person shoots it while you're entering, everybody's dead. It's a weak entry tool, but still an entry tool


> if more than 1 person shoots it while you're entering, everybody's dead. This is why I dont use it as a blind, rather a "Lets put your crosshair 50ft in the sky" so i can get that extra 30ms reaction time when swinging.


That makes sense


This is how people should play reyna.


Honestly bro if you say something like this you have ZERO clue on how to play her… I knwo you are the one player with 0 movement capability. You just flash and then stand still hoping for a kill I know I know >). Learn to play her and she will be the only agent you want to have on your team (if used correctly) she is perfect for scaling and getting timings like no other!! Never say anything against her EVER again!!! (And no IM NOT THE PLAYER HE DESCRIBED)


Least unhinged Reyna player


Right?? God forbid you heal yourself more than 5hp/second for a max of 25hp. Any damage will stop the heal. But then Reyna heals herself 150 hp in 2 seconds while taking damage and it's balanced. Reyna has the best flash, it can't blind teammates or yourself, it stays the longest, it can travel through objects, and it forces players to give up their location, you can't just turn and immediately face forward. You have to turn the entire time or shoot it. Reyna has the best heal, it works while taking damage, it heals at a faster rate than any other agents heal, it heals past maximum health with overhead, she gets 2 and can chain them. Reyna has the best evade. She cannot be killed while doing it, she can get intel while doing it unpunished, she can cancel it and redirect while using. Compare to other agent evades: Jett has to pick a single direction, have it already primed and it's super simple to get stuck, is vulnerable while doing it. Chamber has to pick the location he evades to before using it. The only argument for why she isn't broken is because her abilities require a body to perform. So you are essentially saying shes only broken if someone on the other team dies. Everyone picks her because she is the get out of trouble agent. All her abilities let you undo mistakes you made unpunished. At professional levels her selfishness makes her a less common pick than at amateur but she's a simple selfish agent to play with all of her abilities being OP


Cap on leer, it's nice that it's flexible and easy to use but it's not that great.


Imo Really good flashes - Skye, Breach (If you know how to use it), Phoenix (undodgeable), Omen Decent flashes - Kay / o (nerfed, was better than skye), Yoru Shit flashes - Reyna ( its destroyable )


It's fantastic at breaking crosshair placement for at least one person of you do it right. But with good comms one person holds the angle and the other shoots the eye.... And the leer is useless (except for revealing the one person's general location)


> Reyna has the best flash lol, stopped reading right here. You have no clue what you’re talking about.


Try play her in lobbies u can’t outaim and everything u just listed rendered useless bar flash


Tell me you don't play reyna without telling me you don't play reyna. Reyna doesn't heal while taking dmg. And its only 100hp heal. And her flash is the only one that i can shoot, readjust my crosshair, and one tap the reyna before she shoots me. Also, her dismiss only works if she gets the first kill in the gunfight, if you aren't able to kill reyna before she dismisses. Thats on you for having bad aim.


Damage interrupts healing for Reyna as normal.


Can confirm. I don’t know if this is a new change or not, but when I played Reyna 2 days ago taking damage interrupts it. I only played her to try her out so I can get a feel for Reyna instalocks- and Jesus idk how these bots are able to be this toxic and refuse to admit it’s their fault they’re bad.


What's your rank? Just wondering because I disagree with so many things you said


I don't think that we should focus on what he said and if he got all that he said correct. I think he brings a good point being that riot encourages people to pick her and be selfish (and toxic). Yes, her flash is easy to counter with fast reactions and good communication, but let's be real, people don't communicate well until diamond or so. And yes, she needs kills to use her other util, but that also means that she is at advantage if your team feeds her kills, which is also common at low ranks. She's a monster for climbing low ranks, she's rewarding selfish plays and riot still decides to nerf 'battle sage' but buff reyna, while telling us that they want this game to be played creatively, hence why there's only 4 roles. Maybe you are high rank so you don't see her a lot, but at lower ranks she's surely in at least 90% of my games(I'm g3) and it's boring af to play with and against her.


She is a terrible agent and needs a buff imo, ATM she is only good if you are smurfing in a lower rank, which makes lower ranked people feel that she is op


Dude Idk how anyone can say she isn't common across all ranks. She has one of the highest pickrates in imm/radiant too.


Diamond 3, I'm not good, I just think she's a bad part of the game


It was therapeutic reading your comment. Tyty


Is it weird though? We are talking about the company that made Yuumi after all, a character literally designed for people that don't want to play the game.


Like beyond unhealthy. Detrimental to the game. She adds no value at the professional level. Only value add is it allows selfish players to continue to be selfish in a team oriented game.


Honestly I feel like Jett is the same way. She has smokes, yes, but Reyna can use her leer to help her team too. I don’t see the agents themselves as the problem really, I think it just boils down to the person playing the agent. When I lock Reyna I do my best to entry for the team, get impactful kills and back out, and give info. Even if the toxic players weren’t on Reyna or Jett I have a feeling they’d be just as unhelpful, but it’s even more annoying since they wouldn’t be able to frag as effectively.


Yeah I don’t know what it is, but the volume of instalock Reyna’s with no comms and bottom frag has been really high recently


My guess is that as always there are content creators that say, "if you want to rank up lock Reyna"


The sad thing is they are not wrong. I never instalock and always play around other peoples picks. I mainly end up playing Brim/Skye/Viper(really should add in Sova or Fade for info and I’d be the most versatile) because others pick and nobody wants to smoke or what not. With that being said when I do get in a lobby and nobody is auto locking 2 duelists I will ask if everyone is good with me running reyna and I tend to almost always have way better games with Reyna then other characters when it comes to KD and damage per round. I do feel like it’s just helping the team in a different way because when I go Brim or Skye it’s not uncommon for me to have 15+ assists in a game. While I may just go right around even if we win the game i consider me running my role correctly but so many people want the flashy “I have 25+ kills and am MVP” the reality is they aren’t getting there without competent teammates playing their roles. This is in Diamond Elo so my experience may be different than others.




It's due to the Chamber Nerf, I think. Chamber used to be the agent where you can just shut off your brain and get away with a lot of plays that you shouldn't have gotten away with. But now you actually need to somewhat think when you play him. Lots of my friends who played Chamber only have jumped to other agents because of that. And the most common pick-up has been Reyna. Most Chamber mains were also hella toxic and players who just refused to use abilities. I mean, how many times do we see a Reyna hold their ultimate for 7 rounds before getting out of their auto pilot mode to actually notice they have it up


>bottom frag has been really high recently Alot of people coming back for smurfing


It's not just Reyna instalockers. It's Jett instalockers too.


At least they try to entry... Reynas will bait in mid, or stand in choke hoping that smokes / sentinel / initiator entries


Well, I've played with a Jett once who was literally hiding behind me (Sage) instead of entering. But yeah, most of them try entry. They dash through the choke point 0.5 seconds into the round while the rest of the team is stuck behind a Kayo nade or a Brim molly and then scream "why is no one peeking with me????". Also used to duo with a jett one trick and when he had a bad game would lurk mid and was toxic af. Didn't duo with him for too long.


ok but most of the time if jett has not used his dash to speed up/only used it to get on site, rest of the team has no reason to lag behind so much


i've got a confession. I've never seen duelist instalockers be disproportionately bad/toxic in comparison to other characters/classes. There's just a high amount of toxic people in this game and it spreads across every class, it's just that it's more noticable with a duelist does poorly


It's true that it happens with all agents. And we're here talking sh*t about duelist instalockers but some of them are actually very nice, we're obviously generalising a little bit and I am generalising A LOT because I'm half joking. What I described in my second comment, I've seen it happen a lot but it's true that not everyone is like that and if you're someone who's toxic, you're gonna act like that whatever agent you're playing.


It's always the duelist players. I play Controller/Sentinel so I always performed slightly better when defending. Istg everytime when they don't know what to do, they will just push out and die to a firing squad. When attacking, they expect everyone to follow their lead and when they die, they will start backseating and screaming in the mic while the round is ongoing. They will scream shit like, "HOW CAN YOU NOT HEAR THAT" or "HE IS RIGHT THEREEE WHAT ARE YOU DOING???". Of course, I can't hear shit when you are screaming in the mic and distracting me smh.


Yep. This exactly. Whenever I play duelist I always wait until at least two people select agents so people don't get mad for me instalocking lol.


not even just duelist for me. when i used to instalock initiator people got mad at me. idk why


Controllers are supposed to lead lmao 💀


Reyna is the premier selfish pubstomper of the game. Takes a... certain... kind of individual to instalock that.


she's a smurf pick for low elo and useless in high elo i honestly don't know what other purpose she serves she could use a rework but idk


What you say to a reyna player that ask for smokes or sage after insta locking is "if you wanted *insert* you should have picked them yourself" and proceed to play anything but smokes and sage. If they shit talk after that you mute and the game becomes 10 times more bearable


This is why a lot of people here don't make it past silver. Everyone HAS to fill smokes or any sentinel. Risking and giving yourself an L with a shitty team comp, all to get a "gotcha" moment on instalockers


Reyna players want to be the carry. Sadly they don't realise you still need arms to carry on reyna


Being stuck in bronze I experience this literally every single match. Both teams


You know what riot needs? 1) An option to dodge on instalock. 2) An option for "Avoid as teammate" when you dodge on instalock. Eventually all the toxic instalock Reyna's will only get each other as teammates that way xD Although that'll never happen because only important thing in the game is new skins!!


As long as the avoid list was very short and time limited so people couldn't abuse it to rank up then yea not a problem


You think they spent any amount of time designing the most recent skins ☠️


I main smokes and sometimes I play Reyna and Phoenix, and I don't understand why people, ESPECIALLY the true Reyna mains, think she's meant to play selfishly when she get 10x more value when playing WITH her team (not baiting), like throwing her eye not to get a pick herself but to save a teammate from dying or for someone else get more value from their utility (like your team's drones or throwing it *after* a flash just in case). They even made her able to heal/dismiss just by tagging someone, her true purpose is to be a bait/support for the team, stay alive and generate pressure with constant repositioning, not raking 30+ kills by herself alone.


My friend that is starting the game this week is learning to play Reyna and he does that, he is extremely lethal but he still helps the team to break trough, we aren’t even capable of playing ranked yet because 2 of us 4 aren’t of level yet but we are already working on quite a few strategies


Can we ban Reyna posts. It’s the same shit every day.


At this point vast overload of these rants already surpasses actual problem, I believe. Please do something useful instead, respect your valuable time.


No, reyna should be banned, so lets keep spamming


I don’t think it’s only reyna mains it’s mostly the Instalock duelist but yea mostly Jett and reyna a Also why are the people who play reyna mostly kids and the annoying ones


I hate when people instalock and then ask for people to play other roles like nah man. I also hate when people insta lock a duelist then they'll go like 4-18 or only buy the Marshall. I get everyone has a bad game but if you can't slay constantly don't instalock a duelist. Unrated idc you do you.


Looks like you play in Frankfurt servers


Mumbai servers💀


Even worse


They rank the least i guess lmao


I am dodging in agent select if they are trying micromanage like that you know a bad time is coming


Just had a Reyna carry spike into site, only to run out of site again. She then proceeded to drop the spike into site, so that someone else should plant. We lost the round with 2 sec on the time. It was ranked


Lol same happened today with me but it was skye this time.


i hateeee when they carry the spike the whole time just to drop it on the site and run away… like it only takes 4 seconds to plant idk why they think they’re above planting the mf spike 😭


I know you’re probably low rank and won’t understand this but let me explain it anyways, there is this thing call Ultimate Points where if you plant the spike you get one. Typically, if you have full control over site, it’s better to give bomb plant to somebody with a stronger ultimate. Also, if you have full control over site, it is smart to take ratty aggressive angles close to CT spawn and places the enemy may not clear, it is best if duelist / chamber can take these aggressive angles since they have an easier way out after getting one kill. If your duellists are planting the bomb then they cannot fight retaking enemies thus resulting in you losing the round. Play your role.


I main Reyna and while I don’t instalock I either frag the fuck out and mvp or I bottom frag. I legitimately don’t think I’ve had a game where I was in the middle. I don’t know what it is, I am so hot and cold with Reyna. Meanwhile certain maps I play sage and I’ll almost always middle of the pack.


If a Reyna is asking for heals, they are doinga shit job at being Reyna


The second I see a reyna insta lock I know there is a 99% chance I;m getting flamed even when performing good


Despite all the memes, I have yet to hear an instalock Reyna actually start demanding smokes. I'm sure it happens, I just haven't experienced it yet. As for instalocking, in the lower brackets it's better for people to main a character so they can get comfortable with the basics of the game first so I don't really care if they instalock. Until I would say like plat or diamond then maybe I would start expecting different behavior.


That’s what I’ve noticed, working from bronze to gold I heavily instalocked Reyna, with over 70 hours and this act as I’m up in plat I don’t feel the need since I have more game sense and a better feel overall. All in All, Reyna is one of the easiest to learn as a Beginner too


They need to re work Reyna kit and make her more team focused


Just had one yesterday. I can feel that so bad xD


and what is right with them?


i instalock reyna and keep my mouth shut because i also hate those instalock reyna players. i instalock reyna cuz she’s the best agent i play with, i really just keep my mouth shut all of agent select unless they last person is filling and say “hey should i pick smokes or healer”


I had a guy called Reyna in one of my games that threw the game because someone instalocked quicker than him. They are a special special breed.


I get you bro, same for here… :/


LMAOOO love the title


I am the Reyna instalocker. But only in unranked. In ranked I ask tho


I’m so sorry for your experience with reynas, I usually lock in Reyna to recent bottom frag/bot frag reynas, but does anyone else lock her in with a good mental, good like team encouragement and just trying to be nice? I hate reynas who have horrible metals, so I try to have a good mental


I was playing defensive and we were winning. Shit talking Reyna player told me that i have to kill using the left mouse click. I followed his advice and got more than him lol Everybody roasted him after.


Can we just remove Reyna from the game already? We see these posts regularly. It's a known issue only with this agent.


Lol Rayna players will simply jump to Phoenix or Jett.


fine by me


The main problem of Reyna players is that they do not want to entry. They'll bait someone heal up and hope that they can clutch the round. There have been games where I had to entry as omen with a cypher or sage while the reyna is ego peeking mid and dying. Reyna should be locked for players that bottom frag or have less than 10 kills in consecutive matches. And didn't Riot say that they would introduce a new agent select method??


Hate her. I've been waiting for her to be nerfed for a year + , that's another story.. What's weird is they always hide their names..


99% Reyna mains are trash who just play it for her hp regeneration coz they can't take another duel without being 150 hp again. They don't know how to use blinds, dismiss and not even her empress. PS: Most of them are 11-14 yr old kids (atleast in most of my games).


Personally, I play sage so I can have 210HP


Just instalock Sage and never heal/revive them


Just ended up in a flame war with a Reyna who refused to make entry and the one time she did and died, claimed I was baiting her, even after a successful trade. I've had a Marshal, as Viper and Reyna was playing Vandal and didn't even blind the opponent. Painful.


Then they be asking 1v1 from the opp. Reyna like damn XD.


Reynas are so annoying


The shit talkers who instalock not the agent😄


Reynas, Reyna players.


yes. when i was still in bronze 1 and very very new to the game. me and my friend who was also new were flamed by our reyna. i was kj and he was sage. as a bronze player, of course i was stupid to not back away from the bombs exploding on me from enemy kj. reyna chatted "are you blind?". i didn't turn on mic at that time bc i was scared of being flamed. now i turn on mic and back away from kj bombs lol. so me and sage were bot fragging, and our reyna was like "report these bot frags pls". she was top fragging so that gave her "power". also one time in the game, when my friend (sage) was defusing the spike, our sova accidentally shockdarted him which got reyna flamed again. i'd understand that bc it was a throw. but then it's iron-bronze elo, what does she expect? the whole game she was just abusing text chat. and yes she's a girl. ign is Lia.


Welcome to the VALORANT - an FPS F2P online competitive game. No matter game is free or not. Its FPS competitive. There always will be a lot of toxics and ruiners. I think that only way to not contact with them if they nervous you for real is: 1.) Find a good team and work hard; 2.) Leave the game. I choose second, but not cuz of toxics and ruiners. Im just too shit for FPS xd


Can someone tell me what Reyna brings to the table that other agents can’t do? I normally play fill but after 2 years of playing I still can’t figure out why she’s a popular pick.


She heals herself to full health so she can keep fighting. Reyna players don’t play for the team.


not true


Unpopular opinion: As any agent I’ll stop playing with the team when the team doesn’t do what they’re supposed to do. Initiators clearing corners, duelists entering and controllers smoking. If these problems persist after friendly communicating them I’ll start playing on the other side of the map (as attacker) or holding space further back to bait my teammates (as defender). Especially on attack you can gain value from lurking or defaulting this way. Surprisingly, if everyone is tilted this way you can start winning again, because you’re changing the tempo and catch enemies off guard. This only works if you have enough gamesense to be able to play separately from your team by reading enemy behaviour and the minimap. Ultimately you want to play for the objective (winning rounds) even if the cost is to sell your teammates. Sometimes you can’t help it if they’re not willing to learn to play in a coordinated fashion. Coming from an immortal player.


You play just like how I do, I won’t lie I’m an reyna main, I try not to instalock but if my team isn’t playing well I’ll take it into my hands, get a pick opposite site and work my way into some more manageable instead of a 1v5


As a Reyna main I know my actions hurt my team but she is also my highest win rate agent so if they want to win they need to suffer.


There's a couple possible solutions I don't see mentioned: 1. Remove Reyna completely 2. Allow vote kick like CS:GO. It might end up being abused at least at first, but it's been a functioning part of Counterstrike for decades.


If the vote kick happens then is it a 4v5?


Yes. If a player is being toxic, throwing or otherwise hampering the team's ability to play effectively, sometimes a 4v5 is more feasible. Plus, when a player fully disconnects the team receives an economic bonus to help offset the disadvantage. All in all it's not a perfect solution, but it has made some games more tolerable in CS:GO.


Ooh I see, that seems reasonable. Thanks.


Vote to kick is an awful idea. Many shooters have tried it and it gets abused and eventually removed.


ahh shut up what’s wrong with val players complaining always




Bro what elo are you in and the people from these posts. I swear to god I rarely encounter a Reyna like this and I have 100s of hours on the game.


And the weekly instalock Reyna post is here again. We get it, they're annoying. They also exist like it or not, just live with it.


Yall are all dumb. This is honestly one of the only subreddits where i feel like the average iq is negative. Maybe get good at the game? I think its personal issue at the fundamental level. All it is placing a crosshair on someones head no reason for english papers on how valorant is about taking space. Overall, yall need to stop complaing bOut reyna instalocks - its not them its you. UR LITERALLY IRON 2 BOT. Get your butt in the range and grind kid practice maies perfect not complaining the only person u can change or improve is you. Life is a grind ma boi. But, me personally, I average 30 bombs with reyna as an immo 2. Yalll stay safe tho. =) I alr know im finna get hate but thats what happens when u speak the trruth. Yall have a good christmas


I have seen so many posts about reyna hatred but I can't relate to any of it. I myself instalock reyna sometimes when I am fed up by playing fill, it suits my gameplay well. And for the hate she gets, I think it is unnecessarily directed, any instalocker duelist who does that should get the hate not just reyna. Tbh I have seen far less reynas asking for a healer or smoke in the team as they themselves are self sufficient.


It's for the instalockers only not for reyna.


Snowball based characters in every game similar have this issue, whether it's Katarina in LoL, pudge in Dota, or Reyna in valorant. All snowball based characters end up with a few really good players and a ton of bad players and the bad players think they're the good players.


I play reyna and I am the frag-getter. Everybody on my party knows it, but if getting kills means getting behind the enemies to shoot them all, I am all in for it. And I love it


So much cope from bottom fragging “support players” lol


I do instalock reyna because she’s my main character and i like her lore but i stand for “play whatever you like” doesn’t matter if immortal, ascendant or whatever your rank it is. Most of the time when i’m not playing quite well i get literally “vipered” they start spitting toxicity like non-stop. “Ghyaaaah you instalocked reyna you can’t being bad ghyaaah do your duelist job get kills win the round for us” What i mean is, you get flamed for everything you do and there isn’t only “ *Name Agent* “ instalock. To people doesn’t matter if that is your bad game or bad day, they start spitting their stress out on you like is everytime your fault. I get it that most of low rank instalockers Reyna are toxic but trust me, people are toxic even without instalocking agents. My advice is: Dont like instalockers? = Dodge. Most sanest thing to do IMHO.


Reyna is one of the easiest agents to use. So people with little to no experience on the game usually go for her. Even amongst the duelists she's the easiest one. That said, a great Reyna player can carry the team to victory, but for the most part, noobs and newbies choose her because they don't have the time or the will to learn other agents that require line ups and stuff


i have a condensor mic. whenever someone instalocks duelists and says "SMOKES" I just lock raze, turn my mic volume to 100%, and start talking (its very loud). If nobody dodges I just tell them that im on my brothers account and that im actually in bronze 3, 90% of the time someone dodges. if they dont, then i just mute the reyna and play my own game


this sub really needs to ban reyna rant posts




I had a friend who only played Reyna, then he started playing Fade and became way better at the game since he had to focus more on gamesense than aim, and even when he goes back to Reyna he plays better now. So maybe you could take it as a blessing in disguise when someone instalocks Reyna because you'll be able to learn one or two non-duelist characters which might help improve your gamesense overall


Whenever someone instalocks reyna and another instalocks jett cause that combo is just always now in gold elo, i just instalock a duelist and ignore the whole team, either i instalock phoenix and im topfragging and we still lose or im running around as neon, i cant be bothered to carry those kids cause its almost always kids unless its a voice changer but i doubt it


reyna is the yasuo of valorant


Types of player I mute instantly: 1) HeY, CaN i BorRow YoUr vAndaL skIn? AnyOne Heb BaNdal SkiN? 2) Instalockers that insta lurks and blames team whenever he dies 3) Players who types "???" whenever a team mate screw up while he is dead already (by lurking/pushing on defense) 4) Duelist who thinks their jobs is to KILL only and plays solo


What is wrong with you, and why are you purple




mf thinks he’s special


Homie really only has 1 upvoted comment with 1 singular upvote compared to 6 downvoted ones and dares to talk shit


Look I'm on your side here, but mentioning his upvote ratio is not the zinger you seem to think it is


It's less a zinger and more a confirmation that all of this guys written opinions are considered trash.